978 3 319 57475 2
978 3 319 57475 2
978 3 319 57475 2
Institutions in
South Asia
Parliament, Civil Service
and Local Government
Edited by
Nizam Ahmed
Women in Governing Institutions in South Asia
Nizam Ahmed
Women in Governing
Institutions in South
Parliament, Civil Service and Local Government
Nizam Ahmed
University of Chittagong
Chittagong, Bangladesh
viii Preface
Asia and its implications for empowering women is limited. The policy of
inclusion adopted in different countries with a view to encouraging more
women to come to the forefront has not received much scholarly attention.
In particular, there is no major comparative study on the scope, implica-
tions, and limitations of the policies and/or measures used to mainstream
gender in different governing institutions in the South Asian region. This
volume seeks to redress this deficiency. It particularly tries to explore if
there is any major relationship between descriptive representation and sub-
stantive representation of women in these three governing institutions and
examines the factors that account for such relationship or lack of it.
Most of the papers included in this volume were earlier presented
to an International Conference on Inclusive Governance in South Asia
organized in Dhaka by Public Administration and Governance Research
Network and the Department of Public Administration of the University
of Chittagong, in collaboration with The Asia Foundation (TAF) and
Southern University Bangladesh. I gratefully acknowledge the financial
support of TAF, Southern University, UGC, University of Chittagong,
YPSA, and Manusher Jonno Foundation. It would have been almost
impossible to organize the Conference without such financial support.
Several chapters—2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12 and 16—have been specially written
for this volume. I am extremely grateful to the authors of different chap-
ters who, despite their busy schedule, agreed to contribute to the vol-
ume. Colleagues from different parts of Bangladesh and abroad travelled
a long way to attend the Conference; many of them also gladly agreed
to review papers which the authors have found very useful. I appreciate
their kind support and cooperation. Dr. Muhammad A. Hakim, UGC
Professor of Political Science at the University of Chittagong read drafts
of some of the chapters. I am grateful to him. I owe a special debt to
Ms. Jerin Chaudhury for careful reading and extremely helpful edi-
torial comments on the book. Special acknowledgements are due to
Professor Drude Dahlerup of the University of Stockholm, Sweden;
Professor Shirin M. Rai of the University of Warwick, UK; and Professor
Ahmed Shafiqul Huque of McMaster University, Canada, for endorsing
the book. Professor Huque also read drafts of Chapters 1 and 18 and
made extremely useful comments. I am indebted to him. Finally, I am
also grateful to members of the editorial team of Palgrave Macmillan,
particularly to Warren Jemima and Beth Farrow, and to Jayanthi
Narayanaswamy of Springer Nature, for their help and support in making
the publication possible.
Preface ix
1 Introduction 1
Nizam Ahmed
xii Contents
Index 343
xvi Abbreviations
DM District Magistrate
DMG District Management Group
DoPT Department of Personnel and Training
DPT Druk Phuensum Tshogpa
DSP Direct Seat Parliamentarian
DSWPs Direct-seat Women Parliamentarians
DVA Domestic Violence Act
ECB Election Commission of Bhutan
ER Elected Representative
EWR Elected Women Representative
FAFEN Free and Fair Election Network
FFs Freedom Fighters
FGD Focus Group Discussions
FIR First Information Report
FPSC Federal Public Service Commission
FSP Foreign Service of Pakistan
GNI Gross National Income
GoB Government of Bangladesh
GoN Government of Nepal
GoP Government of Pakistan
GRAP Gender Reform Action Plans
GSMNA General Seat Member of National Assembly
HIS Helvetas Intercooperation Swiss
IAS Indian Administrative Service
ICS Indian Civil Service
IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
IFS Indian Foreign Service
IG Information Group
ILO International Labor Organization
IMF International Monetary Fund
IPS Indian Police Service
IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union
IRP Interim Recruitment Policy
IRS Inland Revenue Service
JHU Jathika Hela Urumaya
JVP Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna
KABIKHA Kajer Binimoye Khaidda (Food for Works)
KII Key Informant Interview
LFS Labor Force Survey
LGB Local government body
LGSP Local Government Support Program
LSSP Lanka Sama Samaja Party
Abbreviations xvii
MC Municipal Councils
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MEP Mahajana Eksath Peramuna
MLCG Military Lands and Cantonment Group
MNA Member of National Assembly
MoGA Ministry of General Administration
MoWA Ministry of Women’s Affairs
MP Member of Parliament
NA National Assembly
NCW National Committee on Women
NCWC National Commission for Women and Children
NGO Non-governmental Organization
NHDR National Human Development Report
NPAW National Policy for the Advancement of Women
NRB National Reconstruction Bureau
OBM Open Budget Meeting
OECD The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OMG Office Management Group
PA Peoples’ Alliance
PAAS Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service
PAS Pakistan Administrative Service
PC Provincial Councils
PDP People’s Democratic Party
PG Postal Group
PILDAT Pakistan Institute for Legislative Development and Training
PML-N Pakistan Muslim League -Nawaz
PMQT Prime Minister’s Question Time
PPP Pakistan People’s Party
PR Proportional Representation
PRI Panchayati Raj Institutions
PS Panchayati Samity
PS Pradesheeya Sabhas
PSC Public Service Commission
PSCER Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reforms
PSP Police Service of Pakistan
PTI Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf
RENEW Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women
RG Railways Group
RoP Rules of Procedure
RSMNA Reserved Seat Member of National Assembly
RSWPs Reserved-Seat Women Parliamentarians
xviii Abbreviations
SC Schedule Caste
SLAS Sri Lanka Administrative Service
SLFP Sri Lanka Freedom Party
SLMC Sri Lanka Muslim Congress
SMS Short Message Service
ST Schedule Tribe
TNA Tamil National Congress
TR Test Relief
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNF United National Front
UNO Upazila Nirbahi Officer
UNP United National Party
UP Union Parishad
UPFA United People’s Freedom Alliance
USA United States of America
UT Union Territory
UZP Upazila Parishad
VGD Vulnerable Group Development
VGF Vulnerable Group Feeding
WB World Bank
WCP Women Component Plan
WPC Women’s Parliamentary Caucus
ZP Zila Parishad
List of Figures
List of Tables
xxii List of Tables
xxiv Editor and Contributors
Nighat Ghulam Ansari has obtained her Ph.D. from Utrecht University,
the Netherlands, and currently working as Assistant Professor at the
Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS), University of the Punjab,
Lahore, Pakistan. She did her MBA from Quaid-i-Azam University,
Islamabad, and MPhil from IAS. She has 10 years of experience of work-
ing in the corporate sector and is associated with the teaching profession
since 2006. She has published research papers in various national and
international journals and presented papers in International Research
Conferences. Her research interests include organization behavior and
human resource management with a special focus on gender issues.
Sangita Dhal is an Assistant Professor [in senior grade] and UGC post-
doctoral fellow, Department of Political Science, Kalindi College, Delhi
University, and has more than 14 years of teaching and research expe-
rience in the field of public administration, public policy, gender stud-
ies, and issues relating to governance. Her doctoral work from the Delhi
University was on ‘Grassroot Democratic Processes and Women: A Study
of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Odisha.’ Dr. Dhal has been a Member
of Course Revision Committee for Public Administration and Public
Policy in Delhi University and has contributed articles to several edited
books and various reputed journals.
