133 Ashida Realy
133 Ashida Realy
133 Ashida Realy
Plot no. A-308, Road no. 21, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane (W) 400604.INDIA.
( 0091-22-6577 1076/77/78, 2582 7524/25/26
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Operating Manual
ASHIDA Numerical Transformer
Differential Relay
ADR 233A ( W i t h C o m m u n i c a t i o n P o r t )
Ashida Electronics (P) Ltd. Reserve all right to make improvements in the
products described in this manual at any time and without notice. All rights are
reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduce, copied, translated or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of
Ashida Electronics (p.) Ltd. Information in this manual is intended to be accurate
and reliable. However Ashida assumes no responsibility for its use; nor for any
infringements of rights of third parties, which may result from its use.
2.0 Application
• Two winding power transformers
• Auto transformers
• Biased differential protection for generators
3.0 General
ADR133A is member of Ashida Numerical Relay family (Aditya Series)
designed to meet demand of low and medium transformer protection
requirement. It consists of all the basic function need to protection of
transformer such as harmonic restrain, dual bias differential protection.
The ADR133A is designed using high-speed micro DSP, which sample all
three-phase current through CT connection. The high-speed micro-controller
samples this current through a 12-bit A/D converter.
The micro-controller performs powerful Digital Algorithms to find out
Amplitude of current signal, then this value is use for protection and metering
This relay is provided with Triple slop characteristics for Protection i.e.
1. Zero Bias Slop
2. Differential Bias Slop
3. 2nd Bias Slop
Setting Range
HF range is from 100% to 2000% in steps of 100%. 0 is equal to Bypass.
6.1 Self-supervision
The relay continuously keeps track on its internal hardware and software and
the movement it detect any failure of any component, it give message on LCD
display as error code details of error code available in User’s manual and also
having dedicated potential free contact for external ALARM. This feature is
very useful to give pre information to avoid any mall - operation. In such
situation it use some default setting and remain in protection mode.
Restraining Current
Ibx = (|IHx| +| ILx| ) / 2
The relay support dual bias characteristic. The bias (slop 1) is settable from
10% to 50% This is a normal bias characteristic. The relay follows this
characteristic up to Ibx become equal to 2nd Bias I setting. During heavy
through fault due to CT saturation large difference current might generate,
which lead to mal operation of relay. To prevent mal operation during such
heavy through fault relay is provided with dual bias characteristic. In which
after 2nd Bias I setting the relay change it bias setting from set value to 80%
The relay shows all the parameters such current before ICT current after ICT,
Primary current , Bias and difference current.
Similarly relay latches fault current, type fault with date and time stamp. If relay
is upgrade to communication the it can provide full disturbance record in
COMTRADE format for details analysis.
HV Interposing CT Connection
An equivalent interposing CT connection can be selected from this range of
settings. The settings define the LV and HV winding configuration.
E.g. Yd, followed by the angular position of the LV phase or with respect to the
HV phase or. The angular position is described by the hour – hand position on
the twelve-hour clock face, e.g. Yd1 or Yd11. In each setting, this is followed
by the same angular relationship expressed in degrees. The complete Yd1
setting will therefore read Yd1, -30° and Yd11 will read Yd11, 30°.
Setting Range:
VGHV – Yy0, Yy2, Yy4, Yy6, Yy8, Yy10, Yd1, Yd3, Yd5, Yd7, Yd9, Yd11, Ydy0
and Ydy6
LV Interposing CT Connection
As the HV connection but now applied to the LV CT’s.
Setting Range:
VGVL – Yy0, Yy2, Yy4, Yy6, Yy8, Yy10, Yd1, Yd3, Yd5, Yd7, Yd9, Yd11, Ydy0
and Ydy6
1. Y or y denotes an unearthed star connection on the HV or LV side of the
transformer respectively.
2. YN or yn denotes an earthed star connection on the HV or LV side of the
transformer respectively.
3. D or d denotes a delta connection on the HV or LV side of the transformer
HV rated current = 60MVA / (132 * 1.732)
= 262.4A.
