Hy17 8543 Uk - HV08

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The document provides an overview of the HV08 valve and describes how it can be customized for different applications. It explains the ordering process and available options for each function of the valve.

The catalogue is designed to provide information about the HV08 valve and show how it can be customized to suit different needs. It contains general information, technical specifications, and descriptions of available options for each valve function.

Each valve function is listed with an item number. The catalogue then provides option codes or specification ranges to customize that function. Diagrams are included to illustrate the functions and component identification.


Mobile Directional Control Valve

Proportional, Load Sensing
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Catalogue Information HV08

Catalogue layout number that is subsequently stamped into the data plate on your
valve. Your valve specifications remain on our database to facili-
This catalogue has been designed to give an overview of the tate rapid identification of your valve in the event of subsequent
HV08 valve and to show how easily it can be customized to meet re-ordering or servicing matters.
your needs. Apart from general information and basic technical
data, the catalogue contains descriptions of the variety­of options
available for the different functions within the valve. After you Early consultation with Parker saves
have studied the options and made your selection, we will tailor
your valve to meet your operating and control criteria.
time and money
Each function area is given as a subheading, followed by a Our experienced application engineers have in-depth knowledge
brief description. When options are available for the function, an of the different types of hydraulic system and the ways in which
“Item number” in square brackets follows the subheading, e.g. they work. They are at your disposal to offer qualified advice on
Pressure relief valve [15]. This is followed by a series of coded the various combinations of functions and control characteristics
options, e.g. PLS, PLB, PPS, PPB, Y1, together with a brief you may require, and to advise how to obtain the best possible
description of what each code represents. Alternatively, one or economy.
more pressure, flow or voltage options are given. By consulting Parker early in the project planning stage, you are
On page 11 is a general circuit diagram showing the basic assured of a comprehensive hydraulic system that will give your
functions of the HV08 valve, together with the item numbers or machine the best possible operating and control characteristics,
letters used to represent them. Naturally, the same item numbers together with outstanding economy.
or letters are used in all sub-circuit diagrams that appear else-
where in the catalogue in conjunction with descriptions of the
respective functions. All sub-circuit diagrams have been extracted
from the general circuit diagram. Please note that, unless stated Subject to alteration without prior notice. The graphs and
otherwise, all sections and views of the valves have been drawn diagrams in this catalogue are typical examples only. While the
as seen from the inlet section. contents of the catalogue are updated continually, the validity
of the information given should always be confirmed. For more
detailed information, please contact Parker Hannifin.
How to order your valve
The next step is to fill in a “Customer Specification Form” (CSF)
to specify the options and characteristics you wish to be incorpo-
rated into your valve. The CSF contains the same item numbers
that appear in square brackets in this catalogue. To specify your Conversion factors
valve, simply choose the common functions and spool-section
specific options you require and enter the corresponding code or 1 kg = 2.2046 lb
value into the box for the relevant item number in the CSF. 1 N = 0.22481 lbf
Should you require assistance completing the CSF, please 1 bar = 14.504 psi
do not hesitate to contact your nearest Parker representative, 1 l = 0.21997 UK gallon
who will either help personally or refer you to the appropriate 1 l = 0.26417 US gallon
product specialist. The information in your CSF will be entered 1 cm3 = 0.061024 in3
into our computerized valve specification program, which initi- 1 m = 3.2808 feet
ates the assembly process and generates a unique product ID 1 mm = 0.03937 in
9/5 °C + 32 = °F


This document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide
product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.
The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components
and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The
user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning
the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized
To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or
specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and
sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.

Offer of Sale
Please contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.

2 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Contents HV08

Contents Page
General Information.........................................................................................................4
Load-sensing systems (LS).............................................................................................5
Constant-pressure systems (CP)....................................................................................6
Constant-flow systems (CFC)..........................................................................................7
A. Series connection..................................................................................................8
B. Parallel connection................................................................................................8
Technical Data.................................................................................................................9
Environmental characteristics........................................................................................10
Hydraulic Circuit Diagram..............................................................................................11
Inlet Section...................................................................................................................12
Type of inlet section [9]............................................................................................13
Tank gallery [10]......................................................................................................14
Regulating spool (bypass) [11]................................................................................14
No-load signal [12]..................................................................................................15
Pressure relief valve [15 – 17].................................................................................15
Pressure relief valve [15].........................................................................................15
Pressure setting [16]...............................................................................................15
Tank connection T1 [18]..........................................................................................15
Load-signal connection LSI [20]..............................................................................15
End Section...................................................................................................................16
Load-signal system [13]..........................................................................................16
Tank connection T2 [19]..........................................................................................16
Load-signal connection LSU [21]............................................................................16
Spool Section................................................................................................................17
Connections [28].....................................................................................................17
Spool actuators [26]................................................................................18
Hand-operated spool actuator with open spool end................................................18
Lever bracket for spool actuators with open spool end............................................18
ON/OFF remote controlled spool actuators with facility for operation by hand........19
Remote controlled, proportional spool actuators with closed spool end.................20
Choice of Spool.......................................................................................................21
Spool function [22]..................................................................................................21
Spool designation [23].............................................................................................21
Area relationship (cap) [24].....................................................................................21
Options in the spool sections...................................................................................22
Accessories in the pressure gallery [25].................................................................22
Pressure limiters in the service ports......................................................................23
Port relief valve [31] and [33]..................................................................................23
Pressure settings [32] + [34]...................................................................................23
Function blocks..............................................................................................................24
Dimensional Drawings . .......................................................................................... 25-27

[00] Refers to item numbers in Customer Specification Form.

