International Journal of Mining Science and Technology: Manasi Manjari Mohanty, Bhatu Kumar Pal
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology: Manasi Manjari Mohanty, Bhatu Kumar Pal
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology: Manasi Manjari Mohanty, Bhatu Kumar Pal
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: CBM has been recognized as a significant natural gas resource for a long time. Recently, CO2 sequestration
Received 24 May 2015 in coalbeds for ECBM has been attracting growing attention because of greater concerns about the effects
Received in revised form 27 August 2015 of greenhouse gases and the emerging commercial significance of CBM. Reservoir-simulation technology,
Accepted 12 October 2015
as a useful tool of reservoir development, has the capability to provide us with an economic means to
Available online 22 February 2017
solve complex reservoir-engineering problems with efficiency. The pore structure of coal is highly hetero-
geneous, and the heterogeneity of the pores depends on the coal type and rank.
Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology. This is an open
Greenhouse gases
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Adsorption and desorption
Porosity and permeability
2095-2686/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
308 M.M. Mohanty, B.K. Pal / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (2017) 307–314
sequestration is defined as material sequestration which is storing into lignite, bituminous coal, and anthracite is called ‘‘coalifica-
CO2 into artificial pools. tion”. During the coalification process, large volumes of volatiles
Among these techniques, CO2 sequestration into coalbed is principally CH4, CO2, and water were liberated [13]. Although
regard as a promising possibility to safely store CO2 at relatively CO2 is more strongly adsorbed to the coal matrix than the other
low costs. Injecting CO2 into coalbed brings about two benefits. volatiles, it is more easily dissipated because of its solubility in
One benefit is that coalbed is a good medium for CO2 sequestration. the water present throughout the coalification [14]. Therefore,
Due to gas storage mechanism of coal dominated by adsorption, CH4 is the dominant gas in coal beds (about 95%) [15].
coalbed has a stronger affinity to CO2 than CH4 [2]. Thus, CO2 will Higher rank coals typically contain more CH4 [16] and the var-
be adsorbed in coal matrix without emitting out. The other benefit ious coal ranks in increasing order are: lignite, subbituminous, high
is injecting CO2 into coalbed can be considered as a kind of gas volatile bituminous, medium volatile bituminous, low volatile
flooding. Therefore, it would enhance coalbed methane production bituminous, semi-anthracite and anthracite [17]. Because large
by displacing the desorbed CH4 to production well. Then, the extra quantities of water are released during the maturation process,
production of CH4 offsets the costs of CO2 sequestration. coals are typically water saturated. In addition, fractures, known
According to Sing et al. [3], there are three types of pores in the as cleats, form perpendicular to bedding during the coalification
coal mass: micro pores (<2 nm), mesopores (2–50 nm) and macro process and these are the primary permeability mechanism within
pores (>50 nm). The combination of micro pores (small intra- coal [16]. The more continuous, primary cleats are called face
aggregate pores, which are controlled by deposition and lithifica- cleats and the secondary cleats, orientated orthogonal to the face
tion) and macro pores (inter-aggregate pores, which are controlled cleats, are called butt cleats.
by fracture, fissures, and jointing) is called the dual porosity sys- Through-going cleats formed first and are referred to as face
tem of coal mass. Normally, micro pores occupy 95% of the coal cleats; cleats that end at intersections with through-going cleats
mass porosity and control the gas sorption capacity in the coal formed later and are called butt cleats [18,19]. Although fractures
mass. On the other hand, macro pores control the permeability of in coal are relatively unimportant in strip mining, their significance
coal mass. Although carbon dioxide sequestration process in coal in efficient design and safety of underground coal mines has con-
is greatly affected by coal gas permeability, the effect of CO2 on tinued to command the attention of the mining industry [20–22].
coal mass permeability has not yet been confirmed. Especially for Cleats are sub vertical in flat-lying beds and are typically ori-
low rank coals, only few studies can be found [4–7]. In case of Vic- ented at right angles to stratification even where beds are folded.
