Cisco ITP Exercise and Answer v00.02

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Cisco ITP exercises

Version 00.02
Cisco ITP exercises

About This Document

This document contains Cisco ITP exercises.

The scope of this document includes all eSG provided solution components with ITP.

This guide is primarily written for EWS.

An understanding of SS7 over IP concepts, IN architectures is assumed as a prerequisite.

Related Documents
See relevant sections at the end of this document.

Document Information
Document: Cisco ITP exercises
Document ID: training
Version: 00.02
Date Issued: 13/08/2008
Project: ESW
Solution: Cisco ITP
Client: EWS
Country: Belgium

Approved By

Approval Date

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Cisco ITP exercises

Version control

Author Version Comments Date

Imro Landveld 00.01 Initial Version 13/01/2008
Imro Landveld 00.02 Added additional info 18/01/2008

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Cisco ITP exercises


1 Course System Introduction 6

1.1 The course system 6

2 Getting started 7
2.1 Login credentials 7
2.2 Show configuration file 7
2.3 DNS lookup 7
2.4 System clock configuration 8
2.5 Configure general SS7 network settings 8

3 Configure the ITP interfaces 9

3.1 Configure Ethernets 9
3.2 Configure IP routing 9
3.3 Configure SS7 TDM interface 9

4 Configure links and linksets 11

4.1 Configure the (virtual) Serial links with MTP2 encapsulation 11
4.2 Configure local SCTP peer(s) 11
4.3 Configure linksets 11

5 Configure AS’s and ASP 13

5.1 Configure SUA (SUA_ASP) port numbers 13
5.2 Configure ASPs 13
5.3 Configure AS’s 14

6 Configure routing on Point Code 16

6.1 Add the following PC routes to your local ITP system route table 16
6.2 Saving and loading the route table 16
6.3 Try to submit a SMS 16

7 Configure routing on Global Title 17

7.1 Create a GTT selector 17
7.2 Create application groups for outgoing SS7 traffic 17
7.3 Add GT translations/routes to the GSM traffic selector 17
7.4 Save and load GTT table 18
7.5 Try to submit a SMS 18

8 Tracing, monitoring and troubleshooting 19

8.1 Monitoring: system state 19
8.2 Monitoring: counters 19
8.3 Monitoring: link states 21
8.4 Tracing / debugging: identical output to classical SS7 trace tool 22
8.5 Message flow 22

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Cisco ITP exercises

1 Course System Introduction

1.1 The course system

The Course environment consists of 2 Cisco 2651XM routers, running in combination with a two
UAS and a HLR and MSC SS7 simulator. The UAS connects over IP to 1 of the 2 ITP’s, these ITP’s
also connect over legacy SS7 links/trunks to each other ITP’s , and also connect over IP to each
other ITP’s, who connect to the HLR/MSC simulator over legacy SS7 E1 links/trunks. This is
illustrated below:

SS7core simulator

E1 SS7 E1 SS7

Instance 0 an 1 Instance 0 and 1



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2 Getting started
Each course group will configure one ITP from scratch, subsequently varying the routing options.
The goal is to get 2 ITPs fully functional thus to be able to transport messages between UAS and
a (virtual) mobile, passing the SS7 simulator and SS7 network formed by 2 ITPs as shown in
figure 1.

2.1 Login credentials

Use a telnet client like putty (preferred.
Depending on which course group you represent, log in to ITPx, where x represents your course
group id, ranging from 1 to 2. Listed below; the login banner of the course, showing all nodes
and by which IP addresses they can be reached.

telnet to / 130

Password: cisco
Password: cisco

ITP(config)# banner login ^

| Node |Name | IP address 1 | IP address 2 |
| ITP | ITP1 | | |
| ITP | ITP2 | | |
| UAS | UAS1 | | |
| UAS | UAS2 | | |
ITP(config)# ^

2.2 Show configuration file

 Show the current ITP configuration file.

- ITP#show logging history

 Set the number of maximum number of kept logging messages to 500.

Note that 500 is a kind of default, more messages can be kept if found necessary. The
maximum amount is limited by the amount of free flash memory.

- ITP(config)# logging history size 500

2.3 DNS lookup

 Prevent that accidental and results in a DNS (Domain Name Server) lookup with the
corresponding long time-out.

