Dynacord Powermate 600 Powered Mixer SM
Dynacord Powermate 600 Powered Mixer SM
Dynacord Powermate 600 Powered Mixer SM
03. 1999
PowerMate 600
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equi-
lateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence
of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s
enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute
a risk of electric shock to persons.
1. Security regulations as stated in the EN 60065 (VDE 0860 / IEC 65) and the CSA E65 - 94 have to be obeyed when
servicing the appliance.
2. Use of a mains separator transformer is mandatory during maintenance while the appliance is opened, needs to be
operated and is connected to the mains
3. Switch off the power before retrofitting any extensions, changing the mains voltage or the output voltage.
4. The minimum distance between parts carrying mains voltage and any accessible metal piece (metal enclosure),
respectively between the mains poles has to be 3 mm and needs to be minded at all times.
The minimum distance between parts carrying mains voltage and any switches or breakers that are not connected
to the mains (secondary parts) has to be 6 mm and needs to be minded at all times.
5. Replacing special components that are marked in the circuit diagram using the security symbol (Note) is only permissible
when using original parts.
6. Altering the circuitry without prior consent or advice is not legitimate.
7. Any work security regulations that are applicable at the location where the appliance is being serviced have to be strictly
obeyed. This applies also to any regulations about the work place itself.
8. All instructions concerning the handling of MOS - circuits have to be observed.
Das Werk leistet Garantie für alle The manufacturer’s warranty co- La garantie constructeur couvre
nachweisbaren Material- und Ferti- vers all substantial defects in mate- tous les défauts matériels et de
gungsfehler für die Dauer von 36 rials and workmanship for a period main d’œuvre pour une période de
Monaten ab Verkauf. of 36 months from the date of 36 mois à compter de la date
Garantieleistungen werden nur purchase. d’achat. La garantie ne sera recon-
dann anerkannt, wenn gültige, d.h. Liability claims are accepted solely, nue que si la Carte de Garantie,
vollständig ausgefüllte Garantieun- when a valid – correctly and comple- correctement et complètement
terlagen vorliegen. tely filled out – Warranty Registrati- remplie, est présentée par l’ache-
Von der Garantie ausgenommen on form is presented by the original teur d’origine du produit. Les dom-
sind alle Schäden, die durch falsche owner of the product. The warranty mages dus à un mauvais
oder unsachgemäße Bedienung does not cover damage that results maniement de l’appareil, à un traite-
verursacht werden. Bei Fremdein- from improper or inadequate treat- ment ou une maintenance incor-
griffen oder eigenmächtigen Ände- ment or maintenance. In case of rects ou inadéquats ne sont pas
rungen erlischt jeder Garantie- alteration or unauthorized repairs, garantis. Toute modification ou in-
anspruch. the warranty is automatically termi- tervention effectuée par une per-
nated. sonne non qualifiée entraîne la
résiliation automatique de la garan-
GmbH • Hirschberger Ring 45 • 94315 Straubing •Telefon (09421) 706-0 •Telefax (09421) 706-265
Änderungen vorbehalten. Subject to change without prior notice. Printed in Germany 07. 07. 1999 /
Internet: http:// www.dynacord.de
Table of Contents
Tel.: ++49-9421/706-342
Fax.: ++49-9421/706-350
e-mail: [email protected]
Specifications : PowerMate 600 - complete device
measuring standard : IEC 268, IHF-A
Level : 0 dBu = 775 mV ( RMS ) measured frequency : 1kHz
Measuring Conditions
1. Supply voltage: AC
2. Nominal supply voltage PM 600: 112727: 230 V; 112...: 240V;
112... : 100 V; 112750 : 120 V.
3. Nominal frequency of the power supply: 50 - 60 Hz
4. Deviation range of the power supply: - 30 % ..... + 10 %
5. Power consumption ( both channels driven with a 1 kHz sine signal)
Power consumption with RL = 4 ohms PM 600 power
Idling power consumption 40 ... 60 W
Nominal power consumption 1000 W 230V / 5,0A
Standard power consumption 350 W 230V / 2,0A
Maximum power consumption (THD=1%) 1000 W 230V / 5,0A
Power consumption at 1/8 of the maximum output power ( 2 x 38 W ) 400 W 230V / 2,2A
Power consumption at 1/3 of the maximum output power ( 2 x 100 W ) 590 W 230V / 3,3A
Mixer under nominal condition with nominal output level at the mixer outputs. Input sensitivity, gain, channel
faders and master fader set to their max. position.
