Module3 PDF
Module3 PDF
Module3 PDF
FALL 1998
The following persons have contributed to the development of this learning material:
Curriculum Developer(s)
Project Supervision/Co-ordination:
The financial support for this learning materials project was provided by
the National Literacy Secretariat of Human Resources Development Canada.
Fall 1998
This support module may be used with BAU-ENG 6.6, Spelling, and IAU-ENG
2.2, Spelling Review5.
Upon successful completion of this unit, the learner will be able to
1. spell correctly words appropriate to his/her reading level.
2. employ spelling strategies appropriate to his/her learning style.
Homonyms 7 exact (e.g. piece, peace; here, hear; principal, principle) 5/6
14 mnemonics 3/4
15 visualization 3/4
Note: Spelling is an ongoing concern. All learners, regardless of level, should maintain a personal spelling list.
Upon successful completion of this unit, the learner will be able to
1. spell correctly words appropriate to functional literacy levels.
2. employ spelling strategies appropriate to his/her learning style.
1. The Spelling Strategies module presents information and exercises to accompany the
objectives of BAU-ENG 6.6, Spelling and IAU-ENG 2.2, Spelling Review.
3. Facilitators are free to use any support materials appropriate to their learners’ needs.
4. Additional resource materials and practice may be required for those wanting more
information on this topic or for those needing more practice mastering certain areas.
6. Once learners have completed the twenty week spelling programme, they should continue
to develop their spelling skills throughout the rest of the programme by creating their own
Personal Spelling Lists and particpating in personalized weekly spelling tests, based on
these lists.
7. Learners should write a weekly spelling test based on the Word List and their Personal
Spelling Lists.
8 The “pre-test” provided at the end of this module is intended to help learners determine
for themselves when they are ready for the final evaluation. It is not a “final test”.
9. Although specific strategies are presented in association with specific word lists, this in no
way implies that these are the best, or only, way to learn these words.
10. Learners may choose to give themselves a pre-test before working on a lesson in order to
identify the words that they need to learn.
11. Learners should be aware that a final mark of 90%, or better, indicates that they have
achieved their goal of becoming a “better” speller.
12. Learners should recognize that the best test of their spelling abilities is in their day to day
written work.
13. Weekly spelling tests should be marked and recorded for later use as a classmark for this
14. Facilitators may also mark practice exercises and record the weekly results towards a final
class mark.
15. Do NOT write in this module. Please make your notes and complete the exercises in your
own notebooks so that other learners may also use this booklet.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
WEEK 2 - SYLLABICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
WEEK 4 - SUFFIXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
WEEK 5 - MNEMONICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
WEEK 6 - PLURALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
WEEK 9 - PRONUNCIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
WORKS CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
FEEDBACK FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Spelling accurately isn’t as difficult as many people think. You have already
learned how to spell hundreds of words correctly. Now all you have to do is
identify and master the ones you have trouble with. The words you will learn in this
spelling program are those that many people have trouble with.
When your words are read by people who don’t know you and who will
never see you, your writing represents you. People judge you and your abilities on
the written words they see. If readers find a spelling mistake in your work, their
first thought is often, “I know how to spell this word and the writer doesn’t. I guess
I must be smarter than the writer... and if the writer has spelled this word wrong
how many other facts and ideas that he/she is writing about are wrong too.” In
other words, inaccurate spelling takes away from your credibility1.
Here’s a true story. “A college graduate who applied for the position of
Assistant Director of Personnel and was rejected for misspelling the word
personnel....Poor spelling reflects negatively on an employee--and, by association
on the employer as well (Oliu et al. 425).” If you make a mistake on something as
important as a job application, people will think that you are careless in your work
habits too.
As a writer, you have a responsibility to help your readers understand what
you are saying. You must remove any barriers between you and your readers, and
spelling errors create barriers to understanding because they often confuse and slow
the reader down.
Don’t be too concerned about spelling when writing a first draft. Concentrate
instead on what you want to say. Worrying about spelling when you are composing
will distract you from creating a clear message. Do focus on spelling later when you
revise/proofread your work. In fact, it is a good idea to read your work, looking for
spelling mistakes, just before you write a “good” copy.
Spelling wasn’t always standardized2 as it is now. If you had lived 600 years
ago, you could have spelled any way you liked. There were no rules. You would
have spelled words phonetically3, but people living in neighbouring towns often
pronounced words quite differently, and as a result they spelled them differently too.
This was very confusing and made it difficult for readers to understand what a writer
had to say. For example, our word “guest” can be found spelled many different
ways at this early period. It was spelled as gest, geste, guests, ghest, or gheste;
and “where” was spelled as wher, whear, wheare, were and whair. “In the same
piece of writing, you find the the author using been, beene, bin and unable to make
up his mind about the suffix “ly”, since he writes aptly, featlye, and neatlie (Winter,
Smith 249).”
When the printing press was invented about 1477, printers realized that if
they wanted to sell lots of books they had to do something about making it easier for
people to read and understand, so they started to standardize grammar and spelling.
Soon, the dialect spoken and written in the East Midlands of England became the
standard form of written English. Writers who did not use the language established
by the printers ran a serious risk of their work not being read or understood. As
more and more people learned how to read and write, it became necessary to create
dictionaries that recorded the acceptable spelling of every word in the English
language. As you learned in Module 1, Dictionary Skills, Samuel Johnson’s
dictionary, published in 1755, helped create the standardize spelling of today.