- ITP(config)#no ip domain-lookup

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2.4 System clock configuration

 Go to configuration mode and set the system clock parameters to:
- Name the time zone MET (Middle European Timezone), which has an offset to UTC
(Universal Time …) of +1
 ITP(config)# clock timezone MET 1

- Configure a daylight saving time starting in the night on the last Sunday of March,
moving time 1 hour forward from 2 to 3 o’clock, and ending on the last Sunday of
October, moving time 1 backwards from 3 to 2 o’clock at night.
 ITP(config)# clock summer-time MET recurring last Sunday march 02:00
last Sunday October 03:00 60

- Set clock to the current date and time.

 ITP# clock set 18:10:00 18 Jan 2008

2.5 Configure general SS7 network settings

 Configure the SS7 instance x (x can be 0 or 1)
- ITP(config)# cs7 multi-instance

 Configure the SS7 taste/flavour as ITU

- ITP(config)# cs7 instance 0 variant itu

 Configure the point code format according to the ITU specs.

- ITP(config)#cs7 instance 0 point-code format 14

 Configure your ITP point code, set it to x000, where x is your ITP/course group. E.g.
ITP3’s point code, as configured by group3, is 3000. For group1 is would become:
- ITP(config)#cs7 point-code instance 0 1000

 Set the (cumulative) accounting intervals for link and GTT parameters to 1 minute
- ITP(config)# cs7 accounting checkpoint-interval 1
- ITP(config)# cs7 accounting gtt-checkpoint-interval 1

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3 Configure the ITP interfaces

3.1 Configure Ethernets

 Configure each ITP FastEthernet interface; FastEthernet0/0 and FastEthernet0/1 with the
following parameters:
- IP address for FastEthernet0/0 is, where x is the course/ITP group
number and for FastEthernet0/1 the IP address is
- For both Ethernets the network mask is
- Configure both Ethernets with full-duplex and speed 100.

- ITP(config)#interface FastEthernet0/0
- ITP(config-if)#ip address
- ITP(config-if)#full-duplex
- ITP(config-if)#speed 100
- ITP(config-if)#exit
- ITP(config)#interface FastEthernet0/1
- ITP(config-if)#ip address
- ITP(config-if)#full-duplex
- ITP(config-if)#speed 100

3.2 Configure IP routing

 Configure a default gateway/static route, routing all traffic to

- ITP(config)#ip subnet-zero
- ITP(config)#ip route

3.3 Configure SS7 TDM interface

 Initialise the E1 controllers: controller E1 0/0 and controller E1 0/1. Configure framing,
using no CRC-4.

- ITP(config)#card type e1 1
- ITP(config)#controller E1 0/0
- ITP(config-controller)#framing no-crc4
 Configure the link synchronizing clock source. Configure ITP1, 2 with clock source internal
(alternatively clock source line if there is an SS7 link between ITP1 and 2).

Note here that ITP1 and 2 may interconnected with SS7 links; one of the end-points should
provide the clock source, the other not.ITP1 and ITP2 generate the clock signals for their links
with the SS7 simulator.

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- ITP(config-controller)#clock source [line|internal]

 Assign within the controller configuration, channel-group 0 to time-slot 1 and channel-

group 1 to time-slot 2.

- ITP(config-controller)#channel-group 0 timeslots 1
- ITP(config-controller)#channel-group 1 timeslots 2
- ITP(config-controller)#exit

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4 Configure links and linksets

4.1 Configure the (virtual) Serial links with MTP2 encapsulation

- ITP(config)#interface Serial 1/0:0
- ITP(config-if)#encapsulation mtp2
- ITP(config-if)#exit
- ITP(config)#interface Serial 1/0:1
- ITP(config-if)#encapsulation mtp2
- ITP(config-if)#exit
- ITP(config)#interface Serial 1/1:0
- ITP(config-if)#encapsulation mtp2
- ITP(config-if)#exit
- ITP(config)#interface Serial 1/1:1
- ITP(config-if)#encapsulation mtp2
- ITP(config-if)#exit

4.2 Configure local SCTP peer(s)

 Configure local SCTP peer port for SCTP links to neighbouring ITP’s.
- Configure within the peer port the local ITP IP addresses.
- ITP(config)#cs7 local-peer 6000
- ITP(config-cs7-lp)#local-ip ! x is your group/ITP number
- ITP(config-cs7-lp)#local-ip
- ITP(config-cs7-lp)#exit

4.3 Configure linksets

 Configure the TDM linksets that interconnect the ITPs and connect the SS7 simulator over
SS7 TDM links to ITP1 and ITP2.

