Internet Hack Back: Counter Attacks As Self-Defense or Vigilantism?
Internet Hack Back: Counter Attacks As Self-Defense or Vigilantism?
Internet Hack Back: Counter Attacks As Self-Defense or Vigilantism?
There have traditionally been two different Most company executives with fiduciary
justifications for retaliation – one is a backward-looking responsibilities to their stockholders, government
approach and one is a forward-looking approach. The regulators, and attorneys would never expose themselves
backward-looking approach justifies retaliation purely in to civil and criminal charges by allowing counterattacks.
terms of meting out punishment. The idea is that one who In general, if it is illegal for someone to attack you, it is
does harm deserves to suffer appropriate punishment in also illegal for you to attack them. Just because a victim
order to “right the wrong” and restore the moral balance. hack backs an attacker does not make it any less of a
The forward-looking approach justifies retaliation as a crime in the eyes of the law.
means of bringing good consequences such as preventing
“Launching a counterattack is very difficult because
or deterring further violence or (in some cases) reforming
of all the liability issues that come up. …What if the
and/or rehabilitating the wrongdoer. For both approaches attack comes from a boundary outside the United
there is also a requirement to punish only the guilty and to States and I act against it?”
do so in proportion to the crime. - Pete van de Gohm, Director of Information Asset
There is, however, a fine line between reactive Protection at Enron Energy Services Inc. [8]
forward-looking self-defense and aggressive backward-
looking countermeasures. Hack back combines both “Don’t hack back. If you do anything that can be
elements. Backward-looking retributions are popularly perceived as intrusion or denial-of-service and you
associated with revenge and vengeance and strictly
contact the police, you’ve just made it really easy for electronic trail by examining packets. This can range in
the police to arrest you.” time from several hours to 48 hours. Every hour the
-Ira Winkler, President of Internet Security Advisors security expert spends trying to find the attacker and cut-
Group[8] off the attack is another hour the victim is off the Internet
accumulating huge losses along with a stigma attached to
Following an IP address across the Internet means company stability/reliability. The result is often the
passing through every server the attacker has identification of a zombie used by the attacker but the not
compromised. Since each of these servers is privately the source attacker.
owned you need permission or else you are trespassing. If you do report the crime to the police, be prepared to
In his book, Tangled Web, Richard Power asserts that as show law enforcement that the cost of the crime meets the
far back as 1994 when the U.S. Air Force Research investigative threshold that varies depending on the law
Laboratory in Rome New York was under attack, agents enforcement involved. For this reason, despite the
grappled with tracking attackers through a maze of difficulty you must quantify your loss in monetary terms.
private servers. Unless your company is a large organization –
Anti-hack vendors have considered trespassing when multibillion-dollar company that is publicly traded and
designing their tools but the effectiveness of their tools is frequently in the media – whatever help is forthcoming
questionable. In order to traceback and identify the from agencies like the FBI will take a relatively long time
attacker, traces must occur during a live connection. The especially in “Internet time”. Acting as your own
solution for Recourse Technologies ManHunt product is forensic security analyst can accomplish more in less time
to pass a digitally signed Email message upstream to if qualified staff is available.
predestinated points-of-contact which requests the
recipient to read the mail and respond. Of course this
response and time constraints limit the value of this
4. Future Scenarios
approach. If, however, the upstream service provider
were running ManHunt software already, traces could The effects of legitimizing hack back as self-defense
occur in real-time. can be categorized into two extremes: protected E-
Lastly, the compromised machines or zombies are in a commerce and public access to information versus a
unique position: they are both victims and culprits. The chaotic Wild West scenario.
question is – Are they victims that could have protected In the optimistic scenario, legal hack back provides
themselves? No one appears yet to have sued a third- deterrence and remedy for Internet attacks. Attacks are
party site for being used to perpetrate an Internet attack. not initiated since retaliation is severe and certain.
Because most hackers are presumed to be judgment- Prevention of attacks will rely more on protecting
proof, there is a consensus that it is only a matter of time innocent systems from being used remotely as zombies
before companies that suffer damage from attacks start to than protecting target systems. Legal remedies will exist
“move up the food chain” [15]. The issue in such a suit but will not be frequently used because everything is
would be whether the computer owner had a duty of care handled at the time of attack. Part of this scenario is
to the ultimate victim(s). There have as yet been no test already happening.
cases. In the pessimistic scenario, legal hack back
“Whether there’s a duty depends on whether the encourages vigilante action over legal remedies in an
courts think there should be. As the damage to analogy to the Wild West. Companies protect
others increases, I think courts will have less and themselves using hired gunslingers (Wells Fargo private
less patience for the argument that there’s no security) to hack back at attackers since the law is too
duty…. People hacked into these computers slow and not much of deterrence. Innocent bystanders
using known holes in most cases. If you (zombie computers) are treated as accomplices worthy of
maintain security against known hacker attacks, retribution if their security allows an attack to be directed
then it’s much more difficult to plant the code through their machine. The biggest gunslinger may well
that allows your server to be turned into a
be a sanctioned ethical hacker (Wyatt Earp) but there are
- Stewart Baker, Partner in the Law Firm Steptoe too few to monitor the entire territory (Internet). A small
and Johnson LLP and former General Counsel number of traveling judges on horseback (virtual
for the NSA [15] organization) may hear cases that are prosecuted but this
is not a high percentage of cases. In most cases (those
businesses that cannot hire a gunslinger and the public-at-
3.3. Law Enforcement Option
large) victims pool their resources (form a posse) to track
down the attackers and provide justice themselves. Other
Typically, the website owner calls in a security expert
Wild West market-based solutions include insuring assets
after an attack and this expert starts following the
in terms of armored cars (hardened sites) and “hacking
insurance”. Part of this scenario is already happening.