One unfortunate side effect of standardized spelling is that we now have
many silent letters in English. In the 1500s and 1600s, there were no silent letters;
all words were pronounced as they were spelled. Since then, many words have
changed their pronunciation but the spelling remains as it was four hundred years
ago. The silent letters “k”, “g”, and “w” in words like know, knife, knight, gnome,
wrong, write, and wring used to be pronounced. The “gh” sound in words like
night, fight, and caught were lost about three hundred years ago, but the spelling
hasn’t changed. Some words changed the “gh” sound to “f” as in cough, laugh,
and enough (Winter, Smith 250).
Most words now have only one spelling.
the way they sounded
Even today, some confusion remains about the correct spelling of some
words. Look at the word pairs below and pick out the correct spelling for each.
1. traveller traveler
2. colour color
3. recognise recognize
4. theatre theater
5. cancellation cancelation
6. paediatrician pediatrician
7. spelt spelled
8. aluminium aluminum
9. hallelujah alleluia
10. learnt learned
Each of the 20 words above is spelled correctly. The words in the left hand
column are acceptable British spelling, and the words in the right hand column are
acceptable American spellings. Most good dictionaries will present both spellings,
but the word printed first is the spelling preferred by the dictionary’s editors. The
Oxford Dictionary is a dictionary of British English, and the Webster’s Dictionary is
a dictionary of American English. Canadian spelling lies somewhere in the middle.
Before you begin this spelling programme, you should decide whether you
favour the American spelling or the British spelling, and then work to standardize
your own work. If you think that “colour” is the correct spelling, then you should
use flavour, savour, labour, behaviour, etc. to make your work consistent. If, on
the other hand, you like the American spelling of color, flavor, etc., then you
should also stick to the American spelling for words like theater, center, and
traveler rather than theatre, centre, and traveller. Whatever your decision, work
towards standardizing your own spelling. In general, it really doesn’t make much
difference which you choose, so long as you are consistent. You should know,
however, that some employers prefer one spelling over another. Follow the
standards set down by your boss.
Did you know most spelling mistakes are found in easy words. In general,
people do not have trouble spelling long, difficult words because they realized that
they were hard and made an extra effort to learn them correctly. This module is
designed to help you find the strategies you need to use to learn how to spell any
new word, at any time.
Many people think that there is only one way to learn how to spell a word
and that is to write it out: ten times, twenty times, or even one hundred times. This
works for some words and for some people, but may be only a waste of time for
People who are “good” spellers report, however, that they use a variety of
techniques to learn the correct spelling. Each lesson in this module presents
different techniques for learning how to spell words.
Give each spelling strategy an honest try. Decide which ones work for you,
and use them regularly, even in subjects like biology or social studies. If none of
these methods work for you, be creative and invent your own.
Often the key to learning how to spell a word correctly is as simple as making
a conscious decision that you are going to learn it.
Here’s another true story. A student in a university level journalism class
made a great many spelling mistakes in her first few assignments. When she learned
that she would lose a full letter grade for each spelling error in an assignment, she
started to look up every single word that she wasn’t sure of. She had real
motivation to avoid spelling mistakes. Since looking up all those words took a lot of
time, she soon invented some “tricks” to help her remember how to spell various
One last word of encouragement before you start this Spelling Programme.
Anyone can become an accurate speller if his/her motivation is strong enough.
Your instructor will dictate these words to you in one week’s time in the form of a
spelling test. It is your responsibility to study them effectively.
heir weird
deceive review
either patient
priest receipt
height niece
foreign ancient
veil fiery
chief friend
efficient field
convenient weigh
One of the most common spelling mistakes in English involves getting the vowels
“e” and “i” in the right order. Sometimes learning a rule is a good learning strategy.
Learn and understand thoroughly how to apply the spelling rule below.
“Always write “i” before “e” means that the most common combination of the
vowels “i” and “e” in English is “ie”, so if you’re not sure which combination to
use, “ie” is a good guess. Look at the following words. They all follow the rule.
The little verse above also states that there are two exceptions to the rule. The first
exception “except after “c” means that the vowel combination switches to “ei” after
the letter “c”. Look at the words below. They each use the “ei” combination after
the letter “c”.
The second exception “when it says “}” as in neighbour or weigh” helps you
remember that when you hear the long “}” vowel sound (like the “}” sound in
“fate”), you should use the “ei” combination. Look at the examples below. What
sound do the vowels “ei” make?
Lastly, there a few words that you will need to memorize because they are
exceptions to the exceptions. Memorize the silly sentence below. It contains the
most common ones.
Weird seismic events made the leisurely sheik seize either caffeine,
codeine, or protein to calm his nerves.
Exercise 1
1. Copy the Spelling List for Week 1 into your notebook. Be sure to check, at
least twice, that you have copied the words correctly.
2. Make a chart like the one on the next page in your notebook, and record each
of this week’s spelling words in the correct column.
3. To the chart you have just made, add all the sample words from this week’s
lesson as well.
4. Add all the other “ie” and “ei” words you can think of to this chart. Use a
dictionary to check the spelling or ask your instructor to help you. There’s no
point in learning to spell a word incorrectly.
5. Which column is longest? Why? What conclusion can you come to about
why this is so?
6. You may want to attach a copy of this chart to your Personal Spelling List so
you can enter other words that follow this rule as you find them.
Exercise 2
Write one sentence for each of this week’s spelling words. Your instructor will
correct your work.
Exercise 3
In your notebook, fill in the blanks in the words below, using the “i” before “e”
1. fr__nd 5. f__ld
2. p__ce 6. pr__st
3. ch__f 7. sold__r
4. br__f 8. p__r
Exercise 4
Copy this exercise in your notebook. Pronounce the words in Column A. Then
write the correct spelling of the word in Column B. Finally, record the sound made
be the vowel combination as either long “~” or long “‘” in Column C. The first one
is done for you.