Maheen Sultan is one of the founders of the Centre for Gender and
Social Transformation at the BRAC Development Institute, BRAC
University, a regional center on research, teaching, and policy related to
gender and social transformation. She is a development practitioner with
over 30 years experience in a range of capacities, from direct program
management to policy formulation. She has worked on issues of social
development, local governance, civil society participation, and gender
equality. Maheen is a member of Naripokkho, a Bangladeshi women’s
activist organization. She is co-editor of ‘Voicing Demands: Feminist
Activism in Transitional Contexts’ (Zed Books: London, 2014).
Nizam Ahmed
N. Ahmed (*)
University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh
e-mail: [email protected]
Most of the western and Nordic parliaments have followed the ‘incre-
mental track of representation,’ to use Dahlerup and Freidenvall’s ter-
minology (2005), which implies that political representation of women
will rise only after women are able to increase their resources (i.e., educa-
tion and gainful employment). Without significant structural changes in
society, the inclusion of women in political institutions will not lead to
any long-term political empowerment of women. In contrast, most of
the new nations in Asia and Africa have followed the ‘fast track model
of representation,’ which provides for a sudden increase in the number
of women in different institutions including parliament without pro-
viding much scope to them to express themselves. The main reason is
that political representation often precedes economic empowerment of
women in these countries.
Moreover, the quota system adopted by countries following the two
representational discourses also varies substantially. Asian countries have
preferred to have their quota provisions legislated, rather than expect-
ing political parties to implement their own informal party quotas, as is
done in Western Europe and some countries from the African continent
(Ballington and Bylesjö 2000). Three major types of quotas have so far
been used to ensure better representation of women: legislative quotas,
party quotas, and reserved-seat quotas. Reserved quotas require setting
aside a certain percentage of seats in a legislature/local body exclusively
for women. Legislative quotas are mandatory provisions that apply to all
political groupings that require a certain proportion of female candidates
to address party selection, while party quotas are pledges by individual
parties to aim for a particular proportion of women among their candi-
dates to political office.2
Certain types of quota systems tend to be associated with particu-
lar regions. Reserved seats, for example, are the most widespread gen-
der quota system used in South Asia (Rai 2005) and in the Arab region,
while legal candidate quotas are the preferred system in Latin America
and the Balkans. Party quotas or targets are generally preferred in liberal
democracies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the
Nordic region (McCann 2013). As Chowdhury’s estimate (2015) shows,
so far 28 countries have adopted the legislative quota, 61 countries have
adopted party quotas, and 13 countries set aside (reserve) a certain per-
centage of seats for women. To date, reserved seats have produced the
most favorable results in terms of increasing female legislators through
guaranteed representation, provided that reservation is as high as 30%
or more (Tripp and Kang 2008; Krook 2009; Dahlerup and Freidenvall
Types of Representation
One thing which is clear is that the provision for quotas/reservation of
seats for women in national and local politics (and also in bureaucracy)
has led to some improvement in the ‘descriptive representation’ of
women, although our understanding about their ‘substantive representa-
tion’ remains limited. The two types of representation—descriptive and
substantive—were first expounded by Pitkin (1967) five decades ago.
Pitkin also identified two other types of representation—formalistic and
symbolic. Formalistic representation refers to the institutional arrange-
ments (rules and regulations) that precede and initiate representation,
while symbolic representation refers to the extent that representatives
‘stand for’ the represented with an emphasis on symbols or symboliza-
tion (Pitkin 1967). Compared with the formalistic and symbolic styles,
the other two notions of representation have received much wider
Descriptive representation, according to Pitkin (1967), refers to the
manner in which an individual representative ‘stand for’ the represented
by virtue of sharing similar characteristics with the represented such as
race, sex, age, class, occupation, gender, ethnicity, or geographical area.
According to the descriptive perspective, electing more women serves a
symbolic purpose of gender equality, and, moreover, a greater legitimacy
is rendered to the political system (Iwanaga 2008, p. 3). Women in par-
liament bring new perspectives to the discussion of political issues, shap-
ing an agenda that accommodates women’s interests. The descriptive
approach argues for increasing women’s representation in legislative bod-
ies so that it better reflects their proportion in society (Iwanaga, p. 3).
Mansbridge (1999) argues that for African Americans and for women,
both historically disadvantaged social groups, the entry of representatives
into public office improves the quality of group deliberations, increases a
sense of democratic legitimacy, and develops leadership capacity.
The extent to which a higher presence of women in national legisla-
tures can be seen as a necessary condition to promote women’s issues
is difficult to ascertain. It is, however, often observed that having more
women in elected office produces more women-friendly policies. In
other words, the descriptive representation seems to have a direct effect
6 N. Ahmed
for women, and new equality legislation and equality institutions and
depend crucially on ‘the willingness and ability of the minority to mobi-
lize the resources of the organization or institution to improve the situ-
ation for themselves and the whole minority group’ (Childs and Krook
2008, p. 731). There are also arguments that a critical mass of women
in parliament is more effective when there are strong links with women’s
movements and an effective national gender machinery exists (Nazneen
and Mahmud, p. 31).
The two notions—critical mass and critical acts—are, however, not
mutually exclusive; the former may be seen as a necessary, if not a suffi-
cient condition, of the latter. Number matters, although it matters more
in some than in other cases. Numbers make women visible; such visibility
of women has some meaning in an institution almost dominated by the
other sex. Quota systems have been viewed as one of the most effective
and expeditious affirmative action policies in increasing women’s par-
ticipation and representation in both elective and appointive positions
in public office (Iwanaga, p. 10). But different types of quota system
used to increase the number of women are also likely to have differential
impact. For example, as stated earlier, reserved-seat quota system allows
more women to get elected to a deliberative body. Referring to the
reserved seats in three South Asian countries—Bangladesh, India, and
Pakistan—Rai (2005, p. 181) suggests that these have indeed addressed
issues of the underrepresentation of women, as increasing numbers are
joining local government institutions. There is some evidence that their
involvement may lead to an increased participation of women in provin-
cial and national-level politics (Rai, p. 181).
It is, however, assumed that women elected on a party quota system
have better potential to play a proactive role than those elected from
reserved seats. Part of the reason is that they are considered to be an
integral part of the party-building process, and they have the scope to
exert pressure (sometimes in collaboration with women’s organizations
outside) from within. On the other hand, women elected from reserved
seats can rarely hope to play any major role as they often lack any inde-
pendent base of power. In most of the cases, they remain disadvantaged
vis-à-vis the party (leadership) and have to abide by party dictates.
Quota systems are inherently concerned with quantitative gains—fos-
tering female involvement through increased physical ratios. However,
to maximize the potential for women to make a meaningful contribu-
tion to the political sphere, the existing qualitative barriers to female
this Part focus on several issues such as the structure of civil service,
measures taken to mainstream gender in the civil service, attitude
of men toward women, and problems faced by women civil servants
to balance work and home roles. Part Three examines the extent to
which women’s higher presence makes any difference in local govern-
ment policymaking including distribution of patronage and benefits,
explores the way(s) male councillors perceive the role of women, and
seeks to identify measures both groups of councillors take for mutual
adjustment. The concluding part identifies the extent to which the pol-
icy of inclusion of women in different governing institutions in South
Asia matters.
1. h t t p : / / a r t i c l e s . e c o n o m i c t i m e s . i n d i a t i m e s . c o m / 2 0 1 0 - 0 3 - 0 9 /
2. http://www.wikigender.org/wiki/debate-on-gender-quotas/. Accessed:
January 20, 2017.
Ballington, J., & Bylesjö, C. (2000). Conclusion: Lessons learned from the Asian
experience with quotas. In The implementation of quotas: Asian experiences.
Quota Workshop Series, Stockholm: IDEA.