torian brown coal, although many studies have been conducted for In many cases cleats are confined to individual coal beds, or to lay-
water permeability [8], very few studies can be found related to the ers composed of a particular maceral type. Commonly they are uni-
effects of CO2 on permeability variation. One recent study related form in strike within an outcrop or core and arranged in sub
to the effect of CO2 on coal permeability for Victorian brown coal parallel sets that have uniform regional trends [23]. Yet they
has been carried out by Viete and Ranjith [5], who explained the locally show abrupt lateral and vertical shifts in strike [24]. Coals
simple expected behavior of coal gas permeability with axial load. containing closely spaced faults rather than opening-mode frac-
According to them, coal gas permeability for CO2 movement first tures are apparently rare. This reflects either proximity to large
decreases with applied load due to pores coming closer to each faults, reactivation by slip on pre-existing cleats. Coalbeds are
other and then with fracturing this permeability starts to increase characterized by their dual porosity: they contain both primary
rapidly with applied load and then coal gas permeability starts to (micro pore and mesopore) and secondary (macro pore and natural
decrease with the applied load due to cracks coming closer to each fracture) porosity systems. The primary porosity system contains
other. Although many studies can be found related to permeability the vast majority of the gas-in-place, while the secondary porosity
with CO2 injection for coal [9,10], there has been no good experi- system provides the conduit for mass transfer to the wellbore. Pri-
mental study related to the effect of supercritical CO2 injection mary porosity gas storage is dominated by adsorption. The primary
on it. A number of factors affect coal gas permeability such as porosity is relatively impermeable due to small pore size. Mass
gas type, matrix shrinkage, pore volume compressibility, effective transfer for each gas molecular species is dominated by diffusion
stress, and coal mass properties. that is driven by the concentration gradient. Flow through the sec-
ondary porosity system is dominated by Darcy’s flow that relates
flow rate to permeability and pressure gradient.
3. Structure of coal
The origin, formation, and structure of coal have been studied 4. Coal characteristics under CBM and ECBM conditions
and an enormous amount of literature is available [11]. Coal is
an extremely heterogeneous material consisting of organic matter, 4.1. Adsorption isotherms
mineral matter, moisture, and a complex pore network. It is gener-
ally accepted that the organic portion of coal was formed from con- CO2 sequestration rate in coal depends to a great extent on its
centrated deposits of swampy organic matter originally derived adsorption and desorption processes. The methods, which can be
from terrestrial plants. (60) Plant structures (leaf, stem) were con- used to determine amount of gas adsorbed into coal mass, can be
verted into coal through complex biological, chemical, and geo- divided into two categories: direct and indirect methods. (1) In
chemical processes driven initially by selective microbial action the direct method, the volume of gas released from the coal seam
and later by the temperature and pressure generated by overlaying into a sealed desorption canister is measured. (2) In the indirect
sediments over several hundred millions of years. The organic sed- method, adsorption isotherms are used and gravimetric, manomet-
imentary rock is composed of these fossilized plant remains called ric and chromatograph methods are used to find the adsorption
macerals and mineral inclusions. The macerals are the microscop- isotherms, which are the plots between the adsorbed amount
ically distinct areas in coal and are mainly classified as vitrinite, and pressure at a particular temperature. Up to date, most of the
liptinite, and inertinite [12]. Vitrinite is derived from woody plant studies related to gas sorption in coal have been done basically
material and is the most common maceral. Liptinite is formed from for high rank coals and very few studies can be found for low rank
lipids and waxy plant substances whereas the inertinite probably coal. Among these studies, some studies have been done for Victo-
originates from char formed by prehistoric pyrolysis processes, rian brown coal. Berkowitz and Schein [25] obtained methanol
such as forest fires. The process of conversion of the plant matter adsorption isotherms using coal samples taken from the Bacchus
M.M. Mohanty, B.K. Pal / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (2017) 307–314 309
Marsh and Yallourn basins and obtained the surface areas of the ure of both the solid and the gas [12]. The adsorption of a given gas
adsorbent. Marsh [26] and Marsh and Siemieniewska [27] obtained on a particular solid can be represented by an adsorption isotherm,
