Daily Lesson Plan: Division of Cavite
Daily Lesson Plan: Division of Cavite
Daily Lesson Plan: Division of Cavite
Department of Education
Division of Cavite
C. Presenting examples/ Picture Prompt – Show students HP or not- Show the students 4 pics in one word Opinion TRUTH
instances of the new lesson an image with no explanation, and a image then they will Ask the class to make an analysis
ask them to identify if it is a Holistic A view or is something
Perspective or not then explain, and identify if its HP(Holistic on the pictures shown on screen.
justify their answers. Or ask Perspective) or NHP(Not They will identify what it is the judgement which
students to write about it using Holistic Perspective) word formed about depends on
terms from lecture, or to name the something a person's
processes and concepts shown.
D .Discussing new concepts Constructivist Approach – Collaborative Approach – Constructivism Approach – Constructivist Approach –
and practicing new skills #1 Activity-Based (3A’s Activity) Jigsaw Method (TDAR Activity Based (3A’s Activity) Activity-Based (3A’s
Facilitate the discussion on the Activity) A (Act) – Ask each group about Activity)
definition of Holistic Perspective Facilitate the discussion on their own gather an opinion about Facilitate the discussion on
the essence of Holistic the movie DEKADA 70 and the definition of Opinion and
A (Act) – Ask each group to Perspective in life. write it in a manila paper Truth
think of a role play that will A (Analyze) – Ask the group to
create concrete situation that T (Think) – Ask each group make an analysis on the ideas A (Act) – Ask each group to
made it holistic perspective. to make an analysis of the presented by each member. prepare bond paper.
A (Analyze) – Have them applying Holistic Perspective A (Apply) – Ask the group to A (Analyze) – Have them
compare their ideas. in life present a report their opinion prepared for the questions
A (Apply) – Ask them to make a D (Discuss) – Let them share about DEKADA 70 A (Apply) – Students will
role play about concrete situation ideas with their group. create their own
that made it holistic perspetive. A (Act) – Tell them to create Rubrics distinguishment of opinion
Rubrics examples situations that Idea - 5 points and truth
Idea - 5 points shows Holistic Perspective in Presentation - 5 points
Presentation - 5 points a manila paper Creativity - 5 points Rubrics
Creativity - 5 points R (Reflect) – Explain the Idea - 5 points
situations that you think Presentation - 5 points
shows Holistic Perspective Creativity - 5 points
Idea - 5 points
Relevance - 5 points
Creativity - 5 points
E. Discussing new concepts and Further discussion Video Reflective mirror Feedbacks: Have the class compare their own After the presentation, ask
practicing new skills #2 presentation(motivational video) point of views in the things that they the class to give evaluation,
Each group will have their are holding comments and suggestions to
opinion on the examples differentiate opinion and
situations made by the other truth
group. Does it show holistic
perspective why or why not?
F. Developing mastery Base on group presentations, ask Ask the class the ff: Ask the class to provide an .
(Leads to formative the following: 1. Does Holistic analysis opinion. Ask the ff;
assessment) 1. What is Holistic Perspective help? 1. How do you know if
Perspective in the video? 2. What is the reason for something is the truth?.
2. How Holistic Perspective Holistic Perspective
happened in the video?
G. Finding Reflection: Ask the class: Ask the class: Ask the class:
practical/applications of Ask the class: In what way can you apply What is an opinion? When does opinion and truth
concepts and skills in daily What is your reflection about the Holistic Perspective? What is the significance of arises?
living video shown? having an opinion?
H. Making generalizations Ask the class what is their Ask the class to explain Ask the class the difference Ask the class:
and abstractions about the biggest lesson in life? Holistic Perspective. between opinion and conclusion? What is the relevance of
lesson opinion and truth in helping
the society?
I. Evaluating Learning Pre Test: Write in a short bond Pre Test: Write in a short Pre Test: Write O if the statement Pre Test: Write O if the
paper least 100 words about your bond paper about what you is an Opinion and T if its statement is an Opinion and
greatest lesson in life(5pts) have learn today(5pts) considered as the Truth T if its considered as the
1.________The Supreme Court is
composed of 14 justices 1.______The recent
2.________ No person shall be constitution used is the 1973
deprived of life, liberty and Constitution.
property without due process of 2.______ The preamble in
law. the 1987 constitution starts
3.________Life is like riding a with “We”.
bicycle in order to keep balance 3._______Ferdinand
must keep moving Magellan discovered the
4.________ A Vice President can Philippines
be reelected to its office? 4._______ May 14 is the start
5.________ Fidel V. Ramos is the of Election Day.
16th President of the Philippines 5.________A President of the
Philippines can be reelected
from his office
J. Additional activities for Homework: Write an essay about Homework: Homework: Homework:
application or remediation Greatest moment in life. Answer this: Answer this: Write an essay about essence
Write a reflection paper Write an essay about the Quo of truth and opinion in the
about movie of Dekada 70. Warranto Petition against CJ world
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
to remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
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