Exercise 5
This exercise reviews the exceptions to the “ie” rule. Study the examples below.
2. Now use the words in your list to complete the phrases below. Copy the
completed phrase into your notebook. If possible try to spell the missing
word correctly without looking at the list.
embarrass hemorrhage
government environment
carburetor laboratory
aluminium maintenance
oxygen perseverance
pneumonia pronunciation
temperature Wednesday
February superintendent
secretary restaurant
psychiatrist psychology
opportunity disastrous
desperate separate
genuine guarantee
exhilaration congratulations
jewellery performance
1. Learning to divide a word into syllables may help you to pronounce the word
correctly and, as a result, help you to spell it correctly. A syllable is one or
more letters pronounced together (e.g. Ca-na-da, A-mer-i-ca). Usually each
syllable contains one or more vowels. A single consonant is usually
pronounced with the vowel that follows it (be-gin). Double consonants
usually are divided so that one goes with the preceding vowel and one with
the following vowel (let-ter). The rules for division of English words into
syllables are complicated, but the dictionary for the correct syllabication.
2. Another way to learn a long or difficult word is to split them into shorter more
meaningful sections. Take the word Saskatchewan, for example. Very few
people in Canada can spell this word correctly. Break it into smaller parts.
Sask - at - chew - an. Or how about New Brunswick’s capital city? Fred -
eric - ton. Can you see smaller words inside the longer word. Often
remembering the smaller word within the larger word will provide the key to
remembering the correct spelling.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
In your notebook, complete the sentences below with the correct spelling. Many of
the sentences contain ”hints” that may help you. Try to remember the hints.
7. If you score a par on this golf course, you are in a sep_____ate category.
11. If you get your feet wet, you may catch _____monia.
Exercise 3
Break the rest of the words in this week’s lesson in shorter sections or syllables to
help you learn them more easily. If possible, make a “clue sentence” to help you
remember the harder parts of the word.
carburetor aluminium
temperature opportunity
desperate exhilaration
jewellery hemhorrhage
environment perseverance
restaurant disastrous
guarantee performance
You have to use the American spelling of “labor” to make this clue work.
The first two words in this clue can be read as the missing letters “r” and “u”.
panicky * skiing
trafficking* condemn
mimicked* desperate
colicky* development
shellacked* thorough
publicity through
accommodate lieutenant
ecstasy sergeant
Britain pamphlet
prejudice mischievous
1. When learning the correct spelling of a word, be sure to identify the part of
the word or the letter combination that may confuse you. For example, many
people have trouble remembering the vowel combination at the end of the
word “Britain”. Is it “ai” or “ia”? Perhaps underlining the troublesome areas
may be enough, but some people find that if they practise writing the word
using a red (or contrasting coloured pen) to highlight problem letter
combinations, they learn more quickly. Some of the words in this week’s
lesson are particularly suited to this spelling strategy. Try it.
2. The letter “c” can sound like k (“hard” c) or like s (“soft” c). The sound of
“c” is always hard k when it is the last letter in a word. The words in this
lesson marked with an asterisk (*) all have root words that end in “hard” c.
When a suffix beginning with “e”, “i”, or “y” is added to a root of words
like “panic”, a “k” is always added first. This is done to maintain the hard
“c” sound found in the root word.
Exercise 1
2. Beside each word you have written, rewrite it using some visual cue to highlight
the problem letter combinations.
2. Write sentences for each spelling word. Try to write the list word from memory.
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct spelling of one of this week’s list words. Try no
to look back at the spelling list unless you have to.
1. Downhill sk_____ is one of the most popular events at the Winter Olympics.
2. Did you know that in Great Brit_____ apologize is spelled with an “s”?
3. The last two letters in conde_______ follow each other in the alphabet..
6. Don’t get pan_____ when you see your Visa bill. They made a mistake.
7. Molly and the maid did a th________ cleaning th_____out the entire house.
10. Use the “i” before “e” rule to spell the words ________ and _______ from this
week’s spelling list.
Exercise 3
Write a story or essay using as at least ten of the words from this lesson. Make it a
silly story if you like. Studies have shown that the sillier the story, the more likely
you are to remember.
equipped equipment
regrettable dependence
excel excellent
previewing residence
controlling kidnapped
witless baggage
preferred preference
compel compelling
occur writing
occurrence rebellion
1. Learn and understand how to apply another spelling rule.
A word must have both characteristics for the rule to apply. The rule sounds
complicated but it will be clearer if you take it step by step.
Note: For words like equip, quit, and quiz, do not consider the “ui” as a double
consonant but rather as a part of the consonant “q”.
2. Many people make spelling mistakes because they don’t know whether to
double a consonant that comes in the middle of a word. Although there are
exceptions, here’s a tip to make it easier, especially if you listen to the vowel
sound that comes right before the consonant you’re wondering if you should
In general, you can decide whether to double a consonant in the middle of a
word by listening to the vowel sound that precedes it. If the vowel makes a
short sound (as in bãt..., bì t..., b0t..., d4t..., bßt...), the consonant that follows
is often doubled. Check the following words. Pronounce each word,
listening for the vowel sound before the double consonant. Do your hear the
short vowel sounds of ã, ., 0, 4 ,ß before each double consonant?
If the vowel makes a long sound (as in f~te, wr§te, brÇke, cãte), the consonant
that follows is usually single. Check the following words and listen for the
long vowel sound that comes before the single consonant..
There are many exceptions to this rule, but it is a good “trick” if you are stuck
and can’t make up your mind whether to double the consonant or not.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Write one sentence for each of the words in the spelling list for this lesson. If you
are not sure of the meaning, look the word up in the dictionary. Submit your
sentences to your instructor for marking.
