Milani Evidence-Based Policy Research PDF
Milani Evidence-Based Policy Research PDF
Milani Evidence-Based Policy Research PDF
Carlos R. S. Milani
Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Policy Papers / 18
MOST-2 Policy Papers series uses a novel methodology aimed at enhanced
dissemination and usability of research results for policy-making. Designed
according to scientific policy analysis principles, this methodology is based on
a generic structure for producing documents.
This logic serves as the foundation for the interactive Policy Research Tool that
MOST is currently developing. The online tool will provide free and speedy access
to policy-relevant comparative information, giving users the ability to create
research profiles based on subject categories, produce customized reports with
select content from the original documents, and easily compare cases and assess
the relevance of the policy options available.
The ideas and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily
represent the views of UNESCO.
The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the publication do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status
of any country, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries.
© UNESCO 2009
Printed in France
Executive summary 5
Foreword 7
Introduction 9
Part 1: Social science and policy-making:
the work of some multilateral
and bilateral organizations 13
Case 1: The United Nations University (UNU) 14
Case 2: The European Union and the European Research Area 20
Case 3: The World Bank 25
Case 4: The action of the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development in the field of education 33
The report has two main objectives. Firstly, to critically present current
programmes implemented by international organizations, which seek to
enhance the interconnections between social scientific research and policy.
Secondly, to highlight a series of critical issues with regard to the nature of
the linkages between the two domains. This double venture and the debate
it provokes ultimately aim to enable the MOST Secretariat to carve out its
own niche in relation to other major organizations working in this field.
The first part proceeds to offer an empirical overview of the differ-
ent ways that international multilateral organizations (United Nations
University, the European Union, the World Bank, and OECD) build bridges
between social scientific research and policy. Via this examination the
paper reaches the conclusion that what one largely deduces from these
ventures is that they are based on a rather positivist social scientific vision.
Hence they, more often than not, lead to (with varying degrees) a rather
conformist understanding of the link between the domains of research
and policy (i.e. the emphasis is on evidence based research – with a strong
quantitative dimension – providing solutions to problems).
In the second part, the MOST Policy Paper via an exploration of the
complex links between politics and social scientific knowledge convinc-
ingly argues that the aspiration to universal applicability (and by exten-
sion to an ultimately benevolent problem solving character) on the part of
evidence based policy making is problematic. Consequently, he suggests
Executive Summary
that alternative social scientific perspectives are legitimate and that the
accumulation of scientific evidence that, nevertheless, does not address
conditions of unequal distribution and/or disempowerment will not lead
to significant social improvements.
too) can begin to think differently, thus critically building the contours and
contents of social problems”. (p. 49)
On the basis of this discussion, a series of research questions are
opened up which could guide the work of MOST and the methodology
it wishes to create and promote. These fall, mostly, in two categories:
Questions that deal with the historical trajectory of the institutionalisation
of instrumental social scientific research in international organisations and
national research-policy set ups. And questions that pertain to the policy
implications of a new, more critical, problem building research-policy
paradigm (e.g. a new role for politicians, the inclusion of civil society in
the making of decisions, creating a public sphere for the dissemination of
social scientific results and preoccupations which can thus reach a wider
theoretical and institutional underpinnings of both knowledge production
and its uptake by policy makers. The activity concentrates on four goals:
1. To determine an efficient methodology for social science research to
be optimally inserted in policy-making processes
2. To capitalize, promote and diffuse our knowledge and understanding
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
The MOST Programme, which is part of the Social and Human Sciences
Sector (SHS) of UNESCO, launched in March 1994, was designed to steer
reflection and action in the vast field of linkages between social science
knowledge and public policies. Knowledge here means what is produced
within universities and academia, but also non-scholar experience and
knowledge (for instance, within non-governmental organizations). At the
same time, the making of public policies involves governmental and non-
governmental actors, which means that the conception of public policy-
making during this phase of MOST, supposes complex dynamics of politics,
including issues relating to recognition of identities (those social subjects
and demands that are included in the policy-formulation agenda), par-
ticipation of actors (those actors who are invited to take an active part in
the decision-making process), the nature of norms (the different kinds of
policy norms dealing with universality and/or particularity, general objec-
tives and/or focused results), and co-responsibility in implementation (the
monopoly of the State in public action versus pluralistic approaches in
public service provision and public-private partnerships).
One can say that MOST’s primary purpose, since the beginning of
its activities, has been to transfer social research findings to public deci-
sion-makers. During its first eight years, the Programme’s mandate had
established a strong commitment to the promotion of research that should
be comparative, international, across social science disciplines and policy
relevant, mainly through international research networks. During this first
phase, the main instrument used by MOST for research dissemination is its
Clearing House – which functions basically as a portal containing informa-
tion on research networks, their results, proceedings, and “best practices”
on urban, migration, multiculturalism, global governance, as well as local
development policies.
According to the recommendations made by the Intergovernmental
Council in February 2003, there was a thematic reorientation of the
Programme, as well as a change in its modalities of operation. According
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
Part one
and to communicate them to a diverse audience, including Member States
and academia, but also the private sector and NGO networks.
