English For Business - Pre-Intermediate Business Grammar & Practice PDF
English For Business - Pre-Intermediate Business Grammar & Practice PDF
English For Business - Pre-Intermediate Business Grammar & Practice PDF
Nick Brieger & Simon Sweeney
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= P O W E R E D BY C O B U I L D
Introduction v
G ram m atical Terms vi
G ram m ar
Language Form
Unit 1 Be (1) am /is/are 2
U nit 2 Be (2) was/were/have been 4
Verbs - Voice
Unit 39 Active I make. 78
Unit 40 Passive It is made. 80
Unit 41 Active vs. Passive I m ake/lt is made. 82
Verbs - Other
Unit 42 It Is/They Are vs. There Is/There Are 84
Unit 43 Have and Have Got 86
Unit 44 Get and Have Got 88
U nit 45 Say vs. Tell 90
Unit 46 Make vs. Do 92
U nit 47 Used To 94
Unit 48 Rise vs. Raise 96
Unit 49 Verb + Preposition 98
Unit 50 Verb + Adverb (P hrasal Verb) 100
Unit 61 S in gu la r and P lu ra l Nouns machine, machines 122
Unit 62 Countable and Uncountable Nouns machine, m achinery 124
Unit 63 Noun Com pounds company personnel 126
Unit 64 Genitive Form s the company's, o f the company 128
Determ iners
Unit 71 A rticle s the company, a company 142
Unit 72 Personal Pronouns I, me, you, he, him, etc. 144
Unit 73 Possessive and Reflexive Pronouns m y/your/his/our company 146
Unit 74 D em onstratives this/that company 148
Unit 75 Some and Any some/any products 150
Unit 76 Some, Any and Related Words someone, somewhere, etc. 152
Unit 77 Q uantifiers (1) all/several/a lot o f products 154
Unit 78 Q uantifiers (2) many/[aj few details, m uch/lal little inform ation 156
Unit 79 Q uantifiers (3) each/every company 158
Unit 80 N u m e ra ls 160
Unit 81 Tim e in at on 162
Unit 82 Place (1) at, to, from, in, into, out of, on 164
Unit 83 Place (2) above, below, etc. 166
Unit 84 Like, As, The Same As and D ifferent From 168
Business Files
1 Industries and Jobs 170
2 C ountries and C urrencies 171
3 Business A bbreviations and Short Form s 172
4 B ritish English vs. A m erican English 173
5 N um bers, Dates and Tim es 174
6 Irre g u la r Verb Table 175
Organisation of material
There are 84- units and 6 Business Files.
Each unit consists of:
1. Language presentation through:
• sample sentences to show the language form s in use;
• an explanation of the language forms;
• a description of the uses of these forms.
2. Practice through:
• controlled exercises to develop recognition of the language form s (Exercise 1);
• controlled exercises to practise combining language form and language use (Exercise 2);
• controlled or guided exercises focusing on language form and meaning (Exercise 3);
• transfer activities to practise transferring the language presented in the unit to the student’s
own personal and professional experience.
3. Answers to the controlled and guided exercises.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Modals are followed by an infinitive, e.g. You must Regular verb (see also Irreg u lar verb)
attend the meeting. A verb that forms the past tense and past participle
Needn’t and daren’t are also used in this way. by adding -ed, e.g. start - started - started.
Noun Relative clause
A word that names persons, places or things, A clause beginning with a relative pronoun such as
e.g. manager, factory, computer. who, whose, which, that or a relative adverb such as
A countable noun is a noun with a singular and when, where, why.
plural form, e.g. a machine, 20 machines.
An uncountable noun is a noun that does not
A group of words with a subject and a verb between
have a plural and you cannot put a or an before it,
two full stops, e.g. My name is Paul. I come from
e.g. information, equipment.
A noun compound is a group of words with two or
more nouns, e.g. sates director. Short form
A noun phrase is phrase with a noun as the main A short form of a verb that is written with an
word, e.g. a very good manager. apostrophe to show that some letters are missing,
e.g. it ’s, we’re, can’t.
A noun or noun phrase that is used after a transitive Simple
verb, e.g. We played golf. A verb construction in either the present simple or
past simple tense.
Ordinal num ber
The numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th etc. Simple sentence
A sentence which is only one main clause, e.g. Sales
Passive (see also Active and Voice)
have increased.
A passive construction contains a verb or verb
phrase in the form be + past participle, where the Singular (see also Plural)
doer of the action is expressed as the agent rather A form of a noun, pronoun or verb which shows that
than the subject, e.g. Taxes were increased by the there is only one, e.g. company, I, she lives in York.
last government (passive] versus The last government Subordinate clause (see also Main clause)
increased taxes (active). A group of words with a subject and verb which is
Perfect (aspect) not a sentence because it needs a main clause to be
A verb construction in the form has/have + past complete, e.g. He worked for ITCorp before he joined
participle which puts the action or event in a MeoaTech.
different time from the time of speaking or writing. Subordinating conjunction
The present perfect shows that the action has been A word which introduces a subordinate clause, e.g.
completed by the time of speaking or writing, e.g. We because, although, if, who.
have already seen the report.
The past perfect shows that an action has been Superlative (see Comparison of adjectives)
completed by an earlier point of time, e.g. We had Tense
already seen the report. The grammatical form of a verb which shows
Phrasal verb the time of the action, e.g. present or past.
A verb phrase that consists of a verb + adverb, e.g. Tim e m arker
to look up a word (in a dictionary). A phrase which shows when something happens,
Phrase e.g. last year, at the moment, next week.
A group of words, but less than a clause, i.e. not Transitive verb (see also Intransitive verb)
containing a subject and verb. A main verb which takes a direct object, e.g. We
Plural (see also Singular) played golf last week.
A form of a noun, pronoun or verb which shows that Uncountable noun (see Noun)
there are more than one, e.g. companies, they, profits
Verb .. .ing
are increasing.
The verb form infinitive + ing, e.g. helping.
A word that is used before a noun and shows us
The grammatical category of either active or passive
something about time, e.g. in the morning, at 7 o’clock,
verb form.
place, e.g. on the desk, or manner, e.g. by_ car.
One of the letters a, e, i, o, u.
A word that takes the place of a noun or noun
phrase, e.g. she, my, this, who. Wh-question
A question beginning with who, what, why etc or
with how.
A word which describes quantity, e.g. all, many,
some, few, no. Yes/no question
A question to which the answer must be yes or no,
Question tag
e.g. Is your name Mary?
A short question which makes statement into a
question, e.g. We sent the goods last week, didn’t we? Zero article (see Article)
UNIT Be(1)
See also
Unit 2 Be 12]
A Sample sentences
A: W here are you from?
B: 1 am from Asciano. And my colleagues are from Pisa.
A: I’m sorry. W here is Asciano?
B: It is in Tuscany. It’s near Siena.
B Form
The present tense of to be has three form s:
the positive, the negative and the question.
Positive form
1 am I'm
you are you’re
he/she/it is he's/she's/it’s
the manager is the manager's
the company is the company’s
we are we're
they are they're
the managers are the managers're
the companies are the companies're
The firs t seven sh o rt fo rm s are used in spoken or in fo rm a l w ritte n English;
the last two (the m a n ag e rs're etc.) are used in spoken language only.
1 am not am 1?
you/we/they are not are you/we/they?
he/she/it is not is he/she/it?
the manager/the company is not is the manager/the company?
the managers/the companies are not are the managers/the companies?
C Uses
Look at these sentences w ith the verb to be in different form s:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
In the dialogue betow, Peter Hay is talking to Jane Field and A rnold Weiss at a trade fair. Put the
verb form s in sentences 1-14 into the correct box. The firs t one is done for you.
PH: Hello, I’m Peter Hay. (1) Where are you from ? (2)
JF: We’re from Seattle in the USA. (3)
PH: Oh, are you A m erican? (4)
JF: I am. (5) But A rnold is n ’t. (6)
aw ^ r m from A ustria. (7) But w e ’re from the same company, Inte r Corp. (8)
PH: Oh, yes, Inte r Corp. What are your nam es? (9)
JF: My nam e's Jane Field. (10) This is A rnold Weiss. (11)
PH: Pleased to meet you. Are you in banking? (12)
AW: No, w e ’re not. (13) W e’re in insurance. (14)
Exercise 2
Complete the spaces. Use sh ort form s where possible.
Exercise 3
Complete the following text about Axdal Electronics. Use a form o f be.
Axdal Electronics is a w orld leader in control systems. W e_________ suppliers to the car
industry. Car m a n u fa ctu re rs_________ our only customers. We__________ also suppliers to
o ther industries. A E _________ an international company. Our cu sto m e rs__________in the USA,
Japan and Europe. Our Chief Executive_________ Paul Axdal. ‘We__________ a fam ily company
and business_________ very good’, says Paul.
Write short sentences about yo urself and some friends. Use different present tense form s o f be.
! 3
UNIT Be (2)
See also
Unit 1 B e lli
A Sample sentences
A: Hello Raj. W here w ere you yesterday? A: I haven't seen you a ll w eek!
B: I wasn't in my office. I was at a meeting. B: I know. I have been very busy.
B Form
The verb to be has three main tenses: the present (see Unit 1), the past and the present perfect.
Look at the positive fo rm s in the past and the present perfect.
the managers were the managers have been the managers've been (spoken only]
the companies were the companies have been the companies’ve been (spoken only)
C Uses
Look at these sentences w ith the verb to be in different tenses and d iffe re n t form s:
A: W here w ere you yesterday? You w eren 't in your office, (past question and negative)
B: 1was in Bolton, (past positive)
A: Why w ere you in Bolton? (past question)
B: 1was with a client, (past positive)
Ct I'm sorry. Bolton? W here is Bolton? (present positive and question)
A: It is in the north of England, near Manchester. In the past it was a famous textile centre.
(present positive and past positive)
C; 1haven't been to Manchester. But I've been to Liverpool.
(present perfect negative and positive)
B: 1was in Liverpool last w eek. When w ere you there? (past positive and question)
C; 1was there in January, (past positive)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
In the dialogue below, Henry Leer and Joe Fisher are in a hotel b a r in Amsterdam. Put the verb
form s in sentences 1-10 into the correct box.
Delco Ltd.
Complete the le tte r below with words 16-20 East Mount Road, Lincoln LN3 5RT
6 November....
from the box.
Dear Mary,
Last week Tom and Paula__________ here for a
meeting. I t __________ very useful. T h e y___________
here for two days. W e __________ to Oslo in the last
few days. W e __________ there for a meeting with our
Norwegian colleagues. Arne Sillessen__________ very
interested in our ideas. Until now, I __________
happy with the project. Now I am very optimistic.
Exercise 3
Complete the spaces in the em ail below. Use sh ort form s where possible.
From: [email protected]
Sent: Mon 28 November 15:40
Subject: Short Bros
Dear Frances,
I am sorry I _____ (not) at the meeting yesterday. I _____ (not) in the office
this week. Tom and I ______ in London. W e _______at a Sales Conference. I ___
very busy recently.______ Short Brothers happy with the contract?_______they
______ in contact today?
__ .....................
Write a sh ort paragraph about yo urself and a local industry o r institution. Use past tense and
present perfect form s of be.
UNIT The Present Continuous Positive
The present continuous negative
The present continuous question
The present continuous vs. the present simple
A Sample sentences
• At the m oment 70% of consumers are using the Internet to buy things.
• Prasad is currently preparing a business plan.
• At present I am eating my lunch.
B Form
The present continuous positive has tw o parts:
the present tense of to be + infinitive .. .ing
C Uses
We use the present continuous to ta lk about:
W ith C1 and 2, we can use the follow ing expressions:
but not
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Look at the email below. Underline five present continuous forms.
Exercise 2
Here is p a rt o f a telephone conversation. Complete the spaces with the correct form o f the word in
brackets. Use sh ort forms, where possible.
DL:Hello, Peter. Listen, I ‘m reading Ire a d lyo u r report. There’s a problem on page 50.
PT: Okay, I _[look] at it rig h t now. What’s the problem ?
DL: It says w e __________ (invest] $250,000 in research. That's wrong. I t ’s $25,000,
not $250,000.
PT: Okay I ’ll change that.
DL: Right. Remember, y o u __________ (meet] M r Lally and his colleagues today.
PT: Yes, I know. They__________ (come] here at 2.30.
DL: Fine. Good luck. See you tomorrow, then.
Exercise 3
Look at the graph below. It shows total company sales and sales for two products, A and B.
Write fou r sentences. Use the prom pts below.
2. Product A (increase).
3. Product B (fall).
Write fou r sentences about you, yo ur friends o ra local business o r institution. Include phrases
from the box.
now at the m oment currently at present
UNIT The Present Continuous Negative
See also
Units 1,2 Be
Unit 3 The present continuous positive
Unit 5 The present continuous question
Unit 9 The present continuous vs. the present simple
A Sample sentences
• I am not working at the moment; I am looking for a job.
• The company is not growing quickly enough.
• M anagers are not dealing w ith the issue at the moment.
B Form
The present continuous negative has three parts:
the present tense of to be + not + infinitive .. .ing
C Uses
We use the present continuous to ta lk about:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Look at the text below. Underline four present continuous negatives.
We are not increasing our prices th is year. The m arket is not strong enough. We are
launching new products f o r th e domestic market. M ost o f our products are selling well at
home. A t present, we are not planning any new products fo r export. Sales are not
increasing in our e xpo rt markets. The company is not expecting improved sales th is year.
Exercise 2
Write sentences with a present continuous negative. Use short form s, where possible.
Exercise 3
Make negative o r positive sentences fo r pictures 1-4 below. Use the words in brackets.
(this year/the com pany/do w e ll in the USA) (at p re sent/w e/present a good image
Write six sentences about yo u r current activities. Use the present continuous tense, with some
positive and some negative sentences.
UNIT The Present Continuous Question
The present continuous positive
The present continuous negative
The present continuous vs. the present simple
A Sample sentences
Yoshie: Henry, what are you doing?
Henry: I'm checking the figures. There is a mistake here. W hat is Janet doing
Yoshie: She is calling a taxi for you. Are you leaving now?
Henry: Yes, but Janet is staying.
B Form
The present continuous question has two parts:
the present tense of to be + infinitive .. .ing
( i g i Subject
am i presenting?
are you making?
is he/she/it calling?
is the computer (= it) analysing?
is the consultant (= he/she) reading?
are we meeting?
are you looking?
are they visiting?
are the specialists (= they) doing?
are the machines (= they) preparing?
C Uses
We use the present continuous question to ask about:
P re -In te rm e d ia te B usiness G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Underline the mistakes in the following sentences. Then correct them.
Exercise 2
Make questions to complete the dialogue below. Use the words in brackets.
Exercise 3
Make questions fo r the pictures 1-4. Use the words in brackets.
4. (w hy/oil/leak)
Write five questions about yo u r colleagues using the present continuous form.
I 11
UNIT The Present Simple Positive
See also
Unit 7 The present simple negative
Unit 8 The present simple question
Unit 9 The present continuous vs. the present simple
A Sample sentences
• We always investigate a job applicant's background.
• The m anager norm ally has total responsibility for this process.
• Many people say they never eat breakfast.
• I often go to France.
B Form
The present sim ple positive has one part:
I make
you present
he/she/it calls
the company/the department (= it) prepares
the manager/the boss (= he/she) reads
we meet
you look
they visit
the companies/the departments (= they) do
the managers/the workers (= they) discuss
C Uses
We use the present sim ple to ta lk about:
12 ! P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Make sentences with the following words. See the example.
I live in a city.
Exercise 2
Match the sentences below to the correct picture a-e.
Exercise 3
Complete the following text. Use the words in brackets. Put the verbs in the present simple.
Write a sh ort paragraph like the one in Exercise 3 about someone you know. Include some o f the
following words.
UNIT The Present Simple Negative
See also
Unit 6 The present simple positive
Unit 8 The present simple question
Unit 9 The present continuous vs. the present simple
Unit 31 Do
A Sample sentences
• We don’t use complicated equipm ent or technology; we use very sim ple processes.
• He doesn’t w ork w ith me anymore; he w orks in Beijing now.
• The company provides nurses and healthcare staff, but it doesn't provide managers.
B Form
The present sim ple negative has two parts:
don't/doesn't + infinitive
C Uses
We use the present sim ple to ta lk about:
14 I P re -In te rm e d ia te B usiness G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Make negative sentences with the following words. See the example.
I don't w ork in the oil industry.
Exercise 2
Make negative sentences with the following prompts.
2 . w e/advertise/on television
3. the co m p an y/sponsor/sport
4. l/lik e /fis h
8 . you/live/in an a p a rtm e n t
Exercise 3
A local newspaper attacked Teal Ltd fo r damaging the environment. The owner, Peter Teal, wrote a
reply. Give the negative form s o f the words in the brackets.
D ear S ir,
I w a n t to te ll y o u r re a d e rs so m e fa c ts a b o u t Teal
L td . T he c o m p a n y (u s e ) c h e m ic a l d y e s in its p ro d u c ts
o r b le a c h to m ake o u r m a te ria ls w h ite . T he m a n a g e m e n t
(e n c o u ra g e ) th e use o f c o m p a n y c a rs . We (a llo w ) s ta ff
to p a rk p riv a te c a rs on c o m p a n y p re m is e s . W e (b u rn )
o u r ru b b is h and we (th ro w a w a y ) g la s s or p a p e r.
Y o u rs fa ith f u lly ,
f 3 TtM
PJ T eal
M a n a g in g D ir e c to r (T e a l L td )
Write six present sim ple negative sentences about the place where you live and/or work.
UNIT The Present Simple Question
See also
Unit 6 The present simple positive
Unit 7 The present simple negative
Unit 9 The present continuous vs. the present simple
Unit 31 Do
Units 53-55 Questions
Sample sentences
Eduardo: W hat do you do?
Yu Yin: I w o rk as a tran slato r for a company in London.
Eduardo: And w hat does the company make?
Yu Yin: It doesn’t m ake anything, It offers legal advice.
B Form
The present sim ple question has two parts:
do/does + infinitive
do I present?
do you make?
does he/she/it solve?
does the computer (= it] analyse?
does the consultant (= he/she) reach?
do we compete?
do you look?
do they visit?
do the specialists (= they) fix?
do the machines (= they) prepare?
C Uses
We use the present sim ple question to ask about:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Undertine do o r does and the main verb (infinitive) in the foltowing questions. Then answer them.
2. Do the largest com panies in your area export products to m any different countries?
4. Do you know any in te rn a tio n a lly fam ous products fro m your country?
Exercise 2
M artin and Javier m eet in a hotel bar in Paris. Match the questions to the correct picture a-h.
Exercise 3
Write questions for the answers on the right.
1. W here/from ? W here do you come from? I come fro m Santiago, in Chile.
Prepare five o r six questions to ask a friend about h is/her work o r studies. Use the present
sim ple tense.
UNIT The Present Continuous vs. The Present Simple
The present continuous
The present simple
The present tenses and the past tenses
A Sample sentences
Luc: Brigitta, w hat do you do?
Brigitta: I w ork as a m arketing director in Heidelberg, but at the m om ent I'm working
in Osnabriick.
Luc: So, w here do you live?
Brigitta: My fam ily lives near Heidelberg, butat present I'm staying in a hotel
in Osnabriick.
B Form
R em em ber these differences between the present continuous and the present sim ple:
C Uses
We use the present continuous to ta lk about:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Read the dialogue below. A jo u rn a list is talking to a representative o f Chemco Ltd. Put the verb
form s in sentences 1-7 into the correct box. The firs t has been done for you.
Present continuous
Present simple
Exercise 2
Complete the dialogue below between a consultant and a m arketing manager.
Exercise 3
Complete the spaces in the short dialogue below about a bank, Credit Bank International.
Use the correct form o f a verb from the box.
A: W hat________________________ ?
B: We___________ 10 new branches in Argentina and Chile.
A: ___________ the bank c u rre n tly ____________ branches only in Buenos Aires and Santiago?
B: Yes.
A: B ut not Brasilia?
B: No, w e ___________ in Brazil yet.
A: ___________ Pablo Hernandez_____ ______ here this week?
B: Yes, h e ___________ these meetings.
Write five sentences about yo u r own current activities. Use both the present sim ple and the
present continuous.
UNIT Positive and Negative Imperatives
See also
Unit 56 Commands - positive and negative
B Form
The positive im perative has one part: The negative im perative has two parts:
infinitive don't + infinitive
go don’t go
m ake don t m ake
do don t do
discuss don t discuss
be don t be
C Uses
We use the positive im perative to te ll one o r m ore people w hat they m u st do o r they can do
We use the negative im perative to te ll one or m ore people w hat they m u st not do:
We can use please w ith im peratives to make them m ore polite.
20 P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Underline positive im peratives and(^ircle)negative imperatives in the following instructions to
visitors to a factory.
Please arrive at 10 o ’clock prom pt. Present your identity papers to the se curity o ffice r at
the gate. Do not park your car in the staff ca r park. Please go where the se curity officer
te lls you. He w ill give you an o fficial pass. W alk to the reception. Present your o fficia l pass
to the receptionist. Do not e nte r the office block. A guide w ill come to m eet you. Please
w ait in reception. Do not sm oke. Do not take photographs.
Exercise 2
Give an imperative [positive o r negativeI for each o f the following. Use the verb in brackets.
(put in]
3. 6. 9.
'l— I
(M ) &
ooo X
o o o
Exercise 3
Put the verbs in the box into the correct positive o r negative imperative form.
What imperatives, positive and negative, have you seen recently in yo ur home town o r in the place
where you live and work?
UNIT The Past Simple Positive
See also
Unit 12 The past simple negative
Unit 13 The past simple question
A Sample sentences
• Last year we opened an office in Berkeley.
• The company released its report a few w eeks ago.
• Sales increased by 40% in the first half of last year.
B Form
The past sim ple positive has one part:
past tense
S ubject
I made
you presented
h e /sh e /it called
th e com pany/the d ep artm en t (= it) prepared
th e m a n ag er/th e boss (= he/she) read
we m et
you looked
they visited
the com panies/the d ep artm en ts (= they) did
the m an ag ers/th e w o rke rs (= they) w rote
C Uses
We use the past sim ple to ta lk about an activity at a definite tim e in the past:
We started the business about a yea r ago.
He bought the company in 2001 for $ 5 billion.
Last year he joined the company as m arketing manager.
We use the past sim ple w ith these expressions:
22 P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Give the past sim ple form o f the following verbs.
Exercise 2
Below is p a rt o f a report from Baxmer, a pharm aceutical company. Underline six mistakes and
correct them.
On 25 A pril this year we stop production o f Arpol, a treatm ent fo r migraine. Arpol
production begin in 2004 and early sates was very impressive. However, Belpharm Ltd did
launch the Calpem range three years ago. This product was taking a 30% m arket share in
the firs t two years. A t firs t we agree to continue with Arpol. Now the situation is different.
Exercise 3
Look at the time line below showing events over ten years for Metfan S.A., a Swedish furniture
maker. Make sentences with the verbs given.
Metfan started business 11 years ago.
years -11 -1 0 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Make five sentences about a business you know well or businesses in your country.
UNIT The Past Simple Negative
J Unit 11 The past simple positive
1 mgm Unit 13 The past simple question
Unit 31 Do
A Sample sentences
• Last year we didn't s ell as many products.
• I was disappointed because I didn't reach the target.
• In 2002 the company didn't have the skills it needed to do this.
B Form
The past sim ple negative has two parts:
didn’t + infinitive
I didn't live
you didn't work
he/she/it didn't produce
the organisation (= it) didn’t employ
the director (= he/she) didn't discuss
we didn't meet
you didn't know
they didn’t like
the teams (= they) didn’t
. __ prefer
the employees (= they) didn't make
C Uses
We use the past sim ple to ta lk about an activity at a definite tim e in the past:
The business didn't grow much last year.
This product didn't exist two years ago.
I didn’t go to w ork yesterday because I w asn't w ell.
We use the past sim ple w ith these expressions:
24 P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Underline the past sim ple negatives in the following.
I joined th is com pany five years ago. It was a d iffic u lt tim e. The com pany was not in a
very good state. We d id n ’t have a cle a r m anagem ent stru ctu re . Our local m a rkets were
not very good. Our m a rke tin g d id n ’t include A m erica or the Pacific regions. We d id n't
have any cle a r m a rketing strategy. Now, thing s are very different.
Exercise 2
Read the text below. Change the past sim ple positives to negative. Then make the negatives
New products were cheap to develop. We spent a lot of m oney on research. Our m arket
share increased in the early 2000s. The com pany made m any good products.
Chemco d id n ’t buy the company. There w a sn ’t a big change in the organisation.
The new m anagem ent d id n ’t w ant to change everything. Most of the old m anagem ent
d id n ’t leave. Things did n ’t improve. Now, we are very o ptim istic.