3 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
General Information HV08

The HV08 is a load sensing, pressure Design making the installation simple, tidy and
compensated directional control valve The HV08 is stackable and can be especially reliable.
intended for use in both load-sensing supplied in combinations of 1 to 6 spool • Wide range of spool actuators for ei-
systems and constant-flow systems. The sections. It can also be supplied in combi- ther direct or remote control: enables
valve, which is stackable, is designed for nation with function blocks, which are the valve to be located in the most
many different applications in machines specially customized manifolds. practical place on the machine. The
such as trucks, cranes, loaders and exca- The valve is designed for system range includes both hand-operated
vators. pressures up to 320 bar and can be and remote-controlled spool actuators
equipped with port relief valves in the of different types, thus enabling the
Compact system construction service ports for pressures up to 350 best combination of economy and con-
The HVO8 is of modular construction and bar. The flow range is up to 300 l/min, trol characteristics to be obtained. The
offers unique possibilities to integrate depending on how the valve is equipped. remote control system can be of the
application-adapted function solutions into The valve is designed for use in electric, pneumatic or hydraulic type.
the valve to form a complete, compact systems with fixed or variable pumps. • Individual load-hold check valves in
system solution for the machine. each spool section: effectively prevent
Essential features and benefits undesirable sinking of the load, thus
Freedom in machine design • Modular construction: makes the HV08 improving operational safety.
The valve can be equipped for direct very flexible, in that it is easy to re- • Individual port relief valves in each
control by means of levers, or for electric, build or expand the valve at any time to service port: enable port-specific limi-
pneumatic or hydraulic remote control. meet changing needs. tation of maximum pressure to suit pre-
Combinations of direct and remote control • Broad system compatibility: can be cisely the respective functions being
are also possible. These options give used in LS, CFC, CP and CPU sys- controlled.
great freedom to the machine designer, tems, thus giving you the freedom
since they enable the valve to be located • Quality and precision: quality materi-
to choose the hydraulic system best als and high manufacturing precision
ideally on the machine using the control suited to the machine and application
medium best suited to the application in ensure a superior product with low
in question. internal leakage and long service life.
• Good control characteristics: give • Simplicity and serviceability: an em-
Economy precise control of the machine in both phasis on simple design makes the
lifting and lowering movements. HV08 easy to service.
Thanks to modular construction, the HV08
can be optimized for both simple and • Can be equipped for both multi-pump
complex functions. The possibility of inte- and multi-valve systems: increases fur-
grating complete function solutions into ther the HV08’s range of applications
the valve gives low overall system costs. in different types of hydraulic system.
The HV08 can be re-built or expanded • Can be flanged to specially customized
at any time to meet changing demands. function manifolds: enables the inte-
Moreover, by combining function-adapted gration of even more functions (even
solutions with load-sensing systems, total system solutions) into a compact,
energy consumption can be kept to a single unit that does not require any
minimum. extra external hoses or pipes, thus

4 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
System Description (variable pump) HV08

Basic circuit diagram for LS system

Load-sensing systems (LS)

In load-sensing systems, both pressure and flow are adapted LS systems have outstanding characteristics when designed in
according to demand. The HV08 controls pump displacement by the right way. For this reason, customers are advised to consult
means of a load signal, so that a constant pressure differential Parker for assistance with the design of the entire LS system, so
between the pump line and the signal line is obtained, i.e. the that its advantages may be exploited in full.
pump pressure is determined by the heaviest load controlled by
the valve. While some suppliers and certain publications refer to Load sensing and pressure compensation
CFC systems (see page 7) as load sensing, Parker reserves the The pressure differential regulated by the pump regulator results
LS denomination exclusively for systems that contain a variable in the flow to the heaviest load always being pressure compen-
pump and load-sensing valve. sated, i.e. the flow through the service port is independent of
Since load-sensing systems contain more complex control variations in the load pressure.
technology compared with constant-flow and constant-pressure Functions can be pressure compensated in two ways. The
systems, there are greater demands on the machine builder’s first involves exploiting the effect of the flow forces on a hydraulic
knowledge of control technology. The combination of high effi- proportionally controlled (force controlled) valve spool. This gives
ciency and good control characteristics require the main spools simple and reliable function, with pressure compensation of
in the HV08 to be customized to the respective functions. As in both lifting and lowering movements, without the need for extra
constant-flow systems, simultaneously operated functions should components. The second way is to equip each spool section with
have roughly the same pressure demands. If not, they should a compensator that maintains a constant pressure drop over the
be divided into separate circuits so that optimal efficiency may inlet restriction. This enables even directly controlled valves to
be obtained. Mechanical construction should be rigid, since be pressure compensated, but makes the valve more complex.
load-sensing systems can translate vibration in the construction The HV08 is pressure compensated though exploitation of the
into varying pressure demands, which can result in self-induced flow forces. See diagram on page 6. Parker does, however, make
oscillation (hunting) in the system. directional valves equipped with pressure compensators, e.g. our
Load-signal systems can be built up in different ways. The L and K series valves.
HV08 is designed so that oil can circulate in the system without
any oil being taken from the service ports, with the result that
the pump reacts quickly even in cold weather. Even the pump
regulators can be designed in different ways. Certain regulators
consume no oil from the load-signal line, while others have a
leakage restrictor that maintains a certain consumption. A third
variant feeds oil into the load-signal line (a flow that must be
drained off in a suitable way). The HV08 can be equipped with a
built-in load-signal drainage facility that drains off approx. 1 l/min
from the load-signal line, regardless of the pressure.

5 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
System Description (variable pump) HV08

Control characteristics Directly actuated spool

The use of pressure-compensated spools in the HV08 helps to q(l/min) Flow rate in service port
achieve good control characteristics.
When lowering a load at a speed higher than the available 250
pump flow, great demands are placed on the replenishing char- D-spool Q=250
acteristics of the valve. In the HV08, these demands are met by
equipping the service ports of the valve with special anti-cavita- 200
tion valves. To further improve the replenishing capabilities, a
counter pressure valve can be placed in the tank outlet of the 300 bar lower
valve. In HV08 valves with closed spool actuators (PC and EHC), 150 150 bar
50 bar
the spools are pressure compensated. The influence of the load
on speed is therefore negligible. When more than one load-lifting Pressure
function is operated simultaneously, it is the heaviest load that is 100 compensated
lift curve
pressure compensated.

