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Developments in advanced

Developments in advanced
Ali Harlin & Minna Vikman (eds.)
ISBN 978-951-38-7665-4 (soft back ed.)
ISSN 1235-0605 (soft back ed.)
ISBN 978-951-38-7666-1 (URL:
ISSN 1455-0865 (URL:
Copyright © VTT 2010


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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Vuorimiehentie 5, P.O. Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland
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Cover picture Kirsi Immonen

Text formatting Raija Sahlstedt

Edita Prima Oy, Helsinki 2010

Ali Harlin & Minna Vikman (eds.). Developments in advanced biocomposites. Espoo 2010. VTT
Tiedotteita – Research Notes 96 p.

Keywords Biocomposites, bioplastics, fibre, biomass

VTT has long experience in developing biocomposites for several application
areas. Biocomposites are materials consisting of bioplastics, natural fibres and/or
fillers and additives, which are also preferred to be biomass-based. The utilisa-
tion of non-food resources will be one of the main issues and drivers in material
development. The variety of biomaterials, the number of material combinations,
processing technologies and potential applications offer extensive opportunities
but there are many challenges that must be overcome during the development of
biocomposites and bioplastics. The next generation of biomaterials are being
developed through advanced processing and nanotechnology. This publication
gives overview of the research activities and main achievements at VTT in this

A good starting point for this publication was Biocomposite-workshop which
was held in Tampere 25th of March, 2010. The workshop was organized as a part
of Industrial Biomaterial spearhead programme and it’s aim was to review the
research activities and main achievements at VTT in the field of the biocompo-
sites. This publication was prepared on the basis of the presentations held in the
workshop, but in addition some other relevant research topics in this field are
I want to thank all the writers of this publication for their valuable contribu-

Ali Harlin

Professor, Programme Manager


Abstract ............................................................................................................ 3
Preface ............................................................................................................. 4
Biogenic and nano components are renewing composites ................................. 7
Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites.......................................................... 12
Peat fibre composites...................................................................................... 21
BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites .. 29
WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite................................ 39

Lignin-compatibilised biocomposites................................................................ 49
ECOplast – Research into new biomass-based composites from renewable
resources with improved properties for vehicle parts moulding......................... 55
Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films.................................. 61

From nanocellulose science towards applications............................................ 71

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch .................................. 79
The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and
wood plastic composites (WPC) ...................................................................... 87

Biogenic and nano components are renewing composites

Biogenic and nano components are

renewing composites

Ali Harlin
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

A biogenic substance is a substance produced by life processes, which may be

either constituents or secretions of plants or animals. There are three strategies
for converting biogenic substances to precursor and further into value added
chemicals, namely, gasification to synthesis gas, thermal conversions to simple
precursors, and utilization of highly selective catalysis (Gallezot, 2007). How-
ever biomaterials like agrofibre and wood are bio-based composites as such. A
combination of proven composite technologies and novel biogenic and nano
components will lead us to the next generation of bio-based materials.

Biogenic raw materials

Attention has been drawn to the use of biomass as a source of energy and, more
specifically to their use in transportation fuels. (Huber et al., 2005; Huber at al.,
2006; Petrus & Noordemeer, 2006; Ragauskas et al., 2006) In order to imple-
ment the Rio declaration (Report, 2007), the US chemical industry prepared a
Vision 2020 program (Technology Vision, 2007), one recommendation of which
was to use renewable feed stocks – especially cellulose sources – for valuable
chemicals. Goals for the chemical industry to achieve sustainable development
were defined in the workshop report in July 2001 (Workshop report, 2001). In
particular, it was stated that the use of renewable raw materials should be in-
creased by 13% until 2020. Furthermore, the EU has established a platform for

Biogenic and nano components are renewing composites

sustainable chemistry demanding that 30% of chemicals should be prepared

from renewable resources by 2025 (CEFIC, 2007).
In direct analogy to a petroleum refinery, an economically attractive bio-
refinery should produce multiple products, including fuel, power, and bulk or
fine chemicals, from biomass (Zhang, 2008). In addition, the valorisation of all
components of biomass is essential for a viable bio-refinery (Bozell et al., 2007).
In the review of Gum et al. (1992), a value added class of compounds called
reaction polymers are discussed in more detail. The compounds include polyure-
thanes, epoxies, unsaturated polyesters, and phenolics. Biomass carbohydrates
are the most abundant renewable resources available, beyond even lignin, and
they are currently viewed as a feedstock for the Green Chemistry of the future
(Lichtenthaler, 1998, 2002 and 2004).

Wood composites

The development of traditional wood composites has declined since particle

board and plywood volumes have reduced in construction applications even if
their position in the furniture industry is still marked. Renewed interest can be
expected in bio-based adhesives, glues, preservatives and coatings. New prod-
ucts could also be expected if treated wood will be converted further into assem-
bly series or ready products.
It seems that suitable waste streams for wood polymer composites (WPC) are
difficult to predict. Saw mills side streams find use in energy production and as
raw material in pulp mills. Heat treated wood can be used in energy production
as well. Pressure preserved wood is most suitable for material recycling, but at
the same time value chains and consumption habits have favoured preserved and
heat treated wood instead of wood plastic products, which have grown markedly
in other markets.

Wood fibre composites

Typically wood fibre composites are used in packaging materials like fibre
mouldings and strengthening elements, where recycled and second hand fibre
sources and low technology are used.
Wood fibre as such has not been seen as a very efficient composite material
due to its limited aspect ratio and high water uptake.
However, it has been possible to chemically modify the fibre to be compatible
with most of the plastics and simultaneously markedly hydrophobic. It has also

Biogenic and nano components are renewing composites

been observed that mechanical properties can be improved through the use of
fibre webs like recycled paper and especially packaging waste. Clearly with
enhanced high consistency sieving, mixing and extruding technologies, the
product qualities and production efficiency could be improved and WFPC could
find added value in use elsewhere.

Natural fibre composites

Natural fibre is markedly more expensive, but due to its high aspect ratio may
provide higher performance as well. For the natural fibre composites NFPC im-
proved compatibility is required, which has been possible to develop through
different kinds of chemical and chemo enzymatic methods. In bulk products this
route has been seen as overkill mean while the actual engineering applications
seem to be technically too far.
Several interesting experiments have been conducted to apply natural compo-
nents, like straws, rumen, feathers and peat. Both particle board technology and
thermoplastic compounding has been applied, when new biopolymers are also
necessary elements of the novel materials. Applications finding increasing mar-
ket potential are found especially in appliances and furniture. Here consumer
preferences for more sustainable solutions combined with design, unique tactile
and visual properties play a vital role.

New materials

The performance of the composite especially in the engineering application is

valorised as a ratio between mechanical performance term and density. What is
targeted is high performance with minimum weight. Vehicles are a typical ex-
ample, where light weight materials improve both fuel economy and transporta-
tion efficiency. The benefits are also typical for packaging.
Nano fibril cellulose (NFC) is an emerging bio-material carrying many prom-
ises of high mechanical strength. NFC has expected strengths similar to aromatic
polyesters like Kevlar while it is available practically everywhere in growing
plants. Like other nanomaterials, NFC has compatibility issues related to a very
high surface area in the material. NFC is hydroscopic due to free hydroxyls,
which on the other hand may help bonding. Also other nanomaterials like nano
clays may open a new avenue for development.

Biogenic and nano components are renewing composites

Foams are generic platforms enabling the reduction of weight. Rigid foams
can be placed in the composite structure in less load bearing areas like the mid-
dle. Foams also enable the control of composite structure.

Technical solutions

There is an obvious need for processing technologies capable of gently but effi-
ciently handling high viscosity pulps and mixtures with high consistency. Simul-
taneously required is very efficient mixing, control of orientation and breakage
avoidance in composite fibre. Certain answers may be found in the rubber, paint
and food processing industries.
Surface treatments of biopolymers not only enable tailoring for scratch resis-
tance and stain repellence but also for tactile and visual properties. There are
several advanced modifications of basic coating and surface treatments. Beyond
methods like the sol-gel coatings are coming thin layer methods like thermal
spray, plasma deposition and atomic layer deposition are being developed.
Combining new biogenic polymers with nanotechnology can be expected to
produce technical breakthroughs. Further, more emphasis has to be put on mate-
rial physics and modelling than on converting. Material structure and behaviour
has to be better understood.
On the other hand, high volume waste management issues may introduce new
raw materials for construction applications. In this sector technical performance
is important but also easy-handling and ease-of-maintenance are marked issues.
Depending on legislation and the development of raw materials prices, espe-
cially oil, the existing balance of contemporary material usage may rapidly


VTT has long experience in developing biogenic composites. In construction

materials an actual breakthrough has not yet happened. Simultaneously, more
focus is put on packaging and its sustainability. The next generation of biomate-
rials are being developed through advanced processing and nanotechnology. The
development of new technologies for biogenic composites will enable the com-
mercialisation of the WFPC technologies when the time is appropriate.

Biogenic and nano components are renewing composites


Bozell, J. J., Holladay, J. E., Johnson, D. & White, J. F. (2007). Top Value Added Candi-
dates from Biomass, Volume II: Results of Screeningfor Potential Candidate-
from Biorefinery Lignin; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Richland, WA.

CEFIC (2007), Date 2.5.2007.

Gallezot, P. (2007). Catalytic routes from renewables to fine che micals, Catal. Today,
121, 76.

Gum, W., Riese, W. & Ulrich, H. (1992). Reaction Polymers. New York, oxford University

Huber, G. W., Chheda, J. N., Barrett, C. J. & Dumesic, J. A. (2005). Production of Liquid
Alkanes by Aqueous-Phase Processing of Biomass-Derived Carbohydrates,
Science 308, 1446.

Huber, G. W., Iborra , S. & Corma , A. (2006). Synthesis of Transportation Fuels fro m
Biomass: Chemistry, Catalysts, and Engineering, Chem Rev. 106, 4044.

Lichtenthaler, F. W. (2002). Unsaturated O- and N-Heterocycles from Carbohydrate

Feedstocks, Acc. Chem. Res. 35, 728.

Lichtenthaler, F. W., Peters, S. C. R. (2004). Carbohydrates as green raw materials for

the chemical industry, Chim. 7, 65.

Lichtenthaler, F. W . ( 1998). Enantiopure B uilding Blocks from Sugars, 24. T owards Im -

proving the Utility of Ketoses as Organic Raw Materials. Carbohydr. Res. 313, 69.

Petrus, L. & Noordermeer, M. A. (2006). Biomass to B iofuels, A Chemical Perspective,

Green Chem. 8, 861.

Ragauskas, A. J., Williams, C. K., Davison, B. H., Britovsek, G., Cairney, J., Eckert, C. A.,
Frederick, W. J., Hallett, J. P., Leak, D. J., Liotta, C. L., Mielenz, J. R., Murphy,
R., Templer, R. & Tschaplinski, T. (2006). Science 311, 484.

Report of the Uni ted Nations Conference on Environ ment and Development (2007). Rio
de Janeiro, June 3–14, 1992., date 2.5.2007.

Technology Vision 2020 (2007). The US Chemical Industry., date 2.5.2007.

Workshop Report on Ne w Process Chemistry, Technology roadmap, July 2001, Council

for Chemical Research, p. 9., USA, date 3.5.2007.

Zhang, Y.-H. P. (2008). Reviving the carbohydrate economy via multi-product biorefiner-
ies, J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 35, 367.

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites

Trends in bioplastics and

Johanna Lampinen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


Natural fibres have found their way onto the composite market as reinforcements
or fillers, mainly in polyolefin-based WPC products. Currently, bio-based mate-
rials are widely researched with the aim of replacing polyolefins and other oil-
based plastics. The current ‘bulk’ bio-plastic polylactic acid (PLA) is being ac-
companied by other commercial bio-polymers such as starch-based polymers,
PHB and biopolymer blends. There are also many expectations towards new
polyester-, polyamide- and protein-based biopolymers, which are globally under
All the components in biocomposites – polymers, fibres, fillers, compatibilis-
ers and additives – are preferred to be bio-based. While aiming towards competi-
tive, high-performance and sustainable biocomposites by mixing these novel
biobased components, the material formula and the processing techniques need
to be thoroughly studied, developed and optimised to be able to meet the re-
quirements of different applications, industries and markets.
The variety of biomaterials, the number of material combinations, processing
technologies and potential applications offer tremendous opportunities; however,
there are many challenges that must be overcome during the development of
bioplastics and biocomposites for different industrial sectors such as transporta-
tion, packaging, furniture, agriculture, construction and consumer products.

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites


Legislation, changes in raw material resources and prices, consumer demand,

land filling, innovations, global warming and the ‘green image’ are all driving
the market of biomass-based products, namely bioplastics and biocomposites.
The oil/petroleum-derived plastics industry is faced with important issues such
as the increase in oil prices and the continuous fluctuations in petroleum prices,
which have resulted in price volatility. Further, the sources for synthetic plastics
– fossil fuel reserves – are diminishing and the demand for renewable materials
is increasing. However, the raw materials used for bioplastics are agricultural
resources that are renewable and present in abundance, thereby establishing bio-
plastics as a sustainable industry.
The synthetic plastics industry is also burdened with environmental issues.
When fossil fuels are utilised, it leads to more CO2 release than CO2 utilisation,
thereby leading to an increase in global warming. Thus, concerns are rising
about the sustainability of the synthetic plastics industry. Global climatic
changes (greenhouse effect) and waste disposal issues are some weaknesses of
the synthetic plastics industry. Biopolymers can play an important role in the
CO2 cycle as with greater agricultural production, more CO2 (which has resulted
from biopolymer degradation) is absorbed and, hence, CO2 released to the at-
mosphere is reduced, thereby leading to reduction in global warming. Environ-
mental awareness movements are very strong, especially in the European Union
(EU), Japan, and the United States, and bioplastics can meet the increasing de-
mands for biodegradable products. The compostability of the materials is certi-
fied by the European Standard EN 13432 and third parties. The biodegradability
of bioplastics is covered under the European Packaging Directive 94/62/EC,
which has been amended by a new Packaging Directive 2004/12/EC; this in-
cludes both the aerobic (composting) and anaerobic treatment of biodegradable
packaging as organic recycling. This means that biodegradable plastics are con-
sidered beneficial as recycled plastics as they reduce the waste that goes to the
landfill. This creates an advantage for biodegradable plastics over conventional
ones (Frost & Sullivan, 2007).
Improved properties, the increase in the number of producers, the growing va-
riety of different types of bioplastics, the depreciating prices of bioplastics and
availability are all factors that will increase the usage of bioplastics and open up
new possibilities and application areas for bioplastics, and further for biofoams
and biocomposites.

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites


The definition of bioplastics is expanding from biodegradable plastics to bio-

mass-based/ bio-sourced/ renewable sources plastics. The standardisation work
of bioplastics was initiated in Europe and the USA; to date, however, there is no
universal, established practice on the definitions for bioplastics. Furthermore,
there is no legislation regulating the amount of renewable sourced material that
needs to be present in a plastic, for it to be called ‘bioplastic’ nor for the meas-
urement and reporting of renewable content of a bioplastic. It is therefore open
to individual players in the market to assess this particular issue. The ultimate
goal, beyond the mere reporting of renewable content, is likely to be a frame-
work for providing a fuller assessment of each material's life-cycle and carbon
footprint (Frost & Sullivan, 2007).

Definition of bioplastics

According to the latest definitions,

biopolymers and bioplastics can refer
1) bio-based and biodegradable
plastics like PLA, PHA and starch
acetate (SA);
2) bio-based, non biodegradable
plastics like polyamides and bio-based
3) synthetic biodegradable polymers,
e.g. PCL, PBS and PVA;
4) conventional plastics; and
5) combinations of the above

Figure 1. Division of bioplastics.

The fastest growing and most interesting group of the above (Figure 1) is the
bio-based/ renewable resourced plastics, which are introducing to the market a
number of bio-based plastics with the same properties as conventional plastics.
At present, the most commonly used commercial bioplastics are PLA and
starch-based plastics. PHAs, biopolymer blends and some bio-sourced thermoset
materials, such as furan resin, also exist. (Frost & Sullivan, 2007).