CO2 isotherms for brown coal and determined the surface areas of which is a plot of the amount adsorbed as a function of pressure at
the adsorbent. However, Robert and Brusset [28] explained the dif- constant temperature. The shape of adsorption isotherms can pro-
ficulty of sensible evaluation of surface areas of the adsorbent, vide information about the adsorption process, and the porosity as
because the adsorption of polar vapors strongly depends on the well as the surface area of the adsorbent. According to the IUPAC
polar group of the coal molecules in brown coal. Factors affecting classification 1972 there are six significantly different adsorption
gas sorption in the coal mass. There are several factors, which isotherms describing the physical adsorption as shown in Fig. 2
affect the gas sorption in coal mass such as gas type, coal mass [12]. A Type I isotherm generally occurs when a monolayer of
properties, pressure and temperature. adsorbate molecules is adsorbed on a non-porous solid or when
The adsorption isotherms for CO2 and CH4 on coal are generally adsorption is dominated by a micro pore filling process. This type
interpreted as type I isotherms, referred to as the Langmuir-type of isotherm is often called a Langmuir type isotherm. Type II is dis-
isotherm [29]. This type of isotherm is produced when a monolayer played by a nonporous or macro porous adsorbent. This isotherm is
of adsorbing molecules is adsorbed onto a non-porous solid, or characterized by an inflection point, which represents the comple-
when micro pore filling is the dominant adsorption process [29]. tion of the monolayer and the beginning of the formation of mul-
The adsorption capacity of coal for CH4 and CO2 is a function of tilayers. Type III adsorption isotherm is typical for a non-porous
both temperature and pressure. Increased temperatures will or macro porous adsorbent and is observed for weak adsorbent-
decrease the coal’s storage capacity, while increased pressure will adsorbate interactions. Types IV isotherm, which is similar to the
result in increased storage [30,31]. However, with increasing pres- Type II, is typical for a microporous adsorbent. It displays a hys-
sure CO2 undergoes a phase change to a liquid or supercritical fluid, teresis loop due to capillary condensation. Type V is typical for
as shown on the CO2 phase diagram (depending on the reservoir non-porous or macro porous adsorbents and is observed for weak
temperature) (Fig. 1). With time it is possible that the pressure in adsorbent-adsorbate interactions. Type VI isotherms or stepped
the coals will increase and this could lead to a CO2 conversion from isotherms are included in the classification although they are rare
the gas state to a liquid or supercritical liquid, which may have [12].
adverse effects on sequestration. In our simulations we are inject- Because coal is a microporous solid, the adsorption isotherms of
ing pure CO2 gas, as the reservoir pressure and temperature of the gases, including N2, CH4, and CO2, would be expected to follow a
Big George coal are 23 atm ( 2300 kPa) and 22 °C respectively Type I isotherm. However, various isotherms have been reported
(Fig. 1). in the literature for CO2 [14,15].
Yang and Saunders [32] reported the adsorption isotherms of
methane on coals in a temperature range of 22–300 °C and a pres-
4.2. Desorption
sure range of 0–6.9 MPa. Their data were well fitted with the Lang-
muir equation. Patching and Mikhail [33] presented their methane
For primary production, gas desorption is caused by dewater-
isotherms of Canadian coals. They pointed out that gas adsorption
ing. Once the pressure in cleat system decreases to critical desorp-
isotherms were dependent on temperature, moisture content, the
tion pressure, gas desorption from matrix to cleats begins. This
gas type involved and the type of coal, and could be expressed
process is illustrated in Fig. 3.
approximately with the Langmuir or the Freumdlich equations.
Mavor et al. [34] studied the adsorption isotherms of methane to
a variety of American coals. Their study showed that the Langmuir 4.3. Diffusion
equation was applicable to all the adsorption isotherm data they
collected. Gas transfer in primary storage system is dominated by diffu-
However, some early adsorption isotherms indicated that the sion. Diffusion phenomenon in coal matrix driven by gas concen-
adsorption capacity of coal to methane was not proportional to tration gradient is demonstrated in Fig. 4.
the ambient pressure applied thus the Langmuir equation was
incapable to describe them. For example, Moffat and Weale [35]
studied the adsorption of methane on a number of British coals I II
under 25 °C and high pressures (up to 1000 atm). Their results
showed that the adsorption isotherms usually rose to the maxima
in a pressure range of 100–200 atm and decreased at higher pres-
sures, but apparently to limiting values.
