HILTI Anchor Fastening

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Anchor Fastening

Technology Manual

09 / 2012

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Post-installed rebar

758 10 / 2012
Post-installed rebar

Post-installed rebar connections

Basics, design and installation
Injection mortar systems for post-installed rebars

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Post-installed rebar

Basics, design and installation of post installed


1 Basics of post installed rebar connections............................................. 761

1.1 Definition of rebar........................................................................................................ 761
1.2 Advantages of post-installed rebar connections ......................................................... 761
1.3 Application examples .................................................................................................. 762
1.4 Anchorage and Splice ................................................................................................. 764
1.5 Bond of Cast-in Ribbed Bars ...................................................................................... 765
1.6 Specifics of Post-Installed Reinforcing Bars ............................................................... 766

2 Design of Post-Installed Reinforcement .................................................. 767

2.1 Loads on Reinforcing Bars.......................................................................................... 767
2.2 Approval Based ETA/EC2 Design Method.................................................................. 768
2.2.1 Application Range ................................................................................................ 768
2.2.2 Design of Development and Overlap Length with Eurocode 2 ............................. 769
2.2.3 Design Examples ................................................................................................. 770
General information for design example ........................................................................... 772
2.3 HIT-Rebar Design Method .......................................................................................... 774
2.3.1 Splitting Design .................................................................................................... 774
2.3.2 Strut and Tie Model for Frame Nodes .................................................................. 776
2.3.3 Design Examples ................................................................................................. 779
2.4 Load Case Fire ........................................................................................................... 783
2.5 Fatigue of bonded-in reinforcement for joints.............................................................. 784
2.6 Seismic design of structural post-installed rebar ......................................................... 786
2.7 Corrosion behaviour.................................................................................................... 787

3 Design Programme PROFIS Rebar .......................................................... 788

4 References................................................................................................. 791

5 Installation of Post-Installed Reinforcement ........................................... 792

5.1 Joint to be roughened ................................................................................................. 792
5.2 Drilling ......................................................................................................................... 792
5.2.1 Standard Drilling ................................................................................................... 792
5.3 Hole cleaning .............................................................................................................. 793
5.4 Injection and bar installation ....................................................................................... 794
5.5 Installation instruction ................................................................................................. 795
5.6 Mortar consumption estimation for post-installed rebars............................................. 795

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Basics, design and
installation of
post-installed rebars

1 Basics of post installed rebar connections

1.1 Definition of rebar

Reinforcement anchorages or splices that are fixed into already cured concrete by Hilti HIT injection adhesives in
drilled holes are called “Post-installed rebar connections” as opposed to normal, so called “cast-in” reinforcement.
Many connections of rebars installed for good detailing practice will not require specific design considerations. But
post-installed rebars which become part of the structural system have to be designed as carefully as the entire
structure. While European Technical Approvals prove that in basic load situations, post-installed rebars behave like
cast-in bars, a number of differences needs to be considered in special design situations such as fire or load cases
where hooks or bends would be required for cast-in anchorages. The following chapters are intended to give the
necessary information to safely design and specify post-installed reinforcement connections.

structural rebar situations: “anchorage node in equilibrium” and “splice” anchor situation

This section of the Fastening Technology Manual deals with reinforcement connections designed according to
structural reinforced concrete design principles. The task of structural rebars is to take tensile loads and since
concrete failure is always brittle, reinforced concrete design assumes that concrete has no tensile strength.
Therefore structural rebars can end / be anchored in only two situations:
- the bar is not needed anymore (the anchorage is a node in equilibrium without tensile stress in concrete)
- another bar takes over the tensile load (overlap splice)
Situations where the concrete needs to take up tensile load from the anchorage or where rebars are designed to
carry shear loads should be considered as “rebar used as anchors” and designed according to anchor design
principles as given e.g. in the guidelines of EOTA [3]
Unlike in anchor applications, reinforcement design is normally done for yielding of the steel in order to obtain
ductile behaviour of the structure with a good serviceability. The deformations are rather small in correlation to the
loads and the crack width limitation is around wk ~0.3mm. This is an important factor when considering resistance
to the environment, mainly corrosion of the reinforcement.
In case of correct design and installation the structure can be assumed as monolithic which allows us to look at the
situation as if the concrete was poured in one. Due to the allowed high loads the required embedment depth can be
up to 80d (diameter of rebar).

1.2 Advantages of post-installed rebar connections

With the use of the Hilti HIT injection systems it is possible to connect new reinforcement to existing structures with
maximum confidence and flexibility.
• design flexibility • reliable like cast in • horizontal, vertical and overhead
• form work simplification • defined load • simple, high confidence
characteristics application

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post-installed rebars

1.3 Application examples

Post installed rebar connections are used in a wide range of applications, which vary from new construction
projects, to structure upgrades and infrastructure requalifications.

Post-installed rebar connections in new construction projects

Diaphragm walls Slab connections

Misplaced bars Vertical/horizontal connections

Post-installed rebar connections in structure upgrades

Wall strengthening New slab constructions

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Joint strengthening Cantilevers/balconies

Post-installed rebar connections in infrastructure requalifications

Slab widening Structural upgrade

Slab strengthening Sidewalk upgrade

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1.4 Anchorage and Splice

Development Length
Reinforced concrete is often designed using strut and tie models. The forces are
represented by trusses and the nodes of these trusses have to be in equilibrium
like in the figure to the left: the concrete compression force (green line), the
support force (green arrow) and the steel tensile force (blue). The model assumes
that the reinforcing bar can provide its tensile force on the right side of the node
while there is no steel stress at all on the left side, i.e. the bar is not needed any
more on the left side of the node. Physically this is not possible, the strut and tie
model is an idealization. The steel stress has to be developed on the left side of
the node. This is operated by bond between steel and concrete. For the bar to be
simple support
able to develop stress it needs to be extended on the left side of the node. This
extension is called “development length” or “anchorage length”. The space on the
left side of the node shown in the figure above is not enough to allow a sufficient development of steel stress by
bond. Possible approaches to solve this problem are shown in the figure below: either an extension of the concrete
section over the support or a reduction of the development length with appropriate methods. Typical solutions are
hooks, heads, welded transverse reinforcement or external anchorage.

Typical solutions for anchoring of the reinforcement

Overlap Splices
In case that the equilibrium of a node cannot be established
without using the tensile capacity of the concrete, the tensile
force of a (ending) bar must be transmitted to other
reinforcement bars. A common example is starter bars for
columns or walls. Due to practical reasons foundations are
often built with rebars much shorter than the final column
height, sticking out of the concrete. The column reinforce-
ment will later be spliced with these. The resulting tension
load in the column reinforcement due to bending on the
column will be transferred into the starter bars through an
overlap splice.
Overlap splices

Forces are transmitted from one bar to another by lapping the bars. The detailing of laps between bars shall be
such that:
- the transmission of the forces from one bar to the next is assured
- spalling of the concrete in the neighbourhood of the joints does not occur
- large cracks which affect the performance of the structure do not develop

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1.5 Bond of Cast-in Ribbed Bars

General Behaviour
For ribbed bars, the load transfer in concrete is governed by the bearing
of the ribs against the concrete. The reacting force within the concrete is
assumed to be a compressive strut with an angle of 45°.
For higher bond stress values, the concentrated bearing forces in front of
the ribs cause the formation of cone-shaped cracks starting at the crest
of the ribs. The resulting concrete keyed between the ribs transfer the
bearing forces into the surrounding concrete, but the wedging action of
the ribs remains limited. In this stage the displacement of the bar with Load transfer from ribbed bars into
respect to the concrete (slip) consists of bending of the keys and t
crushing of the concrete in front of the ribs.
The bearing forces, which are inclined with respect to the bar axis, can be decomposed into directions parallel and
perpendicular to the bar axis. The sum of the parallel components equals the bond force, whereas the radial
components induce circumferential tensile stresses in the surrounding concrete, which may result in longitudinal
radial (splitting / spalling) cracks. Two failure modes can be considered:
Bond Failure
Bond failure is caused by pull-out of the bar if the confinement (concrete
cover, transverse reinforcement) is sufficient to prevent splitting of the
concrete cover. In that case the concrete keys are sheared off and a
sliding plane around the bar is created. Thus, the force transfer
mechanism changes from rib bearing to friction. The shear resistance of
the keys can be considered as a criterion for this transition. It is attended
by a considerable reduction of the bond stress. Under continued loading,
the sliding surface is smoothed due to wear and compaction, which will
result in a further decrease of the bond stress, similar to the case of plain Bond failure of ribbed bars
Splitting failure:
Bond splitting failure is decisive if the radial cracks propagate through the
entire cover. In that case the maximum bond stress follows from the
maximum concrete confinement, which is reached when the radial cracks
have penetrated the cover for about 70%. Further crack propagation
results in a decrease of the confining stresses. At reaching the outer
surface these stresses are strongly reduced, which results in a sudden
drop of the bond stress. Splitting
Influence of spacing and cover on splitting and spalling of concrete
In most cases the reinforcement bars are placed close to the
surface of the concrete member to achieve good crack distribution
and economical bending capacity. For splices at wide spacing
(normally in slabs, left part of figure left), the bearing capacity of
the concrete depends only on the thickness of the concrete cover. At narrow spacing (normally in beams, right part
of figure above) the bearing capacity depends on the spacing and on the thickness of the cover. In the design
codes the reduction of bearing capacity of the cover is taken into account by means of multiplying factors for the
splice length.
Load Transfer in Overlap Splices
The load transfer between bars is performed by means of
compressive struts in the concrete, see figure left. A 45° truss
model is assumed. The resulting perpendicular forces act as
splitting forces. The splitting forces are normally taken up by
the transverse reinforcement. Small splitting forces are
attributed to the tensile capacity of the concrete. The amount
of the transverse or tie reinforcement necessary is specified
in the design codes.
Load transfer at lap splices

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1.6 Specifics of Post-Installed Reinforcing Bars

General Behaviour
The load transfer for post-installed bars is similar to cast in bars if the stiffness of the overall load transfer
mechanism is similar to the cast-in system. The efficiency depends on the strength of the adhesive mortar against
the concentrated load near the ribs and on the capacity of load transfer at the interface of the drilled hole.
In many cases the bond values of post-installed bars are higher compared to cast in bars due to better
performance of the adhesive mortar. But for small edge distance and/or narrow spacing, splitting or spalling forces
become decisive due to the low tensile capacity of the concrete.
Post-Installed Reinforcement Approvals
There are European Technical Approvals for post-installed rebar connections. Systems getting such approvals
have to be assessed according to the EOTA technical guideline TR023 [2] (available in the EOTA website).
Requirements for a positive assessment are an installation system providing high installation quality for deep holes
and an adhesive fulfilling the test requirements of the guideline TR023. Obtaining the approval is basically the proof
that the post-installed rebars work at least as well as cast-in rebars (with respect to bond strength and
displacement); consequently, the design of the rebar anchorage is performed according to structural concrete
design codes, in the case of Europe this is Eurocode 2 [1].

High Quality Adhesives Required

Assessment criteria
EOTA TR023 [2] specifies a number of tests in order to qualify products for post-installed rebar applications. These
are the performance areas checked by the tests:
1. bond strength in different strengths of concrete
2. substandard hole cleaning
3. Wet concrete
4. Sustained load and temperature influence
5. Freeze-thaw conditions
6. Installation directions
7. Maximum embedment depth
8. Avoidance of air bubbles during injection
9. Durability (corrosion, chemical attack)

Approvals with or without exceptions

If an adhesive fulfills all assessment criteria of EOTA TR023, rebar connections carried out with this adhesive can
be designed with the bond strength and minimum anchorage length according to Eurocode 2 [1] as outlined in
section 2.2 of this document.
Adhesives which do not fully comply with all assessment criteria can still obtain an “approval with exceptions”.
- If the bond strength obtained in tests does not fulfil the specified requirements, then bond strengths lower
than those given by Eurocode 2 shall be applied. These values are given in the respective ETA.
- If it cannot be shown that the bond strength of rebars post-installed with a selected product and cast-in
rebars in cracked concrete (w=0.3mm) is similar, then the minimum anchorage length b,min and the
minimum overlap length 0,min shall be increased by a factor 1.5.

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2 Design of Post-Installed Reinforcement

There are two design methods which are supported by Hilti:

1. Based on the approval (ETA) for the mortar system qualified according to EOTA TR023 [2] which allows to
use the accepted structural code Eurocode 2 EN 1992-1-1:2011 [1], chapters 8.4: “anchorage of
longitudinal reinforcement” and 8.7 “Laps and mechanical couplers” taking into account some adhesive
specific parameters. This method is called
“ETA/EC2 Design Method”
paragraph 2.2 gives an overview of the design approach and design examples, technical data from the
rebar approvals can be found in section 6.

2. For applications which are not covered by “ETA/EC2 Design Method”, the design approach of Eurocode 2
has been extended on the basis of extensive internal as well as external research [6 - 8] as well as
assessments [9]. This method is called
“Hit Rebar Design Method”
which offers an extended range of applications (please see section 2.3 for an overview of the design
approach as well as design examples.

2.1 Loads on Reinforcing Bars

Strut and Tie Model

Strut-and-tie models are used to Crack limitation Compression cord and strut
calculate the load path in reinforced (concrete)
concrete members. Where a non-linear
strain distribution exists (e.g. supports)
strut-and-tie models may be used Joint to be
{Clause 6.5.1(1), EC2: EN 1992-1-
Strut-and-tie models consist of struts
representing compressive stress fields,
of ties representing the reinforcement Tension cord Tension ties
and of the connecting nodes. The
forces in the elements of a strut-and-tie
model should be determined by
maintaining the equilibrium with the applied loads in ultimate limit state. The ties of a strut-and-tie model should
coincide in position and direction with the corresponding reinforcement {Clause 5.6.4, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011
Analysis with strut and tie models}.
In modern concrete design codes the strut angle θ can be selected within
certain limits, roughly between 30° and 60°. Many modern concrete design
codes show a figure similar to the following:
The equilibrium equations in horizontal direction gives the force in the

My N x Vz ⋅ cot θ
Fsl = + +
z 2 2 truss model in modern codes

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2.2 Approval Based ETA/EC2 Design Method

2.2.1 Application Range

The principle that rebars are anchored “where they are not needed any more” (anchorage) or where the force is
taken over by another bar (splice) and the fact that only straight rebars can be post-installed lead to the application
range shown by the figures taken from EOTA TR023 [2]:

Application range according to EOTA TR023

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All other applications lead to tensile stress in the concrete. Therefore, the principle “works like cast-in” would not be
true any more. Such cases must be considered with specific models exceeding the approval based approach to
post-installed rebar connections.

2.2.2 Design of Development and Overlap Length with Eurocode 2

The following reflect the design relevant sections from EOTA TR023, chapter 4 “Assumptions under which the
fitness of use is to be assessed” and from the specific European Technical Approvals:
Design method for post-installed rebar connections
- The post-installed rebar connections assessed according to this Technical Report shall be designed as straight
cast-in-place rebars according to EC2 using the values of the design bond resistance fbd for deformed bars as
given in the relevant approval.
- Overlap joint for rebars: For calculation of the effective
embedment depth of overlap joints the concrete cover at
end-face of the post-installed rebar c1 shall be considered:
v ≥ 0 + c1
with: 0 = required lap length
c1 = concrete cover at end-face of
front cover c1
bonded-in rebar
- The definition of the bond region in EC2 is valid also for post-installed rebars.
- The conditions in EC2 concerning detailing (e.g. concrete cover in respect to bond and corrosion resistance, bar
spacing, transverse reinforcement) shall be complied with.
- The transfer of shear forces between new and old concrete shall be designed according to EC2 [1].
Additional provisions
- To prevent damage of the concrete during drilling the following requirements have to be met:

• Minimum concrete cover:

cmin = 30 + 0,06 lv ≥ 2ds (mm) for hammer drilled holes

cmin = 50 + 0,08 lv ≥ 2ds (mm) for compressed air drilled holes

The factors 0,06 and 0,08 should take into account the possible deviations during the drilling
process. This value might be smaller if special drilling aid devices are used.
Furthermore the minimum concrete cover given in clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1: 2004 shall be
• Minimum clear spacing between two post-installed bars a = 40 mm ≥ 4ds

- To account for potentially different behaviour of post-installed and cast-in-place rebars in cracked concrete,

• in general, the minimum lengths lb,min and lo,min given in the EC 2 for anchorages and overlap splices shall
be increased by a factor of 1.5. This increase may be neglected under certain conditions. The relevant
approval states under which conditions the factor can be neglected for a specific adhesive.
Preparation of the joints
- The surface of the joint between new and existing concrete should be prepared (roughing, keying) according to
the envisaged intended use according to EC2.
- In case of a connection being made between new and existing concrete where the surface layer of the existing
concrete is carbonated, the layer should be removed in the area of the new reinforcing bar (with a diameter
ds+60mm) prior to the installation of the new bar.
Transverse reinforcement
The requirements of transverse reinforcement in the area of the post-installed rebar connection shall comply with
clause 8.7.4, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011.