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites

Production and markets

The worldwide production of bioplastics is growing and the usage of bioplastics

is expanding into several industrial sectors. The bioplastics market is growing
more than 8% to 10% per year. Bioplastics cover approximately 10% to 15 % of
the total plastics market and is estimated to increase its market share to 25% to
30 % by 2020. The market itself is huge and is expected to increase from over
USD 1 billion in 2007 to more than USD 10 billion by 2020 (Shen et al., 2009).
According to Frost & Sullivan’s report (European Markets for Bioplastics’,
December 2007), the production of bioplastics is estimated to grow from
200,000 tons in 2006 to one million tons in 2011. As shown in Figure 2, the
growth is forecast to occur in the sector ‘other bioplastics’ rather than in PLA,
PHA or starch-based plastics, which are at present mainly used for packaging
applications. The ‘other’ segment includes bioplastics such polyamide, cellu-
lose-based biopolymers, blends, lignin and biomass-based polyethylene (PE).
(Frost & Sullivan, 2007).

Figure 2. World’s bioplastic production capacity in tons in 2006–2012.

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites

The production capacity of bioplastics will grow as there are more and more
companies entering and investing in the market. Currently, some 20 companies
hold 90% of the market share; however, by 2015 it is estimated that there will be
over 250 and by 2020 over 2,000 companies in the market. Asian has the highest
growth rates and investments to 2020 (Shen et al., 2009).
Table 1 gives the key industrial producers of bioplastics in the world in 2007,
2009, 2013 and 2020 (Shen et al., 2009; European plastic news, 2010).

Table 1. Worldwide producers of bioplastics and forecast of production capacity (Shen et

al., 2009).

Producer Polymer type Trade name World Capacity (kton/a)

2007 2009 2013 2020
NatureWorks US PLA Ingeo 140 140 300 450
PURAC TH L-lactide, D-lactide PURAC 75 75 150 300
Teijin/ Musashino JP Heat resist. PLA BIOFRONT 0,2 1,2 10 10
Pyramid DE PLA Pyramid PLA 60
Novamont IT Starch blends Mater-Bi 40 60 100 200
Rodenburg NL Part. ferm. starch Solanyl 40 40 40 40
BIOP DE/NL Starch blends, SA Biopar & Bioparen 5 5 80 150
LIVAN CN/HU Starch blends Livan 10 60 60 110
Cereplast US Starch blends Cereplast Compost.
Tianan CN PHB-V Enmat 2 10 50 50
Telles US Metabolix PHA Mirel 0,25 50 50 50
PHB Industrial BR Biocycle PHB-V 0,05 10 10 10
Tianjin /DSM CN P(3HB-co-4HB) Green Bio 10 10 10
Innovia UK Reg. cellulose film NatureFlex 5 5 20 20
BASF DE PBAT EcoFlex 14 14 60 60
Mitsubishi ChemicalsJP PBSL GSPla 3 3 10 10
Arkema FR, US,CN PA11 Rilsan 11 5 5 5 5
Braskem for PE 5 200 200 200
Dow-Crystalsev for PE 350 350
Solvay Ethylene for PVC 60 60

The variety of bioplastics will offer tremendous opportunities for the develop-
ment of distinct biocomposites for different applications.


Biocomposites are composites consisting of bioplastics, natural fibres and/or

fillers and additives, which are also preferred to be biomass-based. It is common
knowledge that the interaction between the fibres and matrix determine the
properties of a composite. Many research and development activities have been
and are being carried out with the aim of improving the performances of natural
fibre composites (NFC), wood plastic composites (WPC) and biocomposites.

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites

These activities include improvements of the properties of natural fibres: optimal

fibre length and aspect ratio, and distinct fibre treatments. In addition, new bio-
mass-based additives, such as impact modifiers, fire retardants and biocides, are
globally under development. Nevertheless, the development of new bioplastics is
crucial for the properties and future of biocomposites.


Biocomposites are one of the newest classes of composites; in most cases they
are included in wood plastic composites or natural fibre composites. The produc-
tion of Wood Plastic Composites (WPCs) has increased substantially over the
last ten years. The production capacity grew 40% in the USA, 100% in Europe,
and 13% in Japan from 2000 to 2005 (Figure 3). Although production of WPCs
began in the USA – the production and market leader – the fastest growing mar-
ket is in Europe. (Asta Eder, 2007)

North America
1.400.000 China






2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010

Figure 3. WPC Production growth rates (Asta Eder, 2007).

The market forecasts shown in Figure 4 for naturally reinforced Plastic Compos-
ites (NRPC) and for natural fibre composites (NFC) are promising, as is the
market growth of biocomposites due to the variety in terminology and the fact
that the greener it gets the better. The annual growth rate predicted for European
biocomposites is 21%. The volume of biocomposites is predicted to increase
from 129,000 tons in 2008 to 427,000 tons in 2014. Furthermore, natural fibres
and fillers are the fastest growing plastics ‘additives’. Injection moulding mate-

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites

rials are at an early stage and significant growth can be expected in the medium

Figure 4. Forecast of NRPC and NFC Composites in Europe, 2004–2014 (Frost &
Sullivan, 2008b).

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites


Some 65% of bioplastics were used in packaging and food related applications
in 2007 and in 2025, the share is estimated to be 40%. Automotive and electron-
ics are forecasted to reach over 25% of the market share by 2025 with a higher
profit potential compared to the packaging and food industry. (Frost & Sullivan,
The most commonly used polymers for biodegradable packaging are starch-
based polymers. Starch accounted for 50% of the share of biodegradable packag-
ing globally in 2007. Starch-based polymers are commonly used polymers in
biodegradable packaging in applications such as compostable bags, consumer
goods packaging and fresh food packaging for fruits, vegetables and bakery
products. They are also used in food service packaging such as disposable pack-
aging. Starch is followed by PLA which accounted for 40% of the share by vol-
ume (Frost & Sullivan, 2008a).
PLA dominates the fresh food packaging sector. The rapid capacity expansion
of this polymer is set to boost the growth of biodegradable packaging applica-
tions of PLA. The other polymers, such as PHA, and polyesters accounted for
the remaining 10% of the share.
Figure 5 shows the volume share by polymer type in the global biodegradable
packaging market in 2007 (Frost & Sullivan, 2008a).

Figure 5. Biodegradable Packaging Market: Volume Share by Polymer Type (World),

2007. (Frost & Sullivan, 2008a).

Two of the key issues in transportation, packaging, construction, electronics and

consumer goods are light weights and the reduction of raw material consump-
tion. New bio-sourced biopolymers are developed to meet the requirements of

Trends in bioplastics and biocomposites

novel applications. Common requirements for distinct materials in mass produc-

tion are low-price, processability, appropriate performance and light weight. The
weight reduction in products can be achieved by design, material choices and
eventually by foaming. The variety of biomaterials, number of material combi-
nations, processing technologies and applications offer tremendous opportuni-
ties; however, there are many challenges that must be met during the develop-
ment of bioplastics and biocomposites in order to meet the demands of different
industrial sectors.


The drivers represented in this paper will lead to an increase in the number and
volume of bioplastics and biocomposites. The competitiveness of bioplastics
compared to plastics will be improved thanks to higher production volumes and
the increase in oil and plastic prices. Improved and tailored properties as well as
enhanced processing technologies will offer tremendous opportunities for the
utilisation of bioplastics and biocomposites in a large number of commercial
applications in the future. The utilisation of non-food resources will be one of
the main issues and drivers in material development.


Asta Eder (2007). WPCs – an E uropean Market Overview, Wood Fibre Polymer Com-
posites International Symposium 2007, Bordeaux.

Frost & Sullivan (2008a), Biodegradable Packaging Market – Opportunity, N4F6-39.

Frost & Sullivan, (2007). European Markets for Bioplastics, Mi 86–39, December.

Frost & Sullivan (2008b). European Markets for Naturally-Reinforced Plastic Composites,

European Plastic News (2010).

Shen, L., Haufe, J. & Patel, M.K. ( 2009). Product overview and m arket pr ojection of
emerging bio-based plastics; PRO-BIP 2009, Final report, June.

Peat fibre composites

Peat fibre composites

Kirsi Immonen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


In this study, we compared properties of peat fibre containing composites with

other cellulose containing composites such as reed canary grass, sawdust and
cellulose. Peat fibre containing composite material has been studied at the VTT
in several projects including TULI-POC project, a market study and a producti-
sation study together with the Aalto University Design Factory. A patent appli-
cation concerning biodegradable peat fibre containing materials was submitted
in 2007.
Peat fibre and reed canary grass are potential filler/reinforcement fibres in
WPC and bio-based composites in addition to commonly used sawdust and cel-
lulose fibres. Here, some results of PP and PLA composites with fibre contents
of 20% and 40% are presented. If the performance of these different fibres is
compared, cellulose can be said to have potential in high tensile strength bio-
composites. The strength of sawdust lies in being a cheap side-stream material
with adequate properties. The performance of reed canary grass composites, the
strengths of which are a ‘natural’ visual appearance and easy availability, is
similar to that of sawdust composites. Peat fibres showed surprisingly low water
absorption, good impact strength properties and better fire retarding properties
than other fibres. Biodegradable products can be tailored from all of the pre-
sented fibre materials using biodegradable polymers in a matrix. Potential prod-
ucts for peat fibre containing composite materials could be different injection- or
extrusion-moulded items.

Peat fibre composites


The increasing concern for our environment and interest in materials with a low
CO2-footprint together with a lower price than fossil-based materials have in-
creased research activity into bio-based materials all over the world. The re-
search activity brings new bio-based polymers to the market with properties
similar to those of engineering polymers. Adding natural fibres to polymers in
addition to form composite materials reduces the price of the materials, gives a
‘natural’ look and feel to composite materials and, in the best cases, also prop-
erty enhancement. New environmental laws and regulations are, in their way,
pushing industry to adapt new materials. The interest by the industry can also be
seen in the way new recycling and post-treatment possibilities have been cre-
The production and customer demand for natural fibre-reinforced composites
is also increasing in Europe. In North America, the productisation is much big-
ger, including, for example, decking, window frames, sizing, terrace parts and
car parts. The naturally reinforced plastic composite market is estimated to dou-
ble in the next four years to 380 ktpa (Source: Frost & Sullivan).
The research into wood polymer composites (WPC) and bio-based composites
concentrates mainly on natural fibres such as flax, hemp, bast fibre, wood, bam-
boo, cork and sawdust, and it is compounded with polymers such as polypropyl-
ene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polylactide acid (PLA) and thermoset matrices
(e.g., polyesters).
Cellulose containing peat fibres could be one good domestic choice as a filler
or reinforcement material in composites. Finland is the sixth highest peat-
containing land in terms of land area, with 31% of Finland covered with peat
(Minkkinen & Laine, 2001). Less than 2% of this area is used, and then mainly
for energy production, for which contradictory discussions are ongoing. Peat
fibre composites could be one way to improve the image of peat heaving due to
the relatively low amounts needed compared with energy production, positive
utilisation of domestic natural resources and the good properties of peat compos-
ites. Peat composites could be one positive way to add value to peat as a raw
This study compared the properties of peat fibre containing composites with
other cellulose containing composites such as reed canary grass, sawdust and

Peat fibre composites

Materials and methods

The fibre materials used in this research were milled peat, reed canary grass,
sawdust and cellulose. Peat fibre was used in milled form straight from heaving
and drying. It consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, different natural acids
and resins and has a wide particle size distribution that also includes nanoparti-
Reed canary grass, which is also cultivated in peat areas after heaving peat
for energy use, is ended. It works as a green house gas absorbing vegetation. Its
main use is also for energy purposes. It resembles straw and provides a good
reference for straw containing materials in composites. Reed canary grass con-
tains cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, different extract and inorganic particles
such as silicates, Fe, Mn, K, Cu and Ca. The reed canary grass used was
chopped into 8 mm pieces.
Sawdust or wood flour is a widely used raw material in WPCs and can be ob-
tained from side chains of the wood industry. It is cheap filler, which can com-
pensate for the high cost of polymers, and it contains all wood ingredients, cellu-
lose, hemicellulose, lignin and extracts.
Cellulose offers a wide variation of possibilities as raw material in compos-
ites. The properties of composites are affected by the origin of the cellulose (fi-
bre size, shape and fibrillation) and the production type (hemicellulose and lig-
nin content). It can be modified physically, chemically and enzymatically, aimed
at compatibility improvement through covalent and electrostatic interactions
between the fibre and matrix polymers and thereby high performance. In this
study, we used bleached birch pulp cellulose.
The polymer matrix materials used here were polylactide (PLA) from Hycail
and polypropylene (PP BH345) from Borealis.
The materials were compounded to fibre contents of 20% and 40% using the
Berstorff ZE 25 x 33 twin-screw extruder followed by injection moulding with
the Engel 200/50 HL to dog-bone-shaped test bars or extrusion with a Dolci
extruder to 3-cm round extrusion profiles. The processing was performed at
temperatures below 200ºC for all the material combinations.
Tensile strength tests were conducted according to standard SFS-EN ISO
3167:2003 using Instron 4505 and Charpy impact strength (unnotched) accord-
ing to standard ISO179. The water absorption measurement was made according
to the ISO 62 standard and biological degradation according to ASTM D6400.

Peat fibre composites

The fire resistance test used a standard EN ISO 11925-2:2002, in which the
sample is placed in an upright position and lighted from the top with a torch.


Figure 1. PP and PLA composites with cellulose, saw dust, reed canar y grass and pe at
fibres in fibre content 40%.

Peat fibre composites are dark brown or almost black in PP but have some sil-
very shades in PLA composites. To disperse pure cellulose effectively into hy-
drophobic matrices (PP), some dispersion agents or hydrophobisation of fibre
seem to be needed. The incompatibility of cellulose and sawdust with PP could
be seen as small gaps between the fibre and matrix in the SEM pictures. Peat
fibre had the most homogeneous and even material distribution in the PP, which
indicates good compatibility, possibly due to hydrophobic resinous ingredients
of the peat. In the PLA composites, the cellulose dispersed quite evenly to the
matrix and reed canary grass and the sawdust had nice dispersion with big parti-
cles. The PLA peat fibres also had the most even distribution as well as some 1-
µm size pores in the matrix. These may have been due to the resinous and acidic

Peat fibre composites

ingredient causing changes during the crystallisation of the PLA or gasification

of those compounds.
The tensile strengths of different fibre-filled PP composites all performed at
the same level of around 20 MPa. The only exception was the maleic anhydride
(MAH) cross-linked peat fibre (40% fibre) with 14% higher tensile strength
compared with composites with other fibres. In the PLA composites, the birch
pulp performed best, having a tensile strength of over 70 MPa, which is even
higher than for PLA without fibre (64 MPa). The poorest performance was by
PLA with 40% peat fibre with a tensile strength of 31 MPa. This may have been
due to the porous structure.
The impact strength (Figure 2) in PP composites with 20% peat fibre was 33%
higher than with the second best reed canary grass (42 kJ/m2 vs. 28 kJ/m2). In
the 40% fibre content, no difference could be seen in the results between the
different fibres, and all the results were at the 16 kJ/m2 level. PLA composites
with 20% peat fibre had 25% higher impact strength than the second best with
cellulose fibres (19 kJ/m2 vs. 15 kJ/m2). The peat fibres also had a small positive
effect on the 40% fibre content with 18% higher results compared with next best
cellulose fibre composites (11 kJ/m2 vs. 9.6 kJ/m2). Therefore, it seems that mi-
cropores in peat fibre composites do not have an effect on impact strength.

