Rainfall-Runoff Relationships Using Curve Number Method: A Case Study
Rainfall-Runoff Relationships Using Curve Number Method: A Case Study
Rainfall-Runoff Relationships Using Curve Number Method: A Case Study
Research Paper
P.N.Tandon1 P.T. Nimbalkar2
result of Curve Number Method, useful in accuracy An applicability of both methods is given in above
in estimating the runoff volume from forested table.
watershed. For Morbe dam catchment area is 5700 Hectors
The soil conservation service(SCS), now known as so, the Rational and CUHP Method is not
the Natural Resource Conservation Service(NRCS), Applicable for present case study.
stated a consistent rainfall-runoff relationship as the 3.5 INGLIS METHOD
provisions of the small watershed act, PL-566 by The result of careful stream gauging in 53 sites in
using only available data. In [4] it is stated that, the western India, Inglis and DeSouza (1929) evolved
most available rainfall-runoff relationships in 1954 two regional formulae between annual runoff R and
were for gagged watersheds. The Soil Conversation annual rainfall P in cms as follows;-
Service stated in [4] shows the common relationship 1. For Deccan plateau
between rainfall and runoff. The nonlinear rainfall- R=1/254 P (P-17.8)
runoff relationship get started after some water has 2. For Ghat regions of western India
initially consumed and different ways stated that the R= 0.85 P-30.5
theoretically event rainfall volume of any event is This formula is achieved from Maharashtra rivers
equivalent to the maximum runoff volume. watershed which is applied for fan-shape watersheds
RELATIONSHIP Q= 124 A / √A+10.4
3.1 Procedure Where,
For the required data, we have to develop a survey Q= Flood peak flow rate
instrument so, by using that instrument we can collect A= Area of watershed in km2
the necessary information regarding Morbe Project. To Calculate Runoff for Morbe Dam Project, The
The procedure required developing survey analysis INGLIS Method is used.
and various tests required to check correctness is Qe= 0.7356 P- 12
given below. Where,
• Identification of Critical Factors for rainfall- Qe= Estimated runoff in cms
runoff relationships for small, mountainous, P= Rainfall in inch
forested watersheds. The results obtained from the above empirical
• Data Collection for Morbe project. formula are shown in Appendix: 3, In which it is
• To Check Statistical Measures. shown that there is a huge difference between
The above mentioned steps are explained in detail as estimated and observed runoff, So INGLIS
follows. method is not suitable for the present case study.
3.2 Identification of Critical Factors: To use INGLIS method for Morbe Dam
Identification of Critical Factors for rainfall-runoff catchment watershed area we have to do some
relationships for small, mountainous, forested changes in the empirical formula as:
watersheds. Qe= 0.2896 P- 12
Five methods of hydrologic analysis are described: 3.6 CURVE NUMBER METHOD
1. Rational Method; The Curve Number Method was developed by the
2. Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure (CUHP) Soil Conservation Service in 1964; since it has been
3. Inglis method, adapted to conditions in other regions of the world.,
4. Curve no. method and the basic concept is widely used all over the world.
5. Statistical analyses. The review of literature survey conducted on critical
3.3 WATERSHED SIZE LIMITS factors state that various authors and by closely
The rainfall-runoff data used in the development of examining, there seems to be a set of common critical
the current version of CUHP is found from small success factors of rainfall-runoff relationships for
watersheds and the ranged between 0.15mi2 to 3.08 small, mountainous, forested watersheds.
mi2. Unlimited extrapolation of how the watershed to The following are the set of critical factors of
be analyzed with a single unit hydrograph is limited rainfall-runoff relationships
to 5mi2. For a larger watershed needs to be observed, • Observed Runoff in Cms (Qo)
it must be subdivided into sub-watersheds of 5 mi2or • Watershed Initial Abstraction/Infiltration (Ia)
less. • Typical Event Retention of Water (F)
3.4 WATERSHED SLOP LIMITS AND • Total Monsoon in Cms (P)
CONSIDERATIONS • Estimated Runoff in Cms (Qe)
The rational method is basically used for smaller P= Ia + F + Qe
catchment when only the peak flow rate or the total Initial Abstraction= The initial accumulation of
volume of runoff is needed. CUHP is used for larger rainfall shows the interception, depression storage,
catchments and also when a hydrograph of the storm and infiltration.
event is needed. Actual Retention = After runoff has been started,
Summary of Applicability for Rational Method some additional rainfall is lost, mainly in the form of
and CUHP infiltration.