UNU affirms that its science-policy communication activities include,
for instance: (a) the involvement of practitioners in research by facilitat-
ing their participation in workshops and by bringing in mid-level manage-
ment from key organizations as visiting scholars for two to three months in
order to provide an opportunity for joint reflection; (b) quick publication
of policy/research briefs for each research project; (c) policy advocacy
(direct or through the media, particularly targeting national governments,
civil society organizations, and global institutions); (d) organization of
policy forums to disseminate the implications of UNU work; (e) undertak-
ing more rapid short-term projects or forums on urgent economic,
political and social problems. These short-term and urgent projects
require a particular methodology, since they suppose more consultation
with end-users in the formulation and implementation of such policy-
oriented projects.
In its Strategic Direction Report (2007-2010), UNU reaffirms the need
to disseminate information for policy-makers in a format that is accessible,
mainly through short, readable policy and research briefs. As a matter of
fact, UNU has been publishing “Policy Briefs” since 2005, mainly based
on the research done by four of its institutes: WIDER (World Institute for
Development Economics Research), whose major thematic interest has
so far been research on spatial disparities; CRISP (Center for Research
Innovation and Science Policy), working on issues relating to sciences and
technology policies; EHS (Institute for Environment and Human Security),
whose motto is: “Advancing human security through knowledge-based
approaches to reducing vulnerability and environmental risks”; and IAS
(Institute of Advanced Studies) based in Tokyo, whose thematic field
includes issues relating to global environmental governance and sustain-
able development.
Part one
Box 1
Excerpts from Policy Brief 3 (2005)
Theme: Spatial Disparities
“There are two reasons why policymakers should be concerned
about spatial inequality, defined as inequality in economic and
social indicators of well-being across geographical units within
a country. First, inequality between a nation’s regions is one
component of overall national inequality across individuals
(the other component being of course inequality across
individuals within each geographical unit or region). When
spatial inequality goes up then, other things being equal, so
does national inequality. Second, inequality between a nation’s
regions may be of concern in and of itself, especially when the
geographical regions align with political, ethnic, language,
or religion divisions. The ‘new economic geography’ has
emphasized that there are powerful forces of agglomeration
that tend to lead to a concentration of economic activity,
magnifying natural geographical advantages that a region may
enjoy. Thus spatial agglomeration brings the benefits of returns
to scale, and hence helps efficiency and growth. At the same
time, openness to the outside world, which is well recognized
as a long-term source of efficiency and growth, can also lead
to spatial concentration. The evidence presented in the UNU-
WIDER project is clear, spatial inequalities are high and rising.
What should be the policy response, bearing in mind the
tradeoffs involved?”
Another illustration of policy advice in the field of reform of global
political institutions can be found in Policy Brief number 2 (2005), written
by Andrew S. Thompson (University of Waterloo, Canada). Making a
summary of a book edited by John English, Ramesh Thakur and Andrew F.
Cooper, and published under the auspices of UNU, this policy brief sug-
gests the creation of a Leaders’ Summit of 20 (L20) that draws its inspira-
tion from both the current G7/8 leaders’ meetings and the G20 finance
ministers’ meetings. The purpose of such an informal organization would
be to bring together the leaders of key non-central States (i.e. other than
Western Europe, North America and Japan) in the hope that this type of
gathering of governmental peers (Presidents and Prime Ministers, minis-
ters and national secretaries) might lead to resolutions of issues over which
deadlock has so far been the norm. The policy brief analyses the benefits
and unfavourable aspects of such a non-formal setting, since it does not
follow the rules and procedures of intergovernmental bodies (UN, World
Bank, WTO, etc.). The author of the document supposes that through
non-formal institutions it is more feasible to reform and render the global
political architecture more democratic. The text formulation does not
eschew dealing with conflicts and politics – in this case, the global politics
involving institutional actors, economic operators and corporate media,
transnational social movements and activist networks – which are viewed
as crucial matters in the future framing of global governance mechanisms.
Neither does it announce any magic answers to global governance prob-
lems and shortcomings, thus avoiding the “best practice” formula
that is so frequently used (and abused) by UN Agencies in general.
Part one
Box 2
Excerpts from Policy Brief number 2 (2005)
Theme: Peace and global governance
“Whether the L20 ever gets off the ground is, in the end, up
to the world’s leaders. As outlined above, there are a number
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
In the case of the UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security
(EHS), the strategy has been slightly different in terms of dissemination
and reaching out to policy-makers. UNU-EHS has been conceived of and
set up in order to improve the knowledge base for assessing the vulnerabil-
ity and coping capacity of societies facing natural and man-made hazards
in a changing and often deteriorating environment. The Institute aims to
improve the understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, and to offer
options to help reducing the vulnerabilities of societies. Interdisciplinary,
science-based and human-centred, EHS projects are said to support deci-
sion-makers by providing “authoritative research” and information within
its mandate. Starting this publication called “InterSecTions” (International,
interdisciplinary inSecurity ConnecTions) in 2005, the EHS aims to make
the results of its work known through publications in refereed scientific
journals, conference proceedings and books. However, this is only one part
of the story, particularly because those who read such journals and docu-
ments tend to constitute focused communities of interest and specialized
audiences. That is why EHS has also decided to launch this publication
series (both in paper and electronic versions), including short articles and
1 We went through two issues of the series: Nothing begets nothing: the creeping disaster of
land degradation, by Paul L. G. Vlek (2005), and also Control, Adapt, or Flee: How to face
environmental migration? by Fabrice Renaud et al (2007). 19
sector in policy-making and social science research funding? What are the
dangers for the future development of democracy when corporations are
directly involved in public decision-making and funding of policy-relevant
social science research? By quoting such remarks from UNU Internet pages
and raising these questions we intend to suggest that some reflection is
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
20 research in the European Research Area is still far too low (around 1.9% of
GDP) for the region to catch up with the United States (approximately
2.6% of GDP) or Japan (2.7%).2
According to information made available in EU Research Directorate
reports, seven years on the creation of ERA has become a central pillar of
the European Union for growth and jobs, together with the completion of
the Single Market, the European innovation strategy and the creation of
a European Higher Education Area. Today, there are still strong national
and institutional barriers which prevent ERA from becoming a reality.