Bennett, C. (2014). A gender agenda: The effectiveness of quota systems in increas-
ing women’s meaningful participation in politics. Edited version of a paper
written as part of Global Voices’ UN Study Tour on Sustainable Development
and Environmental Challenges. Available at http://www.internationalaffairs.
womens-meaningful-participation-in-politics. Accessed February 7, 2017.
Black, M. J. (2013). Making the personal political: The role of descriptive and
substantive representation in the war on women. An Essay submitted to the
Faculty of Wesleyan University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Degree of Bachelor of Arts with Departmental Honors in Sociology,
Middletown, CT.
Carroll, S. J. (Ed). (2001). The impact of women in public office. Bloomington
IN: Indiana University Press.
Childs, S. (2004). New labor’s women MPs: Women representing women. New
York: Routledge.
Childs, S., & Krook, M. L. (2008). Critical mass theory and women’s political
representation. Political Studies, 56, 725–736.
12 N. Ahmed
Women in Parliament
Alangkar or Ahangkar?
Reserved-Seat Women Members in the
Bangladesh Parliament
Research for this paper was carried out with funding from a DFID/ESRC
Project entitled Parliament, Public Engagement and Poverty Reduction in
Bangladesh and Ethiopia administered by School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London. The authors express their indebtedness to the Principal
Investigator of the Project Professor Emma Crewe for her critical comments on
the paper and suggestions for its improvement.
N. Ahmed (*)
University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Hasan
University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
e-mail: [email protected]
which their role definition differs with that of DSWPs will be explained
in subsequent sections.
Scope for Participation
Formally, men and women lawmakers in Bangladesh—no matter if they
are directly elected or elected from reserved seats—enjoy similar powers,
privileges, and facilities; both have an equal opportunity to perform dif-
ferent parliamentary functions, particularly lawmaking and oversight of
the executive. The Rules of Procedure (RoP) do not discriminate one
against the other. Although the lawmaking process in Bangladeshis is
dominated by the government, as in other Westminster-style democra-
cies, there is scope for private members to move bills and legislative mat-
ters. Rule 72 provides that any member other than a minister can seek to
introduce a bill by giving 15 days notice in advance. A private member
means a member other than a minister (Bangladesh Parliament 2007).
The RoP allows an MP to utilize several techniques to raise and popu-
larize different issues and also to require the executive government to
account for its actions. According to RoP, the first hour of every sitting is
available for asking and answering of questions. An MP has the opportu-
nity to ask questions that require an oral answer or written answer. There
are also provisions for short-notice questions and supplementary ques-
tions. As in Britain, there also exists in the Bangladesh Parliament provi-
sion for Prime Minister’s Question Time (PMQT). The Prime Minister
now answers the questions of the MPs once a week (every Wednesday
when the parliament is in session). MPs can also raise motions demand-
ing the adjournment of the business of the House for the purpose of dis-
cussing a matter of recent and urgent public importance. They can also
call the attention of a minister to any matter of urgent public importance
(CAM) and ask for half-an-hour discussion (HHD) on a matter of pub-
lic importance which has been the subject of a recent question, and the
answer to which needs clarification on a matter of fact. Provisions also
exist for short discussion (SD) on issues requiring immediate action,
and an MP can make statements on matters of urgent public impor-
tance (SM). All these motions moved in the House require ministerial
response. MPs can also move private members’ resolutions demanding
government actions, or/and support. Besides, the formal debates on the
president’s speech made at the beginning of each calendar year and, in
particular, the debate on the budget speech by the finance minister in the
middle of the year also provide for some scope to the MPs to scrutinize
the activities of the government (Ahmed 2002, p. 108).
There are, however, certain limits to the use of different techniques.
None of the motions can be moved without advance notice being given
to the Parliament Secretariat. The various devices, however, are not sub-
ject to similar types of constraints. Thus, while questions (except PMQT)
can be asked and call-attention motions moved in every sitting day
except on the day the annual budget is presented, half-an-hour discus-
sion and discussion for short duration can be held only twice a week.
The latter, however, can be moved at short notice: two hours before the
commencement of a sitting, while an MP who wants to ask questions to
a minister has to give at least fifteen clear days notice. Besides, each tech-
nique is subject to certain other constraints; in particular, these have to
satisfy a number of conditions before being accepted. These restrictions
are, however, found not only in Bangladesh but also in the Westminster
(House of Commons 2015) and the parliaments patterned after it (Kaul
1979). Different west European parliaments also impose many of these
restrictions (Wiberg 1995). These are needed, among others, to ensure
that the parliament maximizes its use of time. The way(s) women MPs in
Bangladesh have tried to utilize different techniques will be explored in
subsequent sections.
male private members always lack any focus on women. Record shows
that ‘male’ parliamentarians also have moved some bills that provide for
better representation of women in parliament or to correct injustices
inflicted on women. For example, the Domestic Violence (Prevention,
Protection and Compensation) Bill, submitted by one Dhaka male MP
to the Parliament Secretariat in 2009, provided for stringent punishment
for those involved in violence. Such violence affects women more than
the others.
Several ‘male’ members of the seventh and eighth parliaments moved
private members’ bills, proposing reinstatement of the provision for
reserved seats for women and/or increasing the number of reserved seats
and changing modalities for election. For example, one of the bills pro-
posed for dividing the country into 30 zones for the purpose of elect-
ing the reserved-seat women parliamentarians, with directly elected
MPs from each zone forming an electoral college for electing a woman
parliamentarian. In contrast to the earlier system when an MP had 30
votes, the new system would allow an MP to cast one vote. Another bill
by a ‘male’ MP provided for increasing the number of women MPs to
64, with each district electing a woman MP. Another MP moved a bill
entitled The Oppression of Women and Children (Special Provision)
(Amendment) Bill, 1997, providing for stringent punishment for those
involved in oppression of women and children. All of these bills were
moved by ‘male’ private members; none was enacted into a law.
An important bill was also moved by the Minister for Women and
Family Affairs, a RSWP, which was subsequently made into a law. The
law, entitled Domestic Violence Act (DVA), provides for preventing
domestic violence and to provide protection to victims of violence. The
bill originated in civil society. Usually, such bills do not have much pros-
pect of success as these often lack government support. But the DVA
case was different. Part of the reason was the strong commitment of the
Minister who had links with CSO movements and was a staunch sup-
porter of women’s empowerment. She played an instrumental role in
ensuring that the bill had an easy passage at different stages and suc-
ceeded in overcoming whatever resistance came from different sources.
Women MPs, however, have fared better in asking questions and rais-
ing other motions than in initiating legislation. On average, they asked
8% of the oral questions, 14% of supplementary questions, and nearly
13% of written questions in five parliaments (5, 7, and 8–10). Some dif-
ferences in the nature of activism of MPs in different parliaments can be
aQuestions asked by women MPs in two sessions each of the fifth parliament (1991–1995), the sev-
enth parliament (1996–2001), the eighth parliament (2001–2006), one session of the ninth parliament
(2009–2013), and two sessions of the tenth parliament (2014–). Calculations have been made by the
bMotions moved by women MPs in the fifth, seventh, eighth, and ninth parliaments and first eight ses-
sions of the tenth parliament. Calculations have been made by the authors
Source Ahmed (2013); Bangladesh Parliament (2014–15)
26 N. Ahmed and S. Hasan
proactive role. Moreover, there were only a few directly elected women
in the eighth parliament. On the other hand, as stated earlier, women
in the ninth parliament showed greater enthusiasm in moving different
types of motions. One of the important reasons was that the ninth parlia-
ment had the largest number of women members (70) until then, many
of whom had long experiences in both parliamentary and party politics.