Derivation of Empirical Relationships
The Curve Number Method is mainly based on two
phenomena. The Initial Abstraction and Actual
Retention. In mathematic form, SCS is the ratio of
actual retention to potential maximum retention
In mathematical form, the empirical relationships
Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies/IV/I/Oct.-Dec,2014/73-77
Tandan et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974
The ratio of actual amount of direct runoff (Qe) to The potential max. retention S has been converted to
maximum potential runoff (P-Ia) is same as the ratio the Curve Number CN in order to make the
of actual infiltration (F) to the potential maximum operations of interpolating, averaging, and weighting
retention (infiltration) S. more nearly linear.
This relationship is-
CN= 25400 / 254+S -------------(a)
Where the S is potential maximum retention can vary
between zero and infinity. Equation (a) shows that
the Curve Number CN can range from 100 to 0. The
runoff depth values (Q) as a function of rainfall depth
(P) for selected values of Curve Numbers. For highly
permeable, flat-lying soils, S will reach to the infinity
and CN will 0 and all rainfall will infiltrate and there
Where, will be no runoff. In drainage basins, the reality will
S= potential max. Retention in mm be somewhere in between.
The formula shows some specific values of the 4.0 Location of Morbe dam (case study)
potential maximum retention and initial abstraction. Dam is constructed across the Dhavri and Tributary of
After runoff has got started, all additional rainfall Patalganga River. The following are the villages in
becomes either runoff or actual retention. catchment area.
P= Ia + F + Qe
rates even when thoroughly wetted. These moderately fine to fine textures. These soils
consist chiefly of deep, well-drained sands and have a slow rate of water transmission (final
gravels. These soils have a high rate of water infiltration rate 0.05 to 0.15 in./h).
transmission. • HSG Group D: Soils with very slow
• HSG Group B: Soils with moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted. These
infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted. These consist chiefly of clay soils with a high
consist chiefly of soils that are moderately deep swelling potential, soils with a permanent high
to deep, moderately well drained to well drain water table, soils with a clay pan or clay layer
with moderately fine to moderately course at or near the surface, and shallow soils over
textures. These soils have a moderate rate of nearly impervious materials. These soils have a
water transmission (final infiltration rate of very slow rate of water transmission (final
0.15 to 0.30 in. /h). infiltration rate less than 0.05 in. /h). The table
• HSG Group C: Soils with slow infiltration below represents curve numbers for antecedent
rates when thoroughly wetted. These consist soil moisture condition II (Average moisture
chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes condition).
downward movement of water or soils with
Table: Runoff Curve Numbers for (AMC II) for the Indian Condition
In our studyas the curve number obtained in variables are associated in theoretically consistent
our study ranges from 16.162 to 42.409 which ways with estimated runoff. Rainfall has become
indicates the good condition increasingly critical priority, runoff estimation, as an
Runoff volume from total Rainfall indicator of effectiveness of rainfall, deserves much
A relation between the total average rainfall and greater attention via empirical research due to the
average runoff actually observed is shown in the table important role it plays as a strategic outcome. From
below. the statistical analysis it has become concluded that
Table: Relation between the total average rainfall mean of estimated runoff is closer to mean of
and average runoff observe runoff, as well as by comparing data and
means of estimated runoff and observed runoff the
histogram show is closely similar.
This study the development and testing of a simple
calibration approach based on observe direct runoff
values derived from scheme-gauge data available
from the Morbe dam project department. This will
According to Strange's table as the percentage is enable those users interested in results that are close
not exceeding than 8.29%, the catchment is good. to the observed values to use calibrated predictions.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS This calibration approach could be used for other
Five methods of hydrologic analysis are described in rainfall runoff models. The curve number model
the report from which curve number method shows predictions are found to be lower than actual observe
the closer results of estimated runoff values to direct runoff for the watershed.
observed runoff. The initial abstraction represents all losses before
In this study, we examine the impact of two runoff begins, and includes Water retained in surface
categories of factor watershed initial abstraction (Ia) depression, water taken up by vegetation,
typical event retention of water (F) to effect on evaporation, and infiltration. This was based on
estimated runoff performance. We observe that these several studies of small watershed, by determining