Fragmentation remains a prevailing characteristic of the European public
research base. Researchers still see career opportunities curtailed by legal
and practical barriers hampering their mobility across institutions, sectors
and countries. Businesses often find it difficult to cooperate and enter into
partnerships with technological research institutions in Europe, particularly
across countries. National and regional research funding remains largely
uncoordinated. This leads to dispersion of resources and exces-
sive duplication. Reforms undertaken at national level often lack a true
European perspective and transnational coherence.
For these reasons, the European Commission has published a Green
Paper reviewing progress made with respect to the European Research
Area, raising questions for debate. The Commission sought answers to
these questions and solicited further new ideas in a public consultation
which lasted from May to August 2007. Following the public consulta-
tion results (over 800 written submissions), the Commission and Member
States launched a series of new initiatives to develop this research area,
called the “Ljubljana Process”, and five initiatives on specific areas of the
ERA Green Paper. As far as knowledge-use and science-policy linkages are
concerned, the Green Paper and the consultation process show some
interesting features. It acknowledges that access to knowledge generated
by the public research base and its use by business and policy makers lie
at the heart of the European Research Area, where knowledge should cir-
Part one
culate without barriers throughout the whole society. Another feature that
should draw our attention is that social sciences are very rarely referred to.
The Green Paper mentions the central relevance of effective knowledge-
Box 3
Green Paper
ERA Knowledge-Sharing: main highlights
“Developing communities of knowledge where the differing
worlds of research, industry and civil society can engage in
processes and networks of communication is deemed a sine
qua non for a well-grounded European Research Area. Cultural
differences between the business and scientific communities
and a lack of incentives for inventors or users remain major
obstacles to efficient knowledge transfer. The knowledge gap
between scientific communities and civil society, followed
by lack of incentives and the use of technical language, are
highlighted as the main factors hindering efficient knowledge
transfer to civil society. Beyond dissemination of scientific
knowledge, there is a broad agreement on deepening public
engagement in research with interactive approaches and
increased transparency on using scientific results in policy-
The European Union has also a particular portal for what they have
called “European Research in Action”, which focuses on the results of
European research into the understanding and better formulation of issues
of wide public interest. This impressive database is available in eleven lan-
guages, and presents information on several societal contemporary prob-
lems, including reports and information stemming from socio-economic
research.3 The topic devoted to socio-economic research, which we have
analysed in more detail, presents the following thematic priorities:
(a) Societal trends and structural changes: research carried out in this
area identifies societal trends such as changing family structures,
cultural patterns and value systems. It acknowledges problems
such as xenophobia and racism. The economic changes affect-
ing the labour market, and mechanisms for social protection,
Part one
3 See: 23
Furthermore, research focuses on education and training, and the
role these two key variables can play in preparing individuals for
the changing political and socio-economic environment.
(b) Technology, society and employment: these research programmes
examine the ways in which suppliers, users, decision-makers
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
mies (our emphasis). PRRs are supposed to help policy makers take stock of
what is known and clearly identify what is not known, and they should thus
contribute to the debate in both the academic and policy communities on
adequate public policy objectives. Because they summarize research, the
PRRs are said to provoke further debate, both within the Bank and outside,
concerning the methods used and the conclusions drawn. With regard to
these Reports, the WB recalls that the Policy Research Working Papers are
more addressed to Bank researchers and the design of future Bank pro-
grammes (see example in Box 4).
In both types of World Bank reports, the production of empirical
evidence rooted in quantitative methods is considered more strategic
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
Box 4
Policy Research Working Paper “Globalization and
innovation in emerging markets”, by Gorodnichenko,
Yuriy; Svejnar, Jan; Terrell, Katherine (2009).
Short summary
“Globalization brings opportunities and pressures for domestic
firms in emerging markets to innovate and improve their
competitive position. Using data on firms in 27 transition
economies, the authors test for the effects of globalization
through the impact of increased competition and foreign direct
investment on domestic firms’ efforts to innovate (raise their
capability) by upgrading their technology, improving the quality
of their product or service, or acquiring certification. They find
that competition has a negative effect on innovation, especially
for firms further from the efficiency frontier, and we do not find
support for an inverted U effect of competition on innovation.