Exercise 3
1. Pay particular attention to the following words Pronounce each pair of words in
dark type. What do you notice about the pronunciation of each? What do you
notice about the spelling of each word when a suffix is added?
3. Write a sentence that explains in your own words when to double the final
consonant before adding a suffix and when to leave a single consonant before
adding a suffix.
Exercise 4
Copy the sentences below into your notebook, supplying the correct word.
1. The prisoner’s back had been _________ and the cell door _____________.
(bared, barred)
4. The thrifty workman___________paint from the wood the builder had piled
to be _____________and sent to the dump. (scraped, scrapped)
5. Martha was ____________ because the dog had tracked mud on the floor she
had just finished ____________. (moping, mopping)
9. After the vet fixed the rabbit’s paw, it__________better than we _______.
(hoped, hopped)
10. First, she_________the paint from the toy horse; then she__________the toy
to look like a zebra. (stripped, striped)
Exercise 5
Complete each sentence below by choosing the correct word from the box.
Exercise 6
Some of the words in this exercise double the consonant before adding the suffix;
others don’t. In your notebook, write the correct spelling for each new word.
Note: The American spelling for some words in this lesson does not require the
doubling of the final consonant: e.g. traveler, cancelation, equaled, etc. If you prefer
American spelling, check a good dictionary for acceptable spellings. Inform your
instructor of your choice.
necessary descendant
occasion address
existence discipline
cemetery exaggerate
academic mathematics
arctic gauge
assassin rhyme
chocolate rhythm
courteous soliloquy
dependent vacuum
Many of the words in this week’s list lend themselves to a spelling strategy
called mnemonics. Mnemonics are little stories or mental pictures you create for
yourself and then associate with something you need to remember.
For example, how many “c”s and “s”s does the word “necessary” have? Try
this mnemonic to help you remember. If “c” = ¢ (as in cents) and “s” =$ (as in
dollars), then in order to live well it is necessary to have more “$” than “¢”;
therefore, there is one “c” and two “s”s in “necessary”.
Using the word “occasion” as another example, imagine
that you have been invited to Buckingham Palace to have tea with
the the queen. On such a grand occasion, you can be sure that the
food would be you would have only one sardine but at
least two cupcakes to eat, so there is one “s” and two “c”s in “occasion”.
One final example involves the word “cemetery”. To spell this word
correctly, you need to remember that all the vowels are “e”s. Picture yourself in a
spooky graveyard at night. Over every tombstones hovers a ghost squealing
“eeeeeeeee”. To make this work most effectively, you must take a minute to
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Now use the mnemonics you created to fill in the blanks below with the most
appropriate word from this lesson. Write your answer in your notebook, and try not
to look back at the spelling list as you do this exercise.
3. You can tell the difference between a polka and a samba by the ____________.
not serious
5. Many Inuit live in the Canada’s far north near the ___________ Ocean.
10. The words cat, hat, and mat ____________ because each ends with the same
15. Fishermen tend to ______________ the size of the fish they catch.
This week you will not have a regular list of words. Instead you will complete a
number of exercises that will help you investigate the various ways that English
forms the plurals of some words. Many spelling errors occur because writers are
uncertain about how to form plurals.
At the end of this lesson, your instructor will give you a spelling test on
plurals based on any of the words in the first six lessons.
Rule 1:
Most words form their plural by adding “s”.
Rule 2:
Words ending in “s”, “x”, “ch”, “sh” often form their plural by adding “es”.
barn...barns gas...gases
crate...crates church...churches
horse...horses box...boxes mattress...mattresses
channel...channels dish...dishes
Exercise 1
Rule 3:
Some words that end in “f” form their plurals by changing the “f” to “v” before
the ending. Some have irregular plural forms and should be memorized.
Exercise 2
Use both an Oxford and Webster dictionary to find the correct plural forms of these
words. What do you notice? What decision do you have to make? Copy the plural
forms into your notebook.
Rule 4:
Here’s another rule that will help you create plurals correctly. When the last two
letters of a word are a vowel followed by “y”, keep the letter “y” and add the
monkey...monkeys boy...boys
donkey...donkeys survey...surveys
play...plays delay...delays
pay...pays (but, paid) buy...buys
day...days guy...guys
Rule 5:
If the last two letters of a word are a consonant followed by “y, the “y” changes to
“i” before the suffix is added.
Rule 6:
Nouns ending in “o” usually form their plural by adding “s”.
There are some exceptions that you should make a special effort to learn.
echo...echoes hero...heroes
potato...potatoes tomato...tomatoes
Rule 7:
A number of other words ending in “o” may form their plurals by adding either “s”
or “es”. When in doubt, check a good dictionary to find the acceptable plural form.
Exercise 3
Find two more examples for each of the rules above. Copy the lists in your book.
Rule 8:
Some words form their plurals in an unusual way. Because English contains many
words borrowed from other languages, these words often form their plurals the way
they did in their language of origin. These irregular plurals must also be learned
Exercise 4
Use your dictionary to determine the correct spelling of the plurals of the following
words. Write sentences using each of the plural forms of the words below.
Exercise 5
Try to write the correct plural form (or forms) of each of these words in your
notebook. If you need to, review the rules for forming plurals.
fascinate hypocrisy
grammar gynecologist
harass incredible
interfere lightning
manoeuvre (maneuver) mysterious
persuade picnicking
professor questionnaire
roommate shining
subtle subtly
surprise technique
Experts say that there are three kinds of learners.
Which kind of learner are you? Think about how you learn most easily.