Exercise 3
Look at the delivery schedule for an order with Interfood nv, a Dutch frozen foods company.
Unfortunately the order went wrong: on January 15, Interfood did not prepare the order.
Complete the sentences below. Write what did not happen.
3. On January 17 th e y_______________________
6. So E spofrigo_______________________
List things that you did not do ... yesterday/the day before yesterday/last Saturday/last week/last
m onth/three years ago/in 2005/when you were young.
UNIT The Past Simple Question
A Sample sentences
• Did you see that promotion for the new product?
• W here did you buy your new computer?
• Why did you leave the company?
B Form
The past sim ple question has two parts:
did + infinitive
We put the subject between part 1 and part 2:
did I present?
did you m ake?
did h e/sh e/it solve?
did the co m p u te r (= it) analyse?
did the co nsu ltan t (= he/she) reach?
did we com pete?
did you look?
did they visit?
did the sp ecialists (= they) fix?
did the m achines (= they) prepare?
C Uses
We use the past sim ple question to ask about an activity at a definite tim e in the past:
When did you arrive in England?
Did you m eet the managing director when she was in New York?
How long did you w ork for the company?
W hat did you say to her?
26 | P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Match the question on the le ft with the appropriate answ er on the right.
1. When did you arrive here? a. Yes, it was very com fortable.
2. How long did the jo u rne y take? b. No, unfo rtu na tely I did n ’t.
Exercise 2
B ill Klemens went to Malaysia on a business trip. He is discussing the trip with a colleague,
Joelle Kee. Complete the spaces in the dialogue.
Exercise 3
A manager returns from a trip and asks her assistant about yesterday. Write questions for the items
below. Use the words in brackets.
1. x 1, k 4.
M r Fish phoning
about order.
7 1N
(the m aintenance eng in e er/ (M r Fish/phone?)
re p air/th e copier?)
URGENT - Caracas Report
John: please read im m ediately.
Write to Kongo Club. Larish Ltd to collect order.
Pay on collection.
(you/w rite/to the Kongo Club?) (Larish L td /co lle ct th e ir order?) (they/pay?)
Prepare six questions to ask a colleague. Use the past sim ple tense.
UNIT The Past Continuous
See also
u Units 1,2
Unit 20
The present tenses and the past tenses
B Form
The past continuous positive and question have two main parts:
the past tense of to be + infinitive .. .ing
..to . .... Subject infinitive.. Jng
l/he/she/it was making was l/he/she/it making?
you/we/they were presenting were you/we/they presenting?
the company (= it) was preparing was the company (= it) preparing?
the manager (= he/she) was reading was the manager (= he/she) reading?
the departments (= they) were doing were the departments (= they) doing?
the workers (= they) were discussing were the workers (= they) discussing?
gative form
C Uses
We use the past continuous as a tim e fra m e fo r a n o th e r activity:
------------------------------ x -----------------------------.
this time last week
28 P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Read the extract from a D irecto r’s speech at the Annual General Meeting o f Pace PLC.
Underline all form s o f the past continuous. Label them positive IP), negative (N), o r question [Q).
‘W hat was happening a few years ago? Well, the com pany w a sn ’t doing very w ell.
During the 1990s we w ere com peting w ith many suppliers. We had a s m a ll turnover.
Then everyone was thin kin g about m ergers and takeovers. In the early 2000s we were
operating in a very d iffe re n t m arket. There w ere only fo u r large com panies. A ll fo u r
were m aking big profits. We were a ll doing w ell.
Exercise 2
A Safety Officer is talking to a technician about a fire at a factory Complete the dialogue. Use the
words in brackets.
Exercise 3
Look at the table below which describes Sally K lin e ’s day Write where she was and what she
was doing.
place action
At 10.30 Sally was at the
1. 10.30 a irp o rt check in
airport. She was checking in.
Make sentences about yo urself o r a company o r institution you know. Begin with phrases like
This time Last y e a r ... and In the s u m m e r__ Use the past continuous where possible.
UNIT The Present Perfect Simple
A Sample sentences
M artina: How long have you w orked here?
Andrea: I have been here for five years now and Erica has been here since 2001.
B Form
The present perfect sim ple positive and question have two parts:
has/have + the past participle
Negative form
------ -——~—
Subject has/have not past participle
l/you/w e/they have not prepared
h e /sh e /it has not helped
th e d ire c to r (= he/she) has not arrived
th e em ployees (= they) have not discussed
C Uses
We see the present perfect sim ple as a tense w hich lin ks the past and the present.
So we use the present perfect sim p le to ta lk about:
2 . an activity w hich happened at a tim e in the past - but we don’t know exactly when -
w ith a result in the present:
I have visited the US several tim es. (Present result, I know many places.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Make sentences from the words betow. See the exampte.
M r Flaherty has studied economics.
Exercise 2
Look at the graph betow. It shows the p ro fit perform ance fo r fo u r products. Write how long each
product has been profitable. Use the verbs in the box.
profit P ro du ct A
Exercise 3
Answ er the following questions. Give long and sh ort answers.
3. Has your com pany/school/university made any lin ks w ith foreign companies?
Ask a friend questions about travel/w ork/studies/etc. like the ones above. Write down the answers.
H e /s h e ...
UNIT The Present Perfect Continuous
See also
Unit 15 The present perfect simple
Unit 17 The present perfect with for, since, ever and never
Unit 18 The past simple vs. the present perfect simple
A Sample sentences
• Production has been declining since 2000.
• The company has been working on this project for several years.
• Profits are falling; so we have been looking at ways of cutting costs.
B Form
The present perfect continuous positive and question have three parts:
has/have + been + infinitive .. .ing (has/have been is the present perfect of to be)
H m m u m
l/you/w e/they have been living have l/you/w e/they been producing?
h e /sh e /it has been w o rkin g has h e/sh e/it been studying?
Negative form
Subject has/have not been Infinitive .. .ing
l/you/w e/they have not been doing
h e /sh e /it has not been helping
C Uses
We use the present perfect continuous to ta lk about:
2. an activity w hich happened at a tim e in the past - but we don’t know exactly when
it happened:
The company has been doing extra tests on the systems.
In many cases, the m eaning of the two present perfect tenses is the same.
He has w orked for the airline for 25 years = He has been working for the airline for 25 years.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Match the phrase on the le ft to a phrase on the rig h t to make six sentences.
Exercise 2
Write one sentence fo r each o f the five projects mentioned in the notes below. The firs t one has
been done fo r you.
Exercise 3
Comptete the following le tte r from an Executive of Euro TV, a Paris-based television channel.
He is w riting to a colleague in Japan.
Dear Hisashi,
Thank you for your letter. EuroTV________(develop) links with companies in
other countries. In particular w e__________ (discuss) programme making with
networks in Belgium and Germany. We_________ (talk to) small, private
companies. So far we have not tried to set up links with companies outside Europe.
Many American TV stations_________ (examine) ways to work in Europe.
Write sentences about four things that you started in the past and which are s till continuing.
UNIT The Present Perfect with For, Since,
Ever and Never
17 See also
Unit 15 The present perfect simple
Unit 16 The present perfect continuous
Unit 18 The past simple vs. the present perfect simple
Business File 6 Irregular verb table
We use the present perfect sim ple and the present perfect continuous w ith for and since:
I have w orked for ABC for many years. I have w orked for ABC since 1990.
I have been working for ABC for six years. I have been working fo r ABC since 1st January.
We use the present perfect sim ple w ith ever and never:
Have you ever visited the trade fa ir in Hannover? No, I have never been there.
1. W ith the present perfect both for and since show the duration of an activity. In both cases it
started in the past and continues to the present:
past present
5 years
We have been working on this technology for five years, (period of tim e w ith for)
We have been working on this technology since 2005. (point of tim e w ith since)
2. We use ever in present perfect questions to mean ‘at any tim e up to now ’ :
Have you ever m et the president?
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Match the questions on the Left with appropriate answers on the right.
1. How long has she w orked Yes, we made heavy losses in the 1970s.
fo r S m ith C allm an Ltd?
2. How long have you Yes, but I've never visited the USA.
known P eter Lomax?
3. Have you ever lived c. She's been w ith the com pany since 1994.
in a d iffe re n t country?
Exercise 2
A shampoo, Shine Plus, is not selling well. The Product Manager is talking to a marketing
consultant. F ill the spaces. Use words from the box.
for since [21 ever never long have [21 has [21 been
Exercise 3
Kate and M att m eet in an a irp ort departure lounge. They are waiting for the ir flights. Complete the
dialogue below. Use for, since, ever, never.
Ask someone six questions with ever or how Long. Get answers with never, for and since.
UNIT The Past Simple vs. The Present Perfect Simple
I See also
Units 11, 12, 13, 14 The past
Units 15,16, 17 The present perfect
Business File 4- British English vs. American English
Business File 6 Irregular verb table
A Sample sentences
I don’t think we have met.
My name is D ieter S tallkam p. I've only recently arrived from Stuttgart.
So, when did you join the company?
I started at the beginning of the year.
B Form
When we ta lk about or ask about an activity at a definite tim e in the past, we use:
+ -
past tense didn't + infinitive did + subject + infinitive
past simple positive past simple negative past simple question
When we ta lk about o r ask about an activity in the past w ith a lin k to the present, we use:
+ - ?
have/has + past participle haven’t/h as n ’t + past participle have/has + subject + past participle
present perfect present perfect present perfect
simple positive simple negative simple question
C Uses
Look at th is m in i-dialo g ue in the past sim ple:
A: So when did you start the company?
B: W ell, we opened the first sales office five years ago. At first, demand for our products
was slow. Then we placed an advertisem ent in Eurow eekly.
A: And did that help?
B: Yes we started to receive enquiries from w holesalers. They didn’t w ant to buy from
larg e r companies because th e ir deliveries w ere very slow.So, they came to us.
36 | P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Look at the sentences betow. Underline examples of the sim ple past and(^frcle)examples o f the
present perfect.
1. The com pany has sold its London offices.
2. The Managing D irecto r resigned three years ago.
3. I have not read the new spaper today.
U. A rival m a n u fa ctu re r has bought the company.
5. The to p -s e llin g product made over £3m last year
6. Many shareholders have sold th e ir shares.
7. M arket analysts have estim ated com pany tu rn o ve r at over £40m.
8. Axam Ltd did not im prove its sales.
Exercise 2
The graphs below show the turnover, R&D costs and share value for Lander Ltd. Complete the text
with the correct form o f the words in brackets.
This shows the turnover fo r Lander. It _ This shows that the value o f Lander shares
Ideclinel between 2004 and 2006 but it _____ _ Iincrease1 between 2004 and 2005.
[risej since 2006. The com pany______ [spendl I t _______ [m aintain] the same level since 2005.
more on R&D. Com petitors’ share values_______ Iincrease}.
The in cre ase _______ (not/be) very large.
Exercise 3
Complete the em ail below with the correct form o f verbs in the box.
Date: ' 20 May 2 0 ... 1
To: | [email protected]
From: | [email protected] 1
Seta plant closure 1
Dear Mike
We to close down the Beta plant for three weeks. On Tuesday maintenance
_____ problems w ith the machines. I __________ the inspectors' report.
________a detailed study. A few weeks ago w e __________ the pump. It is
Yesterday w e ________
possible that the pump ______ again. W e__________ production to our other plant.
Fortunately, w e ______ much production. I w ill telephone you next week w ith more
Best regards
Write a few sentences describing your recent activities. Use the past simple and the present perfect.
UNIT The Past Perfect
See also
Units 11-13 The past simple
Business File 6 Irregular verb table
A Sample sentences
• He had w orked as a m arketing assistant for many years. Then he changed jobs.
• Had you used this technology before you came here?
• The club had not made a profit during the five years before the m erg er took place.
B Form
The past perfect positive and question have two main parts:
had + past participle
Negative form
had not past participle
l/h e /s h e /it had not made
you/w e/they had not presented
the com pany (= it) had not prepared
the m anager (= he/she) had not read
the w o rk e rs (= they) had not discussed
C Uses
We use the past perfect to ta lk about an activity at a tim e before the past:
-J___________ I___________ u
be head o f com pany sale o f com pany
A fter he had been head of the company for three and a half years, he sold it.
past perfect past present
!< r— ------------
We can often use the past sim ple instead of the past perfect:
I called him a fte r I had arrived in the office = I called him a fte r I arrived in the office,
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Underline examples o f the past perfect in the sentences below.
4. Mrs Maw had not finished opening her post when John cam e in.
5. The w o rk had not been com pleted before the Vice President arrived.
Exercise 2
Use the words below to make sentences. Include a past perfect tense contrasted with a simple
past tense. Use positive (+), negative (-) and question form s (?].
1. The com pany/test/new produ cts/be fore/la u nch /on the m a rke t
The company had tested the new products before it launched them on the m arket. (+)
The company hadn't tested the new products before it launched them on the m arket. (-)
Had the company tested the new products before it launched them on the m arket? (?)
Exercise 3
Fred has problem s with a photocopier. Complete the dialogue.
Tom: What happened?
Fred: Before the machine broke down, I ________ Imadel 100 copies.
Tom: Then what?
Fred: When I _____________________ (done) 100, the paper jam m ed.
Tom: What did you do?
Fred: When I __________(clearj the paper, I pressed the s ta rt button.
Tom: Then?
Fred: I thought I /solveI the problem. But I __________________ (not/notice] another problem.
Write sentences contrasting events affecting your work o r studies.
When I arrived in Tanzania I had already learnt Swahili.
UNIT The Present Tenses and The Past Tenses
A Sample sentences
John: W here do you come from , Diane?
Sonia: I was born in Scotland, but I live in Finland now.
John: That’s interesting. My brother has lived in Finland for five years.
How long have you lived there?
Sonia: I moved there three years ago.
John: And do you like it?
Sonia: Yes. But unfortunately, I don’t live in the capital. I commute to the office every day.
It takes about an hour. So, we are looking for a flat near the centre. Have you
ever been to Finland?
John: Yes, many tim es. In fact I prepared a big construction project there two years ago.
But w hile I was working on it, the client w ent bankrupt. Fortunately, we had not
invested too much money.
B Form
R em em ber these d iffe re n t fo rm s fo r the present tenses and the past tenses:
Present fo rm s of to be = am /is/are
Past fo rm s of to be = w as/w ere
Present perfect form s of to be = have been/has been
C Uses
Look at the differences in m eanings between the follow ing sentences:
I usually w ork w ith clients in the catering industry, but at present I am w orking w ith a
music company.
[present sim ple vs. present continuous)
How long have you lived in Jerusalem , Joel? I moved here three years ago.
(present perfect vs. past sim ple)
40 ! P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Look at the following extract from a newspaper report. Label the tenses as follows:
present sim ple iPresSj, present continuous [PresCl, past sim ple (PastSl, past continuous (PastCl,
present perfect sim ple IPPS], present perfect continuous IPPCJ, past perfect [PastPl.
Exercise 2
Use the prom pts below to make a dialogue.
1. P eter/w here/w ork?
Peter, w h e re __________ ? I __________ Frobo Ltd.
2. how long/there?
How lo n g __________ ? I __________ two years.
3. w here/before/Frobo?
W here__________ before Frobo? Allen Brothers.
A. why/change?
Why__________ ? Because the m a rk e ts __________ falling and the
com pany__________ going bankrupt.
5. why/choose/Frobo?
Why__________ Frobo? I __________ [w ork] there before I joined Allen Bros.
Exercise 3
Maria is showing a visitor round h er distribution company, Largo S.p.A. Make sentences using the
prom pts below.
1. M a ria :_______________________________ 4. M a ria :________________________________
(from January u n til June last ye a r/b u ild / (in D ecem ber/buy/new lorries)
new office block)
Prepare some questions to ask a friend about h is/her work o r studies. Together, discuss what you
have both done and are doing now.
UNIT The Future with W ill and Shall
See also
Unit 22 The future with going to vs. present continuous
Unit 23 The future with w ill vs. going to vs. present continuous
B Form
The fu tu re w ith w ill has two parts:
the m odal w ill + infinitive
We often use the sh ort fo rm s in spoken language; we som etim es use the m in in fo rm a l w ritte n
I'U check the figures this afternoon.
Sales w on't recover before next year.
C Uses
1. We use the fu tu re w ith w ill to ta lk about futu re facts:
Prices w ill rise by 3.3% next month, [not: will to rise}
When w ill the product be available in stores?
The company said it w on't perform tests on animals.
42 I P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 2
Below is p a rt o f a presentation by Tom Kip, from LM F Ltd, a food manufacturer. Tom is describing
the day’s program m e to a group o f visitors from France. Put the sentences in the correct order.
Underline any uses o f w ill o r sh all. The firs t has been m arked 11) fo r you.
a. We’ll have lunch in a local re stau ra n t at about 1 o'clock.
b. We’ll finish at about U o’clock.
c. A fte r th is introduction, w e ’ll have a sh ort to u r of the plant.
d. So, s h a ll we begin the tou r?
e. Then before coffee w e ’ll show you a film about o u r d istrib u tio n system.
f. We’ll have coffee at 11, then w e ’ll have a m eeting w ith Ken Levins, o u r Product Manager.
g. Right, now I’ll explain the program m e fo r the day. (1)
h. A fte r lunch w e ’ll discuss fu tu re plans.
Exercise 3
Complete the exchanges below. Use a form o f w ill o r shall in yo ur answer.
A nsw er the following questions about yo ur work. Use a form o f w ill o r shall.
W hat do you plan to do tom orro w ? W hat about getting a big pay rise next year?
Where are you going on Saturday? W hat’ll you ta lk about tom orro w ?
Who w o n ’t you see this evening? If the com pany has problem s, w ill you lose your job?
UNIT The Future with Going To vs.
Present Continuous
22 See also
Unit 21 The future with will and shall
Unit 23The future with will vs. going to vs. present continuous
A Sample sentences
• When are you going to give us a decision?
• We are going to discuss m arketing strategy.
• I am leaving for Europe at the end of the w eek.
• We are not selling as much to Asia.
B Form
The fu tu re w ith going to has three parts in the positive and question:
to be + going to + infinitive
Negative form
Sub f j j ; e not g to
I am not going to
you/w e/they are not going to come
h e /sh e /it is not going to
For the fo rm s of the present continuous (positive, negative and question), see Units 3-5.
C Uses
1. We use the fu tu re w ith going to to ta lk about intentions:
I am going to do $2000 in sales today. (It is my intention.)
The company is going to build 1000 cars a year. (It is o u r com pany’s intention.)
2. We use the fu tu re w ith the present continuous to ta lk about personal fixed plans or schedules:
Next month we are launching a new online service. (It is o u r fixed plan.)
When are you flying to Jakobsberg? (When have you fixed to fly there?)
It is im p o rta n t to specify a fu tu re tim e, when you use the present continuous w ith a
fu tu re meaning.
When are you flying to Jakobsberg?
I'm flying there tom orrow m orning.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Read the text below. Underline once any uses o f going to + infinitive Iintention1 and
underline twice any examples o f the present continuous tense Ifixed plans].
A: We’re setting up a new d istrib u tio n netw ork in Asia. We’re not using our
own staff. We’re going to use local agents. We’re going to re c ru it top
quality experts. We’re exam ining som e possible applicants next week.
We’re going to run psychom etric tests as p art of the re c ru itm e n t
procedure. I’m m eeting colleagues la te r today to fin alise plans.
Exercise 2
A custom er is telephoning a mobile phone rental company. Complete the conversation.
C aller: Well, we re having lhavel a conference in three months. I need some phones.
PhoneCo: Fine. How many p eo p le_________Icomel?
Caller: Well, __________ Isend out150 invitations this week.
PhoneCo: That's fine__________(hire) phones fo r everyone?
Caller: No, ju s t about half', I think.
PhoneCo: A n d __________I need I anything else, faxes or modems?
C aller: N o ,______________Inot/plan] anything complicated.
Exercise 3
Look at the project plan fo ra jo in t venture between two companies, KJE Ltd and Weisskopf
GmbH. Complete the memo below. Use the correct form o f the words in the box. Put them into the
present continuous or the going to form.
To: HJ From: KP
Re: KJE/W eisskopf Joint Venture
As you know, w e __________ a new engine w ith W eisskopf GmbH. W e _______
D epartm ent m eeting next week and I __________ to Brem en on the 16th. We
contract th e n ___________ to the m eeting?
T h at’s all. Good luck.
Write sentences on [al your intentions, and Ibj yo ur fixed plans.
UNIT The Future with Will vs. Going To vs.
Present Continuous
See also
Unit 21 The future with will and shall
Unit 22 The future with going to vs. present continuous
A Sample sentences
A: W hen are you going to launch the new product?
B: It won’t be ready before June.
A: W hen are you going to fix the price?
B: For the rest of this year we are offering them at a special price. This w ill increase demand.
A: Are you going to appoint a m arketing director?
B: Yes, we are interview ing the candidates in two weeks.
B Form
2. You need the verb to be before going to and the present continuous form s.
For m ore in form ation on the form s, see Units 21 and 22.
C Uses
Look at the differences in m eanings between the follow ing pairs of sentences:
W hat are you going to do tom orrow? (What do you intend to do?)
(future w ith going to)
W hat are you doing tom orrow? (What are your fixed plans?)
(future w ith present continuous)
We are going to launch a new cable channel at the end of this year. (We intend to la u n c h ...)
(future w ith going to)
The official launch w ill take place in New York on Friday. (The launch date is a fact.)
(future w ith will)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Read the dialogue below. N um ber the future form s 1-6. Then write the num bers in the box.
tiorts/going to Facts/s
Exercise 2
4 jo u rn a lis t is interviewing a director o f a paints m anufacturer, Byant Ltd. The company is in
trouble because last week chemicals polluted a local river. Complete the dialogue with appropriate
future form s o f the words in brackets.
Exercise 3
Complete the email below. Use the verbs in the box in appropriate future forms.
From: | [email protected]
Dear Ricardo,
Representatives of Harkes Ltd next week. They the plant and then we
a meeting at 2 o'clock. We_________ our plans for the next five years.They know
__ our Sales Division to Brussels. They don't know that this__________ in
December this year. I them before the meeting.
Best Regards
Jean Claude Isias (Papin S.A.)
(1)4577 3371
Discuss future plans, intentions and events with a colleague. Ask h im /h e r questions.
UNIT Conditional I
A Sam ple sentences
See also
Unit 25 Conditional fl
B Form
A cond itio n al sentence has two parts:
the if clause + the m ain clause
In cond itio n al I sentences, we use:
C Uses
A co nditional I sentence shows a real possibility:
If Ahmed leaves now, he will be back in Glenvale before lunch.
(We d o n 't know if Ahm ed w ill leave now; but if he leaves now, there is a real possibility tha t he
w ill be in Glenvale before lunch.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Label the main clauses IMCI and underline them with a continuous line I_____I Label the if
clauses 11Cl and underline them with a dotted line (........1. The firs t one has been done for you.
5. We can take our tim e, unless Chemco m akes a sudden o ffe r fo r Axam.
Exercise 2
Make conditional sentences based on these prompts.
Moda PLC is a fashion clothes manufacturer. Here is an email on plans for next year. Complete the
spaces with appropriate clauses from the box.
unless the economy recovers our products w on't sell we w ill do better
we w ill produce If we have
Date: | 29/03/11
To: I [email protected]
From: [ [email protected]
Subject: | Next season's forecast_________
Dear Jay,
Make four conditional sentences about your work o r yo ur studies. Use if and unless.
UNIT Conditional II
See also
Unit 24 Conditional I
A Sample sentences
• If ITCorp accepted our offer, both companies would benefit.
• The results would improve, if we spent more time on planning.
• What would you do if you lost your job?
• Unless you left now, you would not arrive in time.
B Form
A cond itio n al sentence has two parts:
the if clause + the m ain clause
In cond itio n al II sentences, we use:
If we sent the mailshot this week, it would arrive next week. (= cond itio n al II)
If we didn't send the mailshot this week it wouldn't arrive in time. (= cond itio n al II negative;
here we ca n't use unless)
C Uses
A cond itio n al II sentence shows a rem ote possibility:
If Ahmed left now, he would be back in Glenvale before lunch. (We don’t know A hm ed’s plans, but
there is only a remote [sm all] possibility th a t he w ill leave now.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Underline three conditional II sentences in the extract o f a report below. Label the if clauses [1C]
and the main clauses [MC] in the three conditional II sentences.
I f we sell Mago in Asia i t will help to establish our brand name. But i f we se t up our own
d istribu tio n network it would cost too much. Unless we spent millions, we wouldn't make any
money. I f we use local people i t will be much cheaper. I f Mago does well in Asia, then we'll
Exercise 2
Make conditional II sentences with these prompts.