The authors show that the supply chain of multinational
enterprises and international trade are important channels for
domestic firms’ innovation. They detect no evidence that firms
in a more pro-business environment are more likely to display
a positive or inverted U relationship between competition
and innovation, or that they are more sensitive to foreign
There is another question to be raised in relation to PRRs, their dis-
semination and reaching out to the policy-making community worldwide.
In a report published by the World Bank itself, it is said that the way the
Bank’s analytical work is disseminated and discussed is often inadequate.
Reports tend to be long and often are not fully read even by policy makers.
In many cases they are not translated into local languages or discussed
outside a limited group of government counterparts.4
Second, the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP) serves as
a very well-funded vehicle for the pooling of intellectual and financial
resources for data collection, analysis, and research supporting poverty
reduction and sustainable development. Launched in 2002 by the World
Bank’s Development Economics (DEC) Vice Presidency and its founding
donors, Finland and the United Kingdom, KCP aims to encourage and
facilitate the Bank’s dialogue with partner agencies, developing country
managers, and other interested parties. A subsidiary objective of this pro-
gramme is to give support to data collection and analysis, and improve
research capacities in the Bank’s client countries. The KCP funds are said
to have played an important role in influencing opinion-formation on
development policies mainly through the World Development Reports
(WDRs). The WDR 2008, for instance, has been cited by Nobel laureate
Norman Borlaug, the Gates Foundation, Kofi Annan, several leading econ-
omists and, of course, support for agriculture projects is being scaled up
significantly by the Bank Group itself as well as by many other donors.
Herein resides one major influence of knowledge produced by the World
Bank: it addresses its own constituencies direct (mainly donors and clients),
and sets development agendas in several world regions, particularly in less
developed Asian, African, Latin American and Caribbean countries.5
The methodological focus of the KCP, according to the World Bank,
is to move rapidly into areas and development issues where the creation
Part one
4 See: Meeting the Challenges of Global Development: a Long-term Strategic Exercise for the
World Bank Group, October 2007, p. 64.
5 See: Knowledge for Change Program, Annual Report (2008). 27
(i) poverty dynamics and delivery of basic services; (ii) investment climate
and trade and integration; and (iii) global public goods. As far as the first
theme is concerned (poverty reduction), for instance, one of the main
activities refers to the development of impact assessments, which tend
to be considered a fundamental means to learn about the effectiveness
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
6 The procedures and criteria used under KCP are also worth describing. Proposals should
demonstrate relevance to the objectives of the programme and details of key aspects
such as innovation, partners, country participation, deliverables, and development im-
pact. A log frame-type matrix summarizing project objectives, inputs, outputs, outcome/
impact, performance indicators, risks and critical assumptions, is required as part of each
application for funding under the KCP, to facilitate evaluation. The criteria for assessing
proposals include the degree to which proposals are innovative, provide new knowledge
and/or pilot/demonstration impact; demonstrate country participation and ownership;
incorporate developing country capacity building; can apply to a different country or
28 region; and achieve results while remaining cost effective.
department and myriad research activities throughout the organization,
the WB Group constitutes one of the largest concentrations of development
researchers in the world. The Bank’s full-time researchers are mainly found
in the Development Research Group (DECRG) within the Development
Economics Vice-Presidency. These researchers in DECRG are embedded
within a vast development agency (with a global staff of about 8,500) that
is oriented towards the implementation of development projects in devel-
oping countries. What is the role of research in the development practice
at the Bank?7 Is the profile of researchers (disciplines, schools of thought,
background) who are recruited by the WB an influential factor in research
design and scientific options?
Ravaillon (2007), a professional with more than twenty years of
research experience with the WB, affirms that the Bank has mainly devel-
oped two kinds of research. First is evaluative research, which is broader
than impact evaluation, and attempts to assess whether development poli-
cies are effective, and under what circumstances they tend to be more
effective. It embraces both “micro” interventions in specific sectors and
policies, and it includes both ex ante and ex post evaluation. Evaluative
research must be driven by questions formulated by policy makers, and
not by preferences for certain types of data or certain methods. In evalua-
tive research design, policy questions should constitute the driving issue,
although the WB tends to focus more on methodological questions relat-
ing to data collection, software design, data analysis, etc. Policy should not
fit the methodology, but vice versa.
The second type of cross-cutting research developed by the WB can
be termed methodological research, which should help expand the
tool kit routinely employed by policy makers and analysts, including the
data collected and the methods used to analyse data. The Bank has become
a major producer of development data, and WB researchers have played a
crucial role. Nevertheless, Ravaillon (2007) recalls that “not every impor-
Part one
7 See: Ravaillon, Martin. 2007. Research in Practice at the World Bank. World Bank, Policy
Research Working Paper. 29
pay for the costs associated with research development; (ii) policy makers
should increase their perception of benefits once research projects address
what they consider to be “relevant questions”; (iii) research projects should
also result in credible answers, which can be based on evidence, but not
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
8 See: Schick, Ruth S. 2002. When the Subject is Difference: Conditions of Voice in Policy-
30 oriented Qualitative Research, Qualitative Inquiry, 8 (5): 632-651.