In the linkset configuration statement enter the point code of the node where you are
connecting to, NOT the point code of your own ITP node! Note that:
ITP1 has point code 1000, ITP2 has point code 2000 and the SS7 simulator has point code

Name the linksets and assign the available links, namely Serial 0/0:0 and Serial 0/0:1 for
controller E1 0/0 and Serial 0/1:0 and Serial 0/1:1 for controller E1 0/1, according to the
following table:

controller E1 0/0 E1 0/1

ITP1 itp1-to-SIM1 itp1-to-SIM2
ITP2 itp2-to-SIM1 itp2-to-SIM2
IF ITP1 and ITP2 are interconnected via SS7 links:
ITP1 itp1-to-itp2 itp1-to-itp2

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ITP2 itp2-to-itp1 itp2-to-itp1

 Assign the links to these linksets and also enter accounting and gtt-accounting statements
to be later able to collect statistical information with the ‘ITP#show cs7 accounting’
- Associate to each linkset on each ITP for controller E1 0/0:
link 0 to Serial1/0:0 and link 1 to Serial1/0:0.
- Here solution is given for ITP1, only the first line is different for other ITPs:
- ITP1(config)#cs7 instance 0 linkset ITP1-TO-SIM1 3000 ! Note here 3000 is PC of
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#link 0 Serial 1/0:0
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#link 1 Serial 1/0:1
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#accounting
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#gtt-accounting
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#exit

- Associate to each linkset on each ITP for controller E1 0/1:

link1 to Serial1/1:0 and link 1 to Serial1/1:0
- Here solution is given for ITP1, only the first line is different for other ITPs
- ITP1(config)#cs7 instance 1 linkset ITP1-TO-SIM2 4000 ! Note here 4000 is PC of
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#link 0 Serial 1/1:0
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#link 1 Serial 1/1:1
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#accounting
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#gtt-accounting
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#exit

 If ITP 1 and 2 are interconnect via SS7, configure linksets on both ITPs
Note here that ITP1 and 2 are interconnected with SS7 links, so one of the end-points
should provide the clock source, the other not.

 Configure a SCTP fail-over linkset, using SCTP peer port 6000, named on
ITP1: FO-itp1-to-itp2
ITP2: FO-itp2-to-ipt1
Note that the fail-over linkset is used to re-route traffic in case the TDM linksets are
unavailable on your local ITP.

- Here solution is given for ITP1, only the first line is different for other ITPs
- ITP1(config)#cs7 instance 0 linkset FO-itp1-to-itp2 2000 !Note 2000 is PC of
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#link 0 sctp 6000 6000
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#accounting
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#gtt-accounting
- ITP1(config-cs7-ls)#exit

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5 Configure AS’s and ASP

5.1 Configure SUA (SUA_ASP) port numbers

 Configure 2 SUA port numbers per ITP, to allow each UAS to connect to 2 ITPs
comparable with the default customer configuration.
The SUA ports comply with the format 1400x, where x is the course group/ITP/UAS
Configure on
ITP1: 14001 and 14002
ITP2: 14001 and 14002.
 Define the local ITP IP addresses for both SUA ports on each ITP.
 Configure the SUA port with the following 2 updated parameter values:
- cumulative-sack 500
- tx-queue-depth 10000

- Here solution is given for ITP1, the first line is different for other sua’s/ITPs
- ITP1(config)#cs7 sua 14001 !or 14002 (for UAS2) on ITP1
- ITP1(config-cs7-sua)#local-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-sua)#local-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-sua)#cumulative-sack 500
- ITP1(config-cs7-sua)#tx-queue-depth 10000
- ITP1(config-cs7-sua)#exit

5.2 Configure ASPs

 Create ASPs named ASP-UASxy, with local port=remote port=1400*, where x is the
course/ITP group number and y is 1 or 2 referring to the 1st or 2nd node of the UAS cluster.

Thus configure on the respective ITPs the following ASPs:


 Assign remote UAS IP addresses to these ASPs:

Assign and to all ASP (names) ending with a 1.
Assign and to all ASP (names) ending with a 2.

