12 Powerful Habits I Have Stolen From Ultra Successful People
12 Powerful Habits I Have Stolen From Ultra Successful People
12 Powerful Habits I Have Stolen From Ultra Successful People
In this article, I’d like to share some of my recent powerful habits I’ve
been developing and experimenting with that I have stolen from ultra
successful people.
Waking up early
Waking up early has been giving me the most significant results since I
decided to make a shift from a night owl into an early bird. I used to
have my peak hours from 1 am to 4 am and would get amazing work
done with sharp focus. Years passed by and I realised that getting
enough sleep on a regular basis is a key to ultimate performance and
productivity, not to mention the increased quality of life.
For the last two years, I’ve been experimenting with my morning routine
which starts by waking up early. I’ve started at 7 am and managed to
stretch it to 5 am. My ultimate goal is to go to 4.30 am as I really enjoy
working on my morning rituals and getting lots of work done that push
me toward my goals. I won’t lie, at the beginning it was a nightmare to
wake up early, it’s dark, it’s cold, my eyes can’t open and all I wanted to
do was to go back to sleep. Sometimes it would happen, I’d be like, “I’ll
just close my eyes for one more minute”.
The more and more I was concerned about my health and lifestyle the
more I saw the benefits of getting up early. I’ve seen numerous articles,
infographics and interviews with the most successful people on the
planet and majority of them were emphasising the importance of getting
up early for their success and life balance. I’ve been greatly inspired by
this article: 12 Lessons of Waking Up at 4:30 a.m. for 21 Days by Filipe
Castro Matos.
If you have a vision and don’t have the time to achieve it due to family,
full-time job or other commitments, wake up 1 hour earlier and work on
it every day, until you make it come true. It’s that easy, you don’t find
time, you make it. Instead of watching another TV series, go to bed 1
hour earlier and wake up 1 hour earlier.
“It’s that easy, you don’t find time, you make it.”
An important factor of waking up early is to have the “me” time. How
many times did you want to read, write, reflect on your life, meditate,
stretch, visualise, create, take care of yourself but hadn’t had the time?
For me it was always a secondary goal, I’d say, it’s ok, I can do it
sometime later when I have time. The thing is if you don’t make yourself
a priority, you will never have time to really improve yourself, take care
of yourself and grow to become the greatest version of you. In the
morning, you have the most precious focus, creative energy and capacity
to learn, think and create. You choose to use it on yourself and your
work you love or spend it on a daily mindless routine like commuting,
consuming news and dealing with daily errands and work that you hate.
Making lists
I don’t have time for it. One of the most common excuses I hear people
say to me when I ask so why you don’t exercise, why you don’t write,
why you don’t build a business? You have time, I have time, Barack
Obama has time. We all have time, and just to remind you, we all have
24 hours a day, no matter where you live, how much money you make or
how successful you are, you have the same amount of time as everyone
else. So how some people excel and some don’t? They prioritise. You
must come to peace with a fact that you can’t have it all. You either
master one thing or you become mediocre at many things, but you can’t
have both.
“You must come to peace with a fact that you can’t have it all.”
Making lists, and especially hand-written lists make your brain believe
that these are the only things you need to focus on. Once you start
working on something you will be bombarded with thoughts and excuses
of what you should be doing instead. Hold tight, write these ideas and
distractions down to your “later” list, as this little trick makes your brain
think about it as a complete task and then you can stop thinking about it
and focus on your work. Mindfulness and awareness help you a lot with
noticing these thoughts and I will talk about it a little bit later in this
I love the idea of essentialism, you need to focus on essential things and
say a big NO to distractions and all the endless opportunities. Warren
Buffet has an incredibly powerful priorities list method.
