Case Study Coca Cola

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Coca - Cola Enterprises (CCE) Case Study: The Thirst for HR

Analytics Grows.

"It's a great opportunity for HR, and we should not pass up on it, because, if
executed well, HR analytics combined with business data allows us to highlight the
impact of people on business outcomes.

It’s about small steps, pilots, where you start to demonstrate the power of
combining HR and business data. If you understand the business problems and can
come to the table with insights that had previously not been seen you enhance
HR’s credibility and demonstrate the value we can add as a function.

What amazes me as a HR professional, with a lean six sigma background, is that

companies are often great at measuring and controlling business processes but
very rarely consider the importance of people in that process. People are without
doubt one of the most important variables in the equation.’’

transformation programme and reporting

Data analytics journey was transitioned from North America to
The HR analytics journey within Coca-
Cola Enterprises (CCE) really began in At that point we did not have a huge suite
2010. Given the complexity of the CCE of reports and there was limited structure
operation, its global footprint and in place. We had a number of scheduled
various business units, a team was reports to run each month, but not really
needed which was able to provide a an offering of scorecards or anything more
centralised HR reporting and analytics advanced."
service to the business. This led to the
The first step was to establish strong
formation of a HR analytics team serving
foundations for the new data analytics
8 countries. As a new team they had the
programme. It was imperative to get the
opportunity to work closely with the HR
basics right, enhance credibility, and
function to understand their needs and
automate as many of the basic
build a team not only capable of
descriptive reports as possible. The
delivering those requirements but also
sheer number of requests the team
challenge the status quo.
received was preventing them from
"When I first joined Coca-Cola Enterprises adding value and providing more
in 2010, it was very early on in their sophisticated reports and scorecards. 1
CCE initiated a project to reduce the possible whilst having the capability to
volume of scheduled reports sent to combine multiple HR systems and data
customers, which enabled them to sources.
decrease the hours per month taken to
run the reports by 70%. This was a game A breakthrough, and the next key
changer in CCE’s journey. Many of the milestone in the journey for CCE, was
remaining, basic, low value reports were when they invested in an "out of the
then automated which allowed the team box" system which provided them with
to move onwards in their journey and standard metrics and measures, and
look more at the effectiveness of the HR enabled quick and simple descriptive
function by developing key measures. analytics.
The analytics team was soon able to Instead of building a new set of
focus on more "value-adding" analytics, standards from scratch, CCE piloted pre-
instead of being overwhelmed with existing measures within the application
numerous transactional requests which and applied these to their data. The
consumed resources. result was that the capability to deliver
‘’In the early stages requests were very more sophisticated descriptive analytics
basic. For example, how many people am I was realised quicker and began
supporting? How many people have delivering results sooner than CCE
started or left? How many promotions business customers had expected.
have there been in my part of the ‘‘We were able to segment tasks based on
organisation? The majority of requests the skill set of the team. This created a
were therefore very descriptive in their natural talent development pipeline and
nature. There was an obvious need to ensured the right skill set was dedicated to
automate as much as we could, because if the appropriate task. This freed up time
we could not free ourselves of that kind of for some of the team to focus on
transactional reporting, there was no way workforce analytics.
we were going to add any value with
analytics.’’ We implemented a solution that combines
data from various sources, whether it is
our HR system, the case management
Standardising and reporting: system for the service centre, or our on-
towards a basic scorecard boarding / recruitment tools. We brought
all that data in to one central area and
The team soon found that the more developed a lot of ratios and measures.
they provided reports, the more internal That really took it to the next level.’’
recognition they received. This
ultimately created a thirst within HR for As with any major transformation, the
more data and metrics for measuring evolution from transactional to more
the performance of the organisation advanced reporting took time, resource
from a HR perspective. The HR analytics and commitment from the business,
function knew this was an important and there were many challenges for the
next step but it wasn’t where they team to overcome.
wanted the journey to end. They looked
‘’There were a lot of lessons. With the
for technology that would allow them to
workforce analytics implementation we
automate as many of these metrics as 2
probably underestimated the resource and data which is extracted, and find value
the time needed. Sometimes less is more in the insights which HR are developing.
and we provided too many metrics at first.
The key was to really collaborate with our ‘’To be a consultant in this area, you have
HR leaders and understand what the key to understand the business you’re working
metrics were.’’ in. If you understand the business problem
then you can help with your
With the standards in place CCE then understanding of HR, together with your
turned to establishing a basic scorecard understanding of all the data sets you
approach to illustrate the data. have available.
Scorecards are a common instrument
used by many organisations to provide You can really help by extracting the right
an overview of the performance of a questions. If you have the right question,
function. Typically they consist of clear then the analysis you are going to
targets illustrated in a dashboard complete will be meaningful and
fashion and are utilised by senior insightful.’’
management to guide their leadership
of the organisation. The leadership Moving from descriptive
team's familiarity with the scorecard
reporting towards correlation
methodology meant that the analytics
team could simply fit in to a standard analysis
reporting process. But for CCE to create
its HR dashboard it was apparent that a There are numerous examples where
clear purpose and objective for the the HR reporting and analytics team
analytics was needed, and that the have partnered with the HR function
development of future scorecards and provided insights that have helped
should be as automated as possible. to develop more impactful HR processes
and deliver greater outcomes for the
business. As with many organisations it
Consulting to the business: HR as is the engagement data with which the
a centre of "people expertise" majority of HR insight is created.