5. M ary/be/happy//Fred/resign
6. w e /in crea se /th e R&D budget to $50 0 m //w e/b e /th e m a rke t leader
Exercise 3
Two colleagues are on a business trip. They are discussing travelling for work. Complete each
sentence by adding a clause from the box.
Think o f some remote possibility events in yo u r work o r personal life. Write five conditional II
UNIT Tense Review 1
See also
Units 1 to 25 All tense forms
I am going to finish the
project next month,
i am leaving Germany at
the end of the year.
But I will be back.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Match the question on the le ft to the correct answ er on the right. Then p ut brackets round the part
o f any answ er that could be le ft out in a sh ort answer. The firs t one has been done fo r you.
6. How long have you been doing that? / f. I’m preparing a cu sto m e r survey.
7. What are you doing th is evening? \ -g - (I live) near Liverpool.
8. What are you going to do next sum m er? h. I’ve been doing it fo r about two weeks.
9. If you had a com pletely free choice, i. I’m m eeting a friend in a bar.
w here w ould you w ork?
j- I began in January this year.
10. If you learn English perfectly,
how w ill it help you most?
Exercise 2
Imagine you are interviewing someone fo ra job. You have to complete the following personal
details form. What questions would you ask? Begin with the given word on the right.
Write a paragraph about yo urself with s im ila r inform ation to the personal details above. Include
answers to the following questions.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Read the following dialogue between a jo u rn a list and Sydney J. Clement, Vice-President ofA xoil
Inc, an American oil company Write the sentence num bers in the correct box below.
. . . Question
p re s e n t
__ _____________ _..
fu tu re
Exercise 2
Use the inform ation below to complete sentences about Ardanza Pascual, a Spanish foods
manufacturer. Use the given prompts.
Write one o r two paragraphs about the history and the present and future activities o f a company
you know well.
UNIT Infinitive + To
See also
Unit 30 Infinitive + to or verb ...ing
A Sample sentences
• I would like to have a career in hotel m anagem ent.
• The company agreed to lease the building for 20 years.
• It is im portant to listen to employees.
B Form
The infinitive + to is a form of the verb. It is two words:
to + infinitive, e.g. to help, to produce, to negotiate, etc.
C Uses
We use th is infinitive fo rm :
— a fte r som e verbs
— a fte r som e adjectives.
1. W ith verbs:
They w ant to reduce costs.
The firm plans to spend £600 m illion on a new processing plant.
We hope to advance in the m arket by providing a b e tte r service than our rivals.
We usually lin k two verbs in th is way, but see also Unit 29.
We use an infinitive + to a fte r these verbs:
We often lin k an adjective and a verb in th is way, but see also Unit 29.
We use an infinitive + to a fte r these adjectives:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Underline the infinitives + to in the following extract from a letter.
coming. T ell him, o f course, we'd like to m eet him a n o th e r tim e...
Exercise 2
Match the phrases on the le ft with a suitable infinitive + to on the right.
Exercise 3
Here is p a rt o f a speech to the Annual General Meeting o f the B ram w ell Group, by the Chairman,
William Foss. He is leaving the company a fte r 20 years. F ill the spaces with the infinitive + to. Use
the verbs in the box.
What do you think? Complete the following with an infinitive + to.
UNIT V erb...ing
See also
Unit 30 Infinitive + to o r verb .. .ing
A Sample sentences
• The company will start producing the screens next year.
• Please stop sending me unwanted emails.
• 60% of employees say they are interested in receiving more information and training.
• The firm interviews several candidates before making a decision.
B Form
Verb .. .ing is a form of the verb w ith one part:
infinitive + ing, e.g. living, working, helping, producing, etc.
C Uses
We use the verb .. .ing form :
— a fte r som e verbs
— a fte r prepositions.
1. W ith verbs:
They enjoyed working with each other.
The company announced that it will stop selling the drug next year.
He suggests advertising in a local newspaper.
We so m e tim e s lin k two verbs in th is way, but see also Unit 28.
We usually use a verb .. .ing a fte r these verbs:
2. A fte r prepositions:
He is interested in negotiating a deal, [not: in negotiate)
I look forward to meeting you. [not: to m eet, because to here is a preposition)
Before hiring any specialist, a check on background and experience is necessary.
[not: before to produce)
We always use verb .. .ing a fte r a preposition.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
In the emait betow , underline fou r examples o f the verb ... ing used a fte r a verb o r a preposition.
Date: 112.1.2010_________________________
To: | [email protected]
From: I [email protected]
Subject: Shello sales campaign
Dear George
We are planning a meeting next week. We are interested in hearing colleagues' views on the sales campaign
for the Shello range. Before attending the meeting, please read the interim report, Shello Advertising SA/JD
3421JD. I suggest inviting the marketing group to attend the meeting, but we should avoid having long
discussions about individual markets.
Sophie Allen
Exercise 2
Look at these sentences from five different tetters. Complete the spaces with appropriate verb
. . . ing forms.
Exercise 3
Ben Massey is asking fo r advice from a colleague. Complete the spaces with the verb ... ing form.
Choose from the verbs in the box.
Write sentences about yo urself o r yo ur work with verb . ..ing form s a fte r the following words:
interested in, before, after, regret, suggest, avoid, stop.
UNIT Infinitive + To or Verb .. .ing
30 See also
Unit 28
Unit 29
Infinitive + to
V e rb ...ing
A Sample sentences
• Do you like working at the hotel?
• Do you like to w o rk on new projects?
• We w ill continue to introduce new products.
• We w ill continue introducing new products.
B Form
A fte r som e verbs we can use:
Verb .. .ing o r infinitive + to e.g.: I have started writing my report.
I have started to w rite m y report.
C Uses
S om etim es the m eaning is the sam e; so m e tim e s it is different.
2. A d iffe re n t m eaning
We can use both fo rm s a fte r these verbs, but w ith a d iffe re n t meaning:
We would like to launch our new range in the autum n, [not: we would like launchi
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences below. In two cases, both are possible.
Exercise 2
Read the sentences given here. Then choose which meaning is the correct one.
Exercise 3
H arry Cox is a purchaser fo ra B ritish manufacturer. Here is p a rt o f an em ail he wrote to a friend
while sitting in a bar near the Colosseum in Rome. Complete the spaces with the correct form o f a
verb from the box.
@ 0@
— ............... ■ .......... ............ ........................- .........................— .......................... *
' O [X
Make sentences about a colleague or about yo urself using the following verbs:
start, Love, intend, hate, try, remember.
See also
Units 7,8 Present simple negative and question
Unit 10 Positive and negative imperatives
Units 12,13 Past simple negative and question
Unit 46 Make vs. do
Unit 52 Negative statements
A Sample sentences
A: Does M r Zim m erm an w ork for your company?
B: No, M r Zim m erm an doesn't w ork here any longer.
A: W hy did he leave?
B: He didn’t fit into our corporate culture.
B Form
The a uxilia ry do has two m ain tenses:
the present and the past. (See also Unit 46 fo r the fu ll verb do.)
We use the auxilia ry to form questions and negatives in the present sim ple and past sim ple:
W here do you work?
W hen did you join the company?
He doesn't w o rk here.
He didn't like the atm osphere.
The fo rm s of the auxiliary do are:
Past simple
uestion form ive form
C Uses
We use the auxilia ry do in:
1 - present sim ple questions:
W here do you live?
2. present sim ple negatives:
The company doesn't announce products until they're actually at the dealers.
3. past sim ple questions:
W hen did you join the fam ily business?
4. past sim ple negatives:
We didn't get financial help.
5. negative im peratives:
Please don't mention this to Fred.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Choose the correct alternative in the sentences below.
Exercise 2
1. Make the following sentences negative.
a. He likes his job.
b. We s e ll co m p u te r softw are.
c. He w o rks fo r RYG.
Exercise 3
Write appropriate questions and answers for the prom pts below.
N o ___________a Yes,
Ask a friend three questions using do or did. Write four sentences about yourself using don't or
didn't. Tell a friend not to do something.
UNIT W ill and Would
See also
Unit 21 The future with will and shall
Unit 23 The future with will vs. going to vs. present continuous
Units 24, 25 Conditionals I and II
A Sample sentences
A: Would you help me, please?
B: Yes, certainly.
A: W ill you fill in this form and return it to us as soon as possible?
B: Of course.
B Form
W ill and would are m odal verbs.
Would is the past tense form of w ill.
A fte r w ill and would, we use the infinitive w ith o u t to:
We w ill send the goods im m ediately, [not: we w ill to send)
Would you sit down, please, {not: would you to sit down)
The negative sh o rt fo rm s are: won’t (= w ill not) and wouldn’t (= would not)
The o rder w on’t be ready before Friday.
C Uses
We use w ill and would:
2. to express conditions:
If the plan wins approval, we w ill begin building next year.
If high unem ployment occurred, wages would fall. (See Units 24-25 on the conditionals.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Read the following sentences. Say if they are examples o f the future IF], conditions [C], offers or
willingness 10] o r requests IR].
Exercise 2
Complete the following negotiation between a buyer and a supplier. Use appropriate positive or
negative form s o f w ill or would. Use short forms, where possible.
Exercise 3
A custom er phones the A fte r Sales Departm ent ofAXK Ltd with a problem. Choose the correct line
from the box to complete the dialogue.
a. I'm not sure if tha t w ill be possible. W ill you hold on please?
b. Okay. We’ll so rt it out.
c. Right, I’ll ask an e ngineer to visit you.
d. Okay. If you use the em ergency sw itch on the back, the lig h t w ill come on.
e. Hello again. Som eone’ll be there at 2 p.m. tom orrow .
f. W ill you give me your address, please?
Write sentences which include a form of w ill o r w o u ld and which are:
an offer to help, a request, a conditional, a reference to the future.
UNIT May and Might
See also
Unit 34 Can and could
Unit 36 Mustn’t, needn’t, don't have to and haven't got to
B Form
May and might are m odal verbs.
Might is the past tense form of may.
A fte r may and might, we use the infinitive w ith o u t to:
We may send the goods im m ediately, [not: we may to send)
When might you be in Paris? [not: m ight you to be)
C Uses
We use may and might to ta lk about:
May/might I ask a question? You may smoke here. You may not smoke here.
Yes, of course you may.
(See also can’t in Unit 34 and mustn't in Unit 36.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Correct any mistakes in the following dialogue.
Exercise 2
Read the sentences below. Write may (not), m ight (not) o r m ay/m ight (not) on the right,
depending on the meaning o f each sentence.
Exercise 3
A nsw er the following questions with the prom pts below. The firs t is done fo r you.
1. How w ill you go to New York? 3. When are you going to finish the research?
I’ll probably fly, but I m ig h t go by tra in . I’ll probably fin ish it by Friday but
i t __________ ready by Thursday.
Write sentences about probability that affect you,
Example: I m ig h t go to London n e xt year.
I 67
UNIT Can and Could
See also
Unit 33 May and might
3 4 Unit 36Mustn't, needn't, don’t have to and haven't got to
A Sample sentences
A: Can I help you?
B: My name is Nancy Farm er. Could I speak to M r Kumar, please.
A: I'm sorry, but he’s not available at the m oment. Can he call you tom orrow?
B: No, he can’t reach me tom orrow , but he could call me on Friday.
B Form
Can and could are m odal verbs.
Could is the past tense form of can.
A fte r can and could, we use the infinitive w ith o u t to:
We can send the goods im m ediately, [not: we can to send)
Could you repeat your name, please? [not: could you to repeat)
C Uses
We use can and could:
4. in requests fo r action:
A: Can/could you give the name and phone num ber of your sales m anager, please?
B: Of course. It's Fintan Mullane, and his num ber is 0576 345980.
In C1, could is a w eaker ability than can; in C2, can is a stro n g e r possibility than could.
Norm ally, we don’t use could fo r present perm ission.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Use phrases with can, can't, could and couldn't to replace the underlined words.
Exercise 2
Look at the pictures below. Choose the sentence from a -c which matches each picture.
1. a. We can’t have a pay rise. 3. a. We can see a big increase in sales here.
b. We could have a pay rise. b. C ouldn’t we increase o u r advertising a little ?
c. We can d efinitely have a pay rise. c. I can’t see any im provem ent here.
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences below using can, can't, could and couldn't.
1. help you?’ ‘Yes, I need som e advice.’
2. come in?’ 'Of co urse.’
3. Sorry; ------ _____ u nd e rstan d .’
U. The plane _________ take off. ‘It was too foggy.’
5. My c a r has broken down. I __________ be very la te .’
Make sentences which express ability/inability, possibility/im possibility, perm ission/prohibition,
and requests for action. Use form s o f can and could.
UNIT Must, Have To and Have Got To
See also
Unit 36 Mustn't, needn’t, don’t have to and haven’t got to
Unit 37 Should and ought to
A Sample sentences
We must receive your comments on or before May 4th.
In many European countries, men have to com plete a period of m ilitary service; they’ve got
to do at least a year.
Last year China had to increase wheat imports because of a sharp drop in domestic production.
B Form
Must is a m odal verb; a fte r must we use the infinitive w ith o u t to:
We must raise extra capital. (not: we m ust to raise)
Have to is a present tense fo rm ; have got to is a present perfect tense form .
Had to is the past tense form of have to; we also use it as the past tense of must and have got to:
Last y ea r a ll drivers first had to report to reception; now we have (got) to d eliver the goods
straight to the w arehouse.
We use must a fte r a ll subjects; it does not change. There is no sh o rt form of must.
Here are the fo rm s of have (got) to:
Positive Question
Subject Verb Verb Subject Verb
i/you/we they have (got) to do l/you/we/they have to?
he/she/it has (got) to does he/she/it have to?
the company has (got) to does the company have to?
the directors have (got) to do the directors have to?
Positive Question
Subject Ver b Verb H I ect Verb
l/you/we they had to did l/you/we/they have to?
he/she/it had to did he/she/it have to?
the company had to did the company have to?
the directors had to did the directors have to?
The question fo rm s of have got to are: have l/you/w e/they got to . . has h e /sh e /it got to.
There is no sh o rt form of have to.
The s h o rt fo rm s of have got to are: I've/you ve /w e've/they've got to, h e's/she’s /it's got to.
C Uses
We use must and have (got) to:
1. to ta lk about obligations - w hat you m ust do:
A: We must do something. The situation is critical.
B: I know. There has to be a sim ple solution.
A: W hat did we do last time?
B: We had to go to the bank and explain the situation.
A: And then we had to pay back the money?
B: Then w e ’ve got to do the same now.
A: And how soon did we have to repay the loan?
B: We had to repay it w ithin six months.
2. to express certainty:
The new governm ent w ants to introduce reform . So change must soon be on its way.
(= It is certain that there w ill soon be change.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Read the following dialogue. Then m ark the sentences 1-6 below true (Tj o r false IF}.
Sue: I’ve got to go to a m eeting. I m ust telephone John before I go. You have to stay here.
Bill: Okay. Wait! You’ve got to take the report w ith you.
Sue: Why? Have I got to present it in the m eeting?
Bill: No, but Fred w ants it today. He said he m ust have it.
Exercise 2
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences fo r the following pictures. Use must, have to or have got to.
Make sentences about obligations fo r yourself, yo ur friends, o ra company you know.
UNIT Mustn't, Needn't, Don't Have To
and Haven't Got To
See also
Unit 35 Must, have to and have got to
Unit 37 Should and ought to
A Sample sentences
• You m ustn’t remove anything from the property.
• Thanks to mp3 players you needn’t be at home to listen to your favourite music.
• It was Saturday and I didn’t have to go to w ork.
• The museum is free. You haven’t got to pay to get in.
B Form
Mustn't is the negative of the m odal verb must; a fte r mustn't we use the infinitive w ith o u t to:
You m ustn't touch these chemicals, [not: you m u s tn ’t to touch)
Needn't is also a negative m odal verb. A fte r needn't, we also use the infinitive w ith o u t to:
You needn't pay this bill before the end of next month.
Don't have to is a present tense fo rm ; haven’t got to is a present perfect tense form .
R em em ber to use:
— doesn't have to a fte r he/she/it or a s in g u la r noun
— hasn't got to a fte r he/she/it o r a sin g u la r noun.
We don't have to w o rk harder; we just have to w o rk sm arter.
The company hasn't got to grow; it's just got to become more profitable.
C Uses
We use these verbs in ta lk about w hat is prohibited and w hat is not necessary.
1. Prohibited:
You mustn’t enter this building. You mustn’t park your car here.
(See also may not in U nit 33 and can’t in U nit 34.)
2. Not necessary:
You needn't do anything at all.
(It is not necessary tha t you do anything.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Make the sentences betow negative.
Exercise 2
Change the underlined words in the sentences below. Use the correct form o f the words in
brackets. Do not change the meaning.
Exercise 3
Nordic Business, a newspaper, wrote a report on a successful Danish company, Larssen S.A. Here
the Chairman o f the company, Bo Johannessen, writes a le tte r to the newspaper. Complete the
spaces with appropriate form s of have to, need, must.
Dear Sir,
You reported last w eek that Larssen
S.A. had a strong m arket position.
Then you said that the com pany
__________ think about its com petitors.
This is not true. W e __________ believe
that our m arket share is perm anent. We
__________ w orry about our job s today,
but we c e rta in ly cannot fo rg e t about
our com petitors. A year is a short
tim e in business.
Yours faithfully,
Bo Johannessen
Chairman Larssen S.A.
Write three sentences about yo urself and three about where you work. Include mustn't, needn’t,
don't have to and haven't got to.
UNIT Should and Ought To
See also
Unit 35 Must, have to and have got to
A Sample sentences
• You should m eet him. He's a very interesting person.
• The company ought to spend some tim e and money doing m arket research.
• Inflation should slow fu rth e r next year.
• You shouldn't buy w hat you don't need.
B Form
Should is a m odal verb; a fte r should we use the infinitive w ith o u t to:
You should recycle a ll paper and glass, [not: you should to recycle a ll paper and glass)
C Uses
1. We use should I/w e to m ake suggestions:
A: Everybody is here now. So, should w e start the meeting? (I suggest th a t we start.)
B: And should I take the minutes? (I suggest tha t I take the m inutes.)
They must be home by now. (It is certain.)
They should be home by now. (It is probable.)
7k ; P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Choose the correct alternative from the words in italics below.
Two colleagues are discussing high bank charges. Label each sentence as a suggestion (SI, advice
[Al or a probability IP].
Exercise 3
Use the prom pts below to make sentences using s h o u ld o r o u g h t to.
All VX and VXA range
Write sentences about yourself, your friends o ra company you know. Include some examples of
talking about probability, some suggestions and some advice.
The com pany sh o u ld m ake a p ro fit again th is year.
The boss o u g h t to have a pay ris e .
' 75
UNIT Question Tags
See also
Units 1,2 Be
Unit 31 Do
Units 32,33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Modal verbs
B Form
A question tag has two parts:
m odal or auxilia ry + subject
We n o rm a lly form question tags w ith opposite polarity:
can could will would shall must might is are has have
can’t couldn’t won’t wouldn’t shan’t mustn’t mightn't isn’t aren’t hasn’t haven’t
If the verb doesn’t have an auxiliary or m odal, we use a form of the auxiliary do:
C Uses
A tag tu rn s a statem ent into a question.
We use tags when we w ant co nfirm ation o r agreem ent from the o th e r person
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Match the statem ent on the le ft with the correct tag on the right.
Exercise 2
Passman pic is trying to buy a competitor, BKD Ltd. A D irector o f Passman pic is leaving a
meeting. Journalists want to talk to him. Write tags and short answers for the text below.
1. The com pany has agreed to buy BKD Ltd, h a s n 't it? No, it h a sn 't.
Exercise 3
Complete this conversation in a hotel bar.
Write a conversation with a friend. Use ten different tags.
UNIT Active
See also
Unit 40 Passive
Business File 6 Irregular verb table
A Sample sentences
• We are discussing the term s of the agreem ent.
• M r Uno accepted the job.
• They compete a ll over the w orld.
• Profits have steadily increased.
B Form
Every active sentence has at least two parts:
a subject + an active verb form
We n o rm a lly put the subject in fro n t of the verb:
The Finance Director travels to Am erica every year.
subject + verb
A fte r an in transitive verb we can’t put a d irect object. But we can put a phrase w ith an adverb or
We use the active verb form in speech and w ritin g to describe actions and events. In general, the
active fo rm is m ore personal than the passive. (See Unit 40.)
Look at the follow ing sentences w ith active tra nsitive verbs:
Now look at the follow ing sentences w ith active intransitive verbs:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Make sentences out o f the words below.
Exercise 2
Match a transitive verb in the firs t box with a typical direct object from the box below.
Exercise 3
Complete the following sentences with a verb from the box.
Mobile Phone of the
Year Awards
20 08
“Poor performance”
I r
Write sim ple sentences about a local employer. Use the verbs in the box.
A fa c to ry in m y to w n m a ke s s p o rts e q u ip m e n t.
UNIT Passive
See also
Units 1, 2 Be
Unit 39 Active
Business File 6 irregular verb table
A Sample sentences
• Any rem aining money is distributed to shareholders.
• Kwan's w ork has been accepted for publication.
• This issue was discussed in Chapter 6.
• The contract w ill be signed at the end of the year.
B Form
The passive verb fo rm has two parts:
to be + past participle
to be + past participle
We can only make passive verb fo rm s fro m tra nsitive verbs. (See Unit 39.)
Look at the follow ing passive verb form s:
Simple Continuous
Present the design is chosen the design is being chosen
the designs are chosen the designs are being chosen
to be (present) + past participle to be (present) + being + past participle
Past the design was chosen the design was being chosen
the designs w ere chosen the designs w ere being chosen
to be (past) + past participle to be (past) + being + past participle
Present perfect the design has been chosen
the designs have been chosen
to be (present perfect) + past participle
Past perfect the design had been chosen
the designs had been chosen
to be (past perfect) + past participle
Infinitive (to) be chosen (to) be being chosen
(to) be + past participle (to) be + being + past participle
C Uses
Look at the use of passive verbs and the preposition by in the follow ing m in i-dialo g ue :
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Make passive sentences from these words. Write sentences in the present simple, the past simple
and the future with w ill.
S ta ff are o rg an ise d in p ro je c t team s.
S ta ff w e re o rg an ise d in p ro je c t tea m s.
S ta ff w ill be o rg an ise d in p ro je c t tea m s.
Exercise 2
Use the passive to describe the process shown here. Use the prom pts given.
Exercise 3
Tim Hall, an airline manager, is talking about what happens before a plane takes o ff Complete the
spaces with passives.
There are many im p o rta n t activities before take-off. The fu e l ta n k s __________ (fill)
and the a irc ra ft s y s te m s __________ (check). F o o d ___________ (bring) on board. A ll the
baggage (load) in the hold. The captain and the c o -p ilo t _ _________ (inform )
of runw ay conditions and o th e r details about take-off. When everything is alm o st ready
p a s s e n g e rs__________ (invite) to board the plane.
Describe any process you know. How is bread made? How is tea made? How is a car made?
UNIT Active vs. Passive
See also
Unit 39 Active
Unit 40 Passive
Business File 6 Irregular verb table
A Sample sentences
A: How often do you upgrade your com puter system?
B: Our system is upgraded every year.
A: And when are you going to do the next upgrade?
B: The next upgrade w ill be carried out by our IT consultant in October.
B Form
For the active verb form , see Unit 39; fo r the passive verb form , see Unit 40.
Now look at the relationship between the active and the passive sentences below:
C Uses
We use the active verb form in speech and w ritin g to describe actions and events:
They are launching a budget range of softw are disks next month.
First they w ill take part in an IT exhibition in Birm ingham.
2. In process descriptions:
First the door is prim ed, then rubbed down using sandpaper.
This is the typical style fo r the d escription of the steps in a process. Again, we are not interested
in the doer. The corresponding active sentence w ould be:
First you prim e the door, then you rub it down using sandpaper.
3. In im p e rso n a l language:
The building site is dangerous; hard hats must be worn at a ll tim es.
This is the typical style of a w ritte n o rd e r o r in stru ction . The corresponding active sentence
w ould be:
The building site is dangerous; w ear hard hats.
P re -In te rm e d ia te B usiness G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Read the text betow about security o f inform ation in Chemco PLC. There are six verb form s in the
text. Mark them A IactiveI o r P [passive].
Exercise 2
Complete the sentences fo r each situation below. Use the given verb in the active or passive.
2. switch off/lights
Exercise 3
Below are notes fo r a welcome presentation fo r visitors to Eastern Water by Sam Weal, the Public
Relations Manager. Write the beginning o f his presentation. Use the seven verbs given here. Put
each verb into an appropriate active or passive form.
Describe some actions in your norm al day. Then describe a process you know.
UNIT It Is/They Are vs. There Is/There Are
See also
Units 1,2 Be
A Sample sentences
A: It is not possible to approve these figures. They w ere wrong last year and
they are s till wrong.