0 20 40 60 80 100
Lever stroke in %
Constant-pressure systems (CP)
The distinguishing feature of a constant-pressure system is that
the pressure is kept constant while the flow is varied according to Hydraulically proportionally controlled spool
demand. q(l/min) Flow rate in service port
The constant-pressure system is of simple construction. It
employs a pump with variable displacement that is regulated to 250
keep the pressure constant. The pump-regulating unit is simpler DPC-spool Q=250
than the one in a load-sensing system. The constant-pressure
system has outstanding control characteristics. 200
With the HV08, the control characteristics in constant-pres-
sure systems are equal to those in load-sensing systems. 300 bar lower
150 150 bar
50 bar

lift curve

0 20 40 60 80 100
Lever stroke in %

6 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
System Description (fixed pump) HV08


Basic circuit diagram for CFC system

Constant-flow systems (CFC)

A constant-flow system is a system in which the flow is constant ∆p connection P – T1 Idling-unloading characteristic
at a given engine speed, while the pressure is adapted according
to demand.
Two different kinds of directional valve can be used in 10
constant-flow systems: the open-centre valve (CFO) and the
closed-centre valve (CFC). The HV08 is available in a CFC 8
version. (Parker also makes CFO valves, e.g. the P70 and F130
and H170 valves.) The difference between a CFO valve and 6
a CFC valve is that, in the former, oil that is not used passes
through the valve’s free-flow gallery and back to tank, whereas 4
the CFC valve has a bypass function that drains the surplus oil
back to tank. In the HV08, this is achieved in two stages for the 2
purpose of minimizing the no-load losses. When no functions are
operated, an idling-unloading poppet (A) opens to connect the
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
pump line with the tank. Thanks to the design of the bypass in
the HV08, the spool sections work in the same way as in load-    Pump flow Q (l/min)
sensing systems, i.e. the same control and pressure-
compensation characteristics are obtained. The graph above shows the pressure drop over the valve (re-
When more than one lifting function is operated at the same gardless of the number of spool sections) when all spools are in
time, the pressure is determined by the heaviest load. For this neutral.
reason, simultaneously operated functions should have roughly   See page 6 for control curves. Load-sensing systems and con-
the same pressure demand. If not, they should be divided into stant-flow systems have the same excellent control curves thanks
separate circuits in order to minimize cross-functional interfer- to the design of the bypass in the HV08 valve.
ence and give good operating economy. Provided that the bulk
of the pump capacity is used, constant-flow systems are very
economical. It is therefore important to dimension the pump

7 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
System Description HV08

Connecting up the system

When a system contains more than one valve, it can be
connected up in different ways. A few examples are given below.

A. Series connection
The pump is connected to valve 1. Any flow not directed to a
consumer by valve 1 continues to valve 2. This means that valve
1 has priority, i.e. in the event of full flow demand through valve 1,
no flow continues to valve 2. See also [10] on page 14. Inlet type BF IInlet type BF

Series connection, CFC

Inlet type BF Inlet type BV

Series connection, LS

B. Parallel connection
In parallel connection, one pump is connected to more than one
valve in such a way that they all function as though they were a
single valve.

Inlet type BF Inlet type BV

Parallel connection, CFC

Inlet type BV Inlet type BV

Key Parallel connection, LS

P = Pump connection
T1 = Tank connection T1
T2 = Tank connection T2
LSI = LS connection in inlet section (used only in series
connection in LS systems)
LSU = LS connection in outlet section (normally connected a b
to the pump regulator, LS) T1
a = Connection for idling unloading signal in inlet section
b = Connection for idling unloading signal in end section

See page 12 for description of inlet section. Inlet Spool Spool section
section HV08-3with outlet

8 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Technical Data HV08

Connection for hydraulic

Pilot-operated pressure Spool actuator [26] remote control (PC). Actua-
relief valve [15] tion: pump to service port
A. Note! The motor­spools
have reversed function, see
page 21.

Service port, B-
port, section 2
Tank connection
T1 [18]
Load-signal take-off in
end section, LSU [21]

Take-off of idling- Take-off of idling-

unloading signal unloading signal in
in inlet [12] outlet [12]

Load-signal take-off Tank connection T2 [19]

in inlet, LSI [20]

Gauge port
(pump pressure)

Pump connec- Spool actuator [26]


Connection for hydraulic

Inlet section [9] remote control (PC). Actua-
tion: pump to service port
B. Note! The motor­spools
Service port, A- have reversed function, see
port, section 1 page 21.

Pressures Pressure drops

Pump connection max. 320 bar (4600 psi) ∆p (bar) Pressure-drop curves
Service port max. 350 bar (5000 psi)
Tank connection, static max. 20 bar (290 psi)

Flow rate (recommended) 1

Pump connection max. 300 l/min* (79 USgpm) 10 2
Return from service port max. 250 l/min (66 USgpm)
* Max. recommended flow rate is dependent on choice of spool. 3
Feed reducer
Adjustment range 20 – 220 bar (290 – 3200 psi)

Internal pilot pressure 0

25, 35 or 50 bar (applies to EHC spool actuator) 0 50 100 150 200 250
(360, 500 or 725 psi approx.) q (l/min)

Leakage from service port over spool 1 Pressure drop P – A/B with double-acting spool for 250 l/min.
From A or B port: max. 15 cm3/min
at 100 bar, temperature 2 Pressure drop A/B –T1 with double-acting spool for 250 l/min.
50 °C and viscosity 30 mm2/s (cSt). 3 Pressure drop A/B –T1 with motor spool for 250 l/min.