Developing further insight beyond
At CCE it’s clear that HR analytics, standard survey outputs has meant that
insights, and combining HR and CCE has begun to increase the level of
business data is an illustration of the insights developed through the method,
value that HR can add to the business. and by using longitudinal data they have
CCE has developed a partnership started to track sentiment in the
approach which demonstrates the organisation. Tracking sentiment
power that high quality analytics can alongside other measures provides
deliver, and its value as a springboard to leaders with a good indicator for sense-
more effective HR practices in the checking the power of HR initiatives and
organisation. By acting in a consultative general business processes. The
capacity HR is able to better understand question is whether the relationship
what makes CCE effective at delivering between engagement and business
against its objectives, HR ensures both results is causal or correlative. For CCE
parties within the partnership use the this point is important when explaining 3
the implications HR data insights to the problems are, or how data can really help
rest of the business. them in their quest to find an intervention
that is going to add value and shape
‘’There have definitely been a number of business outcomes.”
examples where we are starting to share
insights that are being acted upon. One
example is our engagement survey that is Barriers
run every couple of years. Within the
survey there are three questions related to As with any long journey the analytics
communication. team at CCE have faced numerous
barriers. The challenges they list are
The business was keen to understand if
common to most HR professionals
there was a correlation between how an
attempting to establish a significant new
employee scores a manager, in terms of
process, but it is the challenge of
communication, and key performance establishing new capability and
indicators across our sites. embedding fit-for-purpose technologies
We demonstrated that across all of our which has created the greatest
sites there was a positive correlation challenge at CCE.
between how leaders communicate and
‘’In terms of barriers, technology is one. For
business outcomes. That is great but it is
example having the right data warehouse
not implying causation. There is something
in place that allows you to extract the data
there to explore further, but we cannot go
very quickly. From a HR perspective we are
and say, good communication causes well placed, however extracting data from
better business performance.’’ the rest of the business, is a challenge. At
CCE HR is trying to branch out and get the
Building analytics capability data from other parts of the business,
which is probably quite unusual. People
within HR at CCE
probably do not expect HR to be that kind
of driving force.’’
For CCE's analytics team one of the
most important next steps is to share CCE recognises a recruitment challenge
the experience and knowledge gained centred on sourcing the capabilities to
from developing the analytics function develop high-impact HR analytics, which
with their colleagues, and build includes hiring individuals with the
capability across HR. ability to analyse data, develop insights
and the communication know-how to
‘’We are also reviewing the learning and
share across the business. One
development curriculum for HR to see
challenge for HR is to sell the profession
what skills and competencies we need to
as suitable for analytical high-potentials
build. One of the competencies that we
to build their broader business acumen:
have introduced is HR professionals being
to move away from the traditional view
data analysers.
of transactional HR with little or no
For me, it is not only understanding a analytical capability, to a function based
spreadsheet or how to do a pivot table, it around high-quality data and business
is more understanding what a ratio is, or insights. For CCE this represents a
understanding what their business significant opportunity- high calibre 4
analysts must see HR as a profession in ‘’Predictive analytics is difficult. We are
which they're able to build a lasting very much in the early stages as we are
career. only starting to explore what predictive
analytics might enable us to do, and what
‘’At conferences I have listened to major insights it could enable us to have. If we
firms who have PhD students in their can develop some success stories, it will
business intelligence teams, who appear to grow. If we go down this route and start to
be very good at not only analytics but also look at some predictive analytics and
presenting information. They are few and actually, there is not the appetite in the
between and I believe that people who business, or they do not believe it is the
have that skill set would not naturally go right thing to do, it might not take off.
into HR. If I reference the recent big data
conference I went to, and the projects that If you think about the 2020 workplace, the
some of these companies were doing issues that we have around leadership
outside of HR with customer data, Twitter development, multi-generational
data, really what I would call ‘big data,’ it workforces, people not staying with
may seem a lot more appetising and companies for as long as they have done
appealing than HR analytics. If I was a PhD in the past, there are a lot of challenges
student, I am not sure I would consider HR out there for HR. These are all areas where
as a place to go to develop my career and the use of HR analytics can provide the
also, whether I would see any longevity in business with valuable insights.’’
it. As a function we need to change that.’’
For CCE it appears that analytics and HR
insight are gaining significant traction
Utilising predictive analytics: within the organisation. Leaders are
CCE's approach engaging at all levels and the HR
function is increasingly sharing insights
For organisations like CCE natural across business boundaries. This hasn't
progression in analytics is towards been without its challenges: CCE face
mature data processes that utilise the HR's perennial issues of technology and
predictive value of HR and business the perceived lack of analytics capability.
data. For most organisations this can However their approach of creating
too often remain an objective that exists quality data sets and automated
in the far future, and one which without reporting processes has provided them
significant investment may never be with the foundations and opportunity to
realised. Alongside the resource begin to develop real centres of
challenges in building capability there expertise capable of providing high
also exists the need to understand quality insight to the organisation. It is
exactly how data may provide value, clear CCE remains focused on
and the importance of objective and continuing its HR analytical journey.
critical assessment as to how data can
be exploited. Without appreciation for
methodological challenges, data
complexity and nuances in analysis, it
may be that organisations use data
without fully understanding the exact
story the data is telling. 5

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