Input Nominal input Input sensitivity Max. input level Input Balancing
level (dBu) (dBu) impedance
MIC - 60 ... - 10 -74dBu(155µV) + 11 1.8 k ohms balanced
MONO LINE - 40 ... + 10 -54dBu(1,55mV) + 30 18 k ohms balanced
STEREO LINE - 20 ... + 10 -34dBu(15.5mV) + 30 18 k ohms balanced
POWER AMP +6 +6dBu(1.55V) + 20 18 k ohms balanced
2TRACK RET. +4 -9dBu(275mV) + 14 > 8 k ohms unbalanced
Amplification frequency response (-3 dB drop compared to the level at the standard frequency of 1kHz) :
f (u) b - 3 dB f (o) - 3 dB
Any mixer input to any mixer output, better than 15 Hz 60 kHz
Any mixer input to SPEAKER OUT L & R, better than 30 Hz 40 kHz
- U(F) = extraneous voltage un-weighted with B = 22 Hz … 22 kHz, effective value (IEC 268-1)
- U(G) = noise voltage, frequency-weighting filter according to CCIR-468-3, quasi peak weighted (IEC 268-1)
- U(A) = interference voltage A-weighted, dB(A), effective value (IEC 268-1)
- Signal-to-noise ratio referenced to a nominal output voltage of 36.9 V (+33.5 dBu) at 4 ohms, respectively
1,55V (+6dBu) at the mixer output with interference voltage A-weighted.
2 x 7 Band : 80 Hz, 250 Hz, 630 Hz, 2.5 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz; 10 dB, Q = 1.4
EFFECT UNIT 2 separately controllable stereo effect units, 18-Bit, with UP/DOWN keys, each
providing 99 preset programs (delay, reverb, modulation and mixed programs)
EXTENSIONS NRS 90 239 Rack-mount ears for the PM 600 No. 112 741
NRS 90 242 Wall-mount kit for the PM 600 No. 112 742
Measuring Specifications: complete device, PM 600
measuring conditions :
measuring tolerance : X = 1.5 dB
measuring frequency : f = 1 kHz
stated levels refer to : U = 775 mV ( 0 dBu)
source impedance Line R(Q) = 50 Ω
source impedance MIC R(Q) = 150 Ω
load impedance mixer outputs R(L) = 100 kΩ
load impedance headphones R(L) = 2 x 200Ω
load impedance power amplifier: R(L) = 4 , 8Ω
EQ-, PAN-, BAL - controls center position
FADER 0 dB setting
Gain control Unity Gain = 0 dB ( MIC 20 dB )
AUX-, LEVEL - controls center position
measuring standards: IEC 268, IHF-A
security class: I
test voltage IEC65: 3000 Vrms
U(F) = extraneous voltage un-weighted with B = 22Hz ... 22 kHz, effective value ( IEC 268 )
U(G) = noise voltage frequency-weighting filter according to CCIR-468-3, quasi peak
weighted (IEC 268)
U(A) = interference voltage A-weighted, dB(A), effective value (IEC 268)
• The printed board assemblies 84192/........ are provided with service connectors. The pin-assignment of
the service connectors is:
CNS 1 pin-assignment CNS 2 pin-assignment
1 + Vcc 1 LIM L
2 BIAS + L 2 -15 V
3 BIAS - L 3 LIM R
4 FAN-Voltage 4 +15 V
5 - Vcc 5 GND
6 BIAS + R 6 +24 V
7 BIAS - R 7 Relay
8 Temp +Heatsink 8 +5 V
4. Setting /Adjustments :
Connect the DC-volt meter at the BIAS measuring points (refer to table) and adjust the idling current via the
trim potentiometer (on the printed board assemblies 84192 / 84....). Adjust both power amplifier channels LR.
setting measuring point 1 measuring point 2 U (DC) BIAS trimmer
BIAS L CNS 1.2 CNS 1.3 6.5 mV VR101
BIAS R CNS 1.6 CNS 1.7 6.5 mV VR301
Adjusting the idling current has to be performed at normal room temperature. In case the power amplifier had
previously been operated, it has to be given several hours to regain normal temperature.
4.3. VCA - OFFSET:
Rhythmically open and short-circuit CNS 2.1 and CNS 2.2 for the left channel and CNS 2.3 and CNS 2.2 for
the right channel. The CNS' are located on the printed board assemblies 84192/84…. Use VR100 respectively
VR300 to adjust the power amplifier outputs to their minimum offset (with oscilloscope to minimal peak value
or to the audible minimal volume of the interfering pulse).
5. Function test :
5.1. OUTPUT - offset voltage
DC-measurement at the loudspeaker outputs LEFT / RIGHT with U(DC) ≤ ± 10mV.
5.2.1. Attenuation test
Both channels separately driven with a 1 kHz signal and up to U(A) = 40 V (without load). Increase the input
voltage by 10 dB. The LIMITER LED lights and the output voltage ascents by approximately 1 dB to
approximately 45 V, slightly clipping. The distortion rate of the limited signal is at THD = 1.0 ... 1.5 %.
Increasing the input signal up to a value of + 20 dBu should not result in remarkably higher clipping.
5.2.2 . Attack- and Release times
tests have to be performed for both channels of the power amplifier individually: testing has to be performed
without load resistors connected.
1.) Drive the power amplifier with a burst signal ( f = 1kHz, 10 cycles, Rate : ≈ 0.5 sec.) and U(E) = +16dBu
at the Power Amp Input.
2.) Monitor the output signal via oscilloscope. After 3 to 4 signal periods, the limiter has controlled the major
distortion down to a minor residual distortion (THD = 1% .... 1.5 %).
attack time : 3 - 4 ms
release time: 30 - 40 ms
6. Level
All level controls within the signal path set to fully open.