The amount of gas adsorbed by a solid sample is a function of
the mass of the sample, the temperature and pressure, and the nat-
Amount of gas adsorbed
1000 Solid
CO2 solid
CO2 liquid B
100 Sublimation
point -78.5 ć
Pressure (atm)
10 at 1 atm as
Liqu Critical point
Triple point
0.1 -56.6 ć at 5.11 atm
-140 -100 -60 -20 20 60 100
Temperature (ć) Relative pressure
Initial condition
350 decrease as cleats and fractures close because of an increase in
Water production
300 the effective horizontal stress through desorption of the gas [43].
250 Adsorption of CO2 also potentially results in a reduction in per-
meability. Harpalani [43] conducted experiments on cores from
Illinois coals and found that at pressures of 745 psi the coal volume
Critical desorption increased by 0.65% with CH4 adsorption and 1.2% for CO2. During
100 pressure
the adsorption of CH4, Harpalani observed a linear relationship
between the amount of adsorbed methane and the induced volu-
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 metric strain. This linear relationship was not observed for CO2,
Pressure (psi) where the volumetric strain was much higher during initial
adsorption, but flattened as the pressure increased. Field evidence
Fig. 3. Langmuir sorption isotherm.
from the Allison ECBM pilot in the San Juan basin shows that
before injection of CO2 the coal permeability close to the injection
High methane Low methane wells was between 100 and 130 mD. However, after injecting CO2
concentration concentration for just over a year the permeability dropped to less than 1 mD and
this reduction in permeability is attributed to matrix swelling from
the adsorption of CO2 [44].
Coalbeds have a large internal surface area and serve as favor-
Methane able sites for adsorption of gases, particularly CH4 and CO2. In
molecules in CBM reservoirs, most of the gas is present in an adsorbed state at
micropores of
coal matrix
liquid-like density [45]. The CBM recovery process involves des-
orption of CH4 gas from the coal matrix. The desorption phe-
nomenon is promoted by reduction in partial pressure of CBM in
free gas.
Primary recovery using depressurization induces desorption by
lowering the overall pressure of the reservoir. The depressurization
Matrix centerline Face cleat is achieved by dewatering the reservoir. Unfortunately, such pri-
mary methods typically recover less than half of the CH4 in a
Fig. 4. Gas diffusion phenomenon in coal [36].
coalbed [46].
According to Palmer and Mansoori [47] and Pekot and Reeves
[44], the most specific feature of coal bed reservoirs compared to
4.4. Matrix shrinkage and swelling normal rock reservoirs is ‘‘negative decline’’ in gas production rate
during production. Because, with the adsorption of CO2 gas into
There are a few of studies on the swelling/shrinkage of coal due coal mass, the available CH4 in the coal mass starts to desorb,
to the adsorption/desorption of gas under constraint conditions. which causes coal mass to shrink (increasing fracture width),
Czaplinski and Gustkiewicz [37] studied the changes of stresses resulting in increase of the coal mass permeability. This increase
and strains under constraint conditions using coal from the in coal permeability due to matrix shrinkage is especially impor-
‘Brzeszcze’ mine in Poland. In the test an initial longitudinal (axial) tant for the production rate of the coal bed reservoir [48]. For
stress was applied on a cylindrical sample or a cuboid sample with instance, in the primary production of the coal bed, at first the per-
a square base and the changes of longitudinal stress and the meability reduces with decreasing pressure and once the pressure
changes of longitudinal and transversal strains were measured decreases beyond the CH4 desorption point, the permeability starts
during the adsorption and desorption of CO2. They got the longitu- to increase. The variation of coal gas permeability with pore pres-
dinal stress and longitudinal and transversal strains all increased sure in lab experiment for both low and high rank coals has been
during adsorption. For example, under an initial longitudinal stress done by Robertson [49].