The ninth parliament amended the constitution in 2011, increasing the
number of RSWPs from 45 to 50.
An increase in descriptive description, which initially took place during
the tenure of the eighth parliament, however, did not have much positive
impact as the change came very late. On the other hand, the decision to
elect reserved-seat women MPs immediately after the inauguration of the
ninth parliament and the tenth parliament turned out to be advantageous
from several standpoints. In particular, an early election of RSWPs helped
them promote the cause of women better as they had more time to focus
on different issues including those related to empowerment of women.
The change in descriptive representation has had some kind of posi-
tive impact. As stated earlier, following the change in descriptive repre-
sentation, the number of motions moved increased substantially in the
ninth and tenth parliaments. Those who were elected indirectly appeared
to be more active than the popularly elected women MPs. Table 2.2
shows the nature of activism of the two groups of women MPs—DSWPs
and RSWPs.3 DSWPs trail behind the latter (RSWPs) in almost every
popular votes ignore their constituents and issues that interest them at
their own peril. Since elections have become much more competitive in
recent years than in the past, those who want to get reelected have to
give special attention to what their constituents want.
On the other hand, those who owe their election to the parliament
through parties and/or leaders (RSWPs) do not have to worry much
about what local people think. Under the existing system, women
elected from reserved seats do not have any territorial constituency;
hence, they do not have to be as much concerned about the support of
the locality as their directly elected colleagues. This is, however, not to
argue that indirectly elected women totally neglect local development
issues. Nearly half of the motions (except questions) moved by RSWPs
focus on local issues. Like DSWPs, those elected indirectly also use more
time and energy to promote local/constituency issues. The nature of
activism of the two groups of MPs in highlighting different issues can be
seen from Table 2.4.
Directly focused on women 8.3 11.2 2.4 7.8 – 14.3 9.8 7.5
Women-related issues 4.2 4.1 4.8 2.4 – – 5.9 2.9
Economic issues 4.2 1.5 3.6 0.6 – – 0.9 1.7
Local development issues 50.0 32.9 64.3 52.2 – – 45.1 44.4
National issues and problems 12.5 14.1 13.0 11.2 33.3 14.3 28.4 28.7
Others 20.8 36.2 11.9 25.8 66.7 71.4 9.8 14.7
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source Same as Table 2.1
30 N. Ahmed and S. Hasan
By taking explicit stands on policy matters [in the USA], the member will
make friends as well as enemies. In contrast, constituency work is not so
controversial. Moreover, the members will have more difficulty to claim
credit for his policymaking initiatives than for his constituency work
because members of a legislature make policy collectively but perform con-
stituency work individually. Finally, the benefits from constituency work
are more immediate and concrete than policy outputs.
only a few DSWPs are backbenchers in the real sense; most of them hold
senior leadership positions in their parties or in parliament. They usually
do not take part in parliament proceedings unless important issues find
As an example, reference can be made to the DSWPs in the current
tenth parliament. Of the 16 DSWPs belonging to the ruling party (AL),
only two can be considered as backbenchers in the real sense. Among the
other 14 MPs, one is the Speaker, one is the Prime Minister and Leader
of the House, one the Deputy Leader of the House, three are ministers,
three are former ministers and now committee chairs, one is a whip and
another one is a former whip, and two are committee chairs. The leader
of the JP is the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament. These people
generally do not take part in parliament proceedings. In fact, the four
backbenchers moved almost all of the (AL) motions in the House.
The above observation is, however, not intended to idealize the
role of the RSWPs, all of whom except one are backbenchers. As with
DSWPs, most of the RSWPs do not play an active role in parliament,
although it is difficult to identify the extent to which lack of prepared-
ness or party restrictions account for this. Some RSWPs have observed
that they are apparently needed to form quorum and to sustain the gov-
ernment; they are discouraged by leadership to play any proactive role.
As one RSWP observed:
Sometimes directives are issued from policy forums of the party asking [the
MPs] to use offensive remarks against the opponents. To comply with such
directives one has to forget [the value of] principles and morals and play
the role of a ‘quarrelsome’ lady to keep the leaders of the party happy. If
that can be done successfully, leaders are full of praise and commendation.
If not, condemnations are forthcoming. To them, everything is alright
if the party chief or members of the party policy forums are happy. Our
responsibility is to ‘say sir’, ‘yes sir’ to everything. We have no other thing
to do (The Manabkantha, January 8, 2017).
RSWPs are used to make the Sangsad glamorous and to overcome quorum
crises … As they are elected MPs as nominees of the party, they have to
remain busy keeping senior leaders happy and doing what they want (The
Manabkantha, January 8, 2017).
32 N. Ahmed and S. Hasan
Rahman, a RSWP who initiated the bill, was not allowed to defend the
Barrister Rabeya Bhuiyan, a RSWP, also moved a bill in the sev-
enth parliament that was extremely important; it provided for reserving
one-third of seats in parliament for women. The Commitee on Private
Members’ Bills and Resolutions (CPMBR) recommended the introduc-
tion of the amendment bill. But it never had the first reading. At one
stage, it lapsed. However, the bill on domestic violence moved by the
(then) Minister for Women Affairs, a RSWP, could become a law for sev-
eral reasons, of which the special relationship of the minister with the
Prime Minister was very important. Those opposing the bill were aware
of this relationship. Moreover, the bill had a strong source of support
among CSOs which the opponents could rarely underestimate.
RSWPs are also discriminated against in several ways. They are given
less time to speak on the floor, and it is always difficult to convince the
Chief Whip of the need for time to speak in the House. One RSWP
attending the FGD referred to the difficulty of accessing the Chief Whip
in the following way:
Both men and women MPs are [formally] equal. But you’re a woman,
that’s the problem. Women get less time [to speak] and are allowed to
speak at less important time … You’ve to turn to the Chief Whip [and
whips] almost begging for time. But they will go to other (male) MPs and
request: ‘you speak’, ‘you speak’ … But women MPs, especially RSWPs,
often go to the Chief whip and say, ‘I want to speak’. The Chief Whip is all
in all … he decides who is to do what … Our situation is vulnerable.4
Not all of those who want to speak are allowed time. Some are allotted
time. For that, cautioned the RSWP, ‘one needs to have a “special quali-
fication” that we do not have. To be able to influence the decision of the
Chief Whip, they have to do many things that we do not do or will never
be able to do.’
RSWPs are also given less allocation for development. They receive
one-third of the allocation that a popularly elected MP receives for test
relief (TR) and food for works program (KABIKHA). Technically, a
RSWP does not have a specified constituency to represent. However‚ she
is given she is given responsibility for several upazilas(6/7), but does not
receive any allocation for their development. On the other hand, a popu-
larly elected MP is entitled to recommend infrastructural projects worth
34 N. Ahmed and S. Hasan
My brothers and sisters were all good students. I also did extremely well
in my SSC and HSC examinations securing a position in the merit list in
the latter. When I started politics after getting admitted at the University
of Dhaka, my brothers told my father: “She has become a liability for the
family. We cannot face others for her … people can see her pictures in the
newspapers … she has been spoiled. Abba (father), you do something;
otherwise we [family] will be in trouble and such a good student’s career
will be spoiled … family members did not allow me even to attend any
invitation. Now when they take pride saying that our sister is an MP, I
try to scold them and make them responsible for torturing me mentally
… Only one male member in the family was my protector – my father.
