Curing In-Place Concrete

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CIP 11 - Curing In-Place Concrete

WHAT is Curing
External curing is a step during construction that involves
maintaining newly placed concrete at adequate moisture
and temperature conditions so that it can develop
properties, such as strength and durability, the mixture was
designed to achieve. Curing begins immediately after
placement and finishing and should be continued for a
sufficient period of time, typically 3 to 7 days.
Hydration is the chemical r eaction of cementitious
materials with water that produces concrete’s desired
properties. The objective of curing is to prevent loss of
moisture and maintain a favorable temperature to support Spray-on curing compound
continued hydration. Without an adequate supply of
moisture, the cementitious materials in concrete cannot
react to form a quality product.
Temperature is an important factor for curing. The rate of
hydration, and therefore, strength development, is faster at
higher temperatures. Temperature of placed concrete
should be maintained above 50°F (10°C). Hydration
generates heat that can be retained in cooler weather. In
thicker sections curing procedures should minimize the
temperature differential between the core and surface to
avoid thermal cracking. Curing can also regulate the
cooling rate to prevent thermal shock. See CIP 42.
When finishing, minimize the rate of moisture loss from
the concrete surface to prevent plastic shrinkage cracking. Curing Blankets
See CIP 5.
Internal curing involves the use of absorptive materials, c. Better serviceability and appearance. Lack of
such as soaked lightweight sand and super-absorbent curing will result in a less durable surface with poor
polymers, in the concrete mixture that release moisture resistance to wear and abrasion. Proper curing reduces
with time. This is used in some applications. It does not the potential for crazing, dusting, and scaling.
negate the need for external curing. HOW Should Concrete be Cured
WHY Cure Concrete
Maintaining Moisture:
a. Predictable strength gain. Concrete in a dry Concrete should be protected from losing moisture until
environment can lose as much as 50 percent of its final finishing using fogging or evaporation retarders.
potential strength compared that which is moist cured. At Subsequent to finishing, moist curing methods can
high temperature concrete gains early strength quickly involve application of additional water or retention of
but later strengths may be reduced. At cooler water in the concrete.
temperature concrete takes longer to gain strength, Methods using application of water:
delaying form removal and subsequent construction. a. Continuous fogging or sprinkling is an excellent
b. Improved durability. Well-cured concrete has better curing method. Soaker hoses can be used on vertical
surface hardness to withstand surface wear and abrasion. surfaces. Air temperatures should be above freezing
Curing minimizes cracking and makes concrete more and water should be readily available. Absorbent
watertight, thereby reducing the intrusion of water and materials can be used to retain water. Alternate wetting
water-borne chemicals resulting in improved durability and drying is not an acceptable curing practice.
and service life. b. Ponding is the most thorough method of water curing
but is rare. A dike is created along the edge of the slab more resistant to tearing and can be reused. Paper is used
to pond water on the slab surface. It is sometimes used like plastic sheeting and is less likely to mar the surface
on smaller slabs and bridge decks. Temperatures or cause mottling. Curing paper should conform to
should be above freezing for the curing duration. ASTM C171.
c. Use of absorbent materials like burlap or cotton mats Evaporation retardants are used to reduce evaporation from
can be used to hold water on horizontal or vertical concrete surfaces before it sets to prevent plastic shrinkage
surfaces applied by a soaker hose or sprinkler. The cracking. These should not be used for final curing.
materials should be kept wet and weighted down to Control of temperature:
keep from blowing away. Materials should not stain
In cold weather do not allow concrete to cool faster than a
the concrete surface.
rate of 5°F (3°C) per hour for the first 24 hours. Concrete
d. Damp earth, sand, or sawdust can be used to cure should be protected from freezing until it reaches a
flatwork, especially floors. Materials should be clean compressive strength of at least 500 psi (3.5 MPa) using
and free of organic or iron-staining contaminants. insulating materials. Curing methods that retain moisture,
e. Straw or hay sprinkled with water can be used on rather than wet curing, should be used when freezing
small areas. Straw can easily blow away and, if it dries temperatures are anticipated. Guard against rapid
is fire hazard. The layer of straw should be 6-in. (150 temperature changes after removing protective measures.
mm) thick and covered with a tarp. In hot weather, higher initial curing temperature will result
Methods using retention of water: in rapid strength gain and lower ultimate strengths. Water
Methods reduce evaporative water loss from the surface. curing and sprinkling can be used to achieve lower curing
They can be applied earlier than water-curing methods, temperatures in summer. Precautions should be used to
do not need source of water, and are easier to handle. protect against cooling faster than 5°F (3°C) per hour
a. Plastic sheets - either clear, white (reflective), or black. during the first 24 hours due to temperature extremes.
Plastic film should conform to ASTM C171, be at least Termination of Curing:
4 mils (0.10 mm) thick. Film reinforced with fibers are Curing should be continued as required by the
more durable and less likely to tear. Clear and dark specification, or for at least 3 to 7 days. Termination of
sheets absorb solar radiation and are recommended in curing should allow for gradual drying of concrete and to
cool weather or on shaded areas. Reflective sheets prevent large temperature differentials in the concrete
minimize heat gain when exposed to sunlight and member. Cover materials should be allowed to dry before
should be used in warm weather. Plastic should be laid removal. Controlled drying procedures should be used to
in direct contact with the concrete surface as soon as control the rate of drying with wet curing methods. Use of
possible without marring the surface. Edges should layers of insulation can be removed sequentially to reduce
overlap, be taped, and weighted down. Sheets should the development of large thermal differential. The use of
extend beyond the edge of slabs at least twice the slab embedded temperature and relative humidity monitoring
thickness. Wrinkles will cause dark streaks or a devices can be useful in critical applications.
mottled appearance due to variations of moisture and/
or temperature. Plastic should not be used on concrete
surfaces where appearance is important. Plastic is
sometimes used over wet burlap to retain moisture. References
1. ASTM C171, C309 and C1315, Annual Book of ASTM
b. Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds must
Standards, Vol. 04.02, ASTM International West
conform to ASTM C309 or C1315. These are wax or Conshohocken, PA.
resin-based materials that form a surface film and
2. NRMCA Concrete in Practice (CIP) series, NRMCA, Silver
minimize evaporation. Apply to the concrete surface, Spring, MD,
at the recommended rate, immediately after
3. Guide to External Curing of Concrete, ACI 308R, American
disappearance of water sheen on the surface after final Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.,
finishing. Delayed application after surface has dried
4. Specification for Curing Concrete, ACI 308.1, American
prevents the formation of the film. While a clear liquid Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
may be used, a white pigment provides reflective
5. Specification for Hot Weather Concreting Concrete, ACI
properties and coverage is visible. Two coats, applied
305.1, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
at right angles, is desirable for even coverage. Curing
6. Guide to Cold Weather Concreting, ACI 306R, American
materials that are wax-free are recommended for
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
concrete surfaces that will be painted, or if a surface
7. Specification for Structural Concrete, ACI 301, American
covering has to be bonded to the concrete. Some
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
curing compounds are formulated to self-dissipate with
8. Report on Internally Cured Concrete using Prewetted
time and for compatibility with surface treatments.
Absorptive Lightweight Aggregate, ACI 308-213R,
c. Waterproof paper - consists of two layers of kraft American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
paper cemented together and reinforced with fiber. It is
1982, 1989, 2000, 2017

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