CT ratio for HV side is 300/1
LV rated current = 60MVA / (33* 1.732)
= 1049.76A
CT ratio for LV side is 1200/1
Mean tap value = [(+5) + (-15)] / 2 = -5%
HV current at –5% tap = (60MVA) / (1.732 * 132KV *0.95)
= 276.2A
HV Multiplier = 300 / 276.2 = 1.086 = 1.09
LV CT secondary current = 1049.7 / 1200
= 0.87475A
So the LV multiplier = 1200 / 1049.7 = 1.143
= 1.14
Initial Setting = 200mA (20%) or2 times of maximum spill
current which ever is greater.
Bias setting = 20%
2 times of maximum tap change %
Bias Slope Limit = 4 times of full load current
HV ICT vector connection = Yd1, 30
LV ICT vector connection = Yy0, 0
HV ICT multiplier = 1.09
LV ICT multiplier = 1.14
9 11
10 12
• When the Right Arrow key () is pressed the operator is able
to view the setting of the relay. When the Right Arrow key () is pressed
again it will go to the next setting, but in case there are no more setting to
be displayed it returns to the main menu.
• When the Left Arrow key () is pressed you are able to enter
the setting which can be now modified using Up Arrow key () Down
Arrow key (). When the Left Arrow key () pressed again it will go to
the next setting.
• The Up Arrow key () is used to increment the value, the
Down Arrow key () is used to decrement the value in the display.
• The Left Arrow key () Right Arrow key () can be used to go
forward or backward, both when doing the settings and while viewing the
At the time of setting if changes are not carried within 100s then the
display will reset it self and return to the main menu.
1 = 1Amp.
Transformer Differential Relay
001 01 Relay without Fix CT. Compatible with ACDF31F CSD – 150V 1/2
02 Relay without Fix CT. Compatible with ACDF31F CSD – 150V 1/2
with Extra NO Contact
03 Reserved
04 Relay with Selectable CT and Drawout Cabinet CSD – 150VD 3
001 05 Relay with selectable CT, non draw-out Cabinet CSD-V-120 3
with (1) one extra contact and wide setting range
002 05 Relay with selectable CT, non draw-out Cabinet CSD-V-120 3
with (3) Three extra contact and wide setting range
Ordering information:
A D R 1 3 3 A - A M - X X X - X X - X + X - X X - X
ADR131A – AM-002-05-3-0-02-0
Type : ADR133A with wide setting, draw out case and extra contacts.
Auxiliary Supply : 77-250Vdc
CT Sec. : 1/5Amp
Ashida Numerical
Tx Diff. Relay
ADR133A V4.13-o
Unit ID = 0001
With Scaling
IH1= 00.00 IL1 = 00.00
IH2= 00.00 IL2 = 00.00
IH3= 00.00 IL3 = 00.00
The above window is a default window showing the online current with scaling.
(Note: If the left arrow key () is pressed the display will go to Main menu
directly skipping the Difference Current, Without Scaling and Primary HV & LV
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will show Difference
Diff I Bias I
I1D = 00.00 I1B = 00.00
I2D = 00.00 I2B = 00.00
I3D = 00.00 I3B = 00.00
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will show on line current
without scaling.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will show on line current
Primary HV and Primary LV.
Pri. HV Pri. LV
RH= 00000 RL = 00000
YH= 00000 YL = 00000
BH= 00000 BL = 00000
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will now displays the
Main Menu as follows.
Date & Time, Measurement, Settings, Fault 1, Fault 2, Fault 3, Fault 4, Fault 5,
Relay Test, Error Log and Status are the various options available in Main
Menu of this relay.
Since the LCD Display consist only of 4 Lines, the main menu list can be
scrolled up or down by using the Up Arrow key () or the Down Arrow key
(). The arrow pointers in the display will jump from option to option.
Ashida Numerical
Tx Diff. Relay
ADR133A V4.13-o
Unit ID = 0001
With Scaling
IH1= 00.00 IL1 = 00.00
IH2= 00.00 IL2 = 00.00
IH3= 00.00 IL3 = 00.00
Press the left arrow key () the display will go to Main menu
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the Date & Time in the main menu. Now when the Left
Arrow key () is pressed then the following message is displayed.
Password = 001
→ Date Time ←
Fault 1
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the Date Time in the main menu.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will show current time and
Time : 10:58:31
Tue : 13/01/09
Then when the Right Arrow key () is pressed again, the relay with no other
settings to be displayed will return to main menu to displays the following
→ Date Time ←
Fault 1
Date Time
→ Measurement ←
Fault 1
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the Measurement in the main menu.