Can you learn how to fix something by watching a video (visual), or do you need to
get in there and do it yourself by trial and error (kinesthetic)? Could you learn how
to multiply fractions if a friend told how you over the phone (auditory)? Everyone
learns using a combination of these techniques but usually one is more effective. A
lot of your academic success in any subject depends on how accurately you assess
and meet your own personal learning style.
Pay attention to what you do best and how you learned it. Try to remember
something you learned easily and then recall how you learned it. If you’re not sure
about the learning style that suits you best, start paying attention to which kind of
learning methods work for you and which ones don’t bring very good results. Don’t
get impatient. It may take you a while to determine how you learn best.
you can hear the word, then spell it out loud, and then hear the correct spelling
immediately afterwards.. You can play the tape as often as you like.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
1. Think about your learning style. What kind of learner do you think you are?
2. Decide on one or more learning strategies that you think might work for you, and
apply it to this week’s words. (If they don’t work, try others)
proceed process
secede procedure
supersede procession
recede recession
exceed excessive
intercede intercession*
succeed successive
accede ledger
precede acknowledge
conscious conscience
(*Universities use the term “intersession” spelled with an “s” to designate the
semester between the end of April and the end of June. Intercession, spelled with a
“c” has a different meaning.)
1. Some of the words in this week’s lesson contain the sound “seed”. This
sound can be represented by three different letter combinations (cede, ceed,
or sede). Another area of difficulty relates to the longer version of these
words (see right hand column) when the spelling changes with the addition of
a suffix. For example, “recede” becomes “recession” when the suffix is
added. A good strategy to use when dealing with spelling problems like this
is to group words together that have similar letter combinations.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
1. Arrange the words in the list below in alphabetical order. This will make it
easier for you to identify words with similar letter combinations.
2. Then create lists to group words with similar letter combinations. (Some words
may appear in more than one list.)
Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks on the next page with an appropriate word from this week’s
lesson. Try to complete the exercise without looking at the list of spelling words.
4. After turning right at the lights, ______________ north for one mile.
6. John wanted his teacher to ____________ in his dispute with the principal.
8. The boxer was not ____________ when the referee stopped the fight.
Exercise 4
1. Write a sentence to demonstrate the correct use of each of this week’s spelling
2. Without looking at the spelling list, write the five words that end in “cede”, the
three that end in “ceed” and the one that ends in “sede”
whether weather
whine wine
which witch
where wear
led lead
loose lose
choose chose
than (comparison) then (time)
gorilla (animal) guerrilla (terrorist)
past (preposition) passed (verb)
The words in this week’s lesson are not difficult if you pay attention to their
Notice the first four pairs of words. Hold your open hand in front of your
mouth. Read each pair of words aloud. Which words caused more air to flow onto
your hand? What conclusion can you come to regarding the “h” that follows the
“w” in the first four words of the left hand column?
Look up the word “lead” in a good dictionary and check the pronunciation.
The word “lead” has two pronunciations, depending on how it is used. If
pronounced to rhyme with “bead”, it means to show the way or to guide. If
pronounced to rhyme with “dead”, it designates the metal.
The word “led”, on the other hand, is used when you mean guiding (or
leading) someone or something at some time in the past.
Last year, the Blue Jays led the league in home runs.
Examine the following sentences that demonstrate the meanings of the rest of this
week’s word pairs.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Test your knowledge of these word pairs. Write the correct sentences in your
4. When winds reach more (than, then) ________ 100 kph, (than, then) ______ it is
time to evacuate homes near the ocean.
5. Never wear (loose, lose) _______ clothing when working near farm machinery,
or you may (loose, lose) _________ an arm or a leg.
7. (Which, Witch) _________ (wich, witch) _________ won the prize for the best
Hallowe’en costume?
formerly formally
clothes cloths
all ready already
ascent assent
patients patience
residents residence
personal personnel
reality realty
basis bases
adverse averse
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Use your imagination to create an exercise of your own to help someone who is
having trouble with these words. Once your work has been corrected, exchange it
with a partner.
1. Short words with long vowel sounds usually end in a silent “e”. (Long vowels
make the same sound as their alphabet name.)
2. Short words with a short vowel sound, do not usually end with a silent “e”.
Exercise 3
Here’s an activity you can use to find out how auditory learning strategies
work for you. Read the first word from the following list of words onto a tape
recorder, then slowly and silently count ten. Next spell the word slowly out loud.
Continue in the same way with the rest of the words.
Then play the tape back and test your spelling and listening skills by using the
blank spaces on the tape to write the word or spell it out loud. Check your spelling
berry (fruit) bury (funeral)
bore (drill) boar (male pig)
born (given birth to) borne (carried)
a lot (always two words) allot (divide)
seam (in sewing) seem (appear)
root (of a plant) route (road)
stake (wooden peg) steak (cut of meat)
sew (needle & thread) sow (to plant seeds)
so (conjunction) vain (proud)
vein (blood vessel) vane (weather vane)
As an adult learner, you are developing independent learning skills. Today’s
employers are interested in hiring employees who are flexible and can learn new
skills easily and quickly. The better able you are to manage your own learning, the
more successful you will be in the workplace.
This week you may choose any spelling strategy or combination of strategies
that works for you.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Write a composition that uses all the words in this lesson. Let your
imagination go and make the story as funny as you like. Underline each spelling
word you used. Your instructor will correct your work.
A contraction is a form that combines two or more words, leaving out one or
more letters. An apostrophe is used to show where the letter(s) were dropped.
Contractions are used frequently in speaking and in informal writing (e.g. friendly
letters). They are almost never used in formal or academic writing.
Here is a partial list of common contractions: Look for others in your daily work.