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2.2.3 Design Examples

a) End support of slab, simply supported
Slab: ln = 4,50m, Qk = 20 kN/m , h = 300 mm, d = 260 mm
h = 300
Wall: h = 300 mm

Concrete strength class: C20/25, dry concrete

d = 260 h = 300
Reinforcement: fyk = 500 N/mm2, γs = 1,15
Loads: Gk = 25 kN/m ·h = 7,5 kN/m²;
a1 = 130 al = d = 260 Sd = (1,50 · Qd + 1,35 · Gk) = 40,1 kN/m²
ln = 4,50 m
Structural analysis (design forces):
MEd = Sd · ln / 8 = 102 kNm/m
VEd = Sd · ln / 2 = 90,3 kN/m

Bottom reinforcement required at mid span:

As,rqd,m = (Msd · γs) / (0,9·d·fyk) = 998 mm²/m

Reinforcement provided at mid span: ∅16, s = 200 mm

As,prov,m = 1005 mm²/m

Bottom reinforcement at support:

Tension force to be anchored: FE=|VEd|·al/(0,9d) = 100 kN/m {Clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004}
Steel area required: As,rqd = FE · γs / fyk = 231 mm²/m

Minimum reinforcement to be anchored at support:

As,min = kc·k·fct,eff·As/σs = 0,4·1· 2,2·150·1000/500 = 264 mm²/m {Clause 7.3.2(2), EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011}
As,min = 0,50 · 988 = 499 mm /m {Clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011}
As,min = 0,25 · 1010 = 251 mm²/m {Clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011}

Decisive is 499 mm²/m ⇒ reinforcement provided: ∅12, s = 200 mm ⇒ A s,prov = 565 mm²/m;
Installation by wet diamond core drilling: Hilti HIT-RE 500 is suitable adhesive (see Tech data, sect. 2.2.3)

Basic anchorage length {EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004, section 8.4.3}:

b,rqd = (ds / 4) x (σsd / fbd)
with: ds = diameter of the rebar = 12 mm
σsd = calculated design stress of the rebar = (As,rqd / As,prov) · (fyk/γs) = (231 / 565) · (500 / 1,15) = 177 N/mm²
fbd = design value of bond strength according to corresponding ETA (= 2,3 N/mm²)
b,rqd = (12 / 4) x (177 / 2,3) = 231 mm

Design anchorage length {EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011, section 8.4.4}:

bd = α1 α2 α3 α4 α5 b,rqd ≥ b,min
with: b,rqd as above
α1 = 1,0 for straight bars
α2 = 1 – 0,15(cd – ø)/ø (0,7 ≤ α2 ≤ 1,0)
α2 is for the effect of concrete cover, in this case half the clear spacing: cd=(200-12)/2=94mm
α2 = 0,7 Straight bars, cd = min (a/2, c1, c)
α3 = 1,0 because of no transverse reinforcement
α4 = 1,0 because of no welded transverse reinforcement
α5 = 1,0 influence of transverse pressure is neglected in this example

bd = 0,7 · 231 = 162 mm

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minimum anchorage length {Clause 8.4.4(1), EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011}:

b,min = max {0,3b,rqd; 10φ; 100mm} = 120 mm

bd controls → drill hole length lef = 162 mm

Top reinforcement at support:

Minimum reinforcement:
300 25% of bottom steel required at mid-span
{Clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004}
As,req = 0,25 x 988 = 247 mm /m
d = 260 h = 300 As,min = 0,4 x 1 x 2,2 x 150 x 1000 / 500 = 264 mm /m
{Clause 7.3.2(2), EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004}

Decisive is 264 mm²/m

⇒ reinforcement provided: ∅12, s = 333 mm; A s,prov = 339 mm²/m
a1 = 130 al = 260

ln = 6.50 m As the design stress is 0, the minimum anchorage length applies for the
upper reinforcement. As in the above calculation for bottom

b,min = max {0,3b,rqd; 10φ; 100mm} = 120 mm

Therefore, drill hole length lef = 120mm

If wet diamond core drilling is used {Clause 8.4.4(1), EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011}:

b,min = max {0,3b,rqd; 10φ; 100mm} · 1,5 = 180 mm (as wet diamond core drilling is used, the minimum values
according do EC2 have to be multiplied by 1,5, see tech data)

-> in this case the minimum length will control, drill hole length lef = 180mm for upper and lower layers

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b) splice on support

General information for design example

lv MEd = 80kNm/m • Bending moment: MEd=80 kNm/m; shear: VEd = 50 kN/m

VEd= 50kN/m • Slab: cover cast-in bars cc = 30 mm (top, bottom);
30 cover new bars: cn = 50mm h = 300 mm;
30 50 • Top reinforcement (new and existing): φ16, s = 200 mm;
h = 300
As,prov = 1005 mm /m; cover to face c1 = 30 mm
• Bottom reinforcement: φ10, s=200 mm; As,prov=393 mm /m
50 2
• Concrete strength class: C25/30

Properties of reinforcement: fyk = 500 N/mm
• Fire resistance: R60 (1 hour),
Light weight plaster for fire protection: tp=30 mm;
maximum steel stress in fire σRd,fi = 322 N/mm
w = 250
• Hilti HIT-RE 500

Cast-in reinforcement top

l0,ci = α1 α2 α3 α5 α6 lb,rqd,ci ≥ l0,min

η1 = (d- φ/2 > 250mm) 0.7 poor bond condition

zci = 239 mm (from static calculation)
As,req = (MEd/z)∙(γS/fyk)=(80/0.239)∙(1.15/0.5) =
770 mm /m
σsd = (As,rqd / As,prov) · (fyk/γs) = (770 / 1005) · (500 / 1.15) =
333 N/mm
2/3 2/3 2
fbd = 2.25·η1·0.7·0.3·fck /γc= 2.25·0.7·0.7·0.3·25 /1. 5= 1.89 N/mm (ETA-08/0105)

lb,rqd,pi = (φ / 4) · (σsd / fbd) = (16 / 4) · (333 / 1,89) = 705 mm

α1 = 0,7 hooked end of cast-in bars

α2 = (1 – 0,15(cd – ø)/ø ≥ 0.7) = 1-0.15(30-16)/16 = 0,87
α3 = 1,0 no transverse reinforcement
α5 = 1,0 no transverse pressure
α6 = 1,5 splice factor

l0,min = max{0,3·1,5·705; 15·16; 200} = 317 mm

l0,ci = 0,70·0,87·1,5·705 = 643 mm

Post-installed reinforcement top

The required design lap length l0 shall be determined in accordance with EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004, section 8.7.3:

l0,pi = α1 α2 α3 α5 α6 lb,rqd,pi ≥ l0,min

d = h-cn-φ/2 = 300 – 50 – 16/2 = 242 mm

η1 = (d- φ/2 < 250mm) 1,0 good bond condition
z = 228 mm (from static calculation)
As,req = (MEd/z)∙(γS/fyk)=(80/0.228)∙(1,15/0,5) =
807 mm /m
σsd = (As,rqd / As,prov) · (fyk/γs) = (807 / 1005) · (500 / 1,15) =
349 N/mm
fbd = design value of bond strength according to 2.2.3 = 2,7 N/mm (ETA-08/0105)

lb,rqd,pi = (φ / 4) · (σsd / fbd) = (16 / 4) · (349 / 2,7) = 516 mm

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α1 = 1,0 for straight bars

α2 = (1 – 0,15(cd – ø)/ø ≥ 0.7) = 1-0,15(50-16)/16 = 0,7
α3 = 1,0 no transverse reinforcement
α5 = 1,0 no transverse pressure
α6 = 1,5 splice factor

l0,min = max{0,3·1,5·515; 15·16; 200} = 240 mm

l0,pi = 0,7·1,5·530 = 542 mm

Fire resistance post-installed reinforcement top:

γL = 1,4 assumed safety factor loads

σsd,fi = σsd/γL = 358/1.4 = < σRd,fi → ok
249 N/mm

cfi = cn + tp = 30 + 50 = 80 mm cover effective against fire

fbd,fi = (sect. 2.4.1, table fire parallel) 1,4 N/mm (DIBt Z-21.8-1790)

l0,pi,fi = (φ/4)·(σsd,fi/fbd,fi) = (16/4)·(249/1,4) = 711 mm

Embedment depth for post-installed rebars top:

= [ (s/2) + (cn-cc) ] - φ = [ 100 + (50-30) ] clear spacing between spliced bars

2 2 0,5 2 2 0,.5
e -16 = 86 mm
∆l0 = e-4φ = 86 - 4·16 = 22 mm

l0 = max(l0,pi ; l0,pi,fi ; l0,ci ; l0,min) + ∆l0 = 711 + 22 = 733 mm

cf = 30 mm
w/2 = 125 mm

lv = l0 + max(w/2; cf) = 758 +125 = 858 mm

Embedment depth for post-installed rebars bottom:

Concrete in compression, no force on bars → anchorage with minimum embedment length.

fmin = 1,0 mm (ETA-08/0105)

lb,min = fmin·max(10φ; 100mm) = 1.0·max(10∙10; 100) = 100 mm

w/2 = 125 mm

lv = lb,min + w/2 = 100 +125 = 225 mm

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2.3 HIT-Rebar Design Method

While the EC2/ETA design method is of direct and simple use, it has two main drawbacks
- The connection of simply supported slabs to walls is only possible if the wall is thick enough to
accommodate the anchorage length. As reductions of the anchorage length with hooks or welded
transverse reinforcement cannot be made with post-installed reinforcement, it often occurs that the wall is
too small. However, if the confinement of the concrete is large enough, it is actually possible to use the full
bond strength of the adhesive rather than the bond strength given by Eurocode 2 [1]. The so-called
“splitting design” allows to design for the full strength of the adhesive [5, 9].
- According to traditional reinforced concrete principles, moment resisting frame node connections required
bent connection bars. In this logic, they can therefore not be made with straight post-installed rebar
connections. The frame node model is a proposed strut and tie model to design moment resisting frame
node connections with straight connection bars [6, 7].

2.3.1 Splitting Design

The factor α2 of Eurocode 2 [1] gives an explicit consideration for splitting and spalling as a function of concrete
cover and bar spacing. European Technical Approvals recommend the same procedure for post-installed rebar

φ σ sd
lbd , spl = ⋅ ⋅α2
4 f bd
f bd according to technical data ( ETA' s for post − installed anchors)
cd − φ
α 2 = 1 − 0.15 ⋅
cd = min(cx ; c y ; s / 2)

cx s
cover dimension

This function is adapted and extended for post-installed reinforcement for the HIT-Rebar design concept: Eurocode
2 limits the α2 value to α2 ≥ 0.7. This can be interpreted as follows: as long as α2 exceeds 0.7, spalling of the
concrete cover or splitting between bars will be the controlling mode of failure. If α2 is less than 0.7, corresponding
to cover dimensions of cd/φ > 3, the cover is large enough so that splitting cannot occur any more and pullout will
control. Assuming an infinitely strong adhesive, there would be no such lower limit on α2 and the bond stress, at
which splitting occurs can be expressed as:

f bd
f bd , spl1 =
cd − φ
1 − 0.15 ⋅
For cover dimensions exceeding the range of Eurocode 2, i.e. for cd/φ > 3 (bonded-in bars only), an adapted factor
α2’ is used to create a linear extension of the bond strength function:
α2 '=
1 c − 3 ⋅φ
+δ ⋅ d
0.7 φ
f bd
f bd , spl 2 =
max[α 2 ' ; 0.25]

where δ is a factor defining the growth of the linear function for fbd,spl,2; it is calibrated on the basis of tests.
In order to avoid unreasonably low values of α2’, its value is limited to α2’ ≥ 0,25

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Below is a typical design bond stress fbd curve as a function of the minimum edge distance/spacing distance, cd is
shown for a concrete class C20/25 and for a rebar with a diameter of not more than 32mm. In this figure the
equivalent design bond stresses according to EC 2 and resulting from the above described definition of α2 and α2‘
are plotted. The design bond strength is defined by an inclined line and it increases with larger values of cd. The
diagram also shows the characteristic value of the bond strength (fbd∙γc where γc=1,5).




Tests Hilti HIT RE 500
bond [N/mm ]

Tests Hiliti HIT HY 150
Tests cast-in
design value EC 2
8 design value extended EC 2
characteristic ext EC 2

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

concrete cover dimension cd/φ [-]

The increase in the design bond stress is limited by the maximum pull-out bond stress, which is a value given by
the standards in the case of a cast-in reinforcement. For post-installed reinforcement, the maximum design bond
stress is a function of the bonding agent and not necessarily equals that of cast-in bars; it will be taken from the
relevant anchor approval. Thus, the limitation for bond failure in the code has been replaced by the specific design
bond stress of the bonding agent for the specific application conditions and the splitting function has been adapted
according to the tests.

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2.3.2 Strut and Tie Model for Frame Nodes

If frame nodes (or moment resisting connections in general) are designed with cast-in reinforcement, they usually
require bent bars according to the standard reinforced concrete design rules. Anchoring the reinforcement of
moment resisting connections with straight bars would, at least at first sight, result in concrete that is under tension,
and therefore in a possible concrete cone failure. As this
failure mode is brittle, such an anchorage is not allowed
by the standard concrete design rules. In cooperation
with the Technical University of Munich, Hilti performed a
research programme in order to provide a strut-and-tie
model for frame nodes with straight connection bars [6,
7]. The main differences to the standard cast-in solution
are that the compression strut is anchored in the bonding
area of the straight bar rather than in the bend of the bar
and that, therefore, first the inner lever arm inside the
node is reduced and second, splitting forces in the
transition zone between D- and B-region must be

Global Equilibrium of the Node

In order to check the struts and ties inside the node, the reactions N2, V2, M2, N3, V3,
M3 at the other ends of the node need to be defined. Normally, they result from the
structural analysis outside the node region and will be determined by the designer in

Global equilibrium of the node

Tension in connecting bars
The loading of the wall in the figures results in a tensile
force in the reinforcement on the left hand side and in a
compression force on the right hand side. Initial tests
and computer simulations led to the consideration that
the straight bar has a tendency to push a concrete cone
against the interface with the wall. Thus the compressive
stress is in the interface is not concentrated on the
outside of the wall, but distributed over a large part of
the interface, which leads to a reduced lever arm in the
wall section. The recommended reduction factor is 0.85
for opening moments and 1.0 for closing moments.

Anchorage length
While the equilibrium inside of frame nodes with cast-in hooked bars can be modeled with
the compression strut continuing from the vertical compression force and anchored in the
bend at the level of the lower reinforcement, straight bars are anchored by bond stresses at
a level above the lower reinforcement.
As bending cracks are expected to occur along the bar from the top of the base concrete,
the anchorage zone is developing from the lower end of the bar and its length ℓb is that
required to develop the steel stress calculated form the section forces M1, N1 and V1.

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σ sd ⋅ φ
b =
4 ⋅ f bd

with σsd design steel stress in the connection bars [MPa]

φ diameter of the vertical bar [mm]
fbd design bond strength of cast-in bar to concrete or of the adhesive mortar [MPa]

Installation length
The strut-and-tie model requires that the angle θ between the inclined compression strut
C0 and the horizontal direction is 30º to 60º. For low drill hole lengths the resulting strut
angle will be less than 30º. In such situations the design will not work as tests have
shown. Also in order to remain as close as possible to the original solution with the bent
bar, it is recommended to drill the holes as deep as possible in order to achieve a large
strut angle θFN.

Note that PROFIS Rebar will preferrably propose the installation length such that the strut
angle θFN is 60º. In cases where the existing section is too thin for this, it will propose the
maximum possible embedment depth which is defined for bonded anchors in ETAG 001,
part 5, section 2.2.2 as
inst,max = hmember – max(2∙d0; 30mm)
with inst,max maximum possible installation length [mm]
hmember thickness of the existing concrete member [mm]
d0 diameter of the drilled hole [mm]

Tension in Existing Reinforcement

For a drilled hole depth tb and a concrete cover of the upper reinforcement to the
center of the bars of cs, the lever arm inside z0 the node is:

z 0 = linst − − cs

The lever arm inside the node z0 is smaller than the lever arm of the slab z2. The
tension in the upper slab reinforcement in the node region, FS0, is higher than the
tension calculated for the slab with z2; the tensile resistance of the existing upper
reinforcement As0,prov must therefore be checked separately as follows:

Fs2 = M2/z2 + N2/2 (tension in existing reinforcement outside node area)

 z  1 1 z 
H s 2 =  M 1 + (V2 + V3 ) ⋅ 1  ⋅  −  + V1 ⋅  1 − 1 (additional tension in node due to reduced lever arm)
 2   0 z z 2   0 
Fs0 = Fs2+Hs2 (steel tension in node area)
As0,rqd = Fs0/(fyk/γs) (steel area required in existing part for forces from new part)
If As0,prov ≥ As0,rqd the reinforcement of the existing part is sufficient, provided that the forces from the new part are
the only load on the section. This is the analysis obtainable from PROFIS Rebar.
As mentioned further above, a more sophisticated check needs to be made if there are also other loads in the
system. Basically it would mean replacing Fs2 as evaluated by under “global equilibrium” above by that evaluated in
the complete static design.
The shallower the embedment of the post-installed vertical bar is, the more the moment resistance of the slab in
the node region is reduced compared to a node with hooked bar. For this reason, it is also recommended to
provide deep embedment of the connecting bars rather than trying to optimize mortar consumption by trying to
recommend the shortest possible embedment depth.