Charpy impact strength (unnotched) for natural fibre compounds

125 80


Impact Strength, kJ/m2






Birch pulp 40%+PLA
Birch pul p 20%+PL A

Pea t 40%+PL A
Peat 40%+PP(MAH)


Peat 20%+PLA

Peat 40%+PHB
Birch pulp 20%+PP

Birch pulp 40%+PP

Saw d ust 40 %+PLA

Pe at 40 %+PP
Saw dust 20%+PP

Birch pulp 40 %+PHB

Sa w dust 20 %+PLA
Saw dust 40%+PP

RCGrass 40%+PLA
Peat 20%+PP

Saw dust 40%+PHB

RCGrass 20%+PLA
RCGrass 40 %+PP

RCGrass 40%+PHB
RCGrass 20%+PP

Figure 2. Charpy impact strength f or natural f ibre co mpounds with PP, PLA and PHB

Peat fibre composites

The water absorption (Figure 3) in injection-moulded PP samples with 40% peat

fibre was > 80% lower than with other fibres, being < 1 w-% with peat fibres
and > 5 w-% with other fibres after one week tests. Peat fibre containing PLA
composites had > 20% lower water absorption than with other fibres, being 1.6
w-% with peat fibres, 2 w-% with cellulose fibres and about 2.5 w-% with saw-
dust and reed canary grass after a 96-hour test.

Water absorption of PP-compounds with 40% fibre

Water absorption, w-%

4 24 h
3 96 h
2 1 vweek
PP Birch pulp Saw dust Reed canary Peat PP(MAH) +
grass peat

Water absorption for PLA-compounds with 40% fibre

Water absorption, w-%

24 h
96 h
PLA ref. Birch pulp Saw dust Reed canary Peat

Water absorption for PHB-compounds with 40% fibre

Water absorption, w-%

24 h
96 h
3 1 vko
PHB ref. Birch pulp Saw dust Reed canary Peat

Figure 3. Water absorption for natura l fibr e compounds with 40% f ibre cont ent and PP,
PLA and PHB matrices.

Peat fibre composites

The fire properties were tested with composites containing 40% fibre. Compared
with the actual burning of PLA composites, the burning proceeded with a clear
flame in cellulose, sawdust and reed canary grass composites, being fastest in
reed canary grass containing material. With peat fibres, the fire progress was
more like smouldering and it even stopped in some samples. The speed of the
fire progress with peat fibres was about 25% slower than with cellulose and
sawdust containing fibres those performed similarly. Peat fibres containing PP
composites were compared with pure PP and it was found that in peat fibre con-
taining composite material the fire speed was about 40% slower than with pure
PP. This indicates that peat fibre containing composites could be used in fire
retarding composite materials.
Biodegradation of the PLA composites containing 40% fibre was analysed in
standard composting conditions during a 12 week period (84 days). After the
test, all the samples became very brittle and lost their elasticity. The weight lost
in the cellulose fibre samples was 32.8%, the sawdust samples 32.2%, the reed
canary grass samples 32.5% and the peat fibre samples 31.0%. This indicates
that all the tested composite materials are biodegradable according to standard
requirements, which means 60% degradation during a 180-day period (6


Peat fibre and reed canary grass are potential filler/reinforcement fibres in WPC
and bio-based composites in addition to commonly used sawdust and cellulose
fibres. If the performance of these different fibres is compared, it can be said that
cellulose has potential in high tensile strength biocomposites. The strength of
sawdust lies in being a cheap side-stream material with adequate properties. The
performance of reed canary grass composites, the strengths of which are a ‘natu-
ral’ visual appearance and easy availability, is similar to that of sawdust compos-
ites. Peat fibres showed surprisingly low water absorption, good impact strength
properties and better fire retarding properties than other fibres. Biodegradable
products can be tailored from all of the presented fibre materials using biode-
gradable polymers in a matrix.
From the research point of view, the focus of cellulose, sawdust and reed ca-
nary grass containing composites should be put on fibre matrix adhesion and
hydrophobisation. The main focus of peat fibre composites should be the selec-
tion of fibre type and matrix crystallisation behaviour. Potential products for

Peat fibre composites

peat fibre containing composite materials could be different injection- or extru-

sion-moulded items such as biodegradable planting pots, growing pots for herbs,
plant shelters to be left in nature, geotextiles, burial items (flower holders, cof-
fins, urns, candle holders, etc.), sport items (golf tees, shooting discs, etc.), shel-
ters and injection-moulded items to be used as garden decorations, ploughing
signs, door and window garnish mouldings, shelter pieces in packaging, etc. This
is only part of the potential product portfolio for which peat fibres could be used.


Minkkinen, K. & Laine, J. (2001). Turpeen käytön kasvihuonevaikutusten lisätutkimuskar-

toitus, Raportti, Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö. (In Finnish)

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites

BioComp: processing and properties of

starch acetate – bast fibre composites
Kalle Nättinen1, Johanna Lampinen1, Roberts Joffe2 and Bo Madsen3
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Luleå Universtiy of Technology
Madsen Technical University of Denmark


Composite compounds based on hemp and flax fibres in triethyl-citrate-

plasticised starch acetate were prepared by melt processing. Composite samples
were prepared with fibre contents up to 50w%. A stiffness of 8.3 GPa and stress
at a maximum load of 51 MPa were obtained with 40w% flax fibre in plasticised
starch acetate with 20w% triethyl citrate. A nearly linear relation between fibre
content and tensile properties was found. The impact strength of the composites
was increased with the plasticiser content. The porosity content was low even at
high fibre content.


Unlike most fossil-based fibre-reinforced polymers (such as glass fibre/polyester

composites), bio-based composites can be disposed of or recycled by compost-
ing. If incinerated, they typically have much lower ash production than fossil-
based composites (Wollerdorfer & Bader, 1998).
The acetylation of starch makes the material less brittle by decreasing the
modulus and by increasing the elongation at break and the impact strength. To
improve further the processability of starch acetates (SAs), they are typically
plasticised to bring down the glass transition temperature (T g). Plasticising can
be done by internal or external plasticising agents. In internal plasticising, the

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites

hydroxymethyl groups of native starch are substituted with longer alky chains
such as hydroxypropyl or the like, reducing the crystallinity and lowering the T g.
External plasticising is based on a similar mechanism, but there is no covalent
bond between the plasticiser and the starch polymer chains. Triacetine (TriAc)
and triethyl citrate (TEC) can be used for this purpose (Happonen et al., 1997).
The plasticising effect of water is based on its hydrogen bonding capability with
the native starch. When using TEC, with weaker intermolecular interactions to
the SA, however, a gradual change in mechanical properties is observed along
the increased plasticiser content. The stiffness of cellulosic fibres (eg, flax and
hemp) is in the range of 30–70 GPa, and this is comparable with the stiffness of
glass fibres (GF) of about 70 GPa (Lilholt & Lawther, 2000). In terms of stress
at maximum load, GF perform better: the strength of cellulosic fibres is in the
range 300–1500 MPa, whereas for GF (E-glass) it is about 2000 MPa (Kimura,
2001). Cellulosic fibres are about 40% lighter than GF (fibre densities of about
1.5 and 2.6 g/cm3, respectively), however, giving them potentially higher spe-
cific properties.
To be able to exploit fully the good tensile properties of cellulosic fibres,
good fibre-matrix adhesion needs to be accomplished. It has been reported that
incompatibility of cellulosic fibres and the SA matrix results in a weak interface
between the two composite constituents (Matuana et al., 1997), leading to inade-
quate mechanical performance. Even with an SA with DS equal to 2.5, and sub-
sequently good melt processability, every sixth hydroxyl functionality of the
native starch starting material is still available for hydrogen bonding with the
fibres however. Thus, in composites with an SA matrix with this DS, the interac-
tions between the fibres and the matrix will be relatively abundant. In order to
produce a starch-acetate-based matrix compatible with cellulosic fibres in com-
posites, a series of plasticised starch acetates (PSAs) was prepared with variable
plasticiser content from 20 to 35 w-%. Two kinds of cellulosic bast fibres, hemp
and flax, were used at fibre contents ranging from 10 to 50 w-% in the compos-
ite to compare the performance of the fibres and the reinforcement effect. The
stiffness, stress at maximum load, and impact strength were determined for the
neat PSAs and the composites. SEM analysis of fracture surfaces was performed
to evaluate the compatibility between the PSA matrix and the cellulosic fibres,
and the dispersion of the fibres in the matrix. Finally, the processability and suit-
ability for sample production of the PSA/cellulosic fibre composite compounds
was evaluated by producing a number of demonstrator objects. (Nättinen et al.,

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites



Matrix and fibres

Amylose-rich corn starch was supplied by Gargill, USA (Cerestar Amylogel
03003: 65w% amylose, 35w% amylopectin). The acetylation of starch was per-
formed according to the method described by Lammers & Tiitola. (1998). Hemp
and flax fibres with lengths of 10–20 and 4 mm, respectively, were used in the
composites. The fibres were supplied by Ekotex, Poland.


The plasticiser was added to the SA using a liquid pump and mixed with a twin-
screw extruder (ZE25x48D, Berstorff GmbH, Hannover, Germany) with modi-
fied co-rotating mixing screws. The granulates obtained by compounding were
injection moulded with the Engel injection moulder (ES 200/50 HL, Engel Aus-
tria GmbH, Schwertberg, Austria) into an ISO 3167 tensile test specimen. The
details of the processing are presented in a paper by Nättinen et al. (2010).


Impact strengths, tensile properties, density, volume fractions and other proper-
ties of the neat PSAs and the composites were determined. The details of the
characterisations are presented in a paper by Nättinen et al.(2010).

Tensile tests
The tensile properties of the neat PSAs and the composites were measured ac-
cording to the ISO 527 standard on an Instron 4505 Universal Tensile Tester
with a 10 kN load cell and 5 mm/min cross-head speed. The strain was measured
by an Instron 2665 Series High Resolution Digital Automatic Extensometer. The
testing was performed in controlled ambient conditions: 23°C and relative hu-
midity of 50%.

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites

Results and discussion

Materials development

In Figure 1 the specific volume (ie, reciprocal of the density) of the PSAs is
plotted as a function of the weight fraction of the plasticiser. The relationship is
well predicted by a linear relationship.



Specific volume (cm3/g)



y = 0.083x + 0.753
0.78 R = 0.989




0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Plasticiser weight fraction

Figure 1. The specific volume (ie, the reciprocal of the density) as a function of the plasti-
ciser weight fraction of SA compounds. The dotted line is a linear regression line. (Nätti-
nen et al., 2010).

Figure 2 shows stiffness and stress at maximum load as a function of the plasti-
ciser volume fraction. The results indicate that the relationship between the ten-
sile properties and the plasticiser content is linear. According to these linear
relationships, the tensile properties (both stiffness and stress at maximum load)
approach zero when the plasticiser volume fraction approaches 0.40, which
points to this being the equilibrium content of the plasticiser in the SA. For neat
SA (at a plasticiser content of zero), the linear regression lines predict a stiffness
of 3.6 GPa and stress at a maximum load of 50 MPa. These tensile property val-

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites

ues, typical of a thermosetting polymer such as unsaturated polyester, are a re-

sult of a highly ordered structure with frequent hydrogen bonds between the
carbonyl oxygen acceptors and the hydroxyl as well as the methyl and methyl-
ene donors. The introduction of plasticiser increases the degree of freedom for
the movement of the polymer chains and renders the material more ductile and
less brittle (Marcilla & Beltrán 2004). Even if the linear regression lines in Fig-
ure 2 do not reflect real material model predictions, they provide good empirical
guidelines for the tensile performance of neat PSA compounds;, ie, for a com-
pound with a given plasticiser content, the tensile properties can be calculated
from the equations of the linear regression lines.

Stiffness (GPa)


1.0 y = -9.0x + 3.6

R2 = 0.994


0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
Plasticiser volume fraction

Stress at max. load (MPa)



15 y = -122x + 50
R2 = 0.997


0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
Plasticiser volume fraction

Figure 2. Stiffness (top) and stress at maximum load (bottom) as a function of the plasti-
ciser volume fraction of neat PSA compounds. The dotted lines are linear regression lines.
(Nättinen et al., 2010).

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites

Figure 3 shows the effect of the plasticiser content on the mechanical properties
of PSA/cellulosic fibre composites. As expected from the results of the neat
PSAs, the stiffness and stress at maximum load of the composites are consis-
tently reduced when the plasticiser content is increased. In contrast, the impact
strength of the composites increases with the plasticiser content, and this can be
explained by the greater toughness (or ductility) of the composites due to the
larger plasticiser content.


Normalised mechanical properties






20 23 25 28 30 33 35
Plasticiser content (w-%)


Normalised mechanical properties






20 23 25 28 30 33 35
Plasticiser content (w-%)

Figure 3. Stiffness ( spheres), stress at max imum load (tri angles) and impact stre ngth
(squares) of 10 (top) and 40w% (bottom) hemp (open symbols) and flax (closed symbols)
fibre composites as a function of plasticiser content normalised with respect to the 20w%
plasticiser content values. (Nättinen et al., 2010).

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites

Fibre type and content

Figure 4 shows the normalised mechanical properties of PSA1.1 matrix compos-
ites with 10, 20, 40 and 50 w-% flax and hemp fibres. Stiffness and stress at
maximum load are increased consistently and almost linearly as a function of the
fibre content. In contrast, impact strength is affected less consistently by the
fibre content: first it is increased when the fibre content is increased from 10 to
20 w-%, and then it is gradually decreased when the fibre content is increased to
50 w-%. For these composites, the highest stiffness of 3.6 GPa and stress at a
maximum load of 21.2 MPa are obtained with the maximum content of 50w%
hemp fibres. The highest impact strength of 23 kJ/m2 was obtained with 20 w-%
flax fibres.

Normalised mechanical properties

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fibre content (w%)

Figure 4. The stiffness (spheres), stress at maximum load (triangles) and impact strength
(squares) of PSA1.1 matrix composites with hemp (open symbols) and flax fibres (closed
symbols) as a function of fibre content. The data are normalised with respect to compos-
ites with 10 w-% fibres. (Nättinen et al., 2010).

The best tensile performance was observed for composites with a PSA2.2 matrix
and 40 w-% flax fibres with a stiffness of 8.3 GPa and stress at the maximum
load of 51 MPa. These properties are directly comparable to (and even larger
than) typical values reported for short fibre composites with a thermoplastic
matrix (Rana et al., 1998).

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites

Material applications

Boxes with walls of 1 mm thickness and respirator casings with a grid of similar
limiting dimensions were injection moulded to test the processability of the
PSA-based composite material in applications requiring good processability and
melt flow. A sample specimen of good quality could be produced from these
materials. In addition and contrary to the fibre content limit of 50 w-% detected
in the injection moulding and compounding processes, rectangular beams were
produced by profile extrusion of PSA composite compounds with a hemp fibre
content of 60w%. The boxes and respirator casings were moulded at Haidlmair
GmbH (Austria) and Medop (Spain), respectively. The rectangular profile beams
were produced at Maillefer (Finland) with a Conenor Conex Wood Extruder
CWE-380-1. The manufacturing chain and the objects prepared in the project are
shown in Figure 5.

Starch acetate PSA

Flax fibres
Extraction &

Compounding with


Injection molding &


Figure 5. The manufacturing chain for natural fibre composites and sam ple objects pr e-
pared by injection m oulding (thin walled boxes and respirator casings) and extrusion
(rectangular profile). The outer dimensions of the boxes and the casings are (mm): 65 x
100 x 120 and 25 x 63 (Ø), respectively.

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites


Cellulosic fibre composite compounds based on hemp and flax fibres in TEC
plasticised SAs were prepared by melt processing. A stiffness of 8.3 GPa and
stress at a maximum load of 51 MPa were obtained with 40% flax fibre in a PSA
matrix with 20% TEC. At low plasticiser content and high fibre content, materi-
als with good tensile properties were obtained. The higher the plasticiser content,
the higher the impact strength. The increase in the fibre content first improved
the impact strength, but higher fibre contents resulted in reduced impact
strength. An almost linear correlation between the fibre weight fraction and the
mechanical properties was demonstrated. Generally, it was shown that materials
with good mechanical properties and good processability could be prepared from
PSA/cellulosic fibre composites by melt processing up to a fibre content of at
least 40 w-%.


The work was partly financed by the EU sixth framework programme project
“New classes of engineering composite materials from renewable resources”,
BIOCOMP, IP 515769-2. Medop, Haidlmair GmbH, and Conenor/Maillefer are
acknowledged for producing the demonstrator objects.


Happonen, H., Peltonen, S., Sievi-Korte, M., Törmälä, P. & Vuorenpää, J. (1997). Melt
processible starch co mposition, a m ethod f or t he pre paration t hereof, and the
use of the composition. Int Pat WO 9,703,121.