- Here solution is given for ITP1, the asp name and SUA port number differs for the
other ITPs:
- ITP1(config)#cs7 asp ASP-UAS11 14001 14001
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#remote-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#remote-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#exit
- ITP1(config)#cs7 asp ASP-UAS12 14001 14001

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- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#remote-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#remote-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#exit
- ITP1(config)#cs7 asp ASP-UAS21 14002 14002
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#remote-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#remote-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#exit
- ITP1(config)#cs7 asp ASP-UAS22 14002 14002
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#remote-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#remote-ip
- ITP1(config-cs7-asp)#exit

5.3 Configure AS’s

 Configure a common SUA AS, named ASALL on each ITP.
 Configure a routing key that matches all GTT routed traffic using SSN=8.
 Add on each ITP the following ASPs to this common ASALL-0 (for instance 0) definition:

 Define traffic mode as loadshare bindings

- ITP1(config)# cs7 instance 0 as ASALL-0 sua

- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#routing-key 8 gtt
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#asp ASP-UAS11
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#asp ASP-UAS12
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#traffic-mode loadshare bindings

 Configure per UAS an AS using SUA and assign the corresponding ASP processes. Name
this AS (for instance 0):

- Define a routing-key per AS that matches all traffic routed to a particular UAS
point code and ssn. The SSN=8 for all UASs. The UAS point code is 100 for UAS1,
200 for UAS2.
- Configure the AS traffic-mode as loadshare bindings. Thus loadsharing over
available SCTP associations to available ASPs.

- ITP1(config)# cs7 instance 0 as AS1-UAS1-0 sua

- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#routing-key 1000 100 si sccp ssn 8
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#asp ASP-UAS11
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#asp ASP-UAS12
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#traffic-mode loadshare bindings
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#exit

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- ITP1(config)# cs7 instance 0 as AS2-UAS2-0 sua
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#routing-key 2000 200 si sccp ssn 8
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#asp ASP-UAS21
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#asp ASP-UAS22
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#traffic-mode loadshare bindings
- ITP1(config-cs7-as)#exit

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Cisco ITP exercises

6 Configure routing on Point Code

6.1 Add the following PC routes to your local ITP system route table
 Add routes to point codes that are not adjacent PCs or serviced by an Application Server
(AS) on your local ITP. You need to define routes depending on which ITP you are
 For instance 0, configure on each ITP a route to the following PC destinations:

(NOTE that a route is a linkset to one of the adjacents, multiple routes can be configured for the
same destination, loadsharing takes places when routes to the same destination share equal


1000 2000 3000 4000

- ITP1(config)# cs7 instance 0 route-table system

- ITP1(config-cs7-rt)#update route 3000/14 linkset ITP1-TO-SIM1 priority 1
- ITP1(config-cs7-rt)#update route 4000/14 linkset ITP1-TO-SIM2 priority 1
- ITP1(config-cs7-rt)#update route 3000/14 linkset FO-itp1-to-itp2 priority 2
- ITP1(config-cs7-rt)#update route 4000/14 linkset FO-itp1-to-itp2 priority 2
- ITP1(config-cs7-rt)#exit

6.2 Saving and loading the route table

 Save the created route table to local flash: memory. Enter a configuration command in
the configuration file loading this system route-table at system startup.
- ITP#cs7 save route-table flash:route-table
- ITP(config)#cs7 route-table system
- ITP(config-cs7-rt)#load flash:route-table
- ITP(config-cs7-rt)#exit

6.3 Try to submit a SMS

 Send a message to the same or another mobile number. Does it arrive? If not, trouble-
shooting is necessary.

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7 Configure routing on Global Title

7.1 Create a GTT selector for instance x (x can be 0 to 7)

 Create a GTT selector for GSM SMS traffic. Using the following GTT parameters:
TT=0, GTI=4, NP=1, NAI=4. Thus configuring a GSM selector indicating that a GT is
present (off course a GT is also needed in order to perform GTTranslation), because GTI
<> 0, using the E164 numbering plan NP=1 and the included numbers are in international
format, NAI=4.

- ITP(config)#cs7 gtt selector GSM tt 0 gti 4 np 1 nai 4

- ITP1(config-cs7-gtt-selector)#exit

7.2 Create application groups for outgoing SS7 traffic

 Configure the adjacent ITP point codes reachable over TDM SS7 links as part of a
application-group SS7-network. Give each entry priority 1 and configure the application-
group with multiplicity-share(kind of roundrobin loaddistribution). The following PCs are
adjacent nodes reachable over TDM SS7 links, configure these for the respective ITPs:

SS7-network PCs for use with application-group SS7-network

3000 3000
4000 4000

- ITP(config)#cs7instance 0 gtt application-group SS7-network

- ITP1(config-cs7-gtt-app-grp)#pc 3000 1 gt
- ITP1(config-cs7-gtt-app-grp)#pc 4000 1 gt
- ITP1(config-cs7-gtt-app-grp)#multiplicity share !loadsharing rule
- ITP1(config-cs7-gtt-app-grp)#exit