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Concrete Compressive Strut

The strut-and-tie model assumes that the compression strut C0 is anchored at the center of the anchorage zone
and that its thickness corresponds to the length of the anchorage zone b.

M 1 + (V2 + V3 ) ⋅ z1 / 2
Fc 0 = (horizontal component of concrete strut force)
D0 = Fc0 /cosθFN (concrete force in direction of strut)
σRd,max = ν'·k2·αcc·fck/γc (reduced concrete strength in tension-compression node
according to ENV1992-1-1, 4.5.4(4b). Standard parameters:
ν'=1-fck/250; k2=0.85; αcc=1.0; γc=1.5, subject to variations in
National Application Documents)
D0,R = σRd,max ∙b∙w∙cosθFN (resistance of concrete in strut direction, w=width of section)

If D0R ≥ D0 the concrete strut can take up the loads introduced from the new section.

Splitting of Concrete in Transition Area

On the right hand side of the anchorage zone, the compression force is continuing
through additional struts to the tension and compression zones of the B-region of
the slab where the equilibrium of the horizontal forces is given. The vertical
components of these struts are taken up by tensile stresses in the concrete.
Normally there is no vertical reinforcement in the slab to take up the tension force.
The loads and thermal solicitations of a slab do not lead to horizontal cracking;
therefore it is possible to attribute the tension force to the tensile capacity of the
concrete. On the safe side, the maximum splitting stress has been taken as that
caused by a concentrated load C0 on the center of the anchorage zone. It has
been shown that the occurring splitting stress maxσsp can be calculated as

 (V + V3 ) ⋅ z1  ⋅ 1 − z0  ⋅ 1 −  b  ⋅  2.42  ≤ f

max σ sp =  M 1 + 2       2 
  z2   2 ⋅ z2   b ⋅ z2 
 2

with: M1, V2, V3: external forces on node according to figure 5

z2 inner lever arm of wall section outside node region
b width of the wall section
fctd =αct·0.7·0.3·fck2/3/γc tensile strength of concrete (Standard value in EC2: αct=1.0, subject to variations in
National Application Documents)

If the calculated maximum splitting stress is smaller than the tensile strength of the concrete fct, then the base plate
can take up the splitting forces without any additional shear reinforcement.

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2.3.3 Design Examples

a) End support of slab, simply supported

Slab: ln = 4,50m, Qk = 20 kN/m , h = 300 mm, d = 260 mm
h = 300
Wall: h = 300 mm

Concrete strength class: C20/25, dry concrete

d = 260 h = 300
Reinforcement: fyk = 500 N/mm , γs = 1,15

Loads: Gk = 25 kN/m ·h = 7,5 kN/m²;
a1 = 130 al = d = 260 Sd = (1,50 · Qd + 1,35 · Gk) = 40,1 kN/m²
ln = 6,50 m
Structural analysis (design forces):
MEd = Sd · ln / 8 = 102 kNm/m
VEd = Sd · ln / 2 = 90,3 kN/m

Bottom reinforcement required at mid span:

As,rqd,m = (Msd · γs) / (0,9·d·fyk) = 998 mm²/m

Reinforcement provided at mid span: ∅16, s = 200 mm

As,prov,m = 1005 mm²/m

Bottom reinforcement at support:

Tension force to be anchored: FEd=|VEd|·al/(0,9d) = 100 kN/m (Clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004)
Steel area required: As,rqd = FEd · γs / fyk = 231 mm²/m

Minimum reinforcement to be anchored at support:

As,min = kc·k·fct,eff·As/σs = 0,4·1· 2,2·150·1000/500 = 264 mm²/m (Clause 7.3.2(2), EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011)
As,min = 0,5·As,rqd,m = 0,50 · 988 = 499 mm /m (Clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011)
As,min = 0,25·As,prov,m = 0,25 · 1010 = 251 mm²/m (Clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011)
Decisive is 499 mm²/m ⇒ reinforcement provided: ∅12, s = 200 mm ⇒ A s,prov = 565 mm²/m;
Installation by hammer drilling; Hilti HIT-RE 500

Minimum anchorage length

σsd = (As,rqd / As,prov) · (fyk/γs) = (23 /565)·(500/1,15) = 177 N/mm²
fbd,EC2 = 2,3 N/mm² (EC 2 for minimum length. see tech. data)
b,rqd = (φ / 4) x (σsd / fbd) = (12 / 4) x (177 / 2,3) = 231 mm
b,min = max {0,3b,rqd; 10φ; 100mm} = 120 mm (Clause 8.4.4(1), EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011)

Development length:
Cover dimension: cd = (s – φ)/2 = = 94 mm
Confinement cd/φ = 94/12 = 7,8

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1 1
α2 ' = = = 0.344
1 cd − 3φ 1 94 − 3 ⋅12
Splitting bond strength for cd/φ >3: +δ ⋅ + 0.306 ⋅
0.7 φ 0.7 12
fbd , EC 2 2.3
fbd , spl , 2 = = = 6.7 N / mm 2
max(α 2 ' ; 0.25) 0.344
Pullout bond strength: fbd,p = 8,6 N/mm (see tech. data)
Applicable design bond strength: fbd = min(fbd,spl; fbd,p) = 6,7 N/mm2
Design development length: bd = (φ/4)·(σsd/fbd) = 80 mm

Minimum length controls → drill hole length lef = 120 mm

Top reinforcement at support:

300 Minimum reinforcement:

As,req = 0,25 · As,rqd,m = 0,25 · 988 = 247 mm /m
(Clause, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011)
d = 260 h = 300 2
As,min = 0,4 · 1 · 2,2 · 150 · 1000 / 500 = 264 mm /m
(Clause 7.3.2(2), EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2011)

Decisive is 264 mm²/m

a1 = 130 al = 260
⇒ reinforcement provided: ∅12, s = 333 mm; A s,prov = 339 mm²/m
ln = 6.50 m

As the design stress is 0 , the minimum anchorage length applies for the upper reinforcement. As in the above
calculation for bottom reinforcement:

b,min = max {0,3b,rqd; 10φ; 100mm} = 120 mm

Therefore, drill hole length lef = 120mm

If wet diamond core drilling is used:

b,min = max {0,3b,rqd; 10φ; 100mm} · 1,5 = 180 mm (as wet diamond core drilling is used, the minimum values
according do EC2 have to be multiplied by 1,5, see tech data)

-> in this case the minimum length will control, drill hole length lef = 180mm for upper and lower layers

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b) Wall bending connection

max. water h1 = 420 mm; h2 = h3 = 600 mm;
d1 = 380 mm; d2 = d3 = 560 mm;
z1 = 360 mm; z2 = z3 = 520 mm
0.42 2
As0 = As2 = As3 = 1005 mm /m (∅16 s = 200 mm)
cS = h2 – d2 = 40 mm
3.5 New
reinforcement Material:

V1 Concrete: C20/25 (new and existing parts), γc = 1,5

∅16 s = 200 mm Steel grade: 500 N/ mm , γs = 1,15

0.60 m Safety factor for variable load: γQ = 1,5

Note: transverse reinforcement not HIT-RE 500-SD (temperature range I)

Acting loads:
= γQ · p · h / 2 = 1,4 · 10 · 3,5 / 2
2 2
V1d = 92 kN/m
e = h / 3 = 3,5 / 3 = 1,17 m
M1d = V1d · e = 92 · 1,17 = 107 kNm/m

Force in post-installed reinforcement

z1r = 0.85 · z1 = 0.85 · 360 = 306 mm (opening moment → reduced inner lever arm)
Fs1d = M1d / z1r = 107 / 0,306 = 350 kN/m
As1,rqd = Fs1d / (fyk/γMs) = 350’000 / (500 / 1.15) = 805 mm /m
Select φ12mm, spacing s1 = 125mm → As1,prov
= 905 mm
→ drilled hole diameter: d0 = 16 mm
Stress in bar: σsd = Fs1d / As1,prov
= 386 N/mm

anchorage length
fbd,EC2 = 2,3 N/mm2 (EC 2 for minimum length)
b,rqd,EC2 = (φ/4) · (σsd/fbd,EC2) = 504 mm
b,min = max {0,3b,rqd,EC2; 10φ; 100 mm} = 151 mm

fbd,b = 8,3 N/mm (see tech. data)
cd = s1/2 – φ/2 = 56,5 mm > 3φ
1 = 0,512
α2 ' =
 1 c − 3φ 
max  +δ ⋅ d ; 0.25
 0.7 φ 
fbd = 4,5 N/mm
fbd , spl 2 =
max[α 2 ' ; 0.25]
fbd = min{fbd,b; fbd,spl} = 4,5 N/mm
b1 = max{(φ/4)∙(σsd / fbd); b,min) = 258 mm

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Drilled hole length

inst,max = h2 – max{2d0; 30mm} = 568 mm (maximum possible hole length)
inst,60 = cs + z1R · tan60° + b1 / 2 = 672 mm (hole length corresponding to θ=60°)
inst,60 > inst,max → select hole length inst = inst,max = 568 mm
Strut angle with inst,max: tanθ =(inst,max-cs-b1/2)/z1R → θFN = 53°
check: θ > 30° → ok

Reaction in Foundation:
-M2d = M1d + V1d · z2 / 2 = 107 + 0.25 · 92 = 131 kNm/m
N2d = -V1d = -92 kN/m
Ms3 = 0; V2d = V3d = 0; N1 = N3 = 0

Check of foundation reinforcement

Fs2d = M2d / z2 + N2d / 2 = 298 kNm/m (tension outside node area)
z0 = inst - cs - b1 / 2 = 568 – 40 - 258/2 = 399 mm (lever arm in node area)
Hs2d = M1d · (1/z0 – 1/z2) + V1d · (z1/z0 - 1) = 53 kNm/m (additional force in node area)
Fs2d,node = Fs2d + Hs2d = 351 kNm/m (tension in node area)
As2,rqd = Fs2d,node / (fyk/γMs) = 351’000 / (500 / 1.15) = 808 mm /m
As2 > As2,rqd → ok (As2 is given)

Check concrete compressive strut

Fc0d = M1d / z0 = 268 kN/m
D0d = Fc0d / cosθFN = 441 kN/m
αct = 1.0 (EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.6(1))
ν' = 1-fck/250 = 0.92 (EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.5.2(2))
k2 = 0.85 (EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.5.4(4b))
D0Rd = αct · ν' · k2 · fck /γc · b1 · cosθFN = 1639 kN/m
D0Rd > D0d → ok

Check concrete splitting in plane of foundation

αct = 1,0 (EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.6(2))
fctk,0.05 = αct · 0.7 · 0,3 · / γc
2/3 2
fck = 1,03 N/mm (table 3.1, EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004)
Msp,d = Fc0d · z0 · (1 – z0/z2) · (1 – b1/(2z2)) = 1,87·10 Nmm/m
2 8 3
W sp = 1000mm · z2 / 2,41 = 1,12·10 mm /m
maxσsp = Msp,d / W sp = 0,17 N/mm
fctk,0.05 > maxσsp → ok

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2.4 Load Case Fire

The bond strength in slabs under fire has been evaluated in tests and is certified by reports of the Technical
University of Brunswik, Germany. The conformity with the German standards is confirmed in DIBt German national
approvals, the one with British Standard BS8110:1997 in the Warrington Fire Report. French cticm Approvals also
give data for beams. These documents are downloadable from the Intranet for the different adhesive mortars.
There are two types of design tables corresponding to the basic fire situations “parallel” and “anchorage”.

In the fire situation “parallel” the only parameter is the clear distance from the fire exposed
concrete surface to the perimeter of the bar (“clear concrete cover c”). From this parameter, one
can directly read the bond strength of the adhesive for specific fire durations.

In fire design, it is not necessary to re-calculate

influences like bond condition or alpha factors. It is
sufficient to prove that the calculated splice or
anchorage length is sufficient to transmit the load
under fire with the given bond strength in case of fire

Fire design table for situation „parallel“

In the fire situation “anchorage” the tables directly show the fire resistance as a force [kN] for
given diameters, embedment depths and fire durations.

The tables mention a maximum steel force in fire. It is important to know that this value is derived for a specific
assumed value of fyk,fi (see sect. 2.1.2) and will be different for other values of fyk,fi. In the published tables
fyk,fi=322N/mm was normally assumed; if this
value was given as e.g. f’yk,fi=200N/mm the
maximum force for bar diameter 8mm in the
table below would be Max. F’s,T=10,1kN. This
would then imply that in the columns on the
right side, all values would be cut off at 10,1kN,
i.e. the values 16,2 or 13,01 would not appear
any more.)That means that there is no such
thing as a given maximum force in fire.
Intermediate values between those given in the
fire design tables may be interpolated linearly.
Extrapolating is not permitted.

R fire = φ ⋅ π ⋅ ∑τ crit ,θi ⋅  i
i =1

Fire design table for situation „anchorage“

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2.5 Fatigue of bonded-in reinforcement for joints

General notes

For load bearing elements which are subjected to considerable cyclic stress the bonded-in connections should be
designed for fatigue. In that case evidence for fatigue of reinforcing steel bars, concrete and bond should be
provided separately.
For simple cases it is reasonable to use simplified methods on the safe side.
The partial safety factors for loads are specified in the code for reinforced concrete.
The partial safety factors for material are specified in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Partial safety factors for materials subjected to cyclic loading
Evidence for concrete bond reinforcing bars (steel)
Partial safety factor 1,5 1,8 1,15

Fatigue of reinforcing bars (steel)

The resistance for fatigue of reinforcing bars (steel) is specified in the actual code for reinforced concrete. The
behaviour of the steel of reinforcing bars bonded-in by means of HIT-Rebar is at least as good as cast-in place

Fatigue of bond and concrete (simplified approach)

As a simple and conservative approach on the safe side evidence for fatigue is proven if the following equation is
FSd,fat ≤ NRd ⋅ ffat FSd,fat
FSd,fat Design value of the anchorage force for the ruling loading model for fatigue.
NRd Design resistance for static load of the anchorage (bond and concrete).
ffat Reduction factor for fatigue for bond and concrete: ffat = 0,5
If max/min of cycles is known, reduction factors are shown in Figure 4.13.

Diagram for a simplified approach
with 2⋅10 cycles (Weyrauch diagram) 0 time

/ R
0. Reduction factors for fatigue for bond and concrete
0. If the simplified method is not satisfying, additional information
0 using the “Woehler” - lines is available.
0 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 Ask Hilti Technical Service for the Hilti Guideline: TWU-TPF
Sd,fat / R 06a/02 HIT-Rebar: Fatigue.

Design Approach

Steel resistance:
The steel resistance under fatigue load is calculated from the part of the load which is permanent, the
allowable stress variation and the steel yield strength. The safety factors are the same as those used
for static design (taken from ENV 1992-2-2:1996, sect.

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∆σ s ,max = ... maximum allowable stress variation, usually given by codes, e.g. ENV 1992-2-2:1996,

sect. ∆σ s ,max = 70 N / mm 2

P percentage of the load which is permanent: 0 ≤ P ≤ 100

Variable load
∆F = (1-P/100) x Ftot ≤ 70N/mm

Total load Ftot

Permanent load
FP = P/100 x Ftot

The reduction factor on steel resistance due to dynamic loading is then:

min( f yk ; )
f red , s ,dyn = 1 − P / 100
f yk
And the steel strength taken into account for fatigue loading is

σ s ,max,dyn = f red , s ,dyn ⋅ f yk

Concrete Resistance
The concrete resistance calculated for static loading is reduced by a
reduction factor for fatigue loads, fred,c,dyn, which is applied to all
types of concrete failure, i.e. splitting, shear in uncracked and shear
in cracked concrete. This factor is calculated from the Weyrauch
diagram of Eurocode 2 (ENV 1992-2-2:1996, section
f red ,c ,dyn = 0.5 + 0.45 ⋅ ≤ 0.9
For P = 100 (only permanent loads), fred,c,dyn is, of course 1.0, but as
soon as P < 100, fred,c,dyn ≤ 0,9.

