Meet Your Strawman and Whatever You Want To Know Editabil
Meet Your Strawman and Whatever You Want To Know Editabil
Meet Your Strawman and Whatever You Want To Know Editabil
Didn 't do too w ell on that quiz? OK, le t’s have another go:
If nobody has told that you have a Strawman, then this could be
a very interesting experience for you.
Your Strawman was created when you were very young, far
too young to know anything about it. But then, it was meant to be
a secret as its purpose is to swindle you, and it has been used very
effectively to do just that ever since it was created.
Just in case you are not aware of it, the purpose of any
commercial ‘for-profit’ company or Corporation is to make money
for its owners (and shareholders if there are any). The people who
you think of as T he Government’ don’t do anything that eams money
- they instead take money from you, and their main job is to make
Originally, in England, the unit of money was called “one pound
sterling”. That was because it was literally, sterling silver weighing
one pound. As it was quite difficult to carry several pounds weight
of currency around with you, it was arranged that the actual silver
could be held in a bank and a promissory note which was essen-
tially, a receipt for the deposit of each pound of silver on deposit,
was issued. It was much easier to carry these “bank notes” around
and to do business with them. If you wanted to, you could always
take these notes to a bank and ask for them to be cashed, and the
Magic Bank led the buyer to believe that the money going to the
seller would be coming from its own asset account. They lied
because they knew, or ought to have known, that their own book or
ledger would show that Magic Bank does not have any money to
lend and that their records will show that no such loan transaction
ever took place. Their own book will show that there would be no
debits from Magic Bank’s asset account at all and all that would
show up are the two entries made when the buyer gave Magic
Bank the first collateral or the promissory note which enabled Magic
Bank to cut a check which made it possible to convey the property
from seller to the buyer free and clear of all liens or encumbrances
as required by the agreement of purchase and sale entered into in
writing between the buyer and the seller. What really happened
was not magic; in reality, the buyer’s promissory note was used by
Magic Bank and its magicians - the lawyers and land title clerks -
to convey free title to the buyer from the seller. So why do we
need the mortgage contract at all?
The other entry that would show up when we audit Magic Bank’s
accounts, is the other pledge of collateral including the buyer’s prom
issory note which was converted (unlawfully and without disclo
sure or permission from the buyer) into a mortgage-backed secu-
rity which was “swapped” or deposited by Magic Bank to the Fed
eral Reserve Bank for which another deposit was entered into
Magic Bank’s transaction account.
From the above, we can list all the criminal acts perpetrated by
Magic Bank:
That oath, and nothing else, gives them the authority to act to
enforce Common Law - that is, the few things which are listed
near the start of the “Legalese” section above. It does not
authorize them to do anything connected with so-called “govern-
menf ’ statutes, so they have been trained to use Legalese to entrap
uninformed members of the public. To be fair, it is highly likely that
members of the police force are not aware of what they are doing
and do not understand the difference between “legal” statutes (which
are opţional) and the “lawful” Common Law requirements which
apply to everyone and are not opţional.
Most people believe that when they buy a new car that they
have to register it with the commercial company known as the
Each person generally gets a number of demands for amounts
to be paid (Bills). If you get a demand for payment, you will notice
that it is not addressed to you, the human, but to the fictional Straw
man which has a name which sounds like your name but is not the
same. The name will be printed on the demand in all capital letters,
or in rare cases preceded by "Mr.", "Mrs." or "Miss.", and any one
of those names refers to the Strawman who sounds like you and
which has a creation date which matches what you have been told
was your birthday. You can pay this demand if you want to, but it is
entirely opţional. Remember that it is not YOU who is being billed.
Also worth remembering is that you, the human, are bound by
Common Law and not legal statutes, and Common Law does not
require you to pay any form of tax.
The company invoicing the Strawman is hoping that you don't
catch on to the fact that it is not you who is being billed, and so
make the payment as a mistake on your part.
If you don't want to pay this unnecessary charge on behalf of
the Strawman, then you can mark the envelope “NO CONTRACT
— Return to Sender” and mail it back to the sender. Any
subsequent letters can be treated in exactly the same way. As in all
cases, do not have any telephone conversations about it, as verbal
Communications bristle with Legalese verbal traps. At most, say
that you wish to deal with any such matters by mail and terminate
the caii. It does not matter if an employee tums up at your home
and hands you a letter or puts it through your mail box. The letter
is NOT for you or even addressed to you - it is addressed to the
Strawman, so it can be mailed back the same as any other letter.
If you wish, you can talce a more forceful, direct stance as
demonstrated here by a letter issued by Christopher Lees when
dealing with a Fixed Penalty Notice charge:
Bear Sirs,
We come now to the very difficult subject of American society.
I certainly don’t know all the answers in this area. A society is a
group of people who willingly join together and abide by a set of
rules decided on by members of that society. Loosely speaking, the
system which has been set up by the commercial companies who
have control of the United States, is a society. It is a society which
has good features and bad features as well.
People who have been caught for many years in this system will
have already paid in so much that they will not want to leave the
system and lose the benefîts for which they have been paying so
long. Others may well consider starting to refiise to pay some of
the things demanded of the Strawman. This is a personal choice
and one which should be thought about carefully before any action
is taken.
Please note that this document does not provide you with legal
38 Meet YourStrawman
OK, because I am telling you to do it for me”.
