Analysis of Conductors - Practical Investigation
Analysis of Conductors - Practical Investigation
Analysis of Conductors - Practical Investigation
Investigations Folio
Refer to programs 3 & 4
Analysing Conductors
SACE Stage 1 Physics
Materials differ in their ability to conduct electricity. Some are ohmic conductors and some of them are
non-ohmic conductors.
Resistors are used to control current and voltage levels in electrical circuits.
Electromagnetic coils are used in many devices such as speakers, solenoids, electromagnets, electric
motors and transformers.
Low voltage incandescent, halogen and LED lights are used for many lighting applications, particularly in
motor vehicles.
You need to select one device from a selection provided by the teacher and investigate the current-voltage
characteristics of the device to work out a way to determine whether it is an ohmic (constant resistance) or
non-ohmic (varying resistance) conductor.
Devices may include:
resistors –e.g. from electronics kit or extracted from un-needed electronic devices
coils – e.g. old speakers from car, stereo or headphones; electric motors from toys or lego kits etc.,
electromagnetic coils from lab kits or Helmholtz coils from teltron tube
lights – car or torch bulbs (incandescent, halogen or LED)
You will have available connecting leads, a 12 V power pack, ammeters, voltmeters and multimeters.
Safety note for teachers: Students should use 12 V maximum voltage source and be advised to use a
voltage range that equipment designed for. This can be estimated from type and arrangement (usually
series) of batteries used in original source.
Part A – Introduction and Design
Before commencing the practical component of this task you need to submit a draft of the following and
gain the approval of your teacher.
1. Introduction
A brief description of the purpose of the device you are testing
A brief description of how the device works
A description of Ohm’s Law
A description of the difference between an ohmic and non-ohmic conductor
2. Hypothesis
A prediction that can be tested with an experiment - It should take the form ‘If [the independent
variable] is [changed how] then the [dependent variable] will [predict how you think it will change]’
3. Independent variable
The variable you will change and a description of how you will change it.
4. Dependent variable
The variable you will measure and a description of how you will measure it.
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Last Updated: 13/07/2018 4:10 AM Task 6 – Assessment Type 1: Investigations Folio
Task 6
Investigations Folio
Refer to programs 3 & 4
5. Constants
A list of factors that must be kept constant to ensure a fair test. You should also briefly describe
how they will be kept constant and any impacts there may be on the results if they are not kept
6. Materials
A list of materials and equipment needed to complete your experiment.
7. Hazards
Identify any likely hazards and describe precautions that should be followed to minimise the risk
during the practical.
8. Procedure
A set of numbered instructions to carry out the experiment. Each statement should start with a
verb. You should also include a circuit diagram and refer to it in your Procedure.
Part B – Results, Analysis and Evaluation
One you have permission from your teacher you may complete the practical investigation and the following
components of your report.
1. Results
A table of results.
An appropriate graph of your results.
A description in words of any trends in your results
2. Evaluation
A description of possible random errors
A description of possible systematic errors
An assessment of the precision of the results
An assessment of the accuracy of the results
Suggestions for improvements with an assessment of how they would improve the results
3. Conclusion
A sentence or two describing whether the results support or do not support your original
hypothesis and a justification for your conclusion.
A draft of Part B should be submitted for feedback.
Final Report
A final report including Parts A and B (and any amendments made during the practical and feedback)
should then submitted for assessment.
The word count for the introduction with relevant physics concepts, a hypothesis and variables, analysis of
results, identifying trends, and linking results to concepts, evaluation of procedures and data, and
identifying sources of uncertainty and the conclusion sections of your final report should be a maximum of
1000 words.
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Last Updated: 13/07/2018 4:10 AM Task 6 – Assessment Type 1: Investigations Folio
Task 6
Investigations Folio
Refer to programs 3 & 4
Student: ________________
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Last Updated: 13/07/2018 4:10 AM Task 6 – Assessment Type 1: Investigations Folio