Kimura, T. (2001). Natural Fiber Composites, Jpn Soc Composite Materials, 828–835.

Lilholt, H. & Lawther, J.M. (2000). Natural organic fi bres. Co mprehensive Co mposite
Materials, Vol 1. Elsevier Science.

Lammers, G . & Tiitola, P. ( 1998). Process f or the p reparation of a s tarch es ter, Int. Pat-
ent. WO9829455.

Marcilla, A. & Be ltrán, M. (2004). In: W ypych, G. Handbook of Plasticizers, ChemTec

Publishing. Toronto, Canada.

BioComp: processing and properties of starch acetate – bast fibre composites

Matuana, L.M., Park, C.B. & Bal atinecz, J.J. (1997). Processing and cell m orphology
relationships f or m icrocellular foamed [PVC/Wood-fiber composites. J. Polym.
Eng .Sci.37(7),1137–1147.

Nättinen, K., Hyvärinen, S., Joffe, R., Wallström, L. & Madsen, B. (2010). Naturally com-
patible: Starch acetate/cellulosic fiber composites. I. Processing and properties,
Polymer Composites. Vol. 31, No: 3, 524–535.

Rana, A. K., Mandala, Mi tra B.C ., Jacobson, R., Rowell, R. & Bane rjee, A.N. ( 1998).
Short Jute Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites: Effect of Compatibilizer.
J Appl Polym Sci 69, 329–338.

Wollerdorfer M. & Bader, H. (1998). Influence of Natural Fibers on the Mechanical Prop-
erties of Biodegradable Polymers, Ind. Crop. Prod. 8,105–112.

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

WOODY – Innovative advanced

WOODbased composite
Johanna Lampinen and Tero Malm
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


Currently, the world of polymeric composite materials is almost exclusively

based on fossil-derived components. The non-renewable global oil resources are
being increasingly exploited each year as a consequence of the growing demand
for plastics engineering materials. As a solution to the increasing volumes of
building and construction materials processed and transformed by industries in
almost all sectors, renewable resources need to be exploited in order to reduce
the depletion of oil reservoirs. The WOODY project (THEME NMP 2007 - 4.0-
1 Advanced wood-based composites and their production Grant Agreement for:
Collaborative Project) aims to develop new composite structures from renewable
materials – namely wood-derived cellulose fibres and resins obtained from natu-
ral raw materials. The related manufacturing processes for advanced composite
components, such as nanomaterials, will also be explored both as reinforcing
fibres and as additives to bring new functionalities to structural composites.


The WOODY project is aimed at introducing a fully innovative paradigm in the

composite industry – thanks to the development of materials derived from natu-
ral resources – enabling it to cover the whole necessities of the components:
fibre, matrix and core. The goal of the project is to develop new composite pan-
els and laminates from wood-derived renewable materials, which deliver per-
formances competitive to those of traditional composites.

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

The breakthrough innovation in materials is backed by an innovative approach

in design of composite products – or ‘Composite Thinking’ – starting from the
phase of conception to the production and installation, enabling a rethink of the
products and fully exploiting the potentialities of composites. Figure 1 shows the
approach and processes of the project.

Figure 1. Schematization of WOODY Processes and the approach from raw material to
finished products.

The quality of the approach is based on multidisciplinary research and on the

target oriented to the redefinition of the whole processing value-chain for wood-
derived cellulose, nano-fibrils and resins derived from natural raw materials, as
well as on the related manufacturing process for advanced composite compo-
nents. The project aimed to set the basis for the development of a new class of
products, optimising the use of the natural resources.

Main innovations

This innovative project involving wood-derived is oriented towards a Composite

Thinking approach: the radical renewing of the basic elements of construction
(plates, pillars and beams) introduced at the design stage; and the concept of
shells developed on the basis of the specific applications. Such requisites, devel-

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

oped in close cooperation with the innovative materials, are to be complemented

by their mechanical and physical properties, enabling the maximum exploitation
of the performances. The Scientific / Technological Objectives are listed below:
Raw Materials:
o Cellulose fibrils extracted from wood.
o New processes for the high yield production of furfural from
o The selection and development of nano-based natural compo-
nents for functionalising the wood based materials.
o Light chemical treatment of cellulose to remove lignin and other
materials before the fibrillation step with a super mass colloider
and high shear mixing processes to reduce energy consumption.
o Chemical treatment.
o Enzymatic recombined CBD-based pretreatments for nanofibril
production with a combined functionalising process and a pro-
tein-mineral fibril combination.
o Treatments for nanofibril and whiskers separation, relying on
chemo-mechanical and thermal treatments with high throughput.
o Recombinant enzymatic treatment to increase the quality of the
fibrils-to-fibre build-up, leading to a fibrous material suitable for
the textile reinforcements of the composite laminates.
o Treatments to strongly limit the moisture sensitivity of the com-
posites, fully compliant with the base constituents and with the
functionalising additives.
o Modified textile processing to cost-effectively transform the fi-
bres into yarns, webs, woven or knitted textiles, thus producing
the reinforcing elements of the laminates.
Composite Materials:
o Laminate panels: reinforcement fabric, matrix material and ad-
ditives based on wood-based cellulose, wood treatment and
other eco sustainable materials.
o Sandwich panels: foam core, skin layer and adhesion promotion
The main target for VTT in WOODY is to develop novel bio-based and/or bio-
degradable thermoplastic foamed structures to be used as core layers in sand-

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

wich or laminate composite structures. The properties required from the bio-
based and/or biodegradable thermoplastic core layers are: light weight, high
modulus, high bending and compression strength, low density, closed cell struc-
ture, good processability and thermal stability.

Materials and methods

The results of the development of the biobased foamed core structure during the
first year of WOODY are presented here. The bio-based polymers, chosen as
matrix materials in the development of foamed core structure in the beginning of
the WOODY project were starch derivates and PLA. Other bioplastics are
evaluated during the project according to their availability, applicability, proc-
essability, properties and price.
Thermoplastic matrix materials are foamed with different foaming technolo-
gies, such as soluble foaming with the physical blowing agent (PBA) CO2 and/or
chemical blowing agents (CBA) in the extrusion or injection moulding process,
and also with batch foaming technology with PBA. The knowledge and results
achieved in the core material and process development are exploited for model-
ling and further exploitation of developed materials, processes and structures in
the design and manufacture of components and composites on an industrial


Foaming experiments with plasticised starch

The first foaming experiments in the WOODY project were accomplished with
starch. Due to a number of inventions, patents and extensive knowledge attained
during the last twenty years at VTT of starch, its processing, properties and ap-
plications, native starch was chosen to be used as a matrix polymer in the first
foaming experiments. In these preliminary foaming trials, native starch and
glycerol as a plasticiser were compounded in a Berstorff twin screw extruder
with two different blowing agents – sodium bicarbonate and water. Sodium bi-
carbonate was compounded at a temperature of approximately 100ºC to compose
a material combination consisting 69% potato starch, 29% glycerol and 2% Na-
HCO3. This compound was further expanded for two hours at 150ºC in an oven
immediately after compounding to form the cellular structure. Figure 2 shows
the samples of the expanded starch core structures. Unfortunately, the extruded

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

starch compound was perceived to be unstable and not expandable after a couple
of weeks of storage. Additionally, the expanded starch samples mainly had an
open cell structure, which is not desirable for core layers.

Figure 2. St arch co mpound ( i) aft er ex trusion, (ii ) ex pansion i n an ove n, and (iii) e x-
panded starch.

In addition to sodium bicarbonate, water was used as a blowing agent for the
potato starch in the extrusion foaming process. The extrusion foaming trials, run
with a Berstorff twin screw extruder with water as a blowing agent, were carried
out with two different recipes:
50% starch + 5.6 % glycerol + 44.4% water
60% starch + 15% glycerol + 25% water.
In the extrusion foaming process, starch and glycerol, as a plasticiser, were first
melted and mixed with water (the blowing agent); the molten mass was then
forced through a die to cause foam expansion. During the extrusion foaming, it
was discovered that the screw geometry, pressure, cooling ability, moisture con-
tent, temperature distribution and temperature control have a huge influence on
controlling the foam density and properties. The challenge is to increase the
percentage of closed cells and to eliminate corrugation. The appearance of the
extrusion foamed starch with water as a blowing agent is shown in Figure 3.
These foams are brittle, corrugated, tough and hydrophilic with a large cell size.

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

Figure 3. Plasticised starch foamed with water in an extruder.

Starch foams are in commercial use mainly in some packaging applications and
can be used as a reference matrix material for the comparison of mechanical,
thermal and water absorbent properties with other bio-based plastics. Due to the
poor processing stability and properties such as hydrophilicity, poor mechanical
properties and low thermal stability, the foaming of starch is mainly continued
with micro- and/or nanocellulose reinforcements.

Foaming of PLA with a chemical blowing agent

Extrusion foaming trials were performed with NatureWorks PLA 2002D and the
chemical blowing agent (CBA) Hydrocerol CT 3108 with 1% to 4% content.
Hydrocerol is commercially available and, due to its totally biodegradable na-
ture, it is also an ecological choice for use as a blowing agent for PLA. Extrusion
trials were run at VTT with a Dolci cast extrusion line.
By using a Dolci extrusion line and sheet extrusion die, foamed PLA sheets of
300 mm width and 1 mm thickness with 2%, 3% and 4% of Hydrocerol content
were successfully processed. The process parameters were optimised and Talc
(Finntalc M15) was used as a nucleating agent. The best results were obtained
with 4% Hydrocerol content and 1% talc as the nucleating agent. The density of
the foams were analysed by gravimetric methods and the lowest density
achieved was as low as 560 kg/m3, which is considered to be a good result with
chemical blowing agents. The Dolci sheet extrusion line and extrusion foamed
sheet is shown in Figure 4.

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

Figure 4. Foamed PLA sheet extrusion trials and foamed PLA sheet.

The SEM picture of the extrusion foamed sheet in Figure 5 reveals both closed
and open cells; it has a quite even cellular structure with some variation in cell

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

Figure 5. SEM picture of an extrusion foamed PLA sheet.


WOODY (01.01.2009–31.12.2012) is a an innovative and ambitious EU project

aiming to develop new composite structures from renewable materials – namely
wood derived cellulose fibres and resins obtained from natural raw materials
(Figure 6). The related manufacturing processes for advanced composite com-
ponents are also being explored. The targeted applications of the proposed re-
newable structural composites are in the transportation and construction fields.
This represents a significant step forward with respect to the current state-of-the-
art wood composites processing, where wood panels are obtained by directly
cutting wood pieces, or by pressing in polymeric matrix short wood fibres or
wood powder as fillers in extrusion-like processes.

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite



30 September 2008 Workshop on "Green and Wood- Based

Figure 6. Project value chain and steps of innovation.

Consortium of the project

The WOODY consortium comprises 19 partners: ten small and medium enter-
prises; two large enterprises; one European Industrial association, and six re-
search entities representing the excellence of the European area’s fundamental
and applied research. The partners are from seven EU countries plus Israel.
The coordinator of the project is CETMA from Italy and the consortium con-
sists of the industrial partners: APC Composite, AP&M LDA, D'Appolonia
S.p.A, Extreme Materials, Fapes, Gianazza Angelo SpA, Lindbäcksbygg,
KAPENA SA, Marbo, Sicomp, Transfuran Chemicals, Volvo, and European
Composites Industry Association EuCIA. The research partners are: Centexbel,
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, the Technical
University of Denmark and VTT.
Each partner is strongly committed towards the final purpose of maximising
the quality of the work to be performed, i.e. introducing an innovative class of
composites starting from wood materials. The WOODY Project Consortium

WOODY – Innovative advanced WOODbased composite

shows complementarity of the multidisciplinary skills of the partners involved in

the different fields of research, thanks to which, the achievement of Scientific
and Technological objectives are achieved.


The WOODY research Project is initiative co-funded by the European Commis-

sion under FP7 NMP initiative, Grant CP-IP 210037-2.


Additional information of the project can be found on WOODY’s internet pages:

Lignin-compatibilised biocomposites

Lignin-compatibilised biocomposites
Heidi Peltola
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


In the project, lignin was used as a bio-based compatibiliser in natural fibre-

reinforced biocomposites. Birch pulp and flax fibres were treated with pine kraft
lignin and/or lignosulphonate solutions. The treated fibres were compounded
with polylactic acid (PLA) by melt processing to a fibre content of 30 w-%. The
compounded materials were then injection moulded and the mechanical proper-
ties of the composite samples were determined. As a result, lignins showed great
potential as biocomposite compatibilisers.


Although the use of natural fibres to reinforce plastics has many advantages,
such as low weight and price, renewability and easy availability, the composite
properties do not always meet the material requirements of the desired applica-
tions. One reason for this is the weak adhesion between the hydrophilic fibres
and hydrophobic matrix material. One of the most common solutions to the
problem is the use of maleic anhydride (MAH) as a compatibiliser. When
grafted onto the surface of the polymer, MAH acts as a coupling agent between
the polymer and the fibres. MAH is widely used in polypropylene-based com-
posites, and improved mechanical properties have been reported (Stark & Row-
lands, 2003). In the Tekes-funded project ‘Biocomposites as constructive mate-
rials – BIKO’ (Tekes Technology Programme Report, 1/2004), MAH was

Lignin-compatibilised biocomposites

grafted onto polylactic acid (PLA) with peroxide and PLA. Flax fibre compos-
ites with improved mechanical properties were reported.
The use of lignin as a coupling agent in natural fibre composites has also been
studied. Attached to the fibre surface by its inherent bonding capability with
cellulosic fibres, hydrophobic lignin acts as a compatibiliser between the hydro-
philic fibres and hydrophobic matrix polymer, thus strengthening the fibre-
matrix interface. Lignin treatments of hemp fibres (Thielemans & Wool, 2005)
and flax fibres (Thielemans et al., 2002) have been shown to improve compati-
bility between fibres and the thermoset matrix, thus also improving the mechani-
cal properties of the composites. Graupner (2008) reported increased tensile
properties of compression-moulded PLA-cotton composites when the fibres
were treated with lignin. The results of lignin-treated fibres in thermoplastic,
injection-moulded biocomposites have not been yet published however.
In addition to better material properties, the use of lignins as compatibilisers
also preserves the potentially required bio-based nature of the biocomposites,
embracing biodegradability as well as renewable characteristics. The aim of the
research was to produce biocomposites that 1) are 100% bio-based; 2) use indus-
try side streams; 3) have improved mechanical properties compared with exist-
ing biocomposites; 4) meet the properties of conventional, not bio-based materi-
als. Agro and pulp fibres were treated with kraft lignin and lignosulphonates and
compounded with polylactic acid to produce biocomposites with improved prop-

Materials and methods

Lignin treatments

Lignin-free, chemically bleached birch pulp (Stora Enso Oyj, Finland) and flax
fibres (Ekotex, Poland) were selected as fibres. Pine kraft lignin was obtained
from MeadWestVaco Corp., USA, and lignosulphonates from the Borregaard
Group, Norway.
For the kraft lignin treatments, 1% and 3% pine kraft lignin water solutions
were prepared. NaOH was added to the water-lignin solution to reach a pH >11:
this was needed to dissolve the water-insoluble kraft lignin. The fibres were
immersed in the solutions for 10 minutes and the excess water was then ex-
tracted by spin-drying, and finally the fibres were dried in a hot-air drier.

Lignin-compatibilised biocomposites

For the lignosulphonate treatments, two 1% lignosulphonate-water solutions

(Na- and Ca-lignosulphonates) were prepared by mixing. Lignosulphonates are
water soluble in nature, so no NaOH was needed. Fibre treatments were per-
formed as described above.

Biocomposite processing

For the composite production, polylactic acid- (PLA) grade PLA 3001D
(NatureWorks, USA) was used as a matrix polymer. Composites containing 30
w-% fibres were produced using a co-rotating twin-screw extruder (Berstorff ZE
25x33D). The compounds were then injection moulded with an injection-
moulding machine (Engel ES 200/50 HL) into tensile test specimens, followed
by normal mechanical testing of the specimens (ISO-527, ISO-179).