of 9.8 MPa and a gas pressure of 2 MPa, the longitudinal stress
increased by 4 MPa and the changes of strain were 0.125% in lon- 4.5. Porosity and permeability
gitudinal direction and 0.39% in transversal direction due to
adsorption of CO2. Using coal from the ‘Brzeszcze’ mine in Poland, Porosity is referred as the portion of the total coal volume that
Czaplinski and Gustkiewicz [38], and Gustkiewicz and Orengo [39] can be occupied by water, helium, or a similar molecule [50]. Coal
presented similar study results of stress changes induced by the pores are classified by size in macro pores (>500 Å), mesopores
adsorption of CO2. They found positive swelling stresses and (20–500 Å) and micro pores (8–20 Å). Macro porosity includes
strains due to adsorption. For instance, they obtained the longitu- cracks, cleats, fissures, voids in fusinite, etc. Pore volume and pore
dinal stress increased by 11.5 MPa under an initial longitudinal size both decrease with rank through low-volatile bituminous
stress of 4.8 MPa and a gas pressure of 3.0 MPa due to the adsorp- coals. The macro pore spaces (fractures) in the coal are occupied
tion of CO2. mostly by water and some ‘‘free gas”. Also, some gas can be solved
Harpalani and Schraufnagel [40] showed that coal will shrink on in the water moving within the porosity of the coal. The micro pore
desorption of gas and expand on sorption, and that matrix shrink- structure usually has a very low flow capacity with less permeabil-
age leads to an increase in permeability. Palmer and Vaziri [41] ity (in micro Darcy range), whereas coal cleats have a much greater
note significant increases in absolute permeability with CBM flow capacity with higher permeability (millidarcy range). There-
depletion in coals from the San Juan basin (10–100 times). Harpa- fore, coals are considered as materials with dual porosity system.
lani and Chen [42] found that the increase in permeability due to According to structure of coal, it is characterized by dual poros-
matrix shrinkage is a linear function of the amount of desorbing ity system. Coal contains primary porosity system and secondary
gas. In contrast, Harpalani [43] observed that for Illinois coals per- porosity system. The primary porosity system consists of micro
meability actually decreased with desorption of CH4, from approx- poresand mesopores. The secondary porosity system is made up
M.M. Mohanty, B.K. Pal / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (2017) 307–314 311
of macro poresand natural fractures. The dual porosity model con- Cleat spacing also influences coalbed permeability greatly. The
structed by Warren and Root in 1963 is given as Fig. 5 [51]. In this spacing of face cleat fractures may range from one tenth of an inch
model, coal is composed of matrix and cleats. The primary porosity to several inches. It is influenced by coal rank, petrographic compo-
system is for matrix and the secondary porosity system is for sition, mineral matter content, bed thickness, and tectonic history.
cleats. Therefore, pores for matrix are micro pores and mesopores, Permeability can be higher in Medium-Volatile Bituminous than in
which indicate considerably low porosity. But, pores for cleats are- semi anthracite. In anthracite and semi-anthracite coals the per-
macro poresand natural fractures, which mean high porosity. meability can be low to nonexistent because of the destruction of
Permeability is known as the ability of a material (generally an the cleat [50].
earth material) to transmit fluids through a porous medium when Furthermore, mineral fillings in cleat may also affect the perme-
subjected to pressure. It represents one of the most important and ability in the coals. Common minerals like calcite, pyrite, gypsum,
crucial properties to produce gas at an economical rate. In US abso- kaolinite, and illite can fill the cleats, thus lowering the permeabil-
lute permeabilities can range from 0.1 to 250 millidarcies. In ity values of the coals. If a large proportion of the cleats are filled,
coalbed methane, there are two major fluids flowing in the inter- absolute permeability may be extremely low. Therefore, knowing
connected cleat network which result in a two phase flow regimen. the major properties and its effects in coalbed methane reservoirs
In this case, effective and absolute permeability take place in order is an important procedure in describing how the methane is stored
to differentiate two fluid flows in the porous media. The effective in the coal, released and the flowing characteristics. Basically there
permeability is referred to each individual fluid. The effective per- are two basic concepts in the understanding of CBM; these are the
meability of individual flowing phase is always less than the abso- methane storage and the methane flow.
lute permeability of the porous media, and the sum of the effective Permeability is a key parameter to judge fluids flow efficiency in
permeabilities of all flowing phases is less than or equal to the coal. For coal, the matrix can be regarded as relatively imperme-
absolute permeability [50]. Relative permeability is defined as able. Most gas and water flows through the coal cleat system. Cleat
the ratio between effective and absolute permeability. After gas is formed during coalification process. Typically, there are two
production starts, (long-time production of CBM) a two-phase con- types of cleats. One is face cleat and the other one is butt cleat
dition is initiated. At that point relative permeability controls the shown in Fig. 6. Face cleat and butt cleat are perpendicular to each
behavior of the reservoir. Permeability is affected by several other and vertical to coal bedding. Face cleat is laterally extensive
parameters such as time-depth burial, fracture spacing, cleat sys- and continuous. Its orientation is related to tectonic forces and is
tem, effective stress in coals and, coal shrinkage. The fluids in the believed to form parallel to the maximum compressive stress.
coals (water and gases) flow through the coal cleat system and But, butt cleat is discontinuous and commonly terminates at inter-
other fractures. The cleat is referred to as the natural system of ver- section with face cleat.
tical fractures that were formed during the coalification process.