9 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Technical Information HV08

Connections Environmental characteristics

All standard signal connections are available in two versions, un- The valve is delivered painted with an anti-corrosion base paint.
less stated otherwise: Steel parts subject to the risk of corrosion are protected by
• G1/4 (BSP pipe thread) for flat seal (type Tredo) means of zinc-plating and yellow chromating, nitro-carburizing or
according to ISO 228/1 similar. Certain spool actuators are supplied ready greased.
The O-rings in the valve are usually of nitrile rubber. For
• 9/16-18 UNF-2B for O-ring seal according to SAE J1926/1 constant-pressure systems, however, we recommend that A30
[14] be selected to give O-rings of Viton in parting surfaces
The pump, tank and service-port connections are available in between the sections, since Viton withstands heat better than
three different versions: two split-flange types and a pipe-thread nitrile rubber. (Much heat is generated in constant-pressure
version. systems that work hard.)
• 1” flange plane according to SAE J518 standard pressure, but
with M10 or UNC 3/8-16 fixing screws. Thread depth in both Temperature
cases: 20 mm. Oil temperature, working range  +20 to + 90 °C (68 to 194 °F)*
• BSP pipe-thread G1 for flat seal (type Tredo) according to ISO
228/1. Filtration
Filtration must be arranged so that Target Contamination Class
Weight 20/18/14 according to ISO 4406 is not exceeded. For the pilot
circuit, Target Contamination Class 18/16/13 according to ISO
Weight varies somewhat depending on the configuration of the
4406 must not be exceeded.
valve. The details below are therefore approximate.

Complete valve Weight Hydraulic fluids

1 spool section 24 kg   53 lb Best performance is obtained using mineral-base oil of high
2 spool sections 34 kg   75 lb quality and cleanness in the hydraulic system.
3 spool sections 44 kg   97 lb Hydraulic fluids of type HLP (DIN 51524), oil for automatic gear-
4 spool sections 54 kg 119 lb boxes Type A and engine oil type API CD can be used.
5 spool sections 64 kg 141 lb
6 spool sections 74 kg 163 lb Viscosity, working range 15-380 mm2/s**

Technical information in this catalogue is applicable at an oil

viscosity of 30 mm2/s and temperature of 50 °C using nitrile
rubber seals.

* Product operating limits are broadly within the above range,

but satisfactory operation within the specification may not be
accomplished. Leakage and response will be affected when
used at temperature extremes and it is up to the user to deter-
mine acceptability at these levels.
** Performance efficiency will be reduced if outside the ideal val-
ues. These extreme conditions must be evaluated by the user
to establish suitability of the products performance.

10 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Hydraulic Circuit Diagram HV08

11 10 15, 16 26 31 28 33 26 31 28






1, 9 P

Damping restrictor for 25 26 22, 23, 24 25 22, 23, 24 26 Tracer spool No tracer spool in
bypass (load-up damping) case of E-function
Diagram for basic functions shows HV08 in CFC version with two spool sections.

The item numbers in the hydraulic circuit diagram above equipped according to the description below. For other equip-
and in the columns below refer to different function areas for ment options, please see under respective function area [item
which different options can be selected. The valve above is number] further on in catalogue.

Item Code Description Item Code Description

1 CFC Valve configured for constant-flow system. 23 PA Spool with code “PA” fitted.
9 BF Inlet for fixed pump (CFC). 24 0.7 Spool selected for section 1 is intended to control a
hydraulic cylinder with area relationship 0.7.
10 TO Open tank duct.
25 N1 Section 1 equipped with check valve to prevent
11 F1 Spring for 13 bar, ∆p P-LS.
­undesirable sinking of load.
12 X Inlet section equipped with idling-unloading poppet.
MR Section 2 equipped with feed reducer to limit max.
In the end section, the connection for the idling-
signal line is plugged and the signal line connected
with tank. 26 PC2 Spool actuator for proportional remote control by
means of pilot pressure.
13 LD Valve equipped with pressure-compensated load-
signal drainage. 28 8SM Service ports in split-flange version with metric
­fixing screws. Other connections in BSP pipe thread
15 PLS Adjustable pilot-operated pressure relief valve
(­controlled by pressure in load-signal line).
31 PA Section 1 service port A protected against overload-
16 200 Pressure relief valve set at 200 bar.
ing and cavitation by combined port-relief and anti-
18 T1 Tank connection T1 open. cavitation valve.
19 T2B Tank connection in end section plugged. Y2 No port-relief or anti-cavitation valve in section 2,
service port A.
20 LSIB Load-signal connection in inlet plugged.
33 PA Section 1 service port B protected against overload-
21 LSUB Load-signal connection in end section plugged.
ing and cavitation by combined port-relief and anti-
22 DPC Section 1 equipped with double acting, hydrauli- cavitation valve.
cally remote controlled spool for one double acting
N2 Section 2 service port B protected against cavita-
tion by anti-cavitation valve.
EPCB Section 2 equipped with double-acting, hydraulically
remote controlled spool. Absence of load signal (no
tracer spool fitted on A-side) makes EPCB function
single acting. Service port A is plugged.