PLA – flax fibre composites

NaOH treatment of flax fibres improved the impact strength of the PLA compos-
ites (Table 1), probably due to the roughening of the surface of the fibres. The
addition of small amounts of kraft lignin (1% solution) maintained the impact
strength values and clearly improved the tensile strength and strain at break of
the composites, thus compatibilising the material. When more kraft lignin was
added, a decrease in mechanical properties was seen, so the optimum lignin con-
tent in the solution seems to be less than 3%.

Table 1. The effect of lignin treatments on PLA – flax composite properties.

Tensile Impact Elastic Strain

strength strength modulus at break
None 0% 0% 0% 0%
NaOH treated -0.3 % 65.5 % 1.6 % -17.3 %
NaOH + kraft-lignin treated (1%) 13.5 % 61.8 % 4.2 % 27.7 %
NaOH + kraft-lignin treated (3%) 9.4 % 60.2 % 4.3 % -1.7 %

Lignin-compatibilised biocomposites

PLA – birch pulp composites

NaOH treatment of birch pulp fibres also improved the impact strength of the
PLA composites, but other properties were reduced or remained at the same
level as the composite containing untreated fibres (Table 2). The addition of 1%
kraft lignin solution increased the elongation and tensile strength slightly.

Table 2. The effect of lignin treatments on PLA – birch pulp composite properties.

Tensile Impact Strain
strength strength at break
None 0% 0% 0% 0%
NaOH treated -7.9 % 56.2 % 2.3 % -17.6 %
NaOH + kraft-lignin treated (1% sol.) -1.3 % 49.3 % -2.4 % 2.0 %
NaOH + kraft-lignin treated (3% sol.) -28.3 % 16.5 % -9.2 % -33.1 %
Na-lignosulphonate (1% solution) 6.6 % 59.0 % -4.5 % 52.0 %
Ca-lignosulphonate (1% solution) -4.5 % 2.7 % -6.4 % -1.4 %

Na-lignosulphonate treatment of birch pulp fibres had a significant effect on the

mechanical properties of PLA composites (Table 2). The impact strength in-
creased by 59%, elongation by 52% and tensile strength by 6.6%. The elastic
modulus decreased slightly. Ca-lignosulphonate treatment, however, had no
notable influence on the composite properties.


Lignin showed great potential as a compatibiliser of PLA – natural fibre com-

posites. By treating fibres with NaOH + kraft lignin or Na-lignosulphonate solu-
tions, biocomposites with improved mechanical properties were obtained. Com-
pared with the commercially available and widely used compatibiliser MAH, the
use of lignin offers even better mechanical properties at the same time as it pro-
vides a completely bio-based product. The influence of various coupling agents
on the mechanical properties of composites has been collected in Table 3.

Lignin-compatibilised biocomposites

Table 3. The influence of various coupling agents on the mechanical properties of


Reference Matrix Processing Coupling Tensile Elastic Strain Impact

+ fibre agent strength modulus at strength

PLA + 40 Compr. Kraft lignin

Graupner, 2008 9% 19 % -20 % -17 %
w-% cotton moulding (euca)

Thielemans et al. VE + 20 Kraft lignin

RTM -16 % 10 %
2001 w-% hemp (pine) 1%

PP + 40
Stark & Rowlands, Injection 3% MAPP
w-% wood 27 % 6% 0% 7%
2003 moulding (MAH+PP)

BIKO (Tekes), PLA + 30 Injection
MAH, 0.25% 23 % 4% 65 % 28 %
2003 w-% flax moulding

‘Lignin compatibilised PLA + Injection Kraft lignin

14 % 4% 28 % 62 %
biocomposites’ 30 w-% flax moulding (pine) 1%

PLA + 30
‘Lignin compatibilised Injection lignosulpho-
w-% birch 7% -5 % 52 % 59 %
biocomposites’ moulding nate,


The project was funded by the basic funding admitted by the VTT Technical
Research Centre of Finland.

Lignin-compatibilised biocomposites


Thielemans, W. & Wool. R.P. ( 2005). Kraft lignin as fiber t reatment f or natura l f iber-
reinforced composites. Polymer Composites, 26, 695–705.

Thielemans, W., Can, E., Morye, S.S. & Wool, R.P. (2002). Novel applications of lignin in
composite materials. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 83, 323–331.

Graupner, N. (2008) . Application o f l ignin as nat ural adhesion pr omoter in cotton f ibre-
reinforced poly(lactic acid) (PLA) composites. Journal of Material Science, 43,
15, 5222–5229.

Tekes (2004). Polymeerit tulevaisuuden r akentajina. Potra 2000–2003, Final Report.

Chapter 2.7 Biokomposiitit konstruktiivisina mat eriaaleina – BIKO. Technology
Programme Report 1/2004, Helsinki 2004. Available online at:

Stark, N.M. & Rowlands, R.E. (2003). Effects of wood fiber characteristics on mechanical
properties of wood/polypropylene com posites. W ood and Fiber Science, 35(2),

ECOplast – Research into new biomass-based composites from renewable resources
with improved properties for vehicle parts moulding

ECOplast – Research into new

biomass-based composites from
renewable resources with improved
properties for vehicle parts moulding
Introduction to starting a European research project

Kyösti Valta, Tuomas Mustonen and Kirsi Immonen

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


Lightweight materials with advanced mechanical properties are regularly used,

for example, in the construction of vehicles, to improve performance and to re-
duce fuel consumption. The reduction in vehicle weight is increasingly impor-
tant due to the added weight of safety equipment and further power-train inven-
tions like hybrid drive systems.
The heterogeneous composition of composite materials is based predomi-
nantly on inorganic reinforcement and is in the micrometre to millimetre range.
It has recently become clear that reducing the size of the reinforcement units to
the same organic building block level results in emerging possibilities for further
fine-tuning of material properties on a molecular and nanoscale level.
Novel hybrid materials can be applied to many branches of materials chemis-
try because they are simple to process and amenable to design on a molecular
scale. There are currently four main topics in the synthesis of inorganic-organic
materials: (a) their molecular engineering, (b) their nanometre- and micrometre-
sized organization, (c) the transition from functional to multifunctional hybrids,
and (d) their combination with bioactive components.

ECOplast – Research into new biomass-based composites from renewable resources
with improved properties for vehicle parts moulding

The novel materials not only enable characteristics between the two original
phases but may also reach new levels of properties. Furthermore, the traditional
composite materials are considered a significant problem in the recycling of
combined materials. Possibilities of particular interest open up when combining
nano-materials into biocomposites.

Impacts of project

With the oil supply diminishing every day, the pressure to become more inde-
pendent of oil derivatives is a major subject of concern. A paradigm shift has
been witnessed – a move from an all-petroleum-based industrial economy to one
that encompasses a broader base of materials, including plant-derived products
and fermentation by-products. In addition, the recent themes of discussion re-
garding the preservation of sustainable resources and recycling have led to re-
newed interest in biopolymers, with special focus on renewable raw materials.
The advances in natural fibre development, genetic engineering and composite
science have provided significant opportunities for improved materials from
renewable resources with enhanced support for global sustainability. Due to
growing environmental awareness and the demands of legislative authorities, the
use and removal of traditional composite structures are considered critical.
The potential market for the biocomposites developed in ECOplast can be de-
termined taking into account three fundamental factors: the potential of substitu-
tion acquired by novel biocomposites, automobile OEM demands and the pro-
duction capacity of the base biopolymers.
Before analysing the potential market of novel biocomposites, the decisive
factor of the impact on the European automobile sector, especially SMEs, is the
economic feasibility of the developed materials to guarantee benefit margins and
profitability. In fact, the polymer matrices used at ECOplast have been selected
for their similarity in performance to conventional plastics used in vehicles to
favour their substitution.

Challenges of the project

When aiming for a reduction in the dependence on fossil resources through the
development of novel biocomposites with a biomass content of more than 90%,
based on PLA and PHB biopolymers enhanced with natural fibres, nanofillers
and mineral fillers from organic residual resources, there are several challenges.

ECOplast – Research into new biomass-based composites from renewable resources
with improved properties for vehicle parts moulding

There is limited validation even for the suitability of novel thermoplastic and
commercially viable, biomass-based composites to meet the automobile re-
quirements for integration into vehicles and tailoring of their properties.
Another important goal of this project is the adaptation of conventional proc-
essing techniques (polymer compounding, injection moulding and thermoform-
ing) widely used in the automotive industry and the design of new ones tailored
to these biocomposites. Here, the challenge will be to overcome the problem of
degradation due to extreme thermal conditions and moisture absorbency.
This is not only to establish and evaluate biomaterial concepts but also to en-
sure maximum industrial relevance and economic impact of ECOplast results
covering the two most widely used plastic processes, injection moulding and
thermoforming, in the automobile industry. This is especially important for
SMEs that are plastic processors in the automobile industry, as this sector is
composed of a high number of industrial SMEs.

Scientific and technical objectives

The main objective of the project is the development of novel biocomposites

based on new biopolymers as base matrices reinforced with natural fibres, nano-
fillers, mineral fillers and additives, adapting the conventional processing tech-
niques used most in the automobile industry and other innovative processing
technologies to tailor their properties for validation for their introduction into
vehicles. The principal research line will focus on the adaptation of available
biopolymers (PLA, PHB) and the creation of a new protein-based biopolymer
(SELP) for use as the base matrix to meet the automotive standard requirements.
To achieve this advance, it is essential to improve the thermal characteristics of
these polymers as well as their hydrolysis resistance, dimensional stability and
volatile emission.
Project ECOplast will develop several new reinforcements and novel additives
such as nanofillers, mineral fillers and treated natural fibres, including nanocel-
lulose, to be compounded with these base polymers in order to create new bio-
composites with enhanced performance levels:
Nanofillers to increase thermal resistance
Natural fibres and nanocellulose to enhance dimensional stability and
mechanical resistance
Mineral fillers to reduce moisture absorbency.

ECOplast – Research into new biomass-based composites from renewable resources
with improved properties for vehicle parts moulding

The main challenges are the maturity of the new material concepts, their ability
to improve the properties of biopolymers and enable adaptation of conventional
plastic processing techniques as well as the exploration of novel processing

Research in detail

Material development

Suitable biopolymers will be developed though new synthesis or modulation of

their structures to provide the necessary functionalities and properties for use as
the base of novel bio-composites. This will be done by developing a PLA stere-
ocomplex via the combination of PDLA as a nucleating agent, the development
of a PLA copolymer via transesterfication of PLA and by developing a new pro-
tein-based copolymer using silk-like crystalline and elastine-like flexible blocks.
Novel reinforcements and nanofillers will be tailored to enhance the biopoly-
mer formulation achieved in the previous WP: a selection of the necessary natu-
ral fibre additives and their modification to guarantee optimal composite proper-
ties and processing, and a selection of the necessary mineral fillers and additives
to guarantee their optimum properties and processing. This is done by develop-
ing new fibrilar natural nanofillers, developing wood base reinforcements, in-
cluding cellulose and nanocellulose, and by developing natural fibres and select-
ing the adequate mineral fillers and additives to enhance the formulation.

Technology adaptation

Conventional mixing techniques will be adapted to the new biocomposites that

will be developed, tailoring the processing parameters, machine configuration
and structure. The exploration of innovative processing techniques is designed to
overcome the excess of volatile emissions in some of the mixtures defined in the
first WP. This will be done by compounding PLA-based biocomposites, cast-
sheet extrusion of PHB-based biocomposites, applying a sheet containing long
fibres and compounding biocomposites based on the new protein-based copoly-
Conventional processing techniques will be applied to the new biocomposites
that will be developed, tailoring the processing parameters, machine configura-
tion and structure. The exploration of innovative processing techniques is de-
signed to overcome the problems presented by these kinds of sensitive materials

ECOplast – Research into new biomass-based composites from renewable resources
with improved properties for vehicle parts moulding

regarding thermo-mechanical loads and residence times. This will be done by

applying injection moulding to test samples, thermoforming test samples and
integrated compounding-injection moulding.
The re-engineering, cyclic system will be programmed to adjust suitable bio-
composite formulations, and it will be composed of three purging cycles. It will
use the statistical method for experiment design called Multi-Level Factorial to
determine the most effective combinations in the material matrices, taking into
account interactions among the different added materials and achieving the most
accurate information possible with the minimum tests required.

Biocomposite valorization

Evaluation of biocomposite behaviour in a pilot plant with conditions similar to

real industrial facilities, determining processability and economic feasibility in
order to enhance the expected economic impact and transference of knowledge
to facilitate possible future industrialization, especially in European SMEs be-
longing to the automobile and plastic processing sectors. This will also include
the scale-up studies for all processing.
Recyclability and biodegradability analyses of new developed composites and
the environmental suitability of the new product by a Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA). Eco-toxicity test of materials to reduce the risks to plants and animals.
Assessment of the economic and legal viability of the material.

Research coalition of the project

Development of new biomass-based composites validated for the automotive

industry by means of the adaptation of base biopolymers and the generation of
new ones using innovative treatments for fibre reinforcements and the addition
of the base polymer with novel fillers and nanofillers. For this purpose, the es-
tablished research coalition of the project consist of the Spanish CTAG and
AIMPLAST, the Portuguese PIEP and the University of MINHO, the German
Fraunhofer UMSICHT and the Finnish VTT. The industrial partners are the
German FKuR Kunstoff, BIOMER and PALLMANN, the Spanish Nanobiomat-
ters R&D, GRUPO ANTOLIN and MEGATECH and the Dutch PURAC. The
coordinator is CTAG.

ECOplast – Research into new biomass-based composites from renewable resources
with improved properties for vehicle parts moulding


The ECOplast project (Collaborative project for FP7-NMP-2009-SME-3) is coordinated by

CTAG, which is a Spanish technological SME.

For more information about the ECOplast project, see its website:

Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films

Preparation of cellulose-starch and

cellulose-lignin films
Ali Harlin1, Tekla Tammelin1, Pertti Nousiainen2, Marianna
Vehviläinen2, Taina Kamppuri2, Johanna Karppinen2 and Kari

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Faculty of Material Science, Tampere University of Technology


Composite cellulose films provide a platform for emerging film and membrane
applications. This work provides some simple demonstrations of cellulose,
starch and lignin composite film preparation in water-based solutions.


Different approaches to prepare cellulose, starch and lignin composites have

been studied. They dissolved all the polymers in ionic liquid (AmimCl) and co-
agulated films from the blend solution (Wu et al., 2009). The preparation of
cellulose films has been known about for over a hundred years, and commercial
cellulose fibres are currently produced by the viscose and Lyocell (NMMO)
methods. The enzyme-assisted process to produce cellulose is an alternative way
to make cellulose films. In the process, enzymes are used to modify the cellulose
in alkaline-soluble form without the need for any chemical treatments.
(Vehviläinen et al., 2008; Vehviläinen et al., 2009).

Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films

Structural considerations

As one of the most important and abundant polysaccharides in nature, starch has
been the subject of much research. It is used widely in industry to provide func-
tional properties such as gelling, thickening, bonding and adhesion (Soares et al.,
2005). Starch is a high Mw polymer of hydro-glucose units linked by a-D-
glycoside bonds. Starch molecules usually contain linear amylose and branched
amylopectin (Maurer, 2001). Amylose is responsible for the film-forming capac-
ity however (Romero-bastida et al., 2005). Pure native starch films are brittle
compared with synthetic polymers such as polyethylene and usually need to be
plasticized. The addition of plasticizers such as polyols can prevent cracking of
the film during handling and storage (Arvanitoyannis & Biliaderis, 1998)
Structural arguments have been expressed for associative interactions between
polysaccharides and lignin precursors (Terashima et al., 1995; Terashima et al.,
1996). It has been suggested that dominant, organizing influence on the lignin
ultrastructure is provided by strong associative interaction between the lignin
precursors and the polysaccharide matrix. (Atalla, 1998). Strong associative
interactions should lead to rapid adsorption of the lignols from an aqueous me-
dium onto cellulose (Houtman & Atalla, 1995). A large number of adsorption
sites should result from the stacking interactions between lignin aromatic rings
and C–H groups of cellulose, which should enable cellulose-lignin film forma-
tion. (Besombes & Mazeau, 2005)

Application of polysaccharide films

Starch is considered a promising candidate for biodegradable and edible films.