Their orientation is controlled by tectonic stresses at the time of 4.6. Enhanced coalbed methane
fracture formation. The cleat system typically is formed for two
or more sets of sub-parallel fractures oriented nearly perpendicular In ECBM recovery, coal preferentially adsorbs CO2 over CH4, dis-
to the bedding [50]. The face cleat is related to the dominant set of placing the CH4 from the coal matrix into the cleat system. In lab-
fractures. The orientation of the face cleats is a result of the tec- oratory studies of the adsorption behavior of coals it has been
tonic forces. They are formed parallel to the maximum compres- shown that high rank coals will adsorb two moles of CO2 for every
sive stress. Butt cleats are more discontinuous and non-planar one of CH4, whereas low rank coals, such as sub-bituminous and
than face cleats. Butt cleats are usually perpendicular to the face lignite, can adsorb six to eighteen times more CO2 than CH4 [52].
cleats. The cleat system usually creates permeability anisotropic ECBM utilizes coal’s affinity for CO2, and CH4 is produced by ‘‘dis-
with greater permeability, which often is in the face cleat direction. placement desorption” [16]. Initially production of CH4 will be
In coals, permeability is very pronounced and stress-dependent. slow as adsorption of CO2 only occurs close to the injection well.
Horizontal stress perpendicular to the face cleat can close the face With time CO2 will be adsorbed further away from the well, dis-
cleat openings and cause low permeability. When the stress condi- placing more and more CH4 until enough free gas is present in
tions are low, natural fractures can be opened and provide perme- the cleats for mass flow toward the production well, increasing
ability for flow through rock strata. Folding and faulting cam CH4 productivity [16].
enhance coal permeability through formation of natural fractures.
The tensional forces often cause fractures more intense along the 4.7. Production enhancement
axis a fold which produces fractures and keeps them open. In this
way, the identification of faulting previous to drilling the coal will Typically, compared with ordinary gas reservoir, the porosity
contribute to recognize those areas with lower stress near a fault or and permeability of unconventional reservoirs are relatively low.
in a fault block. These areas represent possible locations of When it comes to coalbed methane reservoir, commercial produc-
increased permeability. Lower permeability occurs at greater
depth of burial and the higher values are found near geologic
Butt cleat
Face cleat
Fig. 5. Dual porosity system of coal [36]. Fig. 6. Cleats for dual porosity system of coal.
312 M.M. Mohanty, B.K. Pal / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (2017) 307–314
tion is dominated by well-developed natural fractures which is [36]. Gas diffusion in coals is significantly influenced by coal rank
called cleat system. But, only depending on natural fractures is and lithotype, microstructure and secondary mineralization [53–
not enough to obtain a high level of CH4 recovery. Therefore, some 56]. As a result, the net effective diffusivity often includes contri-
enhanced production techniques are necessary. With no doubt, butions from more than one mechanism.
hydraulic fracturing and horizontal well are two best alternatives The gas transport within large scale fractures and cleats is dri-
for stimulating production wells. ven by pressure gradients and described using Darcy’s law; while
For ECBM recovery, in the regions where injection gases have within small scale pore structures in matrix blocks, transport is dif-
not reached the mechanism of methane recovery is the same as fusion dominated. Several kinds of diffusion mechanisms may be
the above mentioned pressure depletion method of coalbed present, subject to in-situ pressure conditions and pore sizes
methane recovery and pressure differences provide the drive [36]. For these diffusion processes, the concentration gradient is
energy for fluid movements from coalbeds towards production the primary driving force [57]. To deal with the transport problem
wellbores. However, in the regions where injection gases have of two greatly different spatial scales, dual-porosity models have
reached, the production mechanism depends on the type of injec- been developed following the concept proposed by Barenblatt
tion gas. For simplicity, the following discussions are restrained to et al. [58] and Warren and Root [59]. The Warren-Root model
the situations of pure N2 or pure CO2 as injection gases. [59] is a popular approach and most commonly used in a wide
When CO2 is used in ECBM, compared to methane it preferen- variety of commercial reservoir simulation codes. Also in case of
tially adsorbs onto coal such that injected CO2 is quickly adsorbed coal, there is a strong interplay between adsorption and diffusion.