B: But there was a m istake in the program then.
A: There are s till many mistakes in the program . It isn't right yet.
B: It is a very complex program .
B Form
We can use it or there w ith the verb be in the follow ing main tenses:
The m ost com m on sh o rt fo rm s are shown in brackets.
C Uses
Look at the follow ing m in i-dialogues:
In the firs t exchange, it refers to in form a tion th a t has already been identified, i.e. the new house.
In the second exchange, there introduces new in form a tion , i.e. the kitchen and the lounges.
In the th ird exchange, we use ‘the em pty it’ before the adjective (im possible} and the noun
[a mistake}. The it has no m eaning; but in th is way we can postpone the im p o rta n t in form ation
to the end of the sentence.
It is difficult to develop a m arketing plan has m ore im pact than To develop a m arketing plan
is difficult.
We can put e ith e r a sin g u la r o r a p lu ra l verb a fte r there. The fo rm depends on the subject.
There is one im portant reason for our decision.
There are three main points in my presentation.
84 I P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Make eight questions o r sentences from the words below.
Are there a lot of museums here?
It isn't cheap.
It is French.
There are a good restaurant here.
They it good quality.
Are they expensive.
Is aren't cheap.
isn't many tourists here.
there a lot of museums.
Exercise 2
Choose the correct alternative to complete the dialogue below.
A: There is/There a re /lt is many good hotels in Tokyo. I like the Tokyo Hilton.
There is /lt is in the centre of the city.
B: Is there/Are there/ls it many s m a ll fam ily hotels?
A: No, there a re n 't/it is n ’t.
B: I im agine they is/they are/there are very expensive.
A: In Tokyo? Yes, there is/is it/it is an expensive city.
Exercise 3
Maria is at Dusseldorf railw ay station. She wants to go to Munster. Look at the notes from
the timetable. Complete the spaces in the dialogue below. Use the phrases in the box.
there is [21
DEPARTURES [Tils is it
are there
Maria: Is there a tra in to M unster?
Clerk: Yes,________ m any trains. Now 11.25. a tra in at 11.20.
The next one is at 11.41.
Maria: ________ direct?
Clerk: N o ,________ It goes via Essen. _ a train to M unster via Essen every 20 minutes.
Maria: direct tra in s to M unster?
Clerk: Yes, ___ a direct tra in at 11.50. ____ d irect to Munster.
Make a dialogue using is there/are there/there is/there a re /it is/they are about yo ur town.
UNIT Have and Have Got
See also
Units 15,16, 17 Present perfect
Units 35, 36 Have to, have got to, and haven’t got to
Unit 44 Get and have got
A Sample sentences
A: Do you have an office in Tokyo?
B: No, we've only got a representative office there. We don’t have enough sales there.
Has your company got an agent in Japan?
A: Yes. In fact until last year we had two, but one didn’t have reg u lar contact w ith us.
So we had to cancel our agency agreem ent.
B Form
Have is both a fu ll verb and an auxiliary.
1. For the auxiliary have, see Unit 15 [present perfect) and Unit 19 (past perfect).
2. Below are the fo rm s of the fu ll verb have:
Present statem ent Present question
Subject Positive verb Verb Verb
l/yo u/w e /th ey have got haven’t got have l/you/w e/they got
h e /sh e /it has got hasn’t got has h e /sh e /it got
the com pany has got hasn't got has the com pany got
the d irectors have got haven’t got have the d irectors got
The past fo rm s of have got are had got (positive verb), hadn’t got (negative verb) and
had .. . got (question).
The s h o rt fo rm s of have got are I've/you’ve /w e've/th ey’ve got, he’s /s h e 's /it’s got
C Uses
1. S om etim es have and have got have (got) the same m eaning:
Sixty insurance companies have (got) th e ir headquarters in the city.
2. S om etim es we use have in fixed phrases:
On fine evenings, we usually have a barbecue.
Come and have a coffee w hile we discuss w hat you should do.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Label have in the following text as auxiliary [AUX], fu ll verb (VI o r p a rt o f have got (HGj.
I did n ’t have a very good job last year. Now I’ve got a new position in the company.
I’ve taken co n tro l of export sales. We’ve m any new clie n ts in A m erica and Asia.
Have you seen o ur product brochure? We’ve had a new one printed th is week.
Mary, have you got a copy?
Exercise 2
Match the following to the correct picture a-f.
Exercise 3
Fumi Wang is talking to Mike Winters, o f Trans World Systems, a software company
Complete the following conversation. Use form s o f have or have got.
Write a short dialogue about a company you know well. Use sentences with have and have got.
Include the following words.
A Sample sentences
A: How often do you get financial updates?
B: I get new inform ation every w eek.
A: And when did you get the latest inform ation?
B: I got a report yesterday. I've got it here. Have you got tim e to look at it?
B Form
Get is a fu ll verb (see Business File 6: Irre g u la r verb table.) The form have got is the present
perfect of get (see Unit 4-3 fo r the fo rm s of have got).
C Uses
1. We use get in the present and past to mean ‘receive’ :
A: Did you get the message?
B: Yes, I got it yesterday.
We have got the keys. (We have them now.)
We got the keys last w eek. (We received them last week.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te B usiness G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Underline and [abet six form s o f get (Gj and have got IHGJ in the following text.
Exercise 2
Match the following to the correct picture a-f.
Exercise 3
Complete the following exchanges. Choose a form of get o r have got from the box. Use the correct
get (21 get easier get better have got [2] not/get
Write sentences about yourself with get or have got Include positive negative and question forms.
UNIT Say vs. Tell
4 5
A Sample sentences
A: W hat did head office say about the branch manager?
B: They didn't say a lot. They told us that he hadn't been very helpful.
A: And w hat did they say about the appraisals?
B: They always te ll us that the appraisals are outside th e ir responsibility.
A: Next tim e, please te ll them that we are w orried.
Many people say that the city is safer now than it was ten years ago.
{not: Many people say us tha t the city is sa fe r now than it was ten years ago.)
A: W hat did he say to you? [not: W hat did he say you?)
B: He said to me that he w ill m ake a very im portant speech at the conference.
[not: He said me th a t he w ill make a very im p o rta n t speech at the conference.)
T ell
Please te ll Jane that I w ill call her later.
[not: Please te ll to Jane ...)
I w ill te ll my friends to stay at your hotels.
[not: I w ill te ll to my frie n ds ...)
He told us the history of the city, [not: He told the history of the city.)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Two colleagues are in a restaurant. Match a sentence on the left to an appropriate reply on the right.
5. Tell the w a ite r you w ant a no the r knife. e. I said I w ould like fish.
Exercise 2
A purchaser from Delta Hospital Services wants to buy some equipment from a supplier, Langer.
There are fou r mistakes in the conversation. Identify them and correct them.
Exercise 3
Complete the email below with say, said, te ll or told.
What have you said today? Who did you te ll something? What has someone told you?
UNIT Make vs. Do
See also
Unit 31 Do
A Sample sentences
A: W hat do you do?
B: I w ork as a receptionist for Arnison and Naylors.
A: And w hat do Arnison and Naylors make?
B: They don’t make anything; they sell houses.
B Form
Make and do are fu ll verbs. (See B usiness File 6: Irre g u la r verb table.)
Do is also an auxiliary verb. We use it in the negative and question fo rm s of the present and
past sim ple tenses. (See Unit 31.)
C Uses
Make and do often have s im ila r m eanings. S om etim es we use make and som etim es we use do.
There are no fixed rules. So you should learn som e of these phrases.
an appointment an arrangement a budget a choice a complaint
a decision a loss a mistake money an offer
a profit progress a report sure a trip
Now look at the follow ing dialogue w ith make and do:
A: So, how did your company do last year?
B: We did very w e ll. We made a profit of $ 1.2 billion.
A: How did you make so much money?
B: We did a lot of w o rk on our forecasts.
A: So you didn't make any m istakes in your budgets?
B: No, w e didn't.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
U. Pablo did/m ade a plan fo r the South A m erican m a rke t last week.
Exercise 2
Two colleagues are discussing a meeting. Their company has produced a new product, BIGGO.
F ill the spaces in the dialogue with an appropriate form o f do o r make.
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences below. Replace the underlined words with a new verb phrase using
m ake o r do in the correct tense.
4. The meeting was very long but it has been useful. We____________________ progress.
5. They suggested a price but it was too low. They__________ an offer, but it was too low.
What did you do yesterday? What are you doing today? Have you made anything recently?
UNIT Used To
4 7
A Sample sentences
A: Do you travel a lot in your job?
B: I used to go abroad twice a month.
A: I'm sure that was very tiring.
B: Not really. At that tim e I was used to travelling, but now I'm used to working in the office.
B Form
There are two different verb phrases w ith the form used to:
1. used to + infinitive
I used to w ork for ITCorp. (I w orked fo r ITCorp in the past, but I don’t w o rk there now.
We use used to to ta lk about a past habit.
C Uses
These two verb phrases have d iffe re n t m eanings.
1. used to + infinitive
We use th is phrase to ta lk about a past activity or habit tha t is not a present activity o r habit.
We used to stock 36 different kinds of steel pipes. (In the past we re g ula rly stocked 36 types of
stee l pipes, but now we don’t.)
In the past we used to design everything by hand; today w e use computers.
We use this phrase to ta lk about a general habit - n orm a lly in the present, but possibly in
the past or future.
Is it s till strange, or are you used to it now?
He was used to the journey as he had done it several tim es.
I'm sure Peter w ill soon be used to the new com puter system.
The follow ing sentences have d iffe re n t fo rm s but s im ila r m eanings:
We w ere used to working until 7 or 8 pm.
(= past general habit)
We used to w ork until 7 or 8 pm. (= past habit)
94 | P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Underline six examples o f used to in the dialogue. Label them as PH [past habit] o r GH
Igeneral habit].
Exercise 2
Write sentences, based on the prom pts below, about Michael Ross, Chairman o f Kelfield PLC.
Use used to and the words in brackets.
H e __________ (make/presentations].
H e __________ [work/late].
Exercise 3
Complete the following sentences using appropriate form s o f used to.
Write five sentences about yo urself and yo ur work or studies in the past and now. Use used to.
UNIT Rise vs. Raise
See also
Unit 85 Describing trends
4 8
A Sample sentences
A: The governm ent is going to raise taxes next year.
B: So, taxes w ill rise again. They raised taxes last year.
A: And the level of unem ploym ent rose.
B Form
Rise and raise are different verbs, but they have s im ila r m eanings.
So rise is an irre g u la r verb and raise is a re g u la r verb. The o th e r difference is tha t rise is
intra nsitive and raise is transitive. (See Unit 39.)
Prices rose last year, (intransitive)
We raised prices last year, (transitive)
C Uses
We use both verbs to indicate an upward movem ent:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Underline examples of ris e and raise. Mark them as intransitive [ll o r transitive iTj.
In the first half of the year prices rose by 10%. Wages rose at the same
time. The government raised taxes and the banks raised interest rates.
Inflation continued to rise.
Exercise 2
Choose the correct sentence from the atternatives given.
Exercise 3
Write sentences 1-5 fo r the pictures a-e. Use the given prompts.
Write fou r sentences about yo u r work o r studies. Use appropriate form s o f rise o r raise.
UNIT Verb + Preposition
See also
Unit 29 Verb.. .ing
Business File 6 Irregular verb table
A Sample sentences
• They are preparing for a conference in London next week.
• Do you approve of spending so much?
• Our success depends on reg u lar orders from big companies.
• The company has succeeded in reducing costs.
B Form
A verb + preposition phrase has two fo rm s:
verb + preposition + noun phrase
I've heard about the vacancy in the M arketing Departm ent.
about at fo r in of on to w ith
We always use verb .. .ing a fte r a preposition:
Excuse me for interrupting, [not: excuse me fo r in terru pt)
C Uses
Now look at these sentences w ith verb + preposition phrases:
I look forw ard to seeing you soon, [not: I look forw ard to see you soon.)
Here to is a preposition.
Dealers are waiting for prices to fall.
He apologised for being late.
The departm ent asked for a 13% increase in its budget.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 1
Match a verb on the Ieft with a preposition on the right.
succeed to
ask on
hear fo r
depend w ith
consist in
look forw ard about
agree of
Exercise 2
Complete the le tte r below with an appropriate tense of the correct verb and preposition from the box.
Exercise 3
Two colleagues, Sam and Paula, go out for an evening a fte r a successful negotiation with a
supplier. Complete the dialogue with an appropriate verb and preposition combination. Choose a
verb from the box. Put it in the correct tense.
Write a paragraph about yo urself and/or yo ur company o r studies. Include examples o f verb and
preposition combinations.
UNIT Verb + Adverb (Phrasal Verb)
See also
Business File 6 Irregular verb table
A Sample sentences
• Always switch off the light when you leave the room.
• The office didn’t make its sales targets, and the company eventually shut it down.
• You must fill out a form if you want to claim expenses.
• Why did you give up marathon running?
B Form
A verb + adverb phrase is also called a phrasal verb.
If the phrasal verb takes an object, then we can put the object a fte r the adverb (sentence 1) or
between the verb and the adverb (sentence 2). But if the object is a pronoun, then we m ust put the
pronoun between the verb and the adverb (sentence 3).
Sentence 4 shows a phrasal verb w ith o u t an object.
C Uses
S om etim es a phrasal verb keeps the m eaning of its parts:
A: Let's bring forward the date of the meeting.
B: No. I think we should put the date back.
S om etim es a phrasal verb has a d iffe re n t m eaning from its parts:
A: We have a lot to discuss. We're getting behind schedule.
B: We can make up some time, if we call the meeting off.
(make up = gain; call off = cancel)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Match the verb on the le ft with a phrasal verb on the rig h t with the same meaning.
Exercise 2
Match the pictures a -d with the correct sentences 1-4 below. Underline the phrasal verb in each
a. b. d.
Exercise 3
Replace the underlined words in the conversation below with a phrasal verb from the box.
Have you given up anything?
Do you want to set up anything?
Have you put back any plans ?
Have you taken away anything?
Do you Look back on things?
Have you taken out anything?
What would you like to cut down or call off?
UNIT Positive Statements
See also
Unit 3 The present continuous positive
Unit 6 The present simple positive
Unit 11 The past simple positive
Unit 52 Negative statements
A Sample sentences
• He reports to the group vice president.
• Capacity at European plants is expanding.
• Last year the company opened ten new retail stores.
• I have just returned from a visit to the training centre.
B Form
A positive statem ent has at Least two parts:
subject + positive verb form
The market is booming.
will improve,
has increased.
In positive statem ents, we usually put the subject before the verb:
The caretaker lives on the top floor.
subject + positive verb
On the top floor lives the caretaker is possible but not com m on.
We can put the verb into one of the follow ing tenses:
C Uses
We use positive state m e n ts to give positive inform ation.
Here are some positive state m e n ts w ith d iffe re n t verb phrases:
The seminar will start at 2pm.
We have five points on the agenda.
In the meeting they discussed the future of the company.
Shareholders must vote on this offer.
Both issues should be decided soon.
Read the text betow. Underline and label the subject o f each sentence [S] and the verb phrase [VPj.
Sales (S) have been very disappointing (VP) this year. Our
costs are rising every day. Clearly, our marketing team need
to market our products better. But our R&D Department are
confident. They are developing a brilliant new product. It will
need support from the bank. A new business plan is being
prepared at the moment.
Exercise 2
The text below gives the history o f Keele Brothers Ltd. Put the sentences into the correct order.
The firs t two have been done for you.
d. Between 1980 and 2000 the m ain products w ere pum ps and s m a ll engines.
e. The name of the com pany was changed to United E lectric (UK) Ltd.
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences below taken from the annual report o f Hebden pic, a m anufacturing
company. Put the verbs in the correct form.
3. Our p ro d u cts __________ all over the w orld fo r many years, [export]
Write six positive statem ents about yo urself o r a company you know. Use different verb phrases.
UNIT Negative Statements
See also
Unit 4 The present continuous negative
Unit 7 The present simple negative
Unit 12 The past simple negative
Unit 31 Do
A Sample sentences
• We aren’t increasing our advertising budget this year.
• The company doesn’t have any South African operations.
• They haven’t sold the stock yet.
• We can't wait until next year.
B Form
A negative statem ent has at least two parts:
subject + negative verb form
Quality isn't improving.
The negative verb fo rm has a m odal o r auxiliary + not + verb.
In negative statem ents, we usually put the subject before the verb:
The members didn't agree on this point.
subject + auxilia ry + not
+ verb
On this point the members didn't agree is possible but not com m on.
We can put the verb into one of the follow ing tenses:
If the verb is in the present sim ple o r past sim ple, we use a fo rm of do to make the negative.
(See Unit 31.)
We don't produce the A5687 in England; we produce it in the Far East.
negative verb form positive verb form
C Uses
Look at the negative statem ents in th is m ini-dialogue:
A: The situation doesn’t look good.
B: i don’t agree. We didn't make a loss last month.
A: Yes, but we haven’t made a profit for six months.
B: But we mustn’t always focus on the past.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Underline negative statem ents in the text betow. Label subjects [Si and negative verbs [NVj.
To: [email protected]
From: | [email protected]
Subject: | Ibros S.A. negotiation
Dear Nick
We did not have a meeting with Ibros S.A. because we rejected their offer.The offer did not come by
email. We received a fax on Thursday. We understand that the Managing Director of Ibros, Mr Kalkis,
will not sign the contract. We have not accepted the present proposals. At the moment we are not
planning to continue production of the Alisia range. Last year we didn't reach agreement immediately. I
Now, I think it will not be easy to find a solution. a
Exercise 2
Make the following statem ents negative. Use sh ort forms, where possible.
Exercise 3
Write negative statem ents fo r the pictures a - f below. Use an appropriate modal o r auxiliary + not.
1. we/not/increase/R+D spending
We have not increased our R+D spending.
2. inflation/not/rise/in the near future
3. S ol’s m arket share/not/increase in ten years 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Definitely no takeover
of Hammond
Write six negative statem ents about yourself, yo u r work o r your studies, o r about an institution or
company you know.
UNIT Questions: Yes/No
See also
Unit 5 The present continuous question
Unit 8 The present simple question
Unit 13 The past simple question
Unit 31 Do
Units 54, 55 Questions
A Sample sentences
• Do you still play golf?
• Didn't we discuss this yesterday?
• Has Marija finished the calculations yet?
• Can't we do this another time?
B Form
A yes/no question has at least two parts:
question verb form + subject
We can put the verb into one of the follow ing tenses:
If the verb is in the present sim ple o r past sim ple, we use a form of do to make the question.
(See Unit 31.)
Did we meet our production targets?
fo rm of do + verb p art 2
C Uses
Look at these yes/no questions:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Undertine the ye s/n o questions in the following dialogue.
Exercise 2
Paulo Introini wrote an em ail to his company's Marketing Department. He received the email
message printed on the right. Match the correct answers [a -f] on the rig h t to the questions [1-61
on the left.
Here are six questions. a Yes, we are going to send you a full report. ;
1 Has all the research been completed? b No, we do not recommend any major
2 Was the rate of response good? changes in our selling techniques,
3 Was the feedback satisfactory? c No. We will repeat the survey in two years,
4 Are we planning to repeat the survey? d Yes, we received good feedback on our
5 Will you send me a report? products.
6 Are changes recommended in our selling technique? e Yes, the research has been completed,
f Yes, the response rate was good.
Kind regards
Exercise 3
Look at the prom pts below. Write a ye s/n o question fo r each one.
1. you/call/Fred/yesterday?
Did you call Fred yesterday?
2. M andy/m eet/Joanne/next weekend?
3. Alex/be b ack/from Nairobi tom orrow ?
4. T o m /usu a lly/re n t/a ca r fo r trip s abroad?
5. be/you/prepared/for y o u r presentation/next week?
6. R olf/go/N ew York/in June last year?
Prepare eight yes/no questions to ask a friend about h is/he r work.
UNIT Questions: Wh-
See also
Units 5, 8, 13 Questions in present and past
Unit 31 Do
Units 53, 55 Questions
B Form
A w h -q ue stio n has at least three parts:
w h -q ue stio n w ord + verb + subject
The verb may be e ith e r a positive verb form o r a question verb form :
Who(m) did you m eet at the airport? (question verb form )
Who m et you at the airport? (positive verb form )
The difference depends on the g ra m m a tic a l function of who. In the firs t sentence who(m)
is the object; in the second, the subject.
Only who, what and which can be e ith e r a subject o r object.
For m ore in form ation on question verb form s, see Unit 53.
C Uses
Look at these w h -q ue stio ns:
Who built this tow er? (who is the subject of the verb)
Who(m) did he choose for the role? (who(m) is the object of the verb)
Which candidates came to the interview ? (which candidates is the subject of the verb)
Which candidate w ill you appoint? (which candidate is the object of the verb)
Jn spoken language we usually use who fo r the object; in fo rm a l w ritte n language we use who(m).
Underline the wh-question words in the sentences below. Match the questions on the le ft to
the correct answ er on the right.
1. When did you get here? a. For a m eeting w ith our partners.
2. Where are you staying? b. Roland K. Saxman.
3. Do you plan to stay long? c. No, th is is my firs t visit.
-4. W hat kind of business are you in? d. I came on Monday.
5. Which bank? e. At the Crescent hotel.
6. Why are you in New York? f. I w o rk fo r a bank as a fin a n cia l adviser.
7. Who is the se nior V ice-P resident of CBI? g. Credit Bank International.
8. Have you been here before? h. Just two days.
Exercise 2
Complete the questions below with wh-question words.
A: To Greece.
Q : ____ ______are they carrying?
A: Kalkos S.A.
A: In Saloniki.
Exercise 3
A t Compo Ltd the Marketing Departm ent have a meeting to talk about a new idea.
Write questions about the underlined words in the sentences below.
, ,
Ask a colleague questions using who, whom what which, where when why. , ,
UNIT Questions: How
See also
Units 5, 8, 13 Questions in present and past
Unit 31 Do
Units 53, 54 Questions
Units 77, 78, 79 Quantifiers
A Sample sentences
• How did they become such big brands?
• How many people w ill lose th e ir jobs?
• How long has the company been in business?
• During the past month, how often have you spent tim e alone w ith your husband or wife?
B Form
We form a question w ith how in the sam e way as a w h -q ue stio n. It has at least three parts:
how + verb + subject
The main how -question w ords are:
how? how m uch/m any? how long? how far? how often? how big/sm all?
C Uses
Look at these how -questions:
6. asking about the dim ensions - how big, how sm all, etc.
How big is your office?
How sm all does the digital cam era have to be?
7. asking about the extent of a qua lity - how busy, how hot, etc.
How busy are you a fte r lunch?
How hot does it get in sum m er?
P re -In te rm e d ia te B usiness G ra m m a r
p w jfiw s n
Exercise 2
Complete the email below by asking the question fo r the given answers. Use a question phrase
with how.
Date: 18/10/2010
To: | [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Dear Kevin,
______are we going to spend? US $450,000
----------people will get questionnaires? 3,000
----------will the research take? two months
----------do we need to repeat this survey? every two years
will the survey extend? all over Japan
is the consultancy which is carrying out the research? the 4th biggest in Japan
will they analyse the result? by computer and personal interview
Ben Kamal is Managing D irector ofA ranco Ltd. He is talking about insurance with a friend,
Willy Hoos. Complete the dialogue with appropriate questions.
W illy : How do vou decide (decide) w hich insurance com pany to use?
Ben: We choose an insurance com pany on the basis of cost and service.
W illy : (employee insurance/cost)?
Ben: Employee insurance costs about 10% of the salaries.
W illy : (employees/have)?
Ben: Around 850.
W illy : (they/stay/w ith Arancol?
Ben: N o rm a lly if they stay, they stay fo r a long tim e.
W illy : (make/a detailed study of em ployee insurance)?
Ben: We make a detailed study very often. Every year. It’s very im portant.
W illy : Ibe/A ranco’s turnover)?
Ben: Our tu rn o ve r is £30m. This is increasing by between 3% and 6% every year.
Transfer I
How many people live in yo u r town? How big is the largest company? How often do you travel
abroad? How fa r is the local airport? How long does it take to get to the nearest seaport?
UNIT Commands - Positive and Negative
See also
Unit 10 Positive and negative imperatives
Unit 38 Question tags
A Sample sentences
• Make sure that your w ork is presented neatly.
• Don’t place anything w et on a wooden table.
• Please send your order to this address.
• Sit downpw ill you!
B Form
We form a positive com m and using an infinitive (the positive im perative form ):
Call this num ber right now.
We form a negative com m and w ith don’t + infinitive (the negative im perative form ):
Don't w ait until tom orrow,
don't + infinitive
For m ore in form ation on im perative verb form s, see Unit 10.
We can put please before or a fte r the com m and to make it m ore polite.