11 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Inlet Section HV08

Tank connection T1 [18] Pump connection Open tank duct T0 [10]

Bypass unit
Pilot unit for pres- regulating spool
sure relief valve [15]

Bypass spring [11]


Idling-unloading poppet
Inlet section type BF for systems with fixed pump

Tank connection T1 [18] Pump connection Open tank duct T0 [10]

Pressure relief valve

Pilot unit for pres- regulating spool
sure relief valve [15]
Control spring [11]


Inlet section type BV for systems with variable pump

The inlet section is available in two basic versions, one for pumps used. The bypass unit incorporates an adjustable restrictor that is
with fixed displacement and one for pumps with variable displace- used to set the response time on receipt of a signal.
ment. Both contain an adjustable, pilot-operated pressure relief
valve. The inlet for fixed pumps also contains a bypass unit that
drains surplus oil to tank, as well as an idling-unloading valve that
reduces the Pump-to-Tank pressure when no functions are being

12 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Inlet Section HV08

Type of inlet section [9]

In addition to the aforementioned functions, the inlet sections
contain connections for the pump, tank and various signals. A
counter pressure nipple [10] can also be fitted in the inlet section.
Adjustable pilot
BF Inlet section for systems with fixed pump (CFC). control to maintain
pressure limitation
BV Inlet section for systems with variable pump (CP, LS) (PLS, PLB [15])

Signal line for
restrictor for load-
up damping
Load-signal line
Inlet type BF.

Adjustable pilot
control to maintain
pressure limitation
(PPS, PPB [15])


Load-signal line

Inlet type BV. HV08-7

13 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Inlet Section HV08

Tank gallery [10]

The tank gallery in the inlet section can be equipped with a
counter pressure valve to raise the pressure in the tank gallery to
improve the replenishing characteristics (see items [31] and [33]).
This function is particularly important in LS systems, in which
the return flow should not be restricted too severely. The counter
pressure valve is located in such a way that it does not raise the
no-load losses in CFC systems.
Alternatively, a plug can be fitted to separate the T1 and T2
tank connections (see “Connecting up the system” on page 8).

PT Counter pressure valve in tank gallery. Tank line must

always be connected to T1 connection [18].
SP Series connection plug – used in the first valve in series
connection. T1 connection [18] connected to pump PT – Counter pressure valve in tank gallery.
connection on subsequent valve. Tank connection T2
must be open.
T0 Open tank duct in inlet section. Normal version.

Regulating spool (bypass) [11]

In the BF type inlet section [9], the bypass function consists of
two parts; a no-load poppet and a regulating spool. When all
spools are in neutral, the no-load poppet is open, i.e. the flow
passes to tank with a low pressure drop. As soon as a spool is
actuated, the no-load poppet closes and the regulating spool
comes into force. The pressure drop over the regulating spool
is determined by the heaviest load plus the spring force of the
bypass. This means that the pump pressure will always be a few
bar higher than what the heaviest load requires. By selecting a
stronger spring, the pressure differential can be increased so that
SP – Series-connection plug in tank gallery.
more flow can be obtained from the service port.

F1 Weak spring: gives pump pressure approx. 13 bar

higher than load pressure. Gives nominal flow through
service port.
F2 Strong spring: gives pump pressure approx. 19 bar
higher than load pressure. Gives approx. 20% more flow
through service port than F1.
F3 Extra strong spring: gives pump pressure approx. 25 bar
higher than load pressure. Gives approx. 40% more flow
through service port than F1.
F0 Without spring (normally not used).

T0 – Open tank duct.

14 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Inlet Section HV08

No-load signal [12]

When more than one valve is connected in parallel in CFC
systems, the idling-unloading signal must be transmitted between
the different valves. See “Connecting up the system” on page 8.
L – No-load poppet in inlet section. Nipple for parallel connection
in end section.
L No-load poppet in inlet section. Nipple for parallel
connection fitted in end section. BF inlet only [9].
X No-load poppet in inlet section. Signal line connected
with tank in end section. BF inlet only [9]. Normal
version. X - No-load poppet in inlet section. Signal line connected with
AO Signal connection in inlet open. In end section, signal tank in end section.
line is connected with tank. BV inlet only [9]. Normal
AB Signal connection in inlet plugged. In end section, signal
line is connected with tank. BV inlet only [9].
AO – Signal line open in inlet section and connected with tank in
LA Signal connection in inlet open. Parallel connection end section.
nipple fitted in end section.

Pressure relief valve [15 – 17] AB – Signal line plugged in inlet section and connected with tank
The pressure relief valve is pilot operated, which gives it an excel- in end section.
lent pressure characteristic. A small, adjustable, direct-acting
pressure limiter pilot-controls the regulating spool [11]. The pilot
flow is taken from either the pump line or the load-signal line.
In systems in which it is possible to take the pilot pressure from
the load signal, this option is recommended, since the pressure
limiter cuts pressure peaks that are greater than the spring force
of the regulating spool [11], regardless of the pump pressure. LA – Signal line open in inlet section. Nipple for parallel connec-
This gives more gentle regulation. tion fitted in end section. HV08-10

Pressure relief valve [15]

PLS Adjustable, pilot-operated pressure relief valve.
Controlled by pressure in load-signal line.
PLB Adjustable, sealed, pilot-operated pressure relief valve.
Controlled by pressure in load-signal line.
∆p (bar) Pressure relief characteristic
PPS Adjustable, pilot-operated pressure relief valve.
Controlled by pressure in pump line.
PPB Adjustable, sealed, pilot-operated pressure relief valve.
Controlled by pressure in pump line. 350
Y1 Without pressure relief valve.

Pressure setting [16] 250

State the pressure at which you wish the pressure relief valve to
be set.
Max. 250 bar for gray-iron version of valve. 150
Max. 320 bar for nodular-iron version of valve. 100

Tank connection T1 [18]
T1 Tank connection T1 open. Normal version. 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
T1B Tank connection T1 plugged. q (l/min)

Load-signal connection LSI [20]

LSI Load-signal connection in inlet open. Only in case of
series connection in LS systems.
LSIB Load-signal connection in inlet plugged.
Normal version.