7.3 Add GT translations/routes to the GSM traffic selector

 Configure GTAs for GSM traffic (GT Address Translations for the following GTs) on the
respective ITPs. Configure intermediate rules, so that on each SS7 node the SS7 GTs are
31123456789 route to AS1-UAS1
31123456788 route to AS1-UAS1
31123 to application group SS7-network
31124 to application group SS7-network

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So on ITP1 and ITP2 do

- ITP(config)#cs7 instance 0 gtt selector GSM
- ITP(config-cs7-gtt-selector)#gta 31123456789 asname AS1-UAS1 gt
- ITP(config-cs7-gtt-selector)#gta 31123456788 asname AS2-UAS2 gt
- ITP(config-cs7-gtt-selector)#gta 31123 app-grp SS7-network
- ITP(config-cs7-gtt-selector)#gta 31124 app-grp SS7-network

7.4 Save and load GTT table

 Save GTT table and add the stored GTT table to the startup configuration, thus loading
this GTT table at system startup.

- ITP#cs7 save gtt-table flash:gtt-table

- ITP(config)#cs7 gtt load flash:gtt-table

7.5 Try to submit a SMS

 Send a message to the same or another mobile number, does it arrive? If not, trouble-
shooting is necessary.

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8 Tracing, monitoring and troubleshooting

8.1 Monitoring: system state

 Have a look at the current CPU use, and do the same while sending messages. What do
you see?

- Use the following command:

ITP1#sho proc cpu

CPU utilization for five seconds: 0%/0%; one minute: 1%; five minutes: 1%
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
1 36 168000 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Load Meter
2 16 39 410 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0 Exec
3 341868 85316 4007 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0 Check heaps
4 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Chunk Manager
5 0 20 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Pool Manager
. . .
80 489 8384334 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 fastblk backgrou
81 0 7001 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCPD Timer
82 2808 237917 11 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCPD Database

8.2 Monitoring: counters

 Check the accounting on your ITP.

- Use the following command:

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ITP1#sho cs7 accounting checkpoint

Checkpoint Interval = 1 min

DPC OPC SI In Pkts In Bytes Out Pkts Out Bytes
------ ------ -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
100 900 3 44 2699 0 0
900 200 3 48 3112 0 0
900 300 3 3 173 0 0
1000 3000 0 47 367 0 0
1000 3000 1 56076 504684 0 0
3000 1000 0 0 0 18731 149840
3000 1000 1 0 0 56076 504684

 Find out which counters could be relevant to a systems manager.

- The Accounting figures demonstrate load distribution over the available resources.
For tuning of the network, these are best suited.
- The congestion counters show the level of buffered traffic and indicate any

ITP1#sho cs7 mtp2 congestion serial 0/0:1

CS7 MTP2 congestion status for interface Serial1/0:1
Protocol version for interface Serial1/0:1 is ITU-T Q.703 (1996) (White

Layer3 congestion status = Abate

CongestionRxInd = Abate
CongestionTxInd = Abate (Level0)

CongestionTxOnset Level1 = 250 ( 50% of xmitQ maxDepth)

CongestionTxOnset Level2 = 350 ( 70% of xmitQ maxDepth)
CongestionTxOnset Level3 = 450 ( 90% of xmitQ maxDepth)
CongestionTxOnset Level4 = 500 (100% of xmitQ maxDepth)

XmitQ depth (max-used) = 5

XmitQ depth (max-allowed) = 500

Layer3 congestion state shows the current state, this should indicate Abate. Whenever it
shows ‘Onset’ this means that the interface queue is overloaded. The fields
“CongestionRxInd” and “CongestionTxInd” indicate current congestion levels. The field
“XmitQ depth (max-used)” indicates the maximum number of packets waiting in the queue
ever and thus tells how congested the router might have been.

 Check the counters of sigtran on the UAS. Study them and consider which ones could be
useful for your daily job.

- Check the log files of the sigtran stack.

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8.3 Monitoring: link states

 Check the state of links on MTP2 level.

