3d Weaving
3d Weaving
3d Weaving
3-Dimensional weaving
B K Beheraa & Rajesh Mishra
Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110 016, India
3-Dimensional woven fabrics are fabricated by modifying the conventional weaving mechanisms. The technology is
used for the production of only specialty industrial fabrics such as for making preforms for construction, automotive,
ballistic, and marine applications like carbon fibre preforms for high-performance powerboats, sports goods and various
industrial applications. Preforms made by 3D weaving provide several important advantages in composites fabrication. The
most important advantage of this material is observed in manufacturing thick composites, owed to a significantly reduced
labor time, when multiple layers of 2-dimensional fabric plies are replaced by one or few number of 3-dimensional plies to
achieve the required thickness in a composite structure. 3D preforms appear to be better than the most conformable 2D
fabrics. The flexural, tensile and compressive stiffness and strength are better in laminates made from 3D preforms than
those made from comparable 2D woven or even knitted fabrics mainly due to the absence of in-plane crimp of yarns in the
Keywords : 2D weaving, 3D weaving, Industrial fabric, Textile preforms
1 Introduction • 3D Hollow
The 3D fabrics are defined as “a single-fabric –flat surface
system, the constituent yarns of which are supposedly –uneven surface
disposed in a three mutually perpendicular plane • 3D Shell
relationship”. There are mainly three types of –by weave combination
manufacturing systems to produce woven 3D fabrics. –by differential take-up
They are 2D weaving, 3D weaving, and non- –by moulding
interlacing method called noobing. Conventional 2D • 3D Nodal
weaving device is employed to produce interlaced 3D
fabric comprising two sets of yarns. While producing
interlaced 3D fabric, three sets of yarns are 3 Distinguishing between 2D Weaving and 3D
interwoven.1,2 In the following discussion, these Weaving¹
The conventional 2D weaving process is designed
manufacturing methods, fabric characteristics and
to bring about the interlacement of two orthogonal
their applications are explained briefly.
sets of yarns, and not three orthogonal sets of yarns.
2 Classification of 3D Fabrics However, an available method of 3D weaving well
Woven 3D fabrics can be classified into following characterizes the weaving process in bringing about
two ways: interlacement of three orthogonal sets of yarns and
Based on Type of Weaving Process1 hence qualifies to be regarded as the ‘true’ 3D
• 2D weaving – 3D fabrics weaving process.5,6
• 3D weaving – 3D fabrics
3.1 2-Dimensional Woven Fabric
• Noobing
To produce 3D fabric by the conventional 2D
Based on Type of 3D Structures3,4 weaving process, a multi-layer warp(Z) has to be
• 3D Solid—Broadly there are three types of
3D solid structures as shown in Fig. 1
–angle interlocked
To whom all the correspondence should be addressed. Fig. 1 — 3D structures [(a) multi-layer, (b) orthogonal, and (c)
E-mail: [email protected] angle-interlocked]
It is impracticable to produce column-wise and row- wise sheds upon their displacement in the required
wise sheds this way. At present only two methods are direction from the level position. This way multiple
available for carrying out the dual-directional sheds among the active and the passive warp yarns of
shedding operation, namely (i) the linear-linear either all the columns or the rows get formed
method and (ii) the linear-angular method. simultaneously as can be inferred from Fig. 8.
In a given column of warp yarns, some active warp
4.2.1 Dual-directional Shedding Method 1—Linear-linear yarns pass through the normal eyes and the remaining
Method active warp yarns of the same column pass through
The means for forming the column-wise and the
row-wise sheds is shown in Fig. 7. Two mutually
perpendicular heald frames, each comprising a
number of healds with specially designed eyes, are
arranged as shown. One heald frame is capable of
reciprocating rectilinearly in the vertical direction and
the other in the horizontal direction. Through each of
the openings formed by the superimposition of the
two heald frames including the heald-eyes, an end of
the multi-layer warp is drawn. All these warp ends
thus get disposed in columns A through I and rows 1
through 9. The warp ends of the odd numbered rows
which come under alternate columns (designed by A,
C, E, G, I) are drawn through the open spaces
occurring between the two arranged heald frames
other than the heald-eyes. As shown in Fig. 7, these
warp ends are named passive warp ends. The warp
ends of the odd numbered rows which come under the
alternate columns (designated B, D, F, H) are drawn
through the ‘normal’ eyes of the vertically
reciprocative heald frame. The warp ends of the even
numbered rows which come under the alternate
columns (designated A, C, E, G, I) are drawn through
the ‘normal’ eyes of the horizontally reciprocative
heald frame and those which come under the alternate Fig. 7 — Essential features of dual-directional shedding
columns (designated B, D, F, H) are drawn through
the openings provided by the superimposed eyes of
the two sets of heald. The special form of the eyes and
their mutual arrangement of location are indicated in
the inset of Fig. 8. All the warp ends passing through
the heald eyes constitute the active warp ends.9,10
The above described arrangement defines the level
position of the multi-layer warp and the shedding
system. From this level position, the active warp ends
passing through the eyes of the horizontal and the
vertical healds can be respectively displaced in the
fabric-width and fabric–thickness directions by
moving the corresponding heald frames in the
necessary direction as indicated in Fig. 7. In relation
to the passive warp ends which do not pass through
the eyes of the healds but through the crated open
spaces and hence stationary, the displaceable active
warp ends can readily form column-wise and row- Fig. 8 — Disposition of heald eyes
the superimposed eyes. When the horizontal heald From the description of the first dual-directional
frame is moved to a given side from its level position, shedding method, the following points are
the heald eyes, which occur in the vertical position, noteworthy:
move the contained warp end in the same horizontal
direction; the eyes of the vertical healds, which occur (i) A network-like fabric integration is achieved.