Press the Right Arrow key () the following values are displayed.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will show Difference
Diff I Bias I
I1D = 00.00 I1B = 00.00
I2D = 00.00 I2B = 00.00
I3D = 00.00 I3B = 00.00
The values displayed are difference in current of three phases of HV and LV
respectively taking into consideration the ratio of IHM and ILM.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will show on line current
without scaling.
Without Scaling
IH1= 00.00 IL1 = 00.00
IH2= 00.00 IL2 = 00.00
IH3= 00.00 IL3 = 00.00
The values displayed are that of HV and LV current of three phases
respectively without taking into consideration the ratio of IHM and ILM.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will show on line current
without scaling.
Pri.HV Pri.LV
RH= 00000 RL= 00000
YH= 00000 YL= 00000
BH= 00000 BL= 00000
The values displayed are that of HV and LV Primary current of three phases
respectively without taking into consideration the ratio of IHM and ILM.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then relay will now displays the Main Menu
as follows.
Date Time
→ Measurement ←
Fault 1
Date Time
→ Settings ←
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the setting in the main menu.
Now when the Left Arrow key () is pressed the following message is
Password = 0000
For example if required value to be set is 25 then press up arrow key () till
you get reading 20, then releases the down arrow key () key and increment
one by one.
If the entered password matches with previously set password then we are
able to enter the other settings parameters. If not the following Error message
is shown on the display.
PassWord Fail
Note: -
In case authorized person forgets the set password, then press Left Arrow key
() & ‘RESET’ push button simultaneously & release ‘RESET’ push button.
The Relay will load default value, then release Left Arrow key () Password
will be Reset to ‘000’ and the other settings of the relays will change to default
PassWord = 001
New PassWord
Unit ID = 0001
Range 1-255
17.6 HF Setting
By using the up arrow key () or the down arrow key () the desired HF can
be set. The setting range will be from 0% to 2000% in step of 100% and 0 is
equal to Bypass.
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
2nd Bias I = 0400
Range 100%-400%
17.8 CT Secondary
By using the up arrow key () or the down arrow key () the desired CT
Secondary can be set. Setting can be selected, that of 1A or 5A. In which, 1A
corresponds with 1Amp. and 5A correspond with 5Amp. Secondary
respectively. Care should be taken to see proper connections are established
at the back terminal, i.e. between Com. And 1A while selecting 1 Amp and
between Com. And 5A while selecting 5Amp.
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
IHM = 1.00
Range = x0.50 – x2.50
Note : This Trip Test is only for Relay Test Function (on line Testing).
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
VG HV = Yy2 +60
Range = 0-13
17.12 VG HV Settings
By using the up arrow key () or the down arrow key () the desired VG HV
[Vector Group Selection for HV Side] can be selected. The setting range is 0 to
13, in all there are 14 conditions that apply, for details refer interposing CT
Selection Guide 6.1.3.
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
VG LV = Yy2 +60
Range = 0-13
17.13 VG LV Settings
By using the up arrow key () or the down arrow key () the desired VG LV
[Vector Group Selection for LV Side] can be selected. The setting range is 0 to
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
Com Port = 0001
Range 1-2
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
CT Pri. HV =0010
Range 05-3000
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
CT Pri. LV =0010
Range 05-3000
17.17 CT Pri. LV
By using the up arrow key () or the down arrow key () the desired CT Pri.
LV can be set. The setting range is from 05 to 3000 in steps of 01.
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
2ND Hrm Rst. =0015
Range 0(10%)–14(80%)
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
HF NRst. = 0000
Range (1000–2000)%
17.19 HF NRst.
By using the up arrow key () or the down arrow key () the desired HF
NRst. [HF Non Restrain] can be set. The setting range is 1000 to 2000 in
steps of 500%
17.20 HF Delay
By using the up arrow key () or the down arrow key () the desired HF
Delay can be set. The setting range is 0.1 to 1.0 sec in steps of 0.05sec
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the following message will be
Save Settings?
Press < For Save
Then when the left arrow () is pressed again the relay having saved the
settings made will now return to the Main Menu and the following message will
be displayed.
