Intel 8086
Intel 8086
Intel 8086
Intel’s first 16-bit CPU was the 8086. A version of the 8086 that used an 8-bit data bus,
the 8088, was released later to permit lower-cost designs. The 8088 was used in the very
popular IBM PC and many later compatible machines.
Intel’s first 32-bit CPU was the 80386. It was designed to be backwards compatible with
the large amount of software, which was available for the 8086. The 80386 extended the
data and address registers to 32 bits. The Intel ’386 also included a sophisticated memory
management architecture that allowed virtual memory and memory protection to be
implemented. This same basic 80386 architecture is used in the Pentium series and
compatible processors.
8086 16 16 20
8088 16 8 20
i386 32 32 32
i386SX 32 16 24
i386EX 32 16 24
Pentium I 32 64 32
Exercise: How much memory can be addressed with 20, 24 and 32-bit addresses?
Intel processors use “little-endian” byte order. This means that 16-or 32-bit words are
stored with the least-significant byte at the lowest-numbered address. We normally write
memory contents in increasing address order from left to right; in little-endian storage
order the bytes in multi-byte words appear in reverse order.
Exercise: The 16-bit word 1234H is to be written to address 1FFH. What value will be
stored at memory location 1FFH? At which address will the other byte be stored? Write
your answer in the form of a table showing the final memory contents:
Address Data
Memory and I/O Address Spaces
The Motorola 68000 processors use conventional memory read and write (MOVE)
operations to do input and output. Peripheral interfaces appear to the processor as if they
were memory locations.
The 80x86 processors can also use this type of “memory-mapped” I/O but they also have
available special instructions (IN and OUT) for I/O operations. A bus signal indicates
whether a bus cycle is due to a memory or an I/O instruction. These special I/O
instructions allow more flexibility in the design of interfaces (e.g. extended cycles for I/O
operations). I/O operations can only be done on the first 64kB of the I/O address space.
On the IBM PC and compatibles only the first 4k of this I/O address space is available (0
to 3FFH).
While the original Intel 16-bit CPUs, the 8086/8088 are no longer widely used, all later
Intel processors such as the 80386, 80486 and Pentium processors can still execute 8086
software. The more recent CPUs can be switched by software into either the 8086-
compatible “real” mode or to the more powerful “protected” mode. Protected mode
extends the data and address registers from 16 to 32 bits and includes support for memory
protection and virtual memory. We will restrict ourselves to 80x86 real-mode
The 8086 includes four general-purpose 16-bit data registers (AX, BX, CX and DX).
These registers can be used in arithmetic or logic operations and as temporary storage.
The most/least significant byte of each register can also be addressed directly (e.g. AL
is the LS byte of AX, CH is MS byte of CX, etc.).
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There is a 16-bit program flags register. Three of the bits indicate whether the result of
the most recent arithmetic/logical instruction was zero (ZF), has a negative sign (SF), or
generated a carry or borrow (CF) from the most-significant bit. The overflow bit (OF)
indicates overflow if the operands are signed (it’s the carry/borrow from the second most-
significant bit). A fourth bit, the interrupt enable bit (IF) controls whether maskable
interrupt requests (on the IRQ pin) are recognized.
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The address of the next instruction to be executed is held in a 16-bit instruction pointer
(IP) register (the “program counter”). A 16-bit stack pointer (SP) implements a stack to
support subroutine calls and interrupts/exceptions.
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There are also three segment registers (CS, DS, SS) which allow the code, data and stack
to be placed in any three 64 kByte “segments” within the CPU’s 1 megabyte (20-bit)
address space as described later.
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Instruction Set
We only cover the small subset of the 8088 instruction set that is essential. In particular,
we will not mention various registers, addressing modes and instructions that could often
provide faster ways of doing things.
Data Transfer
The MOV instruction is used to transfer 8 and 16-bit data to and from registers. Either the
source or destination has to be a register. The other operand can come from another
register, from memory, from immediate data (a value included in the instruction) or from
a memory location “pointed at” by register BX. For example, if COUNT is the label of a
memory location the following are possible assembly-language instructions:
; register: move contents of BX to AX
; direct: move contents of the address labelled
; immediate: load CX with the value 240
; memory: load CX with the value at
; address 240
; register indirect: move contents of AL
; to memory location in BX
Most 80x86 assemblers keep track of the type of each symbol (byte or word, memory
reference or number) and require a type “override” when the symbol is used in a different
way. The OFFSET operator converts a memory reference to a 16-bit value. For example:
16-bit registers can be pushed (the SP is first decremented by two and then the is value
stored at the address in SP) or popped (the value is restored from the memory at SP and
then SP is incremented by 2). For example:
There are some things to note about Intel assembly language syntax:
Exercise: What is the difference between the operands [BX] and BX? What about
[1000H] and 1000H? Which of these can be used as the destination of a MOV
instruction? Which of these can used as the source?