He always supported me and after my marriage, my father in law also
defended me.6
Another RSWP attending the FGD also had similar experience when she
was actively involved in Student League [a front organization of AL]
politics in the 1990s. She used to live in a Dhaka University student hos-
tel. Although one of her first uncles used to live in Dhaka, she did not
have easy access to his house as she was involved in student politics. Her
uncle used to remind her that her mother sent her money not for doing
politics but for study. Whenever there was any unrest in the university or
hostel and students were asked to leave hostels immediately, she used go
to her friends’ houses. Her uncle and aunt did not approve of her doing
politics. Yet when she became an MP, her aunt called her seeking help to
solve some problems. Other relatives also ask for help since she is an MP.
But their mindset has not changed yet. Still now, many relatives or peo-
ple in the so-called high societies do not want to accept them, although
they readily seek to enjoy advantages.
RSWPs face opposition from various sources, for example, parties, DSPs,
DSWPs, and hybrid politicians. Some RSWPs consider their election from
the reserved seat as a stepping stone to be associated with mainstream
politics—electoral politics. Their target, as some have observed, is to get
elected on popular votes. Yet the task is not an easy one. Perhaps, the great-
est challenge comes from DSPs, referred here as constituency MPs. They
consider RSWPs as their main adversaries, rivals. One RSWP observed that
her constituency MP does not visit the constituency very often. On the
other, she spends much more time in the constituency than the DSP and
has better links with the people. Yet, he is called the ‘elected’ and she as the
‘reserved’ MP. She finds it disgraceful when some people say: ‘even though
you are an MP, you are still not equal to him.’ This hurts her.
RSWPs usually try to build a constituency with a view to preparing
themselves for party nomination in the next election. This risks RSWPs
becoming the target of attack by DSWPs. Many RSWPs spend more
time in their own areas than DSWPs. Some consider the present DSWPs
as their competitors and thus try to raise issues in parliament that con-
cern the people of their own areas as a means to appeal to them for votes
36 N. Ahmed and S. Hasan
This chapter has tried to explore the role of RSWPs in Bangladesh. It
shows that although they are not to be seen as alangkar, they cannot
be considered as ahangkar either, however, not for their own failures or
faults, but for defects of the context within which they have to work. An
average RSWP appears to be more active, at least in terms of moving dif-
ferent types of motions in the parliament, than DSWPs, or even many
direct-seat parliamentarians (DSPs). Their motions also focus on a wide
variety of issues than those raised by other categories of MPs. However,
they face considerable difficulties in charting out a political career for
themselves; these problems risk making a RSWP an ‘onlooker’ in the
long run or even a mere spectator, if not an alangkar.
Male parliamentarians do not appear to have a positive opinion about
the role and performance of the RSWPs. Nor does the top party leadership
appear to have an inclination to allow RSWPs to have a genuine political
career. Experience shows that only a few RSWPs are given a second chance
to become an MP. Nor can a RSWP realistically expect to be nominated
to a general seat. The top leadership of the party (AL) has warned RSWPs
not to try to create separate political spaces for themselves in their con-
stituencies. The Prime Minster has made it clear that RSWPs will not be
nominated to contest general seats.8 This could be seen as a disincentive to
those who want to choose politics as a profession. To some extent, it can
also be seen as a triumph of patriarchy and familial politics over democracy.
1. http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm. Accessed: October 24, 2016.
2. For example, in Pakistan the National Assembly must meet 130 days a
year. In Britain, the House remains in session for 146 days a year. Each sit-
ting day lasts about eight hours. The Indian Parliament meets, on an aver-
age, 100 days a year, with each sitting day lasting from 5.2 to 7.3 h.
3. RSWPs and DSWPs differ in a number of respects, e.g., age, income, and
connection to power politicians. In this paper, we will focus mostly on
their nature of activism in the House. Space limitations will not allow us to
dwell on other differences between the two groups of women MPs.
4. FGD held on February 10, 2016.
5. FGD held on February 10, 2016.
6. FGD held on February 10, 2016.
7. FGD held on February 10, 2016.
8. (Ctn24.com., July 26, 2016).
Ahmed, N. (2002). The parliament of Bangladesh. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Ahmed, N. (2013). The Bangladesh parliament: A data handbook. Dhaka: IGS.
Ahmed, N. (2015). The constituency role of the members of parliament in
Bangladesh. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, 17(2), 41–59.
Bangladesh Parliament. (2007). Rules of procedure of parliament of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh (As Modified up to 11 January 2007). Dhaka:
Parliament Secretariat.
Bangladesh Parliament. (2014–15). Summary of Proceedings of Tenth Parliament:
Sessions 1–8. Dhaka: Parliament Secretariat.
Fiorina, M. (1977). Congress: Keystone of the Washington establishment. New
Haven, Conn: Yale University Press.
House of Commons. (2015). Standing orders of the house of commons—Public
Business, London. Available at: https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/
cm201516/cmstords/1154/toc.htm. Accessed 7 February 2017.
Jahan, R. (2015). Political parties in Bangladesh: Challenges of democratization.
Dhaka: Prathoma Prokashan.
Karam, A., & Lovenduski, J. (2005). Women in parliament: Making a difference.
In J. Ballington & A. Karam (Eds.), Women in parliament: Beyond numbers.
Stockholm: IDEA.
Kaul, M. N. (1979). Parliamentary institutions and practices. New Delhi:
National Publishing House.
Olson, D., & Norton, P. (Eds.). (1996). The new parliaments of Central and
Eastern Europe. London: Frank Cass.
Pitkin, H. (1967). The concept of representation. California: The University of
California Press.
Saalfeld, T., & Muller, W. (Eds.). (1997). Members of parliament in Western
Europe: Roles and behavior. London: Frank Cass.
Searing, D. H. (1994). Westminster’s world: Understanding political roles.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Wiberg, M. (1995). Parliamentary questioning: Control by communication. In
H. Doring (Ed.), Parliaments and majority rule in Western Europe. Frankfurt:
St. Martin’s Press.
Sonam Chuki
S. Chuki (*)
Royal Education Council, Paro, Bhutan
e-mail: [email protected]
age then, and her husband was out campaigning for her (Sawer and
Simms 1993, p. 82). This patriarchal attitude still appears to remain
in contemporary Australia. Australia’s first woman Prime Minister,
Julia Gillard, was criticized for not being a ‘natural woman’ in terms
of having no husband and children and therefore not being able to
relate to average Australians (Kent 2010, pp. 227, 231). In addition,
the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC 2012) YouTube video
revealed that former Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, faced misogyny and
sexist comments from Tony Abbott, the then Leader of the Opposition.
Women and Elections
Entering the male political space, parliament, has not been easy for
Bhutanese women (see Table 3.1). Wangmo, one of the senior woman
members in the National Council, said that it is challenging for a woman
politician to be included in party politics. Wangmo’s experience is true
for most women. During the 2008 elections, all four women in the
National Assembly from the victorious DPT joined party politics with
men’s support. In 2013 general elections in the National Assembly, only
three women were elected from the winning PDP. Although their tenure
in office ended, the King re-appointed two former women Councillors as
his eminent representatives in the National Council, which did not have
a single elected woman representative.
Grey and Sawer (2005) argue that in Australia and New Zealand wom-
en’s low representation in parliament and leadership roles within it for
about half a century can be attributed to the male-driven political parties’
‘gate keeping’ function (Grey and Sawer 2005, p. 176). In the Bhutanese
National Assembly, during the second parliamentary elections the number
of women dwindled from four to three women out of 47 parliamentarians.