Sound a bit mad? Well, it should do so as murder is a criminal
offense under Common Law, and somebody telling you to do it, and
that it is OK because they say so, is quite ridiculous. Nobody has
the authority to teii you to murder somebody - remember, all of us
were born with exactly the same privileges and rights, and nobody
has authority over anyone else, and most definitely not to be able to
authorize murder.
Did you ever wonder why vast sums of “public” money are
spent every year on arms? Who owns the companies that make
the profits from selling these arms? Who gets the profits from
rebuilding the places damaged or destroyed by your veiy own army?
Who malces a profit from “lending” vast sums of imaginary money
to a country which has been devastated by their unprovoked
actions, creating an imaginary debt which can never be repaid?
Since World War Two, more than four million people have died
as a result of commercial companies interfering in other countries,
and every one of those deaths was a criminal offense under
Common Law. These companies believe that they and their
employees are above the law and so they do whatever they want.
From time to time, these companies demand that people be
conscripted into their armed forces, without their consent. Do you
ever remember being asked if you would consent to such press-
gang operations? If you were asked - did you say "Yes"? And if
you did, does it make it lawful to force the people who said "No"?
Do you ever get the impression that things are done which breach
12. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. —
Elements ofEcclesiastical Law, Voi. 1, 53-54.
20. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all the other alphabet
gangs were never a part of the United States Government,
even though the “U.S. Government” held shares of stock in
the various agencies.
U.S. v. Strâng, 254 U.S. 491; Lewis v. U.S., 6880 F.2d 1239. A 2013
video demonstrating that mortgages are fake and fraudulent
and that the regulators have not the slightest intention of
doing anything about it. Clear
insights into the present situation, including why you
personally are readieg this very
important Information for those in the UK
h t t p : / / v i d e o . g o o g l e . c o m /
videoplay?docid=6399325693468031456 'Think Free'
Part 1 - a top video presentation by Robert-Arthur Menard
of Canada
h t t p : / / v i d e o . g o o g l e . c o m /
Think Free* Part 2 Mary
C roft's eBook "How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic
Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known To Man"
h t t p : / / e d u c a t e - y o u r s e l f . o r g / c n /
StrawmaniHusion02aprl0.shtml The ‘’
web site with video presentations
h t t p : / / v i d e o . g o o g l e . c o m . a u /
videoplav?docid=3296715122664269567# 'Hijacking Hu-
manity' - a great video presentation by Paul Verge of Canada
Mary Croft interview Part 1
“ ~ ^ 7 - I T - T .? * y 9 J v ^ A R K f V 7 « r-i* . » R « V
Part 2
h t t p : / / w w w v o 11 t 11 b e
JM ^ aSUU e o m / u u m -u u .u w .- w w - w .-
uuu n n ,u ^ t u w u u u m n n u x i r t n m u ^ u u . .
watch?v==iWnv66ERXiw&featiire:==related Part 5
h t t p : / / w w w v o II t 11 b e
— < a n n -r r r n , « c o m / .
, r r - r n i . , n - n n . „ « „ „ n n u i u u U J u u ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------- *
h t tp://w A LL.htm. “The
Commerce Game Exposed” - the present situation explained
with emptiasis ou America
h t t p : / / f a m g u a r d i a n . o r g / T a x F r e e d o m / I n s t r ue t io ns.
3.17QuitSocialSecuritv.htm “Tax Freedom” - dealing with US
h t t p : / / v i d e o . g o o g l e . c o m / v i d e o p l a y 7 d o...c..i .d.=..-
2550156453790090544# “Money As Debt” - a video on how
(American) banks create money out of nothing“eiiergv-devlcesA^om/Chapterl5,»pd| The
Historical Background of the Lies - how things developed in
Englaed aed America A website
explaining a very powerful tool in defending yourself against
unlawful attack: the ‘lien’ .
htţp:// A pdf
copy of that information:
h t t p : / / w w w . v o u t u b e . c o m /
watch?v=sB4o3afM llw&feature=re]ated Video lecture by
Robert M Nenard of Canada who is very knowledgeable.
h t t.p : / / w ..w w . y o u t u b e . c o m /
watch?v=n5evEOpcSKO&feature=related Part 2
h t t p : / / w w w . v o u t u b e , c o r n /
watch?v-8oYhIasKrfy&feature=related Part 3
h 11 p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = C 2 j 2 r M j -
OPs&featu re~related Part 4
h t t p : / / w w w . v o u t u b e . c o m /
watch?v-0gGaFo7u50g&feature=related Part 5
h t t p : / / w w w . v o u t u b e . c o m /
watch'/v-kAVmGRQLrpEifcfeature^related Part 6
h t t p : / / w w w . v o u t u b e . c o m /
watch?v=LsRUKutNqP8&feature=related Part 7
h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m /
watch?v=R.HXhntd4Wpg&feature=related Part 8
littp:// =ALvNSsh-
iWo&feature=reSated Part 9
-httn ://www.voutube
—— * fb source=m es An Irish house repossession
stopped by the Constitution.
know.html A clear statement of the present situation with
supporting references.
and-governments-lawfully-foreclosed-by-oppt/ 2013
NatîonalLibertyAlliance* org
If you have any questions or comments feel free to email:
David Robinson
drobin 88@c omeas
Unified Mâine Common Law Grand Jury
fo r the Mâine Republic Free State
Books: /ctj3zsx
Give me Liberty or give me death. ” - Patrick Henry
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