A Survey of Voltage Sags and Voltage Swells Phenomena in Power Quality Problems
A Survey of Voltage Sags and Voltage Swells Phenomena in Power Quality Problems
A Survey of Voltage Sags and Voltage Swells Phenomena in Power Quality Problems
MWPI University of Applied Science and Technology
Abstract: Power quality is very important issue recently due to the impact on electricity suppliers, equipment manufacture and customers.
Power quality is described as the variation of voltage, current and frequency in a power system. It refers to a wide variety of
electromagnetic phenomena that characterize the voltage and current at a given time and at a given location in the power system.
Nowadays, there are so many industries using high technology for manufacturing and process unit. This technology requires high quality
and high reliability of power supply. The industries like semiconductor, computer, and the equipments of manufacturing unit are very
sensitive to the changes of quality in power supply. Power Quality problems encompass a wide range of disturbances such as voltage
sags/swells, flicker, harmonics distortion, impulse transient, and interruptions. Voltage sags/swells can occurs more frequently than other
Power quality phenomenon. These sags/swells are the most important power quality problems in the power distribution system. The
objective and scope of this paper is study of power quality phenomena in distribution systems.
Keywords: power quality, voltage, current, frequency, distribution system, control.
Reza Sedaghati, IJSRM volume 1 issue 9 Dec 2013 [www.ijsrm.in] Page 459
3. Problem Associated with Power Quality Voltage sags(dips)
A voltage sag, sometimes known as a voltage dip, is a short
Power quality problems are associated to an extensive number term reduction in the rms voltage. The IEC electrotechnical
of electromagnetic phenomena in power systems with a broad vocabulary, IEC 60050 [18], defines a voltage sag as any
range of time. For instance, it includes impulsive transients (in “sudden reduction of the voltage at a point in the electrical
the range of nanoseconds) as well as frequency deviations (in system, followed by voltage recovery after a short period of
the range of some seconds7). A comprehensive description of time, from half a cycle to a few seconds”. Voltage sags are
the categories and characteristics of power systems characterised by their duration and depth. Duration is the
electromagnetic phenomena related to variations in the voltage length of time for which the voltage remains below a threshold.
magnitude is available in [16]. The classification takes the The concept of depth is somewhat a misnomer as a sag is
voltage into account, as the quality of the voltage is the characterised by the retained voltage, that is the voltage which
addressed issue in most of the cases. However, it is well known persists during the sag, as opposed to the voltage decrease or
that there is always a close relationship between voltages and ‘lost’ voltage. While the IEC definition does not give a set of
currents in a power system. Specifications regarding current are definitive durations or level of retained voltage that must be
applied to dimensioning an equipment or in the case of observed for a disturbance to be classified as a voltage sag,
harmonics. There are a number of different types of power IEEE Std 1159 [16] defines a voltage sag as a variation in the
quality disturbances and also a number of different ways to rms voltage of duration greater than ½ a cycle and less than 1
define and categorize them. Here follows one possible list of minute with a retained voltage of between 10% and 90% of
power quality disturbances types, categorized in one of many nominal. This is the generally accepted definition of a voltage
possible ways. sag. Any disturbance that persists for less than ½ cycle is
considered transient phenomena while voltage variations or
A. Long Duration Voltage Variations disturbances of duration greater than 1 minute with retained
Deviations in the operating rms values during longer time than voltages of less than 90 % of nominal may be considered as
one minute are usually considered long-duration variations. either sustained undervoltages or interruptions. Voltage sags
According to the amplitude variation, they can be related to are caused by large currents interacting with network
permanent faults, load variations, and switching operations in impedances. The two main causes of voltage sags are network
the system. As an example, switching a capacitor bank or a faults and the starting of equipment which draw large currents,
large load can cause noticeable changes in the voltage. If the particularly direct-on-line motors. A voltage sag (Figure 1) is a
countermeasures, in this case the voltage regulation, acts very short-duration reduction in rms voltage caused by faults on the
slowly, the voltage change can be characterized as a long- power system and the starting of large loads, such as motors
duration variation. Depending on the magnitude of the voltage [19].
change, long-duration voltage variations can be classified as
Undervoltage – decrease in the rms voltage to less than 90% of the nominal
Overvoltage – increase in the rms voltage to more than 110% of the nominal
Sustained Interruption – supply voltage equal to zero for more than one
minute. These interruptions are usually permanent and require human
intervention to repair the system. Although utilities use the term “outage” as a
sustained interruption for reliability reporting purposes, the term “outage”
should be avoided in the power quality context. The reason is that end-users
associate the term “outage” to any interruption of power that shuts down a Figure 1: An example of voltage sag.
process, even when the power supplied by the utility is restored in a few
cycles. Meanwhile, in the reliability context, the term “outage” refers to the
state of a component in a system that has failed to function as expected. The
sustained interruptions are studied in the area of reliability, where the duration
It is said that a voltage sag has taken place in an electrical
and number of these interrupts are computed by different indexes.
network point when the voltage in one or more phases falls
suddenly beneath an established limit (generally a 90% of the
normal voltage), and recovers after a short period of time
B. Short Duration Voltage Variations
(usually between 10 ms and some seconds). The maximum
This type of voltage variation is mainly caused by either fault
limit of this period is probably the most controversial issue
conditions – and associated fault currents - or energization of
about the voltage sag definition: some authors consider that a
large loads that require high starting currents. Depending on
voltage sag exists when its duration reaches 1 min, or even 3
the electrical distance - related to impedance, type of
min. The expected number of events during one year can
grounding, and connection of transformers - between the
oscillate between ten and a thousand. Based on the time
fault/load location and the analyzed node, the disturbance can
duration and voltage magnitude, sag is further classified as:
cause a temporary loss of voltage (denoted interruption) or
temporary voltage reduction (denoted sag or dip) or voltage a) Instantaneous Sag: Instantaneous sag is said to occur when the r.m.s
rises (denoted swells) at different nodes of the system. In any voltage decreases to between 0.1 and 0.9 per unit for time duration of
case, the impact on the voltage during the disturbance is of 0.008333 second to 0.5 second.
short-duration, until protective devices start operating.
Reza Sedaghati, IJSRM volume 1 issue 9 Dec 2013 [www.ijsrm.in] Page 460
b) Momentary Sag: Momentary sag is said to occur when the r.m.s voltage
decreases to between 0.1 and 0.9 per unit for time duration of 0.5 second to 3
c) Temporary Sag: Temporary sag is said to occur when the r.m.s voltage
decreases to between 0.1 and 0.9 per unit for time duration of 3 to 60 seconds.
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