C all me before 10 o'clock, please, (w ritten w ith a comma)
Please don't phone me a fte r 10 o'clock at night, (w ritten w ith o u t a com m a)
We can put the tag w ill you a fte r a com m and to make it m ore em phatic, but this is not very polite.
Correct these figures, w ill you?
C Uses
Look at these com m ands:
Undertine positive commands once and negative commands twice in the following extract.
Please arrive at about 8.30. R egister w ith reception. You w ill be given a key. You may
relax u n til 9.30. At 9.30, please m eet at the Main Entrance. Don’t go directly to the
S em inar Room. Wait fo r your group leader. He/she w ill give you in stru ction s. Please
don’t telephone the office except in an emergency. F u rth e r in form a tion can be obtained
by em a il o r letter.
Exercise 2
Match the commands betow to the correct picture a-h.
c. e.
b. d.
Exercise 3
Jane Callow has a new Personal Assistant. Jane is in London on business. She leaves instructions
fo r h e r Personal Assistant. Complete h er instructions with positive commands for the tasks
m arked { / ) and negative commands fo r the tasks m arked (XL Use verbs in the box.
Write three positive commands fo r a regular visitor to your home o r company. Write three negative
commands fo r the same person.
UNIT Sentence Types: Simple vs. Complex
A Sample sentences
• Prices have gone up.
• House prices w ill increase but w ages w on't rise.
• Expenses are high because he has to travel a lot.
• Organizations which need to save money often cut jobs.
B Form
A sim ple sentence has only one clause, i.e. contains one verb phrase.
We c a ll th is a main clause.
m ain clause
A com plex sentence has m ore than one clause, i.e. contains m ore than one verb phrase:
We can borrow from the bank or raise capital from the shareholders.
verb phrase 1 verb phrase 2
We are moving to a new office because the present building is too sm all.
verb phrase 1 verb phrase 2
C Uses
1. A sim ple sentence can be a statem ent, a question, o r a com m and:
W hen are you going to see him? (question)
The com mittee's next meeting is scheduled for August 22. (statem ent)
Don’t forget to send a copy of the report to everyone, (command)
2. C o-ordination is often m ore vague than subordination. Look at the follow ing sentences:
Finally, we appointed Susanne Schneider and we think that she'll be a good Research Director.
Finally, we appointed Susanne Schneider, who we think w ill be a good Research Director.
Finally, we appointed Susanne Schneider because we think that she w ill be a good Research
They have s im ila r m eanings, but the fin a l sentence is the m ost inform ative.
3. S ubordination shows the re lationship between the m ain clause and the subordinate clause:
A: OK, the green light, w h ich you can see here, is the first indicator.
(relative clause m akes specific)
Don't press the button u n til the green light goes on. (indicates tim e)
B: But w hat do we do i f the green light doesn't go on? (indicates condition)
A: This shows th a t the machine is not ready, (subordinate clause a fte r the verb to explain show ’)
1U P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
E E E & l
Label the main clauses [MCI and the subordinate clauses [SCI in the following. Underline the
co-ordinating conjunctions and(circle)the subordinating conjunctions.
The Am co 75 w ent into production in the Spring. Sales were very good and we quickly
established a sig n ifican t m a rke t share. We have begun exporting the Am co 75, though
early sales are weak. We w ill have a satisfactory year if our exports improve. P rofit has
gone up th is year because o u r dom estic sales have increased. Our research has been
very productive but costs have risen. Now we have many co m p etito rs who are seen as
im p o rta n t dangers in som e key m arkets.
Exercise 2
Add appropriate conjunctions in the following dialogue. Choose from the box.
A: We need m ore office space and _ o u r staff want m ore co m p ute r equipm ent.
B: Yes, we have agreed to re cru it a no the r se cre ta ry,__________ we have not decided when.
A: But we need one now. There w ill be problem s we don’t get one soon.
B: I th in k there w ill be resignations _____ everyone is w o rkin g too hard.
A: I agree. People w ill re s ig n _____ they w ill sim ply be less effective at work.
B: I’m going to speak to P a tric k ,__ __ w ill accept tha t the situation is critica l.
Exercise 3
Look at the paragraph below. Hans Koeppel talks about his company. Count the sentences.
Are they sim ple or complex? Below it is the same paragraph, rew ritten with few er sentences.
Make them into complex sentences by putting one word in each space.
I w o rk fo r Arkop GmbH. Arkop m akes car com ponents. The com pany is based in
K irchheim . K irchheim is in S outhern Germany. This is a good location. Many of our
cu stom ers are very close. We s e ll o u r products a ll over Germany. We also export a lot.
Our dom estic m a rke t is the m ost im p o rta n t part of o u r business.
I work for Arkop GmbH _________ makes car components. The company is based in Kirchheim,
_________is in Southern Germany This is a good lo ca tion _________ many of our customers
are very close. We sell our products a ll over G erm any_________ we also export a lot,
our domestic m arket is the m ost im portant p a rt o f our business.
Write six sim ple sentences about a company o r institution you know well. Then reduce the num ber
o f sentences by rew riting them as complex sentences.
UNIT Subordinate Clauses
See also
Unit 57 Sentence types: simple vs. complex
A Sample sentences
• We w orked quickly because w e had to m eet the deadline.
• A fter the MD presents the figures, you can ask your questions.
• I am going to buy a laptop so that I can w ork on the train.
• Although the mobile phone m arket has increased, growth has slowed.
• We have appointed a new Chief Executive, who used to w ork for ITCorp.
B Form
A subordinate clause depends on a main clause. It cannot stand by itse lf as a sentence.
1. that:
The MD said that the company was making good profits.
2 . a subordinating conjunction:
If sales improve, the company w ill soon be profitable again.
3. a w h -w o rd or how -w ord:
We don't know when the new product w ill be launched.
C Uses
Look at the follow ing sentences. Each sentence has a subordinate clause; and each subordinate
clause has a different meaning.
1. because - cause o r reason:
The business w ill succeed because we have recruited good staff.
2. if - condition:
We w ill reduce the fee i f you pay in advance.
3. although - contrast:
A lth o u g h we have reduced costs, profits have not increased.
We can use though o r although.
4. so that - purpose:
We are changing the way we do business so th a t w e can compete more effectively.
5. so (that) - result:
There was enough room so (th a t) w e could invite tw enty guests.
6. after - tim e:
A fte ry o u finish high school, you can go to university.
7. w h -w o rd - reported question and relative clause:
I would like to know w h y you are here, (reported question)
They jointly own the company w h ich w ill operate the pipeline, (relative clause)
E G E M 1
Identify nine subordinating conjunctions or wh-words in the wordsquare betow. There are five
horizontal, three vertical and one diagonal.
T S B L 0 L R
0 M W T H A W
H S 0 0 X L N
Exercise 2
Match the main clause on the le ft with an appropriate subordinate clause on the right.
Exercise 3
Valbor Metal is trading in a d ifficult market. In an internal meeting, a m em ber o f the Board is
talking about the problems. Complete the following text with words from the box.
‘We need to increase our p ric e s __________ our costs are rising. Many companies are in a sim ila r
p o s itio n ,__________ our costs are especially high. We have a strong export m arket __________
o ur sales are s till good. We have identified some key p ro b le m s_______ make the home
m arket very d ifficult at present. We w ill have continued p ro b le m s _______ __we do not take
some d ifficult decisions. There is no time to lose, we have to do something quickly. '
Write five sentences with subordinate clauses about the m ajor em ployer in your home town,
o r about your company
UNIT Relative Clauses with Who and Which
See also
Unit 58 Subordinate clauses
A Sample sentences
• You need to speak to Chris Brown, who is in charge of m arketing.
• The person who interview s you w ilt supervise your w ork too.
• Most buyers are looking for a business which can grow.
• He applied for the post of sales director, which has been vacant since last month.
B Form
A relative clause is a type of subordinate clause.
Relative clauses begin w ith a relative pronoun.
Who and which are typical relative pronouns.
C Uses
1. Defining relative clauses give in form a tion w hich is e ssential to understand the sentence:
You are the only person who can answ er this question.
The clause who can answ er this question identifies the person; w ith o u t this inform ation, the
sentence has a d iffe re n t meaning.
This is the machine which can print 25 pages a minute.
The clause which can print 25 pages a m inute identifies the m achine; w ith o u t th is inform ation,
the sentence has a different m eaning.
2. N on-defining relative clauses give additional, non -e sse ntia l in form a tion :
Norbert, who(m ) we m et in New York, is visiting London next month.
The clause who(m ) we met in New York gives a dditional in fo rm a tio n ; we can s till identify
the person w ith o u t th is in form a tion .
I've read a ll of your papers, which I found very interesting.
The clause which I found very interesting gives a dditional in fo rm a tio n ; we can s till identify
the papers w ith o u t this in form a tion .
P re -In te rm e d ia te B usiness G ra m m a r
E S E & i
Undertine five relative clauses in the text below. Label them defining clauses [Dj o r non-defining
clauses [NDj.
Tel: 01722 368359
Fax: 01722 368333
The conference, w hich w ill discuss the action of a n tib io tics on
diseases, w ill be held at U niversity College, w hich is one of the
oldest colleges in the city. People w ho w ish to attend should send
an application fo rm to the P resident of the Society, who is in
charge of bookings. Anyone who is presenting a paper at the
conference w ill a u to m a tica lly receive fu ll details.
Combine the sentences below into single sentences with a relative clause.
1. Our clothes are very fashionable. They are p opular w ith young people.
Our clothes, which are very fashionable, are popular w ith young people.
2. The w om an said o u r collection was w o n de rfu l. She is the e d ito r of Style.
3. We use the best agencies to show o u r collection. They charge a lot of money.
4. We depend on m agazine publicity. This increases our in te rn a tio n a l reputation.
5. Many im p o rta n t m agazine editors attend the fairs. They have massive influence.
6. The design team is very experienced. They plan o u r participation.
Write sentences with the prom pts below. Include relative clauses using the words in brackets.
1. Our com pany (m akes floors) grow /by 10% per year.
Our company, which makes floors, is growing by 10% per year.
2. The D irecto r (came here yesterday) be/Italian.
3. Our m ain clie n ts (in Europe) b e/sports clubs.
4. In 2008 (record year) w e /s u p p ly /flo o rs /fo r the Olympic Games.
5. Our R and D in stitute (based at Newtown University) develop/new flo o r m aterials.
6. The flo o rs (w e/send/to F in la nd /la st year) are specially fo r o utd oo r use.
Write four sentences, including relative clauses, about the town where you live.
UNIT Clauses of Cause or Reason with Because
See also
Unit 58 Subordinate clauses
A Sample sentences
• I am going to do the training because I w ill learn something from it.
• We spent the money because w e needed new equipment.
• I am calling because I would like your help.
B Form
A clause of cause/reason is a type of subordinate clause.
Clauses of cause/reason begin w ith a subordinating conjunction. (See Unit 58.)
Because is a subordinating conjunction of cause o r reason.
C Uses
Clauses of cause or reason answ er the question 'why?'; they present the cause or the reason.
A: Why are you leaving early?
B: I’m leaving because I want to catch my train.
A: And why are you joining ITCorp?
B: I am joining ITCorp because they have offered me an interesting job.
And why are you moving to SoftSys?
A: Because I've worked at ITCorp for 15 years and I need a new challenge.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Our fin an cia l position changes during the year because o u r sales are seasonal. They
are seasonal because we have always been sp ecialists in w in te r clothing. This creates
problem s because in s u m m e r we have a shortage of money. We are planning to e nter
new m a rke ts because, if we do not, we w ill not survive.
Exercise 2
Complete the following by w riting clauses o f cause or reason based on the prom pts below.
Exercise 3
Use the prom pts below to w rite a paragraph with clauses o f cause or reason with because.
John resigned because he was not happy. He was not happy because his salary was
too low. His salary was too low because he had few responsibilities. He had few
responsibilities because the company had too many m anagers.
Write a paragraph about yo ur recent activities. Include examples o f clauses o f cause or reason
with because.
UNIT Singular and Plural Nouns
# a
■ Unit 62 Countable and uncountable nouns
A Sample sentences
• The company has its main office in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
• The company has branches in 172 countries.
• The Japanese subsidiary is in Nagoya.
• The organisation employs 180,000 people w orldw ide.
B Form
A noun is a g ra m m a tica l unit. If we can put a or an in fro n t of the sin g u la r form of the noun,
we c a ll it a countable noun. (See U nit 62 fo r uncountable nouns.)
a company an account an agent a branch a firm an em ployer a meeting a magazine
We use a if the noun begins w ith a consonant; we use an if the noun begins w ith a vowel,
a job a factory a plant an agency an employee an industry an organisation
an update (but a union}
A fte r a sin g u la r noun we use a sin g u la r verb; a fte r a p lu ra l noun we use a p lu ra l verb.
1. Some countable nouns only have a p lu ra l form . The m ost com m on is people:
There w ere 20 people at the m eeting, [not: there was 20 people)
2. Some nouns only have a p lu ra l fo rm , but are not countable. Some com m on ones are:
assets 1financial1 contents funds Imoneyl headquarters prem ises Ibuildingsj savings
C Uses
Look at the follow ing sentences. Each sentence has at least one countable noun in the s in g u la r
o r the plural.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
export exports fish
accountants capital
figure sales
Exercise 2
Complete the following text by choosing the correct alternative fo r each noun.
Every year/years the com pany publishes its a nnual account/accounts in a report fo r the
shareholder/shareholders. The m ain detail/details concern the fin a n cia l report. This
contains inform ation/inform ations about sale/sales, turnover/turnovers, cost/costs and
profit/profits. It also re p orts the asset/assets th a t are held by the company, and the
liability/liabilities. These are any debt/debts or cash/cashes th a t the com pany owes. A ll this
data/datas is presented in the pro fit and loss/profits and losses account and the balance sheet.
Exercise 3
Complete the dialogue by referring to the pictures a
A: Where is your _ (a )?
B: It's near O rleans but o u r __________ (b) is in Paris.
A: How m a n y __________ (c) do you have?
B: About 2,000 including o u r ______ >___ (d).
A: W hat’s the a n n u a l_________ (e)?
B: This year it ’ll be about £85m.
A: And w hat w ill be t h e _______ ’e) on that?
B: Around £5m.
Estimate 4
(Year ending)
Turnover: £85m
Profit: £5m
Write a short paragraph including the following nouns used either in the singular or in the p lu ral
as necessary
UNIT Countable and Uncountable Nouns
See also
Unit 61 Singular and plural nouns
A Sample sentences
• We buy a ll our computers from one supplier. We believe that they m ake the best equipment.
• Airlines make big profits on transatlantic flights but they lose money locally.
B Form
A noun is a g ra m m a tica l unit. If we can put a or an in fro n t of the noun, we ca ll it a countable
noun. (See Unit 61 fo r sin g u la r and p lu ra l nouns.) If we can't put a o r an in fro n t of the noun, we
ca ll it an uncountable noun.
A countable noun has a sin g u la r and p lu ra l fo rm ; an uncountable noun has only one form .
We would like to buy a machine.
s in g u la r countable
We would like to buy 20 machines.
p lu ra l countable
We would like to buy some machinery. [not: m achineries)
The inform ation is in our brochure, [not: the in form a tion s are!
uncountable noun + s in g u la rv e rb
C Uses
Look at the follow ing sentences. They show the use of countable and uncountable nouns.
A: Could you give me some inform ation about your training programm es? [not: some
inform ations)
B: Of course, I'll send you some details.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Read the following extract from a newspaper report. M ark a ll the nouns countable singular ICl,
countable p lu ra l (CPl, uncountable singular (U) o r uncountable p lu ra l (UPl.
The rationalisation of retailing has been a major characteristic of
recent years and many small shops have disappeared. Large chains j
and supermarkets now dominate the sector In the UK, 70% of food is I
sold by just four retailers. Many people have criticised this trend. They
say it leaves the consumer with less choice.
Exercise 2
Underline the m istakes in the following sentences. Correct them.
2. How m any w o rks have you had since you left school?
4. Please can I change this money? I need som e coin for the telephone.
W ith pleasure.
Exercise 3
Complete the following.
1. We don’t have enough in form a tion . Ring them and ask fo r m ore d ___________
2. John w o rks fo r a com pany that m akes a g ric u ltu ra l m ___________
3. We are a financial services company. We give a ________ __on insurance, pensions and
o th e r aspects of m oney m anagem ent.
4. I asked him fo r a __________ _ He made two s ___________First, do more advertising and
secondly, find a new sales assistant.
5. Please can you help me w ith these c __________ ? They are very heavy.
6. John has changed his j _________ _. He now w o rks fo r a bank.
7. Many p __ _______ w o rk in insurance o r banking, but m ost w o rk in com m erce.
Write sentences using fou r countable and four uncountable nouns.
UNIT Noun Compounds
See also
Unit 61 Singular and plural nouns
Unit 62 Countable and uncountable nouns
A Sample sentences
• The cost of making a telephone call has fallen.
• The advertising campaign was a big success.
• I went for a job interview today.
• He handed me his business card.
B Form
A noun com pound is a phrase w ith two or m ore nouns together, e.g.
computer software
noun + noun
1. The firs t noun is like an adjective; it gives m ore in form a tion about the second noun:
A: I need some inform ation.
B: W hat type of inform ation?
A: I need some product inform ation.
C Uses
We use noun com pounds because:
A: This approach to m anagem ent development requires a serious com m itm ent by the
organization, [rather than the developm ent of m anagem ent)
B: I agree. We need more training sem inars. (ra th e r than se m in a rs fo r training)
Some noun com pounds are w ritte n as one word:
chequebook taxpayer newspaper flow chart notebook
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Make nine noun compounds from the following words.
Exercise 2
Read the le tte r below. Rewrite it as a fax, replacing the underlined words with noun compounds.
EJ Metal Co Ltd, Unit 48, Ciough Rd Industrial Estate, Hull, HU6 4PY
Tel. 01482 662841 Fax 01482 662800
above number
to the above number ASAP.
Yours sincerely Thanks
f i j . O ’R o u rk e P.J. O’Rourke
Exercise 3
Complete the noun compounds in the following.
1. When do you eat in the m iddle o f the day? I eat a t about lu n c h tim e .
2. If you apply for a job, you complete and send a j __________ a __________
3. The result o f the test is a t ___________ r __________
U. When you need to change money to another currency, you ask fo r the e _
r __________ _
5. If a company wants to spend money on advertising, it prepares an a_____
6. Before getting on a plane, you have to wait in the d
7. People who travel a lot on business make many b _
8. We use a lot o f computers. We live in an age o f i __
Look in an English language newspaper o r magazine. Find ten examples of noun compounds.
UNIT Genitive Forms
See also
Units 61, 62, 63 Nouns
A Sample sentences
• I disagree w ith M r Bajaj’s statem ent.
• The article appeared in today’s edition of the Times.
• The company’s sales fe ll by 3.8% .
• She looked around for the ladies’ toilet.
B Form
We form the genitive of a noun w ith an apostrophe (’) or w ith the preposition of:
this year's results (= the re su lts of this year)
the Directors' decisions (= the decisions of the directors)
the launch of the product
the cost of m aterials
W here we form the genitive w ith an apostrophe, we w rite :
— 's if the noun is singular, e.g. the company’s results (= the re su lts of the company)
— s' if the noun is plural, e.g. the companies’ results (= the re su lts of the companies)
C Uses
1. We typically use the genitive w it h 's o r s' w ith the follow ing nouns:
a. hum an nouns.- Dr M orton’s job
b. a n im a l nouns: the dog’s head
c. tim e nouns, today’s newspaper
d. location nouns: A m erica’s economy
e. organisation nouns: the Board’s decision {but the C hairm an of the Board)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Underline genitive form s in the following extract from a speech by Alex Conrad, Chief Executive o f
Tambo Inc., a food manufacturer.
'Tambo's re su lts are very good. Last year's fig u re s were also pleasing, but now our
tu rn o ve r has improved by 15%, Our co m p e tito rs’ re su lts are not as good. The w o rk of a ll
o u r staff has been excellent. Our products have answered the needs of o u r custom ers.
The com pany's dedication to quality has been total. The decision of the Board to e n te r new
m a rke ts was also very im p o rta nt. The fo rm e r Chief Executive, B ill Machin, made a very
big co ntribu tio n - B ill’s ideas m ade Tambo the success it is today.’
Exercise 2
Choose the correct genitive form fo r each o f the following.
1. a. the ca r of Fred
b. Fred’s car
c. Freds’ car
5. a. the w o rk e rs ’ canteen
b. the canteen of the w o rke rs
c. the w o rke r's canteen
Exercise 3
Complete the text below about the future for Frodo, an engineering company. Write appropriate
genitive form s to combine the words in brackets.
The results of the tests (results/testsj were very good. The__________ [report/Research
Director! was very positive. We hope that a l l __________ [custom ers/Frodol w ill like the new
product. We think it w ill m e e t__________ Ineeds/our customers!. I agree w ith ___________
[opinion/John Tudor]. He th in k s __________ [m arket share/Frodo) w ill increase. With this new
p ro d u ct,__________ [perform ance/next year] w ill be very good. As always, we m ust focus on the
__________ Iquality/our products and services]. The____________ Ispeech/Chairman] at the AGM
w ill say that quality and new products are m ost important.
Look in an English language newspaper or magazine. Identify ten genitive forms.
UNIT Adjectives vs. Adverbs
See also
Unit 66 Comparison of adjectives
B Form
Adjectives and adverbs are g ra m m a tic a l units.
C Uses
We use an adjective:
1. to give m ore in form a tion about a noun:
We need skilfu l m anagers.
adjective + noun
W hat type of managers? S kilful m anagers.
2 . a fte r the verb be:
She is fluent in English, [not: fluently)
We use an adverb:
1 . to give m ore in form a tion about a verb:
She speaks English fluently.
verb + adverb
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Label eight adjectives ladjl and seven adverbs (advj in the following extract from a report on
MODO, a clothing company.
Excellent re su lts have helped MODO. In an unusually w et sum m er, the com pany did
really w ell. The fashionable clothes were p opular w ith young consum ers. Now the
com pany w ill definitely increase its production. Staff are busily planning an equally
successful range fo r next year, but the m a rke t w ill be very com petitive.
Exercise 2
Complete the crossword with adjectives and adverbs using the clues below.
A cross
1 competes w ell (11)
5 one left over; n o t even (3)
7 n ot right (5)
10 the same (9)
11 in telligent (6)
12 n ot late (5)
15 o fte n (10)
16 d iffic u lt or n o t so ft (4)
2 n ot young (3)
3 new fo r the m arket (10)
4 more or less (13)
6 n o t going fast (6)
8 fundam ental (7)
9 every three m onths (9)
13 obvious (5)
14 arriving w hen the plane
has le ft (4)
Exercise 3
Complete the following dialogue. Two managers are discussing plans. Choose the correct
A la n : The changes in the m a rke t are going to affect the com pany quite serious/seriously.
Helga: We need to m ake som e quick/quickly decisions.
A la n : We urgent/urgently need a new m a rketing strategy.
Helga: Fortunately/fortunate, the products are excellent/excellently.
A la n : I agree absolute/absolutely, but we have to get people interesting/interested.
Helga: I m confidently/confident tha t we w ill do that.
A la n : Good, because o u r sales have fallen dram atic/dram atically.
Describe a business you know well. Describe its activities and trading performance. Use words
like good, big, usually, modern, quickly, absolutely, etc.
UNIT Comparison of Adjectives
See also
Unit 65 Adjectives vs. adverbs
B Form
Many adjectives have three fo rm s: positive, com parative and superlative:
Last year Manson had h ig h profits, (positive adjective)
Last year Burton had h ig h e r profits than Manson. (com parative adjective)
Checkout had th e h ig h e s t profits, (superlative adjective)
1. If the positive adjective has one syllable, we fo rm the com parative
by adding -e r and the superlative by adding -est:
long longer longest
high higher highest
cheap cheaper cheapest
easy easier easiest
narrow narrower narrowest
simple simpler simplest
3. For o th e r adjectives w ith two syllables o r more, we fo rm the com parative w ith more and
the superlative w ith most:
Positive Comparative
modern more modern most modern
expensive more expensive most expensive
competitive more competitive most competitive
4. There is a s m a ll group of adjectives w ith irre g u la r com parative and superlative form s:
C Uses
1. If we com pare two objects, we use than in the com parative:
Burton's products are more expensive than Manson's, but th e ir profits are higher.
2. If we com pare m ore than two objects, we use the in the superlative:
Checkout has th e most expensive prices and the highest profits.
Exercise 2
Look at the graph. Mark the sentences true IT] o r false IF].
A unit price
unit £8.20 1. Product B :he m ost successful.
sales ■*.B unit price
£9.00 2. Product A
Write sentences comparing the three banks. Use form s o f sm alt, big, m uch 12], strong.