Date Time
→ Settings ←
Date Time
→ Settings ←
Fault 1
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the Settings in the main menu.
Now when the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is
Pickup = 100%
Bias = 050%
HF = 2000%
2ND Bias I = 100%
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed again the following message is
CT Sec. = 1A
IHM = x1.00
ILM = X1.00
Trip Test = No
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed again the following message is
VG HV= Yy2 +60
VG LV= Yy2 +60
Baud Rate = NA
Com Port = NA
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed again the following message is
Pri. HV = 0010
Pri. LV = 0010
2 nd Hrm. Rst. = 015%
HF NRst. = 1000
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed again the following message is
Then when the Right Arrow key () is pressed again, the relay with no other
settings to be displayed will return to main menu to displays the following
Date Time
→ Settings ←
Fault 1
Date Time
→ Fault 1 ←
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the Fault 1 in the main menu.
Now When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is
Bias : T TC : 0153
HF :
Date : 28/11/08
Time : 11:49:52:060
First line define the Type of Bias Fault & Trip Counter
Second line define HF Fault
Third line defines the Date
Forth line defines Time of fault.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is
First line defines the HV Current & LV Current for R Phase respectively at the
time of the fault.
Second line defines the HV Current & LV Current for Y Phase respectively at
the time of the fault.
Third line defines the HV Current & LV Current for B Phase respectively at the
time of the fault.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is displayed.
Diff I Bias I
I1D = 00.00 I1B = 00.00
I2D = 00.00 I2B = 00.00
I3D = 00.00 I3B = 00.00
Explanation :
First line defines difference current of the HV Current & LV Current for R
Phase respectively at the time of the fault.
Second line defines difference current of the HV Current & LV Current for Y
Phase respectively at the time of the fault.
Third line defines difference current of the HV Current & LV Current for B
Phase respectively at the time of the fault.
HV Vector
r1 = +0.000 i1 = +0.000
r2 = +0.000 i2 = +0.000
r3 = +0.000 i3 = +0.000
Explanation :
First line defines real and imaginary vector components for R Phase HV side
respectively at the time of the fault.
Second line defines real and imaginary vector components for Y Phase HV
side respectively at the time of the fault.
Third line defines real and imaginary vector components for B Phase HV side
respectively at the time of the fault.
Explanation :
First line defines real and imaginary vector components of R Phase LV side
respectively at the time of the fault.
Second line defines real and imaginary vector components of Y Phase LV
side respectively at the time of the fault.
Third line defines real and imaginary vector components of B Phase LV side
respectively at the time of the fault.
HV 2nd Hrm
r1 = +0.000 i1 = +0.000
r2 = +0.000 i2 = +0.000
r3 = +0.000 i3 = +0.000
Explanation :
First line defines real and imaginary vector components of 2nd Harmonic R
Phase HV Side respectively at the time of the fault.
Second line defines real and imaginary vector components of 2nd Harmonic
Y Phase HV Side respectively at the time of the fault.
Third line defines real and imaginary vector components of 2nd Harmonic B
Phase HV Side respectively at the time of the fault.
LV 2nd Hrm
r1 = +0.000 i1 = +0.000
r2 = +0.000 i2 = +0.000
r3 = +0.000 i3 = +0.000
Explanation :
First line defines real and imaginary vector components of 2nd Harmonic R
Phase LV Side respectively at the time of the fault.
Second line defines real and imaginary vector components of 2nd Harmonic
Y Phase LV Side respectively at the time of the fault.
Third line defines real and imaginary vector components of 2nd Harmonic B
Phase LV Side respectively at the time of the fault.
Fault 3
Fault 4
Fault 5
→ Relay Test ←
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the Relay Test in the main menu.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed the Relay will provide TRIP command
and fault is recorded.