Caution: Two common mistakes happen when writers confuse the contractions
“they’re”, “you’re”and “who’s” with the words “their” or “there”, “your”,
“whose”. Read the examples below and notice that “they’re”, “you’re”, and
“who’s” can always be replaced by their full forms “they are”, “you are”, and
They’re always talking about their work when you’re trying to finish your notes.
There is also confusion between “it”s” and “its”. The contraction “it’s” can always
be replaced by its longer form, “it is”.
It’s (It is) funny to watch a cat try to catch its tail.
Exercise 3
Choose the correct word from the brackets. Write the completed sentence in your
Exercise 4
Write the correct form of the contraction to replace the underlined words.
Exercise 5
You may choose to write a review test based on any 50 words presented so far.
noisy encouragement
apologizing courageous*
annoyance legislator
legislative lovable
residence sensible
manageable* management
outrageous* motivation
argument* changeable*
truly* ninety
ninth* sincerely
Here’s another spelling rule that may help you avoid some common mistakes.
For words ending in a silent “e”, the “e” is usually dropped before
suffixes beginning with a vowel.
Study the following examples until you begin to feel comfortable with the rule.
improve + ing.....improving
(drop the silent “e” because the suffix starts with a vowel)
improve + ment...improvement
(keep the silent “e” because the suffix starts with a consonant)
amuse + ed...amused
(drop the “e” because the suffix starts with a vowel)
amuse + ment....amusement
(keep the silent “e” because the suffix begins with a consonant)
lived lively
likable likeness
forcible forceful
user useless
The words marked with an asterisk (*) in this week’s spelling lesson do not
follow the rule. Find the words “ninth”, “truly”, and “argument” in the spelling
list. Each has dropped the silent “e” before adding a suffix that starts with a
consonant. You will need to make a special effort to learn these.
The spelling of the remaining words marked with asterisks (*) can be
explained by looking at their pronunciation. Pronounce each of the words below
and listen to the final sound you hear in each word.
The letter “c” can sound like a k (“hard” c) or like s (“soft” c). The letter
“g” can sound like “guh” (“hard” g) or like a “j” (“soft” g),. Which sounds of “c”
and “g” did you hear in each word above? In each case, it was a “soft” sound.
For more information on the hard and soft sounds of “c” and “g” look at this
Vowel “c” and “g” usually have have “c” and “g” usually have soft
hard sounds before these vowels sounds before these vowels
“A” “c”andy “g”ate -----------
“E” ----------- “c”entre “g”entle
“I” ------------ “c”inder “g”inger
“O” “c”otton “g”old -----------
“U” “c”ute “g”un ------------
The letters “c” and “g’ usually have a hard sound when they are followed by “a”,
“o”, or “u”; they usually have a soft sound if they are followed by an “e”, an “i”. pr
If you follow this week’s spelling rule and remove the silent “e” from words
like “courage” and “notice”(before adding “ous” or “able”), you would have words
in which the “c” or “g” are followed by an “a” or an “o”. The pronunciation of the
word would be forced to change. “Notice” + “able” would become “noticable”
and rhyme with “cable”; “manage” + “able” would become “managable” and would
rhyme “gable” In order to maintain the soft sound in the root word, keep the “e”
before adding the suffix that starts with an “a” or an “o”.
Here is the correct spelling of several words that fall into this category:
manageable advantageous
courageous outrageous
changeable noticeable
serviceable traceable
Note: For the words “likable”, “lovable” and “movable”, Merriam Webster’s
Collegiate Dictionary gives an alternate spelling of “likeable”, “loveable”, and
Exercise 1
Copy this weeks spelling words into your notebook. Pay particular attention to the
correct spelling of the words with an asterisk (*).
Exercise 2
Use the rule in this lesson to create the correct spelling for the words on the next
page. Check your answers carefully. If you have even one mistake, review the rule
and do the exercise again.
Exercise 3
Record the correct spelling of each word in your notebook. Ask your instructor to
correct your work.
1. desperate+ly 2. rare+ly
3. crackle+ing 4. atone+ment
5. mate+ing 6. apologize+ing
7. encourage+ment 8. change+able
9. desire+able 10. interfere+ence
11. defuse+ible 12. remove+able
13 remove+able 14. notice+able
15 date+able 16. love+able
17. heave+ing 18. continue+ance
19. mange+y 20. noise+y
Exercise 4
Decide whether it is necessary to insert and “e” in the blanks below in order to spell
the word correctly. Enter the correct spelling in your notebook, and then have your
instructor check your work.
Exercise 5
1. In a full sentence, explain why the word “publicity” does not contain a “k” as do
words like “panicky” or “colicky”.
2. In a full sentence, explain why the word “sergeant” needs an “e” after the “g”.
3. Look up the word “sergeant” and “lieutenant” in an American dictionary. What
is the etymology of these words? How is “lieutenant” pronounced in the United
4. Now look up “lieutenant” in the Oxford dictionary. What did you discover about
the pronunciation of the word? Why do you think the difference exists? How
should Canadians pronounce the word? How do they pronounce it?
Exercise 6
The following letter contains twenty spelling mistakes. Write the correct spelling
for each misspelled word in your notebook.
Yours truely,
Jack Brown
tragedy tremendous
trial trail
vial vale
vague vicious
unanimous until
valuable villain
excitement pumpkin
equivalent language
ophthalmologist relevant
religious cantaloupe
If you know you always have trouble spelling a word (like occurrence), find
two or three synonyms (event, happening, incident, affair, situation). Then use them
rather than taking a chance on spelling “occurrence” incorrectly in a business letter
or on a test.
The Hyphen
The hyphen (-) is really a spelling device. It is often used to join compound words.
Your dictionary will help you if you are not sure whether a word needs a hyphen.
A hyphen is also used to join some descriptive phrases if they come before a noun.