Gold Bank has the fe w e s t branches. It has a __________ m arket share than Rotobank Ltd.
Gold Bank h a s __________ capital reserves. It i s ___________ bank. In term s o f branches, Credit
Bank International is __________ than the other two banks. It has m a n y______ ___ branches. It
also h a s __________ capital reserves than Rotobank Ltd.
Compare your country with another country you know. Write six sentences.
UNIT Adverbs
See also
Unit 65 Adjectives vs. adverbs
A Sample sentences
Firstly, we offer inform ation and advice.
The com puter w ill be delivered soon.
Please check your order carefully.
Government spending is slightly higher than forecast.
B Form
1. Most adverbs are form ed by adding -ly to the adjective, e.g. quick - quickly. (See Unit 65.]
2. Some adjectives have the same fo rm as adverbs, e.g. hard, late. (See Unit 65.)
3. Some adverbs have no adjective fo rm , e.g. very, soon, outside.
4. The adverb of good is well.
C Uses
1. There are three types of adverbs:
b. Adverbs of tim e answ er the question when?, how long? or how often?:
Can we ta lk about this tom orrow ? (When can we ta lk about this? Tomorrow.)
I have always lived in Boston. (How long have you lived in Boston? Always.)
We never sell any of our m ailing lists. (How often do you s e ll you m ailing lists? Never.)
(See Unit 67.)
2. Position of adverbs
We can often put adverbs in d iffe re n t positions in a sentence. The three main positions are:
P re -In te rm e d ia te B usiness G ra m m a r
Label the adverbs below place (P], time IT] o r m anner (Ml.
Exercise 2
M r Roach had to go to a business meeting at 2 o ’clock. Look at the pictures below. Complete the
sentences using words from the box.
Exercise 3
Complete the following sh ort dialogue. Use the words in the box.
A: Is M rs King there?
B: No, sorry. She is out.
A: When w ill she b e ___________ ?
B: Perhaps s h e 'll be b a c k __________ today.
A: OK. I’ll p h o n e ___________
B: Can I take a message?
A: Well, yes please. Tell h er the meeting w ith Blanchard w ent v e ry ___________We have
to prepare a c o n tra c t__________ , but it m ust be d o n e ___________ The details are very
im portant.
B: OK. Thanks. Goodbye.
How long have you lived in your town? When do you norm ally have a holiday?
How w ell do you speak English ? Where do you go a fte r work?
UNIT Expressions of Frequency
See also
Unit 67 Adverbs
A Sample sentences
• How often do you see her?
• We always keep cash for em ergencies.
• He rarely goes out to dinner.
• The industry holds a trade exhibition twice a year.
B Form
We can divide expressions of frequency into indefinite frequency and definite frequency.
1. Indefinite frequency
most often
usually/norm ally
som etimes
least often
2. D efinite frequency
These phrases te ll us m ore precisely how often som ething happens in a period of tim e:
C Uses
1. Q uestions about frequency:
How often do you go to head office?
Make frequency adverbs from the following ju m b le d letters. Then num ber them 1-7, in order of
Exercise 2
Complete the following phrases with an expression o f frequency, based on the w ordlsj in brackets.
_______ [December].
6. Our Sales Report is p u b lish e d _______
Exercise 3
Two people are in an a irp o rt departm ent lounge in Amsterdam. They are waiting fo ra flight to
New York. Complete p art o f the conversation with frequency expressions from the box.
Write sentences about what you do and do not do. Use frequency adverbs to say how often.
UNIT Degree with Very, Too and Enough
See also
Unit 67 Adverbs
A Sample sentences
• It is very difficult to estim ate the size of the m arket.
• There is too much w ork for one person.
• The building is not big enough fo r our needs.
B Form
Very, too and enough are adverbs. (See Unit 67.)
We put very and too before an adjective o r adverb:
Rotaronga is a very industrial region.
In fact, industry has grown too quickly.
We put enough a fte r an adjective or adverb:
Social services have not increased fast enough.
We put enough before a noun:
The area already has enough factories.
C Uses
1. Very m akes the m eaning of an adjective or adverb stronger:
A: A ll his staff are intelligent.
B: Yes, and some of them are very intelligent.
A: They answered our questions quickly.
B: Yes, but they didn't answ er them very accurately.
2. Too m eans m ore (or less) than necessary; enough m eans acceptable:
A: Our m anufacturing tim e is too slow.
B: I agree, it is not fast enough. But our w orkers are w e ll paid.
A: Yes, but they think th e ir w ages are not high enough. They think they are paid too little.
Add very, too or enough to the following phrases.
__________ time __________ dangerous difficult
not big strong im portant
beautiful profitable many people
Exercise 2
Complete the comments on these dishes in a restaurant.
Z e C 04 d ’O r
Exercise 3
Complete the following exchanges with appropriate words.
A: T here’s a lot of tra ffic on the roads.
B: Yes, I agree. T here’s __________ m uch.
A: The Chien Andalou re stau ra n t is one of the best in town,
B: Yes, and n o t__________ expensive. Everything is _______ fresh.
Write six sentences about yo u rse lf and your work o r studies. Include very, too and enough.
UNIT Already, Yet, Again and Still
See also
Unit 67 Adverbs
A Sample sentences
• Have you got your m edical insurance yet?
• We have already sold more than 300 units.
• When w ill you play it again?
• The company can s till afford to advertise.
B Form
Already, yet, again and still are adverbs of tim e. (See Unit 68.)
C Uses
1. Already m eans 'by th is /th a t tim e '; we use it in positive statem ents:
This year we have already hired 50 people, (by th is tim e, i.e. by now)
2. Yet m eans ‘by th is /th a t tim e ’ ; we use it in negative state m e n ts and questions:
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Read the following text. Underline examples o f already, yet, again and still. Then m ark the
statem ents that follow as true [Tj o r false IF}.
John is s till w aiting fo r a new contract. The com pany have not agreed the te rm s yet. John
may leave. In fact he's already had an interview w ith a no the r company. Anyway, to m o rro w
he's going to ta lk to his boss again about the contract.
Exercise 2
Choose already, yet, again or still to complete the dialogue below.
Exercise 3
Complete the text below with a word in each space.
Last year o ur sales overseas were down. This year exports a re ___________ poor. We expect low
export p ro fits __________ , but the good news is that in o ur domestic m arket we have________
reached o ur targets. Overall, things are not s e rio u s __________ The situation w ill be clearer at
the end o f the year.
Write six sentences about yo u r actions or yo ur plans. Include already, yet, again and still.
UNIT Articles
See also
Units 61, 62 Nouns
A Sample sentences
They signed a contract to purchase two planes.
He's an agent for an insurance company.
The address of the company is on the policy.
At present sales are increasing.
B Form
There are three fo rm s of the a rticle :
C Uses
1. A(n) - the indefinite a rticle
We use a(n) w ith sin g u la r countable nouns (see Unit 61) when we use a word
fo r the firs t tim e:
A com puter usually has a keyboard.
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
A travel agent telephones Henry Fish with details o f his trip to M unster in Germany Underline all
definite and indefinite articles. Indicate zero articles before uncountable nouns and before p lu ral
countable nouns with a zero 101.
'Mr Fish? I have, got details for your trip to Munster today. First, the
flight. There's a British Airways flight from London Heathrow to
Dusseldorf at 16.05 from Terminal 1. It arrives at 17.35. Then you can
take a train to Munster from the central station at 18.45. The train
arrives in Munster at 20.15. Coming back there's a flight to
Manchester at 16.30, arriving at Manchester Airport at 17.50. There
are trains every hour from Manchester to Leeds. You also asked
about money and the ticket. You can change money at Heathrow
and pick up the flight ticket from the B.A. desk in Terminal 1.'
Exercise 2
Read the dialogue about a problem in a chem ical plant. Put in articles where necessary.
Exercise 3
Below is an advertisem ent flye r from Beelo 0E Ltd, office furniture designers. Complete the text
with definite o r indefinite articles in the spaces if necessary.
Look at any sh ort text from an advertisement, a newspaper or a magazine in English.
Circle the use o fte n definite, indefinite, o r zero articles.
UNIT Personal Pronouns
See also
Unit 73 Possessive and reflexive pronouns
A Sample sentences
• We are going to m eet them tom orrow.
• I’ll send them fu ll details.
B Form
We use a pronoun in place of a noun:
The company is based in Bolton. It employs 200 people.
(= the company)
This is the Marketing Director. She joined the organisation three years ago.
(= the female Marketing Director)
1. We use he/him fo r men and boys; we use s he/her fo r w om en and g irls;
we use it fo r a ll n on -p e rso na l form s.
C Uses
A: I’d like to introduce you to Karen Pusey.
B: I m et her last w eek. She is the new publisher.
A: Yes, you are right. I forgot you w ere with us here last week,
I am sending you our latest catalogue. (I = the person)
We are sending you our latest catalogue. (We = the company)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 2
Wim van d e rJ o n k visits Educo, an Irish producer o f educational materials. Here is p a rt o f a
conversation with Joe Keeley, a Sales Manager. Write personal pronouns in the spaces.
Exercise 3
Rewrite the em ail below. Replace the words in brackets with personal pronouns.
Best regards J
Sam *
Write one o r two paragraphs about some o f your colleagues. Include as many personal pronouns
as you can. Underline the personal pronouns.
Two colleagues w o rk w ith m e. They are . . .
UNIT Possessive and Reflexive Pronouns
See also
Unit 72 Personal pronouns
B Form
We use a pronoun in place of a noun.
2. We use a reflexive pronoun when the object is the sam e as the subject:
I would like to introduce myself.
subject = object
• I lljlS
-* ■
1st person singular my mine myself
plural our ours ourselves
2nd person singular your yours yourself
plural your yours yourselves
3rd person singular masculine his his himself
feminine her hers herself
non-personal its its itself
plural their theirs themselves
1. We use the possessive d e te rm in e r in fro n t of a noun:
We would like to reduce our overheads.
possessive d e te rm in e r + noun
C Uses
1. Possessive pronouns:
A: My company develops softw are products. (I am the ow ner of the company.)
B: Are you the owner?
A: Yes, the company is m ine, (m ine = my company)
2. Reflexive pronouns:
Welcome to our first meeting. First, I’d like to introduce myself. I'm Janet Aspinall.
Now could you say a few words about yourselves?
Underline examples o f possessive and reflexive pronouns in the extract below. Label them
RIreflexive], PDIpossessive determ iners] o r PPIpossessive pronouns].
Exercise 2
Correct the following sentences.
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences below each picture. Include a possessive or reflexive pronoun.
Write five sentences about you and your family, or about colleagues at work. Use possessive and
reflexive pronouns.
I U7
UNIT Demonstratives
1 U
A Sample sentences
• A: Hello, is that the M arketing Departm ent?
B: No, this is Customer Services.
B Form
D em onstratives point to som ething near or som ething fa r away:
I don't understand this analysis, (the analysis here)
I didn't attend that presentation, (the presentation there o r then)
iS IS iffl SbmI
Near reference this these
Far reference that those
C Uses
1. N ear reference can be:
a. near in space:
His secretary left these documents for you to look at. (the docum ents here)
b. near in tim e:
Can I come and stay w ith you this week? (the week now)
c. near in the text:
Payment should reach us by 1st July. This guarantees your rights, (payment by 1st July)
P re -In te rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Cathy is showing a visitor around h er company Look at the demonstratives in the sentences below.
Label them near [N j o r far [F j + singular ISI or p lu ra l IP}. The firs t has been done fo r you.
Exercise 2
Carla and Petra are spending an evening together in a hotel. Complete the following exchanges
with appropriate demonstratives.
Exercise 3
Alex works f or a drinks manufacturer. He is m aking a presentation. Complete the spaces with a
1 . ________ picture shows our best seller, ZIGGO___________ is very popular with children.
A few m inutes ago I mentioned PIPPO________ __ is also m ainly fo r children.
2. Last year we agreed new prices. Now we k n o w __________ prices were too low.
3. In term s o f m arket share, there are five very sm all players. A t least two o f ___________ w ill
disappear, e ith e r__________ year o r next.
Look around you. Write fou r sentences about things you can see using this, these, that and those.
UNIT Some and Any
See also
Units 61, 62 Nouns
Unit 76 Some, any and related words
A Sample sentences
• We are waiting for the delivery of some new equipment.
• I didn't buy any tickets.
• Have you received any inform ation about the event?
• If you have any fu rth e r questions, please call me.
B Form
Some and any can be pronouns (see Unit 72) and d ete rm ine rs.
D eterm iner I need some information. I don’t need any information. Do you need any information?
Pronoun I’d like some, please. I don’t need any. Do you need any?
C Uses
We use some and any w ith p lu ra l nouns, e.g. managers, and w ith uncountable nouns,
e.g. information.
1. Some
a. in positive statem ents:
b. in polite offers:
2. Any
a. in questions:
P 39H H H M
Steve M arshall and Ben Long work fo r an engineering company. Steve has ju s t returned from a
week in Kuala Lum pur, at a trade fair. Underline examples o f some and any. Label the sentence
with some o r any as positive statem ent IPS], negative statem ent iNSj o r question [Q].
Exercise 2
Identify six mistakes in the following. Correct them.
Paula: We haven’t launched any new products th is year. Last year we had any.
Four, in fact. We need som e fo r next year.
Mohammad: I w ould like to show you designs.
Exercise 3
Two colleagues are talking about a printing job. Put some or any in the spaces.
Write a sh ort dialogue about buying something in a shop o r from a company Sales Office.
Include some and any
UNIT Some, Any and Related Words
See also
Unit 75 Some and any
A Sample sentences
• Someone must install the equipm ent before it can be used.
• Do you want to add anything to w hat I've said?
• Nobody in the company received an appraisal last month.
• Our pricing strategy is sim ilar to any other business.
B Form
Below are the m ain fo rm s of some, any and no words:
C Uses
1. Some words
We use these in positive statem ents:
I spoke to someone from the m arketing departm ent.
He told me something about the charity’s w ork.
I m et him som ewhere near Rennes.
2. Any words
We use these in negative state m e n ts and questions:
A: Does anyone have any questions? [not-, any question]
B: You didn’t say anything about the location of the new equipm ent.
A: You can install it near the main area.
B: But can we place it anywhere?
3. No words
We use these in negative state m e n ts and questions:
No-one has accepted the offer.
Is there nothing else that we can do?
The car is now produced in Mexico and nowhere else.
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
E E 33M 1
Underline examples o f some, a ny and related words in the text below. Label them positive
statem ent IPS], negative statem ent INS] or question IQ].
A: Is anything wrong?
B: Yes, there's som ething wrong w ith one of o u r production m achines. No-one knows what
the problem is. We've looked in the U se r’s M anual but we can’t find the solution anywhere.
A: Have you contacted the m anufacturers?
B: Yes, they th in k it ’s nothing very com plicated. They’re sending som eone to visit us. He’ll
be here soon. He was already som ew here near here.
Exercise 2
Choose the best meaning a, b, or c fo r the sentences 1-5.
Exercise 3
Ella and Pat are staying in a hotel. They are talking about problems. Complete the spaces in
the conversation. Use words from the box.
Is there anyone working with you who speaks French ? Have you been anywhere interesting recently?
Does no-one help you with y o u r work? Say something about yo u r job.
Describe somewhere you have been recently.
I 153
UNIT Quantifiers (1)
See also
Units 61, 62 Nouns
Unit 75 Some and any
Units 78, 79 Quantifiers
A Sample sentences
• Our website lists a ll the products that are available.
• We have upgraded most of our hotels.
• Do you have a lot of im portant m eetings to attend?
• They had some problems with th e ir suppliers.
• The hotel is fu ll. There are no rooms available.
B Form
C Uses
A: Do you know a ll the people here?
B: I know most of them , [not: the m ost of them )
A: W here did you m eet them?
B: I m et some of them at the last sales conference.
A: I see. So, let's start the m eeting. We have a lot of points to cover. There is no tim e to lose.
|3 !H W S B 1
Exercise 2
The table gives the results o f a quality test on electrical components atAPKAL Ltd.
ioo% 0% 0%
KBIBIIEL- fe | 88% 10% 2%
Exercise 3
Replace the underlined words with a word o r phrase from the box. Change the verb if necessary.
Write sentences about a company you know. Use quantifiers.
UNIT Quantifiers (2)
See also
Units 61, 62 Nouns
Unit 75 Some and any
Unit 77 Quantifiers (1]
Unit 79 Quantifiers (31
A Sample sentences
• They d id n 't spend m uch m oney.
• How m any em p loye e s do th e y have?
• H ere are a fe w o f m y su g g e stio n s.
• L et m e give you a lit t le advice.
B Form
We use countable qua n tifiers w ith p lu ra l countable nouns; we use uncountable q uantifiers
w ith uncountable nouns. (See Unit 62.)
They o n ly m ade a fe w re co m m e n d a tio n s.
q u a n tifie r + countable noun
They o n ly gave us a lit t le advice.
q u a n tifie r + uncountable noun
C Uses
1. Much, m any and a lo t of
a. in statem ents:
T here a re n 't m any to u ris ts a ro u n d in th e w in te r, (m any + countable noun)
People d id n 't e a rn m uch m oney in th e 1940s. (much + uncountable noun)
We n orm a lly use m uch and m any in negative statem ents; in positive statem ents, we often
use a lo t of w ith both countable.and uncountable nouns:
We w e re given a lo t o f e q u ip m e n t.
b. in questions:
How m uch do I owe you? (how m uch money)
How m any com panies in cre a se d th e ir e a rn in g s la s t y e a r? (m any + countable noun)
How m uch w o rk are you p re p a re d to do? (m uch + uncountable noun)
E G 33M 1
Am y wants to hire a car. Identify seven quantifiers in the following dialogue. M ark them
countable (Cl o r uncountable (U l
Exercise 2
Boris runs a m obile phone rental company Here he talks about his business. Choose the correct
quantifiers from the alternatives.
‘We hire m obile phones. We have m u ch/all types of phones. We keep a lot of/no phones in
stock. Most/a lot o f are hired fo r ju s t one day. A little /a few o f o u r cu stom ers keep them for a
m onth o r two. Not all/few /m any people hire phones fo r longer than many/a few w eeks.’
M O B I L £
Exercise 3
Replace the underlined phrases with quantifiers. Do not change the meaning.
1. Not many and not enough people understand how to program com puters.
2. There is not m uch and not enough dem and fo r o u r products.
3. We made not many but enough contacts at the Singapore Trade Fair.
4. There was some, but not m uch c ritic is m in the report.
5. A large n um be r of people answered o u r advertisem ent.
6. Not even one applicant w as good enough fo r the job.
Write five sentences about jo b s, job advertisements, applications and people looking for work in your
home town. Use quantifiers.
UNIT Quantifiers (3)
See also
.............................. .......... ,.11
Units 61, 62 Nouns
Units 77, 78 Quantifiers
A Sample sentences
• Hotel staff check each room before guests arrive.
• They meet every morning at 7.15.
• All employees must be given a written contract.
B Form
During their visit we show them all the machinery in the factory.
q u a n tifie r + uncountable noun
C Uses
Each and every have very s im ila r m eanings.
1. Each
Police were checking each car. (many cars, one by one)
The fee for each session is £50. (each individual session)
(n o t: each sessions)
2. Every
Every department faces cuts, (a ll departm ents, w ith o u t exception)
There is a staff meeting every Monday morning, (each Monday m orning, w ith o u t
3. All
We send all our clients a weekly update on airfares, (every/each client)
They paid all the money last week.
every + sin g u la r noun = all + p lu ra l noun:
Every manager/all managers must plan, lead, organise and control.
Exercise 2
How many combinations with every, each and all can you make with these words o r phrases?
Try to write fu ll sentences.
person money custom er products
inform ation o f us week departm ent
In a team, each person has an important role to play.
Every person in this room is wearing shoes.
All the money in the world wouldn't change me.
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences below using each, every or all + a word o r phrase from the box.
The firs t has been done for you.
Write five sentences about yo u r home town. Include each, all, every
UNIT Numerals
See also
Business File 5 Numbers, dates and times
A Sample sentences
Ten new plants will be built in the next five years.
This is the third time the company has been sold.
Department managers must spend half their time on the sales floor.
The committee meets once a month.
B Form
1. C ardinal num bers
4. Frequency expressions
once twice three times fou r times etc.
C Uses
A: How many people does ITCorp employ?
B: We have about 5000 people at 28 plants worldwide.
A: And how long have you worked for the company?
B: I joined them in 2008.
A: And where were you before that?
B: Before ITCorp I worked for GloboSys for 5 years.
A: So is ITCorp your second job?
B: Yes. And how often do you come here?
A: I visit the country three times a year. At present we are thinking of building a second
factory here.
B: Yes. The economic situation is very healthy at the moment.
A: Inflation is only 2.5%. So it’s an attractive place to invest.
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 2
Read the following details about Abacus pic, a UK-based m anufacturing company. Write a ll the
num bers as you would say them.
Exercise 3
Use the table to give inform ation to a colleague. Write exactly what you say in the spaces.
Find a newspaper or another document with a lot o f num bers in it. Practise reading them aloud.
Unit 17 The present perfect with for, since, ever and never
A Sample sentences
• We agreed a deal in 2005.
• The meeting w ill start at 8.30 and finish at 10.30.
• The course w ill be held for six w eeks from Novem ber 6th.
• I expect to be back in Britain on Decem ber 18th.
B Form
A preposition is a g ra m m a tic a l unit. It comes in fro n t of a noun,
e.g. in the morning.
preposition + noun
The m ost im p o rta n t prepositions of tim e are:
C Uses
1. At, in, on and by
at + clock tim e
at 6 o’clock
in + parts of the day
in the m orning/afternoon/evening [but: at night)
on + days of the week
on Monday
on Thursday afternoon
on + dates
on 3rd May (spoken: on the third of May)
in + m onths and years
in May
in 1997 (spoken: in nineteen ninety-seven)
by + a deadline
You must finish the report by U o'clock, (at the latest)
2. By and u n til/till
3. No preposition
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
A: W hen’s he conning?
B: In the m orning.
A: Before 10 o’clock?
B: Probably. We’ll show him the factory fo r an h ou r o r two, then when Ju lie arrives at
12 o’clock w e ’ll have o u r m eeting.
A: So, during lunchtim e?
B: Yes, from about 12 t ill around 2.30.
A: We m ust be finished by 3 because w e ’ve an appointm ent w ith Axis in the afternoon.
B: That' s no problem .
Exercise 2
The time tine below shows the product development o f the XR20, a m in i television made
by Camicam. Complete the text with prepositions from the box.
sales growth
~T~ r
08 09 10 11 12 13 14
We researched the XR20 12 months, then ___ 2009 it went into production.
_________ 15th January 2010 the product was launched. _______ then we have had good sales
and we w ill break even_______ March 2011. We expect increasing s a le s __________about two
y e a rs ,__________sales p e a k __________ the year 2013 that, the sales w ill decline.
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences fo r the time lines below.
UNIT P lac e d )
See also
Unit 83 Place (2}
A Sample sentences
I paid in some money at the bank.
Glover came into the office at 8am .
He left his car in the car park.
There's someone from People magazine on the phone.
B Form
A preposition is a g ra m m a tica l unit. It comes in fro n t of a noun,
e.g. in the factory.
preposition + noun
The m ost im p o rta n t prepositions of place are:
W alk into the main building; the reception desk is on the left.
We im port our components from Rotaronga.
C Uses
1. at
We use at to describe a place w ith o u t any specific dim ensions:
I'll see Lloyd tom orrow at the m eeting.
A problem had arisen at w ork.
2. to
We use to to describe m ovem ent to a place w ith o u t any specific dim ensions:
He drove to w ork every day.
We deliver the goods to our customers w ithin 72 hours.
3. from
We use from to describe m ovem ent away from a place w ith o u t any specific dim ensions:
He drove from the shipyard to Antwerp.
R etailers buy goods from the manufacturer.
U. in and into
We use in to describe a place:
I'll m eet you in the restaurant.
We use into to describe m ovem ent to a place:
They packed the goods into the lorry.
A: We deliver the m aterials in cases.
B: And w here do you deliver them?
A: We take them into the warehouse.
6. on
We use on w ith objects w hich have a surface:
He looked at the notebook on his desk.
There are some lovely salads on the menu.
Exercise 1
La bet the following with prepositions o f place.
X X X-
Exercise 2
Correct the following, where necessary. Two sentences are correct.
Exercise 3
Complete the description o f the process shown in the diagram. Use words from the box.
The finished tablets are s e n t__________ the production area ______ this machine
which puts th e m __________ sm a ll bottles. Labels are p u t__ ____ the bottles which are then
p acked__________ boxes. The boxes are tra n sfe rre d _______ the warehouse. They are
ta ke n __________ the w arehouse___________ the shops.