15 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
End Section HV08

PC1 spool actuator [26] Tank connection T2 [19] Connection of signal for
belonging to integrated idling unloading [12]
spool section

End section viewed in direc-

Load signal connection
tion of inlet section.
LSU [21]
Mounting plate

Load-signal system [13]
The load-signal system consists of one tracer spool (load-sensing The end section on the HV08 is integrated with a spool
spool) per service port. The tracer spool also functions as a section. In addition to the functions of the spool section (see
shuttle valve. It copies the load pressure, and the dominating under “Spool section”), the end section contains load-signal
signal is directed to the LSU connection [21] in the end section. drainage and connections for the tank, idling unloading and
See also diagram on page 8. load signal.
In the CFC version, the load signal goes to the bypass, which
regulates the pressure in the pressure gallery to approx. 13, 19 or
25 bar above the load-signal pressure, depending on the choice
of bypass spring - [11] page 14.
The load pressures from service ports A and B are directed
to their respective tracer spools. If a single-acting spool function
is required (EA or EB at item [22]), one of the tracer spools is T2B
removed. See diagram page 11.
The system permits a certain consumption in the load-
signal line to the pump without affecting the load-signal level.
This permits simpler system construction and the possibility of
installing logic systems in the LS circuit. In the case of draining in
the pump’s LS regulator, the system has better operating charac-
teristics in winter, with quicker response times, since the oil in the
LS circuit is always warm. Moreover, the system prevents disrup-
tive micro-sinking of the load at the beginning of the lifting phase, LSUB
since the signal oil is taken from the pump instead of the load.
Since the tracer spools are two-way, it is necessary for the load
signal to be “leaked off” continuously for the pump to be able to LD – Pressure compensat- LB – Blocked load-signal
regulate when the load-signal pressure falls. ed load-signal drainage. drainage.
LD Pressure compensated load-signal drainage (gives
approx. 1 l/min)
LB Blocked load-signal drainage.
LX Load-signal duct open to tank. Used in constant-pres-
sure systems (CP/CPU).

Tank connection T2 [19]

T2 Tank connection T2 open. Normal version.
T2B Tank connection T2 plugged.

Load-signal connection LSU [21]

LSU LS connection in end section open.
LSUB LS connection in end section plugged. LX – Load signal open to
16 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Spool Section HV08

Service port, B-port [28] Service port, A-port [28]

Port relief valve,
PA, port B [33] Port relief valve,
PA, port A [31]
A double-acting
spool is shown, Spool actuator [26]
see page 21.

Tracer spool for Spool function [22]

copying of load Spool designation [23]
pressure in service
port B Load-hold check valve, N1 [25] Machined control edges

The HV08 is stackable and can be supplied with 1-6 spool

sections. Each spool section can be equipped individually with
many different optional functions, spools and spool actuators,
so that it can be customized optimally for the application and
controlled function.

Spool sections come in two basic versions:

• single spool section for one spool
• single spool section combined with end section.

Spool sections are available in two different materials: gray iron

for a max. pump pressure of 250 bar, or nodular iron for a max.
pump pressure of 320 bar. To further assist machine builders,
three different types of connection are available for the service
ports in the HV08: two split-flange options (with different fixing
screws) and a BSP pipe thread option.

Connections [28]
See also page 10.
8SM Service ports with 1” split-flange connections for M10
fixing screws. Other connections: G1/4.
8SU Service ports with 1” split-flange connections for
3/8-16 UNC fixing screws. Other connections:
9/16-18 UNF-2B.
8R Service ports with G1 threads. Other connections:

17 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Spool Section HV08

Spool actuators [26] C

There are a number of different spool actuators for the HV08.
They are divided into three groups: hand-operated, ON/OFF
remote controlled and proportionally remote controlled.

Hand-operated spool actuator with open spool end

C Spring-centred spool actuator.
Steplessly operated spool actuator with spring-return to
C + A09

Lever bracket for spool actuators with open spool

end and facility for operation by hand
A09 All spool actuators with open spool end come with a
lever bracket. The bracket is fitted in such a way that,
when the operator pulls the lever toward him, the
connection pump-to-service port A is opened. With the
A09 option, however, the lever bracket is fitted upside
down, so that the connection pump-to-service port B is
opened when the operator pulls the lever toward him.
Note! The motor­spools have reversed function, see
page 21. If the standard and A09 bracket options are
used on the same valve, the levers will be of different
heights. For this reason, such a combination is not

(Please see page 24 for details of the levers themselves.)


18 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Spool Section HV08

ON/OFF remote controlled spool actuators with Actuation Actuation

facility for operation by hand P-A, B-T* P-B, A-T*

AC2 Pneumatically remote-controlled ON/OFF spool actuator.

The AC2 is a pneumatically controlled ON/OFF spool AC2
actuator with spring centring and the possibility of local
stepless control by means of a hand lever (optional).
Control pressure: min. 4 bar
max. 10 bar.
Connection thread: G1/8 or NPTF 1/8-27

ACE2 Electro-pneumatically remote-controlled ON/OFF spool

The ACE2 is an electro-pneumatically controlled ON/OFF
spool actuator with spring centring and the possibility of
local stepless control by means of a hand lever (optional).
Actuation Actuation
Primary air: 4-10 bar P-A, B-T* P-B, A-T*
Control current: (12 VDC) min. 0.85 A
(24 VDC) min. 0.42 A
Voltage tolerance: ±20% ACE2
Connection thread: G1/8 or NPTF 1/8-27

ACE2F Electro-pneumatically remote-controlled ON/OFF spool

The ACE2F is identical to the ACE2 except that it has
a common pressure gallery for primary air. The primary
air can be connected to either the last or the first valve
section that is equipped with an ACE2F spool actuator.
Connection thread: G1/8 or NPTF 1/8-27.