Bond Resistance
The bond resistance calculated for static loading is reduced by a reduction factor for fatigue loads, fred,b,dyn. This
factor is calculated from the Weyrauch diagram based on in-house testing and literature reviews [8]. It has to be
chosen between two formulas depending on the situation.

a) in general: f red ,b ,dyn = 0.63 + 0.37 ⋅ ≤ 0.9
b) HIT-RE 500 in diamond drilled, water saturated hole: f red ,b ,dyn = 0.53 + 0.47 ⋅ ≤ 0.9

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For P = 100 (only permanent loads), fred,c,dyn is, of course 1,0, but as soon as P < 100, fred,c,dyn ≤ 0,9.

2.6 Seismic design of structural post-installed rebar

An increasing population density, the concentration of valuable assets in urban centers and society’s dependence
on a functioning infrastructure demand a better understanding of the risks posed by earthquakes. In several areas
around the globe, these risks have been reduced through appropriate building codes and state of the art
construction practices. The development of pre-qualification methods to evaluate building products for seismic
conditions additionally contributes to safer buildings for generations to come.

Approval DTA 3/10-649 [10] delivered by CSTB, a member of EOTA, recognizes Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD injectable
mortar as a product qualified for structural rebar applications in seismic zones. This national approval requires that
qualified products have an ETA approval for rebar, an ETA approval for anchorage in cracked concrete, as well as
an ICC-ES pre-qualification for seismic conditions.

The design procedure is fully details in the approval and, in addition to detailing rules of EC2/rebar ETA, consider
the following detailing rules of EN1998-1:2004 (Eurocode 8) [11]:

- max fyk =500N/mm2

- restricted concrete strengths range: C20/25 to C45/55
- only ductile reinforcement (class C)
- no combination of post-installed and e.g. bent connection bars to ensure displacement compatibility
- columns under tension in critical (dissipation) zones: increase lbd and l0, respectively, by 50%
- specific bond strength fbd,seism presented in the following table

By applying engineering judgment, engineers can use this French application document when designing seismic
structural post-installed rebar connections. This mentioned practice is presently the only available and fully
operational code based procedure in Europe and can as such be considered state-of-the-art.

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2.7 Corrosion behaviour

The Swiss Association for Protection against Corrosion (SGK) was given the assignment of evaluating the
corrosion behaviour of fastenings post-installed in concrete using the Hilti HIT-HY 150, Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX and
Hilti HIT-RE 500 injection systems.

Corrosion tests were carried out. The behaviour of the two systems had to be evaluated in relation to their use in
field practice and compared with the behaviour of cast-in reinforcement. The SGK can look back on extensive
experience in this field, especially on expertise in the field of repair and maintenance work.
The result can be summarized as follows:

Hilti HIT-HY 150 + Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX

• The Hilti HIT-HY 150 and Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX systems in combination with reinforcing bars can be
considered resistant to corrosion when they are used in sound, alkaline concrete. The alkalinity of the
adhesive mortar safeguards the initial passivation of the steel. Owing to the porosity of the adhesive mortar,
an exchange takes place with the alkaline pore solution of the concrete.
• If rebars are bonded-in into chloride-free concrete using this system, in the event of later chloride exposure,
the rates of corrosion are about half those of rebars that are cast-in.
• In concrete containing chlorides, the corrosion behaviour of the system corresponds to that of cast-in rebars.
Consequently, the use of unprotected steel in concrete exposed to chlorides in the past or possibly in the
future is not recommended because corrosion must be expected after only short exposure times.

Hilti HIT-RE 500

• If the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system is used in corrosive surroundings, a sufficiently thick coat of adhesive
significantly increases the time before corrosion starts to attack the bonded-in steel.
• The HIT-RE 500 system may be described as resistant to corrosion, even in concrete that is carbonated and
contains chlorides, if a coat thickness of at least 1 mm can be ensured. In this case, the unprotected steel in
the concrete joint and in the new concrete is critical.
• If the coat thickness is not ensured, the HIT-RE 500 system may be used only in sound concrete. A rebar may
then also be in contact with the wall of the drilled hole. At these points, the steel behaves as though it has a
thin coating of epoxy resin.
• In none of the cases investigated did previously rusted steel (without chlorides) show signs of an attack by
corrosion, even in concrete containing chlorides.
• Neither during this study an acceleration of corrosion was found at defective points in the adhesive nor was
there any reference to this in literature. Even if a macro-element forms, the high resistance to it spreading
inhibits a locally increased rate of corrosion.
• Information in reference data corresponds with the results of this study.

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post-installed rebars

3 Design Programme PROFIS Rebar

The PROFIS Rebar™ design programme allows rapid and safe design of post-installed reinforcement connections.

When a new project is opened, the user

selects between the design methods “EC2 /
ETA” and “Hit Rebar design”. After this, the
necessary data concerning existing structure,
new rebars and loads have to be defined.

In the left hand ribbon of the screen, the user

can then select the adhesive mortar to be used and either the bar size or the spacing for top and bottom layers.
Based on the input data, the program calculates the section forces in steel and concrete as well as the position of
the neutral axis. (Elastic-plastic behaviour of the steel is assumed, strain hardening is not taken into account.)

In the right hand ribbon the optimized solution, i.e. the one which uses the least possible cross section of
connecting steel is indicated immediately.

Under the “calculation” tab, the user can get all possible solutions and select the appropriate one from a table.

Under the “solution tab” it is possible to print a design report, to download installation instructions or approvals, to
access the Hilti online technical library or to send a specification by e-mail

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The applications are shown in the following table. For each case the table shows if there is a solution and if yes,
which cast-in reinforcement must be defined in order to obtain a solution:

New and existing members parallel New and existing members perpendicular

design method: design method:

Load EC2 / ETA Hit Rebar EC2 / ETA Hit Rebar
With high compression requiring definition of cast-in reinforcement not
and/or shear
compressive reinforcement, existing required
reinforcement to be spliced is needed

bending Frame node:

moment, Overlap splice: Parallel cast-in No solution, Perpendicular cast-
shear and/or reinforcement to be defined concrete in tension in reinforcement to
compression → PROFIS Anchor be defined

tension with Overlap splice: Parallel cast-in No solution, concrete in tension

or without reinforcement to be defined → PROFIS Anchor
and/or shear

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post-installed rebars

Assumptions made by PROFIS Rebar in frame node design

Note that PROFIS Rebar is making simplified assumptions: it considers only the reactions to N1, V1, M1 and it
attributes them to the side of the base slab which is defined longer. If both sides of the base slab have the same
length, the reaction is distributed to both sides equally:

 z z 
z2 z M2 = 0 M 2 = 0.5 ⋅  − M 1 + V1 ⋅ 2 + N1 ⋅ 1 
M 2 = − M 1 + V1 ⋅ + N1 ⋅ 1  2 2
2 2 z2 z
M 3 = − M 1 + V1 ⋅ + N1 ⋅ 1  z z 
M3 = 0 2 2 M 3 = 0.5 ⋅  − M 1 + V1 ⋅ 2 + N1 ⋅ 1 
V2 = N1; V3 = 0 V2 = 0; V3 = N1  2 2
V2 = V3 = N1 / 2;
N 2 = V1; N3 = 0 N 2 = 0; N 3 = V1
N 2 = N 3 = V1 / 2
Global equilibrium of the node as assumed in PROFIS Rebar

It is important to realize that the checks made by PROFIS Rebar are ONLY for the efforts introduced by the loading
of the new concrete part. If the existing part is already loaded by other efforts, the total loading needs to be
considered separately by the designer.

In analogy to the global equilibrium of the node, PROFIS Rebar makes the distinction between opening and closing
moment on the basis of the length of the existing perpendicular parts on each side of the new part. The case where
both perpendicular members have the same length is considered as opening moment since this yields results on
the safe side.

opening moment opening moment closing moment

Figure 6: opening and closing moments assumed in PROFIS Rebar

Embedment depth:

- PROFIS Rebar will check the maximum possible setting depth according to ETAG
001, part 5: hef,max=hmember-max(2d0; 30mm)
- If hef,max results in a strut angle θFN>60°, the drill hole length will be selected such
that θFN=60°
- If hef,max results in a strut angle 30°≤θFN≤60°, the drill hole length will be hef,max
- If hef,max results in a strut angle θFN<30°, the strut angle is too small and the model
provides no solution.

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post-installed rebars

4 References

[1] EN 1992-1-1:2011 Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings (Eurocode 2); January 2011
[2] EOTA: Technical Report TR 023, Assessment of post- installed rebar connections, Edition Nov. 2006
[3] EOTA: Technical Report TR 029, Design of Anchors, Edition Sept. 2010
[4] EOTA: ETAG 001, part 5. bonded anchors. Brussels, 2008.
[5] Kunz, J., Muenger F.: Splitting and Bond Failure of Post-Installed Rebar Splices and Anchorings. Bond
in Concrete. fib, Budapest, 20 to 22 November 2002
[6] Hamad, B.S., Al-Hammoud, R., Kunz, J.: Evaluation of Bond Strength of Bonded-In or Post-Installed
Reinforcement. ACI Structural Journal, V. 103, No. 2, March – April 2006.
[7] Kupfer, H., Münger, F., Kunz, J., Jähring, A.: Nachträglich verankerte gerade Bewehrungsstäbe bei
Rahmenknoten. Bauingenieur: Sonderdruck, Springer Verlag,
[8] HIT-Rebar – Design of bonded-in reinforcement using Hilti HIT-HY 150 or Hilti HIT-RE 500 for
predominantly cyclic (fatigue) loading. Hilti Corporate Research, TWU-TPF-06a/02-d, Schaan 2002
[9] Randl, N: Expertise zu Sonderfällen der Bemessung nachträglich eingemörtelter Bewehrungsstäbe;
Teile A, B, C. University of Applied Science of Carinthia. Spittal (Austria), 2011.
[10] CSTB: Document Technique d’Application 3/10-649 Relevant de l’Agrément Technique Europeen
ATE 09/0295. Marne la Valée (France), June 2010.
[11] Eurocode 8: Auslegung von Bauwerken gegen Erdbeben – Teil 1: Grundlagen,
Erdbebeneinwirkungen und Regeln für Hochbauten; Deutsche Fassung EN 1998-1:2004. April 2006

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post-installed rebars

5 Installation of Post-Installed Reinforcement

5.1 Joint to be roughened

The model of inclined compressive struts is used to transfer the shear forces through the construction joint at the
interface between concrete cast at different times. Therefore a rough interface is required to provide sufficient
cohesion in the construction joint {Clause 6.2.5(2), EC2: EN 1992-1-1:2004}. Rough means a surface with at least
3 mm roughness (Rt > 3 mm), achieved by raking, exposing the aggregate or other methods giving an equivalent

5.2 Drilling
5.2.1 Standard Drilling

Injection anchor systems are used to fix reinforcement bars into concrete. Fast cure products are generally used
with rebar diameters up to 25mm and moderate hole depths of up to about 1.5m, depending on the ambient
temperature. Slow cure systems can be used with larger bar diameters and deep holes: The deepest rebar fixing to
our knowledge so far was 12m. As rebar embedment lengths are usually much longer than with standard anchor
applications, there are a number of additional system components helping to provide high quality of installation:
Drilling aid: Rebars are usually situated close to the concrete surface. If a long drill hole is not parallel to the
surface, the inner lever arm of the structure will decrease along the hole if the deviation is away from the surface
and even worse, the hole may penetrate the concrete surface or result in insufficient cover if the deviation is
towards the surface. According to the rebar approvals, the deviations to be taken into account are 0.08 times the
hole length (4.6°) for compressed air drilling, 0.06 times the hole length (3.4°) with hammer drilling and 0.02 times
the hole length (1.1°) if a drilling aid is used (optical help or drilling rig, see fig. 11).

Figure 2.9: drilling aids

Depending on the required minimum concrete cover in every section of the post-installed rebar, the minimum “edge
distance” at the start of the drilled hole is then:

cmin = 50 + 0,08 lv ≥ 2φ [mm] for compressed air drilled holes

cmin = 30 + 0,06 lv ≥ 2 φ [mm] for hammer drilled holes

cmin = 30 + 0,02 lv ≥ 2 φ [mm] if a drilling aid is used

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5.2.2 Drilling with automatic cleaning TE-CD and TE-YD drill bits

TE-CD or TE-YD drill bit Rotary hammer Hilti vacuum

Automatic borehole cleaning listed in ETA document for HILTI HIT-HY 200 and Hilti HIT-CT1
Hilti has introduced a new installation method which used with a Hilti vacuum properly cleans the borehole and
removes dust during the drilling process. Drilling with the TE-CD and TE-YD bits ensures that the important step of
borehole cleaning is performed properly and consistently with no additional steps after drilling the hole. This
installation method gives engineers the assurance that the fastening application will perform as designed once
installed in the field and helps contractors by eliminating the most time consuming and tedious step of rebar
installation. In addition, when automatic borehole cleaning with the TE-CD or TE-YD drill bit is specified for use,
this will eliminate the need for additional installing items such as an air compressor, compressor accessories,
proper sized brushes, and brush extensions. Health and safety benefits of this installation system include reducing
a workers exposure to respirable dust emissions by up to 97% during the drilling process.

HIT-HY 200 installed with TE-CD or TE-YD drill bits for use with Hilti vacuum
Rotary hammer
connection Available diameters max drill depth
TE-YD 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 32 400
TE-CD 12, 14, 16, 18 240
TE-CD 12 200

5.2.3 Hole cleaning

The holes should be blown out using compressed, oil free air. Extension tubes and air nozzles directing the air to
the hole walls should be used, if holes are deeper than 250mm.

Deeper holes than 250mm should as well be brushed by machine brushing using steel brushes and brush

Screw the round steel brush HIT-RB to the end of the brush extension(s) HIT-RBS, so that the overall length of the
brush is sufficient to reach the base of the borehole. Attach the other end of the extension to the TE-C/TE-Y chuck.
The rebar approvals (ETA) give detailed information on the cleaning procedure for each product.

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The following figure underlines the importance of adequate hole cleaning: For drilled holes cleaned according to
the instruction, the post-installed bar (blue line) shows higher stiffness and higher resistance than the equivalent
cast-in bar. With substandard cleaning (red line), however, stiffness and resistance are clearly below those of the
cast-in bar.

5.3 Injection and bar installation

It is important that air bubbles are avoided during the injection of the adhesive: when the bar is installed later, the
air will be compressed and may eject part of the adhesive from the hole when the pressure exceeds the resistance
of the liquid adhesive, thus endangering the installer. Moreover, the presence of air may prevent proper curing of
the adhesive.
In order to reach the bottom of the drilled holes, mixer extensions shall be used. The holes should be filled with HIT
to about 2/3. Marking the extension tubes at 1/3 of the hole length from the tip will help to dispense the correct
amount of adhesive. Piston plugs ensure filling of the holes without air bubbles.

After injecting the HIT, the rebars should be inserted into the hole with a slight rotating movement. When rebars are
installed overhead, dripping cups OHC can be used to prevent excess HIT from falling downward in an
uncontrolled manner.

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post-installed rebars

5.4 Installation instruction

For correct installation and the linked products, please refer to the detailed “Hilti HIT Installation guide for
fastenings in concrete”, Hilti Corp., Schaan W3362 1007 as well as to the product specific rebar approvals.

5.5 Mortar consumption estimation for post-installed rebars

Hilti suplies a perfectly matched, quick and easy system for making reliable post-installed rebar connections. When
embedment depth and rebar diameter are known, just calculate the number of Hilti HIT cartridges needed.

In the following table please find the quantity of mortar required for one fastening point, in ml. In this estimation, we
consider 80% of the mortar is used for fastening, the rest being used for the first pull outs and waste.

The greyed area should not be used since it is not in accordance with the design codes requirering a depth of at
least 10 drilling diameters.