in the horizontal position, provide free space for the (ii) All the column-wise or the row-wise sheds can
warp yarn as shown in Fig. 8. As a result, the active be formed simultaneously for increased production
warp yarns of a given column passing through the efficiency and not successively warp layer after the
eyes of the vertical healds, which are not displaced, other.
form a shed with the displaced active warp yarns (iii) Multiple wefts of a set may be picked
passing through the superimposed eyes. In a similar employing means like shuttles, rapiers, etc. and the
manner, the displacement of the active warp ends in wefts may be inserted as either a single yarn or a
the vertical direction can be achieved by moving the hairpin-like folded yarn.
vertical heald frame either upwards or downwards (iv) The size of the axial hollow pockets produced
from the level position to form the row-wise sheds in the structure can be controlled through the disposal
among the active warp ends of a given row. scheme of the multi-layer warp. For example, in the
convergent disposal, the warp yarns will occur closely
By picking a weft in each of the formed column- in the fabric and hence the size of the hollow pockets
wise and row-wise sheds, interlacement with the will be correspondingly reduced.
active and the active-passive warp ends of each of the (v) If required, non-interlacing ‘stuffer' yarns in the
columns and the rows is individually realized. As hollow pockets in the fabric-length direction can be
indicated in Fig. 8, the two sets of weft interlaces with incorporated. It is also possible to incorporate non-
each of the columns and the rows of the warp yarns interlacing yarns in the fabric-width and thickness
even if there are no passive warp yarns in a given directions besides in the two diagonal directions
column or row.11 across the fabric cross-section.
Subsequent to the insertion of a given set of weft (vi) The displacement of a given heald frame to
(column-wise) in the form of either single yarns or form the shed is governed by the length of the special
hairpin-like folded yarns by employing means like eye occurring on the healds of the other associated
shuttles and rapiers, the appropriate positioning of the heald frame and also on the distance between given
laid-in wefts at the fabric-fell can be effected. The two adjacent healds in a heald frame.
sheds of the corresponding direction are closed to (vii) Tubular fabrics of either square or rectangle
revert the warp system to its level position and the cross-section, and solid profiled fabrics, like L, T, C,
produced fabric is taken up. Similarly, the subsequent etc. can be directly produced by disposing the multi-
new sheds of the same direction (i.e. column-wise) layer warp in accordance with the cross-sectional
can be formed to insert the wefts in the return profile to be produced, and suitably effecting the
direction. The row-wise shedding and picking may be shedding and picking operations.
subsequently carried out as just described. As can be (viii) It is possible to carry out shedding involving
inferred, the sequence of operations for the two only the active warp ends through reciprocating
directions constitutes a cycle of the weaving process. suitably threaded healds independently and selectively.