- The command to be used is show cs7 mtp2 state

The output looks like this:

CS7 MTP2 states for interface Serial1/0:0

Protocol version for interface Serial1/0:0 is ITU-T Q.703 (1996) (White

Link State Control (LSC) = In Service

Initial Alignment Control (IAC) = Idle
Transmission Control (TXC) = In Service
Reception Control (RC) = In Service
Signal Unit Error Rate Monitor (SUERM) = Monitoring
Alignment Unit Error Rate Monitor (AERM) = Idle
Congestion (CONG) = Idle

Layer3 link status = Started

Layer3 congestion status = Abate

The link shown is “In service”, the link can be used to send traffic over. Other statuses
you might encounter are:
Out of Service: The E1 controller on the ITP is probably in shutdown state, or other
parameters (like crc4, or clock source) do not match with that what is defined on the

 Check if all configured associations with the UASs are active.

- On the ITP:

ITP1#sho cs7 asp

Effect Primary
ASP Name AS Name State Type Rmt Port Remote IP Addr SCTP
------------ ------------ -------- ---- -------- ---------------
ASP-UAS11 ASALL active SUA 14001 0x00010024
ASP-UAS11 AS1-UAS1 active SUA 14001 0x00010024
ASP-UAS12 ASALL active SUA 14001 0x00010025
ASP-UAS12 AS1-UAS1 active SUA 14001 0x00010025
ASP-UAS21 ASALL active SUA 14002 0x00010001
ASP-UAS21 AS2-UAS2 active SUA 14002 0x00010001
ASP-UAS22 ASALL active SUA 14002 0x00010003
ASP-UAS22 AS2-UAS2 active SUA 14002 0x00010003

ITP1#sho cs7 as
AS Name State Context
------------ ------ ----------
ASALL active 8

Routing Routing Key Cic Cic

AS Name State Context Dpc Si Opc Ssn Min Max
--------- ------ ------- ----------- ---- ---- --- ----- ---
AS1-UAS1 active 1000 100 sccp 8
AS2-UAS2 active 2000 200 sccp 8

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Cisco ITP exercises

8.4 Tracing / debugging: identical output to classical SS7 trace tool

 Use Wireshark to trace

The output could look like this:


 Try to find out whether or not a specific SS7 destination is reachable.

- The command used is ping cs7 [–sls <sls>] [–duration <duration>] <pointcode>,
where the SLS and duration are optional parameters and the pointcode for
instance the PC of one of the other ITPs in the training network. (ie 1000 – 6000)

 Trace the SISGTRAN entity on the UAS; try to find an appropriate trace level to see all
error information.

- You should use…..

8.5 Message flow

 In what way would you proceed if a message did not arrive, when sending from one
mobile to another? Please describe the steps and perform them.

- Under ‘normal circumstances’ (SS7 network => ITP => UAS) you should first
check the message path. In the training environment (and maybe even in your
own network), the switch is not within your scope of management. The lowest
level where a message enters is on the E1 interfaces of the ITP
(the training environment uses an IP connection between mobile and switch). On
the incoming side start checking whether or not all SS7 links are available (use
SHOW CS7 LINKSET for example). If one of the links is not active, you could check
the E1 controllers for configuration problems. With SHOW RUNNING, see if the
controllers are shutdown or lack specific settings. Do the same for the serial
interfaces / timeslots.

- Next check the GTT selector, with SHOW CS7 GTT CONFIG, and see if the message
will be routed to the proper AS. Then find the AS in the SHOW RUNNING-CONFIG
and see if the right UASs (ASPs) are attached to this AS. Lookup for the ASP’s as
part of the AS, to which IP addresses the message can go to.

- With this information, check SHOW CS7 AS and see if they are active (in other
words if the SCTP/IP Association is active). If one of the associations is not up,
then do a SHOW RUNNING to check whether the Ethernet interfaces are
‘shutdown’, or other parameters (duplex, or speed) do not match with the UAS
side. When an association is not up and the Ethernets are available, it becomes
time to switch your troubleshooting activities to check the UAS.

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Cisco ITP exercises

- The final step is to reverse the above procedure for the MT part.
(Most things have already been checked in the MO part, so you only need to
ensure routing is properly executed).

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Cisco ITP exercises

- Thus summarizing this into a checklist:

1. ITP: Are all links / linksets in service and inhibited?
2. ITP: Is the E1 controller available?
3. ITP: Is the Serial interface available?
4. ITP: Is the GTT selector properly set up?
5. ITP: Are AS and ASP properly set up?
6. ITP: Are the associations to the UASs up?
7. ITP: Are the Ethernet interfaces active?
8. UAS: Is SIGTRAN stack up and running?

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