MEC500 Mac2018 Group Assgmt-Bending
MEC500 Mac2018 Group Assgmt-Bending
MEC500 Mac2018 Group Assgmt-Bending
1. Prepare your report in MS word / LaTEX with the details of all the tasks
2. You can prepare the report in the format of the technical report
3. Answer ALL questions in ENGLISH.
Students are required to analyze and solve the problem using numerical technique/s. Analysis
must be done clearly and shortly by applying engineering problem solving method.
Use computer computational tools (MATLAB/Excel/.etc.) to verify your result and it is
6. Answers without computational approach or simulation tool will result in losing marks.
Read the questions properly, don’t rush, understand it well before you start to attempt to answer
them. Do not hesitate to see the lecturer for guidance.
8. Use proper mathematical notations in your report via MS Word/LaTEX.
Submit both softcopy and hardcopy of the report. For softcopy, email to [email protected]
9. with details of Team Leader and Group. Each individual must submit the peer assessment form
together in the hardcopy bound.
Q1. Build a function in MATLAB M-file to calculate linear regression and coefficient of correlation.
Q2. Employ linear regression using the function in Q1to fit the given data (Table 1.1) with linearized
version of equation (1.1).
Table 2.1
Q 1.3 1.8 3 4.5 6 8 9
v 0.07 0.13 0.22 0.275 0.335 0.35 0.36
Q3. In water-resources engineering, the sizing of reservoirs depends on accurate estimates of water
flow in the river that is being impounded. For some rivers, long-term historical records of such flow
data are difficult to obtain. In contrast, meteorological data on precipitation is often available for
many years past. Therefore, it is often useful to determine a relationship between flow and
precipitation. This relationship can then be used to estimate flows for years when only precipitation
measurements were made. The following data are available for a river that is to be dammed:
Instruction 1
Derive a cubic equation based on the data in table 1 above. Along with the coefficient, determine r 2
and sy/x
Instruction 2
a) Using any numerical tool, construct a well-developed graph based on the given data in Table
3.2 above.
b) On the same graph, construct the best straight line, which fit the given data.
c) How do you account for the annual water flow if the precipitation is 120 cm?
d) Consider there are no water losses, the maximum flow, Qm, that could occur for a level of
precipitation should be equal to the product of the annual precipitation and the drainage area.
This is expressed by the following equation.
If the drainage area is 1100 km2, explain how would you estimate the fraction of the
precipitation that is lost via processes such as evaporation, deep groundwater infiltration, and
consumptive use.
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