A plain weave 3D fabric corresponding to the said (ix) By reciprocating the suitably threaded healds
sequence of operations is obtained and indicated in independently and selectively, different weave patterns
Fig. 3. As can be observed, the woven 3D fabric like various twills and sateen can be engineered to
comprises the interlaced multi-layer warp and the two obtain floating wefts and hence control the incidence of
orthogonal sets of weft. For clarity in representation, crimp in the involved yarns.
only the frontmost weft is indicated in Fig 3. Fig. 9(a) (x) It is possible to carry out shedding involving
shows the successive picking of the wefts in the ‘to only the warp yarns occurring at the exteriors of the
and fro' directions, and Fig. 9(b) shows the alternate disposed multi-layer warp by suitably controlling the
picking of the wefts in the ‘to and fro' directions. As healds which have been correspondingly threaded. The
can be inferred, both these woven constructions have wefts inserted into these exterior sheds will produce an
a network like structure and these can be produced by interlaced exterior surface which will thus function as
simply altering the order of shedding.12,13 a woven covering for the internally occurring non-
interlacing multi-layer yarns of the fabric material as of the yarns in the fabric. The peculiarity of this
shown in Fig 9(c). arrangement is that it comprises active and passive
(xi) It is possible to produce a core or a sandwich warp yarns, as in the case of the first method, but with
type of fabric and also certain box structures by the difference that each passive warp end, even the
interlacing the suitably disposed yarns of the multi- outermost ones, is surrounded by active warp ends for
layer warp as shown in Fig 9 (d). achieving uniform fabric integration. Such a multi-
(xii) It is possible to produce simultaneously layer warp disposal arrangement may be described as
multiple woven 2D fabric sheets. comprising alternate rows or columns of active and
4.2.2 Dual-directional Shedding Method 2 — Linear-angular
passive warp ends. Thus, the active warp yarn rows
Method will be designated by 1, 3, 5, etc. and the passive warp
Figure 10 shows the essential features of an yarn rows by 2, 4, 6, etc. The alternate columns of the
unconventional shedding arrangement for effecting active and passive warp yarns will be designated by
shed formation in the fabric-width and fabric-thickness A, C, E and B, D, F, etc. respectively. Each of the
directions. Each of the shafts carry a set of fixed flat active warp ends of a given row or column is drawn
healds as indicated. Each heald has two openings; the through the corresponding heald's guide and eye. The
front one is the heald-eye and the rear one is the heald-- passive warp yarns of a given row or column are
guide. Such an assembly comprising the shaft and the drawn through the open spaces between two adjacent
healds is suitably supported at the ends. As indicated in shafts as indicated in Fig. 11(b).
Fig. 10, this assembly can be reciprocated in two Figure 11(b) defines the level position of the
directions, such as linearly (along the shaft axis) and system. From this level position, each of the active
angularly (about the shaft axis). The disposal warp ends passing through a corresponding heald eye
arrangement of the employed multi-layered warp is can be displaced in the fabric-width and fabric-
special [Fig.11 (a)]. Such a disposal is required to thickness directions by moving the shaft along its axis
achieve uniform integration at the fabric's surfaces and turning it about its axis respectively. In relation to
(excluding end surfaces) and for balanced distribution the passive warp ends, which do not pass through the
heald eyes and hence are stationary, the displaceable
active warp ends readily form multiple column-wise
and row-wise sheds upon their displacement in the corresponding directional sheds. By picking a weft in
required direction from the level position. The angular each of these formed sheds, interlacement within the
and the linear displacements of the healds from its columns or the rows of the multi-layer warp with the
level position to form the row-wise and the column- corresponding wefts is achieved. Such an alternate
wise sheds will correspond to at least the distance row-wise and column-wise shedding and
between two adjacent active or passive warp yarns in corresponding picking thus lead to the production of
the given direction of movement and may be referred the plain weave 3D woven 3D fabric of this method.
to as the shedding displacement pitch. In the The typical yarn paths at the edges and surfaces and
formation of these multiple sheds of a given direction, in the interior of the fabric are indicated in Figs 12(a)
the displacement of the active warp ends of a given and (b) respectively. The simplest working of this
row or column may thus be referred to as a unit dual directional shedding arrangement is outlined
shedding displacement pitch. However, in practice below in reference to Figs 13 and 14 (ref. 14).
this displacement can be made greater to form a In Fig. 13, the formation of the column-wise sheds
correspondingly greater shed for practical advantage is illustrated. Figure 13(a) indicates the top view of
as is further discussed. the level position of the system. In Figs 13(b) and (c)
In its simplest mode, all the shafts are moved by a the directions of the linear movement of a heald shaft
unit displacement pitch simultaneously, either linearly along its axis are shown. The former and the latter
or angularly, and in the same direction to form figures respectively show the displacement of the
active warp ends from their level positions in the
fabric-width direction to form the right side and the
left side column-wise sheds with the stationary
passive warp yarns. Figure 14 shows the formation of
the row-wise sheds. Figure 14(a) indicates the side
view of the level position of the system. In Figs 14(b)
and (c), the directions of the angular movement of the
heald shafts about its axis are illustrated. The former
and the latter figures respectively show the
architectures. Efforts are being made by researchers to Woven composites have been proved ideal for
develop mathematical models to design woven security applications, where a high level of protection
structures and establish CAD/CAM tools for 3D is expected from the lightest possible components.