Input U(E) Output U(A) Remarks
MIC Mono -60 dBu MAIN OUTPUT L&R 20 dBu Gain max.
LINE Mono -60 dBu SPEAKER L&R 28 dBu ( 19.5 V )
LINE Mono -60 dBu AUX +6 dBu
LINE Mono -60 dBu REC. SEND L&R -16 dBu
LINE Mono -60 dBu PHONES L&R +2 dBu
LINE Stereo L/Mono -34 dBu MAIN OUTPUT L&R +6 dBu
LINE Stereo R -34 dBu MAIN OUTPUT R +6 dBu
LINE Stereo L/Mono -34 dBu AUX +10 dBu
LINE Stereo L/Mono -34 dBu MONO +16 dBu
2 TRACK RET. L&R -20 dBu MONO OUTPUT 0 dBu either L or R
2 TRACK RET. L&R -20 dBu AUX -12 dBu either L or R
POWER AMP INPUT L&R + 6 dBu SPEAKER L&R +33 dBu ( 34.7 V ) signal, without
7. Amplitude - Non-linearity
Measuring the power amplifier with 8 ohms load resistors connected and driving a single channel
MBW = 80 kHz,
• DIM 30: 3.15 kHz, 15 kHz
• SMPTE: 60 Hz, 7 kHz, 4:1
8. Frequency response
20 100 1k 10k 20k
20.000 20.000
15.000 15.000
10.000 10.000
5.0000 5.0000
0.0 0.0
-5.000 -5.000
-10.00 -10.00
-15.00 -15.00
-20.00 -20.00
20 100 1k 10k 20k 20 100 1k 10k 20k
9. Noise interference
- U(F) = extraneous voltage un-weighted with B = 22 Hz … 22 kHz, effective value (IEC 268-1)
- U(G) = noise voltage, frequency-weighting filter according to CCIR-468-3, quasi peak weighted (IEC 268-1)
- U(A) = interference voltage A-weighted, dB(A), effective value (IEC 268-1)
- Signal-to-noise ratio referenced to a nominal output voltage of 36.9 V (+33.5 dBu) at 4 ohms, respectively
1,55V (+6dBu) at the mixer output with interference voltage A-weighted.
Input Output U(F) U(G) U(A) GAIN IN S/N- Remarks
dBu dBu dBu dB (A)dB Ratio
u dB
Power Amp SPEAKER -70 -59 -72 27 --- 105 Power Amp In
In L&R R(Q) = 50 Ω
---- MAIN OUT -88 -77 -90 --- --- --- Master closed
---- MAIN OUT -81 -70 -83 --- --- --- Master open, Channel closed
MIC Mono MAIN OUT -47 -36 -49 80 -129 --- MASTER, CHANNEL and
Gain open. R(Q) = 150Ω
MIC Mono MAIN OUT -75 -64 -77 30 -107 --- MASTER, CHANNEL open
and Gain closed. R(Q) = 150Ω
LINE MAIN OUT -46 -35 -48 40 -88 --- MASTER, CHANNEL and
Stereo Gain open
LINE MAIN OUT -73 -63 -75 10 -85 --- MASTER, CHANNEL open
Stereo and Gain closed
LINE Mono MONO OUT -65 -55 -67 20 -87 --- MONO, MASTER, CHANNEL
open and Gain closed
--- AUX -71 -60 -73 --- --- --- AUX open, CHANNEL closed
--- 2 TRACK -96 -87 -100 --- --- --- CHANNEL closed
10. Operating voltages and service measuring points
Voltages measured at the corresponding pin to GND CNS2.5
13. Effect unit
13.1 Level
- FX-control, channel fader, FX-fader, FX1 to AUX, respectively FX2 to AUX, AUX-fader, Master L&R fader
at their maximum position.
- FX1 ON-switch, respectively FX2 ON-switch ON. Selected effect program: 0 / 0.
Input U(E) Output U(A) Remarks
MIC MONO -40 dBu MAIN OUTPUT L&R -3 dBu Gain min.
MIC MONO -40 dBu AUX -3 dBu Gain min.
Line STEREO L / MONO -20 dBu MAIN OUTPUT L&R -4.5 dBu Line Trim min.
Line STEREO L / MONO -20 dBu AUX -4 dBu Line Trim min.
Line STEREO R -20 dBu AUX -10 dBu Line Trim min.
14. Indicators
With the mentioned input voltage applied, the LED begins to light. Gain and FX-controls set to their maximum
Tolerance: +/- 2 dB.
The display in the master section directly indicates the corresponding output level of the MAIN OUT in dBu.
Check the indicated display value of the MAIN OUT for each LED.
Technische Informationen
PowerMate 600
Service Instruction
Product: PowerMate 600
Title: Alteration of some resistors on the power amp pcb.
On all units with serial number higher than the listed below the alteration was done by the factory.
Service Instruction
Product: PowerMate 600
Title: Alteration of signal routing: Mono-Output-Signal from post-master-fader
to pre-master-fader
To do this alteration, there are to fit 2 resistors and there are to cut one track and to reconnect two
solder pads.