Bias : T TC : 0253
HF : 000
Date : 06/07/07
Time : 11:49:52:060
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is displayed
Fault Value
IH1 = 00.00 IL1 = 00.00
IH2 = 00.00 IL2 = 00.00
IH3 = 00.00 IL3 = 00.00
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is displayed
Diff I Bias I
I1D = 00.00 I1B = 00.00
I2D = 00.00 I2B = 00.00
I3D = 00.00 I3B = 00.00
HV Vector
r1 = +0.000 i1 = +0.000
r2 = +0.000 i2 = +0.000
r3 = +0.000 i3 = +0.000
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is displayed
LV Vector
r1 = +0.000 i1 = +0.000
r2 = +0.000 i2 = +0.000
r3 = +0.000 i3 = +0.000
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is displayed
HV 2nd Hrm
r1 = +0.000 i1 = +0.000
r2 = +0.000 i2 = +0.000
r3 = +0.000 i3 = +0.000
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed then following message is displayed
LV 2nd Hrm
r1 = +0.000 i1 = +0.000
r2 = +0.000 i2 = +0.000
r3 = +0.000 i3 = +0.000
Then when the Right Arrow key () is pressed again, the relay with no other
settings to be displayed will return to main menu to displays the following
Date & Time
→ Fault 1 ←
Fault 4
Fault 5
Relay Test
→ Error Log ←
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the Error Log in the main menu.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed again then following message is
The relay continuously keeps track on its internal hardware and the moment it
detects any failure of component, a message is displayed on LCD display. The
type of error can be checked by “Error Log” menu. This feature is very useful
for giving pre information to avoid mal operation.
Then when the Right Arrow key () is pressed again, the relay with no other
settings to be displayed will return to main menu to displays the following
Fault 4
Fault 5
Relay Test
→ Error Log ←
Fault 5
Relay Test
Error Log
→ Status ←
By using the up arrow key () or down arrow key () move the arrow pointers
in the display to select the Status in the main menu.
When the Right Arrow key () is pressed again then following message is
Sw : V4.13-o
HW : V2.00
Then when the Right Arrow key () is pressed again, the relay with no other
settings to be displayed will return to main menu to displays the following
Fault 5
Relay Test
Error Log
→ Status ←
Relay Function :
The operating characteristics can be easily verified during table testing.
The relay operating characteristics is as shown in figure.
IoP2 P2
Operating Current
0 Ib2 Ib
Bias Current
Io′ 6
= 2 Ib′ + Io′
Io = IHV – ILV
= - Io′
= Io′ -------------------------------{2}
S1 = Io
S1 = Io′ --------------------------{3}
Ib′ + 0.5 Io′
Thus 2nd Bias (i.e. 80%) can be verified from following formula
From Equation 1 & 2
Io′ – C ------------------ {7}
S2 =
Ib′ + 0.5 x Io′
After connecting auxiliary supply switch on the Power supply and the check the
power on indication provided on relay front. The relay will display following
Ashida Numerical
Tx. Diff. Relay
ADR 133A V4.13-o
Unit ID = 0001
With Scaling
IH1= 00.00 IL1 = 00.00
IH2= 00.00 IL2 = 00.00
IH3= 00.00 IL3 = 00.00
Setting IH1 IL1 IH1 IL1 IH2 IL2 IH2 IL2 IH3 IL3 IH3 IL3
R T=
Y T=
B T=
Bias : B TC : 0153
HF : B
Date : 06/07/07
Time : 11:49:52:060
Diff I Bias I
I1D = 00.00 I1B = 00.00
I2D = 00.00 I2B = 00.00
I3D = 00.00 I3B = 00.00
H.F. % 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Percentage Bias =
The observed Bias should be ±2% of set Bias. I.e. for 10% setting observed
Bias should be within 8% to 12%
C = ( S1 – 0.8 ) x Ib2
If CT Seconday is 1amp.
Then S1 = 0.1 ( 10% of CT Secondary i.e. 1Amp.)