woven architectures. The CAD suite established in the New areas of application are under development. In
University of Manchester includes different modules, transport applications and vehicle construction, in
e.g., Weave Engineer, Hollow CAD, GeoModeller, particular, composites have major advantages. The
UniverWeave, and Structra16. Weave Engineer is lower weight results in a higher payload with lower
basically designed to support the design and fuel consumption. To meet the high standards
manufacture of 3D solid fabrics. Its modules include required, fabrics woven from yarns containing
the multi-layer, orthogonal, angle-interlock, backed, appropriate special fibres and with sufficiently strong
as well as the single layer fabrics. All designs are constructions are needed. Special criteria for the
developed based on the mathematical models for composite can be fulfilled with specific materials,
various 2D and 3D weaves . Therefore, the design of such as appropriate synthetic fibres. Materials of this
3D fabrics is speedy and accurate. For each category kind are usually designed on an interdisciplinary basis
of 3D fabrics, there are a number of varieties which by specialists in various fields. State-of-the-art
can be accommodated by the conventional weaving computer analysis with the finite-element method
technology. Hollow CAD is dedicated for the design allows the properties of the fabric to be reliably
of 3D hollow woven architectures with uneven or flat predicted. Depending on the application, the
surfaces when opened up. Fig. 22 illustrates some 3D component is built with different materials. In most
weave designs developed by CAD . cases, the fabric inlays perform important
functions. The combination of different raw
8 Applications of 3D Fabrics materials and fabrics with the matrices gives the
The 3D weaving technology is used for the desired properties.
production of only speciality industrial fabrics, such The fibres used in the production of fabrics for
as for making preforms for construction, automotive, composite materials are mainly inorganic and
ballistic and various industrial uses; for marine modified synthetic fibres, such as glass and carbon
applications like carbon fibre preforms for high- fibres, para-aramids, high-strength PE fibres, etc. For
performance powerboats; in medical technology like optimal take-up of forces by the fibres, the yarns are
artificial veins, arteries, orthopedic tubes; lightweight mainly of the untwisted multifilament type. However,
construction like reinforced section in automotive spun yarns with a matrix in the yarn are now also
engineering and aeronautics; pipeline construction; in being used. The design of the fabric is also dictated by
sports like shinguard for soccer, protective headgear the application. They are not standard fabrics
for skydiving, high speed water sports, etc.17 Preforms
made by 3D weaving provide several important
advantages in composites fabrication. The most
important advantage of this material is seen in
manufacturing thick composites, owed to a
significantly reduced labor time, when multiple layers
of two dimensional fabric plies are replaced by one or
few number of three dimensional plies to achieve the
required thickness in a composite structure. It is
obvious to expect that the processing advantages of
thick 3D woven perform come at the expense of
reduced conformability. In fact 3D preforms appear to
be better than the most conformable 2D fabrics. The
flexural, tensile and compressive stiffness and
strength are better in laminates made from 3D
preforms than those made from comparable 2D
woven or even knitted fabrics. This is mainly due to
the absence of in-plane crimp of yarns in the Fig. 22 — 3D weave designs developed by CAD [(a) honeycomb,
materials. (b) plain, (c) matt, (d) 3d rib, and (e) 3d matt]
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It is found that the 2D weaving, 3D weaving and the 7 Lee L, Rudov-clark S, Mouritz A P, Bannister M K &
Herszberg I, Effect of weaving damage on the tensile
noobing principles of 3D fabric manufacture are
properties of three-dimensional woven composites,
characteristically different in operation. It is relevant to Composite Structure (Elsevier Publications), 57 (2002) 405.
consider the practically unknown 3D weaving process 8 Khokar N, An experimental uniaxial noobing device:
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methods can produce a network-like fabric 9 Chen X & Zanini I, An experimental investigation into the
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structure, preforms of any desired shape may be 10 Chen X, Spola M, Gisbert Paya J & Mollst Sellabona P, An
obtained by cutting it from a block of the fabric experimental investigation into the structure and mechanical
produced. The need to produce near-net shaped solid properties of multi-layer and angle-interlock woven
3D fabrics for reasons of economy has been another structures, J Text Inst, 90 (1999) 91.
reason for developing new methods. 11 Wen-shyong Kuo, Tse-Hao Ko & Ceng-Po Chen, Effect of
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composites, Composites, 38 (2007) 555.
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