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post-installed rebars

Mortar consumption estimation for post-installed rebars (in ml)

Rebar Ø
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
ds [mm]

Drill bit Ø
12 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32
d0 [mm]

100 8,0 9,6 11,2 12,8 14,3 15,9 22,2 29,3 43,4
120 9,6 11,5 13,4 15,3 17,2 19,1 26,6 35,2 52,1
140 11,2 13,4 15,6 17,8 20,1 22,3 31,0 41,1 60,8
160 12,8 15,3 17,9 20,4 22,9 25,5 35,4 46,9 69,5
180 14,4 17,2 20,1 22,9 25,8 28,6 39,9 52,8 78,2
200 16,0 19,2 22,3 25,5 28,7 31,8 44,3 58,7 86,9
240 19,2 23,0 26,8 30,6 34,4 38,2 53,2 70,4 104,2
260 20,8 24,9 29,0 33,1 37,3 41,4 57,6 76,3 112,9
280 22,4 26,8 31,3 35,7 40,1 44,6 62,0 82,1 121,6
300 24,0 28,7 33,5 38,2 43,0 47,7 66,5 88,0 130,3
320 25,6 30,7 35,7 40,8 45,9 50,9 70,9 93,9 139,0
340 27,2 32,6 38,0 43,3 48,7 54,1 75,3 99,7 147,7
360 28,8 34,5 40,2 45,9 51,6 57,3 79,8 105,6 156,4
380 30,4 36,4 42,4 48,4 54,5 60,5 84,2 111,5 165,1
400 32,0 38,3 44,7 51,0 57,3 63,7 88,6 117,3 173,7
450 36,0 43,1 50,2 57,4 64,5 71,6 99,7 132,0 195,5
500 40,0 47,9 55,8 63,7 71,7 79,6 110,8 146,7 217,2
550 44,0 52,7 61,4 70,1 78,8 87,5 121,8 161,3 238,9
600 48,0 57,5 67,0 76,5 86,0 95,5 132,9 176,0 260,6
650 52,0 62,3 72,6 82,9 93,1 103,4 144,0 190,7 282,3
700 56,0 67,1 78,1 89,2 100,3 111,4 155,1 205,3 304,0
750 60,0 71,9 83,7 95,6 107,5 119,4 166,1 220,0 325,8
800 64,0 76,6 89,3 102,0 114,6 127,3 177,2 234,7 347,5
850 68,0 81,4 94,9 108,3 121,8 135,3 188,3 249,3 369,2
900 72,0 86,2 100,5 114,7 129,0 143,2 199,4 264,0 390,9
950 76,0 91,0 106,1 121,1 136,1 151,2 210,4 278,7 412,6
1000 80,0 95,8 111,6 127,5 143,3 159,1 221,5 293,3 434,3
1200 96,0 115,0 134,0 153,0 172,0 191,0 265,8 352,0 521,2
1400 111,9 134,1 156,3 178,4 200,6 222,8 310,1 410,7 608,1
1600 127,9 153,3 178,6 203,9 229,3 254,6 354,4 469,3 694,9
1800 143,9 172,4 200,9 229,4 257,9 286,4 398,7 528,0 781,8
2000 159,9 191,6 223,3 254,9 286,6 318,3 443,0 586,7 868,7
2500 199,9 239,5 279,1 318,7 358,2 397,8 553,8 733,3 1085,8
3000 239,9 287,4 334,9 382,4 429,9 477,4 664,6 880,0 1303,0
3200 255,9 306,5 357,2 407,9 458,5 509,2 708,9 938,7 1389,9

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Rebar Ø
25 26 28 30 32 34 36 40
ds [mm]

Drill bit Ø
32 35 35 37 40 45 45 55
d0 [mm]

38,8 53,1 42,9 45,6 55,8 83,6 70,4 136,4 100
46,6 63,7 51,5 54,7 67,0 100,3 84,5 163,7 120
54,3 74,3 60,0 63,8 78,1 117,0 98,6 190,9 140
62,1 84,9 68,6 73,0 89,3 133,8 112,7 218,2 160
69,9 95,5 77,2 82,1 100,4 150,5 126,7 245,5 180
77,6 106,1 85,8 91,2 111,6 167,2 140,8 272,8 200
93,2 127,4 102,9 109,4 133,9 200,6 169,0 327,3 240
100,9 138,0 111,5 118,6 145,1 217,4 183,1 354,6 260
108,7 148,6 120,1 127,7 156,2 234,1 197,1 381,9 280
116,5 159,2 128,7 136,8 167,4 250,8 211,2 409,1 300
124,2 169,8 137,2 145,9 178,6 267,5 225,3 436,4 320
132,0 180,4 145,8 155,0 189,7 284,3 239,4 463,7 340
139,7 191,0 154,4 164,2 200,9 301,0 253,5 491,0 360
147,5 201,7 163,0 173,3 212,0 317,7 267,6 518,3 380
155,3 212,3 171,6 182,4 223,2 334,4 281,6 545,5 400
174,7 238,8 193,0 205,2 251,1 376,2 316,8 613,7 450
194,1 265,3 214,4 228,0 279,0 418,0 352,0 681,9 500
213,5 291,9 235,9 250,8 306,9 459,8 387,2 750,1 550
232,9 318,4 257,3 273,6 334,8 501,6 422,4 818,3 600
252,3 344,9 278,8 296,4 362,7 543,4 457,6 886,5 650
271,7 371,5 300,2 319,2 390,6 585,2 492,9 954,7 700
291,1 398,0 321,7 342,0 418,5 627,0 528,1 1022,9 750
310,5 424,5 343,1 364,8 446,4 668,8 563,3 1091,0 800
329,9 451,1 364,5 387,6 474,3 710,6 598,5 1159,2 850
349,3 477,6 386,0 410,4 502,2 752,4 633,7 1227,4 900
368,7 504,1 407,4 433,2 530,1 794,2 668,9 1295,6 950
388,2 530,7 428,9 456,0 558,0 836,0 704,1 1363,8 1000
465,8 636,8 514,6 547,2 669,6 1003,2 844,9 1636,6 1200
543,4 742,9 600,4 638,4 781,2 1170,4 985,7 1909,3 1400
621,0 849,0 686,2 729,6 892,8 1337,6 1126,5 2182,1 1600
698,7 955,2 772,0 820,8 1004,4 1504,8 1267,3 2454,9 1800
776,3 1061,3 857,7 912,0 1116,0 1672,0 1408,1 2727,6 2000
970,4 1326,6 1072,2 1140,0 1395,0 2090,0 1760,2 3409,5 2500
1164,5 1592,0 1286,6 1368,0 1674,0 2508,1 2112,2 4091,4 3000
1242,1 1698,1 1372,4 1459,2 1785,6 2675,3 2253,0 4364,2 3200

10 / 2012 797
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD post-installed rebars

Injection mortar system Benefits

- suitable for concrete C 12/15 to

Hilti C 50/60
HIT-RE 500-SD - high loading capacity
330 ml foil pack
- suitable for dry and water
(also available saturated concrete
as 500 ml - for rebar diameters up to 40 mm
and 1400 ml
foil pack) - non corrosive to rebar elements
- long working time at elevated
Statik mixer - odourless epoxy
- suitable for embedment length till
3200 mm

Fire Rebar
Concrete Technical
resistance design

Service temperature range

Temperature range: -40°C to +80°C (max. long term temperature +50°C, max. short term temperature +80°C).

Approvals / certificates
Description Authority / Laboratory No. / date of issue
European technical approval DIBt, Berlin ETA-09/0295 / 2009-09-14
Application document CSTB, Marne la Vallée DTA-3/10-649 / 2010-06-17
European technical approval DIBt, Berlin ETA-07/0260 / 2009-01-12
Assessment MFPA Leipzig GmbH GS 3.2/09-122 / 2010-05-26
All data given in this section according to the approvals mentioned above.

798 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Reinforcmenent bars according to EC2 Annex C Table C.1 and C.2N.

Properties of reinforcement
Product form Bars and de-coiled rods
Class B C
Characteristic yield strength fyk or f0,2k (MPa) 400 to 600
≥ 1,15
Minimum value of k = (ft/fy)k ≥ 1,08
< 1,35
Characteristic strain at maximum force, εuk (%) ≥ 5,0 ≥ 7,5
Bendability Bend / Rebend test
Maximum deviation from Nominal bar size (mm)
nominal mass ≤8 ± 6,0
(individual bar) (%) >8 ± 4,5
Bond: Nominal bar size (mm)
Minimum relative rib area, 8 to 12 0,040
fR,min > 12 0,056

Setting details
For detailed information on installation see instruction for use given with the package of the product.

Curing time for general conditions

Data according ETA-09/0295, issue 2009-09-14
Temperature Working time in which Initial curing time Curing time before rebar
of the rebar can be inserted and tcure,ini can be fully loaded tcure
base material adjusted tgel
5 °C ≤ TBM < 10 °C 2h 18 h 72 h
10 °C ≤ TBM < 15 °C 90 min 12 h 48 h
15 °C ≤ TBM < 20 °C 30 min 9h 24 h
20 °C ≤ TBM < 25 °C 20 min 6h 12 h
25 °C ≤ TBM < 30 °C 20 min 5h 12 h
30 °C ≤ TBM < 40 °C 12 min 4h 8h
TBM = 40 °C 12 min 4h 4h

For dry concrete curing times may be reduced according to the following table. For installation temperatures below
+5 °C all load values have to be reduced according to the load reduction factors given below.

Curing time for dry concrete

Additional Hilti technical data
Temperature Working time in which Initial curing Reduced curing time Load
of the rebar can be inserted and time before rebar can be reduction
base material adjusted tgel tcure,ini fully loaded tcure factor
TBM = -5 °C 4h 36 h 72 h 0,6
TBM = 0 °C 3h 25 h 50 h 0,7
TBM = 5 °C 2½h 18 h 36 h 1
TBM = 10 °C 2h 12 h 24 h 1
TBM = 15 °C 1½h 9h 18 h 1
TBM = 20 °C 30 min 6h 12 h 1
TBM = 30 °C 20 min 4h 8h 1
TBM = 40 °C 12 min 2h 4h 1

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Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Dry and water-saturated concrete, hammer drilling

800 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Resistance to chemical substances

Categories Chemical substances Resistant Non resistant
Drilling dust slurry pH = 12,6 +
Alkaline products
Potassium hydroxide solution (10%) pH = 14 +
Acetic acid (10%) +
Nitric acid (10%) +
Hydrochloric acid (10%) +
Sulfuric acid (10%) +
Benzyl alcohol +
Ethanol +
Ethyl acetate +
Methyl ethyl keton (MEK) +
Trichlor ethylene +
Xylol (mixture) +
Concrete plasticizer +
Diesel +
Products from job site Engine oil +
Petrol +
Oil for form work +
Sslt water +
Environnement De-mineralised water +
Sulphurous atmosphere (80 cycles) +

Electrical Conductivity

HIT-RE 500-SD in the hardened state is not conductive electrically. Its electric resistivity is 66⋅10 Ω.m

(DIN IEC 93 – 12.93). It is adapted well to realize electrically insulating anchorings (ex: railway applications,

10 / 2012 801
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Drilling diameters

Drill bit diameters d0 [mm]

Rebar (mm)
Hammer drill (HD) Compressed air drill (CA)

12 (10 ) -
14 (12 ) -
16 (14 ) 17
14 18 17
16 20 20
18 22 22
20 25 26
22 28 28
24 32 32
25 32 32
26 35 35
28 35 35
30 37 35
32 40 40
34 45 42
36 45 45
40 55 57

a) Max. installation length I = 250 mm.

802 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Basic design data for rebar design according to rebar ETA

Bond strength in N/mm² according to ETA 09/0295 for good bond conditions
for hammer drilling, compressed air drilling, dry diamond core drilling

Concrete class
Rebar (mm)
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - 32 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
34 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,6 2,9 3,3 3,6 3,9 4,2
36 1,5 1,9 2,2 2,6 2,9 3,3 3,6 3,8 4,1
40 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,5 2,8 3,1 3,4 3,7 4,0

Pullout design bond strength for Hit Rebar design

Bond strength in N/mm² according to ETA 07/0260 (values in tables are design
values, fbd,po = τRk/γMp)

Hammer, compressed air or dry diamond core drilling.

Dry or water saturated hole.
Uncracked concrete C20/25.
temperature Bar diameter
range 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32
I: 40°C/24°C 8,3 7,8 6,7 6,2
II: 58°C/35°C 6,7 5,2 4,8
III: 70°C/43°C 3,9 3,3 3,1 2,9

Hammer, compressed air or dry diamond core drilling.

Dry or water saturated hole.
Cracked concrete C20/25.
temperature Bar diameter
range 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32
I: 40°C/24°C 4,4 4,2 3,9 3,3 3,1 2,9
II: 58°C/35°C 3,6 3,3 2,9 2,6 2,4
III: 70°C/43°C 2,2 1,9 1,7 1,4
Increasing factor in non-cracked concrete: fB,p=(fcck/25) (fcck: characteristic compressive strength on cube)

Additional Hilti Technical Data:

Reduction factor for splitting with large concrete cover: δ = 0,306 (Hilti additional data)

10 / 2012 803
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Fire Resistance

according to MFPA Leipzig, report GS 3.2/09-122

a) fire situation “anchorage”

Maximum force in rebar in conjunction with HIT-RE 500 SD as a function of embedment depth for the fire
resistance classes F30 to F240 (yield strength fyk = 500 N/mm²) according EC2a).
Drill hole
Bar ∅ Max. Fs,T inst Fire resistance of bar in [kN]

[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] R30 R60 R90 R120 R180 R240
65 1,38 0,57 0,19 0,05 0 0
80 2,35 1,02 0,47 0,26 0 0
95 3,87 1,68 0,88 0,55 0,12 0
115 7,30 3,07 1,71 1,14 0,44 0,18
150 16,19 8,15 4,59 3,14 1,41 0,8
8 10 16,19
180 16,19 9,99 6,75 2,94 1,7
205 16,19 12,38 5,08 2,86
220 16,19 6,95 3,82
265 16,19 8,57
305 16,19
80 2,94 1,27 0,59 0,33 0 0
100 5,68 2,45 1,31 0,85 0,24 0
120 10,66 4,44 2,48 1,68 0,68 0,31
140 17,57 7,76 4,38 2,99 1,33 0,73
165 25,29 15,06 8,5 5,79 2,58 1,5
10 12 25,29
195 25,29 17,63 12,18 5,12 2,93
220 25,29 20,66 8,69 4,78
235 25,29 11,8 6,30
280 25,29 13,86
320 25,29
95 5,80 2,52 1,32 0,83 0,18 0
120 12,79 5,33 2,97 2,01 0,82 0,37
145 23,16 10,68 6,02 4,12 1,84 1,03
180 36,42 24,29 14,99 10,12 4,41 2,55
12 16 36,42 210 36,42 27,38 20,65 8,47 4,74
235 36,42 31,01 14,16 7,56
250 36,42 19,13 9,89
295 36,42 21,43
335 36,42
110 10,92 4,65 2,55 1,70 0,61 0,20
140 24,60 10,87 6,13 4,19 1,86 1,03
170 39,12 23,50 13,55 9,20 4,07 2,37
195 49,58 35,6 24,69 17,05 7,17 4,10
14 18 49,58 225 49,58 39,20 31,34 13,48 7,34
250 49,58 43,44 22,32 11,54
265 49,58 29,49 15,00
310 49,58 31,98
350 49,58

804 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Drill hole
Bar ∅ Max. Fs,T inst Fire resistance of bar in [kN]

[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] R30 R60 R90 R120 R180 R240
130 22,59 9,42 5,30 3,61 1,56 0,80
160 39,17 21,33 11,95 8,15 3,65 2,11
190 55,76 37,92 24,45 17,25 7,35 4,22
210 64,75 48,98 36,51 27,53 11,29 6,32
16 20 64,75 240 64,75 53,10 44,12 20,88 11,04
265 64,75 57,94 33,7 17,14
280 64,75 42,0 22,17
325 64,75 44,84
365 64,75
160 48,97 26,67 14,93 10,18 4,56 2,64
200 76,61 54,31 38,73 27,5 11,42 6,48
240 101,18 81,96 66,37 55,15 26,10 13,8
270 101,18 87,11 75,88 45,58 23,36
20 25 101,18
295 101,18 93,16 62,86 35,72
310 101,18 73,23 45,69
355 101,18 76,79
395 101,18
200 95,77 67,89 48,41 34,37 14,27 8,10
250 138,96 111,09 91,60 77,51 39,86 20,61
275 158,09 132,69 113,2 99,17 61,30 31,81
305 158,09 139,12 125,09 87,22 52,79
25 30 158,09
330 158,09 146,69 108,82 74,39
345 158,09 121,77 87,34
390 158,09 126,22
430 158,09
255 183,40 147,72 122,78 104,82 56,35 28,80
275 205,52 169,84 144,90 126,94 78,46 40,71
325 259,02 225,13 200,19 182,23 133,75 89,68
368 259,02 238,89 220,93 172,46 128,39
32 40 259,02
380 259,02 243,05 194,58 150,51
395 259,02 211,16 167,09
440 259,02 216,86
480 259,02
290 249,87 209,73 181,67 161,46 106,93 59,10
325 293,41 253,27 225,21 205,01 150,47 100,89
355 327,82 290,59 262,54 242,33 187,80 138,22
385 327,82 299,86 279,65 225,12 175,54
36 42 - 46 327,82
410 327,82 310,75 256,22 206,64
425 327,82 274,88 225,30
470 327,82 281,28
510 327,82
320 319,10 274,50 243,33 220,87 160,28 105,19
355 367,48 322,88 291,71 269,25 208,66 153,57
385 404,71 364,35 333,18 310,72 250,13 195,04
415 404,71 374,64 352,19 291,60 236,51
40 47 404,71
440 404,71 386,75 326,16 271,07
455 404,71 346,89 291,80
500 404,71 354,01
540 404,71