Begin with writing down 25 things you want to do in your life. After that
prioritise them writing a number from 1 to 25. Rewrite the list by
priorities starting 1 to 25, now draw a line after the 5th priority. First five
priorities are the ones you need and can focus to really achieve them, and
now, the most important part, below the line, 20 other priorities are your
“avoid at all costs list”. This is the list of you wanting to become a
musician, wanting to write a book, wanting to start a blog, wanting to
[INSERT A VERB + NOUN]. Most of the time it’s more about not
doing than doing. Doing nothing instead of doing anything in most cases
is better for your balance, health, sleep and focus on your main priorities.
Habit stacking
The concept of habit stacking is a set of habits, a script of your morning
routine to make sure you get the most of your morning and prepare
yourself for running the day like a boss.
“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn
Habit stacking works like magic for me, my current morning miracle
looks like that:
Wake up at 5 am
After I wake up I will drink water
After I drink water I will stretch
After I stretch I will eat
After I eat I will meditate for 15 min
After I meditate I will read 20 pages
After I read I will write 500 words
After I write I will plan the day and define MIT
After I plan the day I will do the affirmations (What do I want? Why do I want it? What am
I committed to doing in order to get there?)
After I do the affirmations I will visualise and imagine doing the tasks
After I visualise I will work on MIT
After MIT, I will exercise
Recent research shows that after just 30 minutes of sitting your
metabolism slows down 90 percent. The enzymes that move the bad fat
from your arteries to your muscles, where it can get burned off, slow
down. You already know that sitting too long and staring at your screen
is not very good for your posture, mental and physical health. But did
you know that the office chair is worse for your health than smoking and
kills more people than HIV.
One of the recent habits I am developing now is stretching, I was
inspired by my buddy Ivan Shulev who does it every day for at least an
hour. At the beginning, I saw it as a waste of time, but incorporating
stretching into my morning and workout routines I can see and feel the
benefits of being able to sit straight longer, reduced back pain and better
My goal is to develop a habit and stretch every 30 min while working as
most of the time I am just sitting and staring at my screen.
Complementary to that I started experimenting with working standing
up, a little problem is that my current nomadic lifestyle doesn’t allow me
to work from one place so I need to get creative and use a fridge, put
chairs on the table, books under my laptop to make my stand up desk the
right height. Once again, thanks to Ivan for leading by showing an
Listening to podcasts
For a long time in my life, I was constantly looking for instant
gratification, entertainment to be exact, mostly to escape my boring
lifestyle and day dream by looking at cartoons, movies and series that
would portray something. It would allow myself to impersonate with
people on the screen and feel the success they have.
“I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with
me.” – Dudley Field Malone
No matter how fulfilling and immersive these experiences are I decided
to invest in the future I want to live in, invest in myself and pay the price
of hard and consistent work to become the best person I can. I decided to
give up series, stop wasting time on weird videos and minimise time
spent listening to music. Instead, I wanted to allow myself learn more, be
inspired and have a positive impact on my personality and mindset
I’ve discovered a mind-blowing hack that was there all the time. If you
want to read more books, simply spend more time reading. If you don’t
have time to read, make more time. Have a book always with you, read
after you wake up, read when you commute to work, read while you wait
for your morning coffee at the cafe. Having a break at work? Read. Read
before the bed. All of these will add up and give you 20-40 pages a day
which are around 2 books a month. I used to waste months without
reading a single book.
I hope I don’t need to tell you about the benefits of reading books as
these are enormous. If some of the wealthiest people in the world like
Warren Buffet and Mark Zuckerberg can read hundreds of books a year
and Elon Musk can teach himself rocket science reading, it must be
important. Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people
seek education and learning. That’s why most successful people are
reading books instead of wasting time watching TV.
Over years reading you will certainly reshape your thinking, you will be
knowledgeable and have ideas on many topics, you will think and see
differently, you will have answers to common questions, you will feel
more confident and creative.
Writing is definitely one of the major skills that have influenced my
lifestyle in a positive way. It’s not only very meditative activity as it
helps me think deeper but it also allows me to create stories, makes me a
better communicator and increases my creativity. When I get into the
zone words are just flowing.