* Note! The motor­spools have reversed function, see page 21.

primary air

+A09 Actuation Actuation
P-A, B-T* P-B, A-T*


HV08-19 primary air

19 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Spool Section HV08

Remote controlled, proportional spool actuators with closed spool end

Hydraulic proportional spool actuator. EHC1
Electro-hydraulic proportional spool actuator.
The PC1 and PC2 are hydraulically, proportionally EHC2
The EHC1 and EHC2 are electro-hydraulically, propor-
controlled, spring-centred spool actuators. The PC1 is tionally controlled, spring-centred spool actuators.
used for flows up to 100 l/min through the service port. The EHC1 is used for flows up to 100 l/min through
For flows greater than this, the PC2 is used. The PC1 the service port. For flows greater than this, the EHC2
and PC2 are best controlled by the Parker PCL4 remote is used. The EHC1 and EHC2 are best controlled by
control valve (see separate brochure). means of a Parker electric remote-control system (see
PC1 PC2 separate brochure). The Parker PVE102 is used as a
pilot valve.
Breakaway pressure:* 5 bar 5 bar
Final pressure:* 15 bar 25 bar
Voltage: 12 V 12 V
(max. 35 bar) (max. 35 bar)
Breakaway current:* max. 360 mA max. 360 mA
Connection thread: G1/4 or 9/16-18 UNF-2B. Final current:* min. 700 mA min. 1050 mA
Pump pressure: max. 35 bar max. 35 bar
Tank pressure: max. 15 bar max. 15 bar
PC1+ Indicates that PC1 or PC2 has been equipped with Solenoid (PVE102): max. 1250 mA max. 1250 mA
A13 adjustment screw for stepless limitation of spool 100% ED 100% ED
PC2+ stroke length. Coil resistance
A13 at +20 °C: 7.2 ohms 7.2 ohms
Inductance: 10 mH 10 mH
* The breakaway pressure and breakaway current refer to the
Voltage: 24 V 24 V
pressure/current needed for the directional valve to open the
Breakaway current:* max. 220 mA max. 220 mA
connection “service-port to tank”.
Final current:* min. 400 mA min. 600 mA
The final pressure and final current are the lowest pressure/
Pump pressure: max. 35 bar max. 35 bar
current needed to effect full actuation of a spool in the directional
Tank pressure: max. 15 bar max. 15 bar
Solenoid (PVE102): max. 680 mA max. 680 mA
This data must be taken into consideration when choosing pilot
100% ED 100% ED
valves, since the opening pressure/current of the pilot valve must
Coil resistance
be lower than the breakaway pressure/current of the spool actu-
at +20 °C: 24.6 ohms 24.6 ohms
ator in order to avoid jerky starting and stopping.
Inductance: 32 mH 32 mH
Moreover, the pilot valve’s final pressure/current must be
higher than the final pressure/current of the directional valve to Connection thread: G1/4 or 9/16-18 UNF-2B.
ensure that the directional valve can be fully actuated.

** Note! The motor­spools have reversed PC1/PC2

function, see page 21.
Actuation Actuation
PC1 P-A, B-T** P-B, A-T** EHC1/EHC2
Mechanical adjustment Mechanical adjustment
of “breakaway pressure” of “breakaway pressure”
P-B, A-T** P-A, B-T**

Spool-stroke limitation Spool-stroke limitation

P-B, A-T** P-A, B-T**

PVE102 pilot valve


Actuation Actuation
P-A, B-T** P-B, A-T**
Mechanical adjustment Mechanical adjustment
of “breakaway pressure” of “breakaway pressure”
P-B, A-T** Spool-stroke limitation Spool-stroke limitation P-A, B-T**
P-B, A-T** P-A, B-T**
20 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Choice of Spool HV08

The spool is the most important link between the actions of the
operator and the movement of the controlled function. Parker
Hydraulics therefore goes to great lengths to optimize spools for
different flows, load conditions, functions and applications. Since
this is a continuous development process, new spools are being
introduced all the time. For this reason, the many different spools
available are not detailed in this catalogue. For assistance with
the choice of spool therefore, please contact your nearest Parker
representative. A B

Spool function [22] D/S

Spools are divided into different groups, depending on their basic

D Double-acting spool for, e.g. double-acting cylinder.

Blocked in the neutral position. EA
EA Single-acting spool for, e.g. single-acting cylinder.
Blocked in the neutral position. Service port and tracer
spool B blocked. See diagram page 11.
EB Single-acting spool for, e.g. single-acting cylinder. EB
Blocked in the neutral position. Service port and tracer
spool A blocked. See diagram page 11.
M Double-acting spool for, e.g. hydraulic motor. Service
ports connected with tank (float position) in neutral. M
Note! The reversed flow direction at actuation compared
to the other spool types.
S Double-acting spool for double-acting function. S spools
are specially designed to handle light-load functions C
such as swing, slew, rotate, etc.
C Regenerative spool for rapid feeding of a cylinder, or for T P
flow saving.
In addition to division into groups according to function, spools
are grouped according to whether the spool end is open or
closed. Spools with closed spool end are used for the PC1, PC2,
EHC1 and EHC2 spool actuators and have the letters PC as a
suffix to the spool designation. The following “PC-function spools”
are available: DPC, EPCA, EPCB, MPC, SPC and CPC. Other
spool actuators have spools with open spool end.
Spools with closed spool end are designed in such a way
that the flow forces can be exploited to pressure-compensate the
spool, i.e. when the load pressure or pump pressure changes,
the flow to the service port remains almost unaffected. See page
6 for more information.

Spool designation [23]

Each spool has an imprinted letter code to facilitate identification
during tuning or servicing in the field.

Area relationship (cap) [24]

The area relationship, κ, for the section in question is calculated
by dividing the cylinder area connected to service port B by the
cylinder area connected to service port A. The spools for the κ

Cylinder area, B-port
Cylinder area, A-port
HV08 are reversible and are installed in the valve according to
the way in which the cylinder (the consumer) is connected to
the valve. The value in [24] therefore determines the direction
in which the spool is to be installed. When the large side of the
cylinder is connected to the A-port, the area relationship is less
than 1. The area relationship for a motor is 1.