lematizes society and social relations, and is not oriented towards adapta-
tion and maintenance of a given status quo.9
Choucri (2007) rightly complements this reasoning affirming that
there is a direct connection between knowledge and political factors, such
as power, influence, capability, war and peace. This connection is generally
acknowledged but seldom addressed head on by academia or interna-
tional agencies. If we accept the idea that knowledge is power, it is obvious
that its application is necessary for the actual realization of power. Power
is embedded in concrete social relationships; it is not an abstract attribute
of a single and isolated political actor. That is why knowledge may become
both instrumental (i.e. leading to change) and contextual (constrained by
conditions). Parenthetically, the formulation of evidence-based policy is
precisely the use of knowledge for the pursuit of policy, and the resort to
knowledge as a legitimization mechanism.10
Thirdly and in order to conclude on the Bank’s activities in the field of
research-policy linkages, under the programme “Modeling to monitor
the MDGs” in the Development Data Platform, one can find other policy
research tools available for decision-makers. The modelling methodolo-
gies being used by the Bank to understand the challenges of achieving
the MDGs at country as well as global level use software programmes to
deliver computable general equilibrium (CGE) models (neoclassic econom-
ics). These are used to analyse macroeconomic data, along with micro
data gathered in detailed household surveys. Policy makers using these
tools are supposed to be able to analyse various policy scenarios, while
also comparing the outcomes of actual policies and programmes, with the
counterfactuals. These computerized models can explain not only what
happened as a result of a given policy, programme or project, but what
would have happened had the policy, programme or project not been
implemented. This modelling draws on the Development Data Platform.
The Bank’s Development Data Platform (DDP) is a web-based data tool
Part one
that provides access to statistics from more than 75 key databases. Users
can also access record-level data and documentation from over three thou-
sand household surveys. The DDP Micro-data incorporates both innovative
9 See: Cox, Robert W.; Sinclair, T. J. 1996. Approaches to World Order. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press (Chapter 6: Social forces, states, and world order, pp. 60-84).
10 See: Choucri, Nazly. 2007. The Politics of Knowledge Management. Paper prepared for the
UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge. 31
IT design and development and a substantial effort to locate and format
household survey data.
As a matter of fact, this brief analysis of the World Bank’s philosophi-
cal foundations in defining the role of knowledge in policy-making shows
its normative options in the use of social science methods, particularly
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
11 See: O’Dwyer, Lisel. 2004. A critical review of evidence-based policy making. Australian
Housing and Urban Research Institute, Southern Research Centre, AHURI Final Report,
32 No. 58.
As Choucri (2007) says, that is why knowledge management focusing on
policy issues can seldom assume that “one size fits all”.
Box 5
CERI Workshops on Evidence-Based Policy-Making
in the field of Education
and focus
Third held in September The Hague What are the effective mecha-
2005 nisms for mediating between
research and policy/practice?
Defining the roles and achieve-
ments of brokerage agencies
(good practices).
very different and in many cases evidence-based policy is obliged to
use the best available evidence at a given moment in time”.12
Of course, one cannot separate this formal distinction from the
reasons why OECD’s Member States and CERI have decided to invest
(time, funds, expertise) in EbPR in the field of education. In the reports
and Internet material that we have consulted, we can read that OECD
shares some fundamental working principles, as follows:
(i) There is a growing concern with accountability, transpar-
ency and effectiveness of educational policies and educational
research in OECD countries.
(ii) The information readily available for policy-making is often
unsuitable, either because the rigorous research required for
policy needs has not been conducted, or because the research
that is available is contradictory and does not suggest a single
course of action.
(iii) OECD countries share a belief that education and knowledge
are increasingly important factors in innovation and economic
(iv) There is a need to set up a clearer definition of educational
research, and more consistent support for it.
(v) It is necessary to shift from a linear to an interactive model
of research utilization, for instance, by means of employing
teachers as researchers and identifying the knowledge needs
of stakeholders.
On the one hand, what such principles reaffirm is evidently relevant
from the viewpoint of micro relations between the world of educational
research: inter alia, the way research is conducted, who it involves in
its methodological development and scientific process, the scientific
opening to demands stemming from policy makers, policy epistemic
communities, and non-formal groupings. At the same time, no one
Part one
would currently dare say that policy makers need not be accountable
12 See: Burns, Tracey and Schuller, Tom. Evidence-based Policy in Education: new opportunities
and challenges. Paris, Centre for Educational Research and Development, Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development, draft version, 2006. See also: Evidence-
Based Policy Research: the next step. Report drafted by Olaf McDaniel, Lotte van der
Linden, and CBE Consultants BV (Amsterdam). Session organized by the Dutch Ministry
of Education, Culture and Science for the OCED Conference on Evidence-Based Policy
Research. The Hague, September 2005. 35
for their actions and decisions vis-à-vis civil society organizations and
citizens. On the other hand, what such tenets seem to ignore is the con-
textual reality within which we need to situate the dialectical, contra-
dictory and political relationships between social science research and
policy- making. These principles do not integrate questions of political
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
that all these criteria deal with methodological issues only, as follows:
• Causality claim: to what extent does the research method
ascertain whether a causal effect happens or not?
• Explanation claim: to what extent does the research method
explain how or why the causal effect is happening?
• Transportability: how far is the evidence such that the results
can be applied to most (or all) of the relevant field in different
settings of time or space?