Write seven sentences about yo urself o r about a place you know well. Include place prepositions at,
to, from, in, into, out of, on.
UNIT Place (2)
See also
Unit 82 Place{1}
A Sample sentences
• We w alked through the building to the main entrance.
• Graham pushed the report across the desk to me.
• The club is located above a restaurant.
• The w a te r is stored in a tank below ground level.
B Form
We use prepositions to describe:
— place (see also Unit 82)
— position
— m ovem ent (see also Unit 82).
S om etim es, the same preposition can have different uses.
C Uses
1- Describing position:
The com puter room is above the
reception area. We are planning
to have a dem onstration room
next to the reception area.
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Underline the prepositions in the following. Mark them position [Pi o r movement [M l.
When you arrive, go out of the a irp o rt and along the road to the taxis jl
w aiting outside. Ask to go to Jasons, on High Street. Our offices are :
between the Post Office and the Magnus foodstore. We’re opposite ’
Credit Bank International. Go through the main entrance and into the -
lift. Go up to the fou rth floor. We’re ju s t next to the fire exit.
Exercise 2
Replace each preposition in the following sentences with another one which means the same.
Match each sentence 1-5 with the correct diagram a-f. There is one more diagram than you need.
Exercise 3
Look at this picture of a factory.
production factory
main office block
A nsw er the questions. Choose words o r phrases from the box. You may use a word or phrase more
than once.
T ra n s fe r
A Sam ple sentences
• Superm arkets now s ell things like clothes and hom eware as w e ll as food.
• I w ork as a w a ite r in a hotel.
• Prices this year are the same as last year.
• The Japanese m arket is different from the US m arket.
B Form
Like, as and fro m are prepositions.
We put a noun phrase a fte r a preposition:
His briefcase is like a mobile office.
preposition + noun phrase
She w orks as a financial adviser.
preposition + noun phrase
C Uses
1. Both lik e and as mean ‘the same as’ o r ‘s im ila r to':
a. like
Even in countries like Germany and Sw itzerland, banks have been running into trouble.
(s im ila r to)
We make personal computers, like ITCorp. (the sam e as)
b. as
She w orks as a custom er service manager, (it is h er job)
As you can see, the published accounts show little detail, [not: like you can see)
c. the same as
Flexitim e is the same as flexible working hours, (not: the sam e like)
The airline faces the same problems as other airlines.
E S 2 S 3 I
Tick IS ] sentences 1-8 if you agree with them. If you do not agree, write a cross I/].
2. German cars have an im age w hich is very different from the image of Japanese cars.
6. One fast food store is often the same as any o th e r fast food store.
Exercise 2
Taruba is a car manufacturer. Here are details of two Taruba cars. Complete the advertisement below.
The GX40 lo o k s ______________ the GX50. But the engine of the GX50 i s _____
______________ the engine in the GX4-0. It is b ig g e r._____________ a ll Taruba cars, the
GX m odels have a seven-year w a rra n ty_______________ you can see, we build fo r quality.
______________ you, we d on ’t w ant any trouble.
Exercise 3
Here is p a rt o f the Chairman's annual address to the shareholders o f BBL pic. Five sentences have
been ju m bled up. Rewrite them, beginning with the wordls] given.
Write five sentences about yourself, o r about a company you know. Include Like, as, the sam e as
and different from.
BUSINESS FILE Industries and Jobs
Aerospace E lectrical P lastics
A gricu lture & food Energy P ower generation
production Engineering Pulp & paper
A pparel & fashion Food & d rin k Rail
Autom otive Furniture Road
C hem ical Gas R ubber
C onstruction M etal Telecom m unications
Cosm etics & person onal M ining Textiles
care Petroleum W ater
Dyes & pigm ents P harm aceutical
A ccounting In te rn a tio n a l relations Real estate
A dvertising In te rn a tio n a l trade Retail
A rch itectu re IT (Inform ation Technology) & S ecurity & protection
Banking & fin an cia l telecom s Tax
services Jo u rn a lism Tourism
C harities Law Training (incl. education)
Civil service Media T ransportation (incl. shippi
C onsultancy M ilita ry Travel
E nvironm ent Music U tilitie s
Health & healthcare P olitics & governm ent Volunteering
H otel & hospitality P rinting
Insurance P ublic relations
A dm in istra tio n Legal Purchasing
Design Logistics (incl. d istribution) Q uality assurance
E ngineering M arketing & PR (Public R ecruitm ent
E nvironm ent relations) Research & developm ent
Finance & accounting M a terials m anagem ent Sales
G eneral m anagem ent HR (Hum an Resources) & S ecurity
Health & safety tra in in g Training
Inform ation technology Production
J o u rn a lism Project m anagem ent
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
BUSINESS FILE Countries and Currencies
Country Currency Currency 1 Country Currency
Algeria Algerian Dinar Italy Euro Peru Sol
Argentina Peso Jamaica Jamaican Dollar Philippines Philippine Peso
Australia Australian Dollar Japan Yen Poland Zloty
Austria Euro Jordan Jordanian Dinar Portugal Euro
Belgium Euro Kenya Kenyan Shilling Romania Leu
Bolivia Peso Boliviano Kuwait Kuwait Dinar Russia Rouble
Brazil Real Laos Kip Rwanda Rwanda Franc
Bulgaria Lev Lebanon Lebanese Pound Saudi Arabia Riyal
Czech Republic Czech Koruna Mexico Peso Sri Lanka Sri Lankan Rupee
Denmark Krone Monaco Euro Sudan Sudanese Pound
Ecuador US Dollar Mongolia Tugrik Sweden Krona
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
BUSINESS FILE British English vs
/ American English
You can find difference between B ritish English (BrE) and A m erican English (AmE)
at fo u r main levels:
• g ra m m a r • pronunciation
• vocabulary • spelling
1. G ram m ar
Present perfect and past sim ple
Have you done it yet? (BrE) Did you do it yet? (AmE)
I have already done it. (BrE) I already did it. (AmE)
I haven't done it yet. (BrE) I didn't do it yet. (AmE)
Verb Phrases
to m eet someone (BrE) to m eet with someone (AmE)
to agree to a proposal (BrE) to agree a proposal (AmE)
to appeal against a decision (BrE) to appeal a decision (AmE)
2. Vocabulary
C o rp orate Language
Chairman President Sales Manager Sales Director
Managing Director Chief Executive Officer/ Board of Directors Executive Board
Senior Vice-President
G e n e ra l L a n g u a g e
flat apartment fortnight two weeks
autumn fa ll holiday vacation
biscuit cookie motorway freeway/highway
b ill (for payment] check petrol gas
boot (car) trunk post mail
centre (of town/city] downtown queue line
chem ist’s shop/chemist pharmacy/drugstore rubbish garbage/trash
chips (French] fries solicitor lawyer/attorney
crisps (potato] chips tap faucet
3. Pronunciation
detail detail interested in te re s te d
research research hostile /ta il/ hostile / 1(a) 1/
A Num bers
We can divide num bers into:
• cardinals • ordinals • fra ctio n s and decim als • frequency expressions
1. Cardinals
0 - nought, zero [especially fo r m a the m a tics and fo r tem peratures),
oh (in B ritish English fo r telephone num bers), n il (in sports)
100 - a/one hundred. We offer a/one hundred different products.
101 - a/one hundred and one
1,000 - a/one thousand. At present we employ a/one thousand employees, [not: one thousand of)
1,000,000 - a/one m illio n
2. Ordinals
1st - first. The first of A pril (spoken)
2nd - second. This is the second tim e we have visited the Paris fashion show.
3rd - third. Our third attem pt to find an agent w as successful.
4th - fou rth . This is the fourth job I have applied for.
21st - tw e n ty-first. W e're living in the tw en ty-first century.
100th - (one) hundredth. This is our (one) hundredth trade fair.
101st - one hundred and firs t
1000th - (one) thousandth
3. Fractions and decimals
1/2 - (a) half. Over (a) half (of) our products are made in France.
B Dates
Notice the difference between the w ritte n and spoken fo rm s and between
B ritish and A m erican English:
We opened our new office on 5 A pril 2010. BrE (written)
We opened our new office on the fifth of April, two thousand and te n *. BrE (spoken)
o r We opened our new office on A p ril the fifth, two thousand and te n *. BrE (spoken)
We opened our new office on A p ril 5th 2010. AmE (written)
We opened our new office on A p ril fifth, two thousand te n *. AmE (spoken)
*W e also say twenty ten BrE/Am E (spoken)
5 /4 /2 0 1 0 - BrE (w ritten) fo r 5 A p ril 2010, i.e. d ate /m o nth /ye a r
4 /5 /2 0 1 0 - AmE (w ritten) fo r 5 A p ril 2010, i.e. m o n th /d ate /ye a r
C Times
Notice the w ritte n and spoken form s:
The meeting w ill start at 9 .0 0 /9 .0 0 a m /9 o'clock, (written)
The meeting w ill start at nine a.m ./n in e o'clock, (spoken)
The meeting w ill finish at 4.30 p .m ./16.30. (written)
The meeting w ill finish at four th irty p.m ./(a) half past four/sixteen thirty, (spoken)
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
BUSINESS FILE Irregular Verb Table
be was/were been lie lay lain
beat beat beaten lose lost lost
become became become make made made
begin began begun mean meant meant
break broke broken meet met met
bring brought brought pay paid paid
build built built put put put
buy bought bought read read read
catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen rise rose risen
come came come run ran run
cost cost cost say said said
cut cut cut see saw seen
do did done sell sold sold
draw drew drawn send sent sent
drink drank drunk set set set
drive drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
fall fell fallen show showed shown
feel felt felt shut shut shut
fight fought fought sing sang sung
find found found sink sank sunk
fly flew flown sit sat sat
forget forgot forgotten sleep slept slept
get got got (BrEj speak spoke spoken
get got gotten (AmE) spend spent spent
give gave given split split split
go went gone stand stood stood
grow grew grown steal stole stolen
have had had strike struck struck
hear heard heard swim swam swum
hide hid hidden take took taken
hit hit hit teach taught taught
hold held held tell told told
keep kept kept think thought thought
know knew known throw threw thrown
lay laid laid understand understood understood
lead led led wake woke woken
leave left left wear wore worn
lend lent lent win won won
let let let write wrote written
Answer Key
(M) = Model/suggested answers
Exercise 3
From: [email protected]
B E (1 ) Sent: Mon 28 November 15:40
Subject: Short Bros
E x ercis e 1
Dear Frances,
Present negative Prese n t q
I am sorry I was not at the meeting yesterday. I have not been in the
1 3 5 7 8 6 13 2 4- 9 12 office this week. Tom and I have been in London. We were at a
Sales Conference. I have been very busy recently.
10 11 U Were Short Brothers happy with the contract? Have they been in
contact today?
E x e rc is e 2 Please contact me by email tomorrow.
2. My nam e’s Pierre Lapin. I’m a Sales Manager. Thanks
3. M ary and Hans are from my d e p artm en t. Juanito
They're co m p ute r pro gram m ers. ..:...... a
U. This is Naom i Cox. She's a research scien tist.
5. Hello. My nam e's Franz Johann and th is is Tomas
D oll. W e're from Salzburg. TASKS 3
6. Ah, Franz and Tomas! You're very w elcom e!
7. This is o u r office. It isn’t very big.
The Present Continuous Positive
E x ercis e 3
E x ercis e 1
Axdal Electronics is a w orld leader in control systems.
We are suppliers to the car industry. Car m anufacturers
Date: 12 march 20..
are not o ur only customers. We are also suppliers to To: all staff
TASKS 2 Room 40. Janet is planning a leaving party fo r John. At present, John
is recovering in hospital after an accident. He is hoping to return to
w ork next m onth, b u t only un til th e summer.
E x e rc is e 1
E x ercis e 2
Last week Tom and Paula were here for a meeting. It w as very 1. Total sales are going up.
useful. They were here for two days. We have been to Oslo in 2. Sales fo r P roduct A are increasing.
the last few days. We were there for a meeting with our 3. Sales fo r P roduct B are fa llin g .
Norwegian colleagues. Arne Sillessen w as very interested in
U. The com pany is stopping production of P roduct B.
our ideas. Until now, I have not been happy with the project.
Now I am very optimistic. See you next week.
Best wishes
Sand3 f t t l
Sandy Peel
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
The Present Continuous Negative The Present Simple Positive
E x ercis e 1 E x ercis e 1
We are not increasing our prices this year. The You work for a multinational company.
market is not strong enough. We are launching He/She studies foreign languages.
new products for the domestic market. Most of our We/You/They travel a lot for work.
products are selling well at home. At present, we are The company makes better products.
not planning any new products for export. Sales are Our Research Department develops new solutions.
not increasing in our export markets. The company
is not expecting improved sales this year.
E x ercis e 2
1. d 2. e 3. c U. a 5. b
E x ercis e 2
TASKS 8 But not Brasilia?
No, we don't operate in Brazil yet.
The Present Simple Question Is Pablo Hernandez coming here this week?
Yes, he likes these meetings.
E x e rc is e 1
E x e rc is e 2
The Past Simple Positive
M: We deal mainly with Germany, France and Sweden.
C: And are you negotiating with Japanese E x ercis e 1
customers at the moment?
increased gave helped ran supplied received
M: No, not at the moment.
delivered met ordered lost broke climbed
C: Are you planning to enter any new markets?
came read wrote spoke
M: Yes, Italy. We are launching a range of products
there later this year.
E x ercis e 2
C: And Sweden? Do you sell much there?
M: Yes, we often get big orders from Swedish
manufacturers. On 25 April this year we stop (stopped/ production
ofArpol, a treatment for migraine. Arpol production
E x e rc is e 3 begin /began/ in 2004 and early sales was (were/
very impressive. However, Belpharm Ltd did launch
A: What's happening? /launched/ the Calpem range three years ago. This
B: We’re opening ten new branches in Argentina product was taking /took / a 30% market share in
and Chile. the first two years. At first we agree /agreed/ to
A: Does the bank currently have branches only in continue with Arpol. Now the situation is different.
Buenos Aires and Santiago?
E x ercis e 1
I joined th is com pany five years ago. It was a d ifficu lt
tim e. The com pany was not in a very good state. The Past Continuous
We d id n 't have a cle a r m anagem ent stru ctu re . Our
local m arkets were not very good. O ur m arketin g E xercise 1
d id n ’t include A m erica o r the Pacific regions.
We d id n 't have any cle a r m arketin g strategy. ‘W hat was happening (Q) a few years ago? Well,
Now, th ing s are very different. the com pany w a s n 't doing (N) very w ell. D uring the
1990s we w ere com peting (P) w ith m any suppliers.
We had (P) a s m a ll turnover. Then everyone was
E x ercis e 2 th in kin g about (P) m erge rs and takeovers. In the
New products were not cheap to develop. We didn’t early 2000s we w ere operating IP) in a very different
spend a lot of m oney on research. O ur m arket share m arket. There w ere only fo u r large com panies. A ll
didn’t increase in the early 2000s. The com pany fo u r w ere m aking (P) big profits. We were a ll doing
didn't make m any good products. w e ll (P) . . . ’
Chemco bought the company. There was a big
change in the organisation. The new m anagem ent
E x ercis e 2
wanted to change everything. Most of the old
m anagem ent left. T hings improved. Now, we are T: From 8 o’clock u n til 9 o'clock I was checking
very optim istic. the production system . From 9 o’clock
u n til 10 o’clock I was repairing a com puter.
Then w hen the fire started I wasn’t working. I
E x ercis e 3 was having coffee.
2. On the next day they didn't send the goods to S.F: Were your colleagues drinking coffee too?
Rotterdam by train . T: No, they w ere installing a new printer.
3. On January 17 they didn't load the goods onto a S.F: Was the factory working normally?
ship in Bilbao. T: Yes, everything was running perfectly.
U. On the next day the goods didn’t arrive in Bilbao. S.F: Okay. T hanks fo r your help.
5. C arretera T rasportes didn't take the goods to
Vitoria. E x ercis e 3
6. So Espofrigo didn’t confirm the arrival.
2. At 11.00 Sally w as in the duty free shop. She was
buying clothes.
3. At 11.30 Sally w as at the Gate. She w as w aiting to
TASKS 13 get on the plane.
4. At 12.00 she w as on the plane. She was reading.
The Past Simple Question 5. At 2.00 she was (still) on the plane. She was
having lunch.
E x ercis e 1 6. At 5.00 she was at a m eeting. She w as giving a
1. c 2. d 3. e U. b 5. a presentation.
E x ercis e 2
Joelle: Did you have an interesting visit?
Bill: Yes, I made som e u sefu l contacts. The Present Perfect Simple
Joelle: Did you see M r Keitel?
Bill: No, he w as in New York. E x ercis e 1 (M)
Joelle: And did you visit o u r colleagues in Sabah?
I have been to B elgium .
Bill: No, I telephoned, but I didn’t have tim e to visit.
Joelle: Did you have tim e fo r any to u rism ? You haven’t visited Saudi Arabia.
Bill: T ourism ! No ... only w o rk and m ore w ork! H e's/She’s studied econom ics.
She’s/H e ’s produced a report.
O ur d ep a rtm e n t has made a profit.
The com pany has developed new products.
The governm ent has increased taxes. The Present Perfect with For,
Since, Ever and Never
E x ercis e 2
E x ercis e 1
Product B has been profitable since 2008.
P roduct C has done w e ll since 2006. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a
Product D has made a p ro fit since 2007.
E x ercis e 2
E x ercis e 3 (M)
MC Have you ever had a big fa ll in sales before?
2. I’ve known h im /h e r since I was 16. Since I was 16. PM No, sales have never fallen so suddenly.
3. No, it hasn ’t made any links. No, it h asn’t. MC How long have you been m arketing this product?
4. Yes, it has owned a p rintin g business since 1965. PM Since the beginning of last year.
Yes, it has. MC So, it ’s been on th e m arket for less than
5. I’ve lived in my present house fo r five years. two years?
For five years. PM: Yes, it has.
6. No, I haven’t w orked fo r an A m erican company. MC: Have you com pared Shine Plus w ith
No, I haven’t. c o m p e tito rs ’ sales results?
7. Yes, I have (I’ve) studied fo r an MBA. Yes, I have. PM: Yes, o u r drop in sales has happened since
January. The m a rk e t has improved. The graph
shows how o u r th re e m ain co m p etito rs have
TASKS 16 a ll benefited: th e y’ve a ll been se llin g better.
E x ercis e 2 TASKS 18
Since 2006 w e ’ve been using autom ated production.
Since 2008 w e ’ve been running tra in in g courses. The Past Simple
Since January w e ’ve been processing o rd ers w ith vs. The Present Perfect Simple
ele ctron ic system s.
We've been building a new w arehouse since E x ercis e 1
1. The com pany has sold its London offices.
E x e rc is e 3 2. The M anaging D ire c to r resigned three years ago.
3. I^have not read the new spaper to day.
EuroTV, 170-174 Rue des Capucins, 2270 Lesigny, FRANCE 4. A rival m an ufa ctu re r^has bought the company.
5. The to p -s e llin g pro duct made over £3m last year.
Dear Hisashi,
6. Many sh a re h o ld e r^ have sold th e ir shares.
Thank you for your letter. EuroTV has been developing links with companies
in other countries. In particular we have been discussing programme
7. M arket analysts^have estim ated|com pany tu rn ove r
making with networks in Belgium and Germany. We have been talking to a to v e r£ 4 0 m .
small, private companies. So fa r we have not tried to set up links with 8. Axam Ltd did not im prove its sales.
companies outside Europe. Many American TV stations have been
examining ways to work in Europe. E x ercis e 2
I look forward to meeting you in Paris. We can discuss these developments. This shows the tu rn o ve r fo r Lander. It declined
between 2004 and 2006 but it has risen since 2006.
Yours sincerely,
The com pany has spent m ore on R&D.
Tor* K tftch.
Tom Kitsch
E x ercis e 3 E x ercis e 2
Tom: What happened? g. So, now I’ll explain the programme for the day.
Fred: Before the machine broke down, I had made c. After this introduction, w e'll have a short tour of
100 copies. the plant.
Tom: Then what? e. Then before coffee w e'll show you a film about our
Fred: When I had done 100, the paper jammed. distribution system.
f. We’Ll have coffee at 11 then we’ll have a meeting
with Ken Levins, our Product Manager.
a. We'll have lunch in a local restaurant at about
1 o'clock.
The Future with W ill vs. Going
h. After lunch we'll discuss future plans. To vs. Present Continuous
b. We'll finish at about 4- o’clock,
E x ercis e 1
d. So, shall we begin the tour?
A: What are we going to do (1) about the
E x e rc is e 3 promotional material for the exhibition?
2. John: I’ll be in my office tomorrow. B: I’m taking (2) it to the printer’s this afternoon.
M arie: I’ll call you. They told me it’ll be done (3) by Monday.
3. Jacob: I need to see the report. A: Okay. Tell them I’ll pick it up (4) at 10 o’clock.
Hisashi: I’ll get it. B: It’s not necessary. They’re coming (5) here about
A. P ierre: Who’ll tell us the answer? something else.
Imogen: Erik won't A: Okay. I’m going to find out (6) who can do some
5. Juan: What about lunch? translations for us ...
Amy: Shall we go to Gigi's Restaurant?
Fixed plans/ Intentions/ 3 Facts/specific
present continuous going to j tim e s /w iU
TASKS 22 2, 5 1,6 3,4
PhoneCo: And are you going to need anything else From: j [email protected]
faxes or modems? Subject: j Visit from Harkes Ltd~
C aller: No, w e ’re not planning anything Dear Ricardo,
R epresentatives o f Harkes Ltd are coming next w eek.They are
disaster. Present 3 ,8 ,9 12 1
3. If sales collapsed, people w ould lose th e ir jobs.
Past 5 7 4, 6
U. If the plane crashed, we w ould m iss the m eeting.
Future 2, 10 13 11
5. M ary w ould be happy if Fred resigned.
6. If we increased the R&D budget to $500m we
w ould be the m a rke t leader. E x ercis e 2 (M)
E x ercis e 3 The two com panies had been com petitors.
2. If we spent less on hotels the com pany w ould In 1965 Ardanza Pascual had 45 shops in Spain.
pay m ore tax. Between 1965 and 1980 the com pany was growing
3. Travelling w ould be h arde r w o rk if we didn't by 5% every year.
go first class. Since 1980 the com pany has been exporting all
U. I would like travelling if I d id n ’t have to w ait fo r over Europe.
hours in airpo rts. Now the com pany is planning 20 new products.
5. If I d id n 't like the tra ve llin g I would get a The com pany is going to buy into the US m arket.
different job. In 2020 it is opening a new factory in Poland.
6. My company w ouldn’t use this hotel unless it
was really good.
E x ercis e 3
Ben: Claude, listen. Before taking a decision on
Infinitive + To the Combo advertising, I would appreciate
knowing your views on the agency we are
E x ercis e 1
working with, Kinetics.
I was pleased to talk to you on the telephone last Claude: Well, avoid signing the contract this week.
night. We w ill be glad to see you in Washington Tell them we’re interested in learning
next month, but I am sorry to hear that Sam is more about their plans.
not coming. Tell him, of course, we’d like to meet Ben: Good. Thanks. I’Ll tell them we’re looking
him another tim e ... forward to meeting them again soon to
discuss things in more detail.
Claude: Yes. And ask them to stop talking about
E x ercis e 2
television advertising. We said it was too
1. I was sorry to hear that John was not well. expensive.
2. It w ill be good to see you again.
3. We plan to spend more on advertising next year.
U. We always want to give a good service.
5. We expect to do well next year.
Infinitive + To or Verb . . . ing
E x e rc is e 3
E x ercis e 1
"Friends, I am pleased to have the opportunity to
speak again at our Annual General Meeting. I am 1. We continue to promote the use of recycled
glad to see so many old friends. It is difficult to know materials in our factory.
what to say after 20 years as Chairman of the Group. 2. Would you like to see our latest products?
I w ill be sad to leave the company after so long. 3. I tried to phone/phoning you yesterday.
The good news is that I plan to play more golf next 4. Our Overseas Director intends to visit/visiting all
year! But also, I hope to come to the AGM next year. I our subsidiaries this year.
expect it w ill be difficult not to follow the news about 5. I remember meeting you in Madrid last year.
the company. Now, of course, I would like to thank E x ercis e 2
the many people who have helped me in 20 years ...”
1. I like drinking coffee
TASKS 29 b. Coffee is what I like to drink.
2. I forgot to telephone Mr James,
Verb ...ing b. I did not call him.
3. Try calling him in the evening.
E x ercis e 1 a. If you call in the evening, it is possible that you
w ill reach him.