21 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Spool Section HV08

Options in the spool sections

Accessories in the pressure gallery [25]
The spool-section pressure gallery can be fitted with different
accessories to give the best system construction.

O Without load-hold check valve.

N1 Load-hold check valve to prevent undesirable load
sinking. Normal version.
MR Common feed reducer for service ports A and B fitted
and factory-set at the desired pressure (from
20-220 bar at a flow of 10 l/min). The reduced pres-
sure is practically independent of variations in either
the primary pressure or the flow take-off. MR contains
a load-hold function. MR limits the flow capacity of the
spool to approx. 85% of the stated flow.
Feed reducers are used to limit the pressure from the
valve when the section’s maximum pressure is below
O - Pressure gallery open. N1 - Check valve in
that of the main pressure relief valve, e.g. in the case of
pressure gallery.
a clamping function. By using MR as a pressure limiter,
energy losses can be kept down, since MR uses a pilot
flow only. The pressure setting should be chosen so that
it is as close as possible to the setting of the port relief
valve, but at least 20 bar lower.
PR A prioritizing function that governs the section in the
event of excessive flow take-off. It does this by limiting
or stopping the flow to the spool section in which it is

MR – Feed reducer in PR – Prioritizing valve in

pressure gallery. HV08-22 pressure gallery.
Pred (bar) Feed reducers for service ports A and B









0 40 80 120 160
qm (l/min)
Pred = reduced pressure in service port
qm = flow through service port

22 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Spool Section HV08

Pressure limiters in the service ports

(port relief valves) [31]-[34]
A specially designed cartridge valve is used as a port relief and
anti-cavitation valve, PA, in the service ports. Its function is to
protect the valve and consumer from pressure peaks and exces-
sive pressure in the system. The very rapid opening sequence
and good pressure characteristics make the cartridge valve an
1 2
excellent port relief valve. The anti-cavitation valve causes oil to
flow from the tank gallery to the service port side in the event of
under-pressure in the service ports.

Port relief valve [31] and [33]

X2 No port relief valve fitted. Service port connected to
valve’s tank gallery.
Y2 No port-relief or anti-cavitation valve fitted. Connection In the diagram above, service port A is equipped with a combined
between service port and tank gallery blocked. port-relief and anti-cavitation valve PA (1) to limit the pressure and
PA Combined port-relief and anti-cavitation valve PLC182 prevent cavitation. Service port B is fitted with an anti-cavitation
fitted. Valve is factory-set. valve N2 (2) to prevent cavitation.

N2 Anti-cavitation valve only fitted.

Pressure settings [32] + [34]
Max. 280 bar for valves of gray iron (G at item [8]).
Max. 350 bar for valves of nodular iron (S at item [8]).
Optional standard settings:
40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 140, 160, 175, 190, 210, 230, 250, 280,
300, 330 and 350 bar.
3 4

In the diagram above, the connection between service port A

and the tank is plugged, Y2 (3). This solution is used for spools
with a single-acting function and in other cases when a connec-
tion between the service port and tank is not required. Service
port B is open to tank continuously, X2 (4).

∆p (bar) Pressure relief characteristics


∆p (bar) Anti-cavitation characteristics with PA or N2

200 16


100 8

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
q (l/min) q (l/min)

23 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Spool Section HV08

Function blocks
Function blocks (manifolds) can be flanged to the HV08 to
enable total system solutions to be integrated into the valve. In
addition to the standard units available, our experienced product
and system designers can tailor function blocks to meet your
needs exactly. For more information about total system solutions,
please contact your local Parker representative.
The example opposite shows a specially customized function
block mounted to a two-section valve in place of the end section.
Like most Parker function blocks, it was constructed using
cartridge valves, i.e. only the housing is a unique component.

Levers are not supplied with the valve and must be ordered
Ø27 (1.26) (inch)
separately. The standard levers for HV08 valves are of steel,
which is surface treated to give resistance to corrosion. Lever
knobs are of black plastic, with a window under which a func-
tion symbol can be inserted to illustrate the function of the lever.
Levers are supplied complete with pin kits for mounting to the
directional valve.
247 (9.72)

Lever: Ordering No.

M8 (Window knob) 9126 1757 01

22 (0.87)
27 (1.06)

115 (4.53) 44


24 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Dimensional Drawings HV08

50 (1.97)



22 (0.87)
43 (1.69)

110 (4.33)
27 (1.06)


Opens pump-to- Opens pump-to-

service port B. service port A.
Spool stroke Spool stroke
9.5 mm (0.37). 9.5 mm (0.37).

* Note! The motor­spools have

reversed function, see
page 21.





25 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Dimensional Drawings HV08


100 max
100 max





EHC2 142 (5.59) 142 (5.59)

95 (3.74)
95 (3.74)


26 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
Catalogue HY17-8543/UK Mobile Directional Control Valves
Dimensional Drawings HV08

(inch) Tank connection, T2 Signal connection for

idling unloading

166 (6.54)
92 (3.62)

82 (3.23)
39 (1.54)
35 46 LSU (1.81)

127 (5.00) 57
Ø13 (4x) (1.61) 41 41 (1.61)

35 (2x) 35 (2x)

Pump connection, P 20 (0.97) (LSI, idling unloading)


(1.38) (1.38)

Service port A,
section 1 Tank connection, T1
(L + 2.05)

L + 52

10 (0.39)

Service port B,
section 2


92 92
(3.62) (3.62)
Load-signal connection, LSU
93 (3.66)

77 (3.03)
No. of Resultant L
sections mm (inch)
  1 176   (6.93)
Signal connection for
  2 238   (9.37)
idling unloading
  3 300 (11.81)
  4 362 (14.25)
  5 424 (16.92)
  6 486 (19.13)

Load-signal connection, LSI

27 Parker Hannifin
Mobile Controls Division Europe
Borås, Sweden
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