However, the PDP government provided one of the ministerial berths to a
Table 3.1 Composition of Parliament of Bhutan
Parliament 2008 2013
National assembly 43 4 43 4
National council 19 6 23 2
Total 62 10 66 6
woman. Thus, the country has its first woman Minister. Further, a woman
candidate entered parliament when male member resigned after the 2013
general election. After the DPT’s president’s resignation (Wangchuk
2013a, p. 1), the DPT supporters nominated Dechen Zangmo, a woman
entrepreneur from an influential local family.
Therefore, it was easier for women from influential families to obtain
political nomination from male party gatekeepers (Dema 2013b, p. 1).
A by-election was held on 9 November 2013. Dechen Zangmo won the
elections. Hence, the number of women in the Assembly rose to four as
in the first period of parliament and the percentage of women’s represen-
tation increased to 8 from 7% with six females out of 72 members (BBS
2013j). When the opposition adopted Ministries and agencies based on
the custom of shadow Ministers, Dechen Zangmo was given the respon-
sibility for women and children issues (Dorji 2013, p. 1; Wangchuk
2013b, p. 1). In the traditional male-defined political arena, women’s
roles in both ruling and opposition parties appear to be relegated to con-
ventional soft subjects (Puwar 2004, p. 89). These issues are considered
less important when compared to ‘hard’ and significant issues such as
‘foreign policy, economic or defense’ (Puwar 2004, p. 89).
men. In Peru, for example, men spent’4.8 times more on media cover-
age than women’ in their 2006 elections. Men put in time and effort
for political marketing and therefore fare well at the polls (IDEA 2014).
Yangden, a senior woman parliamentarian in the Council, stated that
men are ‘real’ politicians implying a negative undertone. Yangden reiter-
ated that she had no qualms about expressing her honest views about
men to their face. Zhiwa, a young woman parliamentarian, and Wangmo,
another senior woman parliamentarian in the Council, agreed with
Yangden’s views. Wangmo opined that women spent more time working
and less time marketing themselves whereas men just did the opposite.
A study of gender in the Australian parliament confirms that men
spent more time on self-promotion than women (Crawford and Pini
2011, pp. 91, 96). Shreejana, a senior woman member in the Assembly
with more than a decade’s work experience prior to joining politics, said
that people find women politicians sensitive and approachable. Seven out
of ten women parliamentarians said that women politicians were much
more committed than men in supporting individual and collective vot-
ers’ needs. They said that they ensure that all possible is done until the
problem is resolved. They thought that men were casual about individual
voter’s problems.
The two youngest women parliamentarians felt that senior and veteran
men, including an old Minister, undermined their capacity to address
public policies. Pangchen, one of the young woman parliamentarians in
the Assembly, stated that men tend to disapprove when women stress
women’s issues and sought men’s support by including men’s concerns.
Deki, the youngest woman member in the Assembly, often lobbied one
or two men for support and had them to convince the rest of the men
when all four women in the Assembly failed to seek men’s support.
Thus, women tend to use a non-confrontational approach when seeking
male support for a redress on issues that largely affect women.
Some men parliamentarians thought that women in the Council were
more capable than women in Assembly. A single woman in the Assembly
was named as capable but tough and emotional. The other three mem-
bers were seen as passive participants. However, Kinga, an intellectual
young male member, who is the Deputy Chair in the Council, saw men
and women as people’s representatives in parliament and had an equal
amount of respect for them. Like Kinga, Lhendup, a senior male mem-
ber in the Assembly, stated that he respected men and women as the
people’s representative irrespective of their gender. Tshering, a senior
48 S. Chuki
male member in the Council, thought that despite the abilities of women
in the Council, they could not work as a team to address bigger women’s
issues. But, Kinga opined that women themselves take different stand on
gender issues and that subjects are discussed on its merit and not on gen-
der perspective.
Gender was given less importance than merit and capable women
Councillors appeared to overlook women’s issues and act in a gender-
blind manner. However, women Councillors ensured inclusion of both
‘he/she’ in the Constitution during the first session of the parliament in
2008 when ‘he’ was used to refer to both male and female. A male DPT
Minister in the Assembly claimed that Bhutanese politics was not yet
tainted with the negative labels of politics and suggested that both men
and women politicians were in the process of learning to deal with the
complexities of politics. The Opposition Leader differed and said that
several men and some women parliamentarians in the Assembly had poor
conduct. He cited women parliamentarians in the Council as role models
for aspiring women politicians. Both men and women parliamentarians
labelled one senior, capable woman Councillor, who promoted women’s
issues, as a feminist in a negative sense.
Able women parliamentarians were cautious of openly promoting
women’s issues lest they be negatively termed feminist in the face of huge
male dominance. Both men and women have very little understanding of
feminism other than its association with women’s issues. Hence in such a
context, feminism seems to cause fury among the educated and influential
elite. In a mature and much admired democracy like Norway, for example,
there were a few women politicians who were feminist activists and men
did not receive them well. Women faced difficulty in representing their
sex (Bystydzienski 1995, pp. 93–95). In Australian party politics, women
with strong feminist views face disappointment in a political environment
where women’s issues are sidelined (Sawer and Simms 1993, p. 208).
All four women agreed that they learnt from their colleagues in small
groups of different committees. In principle, women stated that equal
opportunity is given to both men and women. However, one woman’s
Chairperson responsibility was given to a male member in the Ethics and
Credential Committee even after her nomination as the Chair by her
male colleagues within that committee and her full agreement to accept
the position. The Speaker who approved the Chairpersons of different
committees undermined the young woman legislator’s age and limited
work experience in being able to manage other senior members.
Women parliamentarians in the UK have needed to work hard to
prove themselves continuously and experienced ‘a double burden of
doubt and representation’ (Puwar 2004, p. 91). In Norway, most
women politicians have experienced difficulties in influencing decisions
in committees. However, men got into committees of their choice and
could wield power and direct decisions (Bystydzienski 1995, pp. 86–87).
Similarly, in Australia, men dominated economics and security-related
committees and women occupied health and education committees
(Crawford and Pini 2011, pp. 90–92).
Deki, the youngest woman member in the Assembly, did not chair
any committees but was a member of Environment/Land, Urban
Development and Poverty Reduction Committees. Despite her male
colleagues’ offer of Chairpersonship, she was apprehensive about her
ability to meet the committee’s objectives. Dawa, a young male mem-
ber in the Assembly, was a member of Ethics and Credential and Public
Accounts Committee. He said that he encouraged young women mem-
bers to learn and improve their managerial capacity in the Assembly. He
added that he found the senior woman member of the Council, who was
Chairperson of the Joint Public Accounts Committee of parliament, to
be a tough but balanced person.
As opposed to the Assembly, the responsibility of the Chairperson of
all seven committees is rotated among 25 members including six women
in the Council and appears democratic. The main reason was to provide
equal opportunity to everyone. The Chair’s main duty was to organize
the meetings, identify issues and set the agenda. It was important as the
entire sessions of the Council depended on the Chair’s work. In the con-
duct of the meeting, there was very little difference between the Chair
and members as everyone was treated equally and had equal amount of
voice in the discussions. Wangmo, a senior woman Councillor, opined
that Chairperson was just a title. Instead, the role was result oriented in
50 S. Chuki
nature and the Chair had to seek all members’ support to get the work
completed. She observed that a young Chairperson faced the challenge
of gaining all committee members’ support and often worked alone. But,
Kinga, a young member in the Council, stated that he had no reserva-
tions against women chairing parliamentary committees.