What I love about writing the most is the impact it can have. You can
potentially reach millions of people by just writing once and publishing
it online, you don’t need to repeat yourself and tell everyone personally
about your story.
It makes you a better person, you take everything that has been bothering
you into words on paper or screen and it leaves you calmer, more
satisfied and inspired.
Clearly expressing thoughts and ideas will help you make more friends
and influence people. Whether it’s your personal relationships or career,
clear communication will help you build smooth and bulletproof future.
It helps you learn. Read and you will forget, see and you may remember,
teach and you will understand. Once you are learning something it’s a
good idea to write down your notes in your own words how you
understand it. Once you start teaching what you have learned you’re
taking a critical look at what you want to say and that leads to a better
It’s a key to success or, at least, one of the keys. I’m not surprised these
wealthy and highly successful individuals like Warren Buffet, Richard
Branson and Bill Gates regularly take the time to put down a pen to
paper to express their thoughts.
Start writing.
The next step for me is to do it in front of a mirror with more energy and
belief to really pump up myself with positive energy for the day.
Imagine it with all the details, how does it look, smell, sound, feel? What
emotions you’d have, how would you look, what would you do? Make it
as realistic as possible and truly believe into it. Practising visualisation
daily helps me stay on the track and know that it is inevitable, I’ve
already been there and done that, now just need my body to get where
my mind already is, the victory.
What is the difference between a good and great athlete? Their mental
strength and power of visualisation. One of the most overused cliches in
sport is that 90 percent of performance is mental. According to Doug
Gardner, sport is 100 percent mental.
“I am a big believer in visualization. I run through my races mentally so
that I feel even more prepared.” – Allyson Felix, 2012 Olympic
champion, a 3-time World champion, and 2-time Olympic silver
Visualisation might be as effective as physical training
Australian psychologist Alan Richardson made a little experiment. He
took a group of basketball players, divided them into 3 groups and tested
each player’s ability to make free throws.
The first group would practice 20 minutes every day. The second would
only visualize themselves making free throws, but no real practice was
allowed. The third one would not practice or visualize.
The results were astounding. There was a significant improvement in the
group that only visualized; they were almost as good as they guys who
actually practiced.
In some cases, research has revealed that mental practices are almost
effective as true physical practice and that doing both is more effective
than either alone.
There are many benefits of visualisation
Visualisation process works as a form of relaxation as it reduces anxiety,
with visualization there are no limitations, you can be and do anything,
you can gain inspiration to pursue your dreams as you have already seen
them happen, boost confidence and improve focus to work toward your
Start with a simple skill that you want to learn, like waking up earlier or
eating slower. That way you can practice with something easier and
strengthen your visualization skills before tackling the big complex
I’ve been exercising for over a decade now. I’ve been involved in
athletics from a young age of 12, I’ve faced many personal defeats,
struggle and growth of my physical and mental body. For the last three
years, I switched to the gym, running and stretching. Occasionally trying
new things like yoga, surfing, ultimate frisbee, tennis and surfing.
Now I am regularly exercising 4-5 times a week, with exceptions when I
get sick or travel. I recently switched from a 3 to a 4-day program that
you can see below.
Tricep Extension 1 x 10, 8, 8, 6 (adding weight)
Tricep Dip 3 x 10
Tricep Bench Dip 3 x 8
Standing Barbell Curl 1 x 8, 8, 6
Close Grip Preacher Curl 1 x 8, 8, 6
Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 x 12-14
Concentration Curl 2 x 10
Standing Wrist Curl 4 x 10
Barbell Wrist Curl 4 x 10
Friday – Legs
Squat 1 x 10, 8, 8, 6, 4
Leg Extension 3 x 12
Leg Curl 3 x 12
Standing Calf Raise 4 x 12
Seated calf Raise 2 x 12
My point is, you will certainly fail with your new lifestyle managing
your new habits. Your old habits will creep in and try to get you back to
your comfort zone, don’t give up. Start over and over again until you
realise you are the person you always wished to become.