[5] K. Moriarty, “DDoS Incident Handling: Management
One window on the future may be a popular current Information Base to Trace Incidents – Revision 1,” IETF
game called Hack.Back: “The City is in danger … An Internet Draft, March 2000. draft-moriarty-ddos-mib-00.txt
evil hacker is on the loose … You are the only one who [6] National Research Council, Computer Science and
can stop him!” 2 Telecommunications Board, Realizing the Potential of C4I:
Fundamental Challenges, National Academy Press, 1999.
5. Conclusions [7] K. Park and H. Lee, “On the Effectiveness of Probabilistic
Packet Marking for IP Traceback under Denial of Service
So what is the solution to Internet attacks? This paper Attack,” IEEE Infocom, 2001. (an earlier version is Purdue
posits that one solution is to build an offensive posture. If University, Network Systems Lab and CERIAS, Department of
legalized, industry will design a set of hack back tools Computer Sciences, Technical Report CSD-TR-00-013, June
that will stop Internet attacks. Is it not self-defense to
protect your assets under attack even if it means striking [8] D. Radcliff, “Should You Strike Back?” ComputerWorld, Nov.
your attacker? But is this the right direction? Future 13, 2000.
Internet scenarios from the widespread use of back- [9] D. Radcliff, “Can You Hack Back?” NetworkWorld, June 1,
hacking vary from peace to chaos. If not legalized, hack 2000.
back tools will continue to evolve and be used covertly
[10] D. Radcliff, “Hack Back” NetworkWorld, May 29, 2000.
since legal remedies against attackers do not yet exist on
“Internet time”. [11] C. Robinson Jr., “Make My Day Server Throws Gauntlet to
We have identified several significant technical Network Hackers,” Signal Magazine, May 1998.
problems (traceback) with back-hacking that make it [12] S. Savage, D. Wetherall, A. Karlin, and T. Anderson, “Practical
impractical at present but technology is advancing rapidly Support for IP Traceback,” ACM SIGCOMM, Stockholm Sweden,
and these problems may disappear. The more challenging 2000, pp. 295-306. (an earlier version exists as Department of
problems are social – identification, legal liability, and Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington,
law enforcement. Technical Report UW-CSE-2000-02-01)
There are certainly some cases when hack back is [13] W. Schwartau, “Honeypots Wreak Sweet Revenge Against
permissible – when life is threatened (maybe the “life” of Cyber Intruders,” Network World, Dec. 4, 2000, p. 63.
a shut down Ecommerce, however, the worse
[14] W. Schwartau, “Can You Counter-Attack Hackers?” Network
case scenario beyond the Wild West analogy is self-
World, April 7, 2000.
destruction. With hack back tools legalized and
attacks/counterattacks rampant, the integrity of the [15] R. Shepherd, “Getting Hacked Could Lead to Getting Sued,”
Internet may be undermined. Current attacks on websites American Lawyer Media News Service, March 2, 2000.
may turn to infrastructure attacks on entire business [16] D. X. Song and Adrian Perrig, “Advanced and Authenticated
sectors. Applying common law to the Internet to Marking Schemes for IP Traceback,” IEEE Infocom, 2001. (an
distinguish an illegal counter attack from a valid self- earlier version is Computer Science Division (EECS), University of
defense is needed. California at Berkeley, Report No. UCB/CSD-00-1107, June 2000)
[17] R. Stone, “CenterTrack: An IP Overlay Network for Tracking
6. References DoS Floods,” 9th USENIX Security Symposium.
[18] R. Tadjer, “Detect, Deflect, Destroy,” InternetWeek, Nov. 13,
[1] S. Bellovin, “ICMP Traceback Messages,” IETF Internet 2000.
Draft, March 2000. draft-bellovin-itrace-00.txt
[19] M. Ward, “Don’t Hack Back,” New Scientist, May 30, 1998.
[2] D. Dittrich, “Fighting the Rising Tide,” excerpted from an
article appearing in Information Security, November 2000. [20] X. Wang, “Survivability Through Active Intrusion Response,”
IEEE/SEI/CERT 3rd Information Survivability Workshop, October
[3] T. W. Doeppner, P. N. Klein, and A. Koyfman, “Using 2000, pp. 173-176.
Router Stamping to Identify the Source of IP Packets,” 7th ACM
Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), [21] D. Welch, Nathan Buchheit, and Anthony Ruocco, “Strike Back:
Athens Greece, 2000, pp. 184-189. Offensive Actions in Information Warfare,” ACM New Security
Paradigm Workshop, Ontario CA, 1999, pp. 47-52.
[4] A. Juels and J. Brainard, “Client Puzzles: A Cryptographic
Countermeasure Against Connection Depletion Attacks,” [22] W. Yurcik, “Information Warfare Survivability: Is the Best
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), Defense a Good Offense,” Ethics and Technology Conference
Internet Society Press, 1999, pp. 151-165. (Ethics’00), Loyola University Chicago, June 2000.