The youngest woman member chaired a Committee whereas the
oldest and the most experienced Councillor remained a member of the
Committee. Women Chaired the Good Governance, Public Accounts,
Legislative and Socio-Cultural committees based on a system of rota-
tion. The Committees were important working bodies where most of the
critical debates related to parliamentary agendas were discussed in great
detail before the formal presentation and discussion in the Council and
in joint sittings of the Council and the Assembly. It was in these small
groups that women attempted to persuade their men colleagues on
highly contested issues such as rape, child support in the case of divorced
parents and domestic violence. Kinga and Yangden commented that the
Council had a democratic spirit and an open-minded work culture. The
men in the Council were also noted to be well-educated, experienced,
worldly and therefore open to ideas and dialog.
The fine difference between the Council and Assembly was that the
Council members were free of party affiliation and clear and confident
about their stance. The Assembly members were guided by their party
positions and restrained in taking individual stands. Further, all women
in the Council thought that women from the Assembly lacked an open
attitude of learning and were least prepared for the Joint Committee
discussions. The experienced women thought that the two youngest
women members in the Council exhibited an open attitude of learn-
ing and sought advice from senior and experienced men and women
Councillors as and when required and built their professional capacity.
There are now ten Committees in the Assembly. The former Women and
Children’s Committee was renamed as the Women, Children and Youth
Committee. The new name appears broader in scope as it implies inclu-
sion of not only women and children but also youth.
they refused to support women’s issues for they did not experience the
same problems that women faced. Women had to make efforts to per-
suade them and win their support. Male parliamentarians were worried
about serious penalties against male rapists who inflict irreversible pain
on children and they seemed to identify with the perpetrator. Women
did have the ability to address significant social issues like rape through
strong preventative law.
Dema added that she was able to lobby and convince her scepti-
cal male colleagues through evidence-based information from national
and international perspectives. She said that she attempted to win the
majority’s support and ignored a few who had obstinate views that
the majority’s opinion was recognized in democracy. She also thought
that her lobbying skills failed when the majority were against her views.
Persuading skills seem challenging in a workplace with only four women,
who were young in age and inexperienced, and 43 men, who were older
in age and experienced, particularly, the ten seasoned Ministers.
Well-educated, experienced, worldly and articulate women in the
Council made extra efforts to convince male members, including
Ministers in the Assembly, during the discussion of rape in a joint sitting
of parliament. Yangzom, the young member in the Council, noted that
she and her colleagues in their Committee in which rape was discussed
worked very hard to gather comprehensive information on rape registered
in all the 20 Dzongkhag (District) courts, the Thimphu referral hospital’s
forensic unit and police and a comparative research on rape penalties from
15 different countries. She said that men members in the Council were
convinced after listening to a well-researched argument with hard facts.
She added that it is critical to garner men’s assistance through conciliatory
means while discussing sensitive women’s issues like rape.
Zhiwa, a young woman politician, who was one of the King’s emi-
nent representatives in the Council, added that men politicians in the
Council were convinced of and agreed to the need to make the rape pen-
alty more a deterrent but some of male members in the Assembly argued
that the rape penalty was too heavy. Zhiwa argued that there is no need
to make another law if people behaved and rape does not take place.
She added that male members including the Ministers in the Assembly
argued against tough rape penalties. She thought that it was important
to institute a stringent rape penalty because despite the awareness, rape
occurred and a strong penalty would serve as preventative measure. It
is interesting to note that gender alignment took place while discussing
52 S. Chuki
Domestic Violence Act 2005, pp. 4 and 9). However, in Bhutan’s con-
text, this clause became the point of debate and was not well received
during the discussion of the Bill. Eight male members including an old
veteran male Minister objected, stating that there was a conflict of inter-
est with the police as the police looked after the cases related to domes-
tic violence. They were insensitive about the existing culture of silence
among the victims as many bore emotional trauma to save their family
image. The victims sought police assistance as the last alternative when
everything else had failed. In the hierarchical Bhutanese cultural context,
people tend to listen to senior members in organizations including par-
liament. Although the Prime Minister did not share his views in the par-
liament, he supported the Bill in the cabinet. Also, three male Ministers
spoke for the Bill.
After 2 days of detailed and heated discussion observed by many
Bill supporters, who were mostly women, the National Assembly cast a
vote on 5 July 2012. Out of 42 members present in the Assembly, 40
of them voted for the Bill, one abstained and one voted against the Bill.
The Prime Minister’s support helped to pass the Bill with a huge ‘yes’
vote. The existing literature on gender in masculine organizations points
out that when women are a minority, they have the leverage to use their
symbolic position to advance themselves (Yoder 1991, p. 187). On the
contrary, in the National Council the Bill was well discussed in relation
to critical issues and was easily passed.
played an active role in quota debate. The topic of quota was discussed
in UN Women organized workshop in 2012. There were views for and
against a quota. Some key participants from the South Asian region sup-
ported quota. The workshop pointed to the need for deeper discussion
on the quota issue following the first election and the lack of legisla-
tion to ensure minimum level of women’s representation in the country
(Zangmo 2012, p. 1).
Similarly, UNDP Bhutan initiated an e-discussion in 2012 on the scope
of women’s participation in politics in the 2013 elections. According to the
author’s participation, one view suggested seat reservation in parliament
until a certain percentage of women in parliament is attained (Solution-
Exchange Bhutan Discussion 27 February–19 March 2012, p. 3). The
contested view argued for letting capable women exercise their own choice
rather than asking government to encourage them as there were adequate
numbers of able women in professional jobs who can be elected to office
based on their capacity and help build confidence for all women (Solution-
Exchange Bhutan Discussion 27 February–19 March 2012, p. 3).
Further, women’s seat reservation in parliament was raised during the
National Assembly elections of 2013. In those primary and general elec-
tions, the ruling party promised formulation of a legislation of 20% quota
for women in all elected offices (PDP Manifesto 2013, p. 50). The DCT,
one of the woman-led parties in the primary rounds also talked about
introducing a quota. Krook (2011) argues that political elites pursue quo-
tas for tactical reason (Krook 2011, p. 165) and appears true for Bhutan.
The interviewees saw quota as a highly contested subject. There
were men and women respondents across a wide spectrum who argued
for and against seat reservation. The reservation supporters argued for
quotas as a time-bound short-term measure to include a critical mass of
women in parliament to ensure an equal number of men and women
until a level playing field is met. It was acknowledged that it was going
to take a long time to equalize the men–women ratio in parliament if
capability is the premise to include women. There was a recognition that
it was important to balance men’s and women’s perspectives in dealing
with societal issues in legislation.
Bhutan has a majority First-Past-The-Post electoral system. Similarly,
in a BBS YouTube video (2014), Danish political scientist Dalherup
argued that Bhutanese men enjoyed an ‘indirect quota’ privilege for in
38 out of the 47 constituencies women could not vote for women as
there were no women candidates and without women’s full participation
Women across the world participate in a structurally masculine political
space and face difficulties in trying to fit into the male costume (Pateman
1989, p. 6). The IPU’s current statistics state that women’s representa-
tion in parliament at the global level is poor at 22% (IPU 2015). Closer
to Bhutan, women’s representation in parliament in some of the South
Asian countries is single-digit figures. Bhutan falls under this category
with 8%. Right from the process of being elected to parliament to their
ability to influence the outcome of decisions within the parliament,
women face challenges. In the Bhutanese context, women entered parlia-
ment with support from male party gatekeepers.