When the describing words come after the noun, do not use a hyphen.
You should also use hyphens when writing numbers like these.
Watch for hyphenated words as you read. If you are confused, consult a dictionary
or style book.
absence amateur
adolescent (person) adolescence (time)
bachelor appropriate
association auxiliary
cafeteria calendar
characteristic correspondence
cylinder curiosity
doesn’t eligible
emphasis envelope
explanation forfeit
Here is another spelling rule you may find useful. If the last two letters of a word
are a consonant and “y”, the “y” changes to “i” before adding these suffixes. (s, al,
ed, er, es, ly, ness, etc.)
deny...denies rely...relied
reply...replies cry...cries
deny...denial lazy...laziness happy...happiness
forty...fortieth fifty...fifities
costly...costlier mercy...merciful
If the last two letters of a word are a vowel and “y”, just add the suffix.
monkey...monkeys turkey...turkeys fray...frays
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
2. pay + ed_____________________
3. say + ing______________________
4. obey + ing_____________________
5. joy + ful_______________________
6. say + ed_______________________
7. try + al________________________
8. lonely + ness___________________
9. happy +ly______________________
19.key + s________________________
Exercise 3
Use the information in this week’s spelling strategies to add suffixes to the words
1. (es) enemy___________________
2. (ly) easy____________________
3. (ing) study____________________
4. (ness) busy_____________________
5. (er) carry_____________________
6. (ed) deny_____________________
7. (al) try_______________________
8. (es) family_____________________
9. (ness) happy_____________________
Exercise 4
aisle (passageway) isle (island)
altar (place to pray) alter (change)
capital (chief town, excellent) capitol (legislative building)
cite (read aloud) sight (view)
site (location) to (preposition)
two (one plus one) too (also, very)
brake (in a car) break (smash)
canvas (cloth) canvass (solicit)
cereal (breakfast) serial (ongoing)
coarse (thick) course (route, school subject)
colonel (officer) kernel (grain, corn)
council (group) counsel (advise)
compliment (praise) complement (complete)
dyeing (colouring) dying (losing life)
principal (main, chief) principle (theory)
This week’s words (and those for the next couple of weeks) are called
homonyms or homophones. They sound the same but are spelled differently. The
trick to learning how to use each one correctly has to do with thinking about the
meaning of the word every time you write it.
Each lesson will contain a spelling tip meant to help you find the best way to
learn to spell these words correctly. Try each one as it is presented and then decide
whether it helps you remember.
Here’s the first tip. Ask a friend or classmate to dictate this week’s spelling
list to you early in the week. Carefully, correct your work and identify the words
that you have spelled incorrectly. Write each problem word out at least 10 times.
Be sure you spell the word silently every time you write it.
Be sure to think about the meaning of the word as you write it..
Do not let yourself to copy the word you are practising from the word above.
Use different coloured pens each time you write the word
Print some of the words you are practising and write others.
Exercise 1
1. Carefully copy the words from this week’s list (along with their meanings) into
your notebook.
2. Create a strong visualization for each word.
Exercise 2
In your notebook, write the correct spelling for the word that best fits in the blanks
below. Work from memory where possible.
1. The bride walked down the _______ on the island called the _________ of
5. Ask the judge if you can ________ the law in this case.
7. Check the ______ mechanism on the roller coaster so people won’t ______ their
8. The crew of the Bluenose III will _______ the city’s businesses to raise funds to
buy _______ for the new sails.
10. They caught that _______ killer last week who was terrorizing Fredericton.
11. Use _______ sand in that cement mixture for the best results.
17. She is “______” to see your house once you have finished ________the
20. Jack Stewart, who is a member of City ________, will _______ you on how to
prepare your proposal.
21. Can you name the ___________ cities of Canada’s ten provinces and three
Exercise 3
Choose the correct spelling to fit in each sentence below. Record your answers by
writing the whole sentence in your notebook.
4. You will have to (alter, altar) those pants before you can wear them.
6. He went (to, too) the store (to, too) buy (two, to, too) loaves of bread and a
dozen eggs (two, to, too).
8. Which (cite, site, sight) did they choose for their new home?
spaghetti lasagna*
broccoli sandwich
cheddar bologna
produce (vegetables) asparagus
mozzarella cinnamon
pasteurized homogenized
yogurt mussels
zucchini tomato (es)
potato (es) salmon
lobster casserole
This week you can try another visual learning technique. Cut flash cards measuring
approximately 2" by 3" from cardboard or paper. Write each spelling word in large,
bold letters on one side of each card. On the opposite side, draw or paste a picture
that illustrates each word. Make your pictures as ridiculous as you can. You may
even been able to include the problem letter combination as part of your picture.
Exercise 1
stationery (letters) stationary (not moving)
licence (noun) license (verb)
their (possession) there (location)
they’re (they are) your (possession)
you’re (you are) whose (possession)
who’s (who is) rein (on a horse)
reign (rule) rain
through (preposition) threw (past tense of throw)
carrots (vegetable) carats (weight of a diamond)
straight strait (body of water)
One of the most effective methods for learning new material is to review it
regularly, even if the final test is still some time ahead. Give your brain a fair
chance to perform well. Studying does not mean cramming a day or two before the
test. You may be able to memorize the material and answer the questions on the
test, but research shows that material you crammed will be forgotten in a short time.
The purpose of coming back to school is to learn things well enough so that
they belong to you, so that you own them and can uses them whenever you need
them, even if it’s years after you learned it. The way to make things stick in your
head is to review regularly: every day, every week.
Exercise 1
Use some of your time this week to start reviewing all the words you have seen in
this programme. Use whatever learning strategies work best for you.