10 / 2012 805
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

b) bar connection parallel to slab or wall surface exposed to fire

Max. bond stress, τT , depending on actual clear concrete cover for classifying the fire resistance.
It must be verified that the actual force in the bar during a fire, Fs,T , can be taken up by the bar connection of the
selected length, inst. Note: Cold design for ULS is mandatory.
Fs, T ≤ (inst – cf)⋅ φ ⋅ π ⋅ τT where: (inst – cf) ≥ s;
s = lap length
φ = nominal diameter of bar
inst – cf = selected overlap joint length; this must be at least s,
but may not be assumed to be more than 80 φ
τT = bond stress when exposed to fire

Critical temperature-dependent bond stress, τc, concerning “overlap joint” for Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD injection
adhesive in relation to fire resistance class and required minimum concrete coverage c.
Clear concrete cover c Max. bond stress, τc [N/mm²]
[mm] R30 R60 R90 R120 R180 R240
10 0
20 0,49 0
30 0,66 0
40 0,89 0,48
50 1,21 0,62
60 1,63 0,80 0,51
70 2,19 1,04 0,65 0,49
80 2,96 1,35 0,83 0,61
90 3,99 1,75 1,06 0,77 0,45
100 5,38 2,26 1,36 0,97 0,55
110 7,25 2,93 1,73 1,23 0,67 0,47
120 9,78 3,79 2,21 1,55 0,81 0,55
130 4,91 2,81 1,96 0,98 0,64
140 6,35 3,59 2,47 1,18 0,76
150 8,22 4,58 3,12 1,43 0,89
160 10,65 5,84 3,94 1,73 1,04
170 7,45 4,97 2,10 1,23
180 9,51 6,27 2,54 1,44
190 7,91 3,07 1,69
200 9,99 3,71 1,99
210 4,49 2,34
220 11,00 5,44 2,75
230 6,58 3,22
240 11,00 7,96 3,79
250 11,00 9,64 4,45
260 11,00 5,23
270 6,14
280 7,21
290 8,47
300 9,95
310 11,00

806 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Basic design data for seismic rebar design

Bond strength fbd,seism in N/mm² according to DTA-3/10-649 for good bond conditions
for hammer drilling, compressed air drilling, dry diamond core drilling

Concrete class
Rebar (mm)
C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55
8 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0
10 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0
12 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
14 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
16 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
18 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
20 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
22 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,4 3,4
24 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,4 3,4
25 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,4 3,4
26 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
28 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
30 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
32 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
34 2,3 2,6 2,9 2,7 2,7 2,7
36 2,2 2,6 2,9 2,7 2,7 2,7
40 2,1 2,5 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7

10 / 2012 807
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

Minimum anchorage length

The multiplication factor for minimum anchorage length shall be considered as 1,0 for all drilling methods.

Minimum anchorage and lap lengths for C20/25; maximum hole lengths (ETA
Hammer drilling, Wet diamond coring
Rebar Compressed air drilling, drilling
Dry diamond coring drilling
Diameter lb,min* l0,min * lb,min* l0,min * lmax
ds [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8 500 113 200 170 300 1000
10 500 142 200 213 300 1000
12 500 170 200 255 300 1200
14 500 198 210 298 315 1400
16 500 227 240 340 360 1600
18 500 255 270 383 405 1800
20 500 284 300 425 450 2000
22 500 312 330 468 495 2200
24 500 340 360 510 540 2400
25 500 354 375 532 563 2500
26 500 369 390 553 585 2600
28 500 397 420 595 630 2800
30 500 425 450 638 675 3000
32 500 454 480 681 720 3200
34 500 492 510 738 765 3200
36 500 532 540 797 810 3200
40 500 616 621 925 932 3200
lb,min (8.6) and l0,min (8.11) are calculated for good bond conditions with maximum utilisation of rebar yield strength
fyk = 500 N/mm² and α6 = 1,0

808 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD
post-installed rebars

10 / 2012 809
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Hilti HIT-RE 500 post-installed rebars

Injection mortar system Benefits

- suitable for non-cracked concrete

Hilti C 20/25 to C 50/60
HIT-RE 500 - high loading capacity
330 ml foil pack - suitable for dry and water
(also available saturated concrete
as 500 ml - under water application
and 1400 ml - large diameter applications
foil pack)
- high corrosion resistant
- long working time at elevated
Static mixer - odourless epoxy


European Drinking
Fire Corossion Rebar
Concrete Technical DIBt approval water
resistance appoved
tested design

Service temperature range

Temperature range: -40°C to +80°C (max. long term temperature +50°C, max. short term temperature +80°C).

Approvals / certificates
Description Authority / Laboratory No. / date of issue
European technical approval DIBt, Berlin ETA-08/0105 / 2008-07-30
European technical approval DIBt, Berlin ETA-04/0027 / 2009-05-20
DIBt approval DIBt, Berlin Z-21.8-1790 / 2009-03-16
Fire test report IBMB Braunschweig 3357/0550-5 / 2002-07-30
Assessment report (fire) Warringtonfire WF 166402 / 2007-10-26

810 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Reinforcmenent bars according to EC2 Annex C Table C.1 and C.2N.

Properties of reinforcement
Product form Bars and de-coiled rods
Class B C
Characteristic yield strength fyk or f0,2k (MPa) 400 to 600
≥ 1,15
Minimum value of k = (ft/fy)k ≥ 1,08
< 1,35
Characteristic strain at maximum force, εuk (%) ≥ 5,0 ≥ 7,5
Bendability Bend / Rebend test
Maximum deviation from Nominal bar size (mm)
nominal mass ≤8 ± 6,0
(individual bar) (%) >8 ± 4,5
Bond: Nominal bar size (mm)
Minimum relative rib area, 8 to 12 0,040
fR,min > 12 0,056

Setting details
For detailed information on installation see instruction for use given with the package of the product.

Curing time for general conditions

Data according ETA-08/0105, issue 2008-06-30
Temperature Working time in which Initial curing time Curing time before rebar
of the rebar can be inserted and tcure,ini can be fully loaded tcure
base material adjusted tgel
5 °C ≤ TBM < 10 °C 2h 18 h 72 h
10 °C ≤ TBM < 15 °C 90 min 12 h 48 h
15 °C ≤ TBM < 20 °C 30 min 9h 24 h
20 °C ≤ TBM < 25 °C 20 min 6h 12 h
25 °C ≤ TBM < 30 °C 20 min 5h 12 h
30 °C ≤ TBM < 40 °C 12 min 4h 8h
TBM = 40 °C 12 min 4h 4h

For dry concrete curing times may be reduced according to the following table. For installation temperatures below
+5 °C all load values have to be reduced according to the load reduction factors given below.

Curing time for dry concrete

Additional Hilti technical data
Temperature Working time in which Initial curing Reduced curing time Load
of the rebar can be inserted and time before rebar can be reduction
base material adjusted tgel tcure,ini fully loaded tcure factor
TBM = -5 °C 4h 36 h 72 h 0,6
TBM = 0 °C 3h 25 h 50 h 0,7
TBM = 5 °C 2½h 18 h 36 h 1
TBM = 10 °C 2h 12 h 24 h 1
TBM = 15 °C 1½h 9h 18 h 1
TBM = 20 °C 30 min 6h 12 h 1
TBM = 30 °C 20 min 4h 8h 1
TBM = 40 °C 12 min 2h 4h 1

10 / 2012 811
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Dry and water-saturated concrete, hammer drilling


) Note: Manual cleaning for element sizes d ≤ 16mm and embedment depth hef ≤ 20 d only!

812 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Dry and water-saturated concrete, diamond coring drilling; Hilti technical information only

Note: Manual cleaning for element sizes d ≤ 16mm and embedment depth hef ≤ 20 d only!

Fitness for use

Some creep tests have been conducted in accordance with ETAG guideline 001 part 5 and TR 023 in the following
conditions : in dry environnement at 50 °C during 90 days.
These tests show an excellent behaviour of the post-installed connection made with HIT-RE 500: low
displacements with long term stability, failure load after exposure above reference load.

10 / 2012 813
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Resistance to chemical substances

Categories Chemical substances resistant Non resistant
Drilling dust slurry pH = 12,6 +
Alkaline products
Potassium hydroxide solution (10%) pH = 14 +
Acetic acid (10%) +
Nitric acid (10%) +
Hydrochloric acid (10%) +
Sulfuric acid (10%) +
Benzyl alcohol +
Ethanol +
Ethyl acetate +
Methyl ethyl keton (MEK) +
Trichlor ethylene +
Xylol (mixture) +
Concrete plasticizer +
Diesel +
Products from job site Engine oil +
Petrol +
Oil for form work +
Sslt water +
Environnement De-mineralised water +
Sulphurous atmosphere (80 cycles) +

Electrical Conductivity

HIT-RE 500 in the hardened state does not conduct electrically. Its electric resistivity is 66⋅10 Ω.m

(DIN IEC 93 – 12.93). It is adapted well to realize electrically insulating anchorings (ex: railway applications,

814 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Drilling diameters

Drill bit diameters d0 [mm]

Rebar (mm) Compressed air Diamond coring
Hammer drill (HD)
drill (CA) Wet (DD) Dry (PCC)
a) a)
12 (10 ) - 12 (10 ) -
a) a)
14 (12 ) - 14 (12 ) -
a) a)
16 (14 ) 17 16 (14 ) -
14 18 17 18 -
16 20 20 20 -
18 22 22 22 -
20 25 26 25 -
22 28 28 28 -
24 32 32 32 35
25 32 32 32 35
26 35 35 35 35
28 35 35 35 35
30 37 35 37 35
32 40 40 40 47
34 45 42 42 47
36 45 45 47 47
40 55 57 52 52

a) Max. installation length I = 250 mm.

10 / 2012 815
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Basic design data for rebar design according to rebar ETA

Bond strength in N/mm² according to ETA 08/0105 for good bond conditions
for hammer drilling, compressed air drilling, dry diamond core drilling

Concrete class
Rebar (mm)
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - 32 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
34 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,6 2,9 3,3 3,6 3,9 4,2
36 1,5 1,9 2,2 2,6 2,9 3,3 3,6 3,8 4,1
40 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,5 2,8 3,1 3,4 3,7 4,0

Bond strength in N/mm² according to ETA 08/0105 for good bond conditions
for wet diamond core drilling

Concrete class
Rebar (mm)
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - 25 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
26 - 32 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7
34 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6
36 1,5 1,9 2,2 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6
40 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5

Pullout design bond strength for Hit Rebar design

Design bond strength in N/mm² according to ETA 04/0027 (values in table are
design values, fbd,po = τRk/γMp

Hammer or compressed air drilling.

Water saturated, water filled or submerged hole.
Uncracked concrete C20/25.
Bar diameter
Data according to ETA 04/0027 Hilti tech data
8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 36 40
I: 40°C/24°C 7,1 6,7 6,2 5,2 4,8
II: 58°C/35°C 5,7 5,2 4,8 4,3 3,8
III: 70°C/43°C 3,3 3,1 2,9 2,4
Increasing factor in non-cracked concrete: fB,p=(fcck/25) (fcck: characteristic compressive strength on cube)

Additional Hilti Technical Data:

If the concrete is dry (not in contact with water before/during installation and curing), the pullout design bond
strength may be increased by 20%.
If the hole was produced by wet diamond coring, the pullout design bond strength has to be reduced by 30%.
Reduction factor for splitting with large concrete cover: δ = 0,306 (Hilti additional data)

816 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Fire Resistance according to DIBt Z-21.8-1790

a) fire situation “anchorage”

Maximum force in rebar in conjunction with HIT-RE 500 as a function of embedment depth for the fire
resistance classes F30 to F180 (yield strength fyk = 500 N/mm²) according EC2a).
Drill hole
Bar ∅ Max. Fs,T inst Fire resistance of bar in [kN]

[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
80 2,4 1,0 0,5 0,3 0
95 3,9 1,7 0,3 0,6 0,1
115 7,3 3,1 1,7 1,1 0,4
150 16,2 8,2 4,6 3,1 1,4
8 10 16,19
180 16,2 10,0 6,7 2,9
205 16,2 12,4 5,1
220 16,2 7,0
265 16,2
100 5,7 2,5 1,3 0,8 0,2
120 10,7 4,4 2,5 1,7 0,7
140 17,6 7,8 4,4 3,0 1,3
165 25,3 15,1 8,5 5,8 2,6
10 12 25,29
195 25,3 17,6 12,2 5,1
220 25,3 20,7 8,7
235 25,3 11,8
280 25,3
120 12,8 5,3 3,0 2,0 0,8
150 25,2 12,2 6,9 4,7 2,1
180 36,4 24,3 15,0 10,1 4,4
12 16 36,42 210 36,2 27,4 20,6 8,5
235 36,4 31,0 14,2
250 36,4 19,1
295 36,4
140 24,6 10,9 6,1 4,2 1,9
170 39,1 23,5 13,5 9,2 4,1
195 49,6 35,6 24,7 17,1 7,2
14 18 49,58 225 49,6 39,2 31,3 13,5
250 49,6 43,4 22,3
265 49,6 29,5
310 49,6
160 39,2 21,3 11,9 8,1 3,6
190 55,8 37,9 25,5 17,3 7,3
210 64,8 49,0 36,5 27,5 11,3
16 20 64,75 240 64,8 53,1 44,1 20,9
265 64,8 57,9 33,7
280 64,8 42,0
325 64,8

10 / 2012 817
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Drill hole
Bar ∅ Max. Fs,T inst

[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
200 76,6 54,3 38,7 27,5 11,4
240 101,2 82,0 66,4 55,1 26,1
270 101,2 87,1 75,9 45,6
20 25 101,18
295 101,2 93,2 62,9
310 101,2 73,2
355 101,2
250 139,0 111,1 91,6 77,6 39,9
275 158,1 132,7 113,2 99,2 61,3
305 158,1 139,1 125,1 87,2
25 30 158,09
330 158,1 146,7 108,8
345 158,1 121,8
390 158,1
280 184,7 153,4 131,6 115,9 73,5
295 198,3 168,0 146,1 130,4 88,0
330 198,3 180,0 164,3 121,9
28 35 198.3
350 198,3 183,6 141,2
370 198,3 160,6
410 198,3
320 255,3 219,6 194,7 176,7 128,2
325 259,0 225,1 200,2 182,2 133,8
360 259,0 238,9 220,9 172,5
32 40 259,02
380 259,0 243,1 194,6
395 259,0 211,2
440 259,0
400 404,7 385,1 353,9 331,5 270,9
415 404,7 374,6 352,2 291,6
40 47 404,71 440 404,7 386,8 326,2
455 404,7 346,9
500 404,7
For tables according the standards to DIN 1045-1988, NF-ENV 1991-2-2(EC2), Österreichische Norm B 4700-
2000, British-, Singapore- and Australian Standards see Warringtonfire report WF 166402 or/and IBMB
Braunschweig report No 3357/0550-5.

818 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

b) fire situation parallel

Max. bond stress, τT , depending on actual clear concrete cover for classifying the fire resistance.
It must be verified that the actual force in the bar during a fire, Fs,T , can be taken up by the bar connection of the
selected length, inst. Note: Cold design for ULS is mandatory.
Fs, T ≤ (inst – cf)⋅ φ ⋅ π ⋅ τT where: (inst – cf) ≥ s;
s = lap length
φ = nominal diameter of bar
inst – cf = selected overlap joint length; this must be at least s,
but may not be assumed to be more than 80 φ
τT = bond stress when exposed to fire

Critical temperature-dependent bond stress, τc, concerning “overlap joint” for Hilti HIT-RE 500 injection
adhesive in relation to fire resistance class and required minimum concrete coverage c.
Clear concrete cover c Max. bond stress, τc [N/mm²]
[mm] R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
30 0,7 0
35 0,8 0,4
40 0,9 0,5 0
45 1,0 0,5 0
50 1,2 0,6
55 1,4 0,7 0,5
60 1,6 0,8 0,5
65 1,9 0,9 0,6 0,4
70 1,0 0,7 0,5
75 1,2 0,7 0,5
80 1,4 0,8 0,6
85 1,5 0,9 0,7
90 1,7 1,1 0,8 0,5
95 2,0 1,2 0,9 0,5
100 1,4 1,0 0,6
105 1,6 1,1 0,6
110 1,7 1,2 0,7
115 2,0 1,4 0,7
120 1,6 0,8
125 1,7 0,9
130 2,0 1,0
135 1,1
140 1,2
145 1,3
150 1,4
155 2,2 1,6
160 1,7
165 1,9
170 2,1
175 2,2

10 / 2012 819
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

Minimum anchorage length

According to ETA-08/0105, issue 2008-06-30, the minimum anchorage length shall be increased by factor 1,5 for
wet diamond core drilling. For all the other given drilling methods the factor is 1,0.