• Stability: will the evidence be reasonably stable over time in its
• Validity: does the research use instruments which measure
what it is intended to measure?
• Variability: to what extent does the research method involve or
permit variation in the type of intervention?
We believe that such questions deserve further analysis by the
MOST Secretariat if and when it disseminates its policy briefs and
policy papers, since the answers eventually produced in each case may
be thought-provoking in the understanding of the research-policy link-
ages. CERI has set up these (methodological) criteria focusing on a
very particular field of action (educational policies), based on social
realities of OECD countries and available macro educational indicators
that allow for such a generalization. What is the reality of UNESCO
and MOST? What are the possibilities for MOST to focus both the-
matically and regionally? Moreover, experts involved in EbPR tend to
share a certain number of philosophical principles (the role of social
science research, the distinction between theoretical research and
EbPR, the acceptance of current governance structures that lead inter-
national relations, etc.) and training backgrounds (levels of expertise,
experience and practice in the field of EbPR), thus constituting a quite
homogeneous epistemic community. Again, who are the stakeholders
In part one of this report, the aim was not a thorough evaluation of sci-
ence-policy linkage programmes being implemented by multilateral and
bilateral organizations; rather, our aim has been to introduce briefly some
practices and understand (both contextually and ontologically) the main
tools that are highlighted in their communication strategy as a means
to foster the dialogue between social science research and public policy
formulation. In sum, the first part of this report has shown a profound
sense of continuity and regularity in the way programmes and activities
are thought of and implemented by the four selected international organi-
zations. To a larger extent, irrespective of their diverse foundational phi-
losophies these organizations share the need to invest in evidence-based
policy research, and promote policy dialogues as an instrument to build
a broader consensus on the role of empirical evidence in policy research.
Regardless of their cultural differences and specific political mandates, they
all disseminate policy briefs, build databases and promote policy forums.
We can, of course, also pinpoint some particularities in their action as
individual organizations: for instance, UNU promotes short-term demand-
driven pilot projects and builds situational diagnoses on several issue areas,
the EU focus on research-industry relationships, the WB steers training in
creating and monitoring development databases, whereas OECD has a
particular (but not exclusive) interest in the field of educational policies.
In part two of this report, we intend to raise some critical issues on
the why such a broad consensus has been possible, and sketch a series of
questions that could hopefully support thinking and decision in the further
strategic development of the MOST Programme. We base our reasoning in
a series of arguments that we have developed in previous publications.1
To begin with, as Richard E. Lee et al (2005) affirm, it should be
recalled that social science has, since its institutional development in the
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
1 For further details, see: Milani, Carlos R. S. 2005. Les relations entre les sciences et la
décision politique : le chercheur, les institutions politiques, les décideurs et la gouvernance.
In: Solinís, Germán. Construire des gouvernances: entre citoyens, décideurs et scienti-
fiques. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 288 p.
2 See: Lee, Richard E.; William J. Martin; Heinz R. Sontag; Peter J. Taylor; Immanuel Waller-
stein; Michel Wieviorka. 2005. Social Science and Social Policy: from national dilemmas to
global opportunities. Reference Paper for the International Forum on the Social Science
– Policy Nexus, Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Montevideo (Uruguay), UNESCO, MOST 2,
42 30 p.
problem-building theories defended by thinkers such as Antonio Gramsci
and Karl Manheim, on the other. Nevertheless, even when research indi-
cates scenarios for practical action, it takes more than knowledge and
social science research to make policy. One should recall variables such as
social creativity and individual imagination to build workable proposals,
but also social mobilization and political support or contestation (i.e. the
politics of science-policy) to transform these proposals into policy (or avoid
their becoming policies).
The relationships between social science and policy-making can be
thought of on at least four levels of analysis: the researcher, his/her meth-
odological and ontological choices; the historical processes of institution-
alization of social sciences (nationally and, in more recent times, interna-
tionally); the motivations of decision-makers; and, finally, the structures
of political governance that organize the contexts where these relation-
ships and key actors evolve (State, international organizations, broker-
age agencies, social movements, NGOs, corporations). These four levels
are particularly relevant for a more acute analysis when one notes that
with globalization, decision-making tends to move beyond symbolic and
material frontiers of the State (from public to private, from national to
global). Questions such as “what is the utility of social science research?”,
“who funds research and why?”, “who are the decision-makers in policy-
making?”, “who defines the priorities?” or “how legitimate are influential
international agencies in setting up national priorities?” become central for
policy debates in democratic societies both in industrialized and develop-
ing countries.3
This is because globalization is not merely a competition for market
shares and well-timed economic growth initiatives; neither is it just a
matter of trade opportunities and liberalization. Globalization has also
evolved into a social and political struggle for imposing cultural values and
Part two
new global avatar for the myth of progress and development; global per-
formance provides a new sense of universality for national communities.