Exercise 2
1. Write a separate sentence for each of the twenty words you are learning this
week. Be sure the sentence you create clearly demonstrates its correct use.
2. Submit your sentences for marking by your instructor or a friend whose English
abilities you trust. Then recopy your sentences, leaving a blank space every time
you used a spelling word. You and others in your group can use these to study
from. If you make photocopies first, you can do the exercise more than once.
4. Once your exercises are 100% correct. Use this sheet to practice your spelling
words before the test. You might like to make several photocopies of this so you
can do the exercise more than once or exchange them with a friend.
personal (relating to self) personnel (staff)
advice (noun) advise (verb)
desert (sand) dessert (sweet)
accept (receive) except (excluding)
affect (verb)* effect (noun - result)
corps (group) corpse (dead body)
core (centre) quiet
quite quit
diseased (infected) deceased (dead)
all together (every one) altogether (completely)
This week you can experiment with a visual learning strategy. You will need
a partner to help you. Close your eyes and clear your mind. Have your partner
spell the spelling word slowly. Picture each letter on the back of each eye lid as
though it were written in bright white (or coloured) light. Concentrate on really
seeing the word written in your mind’s eye. Then, strange as it may seem, try to
read the letters back to your partner in reverse order. Studies have shown that if
you can read the letters of the word backward from memory, you really do know
how to spell it.
If this doesn’t work, try making flashcards, and review the whole set at least
six or seven times a day. Make sure that you write each letter in clear, dark letters.
When it is time to write your weekly test, clear your mind and focus on
recalling and actually “seeing” a visual picture of the word as it was printed on the
back of your eye lid or on the flash card
You may also want to solidify your learning in this lesson by using a
mnemonic technique.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
1. Write 10 sentences. Each sentence must contain one pair of words from this
week’s lesson.
3. Rewrite your sentences, but replace the word pairs with blanks.
Exercise 3 Review
Find and correct the twenty misspelled words in the following passage.
Create your own spelling list for this week. Perhaps you have noticed that you
always spell a certain word incorrectly. Maybe you need to learn how to spell some
words from science class. Have a look at your personal spelling list. You can use
this week to clear the words from your personal spelling list, too. You must,
however, have a list of twenty words of your own choosing for this week. Your
instructor will dictate your personalized spelling test to you and record the mark.
Once your spelling list is complete, use any of the strategies that you have
learned during this programme. Challenge yourself to master all the words on your
Computer “spell checkers” can be useful tools to help you produce a document
without spelling mistakes. They are easy to use and reliable. Here’s how they
work. When you have completed a piece of writing, “pull down” the Tools Menu
and choose Spell Check. The computer then compares every word you have written
with each word in its dictionary. If it can’t find a match for a word, it highlights it
and reports that you have a spelling error. A list of similarly spelled words appears
on the screen and you choose the word you intended to spell. The computer then
automatically changes the spelling for you. If you have misspelled the word several
times, the computer can change all of the errors at once.
Spell checkers are wonderful tools, but they do have disadvantages. First, the
spell checker doesn’t really know how to spell anything. It is up to the writer to
know the right spelling and then choose it. Secondly, the machine only recognizes
misspelled words. If you wrote “principle” but you intended to write “principal”,
the spell checker won’t help you because it recognizes that both words are spelled
Spell checkers can be really useful, however, when you are trying to find a
word that you know you have misspelled. In general, if you type in something that
is close to the correct spelling, the computer will provide you with a list that
includes the correct spelling of the word you want.
The last few pages of this module contain an alphabetized list of some of the
most commonly misspelled words in the English language. All the words from the
weekly lists are included along with others. Review this list and choose thirty
words you would like to learn. Then apply the spelling strategies that work best for
you as you prepare for the last weekly test in this program.
The final test for this section of the BAU and IAU Academic Upgrading
programme will consist of at least 100 words, chosen at random from anywhere in
this module. Your instructor may also choose twenty additional words taken from
your Personal Spelling List.
Here’s the good news. “In 1923 a lexicographer named G. H. McKnight did a
comprehensive study of how words are used and found that just forty-three words
account for half of all the words in common use, and that just nine account for fully
one quarter of all the words in almost any sample of written English. Those nine
are: and, be, have, it, of, the, to, will, and you. (Bryson 142)”
seize transferred
sensual / sensuous tremendous
separate truly
sergeant U
several unanimous
severely unnecessary
shining until
siege urgent
similar use / used
simile usually
sincerely V
society vacuum
soliloquy vague
sophomore valuable
specifically variety
specimen vengeance
speech vicinity
stationary / stationery villain
subtle vicious
subtly W
succeed Wednesday
successfully weird
sufficient whether / weather
superintendent which / witch
supersede whose / who’s
surprise writing
T written
technique Y
temperature yield
tendency you / you’re
than /then
their/ they’re / there
You must spell each word correctly three separate times before you can say you have mastered it.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Total module
Works Cited
Bryson, Bill. Mother Tongue: The English Language. Toronto: Penguin Books. 1990.
Oliu, Walter E., Charles T. Brusaw, Gerald J. Alred. Writing That Works. Scarborough, ON:
Nelson Canada. 1985
Norton, Sarah, and Brian Green. The Bare Essentials: Form B. 3rd edition. Toronto: Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich. 1993.
Winter, E., and R. Smith. Learning to Write. 2nd revised edition. Toronto: The MacMillan
Company of Canada. 1961.
* In case of errors due to typing, spelling, punctuation or any proofreading errors, please
use the enclosed page to make the proposed correction using red ink and send it to us.
* For feedback regarding the following items, please use the form below:
- insufficient explanations;
- insufficient examples;
- ambiguity or wordiness of text;
- relevancy of the provided examples;
- others...