Minimum anchorage and lap lengths for C20/25; maximum hole lengths (ETA
Hammer drilling, Wet diamond coring
Rebar Compressed air drilling, drilling
Dry diamond coring drilling
Diameter lb,min* l0,min * lb,min* l0,min * lmax
ds [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8 500 113 200 170 300 1000
10 500 142 200 213 300 1000
12 500 170 200 255 300 1200
14 500 198 210 298 315 1400
16 500 227 240 340 360 1600
18 500 255 270 383 405 1800
20 500 284 300 425 450 2000
22 500 312 330 468 495 2200
24 500 340 360 510 540 2400
25 500 354 375 532 563 2500
26 500 369 390 553 585 2600
28 500 397 420 595 630 2800
30 500 425 450 638 675 3000
32 500 454 480 681 720 3200
34 500 492 510 738 765 3200
36 500 532 540 797 810 3200
40 500 616 621 925 932 3200
* lb,min (8.6) and l0,min (8.11) are calculated for good bond conditions with maximum utilisation of rebar yield
strength fyk = 500 N/mm² and α6 = 1,0

820 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-RE 500
post-installed rebars

10 / 2012 821
Hilti HIT-HY 200
post-installed rebars

Hilti HIT-HY 200 post-installed rebars

Injection mortar system Benefits

Hilti HIT- - HY 200-R version is formulated

HY 200-R for best handling and cure time
330 ml foil pack specifically for rebar applications
(also available - Suitable for concrete C 12/15 to
as 500 ml C 50/60
foil pack)
- Suitable for dry and water
saturated concrete
Hilti HIT- - For rebar diameters up to 32 mm
HY 200-A
- Non corrosive to rebar elements
330 ml foil pack
(also available - Good load capacity at elevated
as 500 ml temperatures
foil pack) - Suitable for embedment length up
to 1000 mm
- Suitable for applications down to
Static mixer -10 °C
- Two mortar (A and R) versions
available with different curing
Rebar times and same performance

Fire Corrosion Rebar
Concrete Technical
resistance tested design

Service temperature range

Temperature range: -40°C to +80°C (max. long term temperature +50°C, max. short term temperature +80°C).

Approvals / certificates
Description Authority / Laboratory No. / date of issue
ETA-12/0083 / 2012-08-08
a) (HIT-HY 200-R)
European technical approval DIBt, Berlin ETA-11/0492 / 2012-08-08
(HIT-HY 200-A)
Fire test report CSTB, Paris 26033756
a) All data given in this section according ETA-12/0083, issued 2012-08-08 and ETA-11/0492,
issued 2012-08-08.

822 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 200
post-installed rebars

Reinforcement bars according to EC2 Annex C Table C.1 and C.2N.

Properties of reinforcement
Product form Bars and de-coiled rods
Class B C
Characteristic yield strength fyk or f0,2k (MPa) 400 to 600
≥ 1,15
Minimum value of k = (ft/fy)k ≥ 1,08
< 1,35
Characteristic strain at maximum force, εuk (%) ≥ 5,0 ≥ 7,5
Bendability Bend / Rebend test
Maximum deviation from Nominal bar size (mm)
nominal mass ≤8 ± 6,0
(individual bar) (%) >8 ± 4,5
Bond: Nominal bar size (mm)
Minimum relative rib area, 8 to 12 0,040
fR,min > 12 0,056

Setting details
For detailed information on installation see instruction for use given with the package of the product.

Working time, curing timea)

Temperature HIT-HY 200-R
of the Working time in which anchor Curing time before anchor
base material can be inserted and adjusted twork can be fully loaded tcure
-10 °C to -5 °C 3 hour 20 hour
-4 °C to 0 °C 2 hour 7 hour
1 °C to 5 °C 1 hour 3 hour
6 °C to 10 °C 40 min 2 hour
11 °C to 20 °C 15 min 1 hour
21 °C to 30 °C 9 min 1 hour
31 °C to 40 °C 6 min 1 hour

Temperature HIT-HY 200-A

of the Working time in which anchor Curing time before anchor
base material can be inserted and adjusted twork can be fully loaded tcure
-10 °C to -5 °C 1,5 hour 7 hour
-4 °C to 0 °C 50 min 4 hour
1 °C to 5 °C 25 min 2 hour
6 °C to 10 °C 15 min 1 hour
11 °C to 20 °C 7 min 30 min
21 °C to 30 °C 4 min 30 min
31 °C to 40 °C 3 min 30 min

10 / 2012 823
Hilti HIT-HY 200
post-installed rebars

a) Dry and water-saturated concrete, hammer drilling

Bore hole drilling

Drill hole to the required embedment depth with an appropriately sized Hilti
TE-CD or TE-YD hollow drill bit with Hilti vacuum attachment. This drilling
method properly cleans the borehole and removes dust while drilling.
After drilling is complete, proceed to the “injection preparation” step in the
instructions for use.

Drill hole to the required embedment depth using a hammer-drill with

carbide drill bit set in rotation hammer mode, a Hilti hollow drill bit or a
compressed air drill.

Bore hole cleaning Just before setting an anchor, the bore hole must be free of dust and debris by one of two
cleaning methods described below
b) Compressed air cleaning (CAC)
For all bore hole diameters d0 and all bore hole depth h0
Blowing 2 times from the back of the hole with oil-free compressed air
(min. 6 bar at 100 litres per minute (LPM)) until return air stream is free of
noticeable dust. Bore hole diameter ≥ 32 mm the compressor must supply
a minimum air flow of 140 m³/hour.
If required use additional accessories and extensions for air nozzle and
brush to reach back of hole.

Brushing 2 times with the specified brush size (brush Ø ≥ borehole Ø) by

inserting the round steel brush to the back of the hole in a twisting motion.
The brush shall produce natural resistance as it enters the anchor hole. If
this is not the case, please use a new brush or a brush with a larger

Blowing 2 times again with compressed air until return air stream is free of
noticeable dust.

824 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 200
post-installed rebars

a) Manual Cleaning (MC)

As an alternative to compressed air cleaning, a manual cleaning is permitted for hammer drilled boreholes up
to hole diameters d0 ≤ 20mm and depths v resp. e,ges. ≤ 160mm or 10 * d. The borehole must be free of dust,
debris, water, ice, oil, grease and other contaminants prior to mortar injection.

4 strokes with Hilti blow-out pump from the back of the hole until return air
stream is free of noticeable dust.

4 times with the specified brush size (brush Ø ≥ borehole Ø) by inserting

the round steel wire brush to the back of the hole with a twisting motion

4 strokes with Hilti blow-out pump from the back of the hole until return air
stream is free of noticeable dust.

Injection preparation
Observe the Instruction for Use of the dispenser.
Observe the Instruction for Use of the mortar.
Tightly attach Hilti HIT-RE-M mixing nozzle to foil pack manifold.
Insert foil pack into foil pack holder and swing holder into the dispenser.

Discard initial adhesive. The foil pack opens automatically as dispensing is

initiated. Depending on the size of the foil pack an initial amount of
adhesive has to be discarded.
Discard quantities are
2 strokes for 330 ml foil pack,
3 strokes for 500 ml foil pack,
4 strokes for 500 ml foil pack ≤ 5°C.

10 / 2012 825
Hilti HIT-HY 200
post-installed rebars

Inject adhesive from the back of the borehole without forming air voids
Injection method for borehole depth ≤ 250 mm:
Inject the mortar from the back of the hole towards the front and slowly
withdraw the mixing nozzle step by step after each trigger pull. Important!
Use extensions for deep holes ( > 250 mm). Fill holes approximately 2/3
full, or as required to ensure that the annular gap between the rebar and
the concrete is completely filled with adhesive over the embedment length.
After injecting, depressurize the dispenser by pressing the release trigger
(only for manual dispenser). This will prevent further mortar discharge from
the mixing nozzle.

Piston plug injection for borehole depth > 250 mm or overhead

applications: Assemble mixing nozzle, extension(s) and appropriately
sized piston plug. Insert piston plug to back of the hole. Begin injection
allowing the pressure of the injected adhesive mortar to push the piston
plug towards the front of the hole. After injecting, depressurize the
dispenser by pressing the release trigger. This will prevent further mortar
discharge from the mixing nozzle.
The proper injection of mortar using a piston plug HIT-SZ prevents the
creation of air voids. The piston plug must be insertable to the back of the
borehole without resistance. During injection the piston plug will be
pressed towards the front of the borehole slowly by mortar pressure.
Attention! Pulling the injection or when changing the foil pack, the piston
plug is rendered inactive and air voids may occur.
HDM 330 Manual dispenser (330 ml)
HDM 500 Manual dispenser (330 / 500 ml)
HDE 500-A22 Electric dispenser (330 / 500 ml)

Setting the element

Before use, verify that the element is dry and free of oil and other
Mark and set element to the required embedment depth until working time
twork has elapsed.

After installing the rebar the annular gap must be completely filled with
Proper installation can be verified when:
Desired anchoring embedment is reached v:
Embedment mark at concrete surface.
Excess mortar flows out of the borehole after the rebar has been fully
inserted until the embedment mark.
Overhead application: Support the rebar and secure it from falling till
mortar started to harden.
Observe the working time “twork”, which varies according to temperature of
base material. Minor adjustments to the rebar position may be performed
during the working time. After tcure preparation work may continue.

For detailed information on installation see instruction for use given with the package of the product.

826 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 200
post-installed rebars

Resistance to chemical substances

Chemical Resistance Chemical Resistance
Air + Gasoline +
Acetic acid 10% + Glycole o
Acetone o Hydrogen peroxide 10% o
Ammonia 5% + Lactic acid 10% +
Benzyl alcohol - Maschinery oil +
Chloric acid 10% o Methylethylketon o
Chlorinated lime 10% + Nitric acid 10% o
Citric acid 10% + Phosphoric acid 10% +
Concrete plasticizer + Potassium Hydroxide pH 13,2 +
De-icing salt (Calcium chloride) + Sea water +
Demineralized water + Sewage sludge +
Diesel fuel + Sodium carbonate 10% +
Drilling dust suspension pH 13,2 + Sodium hypochlorite 2% +
Ethanol 96% - Sulfuric acid 10% +
Ethylacetate - Sulfuric acid 30% +
Formic acid 10% + Toluene o
Formwork oil + Xylene o

+ resistant
o resistant in short term (max. 48h) contact
- not resistant
Electrical Conductivity

HIT-HY 200 in the hardened state is not conductive electrically. Its electric resistivity is 15,5⋅10 Ω∙cm

(DIN IEC 93 – 12.93). It is adapted well to realize electrically insulating anchorings (ex: railway applications,

10 / 2012 827
Hilti HIT-HY 200
post-installed rebars

Drilling diameters

Drill bit diameters d0 [mm]

Rebar (mm) Hammer drill Compressed air drill
(HD) (CA)
8 12 (10 ) -
10 14 (12 ) -
12 16 (14 ) 17
14 18 17
16 20 20
18 22 22
20 25 26
22 28 28
24 32 32
25 32 32
26 35 35
28 35 35
30 37 35
32 40 40
a) Max. installation length I = 250 mm.

Basic design data for rebar design according to ETA

Bond strength

Bond strength in N/mm² according to ETA for good bond conditions

Concrete class
Rebar (mm)
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - 32 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3

828 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 200
post-installed rebars

Minimum anchorage length

Minimum and maximum embedment depths and lap lengths for C20/25 according
to ETA
Rebar Concrete temp. ≥ -10°C Concrete temp. ≥ 0°C
lb,min* l0,min *
Diameter ds fy,k lmax lmax
[mm] [mm]
[mm] [N/mm²] [mm] [mm]
8 500 113 200 700 1000
10 500 142 200 700 1000
12 500 170 200 700 1000
14 500 198 210 700 1000
16 500 227 240 700 1000
18 500 255 270 700 1000
20 500 284 300 700 1000
22 500 312 330 700 1000
24 500 340 360 700 1000
25 500 354 375 700 1000
26 500 369 390 700 1000
28 500 397 420 700 1000
30 500 425 450 700 1000
32 500 454 480 700 1000
* lb,min (8.6) and l0,min (8.11) are calculated for good bond conditions with maximum utilisation of rebar yield strength
fyk = 500 N/mm² and α6 = 1,0

10 / 2012 829
Hilti HIT-HY 150
post-installed rebars

Hilti HIT-HY 150 post-installed rebars

Injection mortar system Benefits

- suitable for concrete C 12/15 to

Hilti C 50/60
HIT-HY 150 - high loading capacity and fast
330 ml foil pack cure
- suitable for dry and water
(also available
saturated concrete
as 500 ml
and 1400 ml - for rebar diameters up to 25 mm
foil pack) - non corrosive to rebar elements
- good load capacity at elevated
- hybrid chemistry
Statik mixer
- suitable for embedment length till
2000 mm
- suitable for applications down to -
Rebar 5 °C

Concrete water

Service temperature range

Temperature range: -40°C to +80°C (max. long term temperature +50°C, max. short term temperature +80°C).

Approvals / certificates
Description Authority / Laboratory No. / date of issue
Fire test report IBMB Braunschweig 3162/6989 / 1999-07-16
Assessment report (fire) Warringtonfire WF 166402 / 2007-10-26

Reinforcmenent bars according to EC2 Annex C Table C.1 and C.2N.

830 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 150
post-installed rebars

Properties of reinforcement
Product form Bars and de-coiled rods
Class B C
Characteristic yield strength fyk or f0,2k (MPa) 400 to 600
≥ 1,15
Minimum value of k = (ft/fy)k ≥ 1,08
< 1,35
Characteristic strain at maximum force, εuk (%) ≥ 5,0 ≥ 7,5
Bendability Bend / Rebend test
Maximum deviation from Nominal bar size (mm)
nominal mass ≤8 ± 6,0
(individual bar) (%) >8 ± 4,5
Bond: Nominal bar size (mm)
Minimum relative rib area, 8 to 12 0,040
fR,min > 12 0,056

Setting details
For detailed information on installation see instruction for use given with the package of the product.

Working time, Curing time

Temperature Working time Curing time
of the base material TBM tgel tcure *
-5 °C ≤ TBM < 0 °C 90 min 9 h
0 °C ≤ TBM < 5 °C 45 min 4,5 h
5 °C ≤ TBM < 10 °C 20 min 2 h
10 °C ≤ TBM < 20 °C 6 min 90 min
20 °C ≤ TBM < 30 °C 4 min 50 min
30 °C ≤ TBM ≤ 40 °C 2 min 40 min
* The curing time data are valid for dry anchorage base only. For water saturated anchorage bases the curing
times must be doubled.

10 / 2012 831
Hilti HIT-HY 150
post-installed rebars

Dry and water-saturated concrete, hammer drilling


a) Note: Manual cleaning for element sizes d ≤ 16mm and embedment depth hef ≤ 10 d only!

832 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 150
post-installed rebars

Fitness for use

Creep behaviour
Creep tests have been conducted in accordance with national standards in different conditions:
 in wet environnement at 23 °C during 90 days
 in dry environnement at 43 °C during 90 days.

These tests show an excellent behaviour of the post-installed connection made with HIT-HY 150: low
displacements with long term stabilisation, failure load after exposure above reference load.

Resistance to chemical products

HIT-HY 150 has been tested to its resistance to chemical products and the results are given in the table below:

Chemical product Concentration First effects Resistance

(in % of weight) (in days)
Acetic acid Pure 6 o
10 % +
Hydrochloric Acid 20 % +
Nitric Acid 40 % <1 -
Phosphoric Acid 40 % +
Sulphuric acid 40 % +
Ethyl acetate Pure 8 -
Acetone Pure 1 -
Ammoniac 5% 21 -
Diesel Pure +
Gasoline Pure +
Ethanol 96 % 30 o
Machine oils Pure +
Methanol Pure 2 -
Peroxide of hydrogen 30% 3 o
Solution of phenol Saturated <1 -
Silicate of sodium 50% pH=14! +
Solution of chlorine saturated +
Solution of hydrocarbons 60 % vol Toluene; 30 % vol Xylene +
10 % vol Naphtalene of methyl
Salted solution (sodium chloride) 10 % +
Suspension of cement Saturated +
Carbon tetrachloride Pure +
Xylene Pure +
We can retain that HIT-HY 150 behaves well as alkaline middle and that it is very resistant:
 in aqueous solutions in elevated pH (ex: silicate of sodium): no risk of saponification under weathering
 in salty solutions (ex: sea water)
 in solutions saturated in chlorine (ex: applications in swimming pool).