(Araujo-Ferro et al., 2010; Hernandez et al., 2008; Jansson & Thuvander, 2004;
Talja et al., 2008). One way to improve the poor mechanical properties and wa-
ter sensitivity of starch films is to add cellulose into the structure. Cellulose-
starch composite films are usually prepared by casting films from gelatinized
starch with added insoluble cellulose microfibrils, nanocrystals or nanoparticles.
(Cao et al., 2008; Chang et al., 2010; Dufresne et al., 2000).
Membranes for chiral separation systems were developed by covalently bind-
ing functional substances onto the surface of commercial cellulose membranes.
(Xiao & Chung, 2007) Active substances such as acetylated -cyclodextrin are
immobilized on a cellulose dialysis membrane. (Xiao et al., 2007) As an exam-
ple, membranes were improved against blood coagulation by appropriate drug

Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films

treatments such as an antithrombogenic compound bonding chemically (German

Pat. No. 27 05 735) or heparin salt bonding (German Off. No. 17 20 087),
phospolipid surfactant coordination or even further graft polymerization (Naka-
bayashi, 2004) of the cellulose membranes.

Experimental results

Cellulose solution

The cellulose material was a commercial, dissolving-grade softwood TCF sul-

phite pulp. The pulp was first shredded mechanically and thereafter treated with
a commercial endoglucanase-rich enzyme preparation. The enzyme treatment
released about 3% of the pulp as soluble sugars, measured using the DNS
method (Bernfeld, 1955), and decreased the viscosity from 405 ml/g to 270 ml/g
(SCAN-CM 15:88).
The mechanically and enzymatically treated pulp was dissolved in aqueous
sodium zincate according to the EP application 08397510.2. Cellulose xanthate
solution prepared from softwood-based dissolving pulp was used as a reference.
The cellulose content of the solution was 9 wt-%.

Starch films

Film experiments were achieved using two separate 12wt% starch solutions
consisting of sodium hydroxide as well both sodium hydroxide and potassium
hydroxide to explore the effects of an alkali used in starch solutions on the co-
agulation rate, resistance during the water washing and the properties of the final
film. It was observed that about 1.5–2 hours is required before solutions level
out and reach sufficient rheology for film formation. The starch used was com-
mercial, unmodified native potato starch. Native potato starch is composed of
granules, which must first be dissolved in polymer form using an alkali. The
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) concentrations for
dissolving starch granules were determined using the method described in the
patent US 4,144,079.
The acid coagulants illustrated that not all of these acids, irrespective of acid
concentration, were capable of precipitating starch solutions. In contrast, the
ammonium ion (NH4+) containing ammonium sulphate close to the saturation
concentration is capable of coagulating starch films. Different ammonium com-
pounds were tested. The highest ammonium ion concentration can be attained

Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films

using (NH4)2SO4. A short study of the ammonium ion release of the common
and harmless ammonium compounds illustrated that a 43% (NH4)2SO4 solution
is needed for starch coagulation. An additional benefit of ammonium coagula-
tion is that the used coagulation solution had pH 7.82, while typical acid solu-
tions are below pH 2, causing a side reaction for the starch.
Films were formed using a 43% (NH4)2SO4 solution at room temperature. The
first signs of precipitation were observed approximately 8–10 seconds after the
introduction of the starch solution into the coagulant solution. As the precipita-
tion proceeded, a whitish opaque film was observed, irrespective of the alkali
composition used in the starch solution. The NaOH containing starch solution,
however, seems to require a longer coagulation time for the same film thickness
compared with both the alkali containing starch solution. Further NaOH contain-
ing solutions were weaker and the films seemed to have more problems keeping
their integrity, opacity and thickness during the water washing. In the case of the
higher concentration and temperature, the coagulation rate was increased and
similar differences between the used coagulants were achieved, although films
prepared from this solution were slightly weaker and vulnerable.

Figure 1. Film precipitated from 6 g of starch solution containing 4:1 of KOH and NaOH.

Cellulose-starch films

While the starch films were mechanically weak after drying, they could be plas-
ticized either externally with substances like polyols or internally by means of
grafting. This study was aimed at pure natural polymer films, however, and the

Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films

experiments were therefore performed using two cellulose-starch solutions in

which the cellulose-starch dry content ratios were 3:1 and 1:1. The solution was
prepared mixing 5.5wt% cellulose enzyme-assisted zincate solution with 11wt%
starch solution to achieve the desired mixing ratio.
Until now, the best available coagulant solution for starch solution that had
been detected was 43% (NH4)2SO4 solution, but it was not known how cellulose
behaves with this coagulant. Cellulose solutions were typically precipitated with
10% sulphuric acid (H2SO4) or combinations of H2SO4 and sodium sulphate
(Na2SO4). For this reason, a new type of coagulant based on ammonium sul-
phate, sodium sulphate and sulphuric acid, enabling sufficient SO42+ ions in the
ammonium solution.
In the developed coagulant solutions, coagulation happened fast, and even
one-minute precipitation generated clear, transparent cellulose films that were
equal in their thickness, transparency and water resistance. When more than 30%
of the starch was lost at a temperature of 60°C, only 7% of the 1:1 cellulose-
starch films were lost.

Figure 2. Cellulose films precipitated with a combination coagulant contained some 1:1 of
(NH4)2SO4 and Na2SO4 in dilute H 2SO4.

Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films

Cellulose-lignophenol solutions

The purified softwood lignophenol sample was prepared by Mitsuru Aoyagi and
kindly provided to the TUT by Professor Masamitsu Funaoka from Mie Univer-
sity, Japan (Funaoka, 1989). It was isolated by hydrolyzing the extractive-free
wood flour (ethanol-benzene, 80 mesh pass) with concentrated sulphuric acid
after solvation with cresol (a two-step process with a cresol/acetone solution).
The lignophenol powder was dissolved in 5.5 wt-% NaOH to form a solution
containing 13 wt-% lignophenol at Mw = 11700 g/mol.
The lignophenol/NaOH solution was added to cellulose or cellulose xanthate
solution and mixed at 150 rpm for 5 minutes using a laboratory stirrer. The ob-
tained mixture solutions contained approximately 5 wt-% lignophenol and 95
wt-% cellulose.

Cellulose-lignophenol films

The films were prepared from pure cellulose and cellulose xanthate solutions
and from the same solutions mixed with lignophenol. The solution was spread
evenly using a spatula inside a metal frame that was placed on top of the glass
plate to adjust the thickness of the solution layer. After application, the frame
was removed and the plate immersed in 10% sulphuric acid to coagulate the
solution. The obtained film was transferred from the coagulation bath into dis-
tilled water and washed until it was free from salts, as measured with a conduc-
tivity meter. The purified films were dried under tension at 20–22°C in order to
obtain even films for characterization.
The crystallinity and morphology of the cellulose/lignophenol films were
measured by SAXS. The reference samples give typical X-ray diffraction pat-
terns of cellulose II. According to the measurement, the lignophenol addition
leads to more amorphous films. The FTIR analysis of the cellulose/lignophenol
films indicated no clear difference compared with the pure cellulose reference.
SEM images of the cellulose/lignophenol films indicated a homogeneous surface
structure. A few more sieves of fibrils could be observed in the lignophenol-
containing films, but the differences from the reference are only indicative in

Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films

The cellulose and lignophenol have close interaction, and lignophenol is able
to soften the cellulose to a certain extent. The interaction has not been shown to
be caused by bonding between the phases, though dissolving polymeric ligno-
phenol evidently enables softening of cellulose II films. The films may enable
further development of cellulose membranes and modification thereof.

Figure 3. Cellulose-lignophenol films from cellulose-lignophenol solution (left) and from

cellulose xanthate-lignophenol solution (right). Additionally, a picture of the film in the air.


Regenerated cellulose can be converted into a thin, transparent film with low
permeability to air, oils, greases and bacteria, making the material useful in food
packaging. In this work, we have simply demonstrated the possibility of forming
cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films from water solutions. The cellulose
films may find several industrial applications, such as a base for tapes, a semi-
permeable membrane for batteries, a stationary phase for thin layer chromatog-
raphy and dialysis media. In current research, dissolved cellulose was intimately
combined with starch to provide ductile cellulose films and lignophenolate-
enabling development of new functionalized membranes.

Preparation of cellulose-starch and cellulose-lignin films


This work is part of the co-activities at the Technical Research Centre of Finland
and the Tampere University of Technology related to the VTT spearhead pro-
gramme Industrial Biomaterials.


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From nanocellulose science towards applications

From nanocellulose science towards

Hans-Peter Hentze
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


Scientific nanocellulose research has focused mainly on the study of structure-

properties relationships of nanocellulosic fibres and materials made from these.
Wide property ranges have been described, depending on the raw material
sources, production methods, pre-treatments and functionalization. These results
offer the bases for identifying the specific advantages and possibilities of this
new class of nanomaterials. Comparing these with other applied materials and
alternative technologies enables the identification of technically and economi-
cally feasible applications of nanocellulose-based technologies.


Nanofibrillated celluloses (NFC) have been objects of scientific investigations

for more than three decades. Like other areas of nanomaterial research, the first
studies were motivated by novel physical and analytical methods of nanomate-
rial characterization and production. Since the first discovery in the late 1970s,
nanocellulose research activities have intensified and attracted increasing inter-
est, especially since the early 2000s. Though nanocelluloses resemble a class of
quite different materials, the scientific interest is based mainly on a few out-
standing, basic properties that these materials have in common, i.e., large-scale
availability as a renewable material, extraordinary mechanical strength, high

From nanocellulose science towards applications

specific surface areas and aspect ratios, barrier properties, dimensional stability,
biodegradability and biocompatibility (Eichhorn et al., 2010).
Based on recent and ongoing research achievements related to nanocellulose
production, characterization and the production of nanocellulose-based materi-
als, intense efforts in product development for nanocellulose applications are
currently ongoing. This paper summarizes some of the most promising devel-
opments and future perspectives to give an overview of this fascinating, very
versatile and promising area of applied materials science.

Nanocelluloses – A new class of nanomaterials

The term nanocellulose is widely used to describe a wide range of different cel-
lulose-based nanomaterials. The differences are due to not only a wide variety of
available raw material sources (Abe & Yano, 2009) e.g., wood, straw, crop resi-
dues and bacteria, but also to different top-down and bottom-up production
methods, including physical and chemical modification. For instance, the term
nanocellulosic materials covers the whole range from ground cellulose fibres,
such as microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) and oxidized nanocelluloses (e.g., by
TEMPO oxidation), to hydrolyzed, crystalline nanocelluloses (NCC, or cellulose
nanowhiskers). The characteristic diameters and lengths of these materials typi-
cally vary between 5 and 500nm, i.e., 10s of nanometre and 100s of microns
respectively. The specific surface areas may be in the range of 10s to 100s of
square metres, and the crystallinity and surface properties (e.g., surface charges,
functional groups) may also vary greatly.

Structure-properties relationships and potential applications

The different types of nanocelluloses, with their different morphologies, size

dimensions, aspect ratios and functionalities, can be compared with other applied
materials, such as microfibers, nanoparticles and polyelectrolytes (Figure 1). As
for any other technical development, it is important to consider both perspec-
tives: ‘market pull’ and ‘technology push’, to identify the most promising overlap.
Owing to the differences in specific structure-properties relationships, the spe-
cific application potential of different nanocelluloses can be derived. Some of
these are outlined in the following (Figure 2).

From nanocellulose science towards applications

Figure 1. Nanocelluloses – A new class of nanomaterials: Scheme of different nanocellu-

losic materials and their comparison with other materials, i.e. polyelectrolytes, nanoparti-
cles, and macrofibers.

Figure 2. Potential application areas of different types of nanocelluloses based on their

specific structure-properties relationships.

Composites and Construction Materials – The main application of nanocellu-

loses as strength-enhancing additives is in composite materials, especially poly-

From nanocellulose science towards applications

mer composites (Okubo et al., 2005; Juntaro et al., 2008; Zoppe et al., 2009), but
also, for example, in concrete (Nanocrete, In polymer composite applications,
nanocelluloses are typically used as ‘hard segments’ for improved strength and
toughness, e.g., for large, flexible and transparent displays (Nakagaito et al.,
2010; Okahisa et al., 2009). They can also induce additional properties such as
improved sound propagation for loudspeaker membranes. In addition, nanocellu-
loses can show high dimensional stability and transparency, which is of special
importance for, for example, their use as additives in flexible displays. For
strength enhancement, high aspect ratio nanocelluloses are typically preferred.
Additional surface modification can improve the compatibility and binding to
the matrix material.
Porous Materials and Fibre Web Structures – Owing to their high aspect
ratios, nanocelluloses also exhibit excellent properties for the formation or
strengthening of porous materials, such as paper (increase in fibre-fibre interac-
tions) (Gardner et al., 2008; Eriksen et al., 2008) aerogels (Svagan et al., 2008;
Hentze & Sievänen, 2009) insulation materials, membranes and filters. For these
applications, the surface properties of nanocelluloses also play an important role
in the structure formation, additional functionalities and material performances.
Due to their biocompatibility and purity, bacterial nanocelluloses, in particular,
attract strong interest for biomedical applications, e.g., as wound dressings or
scaffold materials for tissue engineering and implants (Bodin et al., 2007).

From nanocellulose science towards applications

Figure 3. Calcium carbonate filler particles embedded in a nanocellulose matrix.

Coatings and Functional Surfaces – Based on their film formation capability

and barrier properties, especially as oxygen barriers, nanocelluloses are studied
intensively in coating formulations, e.g., for food packaging (Hult et al., 2010).
In addition, modified NFCs enable additional surface functionalities, such as
specific binding sites for antimicrobial coatings, sensors, diagnostics and bioac-
tive papers.
Functional Additives – One of the earliest applications of nanocelluloses was
food additives. Nanocelluloses with very high aspect ratios, in particular, can be
used as thixotropic rheological modifiers in different kinds of formulations. Due
to their dimensional stability, e.g., against high temperatures and salt concentra-
tions, they exhibit specific advantages compared with commonly used, macro-
molecular polyelectrolytes. Specific application potential therefore exists for, for
example, enhanced oil recovery, superabsorbents, paints and generally as a
thickener in formulations with high salt contents. Another advantage compared
with polyelectrolytes is high collision efficiency with particles of a similar size
in flocculation applications, e.g., as retention aids in papermaking or water
treatment. Other applications as functional additives in papermaking include
wet- and dry-strength additives. Like certain cellulose derivatives, nanocellulose

From nanocellulose science towards applications

particles with amphiphilic surface properties can also be used as stabilizers for

Figure 4. Stress-strain curves of nanocellulose aerogels (inset) compared to polyethylene

(PE) and polystyrene (PS) foams.

Other Applications – In addition to the listed applications with most potential,

further opportunities will arise as a synergistic effect of parallel developments in
other areas of nanotechnologies and biomaterials. Some of these cover, for ex-
ample, electronic applications, biomimetic materials (Walther et al., 2010; Ca-
padona et al., 2008), and optical and energy devices (Nyström et al., 2009) such
as battery separators.
For all of the outlined applications, there are important additional aspects re-
lated to NFC characterization, safe handling of nanomaterials, life cycle analy-
sis, and theoretical modelling to enable optimized product performances.

Conclusions and outlook

Nanocelluloses are a new class of nanomaterials that can be produced and modi-
fied in manifold ways. They therefore resemble cellulose-based, nanostructured
building blocks with a wide variety of properties and functionalities for a huge

From nanocellulose science towards applications

range of material applications. Some of the most relevant potential application

areas are composites and construction materials, porous materials, paper and
board, coatings, functional surfaces and functional additives.
For paper and board applications, barrier coatings and strength enhancement
are two major topics. In addition, nanocelluloses offer potential for future tech-
nologies, such as wood-free or water-free papermaking.
Beside the development of new materials and processes based on nanocellu-
loses, the involved study of material interactions on the nanometer scale will
also enable a better understanding and improvement of technologies and materi-
als we already use today (Ozin & Cademartiri, 2009).