I/O Operations
The 8086 has separate I/O and memory address spaces. Values in the I/O space are
accessed with IN and OUT instructions. The port address is loaded into DX and the data
is read/written to/from AL or AX:
Arithmetic and logic instructions can be performed on byte and 16-bit values. The first
operand has to be a register and the result is stored in that register.
; increment BX by 4
; subtract 1 from AL
; increment BX
; compare (subtract and set flags
; but without storing result)
; mask in LS 4 bits of AL
; divide AX by four
; set MS bit of CX
OR CX,8000H
; clear AX
Exercise: Explain how the AND, SHR (shift right), OR and XOR instructions achieve the
results given in the comments above.
Control Transfer
Conditional jumps transfer control to another address depending on the values of the
flags in the flag register. Conditional jumps are restricted to a range of -128 to +127 bytes
from the next instruction while unconditional jumps can be to any point.
The assembly-language equivalent of an if statement in a high-level language is a
CoMPare operation followed by a conditional jump.
Different conditional jumps are used for comparisons of signed (JG, JGE, JL, JLE depend
on OF and CF) and unsigned values (JA, JAE, JB, JBE depend on CF only).
Exercise: If a and b were signed 16-bit values, what would be the assembly-language
equivalent of the C-language statement
if ( a != 0 ) goto LOOP;?
What about
if ( a <= b ) return ;? What if they were unsigned?
The CALL and RET instructions call and return from subroutines. The processor pushes
IP (the address of the next instruction) on the stack during a CALL instruction and the
contents of IP are popped by the RET instructions. For example:
CALL readchar
Exercise: Write a sequence of a MOVE, a PUSH and a RET instruction that has the same
effect as the instruction JMP 1234H?
Segment/Offset Addressing
Since address registers and address operands are only 16 bits they can only address 64k
bytes. In order to address the 20-bit address range of the 8086, physical addresses (those
that are put on the address bus) are always formed by adding the values of one of the
segment registers to the 16-bit “offset” address to form a 20-bit address.
The segment registers themselves only contain the most-significant 16 bits of the 20-bit
value that is contributed by the segment registers. The least significant four bits of the
segment address are always zero.
By default, the DS (data segment) register is used to form addresses associated with data
transfer instructions (e.g. MOV), the CS (code segment) register is added to the IP
register (e.g. for JMP or CALL), and SS is added to SP (e.g. PUSH or to save/restore
addresses during CALL/RET or INT instructions). There is also an “extra” segment
register, ES, that is used when access to other locations in memory is required.
Exercise: If DS contains 0100H, what address will be written by the instruction MOV
[2000H],AL? If CX contains 1122H, SP contains 1234H, and SS contains 2000H, what
addresses will change and what will be their values when the PUSH CX instruction is
The use of segment registers reduces the size of pointers to 16 bits. This reduces the code
size but also restricts the addressing range of a pointer to 64k bytes. Performing address
arithmetic within data structures larger than 64k is awkward. This is the biggest drawback
of the 8086 architecture. For simplicity will restrict ourselves to short programs where all
of the code, data and stack are placed into the same 64k segment (so that CS=DS=SS).
For external interrupts (IRQ or NMI) the interrupt number is read from the data bus
during an interrupt acknowledge bus cycle. For internal interrupts (e.g. INT instruction)
the interrupt number is determined by the instruction. The INT instruction allows a
program to generate any of the 256 interrupts. This “software interrupt” is typically used
to access operating system services.
Exercise: MS-DOS programs use the INT 21H instruction to invoke an “exception
handler” that provides operating system services. Where would the address of the entry
point to these DOS services be found? Where is the new IP? The new CS? The CLI and
STI instructions clear/set the interrupt-enable bit in the flags register to disable/ enable
external interrupts.
The IRET instruction pops the IP, CS and flags register values (in that order) from the
stack and thus returns control to the instruction following the one where interrupt or
exception occurred.
Exercise: Programs typically store their local variables and return addresses on the stack.
What would happen if you used RET instead of IRET to return from an interrupt?
A number of assembler directives (“pseudo-ops”) are also required to write assembly
language programs. ORG specifies the location of code or data within the segment, DB
and DW are used to include bytes and words of data in a program.
Example: This is a simple program that demonstrates the main features of the 8086
instruction set. It uses the INT instruction to “call” MS-DOS via the 21H software
interrupt handler to write characters to the screen.
mov bx,offset msg ; bx points to string
mov al,[bx] ; load a character into al
cmp al,0 ; see if it’s a zero
jz done ; quit if so
cmp al,32 ; see if it’s printable
jl noprt ; don’t print if not
call printc ; otherwise print it
inc bx ; point to next character
jmp loop ; and loop back
int 20h ; return to DOS
code ends
end start
The OFFSET operator is used to tell this assembler to use the offset of msg from the start
of the code segment instead of loading bx with the first word in the buffer.