S2 = 0.8
Ib2 = 2Amp. ( 200% of CT Secondary i.e. 1Amp)
C = ( S1 – 0.8 ) x Ib2
= ( 0.1-0.8 ) x 2
= (- 0.7) x 2
= -1.4
S2 = ( Io′ – C ) x 100
( Ib′ + 0.5Io′ )
= 1.75 x 100
= 80..45
OK Save Settings? Set Year = 0009 Set Month = 0003 Set Date = 0020
Press < for Save
Range 0 – 99
Range 0 – 12
Range 0 – 31
Date & Time
Fault 1
Date & Time
Password = 0000 Password = 0000 UNIT ID = 0001 Pick-Up = 0050
Measurements Use INR / DEC
New Password
Range 1 – 255
Range 10%–100%
Fault 1
CT Secondary = 1A 2nd Bias I = 0100 HF = 1200 Bias = 0050
Range 10%–50%
1A / 5A Range 100%–400% Range 0%–2000%
IHM = 01.00 ILM = 01.00 Trip Test VG HV – Yy0 +00
01: No
Range 0–13
Range x0.50-x2.50 Range x0.50-x2.50 02: Yes
CT Pri. HV = 0010 Com Port Baud Rate = 0000 VG LV – Yy0 +00
Range 05–3000 Not Available Not Available Range 0–13
CT Pri. LV = 0010 2nd Hr Rst = 000 HF NRst. = 0000
Range 05–3000
Range 0 (10%)- 14(80%)
Range (1000-2000)%
Date & Time
Measurements OK Save Settings?
Settings Press < for Save HF Delay = 00.10
Fault 1 Range (0.1–1.0)S
Cont - - - -
Fault 1
Fault 2
Fault 1
Fault 2
Fault 3
Fault 1
Fault 2
Fault 3
Fault 4
Fault 2
Fault 3
Fault 4
Fault 5
Fault 3
Fault 4
Fault 5
Relay Test
Fault 4
Fault 5
Relay Test
Error Log
Fault 5
Relay Test
Error Log
Relay Test
Error Log
Date & Time
Date & Time Pri. HV Pri. LV Without Scaling
Measurements RH=00000 RL=00000 IH1=00.00 IL1=00.00
Settings YH=00000 YL=00000 IH2=00.00 IL2=00.00
Fault 1 BH=00.00 BL=00000 IH3=00.00 IL3=00.00
Date & Time Pick Up = 050% CT Sec. = 1A VG HV = Yy0 +00
Measurements Bias = 050% IHM = x1.00 VG LV = Yy0 +00
Settings HF = 1200% ILM = x1.00 Baud Rate = NA
Fault 1 2nd Bias I = 400% Trip Test = Yes Com Port = NA
Date & Time HF Delay = 00.10 Pri. HV = 0010
Measurements Pri LV = 0010
Settings 2nd Hrm RSt = 080%
Fault 1 HF NRST = 1000
Measurements Bias : TC:0006 Fault Value Diff. I Bias I
Settings HF : IH1=00.00 IL1=00.00 I1D=00.00 I1B=00.00
Fault 1 Date : 20/03/09 IH2=00.00 IL2=00.00 I2D=00.00 I2B=00.00
Fault 2 Time 14:15:47.460 IH3=00.00 IL3=00.00 I3D=00.00 I3B=00.00
HV 2nd Hrm LV Vector HV Vector
r1=+0.000 i1=+0.000 r1=+0.000 i1=+0.000 r1=+0.000 i1=+0.000
r2=+0.000 i2=+0.000 r2=+0.000 i2=+0.000 r2=+0.000 i2=+0.000
r3=+0.000 i3=+0.000 r3=+0.000 i3=+0.000 r3=+0.000 i3=+0.000
Measurements LV 2nd Hrm
Settings r1=+0.000 i1=+0.000
Fault 1 r2=+0.000 i2=+0.000
Fault 2 r3=+0.000 i3=+0.000
Note : Fault 2 to Fault 5 can be viewed similarly
Fault 1 Cont - - - -
Fault 2
HV 2nd Hrm LV Vector HV Vector
r1=+0.000 i1=+0.000 r1=+0.000 i1=+0.000 r1=+0.000 i1=+0.000
r2=+0.000 i2=+0.000 r2=+0.000 i2=+0.000 r2=+0.000 i2=+0.000
r3=+0.000 i3=+0.000 r3=+0.000 i3=+0.000 r3=+0.000 i3=+0.000
Measurements LV 2nd Hrm
Settings r1=+0.000 i1=+0.000
Fault 1 r2=+0.000 i2=+0.000
Fault 2 r3=+0.000 i3=+0.000
Fault 5
Relay Test Error Code :00000
Error Log Corrupt log :00000
Fault 5
Relay Test
Error Log
Relay Test ADR133A
Error Log SW : V4.08-o
HW : V2.00
Date & Time
Relay Test
Error Log
Date & Time