Abe, K. & Yano, H. (2009). Comparison of the characteristics of cell ulose microfibril ag-
gregates of wood, rice straw and potato tuber, Cellulose 16, 1017–1023.

Bodin, A., Ahrenstedt, L., Fink, H., B rumer, H., R isberg, B . & Gatenholm, P. (2 007).
Modification of Nanocellulose wi th a Xyloglucan RGD Conjugate Enhances
Adhesion and Proliferation of Endothelial Cells: Implications for Tissue
Engineering, Biomacromolecules 8, 3697–3704.

Capadona, J.R., Shanmuganathan, K.,Tyler, D.J., Rowan, S. J. & Weder, C. (2008).

Stimuli-Responsive Pol ymer Nanocomposites Inspired by the S ea Cucumber
Dermis, Science 319, 1370–1374.

Eichhorn, S.J., Dufresne, A., Aranguren, M., Marcovich, N. E., Capadona, J. R., Rowan,
S.J., Weder, C., Thielemans, W., Roman, M., Renneckar, S., Gindl, W., Veigel,
S., Keckes, J., Yano, H., Ab e, K., No gi, M., Nakagaito, A.N., M angalam, A.,
Simonsen, J., Benight, A.S., Bismarck, A., Berglund, L .A. & Peijs, T. ( 2010)
Review: cur rent i nternational research i nto cellulose nanofibres and nanoco m-
posites, J Mater Sci, 45, 1–33.

Eriksen, Ø., Syverud, K. &. Gr egersen, Ø. (2008). The use of m icrofibrillated cellulose
produced from kraft pu lp as a s trength enhancer in TMP paper, Nord. Pulp Pa-
per Res. J. 23(3), 299–304.

Gardner, D.J., Oporto, G.S., Mills, R. & Azizi Samir, M.A.S. (2008. Adhesion and Surface
Issues in Cellulose and Nanocellulose, Journal of Adhesion Science and Tech-
nology 22, 545–567.

Hentze, H.-P. & S ievänen, J. (2009). Bridging the length scales – The hie rarchical mor-
phology of porous NFC foams, EPNOE Conference Proceedings, IL3(15).

From nanocellulose science towards applications

Hult, E.-L., Lotti, M. & Le nes, M. (20 10). Efficient approach t o hi gh barrie r packaging
using microfibrillar cellulose and shellac, Cellulose 17, 575–586.

Juntaro, J., P ommet, M., Kalinka, G ., Mantalaris, A., Shaffer, M.S.P. & B ismarck, A .
(2008). Creating Hierarchical Structures in Renewable Composites by Attaching
Bacterial Cellulose onto Sisal Fibers, Advanced Materials 20, 3122–3126.

Nakagaito, A.N., Nogi, M. & Yano, H. (2010). Displays from Transparent Films of Natural
Nanofibers, MRS Bulletin 35(3), 214–218.

Nyström, G., Razaq, A., Strømme, M., Nyholm, L. &Mihranyan, A. (2009). Ultrafast All-
Polymer Paper-Based Batteries, Nano Lett. 9(10), 3635–3639.

Okahisa, Y., Yosh ida, A., Miyaguchi, S. & Yano, H. (2009).Optically t ransparent wood -
cellulose nanocomposite as a base substrat e fo r f lexible or ganic ligh t-emitting
diode displays, Composites Science and Technology 69(11–12), 1958–1961.

Okubo, K., Fujii, T. & N . Yamashita, N. ( 2005). Improvement of I nterfacial Adhesion in

Bamboo Polymer Composite Enhance d with Micro-Fibrillated Cellulose, JSME
Series, A 48, 19–-204.

Ozin, G.A & Cade martiri, L. (2009). Nanochemistry: W hat Is Nex t?’, Small 5(11):1240–

Svagan, A. J., Azizi Sa mir, M.A .S. & Berglund, L.A. (2008 ). Biomimetic Foa ms of Hi gh
Mechanical Performance Base d on Nanostructured Cell Wal ls Reinforced by
Native Cellulose Nanofibrils, Advanced Materials 20(7), 1263–1269.

Walther, A., Bjurhager, I., Malho, J.-M., Pere, J., Ruokolainen, J., Berglund, L.A. & Ikkala,
O. (2010). Large-Area, L ightweight an d Thi ck Biomimetic Composites wit h Su-
perior Material Properties via Fast, Economic, and Green Pathways, Nano Lett.
(published online March 2010), Article ASAP.

Zoppe, J.O., Peresin, M.S., Habibi, Y., Venditti, R.A., Rojas, O.J. (2009). Reinforcing Poly
-caprolactone) N anofibers w ith C ellulose N anocrystals, ACS Appl. Mater. I n-
terfaces 1, 1996–2004.

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified

cellulose and starch
Kirsi Immonen, Tero Malm, Kyösti Valta, Petri Jetsu and Elina
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


The project focus is on research into in-line grafting and modification of cellu-
lose towards continuous processing methods using reactive extrusion in cellu-
lose-based composite manufacturing. Products of the project are for deep-drawn
plastic products, films and foams. Three different cellulosic material modifica-
tion approaches were used to find ways towards these products. The cellulosic
fibre length varies greatly depending on the origin and growing season of the
wood, so four different cellulosic fibres were chosen as the fibre base for PLA
biocomposites. They were eucalyptus pulp, and earlywood and latewood from
stump-based pine and spruce fibre. The second modification approach was to
polymerise lactic acid into polylactid acid on a cellulose surface using in-line
reactive extrusion, which was assumed to improve the compatibility of cellulose
with the PLA matrix and that way improve the mechanical properties of bio-
composite material. The third approach was to analyse the suitability of reactive
extrusion as continuous in-line manufacturing of cellulose acetate, which in the-
ory is the most rational way to produce thermoplastic cellulose material.

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch

Introduction, targets

The general objective of the project is to improve compatibility between cellu-

losic fibres and the PLA matrix and thus improve mechanical and other proper-
ties of such fully biobased composite structures. The project consists of three
separate sub-tasks. The integrating issue for all the tasks is the use of compound-
ing equipment that is typical of plastic reactive processing. In our case, the key
equipment is the double screw compounder W&P D40 mm L/D 60. This device
opens new possibilities for processing biobased fibres and plastics.
The plastic processing techniques of interest are injection moulding, extrusion
and rotational moulding. More specifically, materials will be tested for deep
drawing and foaming applications. The compounding technique will provide
granulated materials for these applications.
Two different approaches are:
Cellulosic fibres are fractionated by a novel technique according the cultiva-
tion season, and the fibres’ origin from stumps is also of interest. The study
is carried out for eucalyptus cellulose – as a reference fibre – and for pine
stumps and latewood and earlywood fibre.
PLA grafting onto a cellulose molecular backbone is applied by a few cata-
lytic agents, first in a small lab scale compounder and then by an industrial
scale W&P compounder.

Materials and methods

Fractioned cellulose fibre

Eucalyptus pulp from Metsa-Botnia and three different pulps prepared at the
VTT Jyväskylä were compared in composite filler material. The prepared pulps
were earlywood and latewood fractions from pine and pulp from spruce stumps.
Pin chips from pine were fractionated according to density into earlywood and
latewood fractions. The density of the earlywood fraction was 339 kg/m3 and of
the latewood 487 kg/m3. After fractionation, the earlywood and latewood frac-
tions were refined using the VTT experimental refiner. Spruce stumps were first
chipped and then refined into pulp. All the pulp fractions were refined to the
same freeness (CSF) level of about 80 ml.
The PLA for biocomposite preparation was PLA 3001D from Natureworks.
The compounding to fibre contents of 20% and 40% was done using the Ber-

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch

storff ZE 25x33 twin-screw extruder followed by injection moulding with the

Engel 200/50 HL into dog-bone shaped test bars.

Polylactid acid grafting on cellulose

The idea of the cellulose grafting was to polymerise lactic acid into polylactid
acid on a cellulose surface using in-line reactive extrusion, which was assumed
to improve the compatibility of cellulose with the PLA matrix and that way im-
prove the mechanical properties of biocomposite material. The materials used in
the polymerisation were technical grade lactic acid (80% in water, Purac), birch
pulp cellulose, dissolving pulp (Borregaard LV-U) and milled cellulose BE
600/10 TC (Rettenmaier & Söhne). The ring polymerisation route was also
tested starting with the L-Lactide (99.5% from Altasorp). The polymerisation
catalysts tested were potassium acetate, dibutyl tin octoate and p-
toluenesulphonic acid. The mixtures at the first stage were made by Brabender
and injection moulding using the Thermo Haake MiniJet equipment. For the
larger-scale processing, the Werner Pfleiderer ZSK40 F 32.5 E (40 x 58 D) twin-
screw extruder with gravimetric feeders, liquid feeding and vacuum was used.

Results and conclusions

The material properties of the fractioned fibres are presented in Table 1 and the
results of the mechanical tests are shown below in Figures 1–3:

Table 1. Properties of fibres.

Property Eucalyptus Pine early- Pine late- Spruce

wood wood stump
Fibre length before 1070 1160 1030
processing, µm
Fibre width before 36.4 36.8 36.7
processing, µm
Fibre length after proc- 156 172 192 154
essing, µm
Fibre width after proc- 18.9 26 26.7 24.1
essing, µm
Density as paper sheet, 320 280 240
kg/m 3
Tensile index in sheet, 27 26 21

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch

Modulus GPa
Tensile strength
Elongation %

9 Tensile strength MPa

Modulus (GPa), elongation (%)

8 80

Tensile Strength (MPa)

7 70
6 60
5 50
4 40
3 30
2 20
1 10
0 0
Euka 20 Euka 40 Kevät 20 Kevät 40 Kesä 20 Kesä 40 Kanto 20 Kanto 40 Koivus 40

Figure 1. Comparison of results for mechanical testing. The label ‘Kevät’ refers to fibres
cultivated in spring and ‘Kesä’ in summer. The label ‘Kanto’ refers to fibres from stumps
and ‘Koivu’ is a reference to birch fibre. The number in the label refers to the amount of
fibre in the PLA.

Water absorption

Water absorption. %

6 Euka 40
5 Kevät 40
4 Kesä 40
3 Kanto 40
2 Koivus 40
24 h 96 h 168 h 24 h 96 h 168 h
w-% a-%

Figure 2. Comparison of results for the water absorption test. Labels as in Fig 1.

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch

Charpy impact strength (unnotched)

Impact strength (kJ/m2)




Euka Euka Kevät Kevät Kesä Kesä Kanto Kanto Koivus
20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 40

Figure 3. Comparison of results for mechanical impact test. Labels as in Fig 1.

According to the tensile strength results, there was no significant difference be-
tween the earlywood and latewood pine fractions in the injection-moulded com-
posite materials that contained 40% fibre in the PLA. Both performed well giv-
ing a tensile strength > 77 MPa and a modulus > 6.7 GPa. In this series, the
spruce stumps and reference birch pulp performed similarly with a tensile
strength of 74 MPa and a modulus > 7.1 GPa. Eucalyptus gave about 15% lower
tensile strength results compared with the others, but the elongation in the 20%
eucalyptus-containing fibres was quite high at 2.7% compared with the others
with < 2% elongation.
The impact strength value of 20% eucalyptus-containing PLA composite was
significant at about 25%, higher than for the other fibres. In terms of impact
strength, the pine earlywood and latewood also performed identically with im-
pact strength of 14 kJ/m2 for 40% fibre content, while spruce stumps gave a
value of 13 kJ/m2.
One of the main challenges of biocomposites is the control of moisture behav-
iour. Here, the water absorption results showed clear differences between the
fibres. The reference, 40% birch fibre in PLA, gave the lowest water absorption
value of 3.2 w-% after a one-week test. The second best was 40% eucalyptus in
PLA with a 3.7% w-% absorption value and the spruce stump with 3.8 w-%.
Here, pine earlywood and latewood also performed similarly with more than 6
w-% water absorption.

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch

Process for cellulose modification and reactive compounding with PLA was
performed according to Figure 4. The Figure 5 represents how the oligometric
PLA is embracing cellulose fibres and makes them compatible with surrounding
PLA matrix. As a reference a Figure 6 represents injection moulded sample of
PLA with 40% cellulose fibre without modification or added compiling agents.
Figure 7 is showing a DSC chromatograph of lactide grafted cellulose, where
oligometric lactic acid is clearly present.

Monomer Extruder
Air cooling Cutting
in pulp

Figure 4. Processing layout for PLA grafting.

Figure 5. SEM pictures of oligomeric PLA embracing cellulose fibre.

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch

Figure 6. SEM picture of injection m oulded sample PLA with 40% cellulose f ibre without

GP113 140909

––––––– First heating
-40.6°C(H) ––––––– Cooling
––––––– Second heating
Polylactide clearly
157.7°C formed

Heat Flow (W/g)

Oligomeric lactid exists

-0.8 77.3°C

Rate 10 °C/min
-50 0 50 100 150 200
Exo Up
Temperature (°C)

Figure 7. DSC of lactide-grafted cellulose. Notation ‘Polylactide clearly formed’ = there is

a clear build-up of polylactide; ‘Oligometric lactid exists = part of the lactide is still in the
form of oligomers.

Graftplast – Grafted PLA, modified cellulose and starch


Based on the experiments, there is no significant reason to base wood fractiona-

tion on the season. At the same time, it was observed that birch and euca are
similar: birch has slightly higher strength while euca has better impact and lower
water absorption. Neither of the pine stumps offer any benefits. Eucalyptus fibre
provided good elongation compared with the others however.
For the lactic acid grafting on the cellulose, we succeeded in attaching oli-
gomeric polylactide groups to the cellulose surface, allowing better distribution
and attachment of fibres to the PLA matrix. The maximum cellulose content
applied to pilot-scale reactive extrusion was 70%. Potassium acetate was a suit-
able polymerisation catalyst. Drawbacks of these polymerisations were partial
degradation of the cellulose fibre and oligomeric lactic acid function mainly as a
plasticizing agent without strengthening the material. An interesting phenome-
non was that several of the produced materials showed elastic properties that
could be utilised to some extent.


Immonen, K., Malm, T. & Valta, K. Polylaktidi-selluloosakuitukompaundi ja m enetelmä

sen va lmistamiseksi reaktiivisella e kstruusiolla (p olylactide and ce llulose fibre
compound and method of making such). Invention filed 3.4.2009, taken over by
the VTT. (In Finnish)

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

The durability and decay resistance of

coated plywood, Thermowood® and
wood plastic composites (WPC)
Hannu Viitanen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


A building is subjected to different water sources, ageing processes and damage

during its lifetime. For wood material, microbes often play a key role in its dura-
bility, especially in high humidity conditions. Moisture stress and biological
factors, such as mould and decay fungi, are often critical, especially in cladding
and decking structures in exterior use conditions. To evaluate durability, differ-
ent test systems can be used. This paper briefly presents the use conditions and
accelerated testing of different wood products.

The use conditions of wood and wood-based products

According to standard EN 335-1, the use conditions of wood and wood products
are classified based on the eventual activity of different biological agents on the
wooden structure. While the classification is very general, in reality many details
are often important for the durability and service life of the whole structure or
building. Under dry conditions, the risk of bio-deterioration is always accidental
for wood used in inside construction or Use Class 1 (UC 1). When wood is un-
der cover and not exposed to the weather (UC 2), condensation of water on the
surface of the wood products may occur (risk of mould growth). In UC 3, the
wood is above the ground and exposed to the weather; in UC 3.1 it is under wet
conditions for limited periods; and in UC 3.2, the wetness can be prolonged but

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

not continuous. In UC 4 situations, however, the wood is in direct contact with

ground and/or fresh water and thus the risk of bio-deterioration is high.

Figure 1. Example of the fungi causing damage in different parts of buildings and different
use classes (UC 2 – UC 4). The damages are caused by moisture that has exceeded the
tolerances of the materials and structure, e.g. by water leakage and faults in the structure,
especially critical details.