It goes without saying that such an over-estimation of economic perform-
ance, which in general one finds in the discourse of many global economic
players, has direct implications for democratic life in general, and for the
analysis of science-policy nexus in particular. According to these global
market ethics, political negotiations must also follow the pattern of effi-
ciency and, thus, fall into the market’s timetable; there should be no room
for doubt and long deliberation in a global risk society.4
As O’Dwyer (2004) asserts, political decisions about social policies
are rarely the direct outcome of social science research. They are more
usually the result of conflicting pressures by social actors – entrepreneurs,
workers’ organizations, religious authorities, special interest groups, and
the media. The author shows that there has recently been increasing inter-
est in Australia in evidence-based policy-making (EbPM), mainly stemming
from new policy developments in the UK. Multilateral organizations play
a major role in disseminating views and methods on how to think and act
in the field of social science-policy nexus, as we have described in the first
part of this report. Based on the Australian reality, the author mentions the
international success of an evidence-based approach to health, education,
criminology and social work, which has stimulated this change. While the
concept of empirical evidence should help to promote more and better use
of research findings and a more systematic use of knowledge, it is difficult
to produce the necessary kinds of evidence to inform other policy sectors
(such as housing and urban policy) in such a way as to label these policies
“evidence-based”. This is principally because of the difficulty in isolating
5 See: O’Dwyer, Lisel. 2004. A critical review of evidence-based policy making. Australian
Housing and Urban Research Institute, Southern Research Centre, AHURI Final Report,
No. 58.
6 See: Weiss, Carol H. 1979. «The Many Meanings of Research Utilization», Public
Administration Review, 39 (5): 426-431. 45
applied research is conducted to define and test these findings → appro-
priate technologies are formulated → application occurs); (ii) the problem-
solving model (evidence is produced in a particular field in order to solve
or shed light on a particular policy problem); (iii) the interactive model
(information for policy-making is not only produced by researchers, but
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
7 See: Weiss, Carol H. 1986.The many meanings of research utilisation, in M. Bulmer (ed.),
46 Social Science and Policy. London: Allen Unwin.
• Why, despite unequivocal evidence that global warming will con-
tinue to cause dramatic changes in wind patterns, precipitation
and extreme weather that will negatively affect human popula-
tions, are policies mitigating these effects being debated?
The main conclusion of this 2007 seminar was that tenuous links
between science and policy can be seen as one of the primary reasons
why better technologies are not accessible to the poorest people on Earth.
The seminar report presents conclusions that may induce an uninformed
reader (an uninformed policy maker?) to think that simply through greater
investments in science policy the benefits of technological innovations
and economic growth would trickle down to all individual members of
a society, regardless of established patterns of domination, exclusion and
social reproduction of inequalities. It would be naïve to think of major
global ecological crises, world food security and climate change only as
a problem of access to technology and insufficient investment in sound
research-based policies. Building such a simplistic answer to the questions
raised during the seminar may also show how the “narrative of linkage”
can be used as an excuse not to tackle power relations that are inherent in
society, both nationally and internationally. It would also demonstrate how
difficult it may be to set aside the first three models introduced by Carol
Weiss. It seems there is no doubt that a paradigm shift is needed in the
way science-based advice (and social science-based advice in particular) is
translated into successful policy if we are to achieve environmental sustain-
ability without compromising social justice worldwide.
Based on Burrel and Morgan (1979), let us build a figure (see figure 1)
where we can find two analytical axes for understanding major premises
in building models on social-science and policy linkages. The horizontal
axis deals with objectivity and subjectivity, and refers to sources used in
social science research in order to construct an ideal of social reality. The
objectivist approach to social science is rooted in an ontology of realism, a
Part two
Critical theory
Conflict theory
Social system
Phenomenological analysis and Weiss’s knowledge-
and interactive cybernetic driven model and
models models problem-solving
Interpretative management and Functionalist
models EbPR approaches
Sociology of adaptation
Sociology of adaptation
How can this figure support some strategic thinking for MOST in order
to craft an original analytical framework? What critical possibilities does it
offer in the understanding of the role of EbPR promoted by many multi-
lateral organizations? These are difficult but necessary questions. As Lather
(2008) affirms, the time has come to break out of the regulation, standard-
ization and surveillance of research and the speculation on what it would
mean to be a “mature” or “objective” science, and move beyond, towards
a more complex scientificity, where the empirical becomes more interpre-
tive, not less.9 There is therefore a need to refuse to concede science to
scientism, and reopen the debate on when, why and how research matters
in policy-making. Statements on how “rigor” in research is the most direct
route to better policies must also be discussed based on the actual policy-
making process, and the options made by models presented in figure 1.
There is a clear need to shift the discourse away from the focus on
“objective” and technical questions of research design and methods in
order to move towards the analysis of dialectical relationships between
research and policy. Questions on method and design are not irrelevant,
but they seem to have erased the key role of political behaviour of political
actors in current international programmes dealing with EbPR. As Lather
(2008) shows, the interest in research that informs policy and practice is
shared across disciplinary boundaries and methodologies and among the
“interdisciplines” that have long characterized the field of education. The
“alternative” models presented in figure 1 may also raise pertinent (and
different) questions to the understanding of the linkage problem. One of
Part two
9 See: Lather Pathi. 2008. New Wave Utilization Research: (re)imagining the research/
policy nexus, Educational Researcher, 37 (6): 361-364. 49
Thus, it is useful to note that research for policy is not so much about
providing answers as about changing the way questions are understood, so
that people (researchers and policy makers, but other publics too) can begin
to think differently, thus critically building the contours and contents of
social problems. Working towards a more complex scientificity entails a sort
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
10 Pawson, R.; Tilley, N. 1996. How (and how not) to design research to inform policymak-
ing, In: C. Samson and N. South (eds.), The Social Construction of Social Policy: Methodolo-
50 gies, Racism, Citizenship and the Environment. London: MacMillan, pp. 34-52.