Electrical conductivity
HIT-HY 150 in cured state shows low electrical conductivity. Its electric resistivity is 2.10 Ω.m

(DIN VDE 0303T3). It suits well electrically insulating anchoring (ex: railway applications, subway).

10 / 2012 833
Hilti HIT-HY 150
post-installed rebars

Drilling diameters

Drill bit diameters d0 [mm]

Rebar (mm)
Hammer drill (HD) Compressed air drill (CA)
8 12 -
10 14 -
12 16 17
14 18 17
16 20 20
20 25 26
25 32 32

Basic design data for rebar design

Bond strength in N/mm² for good bond conditions for all drilling methods

Concrete class
Rebar (mm)
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - 25 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0

Pullout design bond strength for Hit Rebar design

Design bond strength in N/mm², values in table are design values, fbd,po = τRk/γMp

Hammer or compressed air drilling. Uncracked concrete C20/25.

temperature Bar diameter
range 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 25
I: 40°C/24°C 5,7 4,7 3,6
II: 80°C/50°C 4,0 3,3 2,4
III: 120°C/72°C 3,3 2,8 2,1

Increasing factor for other concrete class: fB,p=(fcck/25) (fcck: characteristic compressive strength on cube)

Additional Hilti Technical Data

Reduction factor for splitting with large concrete cover: δ = 0,306 (Hilti additional data)

834 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 150
post-installed rebars

Fire Resistance

a) fire situation “anchorage”

Maximum force in rebar in conjunction with HIT-HY 150 as a function of embedment depth for the fire
resistance classes F30 to F180 (yield strength fyk = 500 N/mm²) according EC2a).
Bar ∅ Drill hole ∅ Max. Fs,T inst R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
80 3,5 1,5 0,6 0,3 0,0
120 10,6 5,0 2,8 1,9 0,7
160 16,2 11,9 7,9 5,2 2,7
8 12 16,2 190 16,2 13,2 10,4 4,7
210 16,2 13,9 6,4
230 16,2 8,5
280 16,2
100 8,8 3,6 1,9 1,1 0,2
150 19,8 12,7 7,7 5,1 2,6
180 25,3 19,3 14,3 10,7 4,9
10 14 25,3 210 25,3 20,6 17,3 7,6
240 25,3 23,9 12,5
250 25,3 14,4
310 25,3
120 15,9 7,5 4,1 2,9 1,0
180 31,7 23,1 17,1 12,9 5,9
200 36,4 28,4 22,4 18,1 8,0
12 16 36,4 240 36,4 32,9 28,7 14,4
260 36,4 34,0 19,7
270 36,4 22,3
330 36,4
140 24,7 14,6 7,9 5,8 2,7
210 44,0 36,2 29,2 24,2 10,6
230 49,6 42,4 35,4 30,4 13,9
14 18 49,6 260 49,6 44,0 39,6 23,0
280 49,6 44,0 29,1
300 49,6 32,2
350 49,6
160 35,2 23,8 15,8 10,4 5,3
240 57,5 51,9 43,9 38,3 19,2
250 64,7 55,5 47,5 41,8 22,7
16 20 64,8 280 64,7 57,5 52,3 33,2
300 64,7 57,5 40,3
320 64,7 47,3
370 64,7
200 61,6 47,3 37,3 30,2 13,3
290 101,2 86,9 76,9 69,8 45,9
330 101,2 94,5 87,4 63,5
20 25 101,2
350 101,2 96,2 72,3
370 101,2 81,1
420 101,2

10 / 2012 835
Hilti HIT-HY 150
post-installed rebars

Bar ∅ Drill hole ∅ Max. Fs,T inst R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
250 104,5 86,6 74,1 65,3 35,4
350 158,1 141,6 129,1 120,2 90,4
380 158,1 145,6 136,7 106,9
25 32 158,1
410 158,1 153,2 123,4
420 158,1 128,9
480 158,1

b) Fire situation parallel

Max. bond stress, τT , depending on actual clear concrete cover for classifying the fire resistance.
It must be verified that the actual force in the bar during a fire, Fs,T , can be taken up by the bar connection of the
selected length, inst. Note: Cold design for ULS is mandatory.
Fs, T ≤ (inst – cf)⋅ ∅ ⋅ π ⋅ τT where: (inst – cf) ≥ s;
s = lap length
∅ = nominal diameter of bar
inst – cf = selected overlap joint length; this must be at least s,
but may not be assumed to be more than 80 ∅
τT = bond stress when exposed to fire
Critical temperature-dependent bond stress, τc, concerning “overlap joint” for Hilti HIT-HY 150 injection
adhesive in relation to fire resistance class and required minimum concrete coverage c.
Clear concrete cover c Max. bond stress, τc [N/mm²]
[mm] R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
30 1,4 0,2 0 0 0
35 1,7 0,4 0 0 0
40 1,9 0,7 0 0 0
45 1,0 0 0 0
50 1,2 0,4 0 0
55 1,4 0,5 0 0
60 1,7 0,7 0,3 0
65 1,9 0,9 0,5 0
70 1,2 0,7 0
75 1,4 0,8 0
80 1,7 1,0 0,2
85 1,8 1,3 0,5
90 2,0 1,5 0,5
95 1,7 0,6
100 1,9 0,7
105 2,2 0,9
110 1,2
115 1,4
120 1,6
125 1,7
130 1,9
135 2,1
140 2,2

836 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 150
post-installed rebars

Minimum anchorage length

The multiplication factor for minimum anchorage length shall be considered as 1,5 for all drilling methods.

Minimum anchorage and lap lengths for C20/25; maximum hole lengths
Hammer drilling,
Compressed air drilling
Diameter ds fy,k lb,min* l0,min* lmax
[mm] [N/mm²] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8 500 170 300 1000
10 500 213 300 1000
12 500 255 300 1000
14 500 298 315 1000
16 500 340 360 1500
20 500 425 450 2000
25 500 532 563 2000
*lb,min (8.6) and l0,min (8.11) are calculated for good bond conditions with maximum utilisation of rebar yield strength
fyk = 500 N/mm² and α6 = 1,0

10 / 2012 837
Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX post-installed rebars

Injection mortar system Benefits

- suitable for concrete C 12/15 to

C 50/60
HIT-HY 150
MAX - high loading capacity and fast
330 ml foil pack cure
- suitable for dry and water
(also available saturated concrete
as 500 ml
and 1400 ml - for rebar diameters up to 25 mm
foil pack) - non corrosive to rebar elements
- good load capacity at elevated
Static mixer - hybrid chemistry
- multiplication factor for minimum
anchoring and splice length 1.0
- suitable for embedment length till
Rebar 2000 mm
- suitable for applications down to -
10 °C

European Drinking
Fire CE Corossion Rebar
Concrete Technical water
resistance conformity appoved
tested design

Service temperature range

Temperature range: -40°C to +80°C (max. long term temperature +50°C, max. short term temperature +80°C).

Approvals / certificates
Description Authority / Laboratory No. / date of issue
European technical approval CSTB, France ETA-08/0202 / 2008-07-24
European technical approval CSTB, France ETA-08/0352 / 2009-12-18
National Approval DIBt, Berlin DIBt Z-21.8-1882 / 2010-08-13
Fire test report DIBt, Berlin DIBt Z-21.8-1882 / 2010-08-13
Assessment report (fire) Warringtonfire WF 166402 / 2007-10-26
All data given in this section according ETA-08/0202, issue 2008-07-24.

838 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

Reinforcmenent bars according to EC2 Annex C Table C.1 and C.2N.

Properties of reinforcement
Product form Bars and de-coiled rods
Class B C
Characteristic yield strength fyk or f0,2k (MPa) 400 to 600
≥ 1,15
Minimum value of k = (ft/fy)k ≥ 1,08
< 1,35
Characteristic strain at maximum force, εuk (%) ≥ 5,0 ≥ 7,5
Bendability Bend / Rebend test
Maximum deviation from Nominal bar size (mm)
nominal mass ≤8 ± 6,0
(individual bar) (%) >8 ± 4,5
Bond: Nominal bar size (mm)
Minimum relative rib area, 8 to 12 0,040
fR,min > 12 0,056

Setting details
For detailed information on installation see instruction for use given with the package of the product.

Working time, Curing time

Temperature Working time Curing time
of the base material TBM tgel tcure
-10 °C ≤ TBM < -5 °C 180 min 12 h
-5 °C ≤ TBM < -0 °C 90 min 9h
0 °C ≤ TBM < 5 °C 45 min 4,5 h
5 °C ≤ TBM < 10 °C 20 min 2h
10 °C ≤ TBM < 15 °C 7 min 50 min
15 °C ≤ TBM < 20 °C 6 min 40 min
20 °C ≤ TBM < 25 °C 5 min 30 min
25 °C ≤ TBM < 30 °C 3 min 30 min
30 °C ≤ TBM ≤ 40 °C 2 min 30 min

10 / 2012 839
Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

Dry and water-saturated concrete, hammer drilling


a) Note: Manual cleaning for element sizes d ≤ 16mm and embedment depth hef ≤ 10 d only!

840 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

Fitness for use

Creep behaviour
Creep tests have been conducted in accordance with ETAG guideline 001 part 5 and TR 023 in the following
conditions: in dry environnement at 50 °C during 90 days.
These tests show an excellent behaviour of the post-installed connection made with HIT-HY 150 MAX: low
displacements with long term stability, failure load after exposure above reference load.

Water behaviour
 Water: HIT-HY 150 MAX is water tight and water resistant, without any toxicity risk for the environnement.
 Drinking water: HIT-HY 150 MAX is «NSF» certified, in accordance with NSF/ANSI St 61 «Drinking Water
System Components - Health Effects». Tests are done at 60 °C, which corresponds to domestic hot water. The
use of HIT-HY 150 MAX is possible for water tanks.

Resistance to chemical substances

Chemical substance Comment Resistance

Sulphuric acid 23°C +
Under sea water 23°C +
Under water 23°C +
Alkaline medium pH = 13,2, 23°C +

Drilling diameters

Drill bit diameters d0 [mm]

Rebar (mm)
Hammer drill (HD) Compressed air drill (CA)
12 (10 ) -
14 (12 ) -
16 (14 ) 17
14 18 17
16 20 20
18 22 22
20 25 26
22 28 28
24 32 32
25 32 32

a) Max. installation length I = 250 mm.

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Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

Basic design data for rebar design according to rebar ETA

Bond strength in N/mm² according to ETA 08/0202 for good bond conditions
for all drilling methods

Concrete class
Rebar (mm)
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - 24 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,7
25 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7 3,7

Pullout design bond strength for Hit Rebar design

Design bond strength in N/mm² according to ETA 08/0352 (values in table are
design values, fbd,po = τRk/γMp

Hammer or compressed air drilling. Uncracked concrete C20/25.

temperature Bar diameter
range 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 25
I: 40°C/24°C 5,3 6,3 5,3
II: 80°C/50°C 4,4 5,3 4,4
III: 120°C/72°C 2,8 3,3 2,8

Hammer or compressed air drilling. Cracked concrete C20/25.

temperature Bar diameter
range 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 25
I: 40°C/24°C - 3,7 4,0 3,3
II: 80°C/50°C - 3,0 3,3 3,7 4,0 3,3
III: 120°C/72°C - 2,0 2,3 2,2
Increasing factor in non-cracked concrete: fB,p=(fcck/25) (fcck: characteristic compressive strength on cube)

Additional Hilti Technical Data

Reduction factor for splitting with large concrete cover: δ = 0,306

842 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

Fire Resistance according to DIBt Z-21.8-1882

a) fire situation “anchorage”

Maximum force in rebar in conjunction with Hilti HIT-HY 150 Max as a function of embedment depth for the
fire resistance classes F30 to F240 (yield strength fyk = 500 N/mm²) according EC2a).
Bar ∅ Drill hole ∅ Max. Fs,T inst R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
80 3,0 0,7 0,2 0 0
120 7,0 2,2 1,3 0,7 0,2
170 16,2 10,2 9,2 4,0 1,7
8 12 16,2 210 16,2 16,2 11,0 7,5
230 14,5 10,9
250 16,2 14,4
300 16,2
100 6,1 2,0 1,0 0,4 0
150 19,3 9,3 7,1 2,2 1,0
190 25,3 18,0 15,9 9,3 4,9
10 14 25,3 230 25,3 24,7 18,1 13,7
260 25,3 24,7 20,3
280 25,3 24,7
320 25,3
120 15,3 6,0 1,9 1,1 0,3
180 31,0 19,0 17,8 8,5 7,0
220 36,4 29,6 27,0 19,1 13,8
12 16 36,4 260 36,4 36,4 29,7 24,4
280 35,0 29,6
300 36,4 34,9
340 36,4
140 24,0 9,9 6,9 2,6 1,0
210 45,0 31,4 28,5 25,7 13,0
240 49,6 40,6 37,7 32,8 22,3
14 18 49,6
280 49,6 49,6 40,7 34,6
300 44,7 40,7
330 49,6 49,6
160 34,5 18,4 14,9 4,4 2,3
240 62,6 46,4 43,0 37,7 25,5
260 64,8 53,5 50,0 44,7 32,5
16 20 64,8
300 64,8 57,0 51,7 46,6
330 64,8 61,3 57,2
360 64,8 64,8
200 60,7 40,0 36,3 29,3 14,2
250 78,3 62,5 58,3 51,3 36,3
310 101,2 88,9 84,6 77,6 62,6
20 25 101,2 350 101,2 101,2 94,2 80,2
370 101,2 83,5
390 97,8
430 101,2

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Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

Bar ∅ Drill hole ∅ Max. Fs,T inst R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
250 97,9 78,1 72,9 64,7 45,3
280 126,5 94,6 89,4 81,2 61,8
370 158,1 144,0 127,9 119,7 111,2
25 32 158,1 410 158,1 150,0 141,8 123,2
430 158,1 150,0 144,2
450 158,1 155,2
500 158,1
For Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX rebar only the standard acc. EC2 is available (Data also in Warringtonfire report
WF 166402 or/and IBMB Braunschweig report No 3884/8246-CM.

844 10 / 2012
Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

b) fire situation “anchorage”

Max. bond stress, τT , depending on actual clear concrete cover for classifying the fire resistance.
It must be verified that the actual force in the bar during a fire, Fs,T , can be taken up by the bar connection of the
selected length, inst. Note: Cold design for ULS is mandatory.
Fs, T ≤ (inst – cf)⋅ ∅ ⋅ π ⋅ τT where: (inst – cf) ≥ s;
s = lap length
∅ = nominal diameter of bar
inst – cf = selected overlap joint length; this must be at least s,
but may not be assumed to be more than 80 ∅
τT = bond stress when exposed to fire

Critical temperature-dependent bond stress, τc, concerning “overlap joint” for Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX injection
adhesive in relation to fire resistance class and required minimum concrete coverage c.
Clear concrete cover c Max. bond stress, τc [N/mm²]
[mm] R30 R60 R90 R120 R180
30 0,6 0,3
35 0,7 0,3
40 0,9 0,4 0,2 0
45 1,0 0,4 0,2
50 1,2 0,5 0,3 0
55 1,5 0,6 0,3 0,2
60 1,8 0,8 0,4 0,3
65 2,2 0,9 0,5 0,3
70 2,7 1,0 0,5 0,3
75 3,4 1,2 0,6 0,4 0,2
80 1,5 0,7 0,5 0,3
85 1,7 0,8 0,5 0,3
90 2,0 1,0 0,6 0,3
95 2,2 1,1 0,7 0,4
100 2,4 1,3 0,8 0,4
105 2,7 1,5 0,9 0,5
110 3,0 1,7 1,1 0,5
115 3,4 2,0 1,2 0,6
120 2,2 1,4 0,6
125 2,5 1,6 0,7
130 2,8 1,9 0,8
135 3,0 2,1 0,9
140 3,7 3,4 2,3 1,0
145 2,6 1,1
150 2,9 1,2
155 3,1 1,3
160 3,7 3,4 1,4
165 3,5 1,5
170 1,6
175 1,7
180 1,8
185 3,7 1,9
190 2,1
195 2,2
200 2,3

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Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

Minimum anchorage length

According to ETA-08/0202, the multiplication factor for minimum anchorage length is 1,0 for all approved drilling

Minimum anchorage and lap lengths for C20/25; maximum hole lengths
Hammer drilling,
Compressed air drilling
Diameter ds fy,k lb,min* l0,min * lmax
[mm] [N/mm²] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8 500 113 200 1000
10 500 142 200 1000
12 500 170 200 1000
14 500 198 210 1000
16 500 227 240 1500
18 500 255 270 2000
20 500 284 300 2000
22 500 312 330 2000
24 500 340 360 2000
25 500 354 375 2000
* lb,min (8.6) and l0,min (8.11) are calculated for good bond conditions with maximum utilisation of rebar yield
strength fyk = 500 N/mm² and α6 = 1,0

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Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX
post-installed rebars

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