Dear George
We are planning a meeting next week. We are interested E xercise 3
in hearing colleagues' views on the sales campaign for
the Shello range. Before attending the meeting, please
I’m on a tour of our European suppliers as I’m
read the interim report, Shello Advertising SA/JD
responsible for checking quality control. I had
3421JD. I suggest inviting the marketing group to intended to see/seeing all our suppliers but it’s
attend the meeting, but we should avoid having long
impossible to do that in only one week. I'm in Rome
discussions about individual markets.
at the moment. I remember arriving in Rome last
year. I had forgotten to bring the address of our
supplier. I found the number in the telephone book.
Sophie Allen
I love coming here. I enjoy hearing the language.
Tomorrow I’m in Spain. I like going there too. We
E x e rc is e 2 have an excellent supplier in Tarragona.
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 2 AX: Okay. We’ll s o rt it out. (b)
PC: Thank you. Goodbye.
1. a. He doesn’t like his job.
b. We don’t s e ll co m p u te r softw are.
c. He doesn't w ork fo r RYG. TASKS 33
2. a. Does he live in the city centre?
b. Does she speak Arabic? May and Might
c. Did you like C alifornia? E x ercis e 1
3. a. Jo w ent to Oslo every week.
b. He didn’t like the hotel. A: May I ask you som ething?
c. I didn’t understand. B: Of course you may.
A: May I deliver the rep ort next week?
E x ercis e 3 B: You may not. The m eeting is tom orrow .
1. Q: Did you fly here yesterday? A: Well, I m ight to arrive late.
A: No, I didn’t. I cam e by train .
2. Q: Do you export to the USA? E x ercis e 2
A: No, we don't. 1. m ig h t not/m ay not
3. Q: Does yo ur com pany m ake com puters? 2. may
A: Yes, it does. 3. m ay not
4. Q: Do you spend a lot on R & D? 4. may
A: Yes, we do. 5. m ay n o t/m ig h t not
6. m ay/m ight
E x ercis e 3
W ill and Would 2. No, you may not.
3. I’ ll probably fin ish it by Friday but it might be
E x ercis e 1
ready by Thursday.
1. W ill you send me m ore details? (R) 4. Yes, of course you may.
2. If I’m interested I’ll call tomorrow. (C)
3. I'll post you o ur price list. (0)
4. J o h n ’ll visit you early next week. (F)
5. The co ntract w ill be ready in M arch. (F)
Can and Could
6 . I’ll m eet you at the a irp o rt. (0)
7. Would you reduce the price if I ordered 20? (C) E x ercis e 1
8. W ill you help w ith these figures, please? (R)
1. A Can you come at 3 o ’clock?
B I could, but A w ould be better.
E x ercis e 2
2. A Her a pp ointm e nt is today.
Tom: I'd like to discuss o u r situation. B Yes, but she phoned yesterday to say she
Bill: If I can, I’ll help you. If it’s a s m a ll problem , couldn't come.
w e'll agree. 3. A: When you saw the figures, could you
Tom: W ill you give me a bigger discount? understand them ?
Bill: Sorry, Tom, I won't drop the price any m ore. B No, I couldn't.
We’d lose money. 4. A Can you speak German?
Tom: No, you wouldn’t. If you s e ll m ore, you’ ll B No, I can’t.
m ake a bigger profit.
E x ercis e 2
E x ercis e 3
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a
AX: Hello, A fte r Sales D epartm ent.
PC: Hello. Peter Cord from Leeds, here. I’d like some E x ercis e 3
help with an AX20. The power isn’t working.
1. Can I help you? Yes, I need som e advice.
AX: Okay. If you use the em ergency sw itch on the
2. Can I come in? Of course.
back, the lig h t w ill come on. (d)
3. Sorry, I can’t understand.
PC: No, it w o n ’t. T he re ’s no power.
4. The plane couldn't take off. It w as too foggy.
AX: Right, I’ll ask an engineer to visit you. (c)
5. My c a r has broken down. I could be very late.
PC: W ill you send som eone today?
AX: I’m not sure if th a t w ill be possible. W ill you
hold on please? (a) TASKS 35
PC: Certainly.
AX: Hello again. Som eone’ll be there at 2 p.m.
Must, Have To and Have Got To
to m o rro w , (e) E x ercis e 1
PC: Okay, th an k you.
AX: W ill you give me yo ur address, please? (f) 1. F 3. F 5. F
PC: Yes, it’s Beta Foods Ltd, 350 Otley Road, Leeds. 2. T 4. F 6. F
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1. We have got to pay more tax this year. Jim : Should we discuss the problem with the
2. We must not spend too much on special bank? (S)
promotions. Alice: I don’t know. You ought to talk to Jeremy
3. Last year we had to advertise a lot on television. first. (A)
4. Our competitors are in trouble. They have got to Jim: Well, the bank charges ought to come down
reduce their prices. next year. (P)
5. We must to plan our marketing carefully. Alice: Maybe we should close the account. (S)
Jim : First, I think I ought to write to the bank. (S)
E x ercis e 3
E x ercis e 3
1. 'We must buy some more trucks.’
2. ‘I’ve no money. I’ll have to borrow some from 1. You ought to/should see a doctor.
the bank.’ 2. The truck ought to/should arrive tomorrow.
3. ‘You have to present a business plan.’ 3. We ought to/should cut our prices.
4. ‘There’s only one problem. We’ve got to /w ill have U. Inflation ought to/should fall soon.
t o /’11 have to pay the money back.’
Question Tags
Mustn't, Needn’t, Don’t Have To
E x ercis e 1
and Haven’t Got To
1. Business is important, isn't it?
E x ercis e 1 2. Businesses have to make a profit, don't they?
2. Companies do not have to pay a minimum wage. 3. Profit creates jobs, doesn't it?
3. We do not need to meet health and safety U. People w ill always have new ideas, won’t they?
regulations. 5. Most companies have improved working
4. Our competitors did not have to reduce their prices. conditions, haven’t they?
5. We haven’t got to advertise in national newspapers 6. Companies haven’t always spent much on
training, have they?
E x ercis e 2 7. Businesses cannot forget their customers, can they?
2. You do not need a visa to go to Poland from 8. Government must help businesses, mustn’t it?
Germany. E x ercis e 2
3. You haven't got to pay by cash.
4. We didn’t need to increase production. 2. You can’t tell us the price of BKD, can you?
5. He doesn't have to learn a new software program. No, I can’t.
3. You’re going to London now, aren ’t you?
Yes, I am.
4. There w ill be another meeting in the morning,
Dear Sir, won’t there? Yes, there w ill.
5. So discussions are still continuing, aren ’t they?
You reported last week that Larssen S.A. had a
strong market position. Then you said that the Yes, they are.
company does not have to think about its 6. But you haven’t agreed a price, have you?
competitors. This is not true. We must not believe Not yet. Goodbye.
that our market share is permanent. We do not
need to worry about our jobs today, but we E x ercis e 3
certainly cannot forget about our competitors. A
year is a short time in business. A: This is a good hotel, isn’t it?
B: Yes, it’s fine. You haven’t stayed here before,
Yours faithfully,
have you?
A: No, this is my first time.
Bo Johannessen B: It’s 8 o’clock. We should have dinner, shouldn't we?
Chairman Larssen S.A. A: Yes, I’m hungry. Oh dear! I didn’t book a table.
B: We don't need to, do we?
A: I don’t know. We’ll find out, won’t we?
Should and Ought To Active
E x e rc is e 1 E x ercis e 1
A: Ought we to have a meeting? 2. He flew to Miami last night.
B: We shouldn’t have one today. 3. He took his laptop with him.
We ought to wait a few days. U. He wanted to finish writing the report on the plane.
A: Should we? 5. He w ill give it to Head Office in Miami.
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1. d 4. c Delta: Tell te me again, how much do you want?
2. e 5. f Langer: I said $20,000.
3. a 6. b Delta: But tell me a lower price.
Langer: I am telling you our lowest price.
E x e rc is e 3
Delta: What did you say roe last week about
Fumi: How many employees do you have?/have terms of payment?
you got? Langer: I told you 60 days’ payment.
Mike: W e’ve/w e’ve got about 2,000.
Fumi: Do you have/have you got/have you many E x ercis e 3
sales reps?
Mike: About 300. We’veAA/e’ve got 30 in the Far East. To: | [email protected]
Fumi: Have you worked in Malaysia? From: I [email protected]
Mike: Yes, I have. And w e’ve got/we have three big Subject: | Your meeting w ith Dennie Flowers (Axis Ltd) Tuesday 20 March
customers there.
Dear Karen,
Fumi: What about Indonesia?
Mike: No, we haven't/haven't got any customers What did Ms Flowers say about the delivery last week?
there. I saw her on Monday. She didn 't say anything about it.
Did she tell you anything about the invoice?
On the telephone I told her we would give a 10%
TASKS U discount. In fact I forgot. Please phone her.Tell h e r!
made a mistake. Say we can send a new invoice.
Get and Have Got Note: I have told all our sales reps to offer a 10%
E x ercis e 1
Best Regards
A: Did you get (G) my letter yesterday?
B: I didn't get (G) it yesterday. It came today. I’ve got
(HG) it here on my desk.
The problem is getting (G) serious, but I haven't
got (HG) time to discuss it now. I’ll call later. TASKS 46
B: Well, I’ve got (HG) a meeting this afternoon.
A: Okay. I’ll call you before lunch. Make vs Do
E x e rc is e 2 E x ercis e 1
1. f 4. b 1. made 5. did
2. d 5. c 2. do 6. making
3. a 6. e 3. making 7. make
4. made 8. Do
E x ercis e 3
1. Beth: Getting better. E x ercis e 2
2. M ike: What have you got?
Amy: Was it a good meeting?
3. Peter: We didn’t get the contract.
Leo: Yes, we made a decision. We are going to
4. Amy: Did you get the money?
increase production of BIGG0.
5. Syd: Yes. I got it yesterday. Thank you very much. Amy: What about the costs?
6. Alice: I’ve got a new job and it’s really difficult.
Leo: We made a new budget. We think we w ill do
7. Billy: It’ll get easier, I’m sure.
more business next year. We’ll make a profit
of £200,000.
TASKS 45 Amy: Good. Do you know that Rospa Ltd. have made
a complaint about our BIGG0 promotion?
Say vs Tell Leo: Yes, they are making a big mistake. We have
done nothing wrong. We have done our
E x ercis e 1
research. Rospa know that BIGGO is going
1. What did you say? to make money. With good marketing we
e. I said I would like fish. will make sure that we do better than Rospa
2. Tell me which you prefer. next year.
f.I prefer white wine with fish.
3. Tell me about the work in India, E x ercis e 3
d. Have I told you about Mr Singh? 1. We do business in France.
4. Say anything you like, 2. You are making a mistake.
c. What sh a lll say? 3. They did a good job.
5. Tell the waiter you want another knife. 4. We have made progress.
a. I’ve told him already. 5. They made an offer, but it was too low.
6. Let me pay. 6. We had to make a choice.
b. No, I said I would this time. 7. They have done the research.
E x ercis e 2
D ear Jam es,
1. He has lived abroad. He used to live in Italy.
2. He is used to making presentations. T h a n k y o u fo r ag reeing to a tte n d o u r m e e tin g o n 28
O c to b e r .W e w ill talk ab o u t o u r m a r k e tin g s tr a te g y f o r next
a g e n d a w ill co n sist of ju s t th r e e p o in ts :
3. He likes going for walks. When he was young he y e a r. T h e
used to go for walks with his father. re c r u itm e n t, t r a in in g , a d v e r tis in g a n d p r o m o tio n . I th in k w e
motorbike. Y o u rs s in c e r e ly
E x ercis e 3
Ann: I don’t mind. I'm used to it.
Peter: Have you always driven to work? E x ercis e 3
Ann: No, I used to go by train.
Peter: Is this your first job? Sam: The meeting was really good. We got almost
Ann: No, I used to work for RYG. You ask so many all we were asking for.
questions! Paula: Yes, in fact, I was surprised we managed to
Peter: I'm used to it. I’m a journalist! obtain a very low price.
Sam: Also, we got good terms. We don’t have to
pay for the goods until January.
TASKS 48 Paula: That’s true. I think they have lost some
business recently. They were relying on
Rise vs. Raise
getting the contract from us. We got a good
E x ercis e 1 deal because they knew we have other
suppliers. We were not depending on them.
In the first half of the year prices rose (I) by 10%.
Also, we weren’t in a hurry. We can wait for
Wages rose (I) at the same time. The government
smaller companies to supply us.
raised (T) taxes and the banks raised (T) interest
Sam: But obviously, we were hoping for a quick deal.
rates. Inflation continued to rise (I).
E x ercis e 2
1. c. Sales rose by 10%.
2. b. The advertising budget has risen.
Verb + Adverb (Phrasal Verb)
3. c. Costs w ill probably rise.
U. a. The number of unemployed workers rose
E x e rc is e 1
this year.
5. b. Electricity companies have raised their charges. return (goods) = send back
6. c. Bank charges w ill rise next year. reduce (production) = cut back
abandon (plans) = call off
E x ercis e 3
buy (a company) = take over
1. The National Telephone Company has raised the go out of business = close down
price of making a call. start (a machine) = switch on
E xercise 2
1. The meeting has been put back two months, d
2. AD Industries closed the plant down ten years Negative Statements
ago. a
3. We’ve called in the suppliers to fix the machine, c
4. AGCO has turned down an offer of $800,000 for To: | [email protected]
.. .
the company, b From: | m aria_aubert@ jdloughman.com
Subject: | Ibros S.A. negotiation I
E x e rc is e 3
Dear Nick,
Boris: If we cannot sell all the goods we have, we We (S) did n o t have (NV) a m eeting w ith Ibros S.A. because we rejected
must cut back production. th e ir offer.The offer (S) did n o t com e (NV) by email. We received a fax
on Thursday. We understand th a t th e Managing D irector o f Ibros. Mr
Susan: Yes. Our agents want to send back goods Kalkos. (S) w ill n o t sign (NV) th e contract. We (S) have n o t accepted
they cannot sell. But I also think we should (NV) th e present proposals. A t th e m om ent we (S) are n o t planning to
continue (NV) production o f th e Alisia range. Last year w e (S) d id n 't
set up an agency network in Asia.
reach (NV) agreem ent im m ediately. Now, I th in k it (S) w ill n o t be easy
Boris: But we turned down that idea last year. (NV) to fin d a solution.
Susan: I think the Board should find ways to build
up our reputation for quality service.
E x ercis e 2
Boris: Certainly. That would be better than
putting up prices again. 1. We won’t finish our business tomorrow afternoon.
2. The meeting w asn’t planned to last three days.
3. We can’t go home tomorrow.
TASKS 51 U. We shouldn’t go to the Castle restaurant tonight.
5. It doesn't open every night.
Positive Statements 6. Friday isn't a good night to go.
7. They don’t cook fish on Fridays.
E x ercis e 1 8. I haven't eaten a lot of fish recently.
9. The Castle restaurant hasn't been
Sales (S) have been ven/ disappointing (VP) this year. recommended to us.
Our costs (S) are rising (VP) every day. Clearly, our 10. We didn't go there last time.
marketing team (S) need to market (VP) our products
better. But our R & D Department (S) are confident E x ercis e 3
(VP). They (S) are developing (VP) a brilliant new 2. Inflation won’t rise in the near future.
product. ]t (S) will need (VP) support from the bank. 3. Sol’s market share has not increased in ten years.
A new business plan (S) is being prepared (VP) at the 4. The sales volume did not improve between 2004
moment. and 2006.
5. Actual sales did not reach forecast sales in 2009.
E x ercis e 2 6. Hammond Ltd w ill not be taken over next year.
a. Now United Electric exports all over the world. 7
b. In 2000 Keele Brothers was taken over by United TASKS 53
Electric Inc. U
c. In those days Keele Brothers made bicycles. 2 Questions: Yes/No
d. Between 1980 and 2000 the main products were
E x ercis e 1
pumps and small engines. 3
e. The name of the company was changed to United A: Do you live near your company?
Electric (UK) Ltd. 5 B: No, it’s about 25 km to the office.
f. Keele Brothers Ltd was started in 1970. 1 A: So how do you travel to work?
g. Since then the company has developed an B: I go by train or sometimes by car.
international market. 6 A: Is it quicker by train?
B: Yes - and I can work on the train.
E x ercis e 3 A: Isn’t it crowded?
B: No, not usually. It’s okay.
1. In 2009 Hebden joined an international
consortium to develop a new aircraft. E x ercis e 2
2. Since 2004 the company has realised continual 1. e 3. d 5. a
growth. 2. f U. c 6. b
3. Our products have been exported all over the
world for many years. E x ercis e 3
U. Our production uses highly automated systems. 2. Will Mandy meet/ls Mandy going to meet Joanne
5. Our market share in our home market is now next weekend?
12%. 3. Will Alex be back from Nairobi tomorrow?
6. 7,000 people are employed by the Hebden group. U. Does Tom usually rent a car for trips abroad?
7. The annual report contains details for our 21 5. Are you prepared for your presentation next week?
different product areas. 6. Did Rolf go to New York in June last year?
E x ercis e 3
9 sentences, all S (simple) The conference, which w ill discuss the action of antibiotics
I work for Arkop GmbH which makes car on diseases IND). w ill be held at University College, which is
one of the oldest colleges in the city (ND). People who wish
components. The company is based in Kirchheim, to attend (D) should send an application form to the
which is in Southern Germany. This is a good location President of the Society, who is in charge of bookings (ND).
because many of our customers are very close. We Anyone who is presenting a paper at the conference (D) w ill
automatically receive fu ll details.
sell our products all over Germany and/though/but
we also export a lot, but/though our domestic market
is the most important part of our business.
E x ercis e 2
w (s loj 0 X L (nJ 6. The floors which we sent to Finland last year are
specially for outdoor use.
E x ercis e 3
research X record records 1. We don’t have enough information. Ring them and
ask for more details.
accountant accountants capital X
2. John works for a company that makes
figure figures sale sales agricultural machinery.
3. We are a financial services company. We give
advice on insurance, pensions and other aspects
E x ercis e 2
of money management.
Every year the company publishes its annual U. I asked him for advice. He made two suggestions.
accounts in a report for the shareholders. The First, do more advertising and secondly, find a
main details concern the financial report. This new Sales Assistant.
contains information about sales, turnover, costs 5. Please can you help me with these cases? They
and profit. It also reports the assets that are held are very heavy.
by the company, and the liabilities. These are any 6. John has changed his job. He now works for
debts or cash that the company owes. All this data a bank.
is presented in the profit and loss account and the 7. Many people work in insurance or banking, but
balance sheet. most work in commerce.
Exercise 2
1. b. Fred’s car
Noun Compounds 2. b. the Chief Executive’s car
3. b. KLP’s market share is 12%
E x ercis e 1 4. b. yesterday’s paper
weather forecast market forces 5. a. the workers’ canteen
credit card satellite dish 6. a. the design of the computer
hotel room container ship
alarm clock E x ercis e 3
identity card
The Research Director's report was very positive.
E x ercis e 2 We hope that all Frodo's customers w ill like the
new product. We think it w ill meet our customers'
needs. I agree with John Tudor’s opinion. He thinks
Please send ^product information Frodo's m arket share w ill increase. With this new
*price list product, next year's perform ance will be very good.
and details of *customer services As always, we must focus on the quality of our
and ^payment terms products and services. The Chairman's speech at
I would like a product demonstration and I want to the AGM w ill say that quality and new products are
arrange a meeting with a sales representative. Also, most important.
do you have any special sales promotions at present?
Please send a fa x message to the above number ASAP
Adjectives vs. Adverbs
E x ercis e 3
E x ercis e 1
2. If you apply for a job, you complete and send a job
application. Excellent (adj) results have helped MODO. In an
3. The result of the test is a test result. unusually (adv) wet (adj) summer, the company did
4. When you need to change money to another really (adv) well. The fashionable (adj) clothes were
currency, you ask for the exchange rate. popular (adj) with young (adj) consumers. Now the
5. If a company wants to spend money on company w ill definitely (adv) increase its production,
advertising, it prepares an advertising budget. Staff are busily (adv) planning an equally (adv)
6. Before getting on a plane, you have to wait in the successful (adj) range for next (adj) year, but the
departure lounge. market w ill be very (adv) competitive (adj).
7. People who travel a lot on business make many
business trips. E x ercis e 2
8. We use a lot of computers. We live in an age of
information technology.
Genitive Forms
E x ercis e 1
Alan: The changes in the market are going to 1. Yesterday Mr Roach got up early.
affect the company quite seriously. 2. He had a coffee, then calmly began to read the paper.
Helga: We need to make some quick decisions. 3. Suddenly he noticed the time.
Alan: We urgently need a new marketing strategy. U. Im m ediately he ran out of the house.
Helga: Fortunately, the products are excellent. 5. He looked urgently for a taxi.
Alan: I agree absolutely, but we have to get 6. The taxi went very fast to the airport.
people interested. 7. He was just in tim e for the plane.
Helga: I’m confident that we w ill do that. 8. Fortunately, he was not too late for the meeting.
Alan: Good, because our sales have fallen
dramatically. E x ercis e 3
E x ercis e 2 E x ercis e 2
Lee: I thought you planned to stop making it.
TASKS 69 Klaus: Last year we planned to stop, but we
changed our mind. This year we also
Degree with Very, Too and Enough planned to stop, but again we have
continued. The 26 is still very popular.
E x ercis e 1
Lee: Are you still selling the Arco 26? OFFICE COMFORT'-
Klaus: Yes, it is still doing well. For rapid service telephone FREEPHONE
OFFICE S T ftfl 800800 now!!
Lee: Have you made a replacement yet?
Klaus: Yes, the Arco 28 is already available.
Lee: Are you going to stop making the 26?
Klaus: Yes, but not yet.
TASKS 76 E x ercis e 3
1. A little training helps all managers.
Some, Any and Related Words 2. No customers w ere unhappy.
3. A ll of our products are guaranteed.
E x ercis e 1 U. Many people came to the exhibition.
A: Is anything wrong? [Q] 5. Few exhibitors liked the exhibition space.
B: Yes, there’s something wrong with one of our 6. The organisers offered little help.
production machines. (PS) No-one knows what the
problem is. (NS) We’ve looked in the User’s Manual
but we can’t find the solution anywhere. (NS)
A: Have you contacted the manufacturers? Quantifiers (2)
B: Yes, they think it’s nothing very complicated. (NS)
They’re sending someone to visit us. (PS) He’ll E x ercis e 1
be here soon. He was already somewhere near
A: Hello. I’d like some (U) help please.
here. (PS)
B: Certainly.
A: How much (U) does this car cost to hire?
E x ercis e 2
B: That one is £120 a day.
1. Some people prefer small hotels. A: That’s quite a lot of (U) money.
c. A number of people prefer small hotels. B: Well, we have a lot of (C) other cars that cost a little
2. I knew no-one at the meeting. (U) less. How many (C) days do you need a car?
b. There was not one person I knew at the meeting. A: Only a few (Cl. Three or four.
3. We sell anything you want.
a. We have everything you want. E x ercis e 2
4. We can send orders anywhere. 'We hire mobile phones. We have a ll types of phones.
c. We can deliver to any place you choose. We keep a lot of phones in stock. Most are hired for
5. There’s something wrong with the figures. just one day. A few of our customers keep them for
b. The figures are partly wrong. a month or two. Not many people hire phones for
longer than a few weeks.’
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1. Few people understand howto program computers. I have some figures for sales in two thousand and
2. There is little demand for our products. ten. In the first quarter we sold three hundred
3. We made a few contacts at the Singapore Trade Fair. and thirty-six units and had a turnover of seven
4. There was little criticism in the report. thousand three hundred and two pounds fifty-two
5. Many people answered our advertisement. pence. This produced a profit of three thousand four
6. No applicant was good enough for the job. hundred and fifty pounds. The second and third
quarter performance was better with profit between
three thousand eight hundred and ninety-one
TASKS 79 pounds fifteen, and three thousand seven hundred
pounds fifty. In the fourth quarter, the number of
Quantifiers (3) units sold was two hundred and fifteen, or about
half the previous two quarters. Profit was also down,
E x ercis e 1
to one thousand nine hundred and forty-three
'Each day we process hundreds of orders. Every pounds twenty one pence.
order comes by email. All orders are entered into our
database. Each request is checked with our current TASKS 81
stock. Every order is immediately transferred to the
warehouse. M orders are despatched within one hour.’ Time
E x ercis e 2 E x ercis e 1
5. There’s nothing about the company in the
6. We decided to take some money out of our
emergency bank account. W) Like, As, The Same As and
7. They put a lot of money into research. Different From
8. They have taken business from us.
9. The computer is on the desk. E x ercis e 1 (M)
E x ercis e 3 (M)
P re -Inte rm e d ia te Business G ra m m a r
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