would be naive to think that a history of exclusion can be overcome by
“including” individuals already identified and selected because they are
disempowered by those very structures. Calling “them” empowered is
not enough. If we are concerned about issues of voice and exclusion in
the production of knowledge, then it is critical to recognize the situated
character of the research process itself.11 As Schick (2002) recalls, these
conditions of research are at least as influential in shaping the meanings
research produces, publicizes and legitimizes as the superficial markers of
identity foreseen in the research design. No matter who decides what cat-
egories will be used and how they will be defined in principle, in practice,
inclusiveness is produced in the micro-politics of day-to-day interaction.
Designing qualitative research practices that attend to these relationships
more self-consciously and reflexively may offer a more productive chal-
lenge to exclusion in knowledge production.12
11 For a critical account of participatory experiences in Brazil, see: Milani, Carlos R. S. 2008.
O princípio da participação social na gestão de políticas públicas locais: uma análise de
experiências latino-americanas e européias. In: Revista Brasileira de Administração Pública,
v. 42, p. 551-579.
12 See: Schick, Ruth S. 2002. When the Subject is Difference: Conditions of Voice in Policy-
oriented Qualitative Research, Qualitative Inquiry, 8 (5): 632-651. 51
social science research and public policy formulation, two avenues of
work could pave the way for MOST in its future development:
(a) How, when and why has this hegemony been built? For instance,
MOST could foster research on the national trajectories of social
science institutional building where EERP has developed more
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
(1) Are available tools different from what other agencies propose and
do? Do they reach a different audience? Do they convey particu-
larly different contents? In what sense are they relevant? Are they
complementary one with another? What is the specificity of the MOST
tool that is available on the Internet?13
(2) In the case of policy briefs, many international organizations suppose
that they are efficient in promoting dialogue between research and
policy, but how efficient are they? Who actually receives, reads and
uses them, and how? Who writes them? In the case of MOST, is it
possible to benefit from the expertise of its research networks and ask
project leaders themselves to prepare a policy brief based on some
of their fields of expertise? One might suppose that some researchers
would feel privileged to have a piece of their research work formatted
as a policy brief to be disseminated through UNESCO’s networks and
reach a larger audience.
(3) Based on the assumption that R-P linkages vary according to themes,
agendas, contexts and cases, could MOST interview policy makers,
researchers and other social actors on practices used in order to use
social science research in the decision-making process? Could these
interviews show improvements, contradictions and limits of these
practices? If we take the example of participatory budgeting in Brazil,
there is extensive research which has been undertaken, many dif-
ferent practices across the country, distinct social actors involved in
the political process, etc. What interesting and contradictory remarks
on these experiences could MOST analyse and discuss? What lessons
could be learned from these experiences in Brazil?
(1) Can MOST work efficiently with many diverse partners? Is partner-
ship diversity an asset for MOST? Or given the reality (financial,
13 It is interesting to note that the MOST Secretariat document “Policy Research Tool: Back-
ground, Design Methodology and Application” (November 2007) states that one of the
Part two
main goals of the tool would be to set up “a no-fee online policy research service which
is expected to further new modes of decision-making, based on actual evidence from re-
alities on the ground” (page 2). It also affirms that “the knowledge needed to design ef-
fective policy must thus be made available to decision-makers in forms they can use. The
currently fashionable call for evidence-based policy specifies what constitutes effective:
policy designed by reference not to common sense or to ideological preconceptions but
to prior practical experience” (page 3). We strongly believe that the MOST Programme
should steer some more analysis on how and why EERP may suppose that what it labels
as “practical experiences” are not inhabited by world visions, ideologies, theories of the
social and the political. 53
operational, human resources) of some multilateral agencies and
their current agenda, would there be a need for MOST to limit the
scope of partnerships in order to be more focused and efficient (both
in substantive matters and methodologically)?
(2) Assuming that funding mechanisms have an influence on the way
Evidence-based policy research: critical review of some international programmes
R-P linkages are built and practised, can MOST promote a critical
reflection on current public-private partnerships in the development
of social sciences, and also their impact on policy formulation and
Part two
Policy Papers
E. Thoumi, 2005.
16. El rol de las ONGs en la reducción de la pobreza en América Latina,
Ferrer, Marcela; Monje, Pable; Urzúa, Raúl, 2005.
17. The System for Evaluating and Monitoring Social Development Programs
and Policies: the case of the Ministry of Social Development and the
Fight against Hunger in Brazil, Vaitsman, Jeni; Rodrigues, Roberto W.S.;
Paez-Sousa, Rômulo, 2006.
Special Edition. Social Science and Social Policy: From National Dilemmas to
Global Opportunities, Richard E. Lee, William J. Martin, Heinz R. Sonntag,
Peter J. Taylor, Immanuel Wallerstein and Michel Wieviorka, 2005.
Management of Social Transformations (MOST)