3.7 Maxdb-Specific Procedure Purpose

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7 MaxDB-Specific Procedure Purpose

In an SAP system environment, you can create a homogeneous copy of a MaxDB database
by using the backup and restore method. This method is suitable for creating an exact
copy of an existing database. The source of the copy is a complete data backup of your
source database. The SAPinst tool is used for the installation on the target system host as
described in the installation documentation for your SAP component. In SAPinst you select
the backup and restore method as the database installation method. SAPinst stops before
the database instance initialization and asks you to perform the recovery on the target
database. After you have performed recovery and post-recovery activities you can
continue the installation in SAPinst. This description is not valid for the liveCache system
copy. Prerequisites • CPU architecture You can use the backup and restore method to
copy systems to the same CPU architecture. That is, you can copy a system based on a
swap byte architecture to another system based on swap byte architecture. You can also
copy a RISC-based system to another RISC-based system. For example, the following
combinations are possible: { HP-UX <-> Sun Solaris { Sun Solaris <-> AIX { Windows <-> HP
Tru64 { Windows <-> Linux { Windows 32-bit <-> Windows 64-bit However, you cannot
copy between the following systems: { HP-UX <-> Windows NT { HP Tru64 <-> Sun Solaris
You can copy backups from 32-bit systems to 64-bit systems. • Data backup You perform
the complete data backup of your source database. • Recovery tool You are using the
MaxDB Database Manager (DBMGUI) version 7.5.0 Build 12 or above

You can find more information on DBMGUI at either of the following: {

dev.mysql.com/doc → MaxDB by MySQL → MaxDB Online Library → Tools { help.sap.com
→ Documentation → SAPNetWeaver → English → SAP NetWeaver → Application Platform
(SAP Web Application Server) → Databases → MySQL MaxDB → Tools → Database
Manager GUI • Database software

The database software on the target host must have the same version as the software on
the source host. The build number of the software version on the target host must be
greater than or equal to the version on the source host. • Size of the data on the target
system The size of the target system must be greater than the used space on the source
system. You can find the size of the used pages on the source system as follows: dbmcli –d
-u , -n -u SQL sap, sql_execute 'SELECT USEDPERM FROM SERVERDBSTATISTICS' The result
of this query is the amount of used space, expressed as the number of 8 KB pages. By
dividing this value by 128 you can get the used space expressed in MB. When SAPinst
prompts you, configure the database data volumes according to this value. Process Flow ...
1. You do the following on the source system: a. You create a complete data backup using
the DBMGUI tool: DBMGUI → Backup → Backup Wizard → Complete b. You make the
backup medium available on the target host. 2. You do the following on the target system:
a. You start SAPinst to configure the database instance parameters. SAPinst stops before
database initialization and asks you to perform the data recovery. b. You start the data
recovery wizard from DBMGUI: i. You register your database instance in the DBMGUI ii.
You check the database instance is in the admin state. iii. You choose Recovery →
Recovery with Initialization … iv. In type of recovery you select Restore a medium. v. You
specify the backup medium. vi. You start the restore procedure. The recovery wizard does
not start the recovery immediately. It initializes the database instance first. It takes some
time for the database server to format the database volumes. c. After the restore, you
check the state of the target database instance. Change the database state to online if it is
not already in online state. d. You delete the entries from the following tables to make
sure that information about the backup history for update statistics in the Computing
Center Management System (CCMS) from the old system does not appear in the new
DBSTATTADA, SDBAADAUPD e. Reload the system tables in the target system as follows:
dbmcli -d -u control,control load_systab -u superdba,admin -ud domain

You change the database user SAP to SAP. The name of the database user must be exactly
SAP, where is the system ID of the SAP system to be installed. The password of the user
must be sap. This is necessary for the post-installation steps executed by SAPinst. You
change the database user as follows: dbmcli -d -u control,control –u SQL superdba,admin
sql_execute rename user SAP to SAP You change the password of the SAP database user
as follows: dbmcli –d -u control,control –u SQL superdba,admin sql_execute alter
password SAP sap g. You continue with SAPinst or restart it if you stopped it during the
recovery. h. After installation is completed you maintain the database connection for
CCMS. For more information, see SAP Note 588515


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