For damage to develop, several different organisms can be involved (Figure 1).
The accelerated laboratory tests are normally very hazardous for the materials –
usually simulating the worst case scenario – compared to their intended use con-
ditions above ground. The intended use conditions should carefully considered
in order to evaluate the required durability of wood products, especially in UC 2
and 3.1 (claddings) situations.
The damage cases in cladding are mainly caused by excess water due to the
malfunction of the structure. High exposure conditions, however, exist for wood
in decking, docks or wood in ground contact; for this reason, more aggressive
test conditions are needed. The most critical parts of the cladding and decking
are the details where water can accumulate and thus initiate the decay process.
The risk is lower in the Nordic Countries than in the Atlantic Climate area where
unprotected and uncovered decking is more exposed to the weather and thus
more prone to decay (Viitanen et al., 2010). In these use conditions, more dura-
ble materials and products are needed. The classification of the natural durability
of heartwood of different wood species is presented in standard EN 350-2.

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

As exposure to the weather is important when evaluating the durability of

wood-based products such as fences and cladding, it should be part of the test
procedure. In the next sections, the testing of different wood-based materials is

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood

The first steps taken in evaluating the durability of the products are the acceler-
ated screening tests carried out in the laboratory. They include different test
methods for bacteria, discolouring fungi (mould and blue-stain) and decay fungi
or algae. Mould and blue-stain fungi are often the first colonisers and can cause
damage to the surface of materials and coatings. Discoloration is a common term
for the problem, especially on paint films. Mould fungi will grow on outer sur-
face of materials; blue-stain fungi will also penetrate into the material and cause
damage in coatings and paint films.
The task of the EU project ‘Plybiotest’ was to determine the critical factors
that affect the durability of coated plywood products. In addition, it aimed to
find the adequate interactions of outdoor weathering (Figure 2) and laboratory
test methodology in order to identify the critical parameters and cut-off values
for the durability, performance and service life of coated plywood.

Figure 2. Outdoor test systems for coated plywood products at VTT Otaniemi.

The water permeability of a wood product is a very important part of its durabil-
ity. In Figure 3, the water absorption / water permeability of different plywood

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

products is shown. The water permeability of plywood with a thin phenol film
was accelerated during the test period faster than that of the melamine film, the
paint base film, and the coated and painted birch plywood. The water permeabil-
ity of uncoated plywood was high and mould growth and blue-stain development
was significant after the first summer exposure period.

Birch plywood. Water absorption (EN 927-5) prior and after 2 years'
outdoor weathering (EN 927-3), all are edge sealed (100x500 mm)

Water uptake (g/m2)






1 year

1 year

1 year

2 year

2 year


1 year

2 year


1 year

2 year


1 year

2 year


2 year



1 year

2 year
Uncoated PF Film 120 PF Film 220 Mel Film PBF+ paint Painted EpoxPaint

Figure 3. Water permeability / water absorption of different plywood products prior to, and
after one year and two years’ outdoor exposure (Viitanen et al., 2008).

The decay test after weathering was designed to be very aggressive in order to
evaluate the effect of the coatings on the decay resistance on the plywood mate-
rial (Figure 4). The decay test, performed after one year of weathering, found a
slight effect of weathering on the decay resistance. The edge sealing of the
coated plywood protected the birch plywood well against brown rot fungus;
however, the effect was lower for spruce plywood. Similarly, the edge sealing
also added to the resistance of uncoated plywood (Figure 5).

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

Plastic box with ventialation cap

in the top (filled with cotton)

Plywood sample

Test fungus (growing on the sample

and in the growth medium)

Growth medium
Vermiculite with 5 % malt nutrition

Figure 4. Decay test of plywood samples in a chamber with wet vermiculite and brown rot
fungi Coniophora puteana. Small samples of 50 x 50 mm were used for the decay tests
(embedded in to the vermiculite in a vertical position 2 / 3 of their width). After incubation,
the mass loss and moisture content of the samples were analysed. The incubation time of
boxes was 16 weeks at RH 70% and 22°C.

The uncoated birch and spruce plywood showed low decay resistance in high
exposure conditions. The coated and edge sealed plywood performed well in the
tests. The mould resistance of plywood products was also evaluated; the resis-
tance was based on the performance of the coatings as well as on the surface
quality of wood. It was found that the durability of coated plywood is less de-
pendent on the natural durability of wood species; further, the input of coating
system in several cases is higher.

Figure 5. Mass loss of birch and spruce plywood after 16 weeks’ decay test in vermiculite,
the test fungus was Coniophora puteana. Uncoated and painted, edge sealed (yes) and
not edge sealed (no) samples (50 x 50 mm) were used. The material was weathered one
year prior the decay test. Un-weathered material was used as a reference.

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

Thermowood® and wood plastic composites

Thermal modification has been developed for an industrial method to increase

the biological durability and dimensional stability of wood. Thermowood class
D and the wood plastic composites are intended to be used as a decking material,
which is exposed to high weathering and water exposure conditions. In this pa-
per, the effects of the thermal modification on the resistance against the soft
rotting fungi of sapwood and the heartwood of Scots pine and Norway spruce by
using laboratory test methods are presented. The resistance to soft-rot fungi was
measured using mass loss and the change of modulus of elasticity (MOE). The
decay resistance of the wood plastic composite using the same test procedure is
also presented.
Thermal modification was performed at four different temperatures (170°C,
190°C, 210°C, and 230°C) for three hours in the sapwood and heartwood of
Scots pine and Norway spruce. The natural durability against the soft-rot micro-
fungi was determined according to CEN/TS 15083-2 by measuring the mass loss
and modulus of elasticity (MOE) loss after an incubation period of 32 weeks
(Metsä-Kortelainen and Viitanen 2009).
The wood plastic composites are products with low wood content. The decay
in this material will mainly develop in the cellulose material when the mass loss
is directly correlated with the mass of the total amount of organic material. In
this case, the main change will be notified as the changes of modulus of elastic-
ity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR). In Table 1, the results of the test
series on two different WPC products are given.
In general, the thermal modification increased the decay resistance of the
wood material. The mass loss and MOE loss differences between the sapwood
and the heartwood were more evident with pine than with spruce. The difference
between the sapwood and heartwood of spruce is not significant; this indicates
that the heartwood of spruce is not durable against decay. It is appears that a
sufficiently high thermal modification temperature of 210–230°C reduces the
differences between different wood materials and clearly gives better decay re-

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

Table 1. Density and moisture content before and after the decay test, the average MOE
and mass loss of the soft-rot samples (Metsä-Kortelainen and Viitanen, 2009), and the
test performed on WoodPlasticComposites (WPC) at VTT.

Heat Density Moisture Moisture MOE Mass Decay

Treatment kg/m 3 content content loss loss rate
(°C) (%) (%) (%) (%) (0–4)
RH65% After the
sapwood untreated 446 12 274 74 21 4
170°C 430 10 266 73 18 4
190°C 423 9 248 60 14 3
210°C 413 7 231 37 8 2
230°C 384 6 222 8 4 1
heartwood untreated 434 12 276 71 19 4
170°C 449 9 241 65 15 4
190°C 429 9 235 54 12 3
210°C 414 7 225 35 7 2
230°C 381 6 221 6 3 1
sapwood untreated 501 11 247 71 21 4
170°C 490 10 239 70 18 4
190°C 478 9 229 67 16 4
210°C 488 7 192 40 8 2
230°C 476 6 182 19 5 1
heartwood untreated 554 11 192 55 15 4
170°C 551 8 184 54 13 4
190°C 524 8 182 45 9 2
210°C 520 7 167 25 6 2
230°C 467 6 175 8 3 1

WPC 1 - - 13 23 4 2
WPC 2 - - 11 16 2 1
sapwood Untreated 111 81 38 4

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

For the untreated pine sapwood (reference samples), the MOE loss was signifi-
cant after 16 weeks’ exposure. The decay rate was high and the average mass
loss of untreated pine sapwood varied between 21% to 38% and the MOE loss
71% to 81%. The wood moisture content was high during the test, but clearly
lower in WPC products, where the loss of MOE and the mass loss were low. The
decay resistance of WPC material was significantly higher than that of untreated
pine sapwood. No weathering prior to the test was used, which may have had an
effect on the results. Further, a performance test in exterior conditions is needed
to evaluate the durability and service life of WPC products.
The correlation between the loss of mass and MOE is very high (Figure 6).
This confirms the view that it is possible to measure the MOE loss many times
during the incubation of the soft-rot test in order to measure the durability and
the resistance of the test samples.

Mass loss / MOE loss

R = 0,8764
MOE loss (%)

0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0
Mass loss (%)

Figure 6. Cor relation betwe en t he mass l oss and M OE loss , soft-rot te st (Metsä-
Kortelainen and Viitanen 2009).

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)

Competence of VTT on the durability and service life of wooden products

and composites (e.g. wood plastic composites)

Develop methods to evaluate the performance, durability and service life

of wood-based products and composites.
The producers and manufactures of new materials and products want to
know the performance and durability / resistance of their products, espe-
cially if the products will be used under use conditions according to EN
335-1 UC 3-2 (terrace, fence, decking) or UC 4 (product in ground con-
VTT has extensive experience in factors affecting the durability, resis-
tance and service life of wood products as well as the concepts of different
test procedures. Several different test systems exist (laboratory–field).
The resistance of wood products will be analyzed according normal
process using standardized methods:
– combinations of different types of exposure conditions -->
– outdoor weathering / QUV weathering in a laboratory
– accelerated laboratory tests: mould / blue-stain / decay fungi.
For new products where wood is only a minor part of the overall materi-
als (like plastics, WPC), other methods (like MOE changes) are em-
The producers and manufactures of new materials and products want to
know the performance and durability/resistance of their products, espe-
cially if the products are to be used under use conditions according to
EN 335-1 UC 3-2 (terrace, fence, decking) or UC 4 (products in contact
with the ground).
Tests in high exposure conditions yield faster results.
Evaluation of the resistance of the product against:
– mould growth, discoloration (blue-stain) and decay (in decay tests, the
modulus of elasticity ‘MOE’ will be analyzed when needed)

The durability and decay resistance of coated plywood, Thermowood® and wood plastic
composites (WPC)


CEN/TS 15083-2 (2005). Durability of wood and wood-based products – Determination of

the natural durability of solid wood against wood-destroying fungi, test methods
– Part 2: Soft-rotting micro-fungi. European Committee for Standardization.

EN 335-1 (2006). Durability of wood and wood-based products – Definition of use classes
– Part 1: General. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.

EN 350- 2 ( 1994). Durability of wood and w ood-based products – Na tural durability of

solid wood – Part 2: Guide to natural durability and treatability of selected wood
species of importance i n Europe. European Committee for Standardization,

Metsä-Kortelainen S, Viitanen, H. (2009). Decay resistance of sapwood and heartwood of

untreated and thermally modified Scots pine and Norway spruce compared with
some othe r wood s pecies. W ood Material Science and Engineering, 3-4 (3):

Viitanen H, Nurmi A, Metsä-Kortelainen S, Jämsä S, Paajanen L. (2008). Effect of Coat-

ings on the Performance and D urability of Birch Plywood – Results a fter Ou t-
door Weathering and Accelerated Decay Resistance Assessments. Proceedings
of the Int ernational Panel Products Symposium 2008 24th-26th September,
Espoo, Finland, 335–340.

Viitanen H, Tor atti T. Makkone n L. Peuhkuri R, O janen T, Ruokol ainen L, Räisänen J.

(2010). Towards modelling of decay risk of wooden materials. European Journal
of Wood and Wood Products. 68 (3) 303–313.

Series title, number and
report code of publication

VTT Research Notes 2558

Ali Harlin & Minna Vikman (eds.)
Developments in advanced biocomposites

VTT has long experience in developing biocomposites for several application areas. Bio-
composites are materials consisting of bioplastics, natural fibres and/or fillers and addi-
tives, which are also preferred to be biomass-based. The utilisation of non-food resources
will be one of the main issues and drivers in material development. The variety of bioma-
terials, the number of material combinations, processing technologies and potential appli-
cations offer extensive opportunities but there are many challenges that must be overcome
during the development of biocomposites and bioplastics. The next generation of bioma-
terials are being developed through advanced processing and nanotechnology. This publi-
cation gives overview of the research activities and main achievements at VTT in this

978-951-38-7665-4 (soft back ed.)
978-951-38-7666-1 (URL:
Series title and ISSN Project number
VTT Tiedotteita – Research Notes
1235-0605 (soft back ed.)
1455-0865 (URL:
Date Language Pages
December 2010 English 96 p.
Name of project Commissioned by

Keywords Publisher
Biocomposites, bioplastics, fibre VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
P.O. Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland
Phone internat. +358 20 722 4520
Fax +358 20 722 4374
Technology and market foresight • Strategic research • Product and service development • IPR and licensing
• Assessments, testing, inspection, certification • Technology and innovation management • Technology partnership


VTT Tiedotteita – Research Notes
2543 Henrik Huovila, Jari Korpi, Jari Kortström, Ville Kotovirta, Riitta Molarius, Päivi
Mikkonen, Päivi Mäntyniemi, Minna Nissilä, Jenni Rauhala, Tapio Tourula, Nina
Wessberg & Jussi Yliaho. Uhkatilanteiden hallinta. Hälytys-, tilannekuva- ja
varoitusjärjestelmän kehittäminen. 2010. 94 s. + liitt. 32 s.
2544 Arto Usenius, Antti Heikkilä, Tiecheng Song, Jorma Frödblom & Timo Usenius.
Joustavat ja itseoppivat tuotantojärjestelmät sahateollisuudessa. 2010. 217 s.
2545 Pasi Ahonen. TITAN-käsikirja. VTT:n päätuloksia Tekesin Turvallisuusohjelman
TITAN-projektissa. 2010. 152 s.
2546 Riikka Holopainen, Sirje Vares, Jouko Ritola & Sakari Pulakka. Maalämmön ja
-viilennyksen hyödyntäminen asuinkerrostalon lämmityksessä ja jäähdytyksessä.
2010. 56 s.
2547 Painetut hybridisysteemit. Teknologian tila ja kaupallistamisen mahdollisuudet
Suomessa. Jukka-Tapani Mäkinen (toim.). 2010. 95 s.
2548 Ari Laitinen, Veijo Nykänen & Satu Paiho. Jäähallin kylmäkoneistojen hankintaopas.
2010. 109 s. + liitt. 78 s.
2549 Yrjö Neuvo, Masaki Kitagawa, Aija Leiponen, Richard Mathies, Duc-Truong Pham,
Josef Spitzer & James Spohrer. VTT Scientific Advisory Board Final Report 2009–
2010. 2010. 27 p. + app. 8 p.
2550 Turpeen tuotanto ja käyttö. Yhteenveto selvityksistä. Arvo Leinonen (toim.). 2010.
104 s.
2551 Auli Kuusela-Lahtinen, Ulla-Maija Mroueh, Pasi Vahanne, Terhi Kling, Anu
Kapanen, Maarit Priha, Eevaliisa Laine & Esko Rossi. Ympäristö- ja terveysriskien
arviointimenetelmien vertailu. 2010. 130 s. + liitt. 52 s.
2552 Eija Kaasinen, Mari Ainasoja, Elina Vulli, Heli Paavola, Riina Hautala, Pauliina
Lehtonen & Esa Reunanen. User involvement in service innovations. 2010. 64 p.
2553 Kimmo K. Mäkelä, Jouni Huopana, Tomi Seppänen, Jari Ulkuniemi, Markku
Kananen, Markku Valtonen, Jouko Heikkala & Jussi A. Karjalainen. Tyviko-
projektin loppuraportti. 2010. 74 s. + liitt. 6 s.
2554 Mikko Malmivuo & Juha Luoma. Talvirenkaiden kunnon kehittyminen 2001-2010.
2010. 41 s. + liitt. 11 s.
2555 Anu Tuominen, Heidi Auvinen, Heikki Kanner & Toni Ahlqvist. Liikennejärjestel-
män visiot 2100. Esiselvitys. 2010. 41 s. + liitt. 11 s.
2558 Developments in advanced biocomposites. Ali Harlin & Minna Vikman (eds.). 96 p.

ISBN 978-951-38-7665-4 (soft back ed.) ISBN 978-951-38-7666-1 (URL:

ISSN 1235-0605 (soft back ed.) ISSN 1455-0865 (URL:

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