into coal matrix to achieve sorbed equilibrium, displacing sorbed The adsorption processes play a major role since CH4 is primarily
CH4 [11]. Methane is ‘‘pushed” from coal matrix by highly adsorp- present in an adsorbed phase within coal matrix.
tive CO2. These different mechanisms result in different responses Gas adsorption takes place primarily in the micro pores of the
in field ECBM pilots of N2 and CO2 injection. Field and simulation coal matrix. Thus, a detailed modelling of gas transport in the
results suggest that methane production rates increase faster and matrix blocks is important for accurate prediction of ECBM recov-
injected gas breakthroughs occur more rapidly for N2 injection ery. Keeping this fact in mind, in the ensuing modelling task a sig-
than for CO2 injection [11,53]. nificant amount of work has been invested to model the
Once the gas content of a coal seam is deemed significant in a complicated gas transport occurring in the pores within the matrix
coalbed methane project, coalbed permeability likely remains the blocks. Once the gas transport within the matrix pores is modelled
most important factor impacting the success of the project. Since and verified, we go ahead and model the matrix fracture transfer
intact coal has extremely low permeability, cleats are the main functions. The matrix-fracture transfer functions couple the diffu-
pathways for the flow of methane from a coal seam to wellbores. sive gas transport within the matrix blocks with the bulk flow in
During the production life of a coalbed, its permeability does not cleats and fractures.
keep constant. It changes as methane production progresses, or The transport of gases through coal seams is generally a two-
moreprecisely, it changes with the variations of in situ stresses, stage process. With water production (primary CBM recovery) or
fluid pressures and gas content, etc. The change of coalbed perme- with gas injection (ECBM recovery), CH4 is desorbed from the
ability mainly results from: (a) the deformation of coal rock due to matrix blocks and migrates through the interconnected micro
the effective stress changes caused by pore pressure variations; (b) pores to the cleats and fractures. Then the gas is transported along
the shrinkage and swelling of coal matrix due to the desorption/ with brine through the cleats to drainage wells.
absorption of gases; and (c) the opening and closing of cleats. In The coal mass can be considered as a naturally fractured reser-
the following sections we will discuss how these factors influence voir (or dual porosity medium) for gas movement. The movement
the changes of coalbed permeability. of gases through this highly complex coal mass structure depends
on the permeability of the secondary porosity system which con-
4.8. Gas transport in coal sists of cleat and other natural fractures, which can be described
by Darcy’s law and also the intrinsic permeability of the coal
Coalbeds presents a highly heterogeneous pore structure with a matrix, which is governed by Fickain diffusion. There are three
wide varying scale of pore sizes. It is generally assumed that the types of diffusion mechanisms, which can occur in the coal matrix
flow of gas (and water) through the cleats is laminar and obeys as follows: (1) bulk flow, with dominant molecule-molecule inter-
Darcy’s law. On the other hand, gas transport through the porous action; (2) Knudsen flow, with dominant molecule–surface inter-
coal matrix is controlled by diffusion, see Fig. 7. Three mechanisms action; and (3) two-dimensional surface diffusion of the
have been identified for diffusion of an adsorbing gas in the matrix. adsorbed gas layer [60]. The dominant transport mechanism in
They are molecular/bulk diffusion (molecule-molecule collisions the coal mass is decided by factors such as rank, depth, fracture
dominate), Knudsen diffusion (molecule-wall collisions dominate) density, maceral content, moisture content, in situ pressure and
and surface diffusion (transport through physically adsorbed layer) temperature. Therefore, in order to obtain a clear understanding
Fig. 7. Schematic of CH4 flow dynamics in coal seams (CH4 desorbs from the internal coal surface, diffuses through the bulk matrix, and flows into and through the cleats. The
pathway for CO2 and/or N2 is reversed).
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