Ternion Pitch Deck A Round
Ternion Pitch Deck A Round
Ternion Pitch Deck A Round
What is Ternion?
Ternion is creating an ‘ecosystem’ that unites traditional and digital financial processes
and systems through an integrated trio of solutions:
The Centralised Ternion Exchange is regulated by the Estonian legislation and enables
crypto to crypto, fiat to crypto and crypto to fiat trading (License number: FVR000209)
Ternion payments is a gateway for seamless crypto to fiat transfers. With a unique debit
card for each user, crypto currencies will be able to be used as payments even more
The Ternion Liquidity Fund sustains the exchange and the payment system with liquidity.
In addition, it buys back and burns Ternion Tokens with a quarter of the company's profit on a
quarterly basis. The Fund also stores another quarter of accumulated funds to have available
liquidity for the future expansion of Ternion globally.
With its crypto-fiat exchange already functional and actively used by several institutional companies,
it is Ternion’s mission to provide the most convenient, transparent, secure and universally accepted
cryptocurrency trading system to both private and institutional traders
A complete ecosystem
Current Digital Currency Market Problem
Poor UX and little or no client care are currently making digital asset
trading a war zone
Blockchain industry problems
Problems How Ternion Solves Them
• Crypto-to-Fiat exchanges care more about personal gains than • Professional team with a vast experience in trading, banking, marketing,
about ensuring customer satisfaction and minimising the risks for payment solutions and customer care providing support 24/7
the users
• Ternion has received the Estonian crypto currency Exchange license.
• Lack of implementation of proper KYC and AML protocols The same legislation regulated as the Nasdaq crypto currency Exchange.*
• Lack of regulations that often result in low volumes of • Simplified EU and standard KYC verification ( Proof of Identity + Proof
cryptocurrency purchases due to the absence of bank accounts of Residency not older than 6 months.)
• API integration is at its lowest level • FIX API, Plug-in API availability and implementation
• Absence of transparency, audits and accountability • Simplified EU and standard KYC verification
• A lack of a sustainable and value-driven business models among • Multiple Bank accounts due to the license, AML and KYL implemented
ICO projects requirements
• Annual public audits conducted by an independent third party
How it works?
Based on a combination of a
functioning business model and
ecosystem to prevent volatility of
cryptocurrency and the Ternion
Why the Ternion token?
• You can use the token for the internal and external purchases
• You can try out the Ternion Exchange today by trying out its demo
version that has the same trading conditions as the final product.
Why the Ternion token?
In five years’ time, when there is a shortage of supply and with people holding
on to their tokens, Ternion will launch an IPO and give out Tier 1 shares to the
remaining token holders
After the Ternion ICO is completed, the Ternion Token will be freely traded at
once across a multi asset, regulated fiat to crypto exchange with liquidity - the
Ternion Exchange.
Ternion token sale
During the A Round Sale During the B Round Sale During the C Round sale
22 500 000 TRN Token shall be 41 500 000 TRN tokens shalll be 12 000 000 TRN tokens shall be
sold at: 0.65 USD per TRN. sold at: 2.10 USD per TRN. sold if neccesary by Ternion at a
Price of 3.23$.
The Discount will be - 80% The Discount will be – 35%.
Early contributors will be able to sell their tokens via the Ternion.Exchange during the Public C round at the
Standard Retail Price. Exchange during the Public C round at the Standard Retail Price.
Roadmap u r
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Token distribution
5% 3%
Ternion tokens will be distributed in
accordance with the following model:
Financial Projections
2018/ 2Q 2018/ 3Q 2018/ 4Q 2019/ 1Q 2019/ 2Q 2019/ 3Q 2019/ 4Q 2020/ 1Q 2020/ 2Q 2020/ 3Q 2020/ 4Q
Marketing 30 251 18 151 18 151 54 453 54 453 54 453 54 453 54 453 54 453 54 453 54 453
Wages, salaries 90 600 90 781 90 781 136 172 136 172 136 172 136 172 136 172 136 172 136 172 136 172
Cost of legal servises 25 174 26 433 26 433 52 866 52 866 52 866 52 866 52 866 52 866 52 866 52 866
VOLUME PER DAY USD 14 000 000 24 000 000 38 000 000 45 600 000 54 720 000 65 664 000,00 75 513 600,00 86 840 640,00 99 866 736,00 114 846 746,40 132 073 758,36
• Data used on a constant demand rate • Public commission rate – 0.2% Taker fee / 0.1% Maker Fee.
• Average starting exchange turnover of $14 000 000 • Token burn Projections are based on the 50% quarterly Ternion
• With quarterly growth model of gaining popularity Ecosystem revenue share model
Meet our team
Rudolf Medvedevs Anatolii Lytvynenko Vladimir Platonov Diana Sime Valeria Cealic Artem Shabanov
Rudolf is a skilled trader who Yandex alum with digital map General counsel with multiple Strategic Financial advisor Driven online marketing Modern minimalist UI and
has a wide range of relevant product roots and several executive roles under his with multiple years in the manager with diverse start- icon design specialist with a
industry experience in finance tech start-ups under his belt, belt, expertise in corporate Banking and Loan industry up experience, business diverse skill set spanning web
and brokerage. He has been now immersed in the world law advisory, and a thorough with a vast grasp on AML & school roots, and a passion page, digital document, and
significantly involved in the of decentralized blockchain grasp of the international Audit. PHD from Moscow for the dynamically unfolding print design.
investment industry and solutions. regulatory landscape, Finance University cryptocurrency field.
financial advisory services including cryptocurrency.
for a long time. He has
been actively participating in
the cryptocurrency market
since 2013. Through Ternion
Rudolf aims to help the
enthusiasts alike to succeed
and access the potential that
cryptocurrency holds as well
as to improve the market
Why contribute?
The Ternion Ecosystem aids stability and makes our tokens by far
one of the most competitive on the market.
Ternion is regulated, transparent and accountable to its clients
Your Advantages during the A Round
By contributing NOW you will get the
best conditions
Don’t stand by, participate and make a change. Only
together, as a community, we can pave the way for many
more Blockchain solutions that Ternion and other players
can bring.
Yours Truly,
Rudolf Medvedev
CEO and founder
Please read the following document carefully. In case of any doubt, please seek legal, financial or scal advice in your jurisdiction. The
information below is not exhaustive nor does it fully cover all aspects of the Ternion Initial Coin Offering. This document is not legally binding
for Ternion OÜ and/or any third party and imposes no contractual obligations between such parties. The contents of this document shall not
be considered as legal opinion or advice on any subjects covered herein.
Before entering any legally binding contractual relation or performing any kind of related transactions, we recommend that future Ternion
token holders seek an independent opinion and professional consultation, as all the contents of the present Whitepaper are provided for
information purposes only.
The Ternion token should not be considered as a share, bond or any kind of financial security regardless of jurisdiction. This document does
not constitute a public offer of any kind, including, but not limited to, a financial security offer, regardless of jurisdiction. Ternion OÜ does not
consult, advise or provide any opinions concerning the acquisition, sale or any other transaction performed with Ternion tokens.
The present document cannot be a basis for any kind of binding agreement or investment decisions related to Ternion. There is no obligation
of any kind regarding the purchase or sale of Ternion tokens arising from the present documents.
The Ternion whitepaper, website and other informational materials may be available in multiple languages. In all such cases, the English
version of any given document is the original and binding one, and it prevails over any other version in the event of any discrepancies. Ternion
OÜ shall not be held responsible for any erroneous, inadequate or misleading translations.