A Comparative Study of Personality Traits Between Under Graduate and Post Graduate Physical Education Students of West Bengal

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International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education

International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education

Online ISSN: 2456-5067
Volume 1; Issue 1; November 2016; Page No. 23-25

A Comparative study of personality traits between under graduate and post graduate physical
education students of West Bengal
Mrityunjay Biswas, 2 Rajkumar Bauri, 3 Sandip Sankar Ghosh
Regular Research Scholar, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Senior Research Fellow, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Assistant Professor, University of Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India

The purpose of the present study was to compare the personality traits i.e. Self-confidence, Dominance, Introversion, Neuroticism,
Sociability and dominance between under-graduate and post-graduate physical education student of West Bengal. A total Sixty
four (N = 64) physical education students were randomly selected from State Institute of Physical Education for Women Hastings
House, Kolkata. Among all the subjects Thirty Four (n=34) were Undergraduate (B.P.Ed) students and rest thirty (n=30) were
Post-Graduate (M.P.Ed) students. The age ranged from 20 - 25 years. Mean and standard deviation of different variables were
calculated. The data of the selected variables were analyzed through standard Statistical procedure. The mean of different variables
were compared by using t- test. Statistical significance was tested at 0.05 levels. The results highlighted that there were significant
difference in selected personality variables between under-graduate and post-graduate physical education students.

Keywords: Personality Traits, Self-confidence, Dominance, Introversion, Neuroticism, Sociability, Dominance

1. Introduction characteristics of the physical education students of the under

Personality is the totality of one’s behavior towards oneself graduate and post graduate level.
and others. It includes everything about the person his
physical, emotional, social, mental and spiritual make-up. It is 2. Methodology
all that a person has about him. It is deeper than more To conduct the study A total Sixty four (N = 64) physical
appearance or outward behavior. education students were randomly selected from State Institute
Personality is the overall pattern of psychological of Physical Education for Women Hastings House, Kolkata.
characteristics that makes each person a unique individual. Among all the subjects Thirty Four (n=34) were
Personality is the individual’s unique psychological makeup or Undergraduate (B.P.Ed) students and rest thirty (n=30) were
more formally, “the underlying, relatively stable, Post-Graduate (M.P.Ed) students. The age ranged from 20 - 25
psychological structures and processes.” (Lazarus & Monat). years. To measure the personality of selected subjects’ Bengali
Individual differences are obvious in sport and understanding version of Burn- Reuter Questionnaire (modified) was used.
such personality factors can help to explain sport and exercise Each item response was scored differently as per the scoring
behavior. The goal of sport personality research is to provide key prepared by Prof. D. Das Mahanta to measure personality
accurate and reliable information about individual differences characteristic. The short form of Burn-Reuter personality
in sport and the implications of such personality differences inventory with 30 items was prescribed and standardized by
for sport performance and behavior. Personality embraces a Prof. D. Das Mahanta. The study was approved by
person’s moods, attitudes opinions, motivations, style of Institutional Ethical Committee. Mean and standard deviation
thinking, perceiving, speaking and acting. It is the part of what of different variables were calculated. The data of the selected
make each individual distinct. Personality can be described as variables were analyzed through standard Statistical
the sum total or overall pattern of various characteristics procedure. The mean of different variables were compared by
related to social behaviors, such as introversion, independence using t- test. The significance of means were tested at p<0.05
or aggressiveness. Personality also includes perceptual and level of confidence. For statistical calculations Excel Spread
cognitive characteristics, such as the ability to concentrate of Sheet of windows version 7 will be used.
focus attention. The relevant stable organization of person
character, temperament, intellect, and physic which 3. Results
predisposes him or her to behave and action particular ways in In Table-1 the mean and standard deviation and t-ratio of the
given situations, and which differentiates one individual from personality traits (Self- confidence, Dominance, Introversion,
another. In this context present project was planned to initiate Neuroticism and Sociability) of the under-graduate and post-
research on personality traits from a comparative stand point graduate students have been presented. From the table-1 it was
between the under graduate and post graduate physical found that statistically significant difference existed at 0.05
education students of West Bengal. The study will be helpful level of confidence between under-graduate and post-graduate
to the teacher, future researcher to evaluate the personality physical education students in Self-confidence and
Dominance. But there was no significant difference observed
International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education

between under-graduate and post-graduate physical education value than the under-graduate physical education students. In
students in Introversion, Neuroticism, and Sociability. It was the figure-1 the mean values of different personality variables
also found that in Self Confidence and Dominance, post- have been shown.
graduate physical education student had significantly higher

Table 1: comparative analysis of mean, sd, mean diff, standard error and t - ratio of personality traits of under-graduate students and post-
graduate students
Under-graduate Students Post-graduate Students Mean Standard
Variables t-value Remarks
Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Diff. Error
Self confidence -20.76 7.45 -28.09 6.16 7.33 1.71 4.31 Significant
Dominance 24.64 13.32 11.76 8.88 12.88 2.80 4.60 Significant
Introversion -8.55 5.56 -11.34 9.63 2.79 2.00 1.39 Not Significant
Neuroticism -16.46 9.67 -14.4 8.63 6.06 2.29 0.90 Not Significant
Sociability -17.14 7.6 -18.45 8.23 1.31 1.99 0.66 Not Significant
* Table value of ‘t’ for df ( 58) at 0.05 level of confidence = *2.001

Fig 1

4. Discussion of Findings their same psychological make-up and personality factors and
The result of the study indicated that in Self-confidence and mental set-up, which may caused no significant difference in
Dominance the Post Graduate physical education students had personality traits between two groups of physical education
significantly higher value than the Under-Graduate Physical students of West Bengal. This result of the present study was
Education Students. This may be explained as the post- in consonance with Ghosh & Banerjee, 2014.
graduate subjects are respectively more knowledgeable than
the undergraduate students as a result in self-confidence 5. Conclusions
significant difference may come. As the B.P.Ed trainees were From the above discussions it can be concluded that the under-
new comer in physical education fields, consequently graduate physical education students significantly differed in
submissive and less aggressive in nature compared to the self-confidence and dominance compared to the post-graduate
M.P.Ed students that may cause significant difference in physical education students. In other three personality traits
dominance between the under-graduate and post graduate i.e. in Introversion, Neuroticism and Sociability no significant
physical education students. These results of the present study difference was found between under-graduate and post-
were in consonance with Mondal, L. K.; & Chakraborty P. graduate physical education students of West Bengal.
(2010) and Ghosh & Banerjee, 2014. On the other hand, no
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