Despite their small numbers, the first cohort of Bhutanese women
parliamentarians managed to convince their male colleagues to pass criti-
cal Bills related to women and children’s issues. However, well-educated,
experienced and worldly women who exhibited confidence were well
56 S. Chuki
received compared with young women who had little work experience
prior to joining politics. Similarly, most men and some women politicians
disliked feminist women politicians who promoted women’s issues. Like
women politicians in advanced democracies, Bhutanese women politi-
cians were allocated soft subjects related to social affairs in parliament.
Women parliamentarians were principled, committed and industrious.
On the contrary, men were found to be good at political marketing and
switching their political gear in tandem with an erratic political environ-
ment. Although contested, parliamentary seat reservation appears to
be a way forward to improve women’s representation in the Bhutanese
parliament and the state efforts seem progressive toward this end. Seat
reservation has enhanced women’s representation in both mature and
emerging democratic countries.
Women’s entry to the Bhutanese parliament has ensured that change
has occurred. The first ten Bhutanese women parliamentarians have
demonstrated that it is possible for women to play a role in Bhutan’s
political life and move from the private to the public sphere. Despite the
impediments which they faced due to the entrenched masculine values
and practices, these ten women did pursue a legislature program and
actively participated in parliamentary committee work. They were trail-
blazers and challenged the male hegemony of Bhutan’s parliamentary
system. They have shown other women that a political career and a role
in the public space are possible for women in Bhutan.
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). (2012). Gillard’s misogyny speech
goes global. Available at http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-10/interna-
tional-reaction-to-gillard-speech/4305294. Accessed March 7, 2014.
Bhutan Broadcasting Service. (2013a). DPT’s dechenzangmo wins nanong-shu-
mar by-elections. Available at http://www.bbs.bt/news/?p=33728. Accessed
November 10, 2013.
Bhutan Broadcasting Service. (2014b). To pull women in politics? Available at
http://www.bbs.bt/news/?p=38690. Accessed April 4, 2014.
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In the aftermath of the Second World War, nations across the world
experienced a host of path-breaking changes leading to positive trans-
formations in the economic, social, and political spheres. The clamor for
democracy, freedom, and economic development were complimented by
the spread of liberal democratic values and ideas that touched the lives
of millions of people. In the backdrop of this enabling post-war envi-
ronment, women’s empowerment became an indispensable outcome of
a long drawn battle against gender inequality in the political domain.
One witnessed a steady and healthy trend of democratization of the
internal polity of the nation states across the globe, where women began
to stake claim to their legitimate space in the political sphere. Both, in
S. Dhal (*)
Department of Political Science, Kalindi College,
University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
e-mail: [email protected]
B. Chakrabarty
Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
e-mail: [email protected]
Parliament and state legislatures will be discussed. Last but not the least,
there will be an attempt to understand whether women’s political partici-
pation and representation in the Parliament and legislatures has any bear-
ing on the overall question of gender equality and gender justice, which
will lead to their empowerment and emancipation in the society.
Conceptual Framework
Despite the sacred objective of the Constitution of India to lay the foun-
dation of a just and equitable society, where men and women shall enjoy
equal status, the reality is that despite 70 years of independence, our
democratic polity reveals an entirely dismal picture. Social stereotyping
and violence at the domestic and societal levels are some of the mani-
festations of this deep-seated system of patriarchy. Discrimination against
girl child, adolescent girls, and women persists in every walk of life.
Women are denied the rights and opportunities that are available to men
both in the public and in the private domain (Jaggar 1983). Though the
Constitution grants equality to women and also empowers the state to
adopt measures of positive discrimination in favor of women, the actual
implementation of the state’s agenda runs into problem when con-
fronted with the structures of patriarchy from the grassroots level to the
topmost structures of administration. Annie Mascarene, the first woman
MP from Kerala who was elected to the First Lok Sabha as an independ-
ent candidate from Thiruvananthapuram constituency in 1952, lamented
the fact that women were not given their political dues in independent
India (Forbes 1998). Though India has witnessed the robust function-
ing of the formal representative institution of the Parliament since several
decades which mirrors the highly pluralistic social order, the proportion
of female representation has been relatively less as compared to the male
representation (Mehra and Kueck 2003).
(Pitkin 1971, Eisenstein 1994, Millet 2000). They maintain that equality
of sexes requires radical transformation of power structure in the society.
Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the early feminists, advocated women’s
education, which would enable them to be autonomous decision-mak-
ers and economically independent of men. Radical feminists like Zillah
Eisenstein and Kate Millet demanded more powers for women in the
decision-making process and their access to state resources, benefits, and
protection. Millet promotes the concept of gender equality through equal
rights and proper job opportunities within the existing system. These
women activists support the process of modernization as it is democratic
and egalitarian and thus beneficial for wom (Kimmel and Aronson 2011).
Modernization is also associated with gender equality as it provides
women various opportunities for employment, which would not only
empower them socially but also enrich them financially. Melissa Williams
(1998) advocates political representation in legislative bodies for histori-
cally disadvantaged groups like women to combat systemic discrimination.
According to Williams democratic states should undertake special meas-
ures to include historically marginalized groups in representative bod-
ies whose perspectives would be excluded without the special measures.
Most of current demands over democracy revolve around the need for
more meaningful political presence (Phillip 1993), equal representation
(Kymlicka 1996), and political inclusion of the excluded groups (Young
2000), and this situation can become a reality only when all members of
the community are treated with equal concern (Dworkin 1978).
the number of women contesting elections at the national level is still very
low compared to men. The number of women contestants increased from
45 in 1957 to 70 in the year 1977 and rose to all time high in 1996 with
599 women contestants in the Lok Sabha elections, this figure came down
to 274 in 1998 and rose to 668 in the sixteenth Lok Sabha elections. In
contrast, the number of men contesting elections has always been higher
in number as compared to women. In 1957, the number of male contest-
ants was 1,474 which increased to 7,583 as compared to only 668 women
contestants in 2014 general elections. Though more than 93% of the total
contestants are men, interestingly the percentage of women winning elec-
tions has always been higher than men in the present times.
The percentage of men who won elections in 1952 was 26.05%,
whereas women were 51.16%. In the year 1999, 12.3% men won the
elections out of the total male contestants and 17.3% women won out
of the total female contestants. In the fourteenth Lok Sabha elections,
12.6% female contestants won the elections. Despite more percentage of
women winning elections, political parties deny tickets to women can-
didates presuming that they are not capable of winning elections. Many
factors are responsible for this state of affairs. History of freedom move-
ment shows that a large number of women participated in freedom
movement. But after that it went on decreasing. The gender justice and
equal opportunity ideology of the Nehru-Gandhi era has lost its impor-
tance significantly in the present times. Gender roles have become major
obstacles in women’s political empowerment. Traditional division of
labor, illiteracy, economic barriers, the type of electoral system, lack of
sufficient training etc. has been keeping women away from politics. Apart
from this, elections have become a very costly affair. Women are unable
to collect large amount of money required to fight elections. Systemic
inequalities, discriminatory practices, and unequal power relations have
become major obstacles for women’s meaningful representation and par-
ticipation in the areas of political decision-making (Basu 2010).
Central Social Welfare Board, who all have made noteworthy contribu-
tions in the Parliament. The sixth Lok Sabha in 1977 witnessed less pro-
portion of women in Parliament at mere 3.5%. Although the number of
women MPs increased from 59 to 61 under the present NDA govern-
ment, it still remains far below the global average of 21.3%. In a recent
study conducted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), India is placed
at 111th position in the list of 189 countries having women representa-
tives in Parliament. Even the lesser developed neighbors of India such as
Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal have around 20, 19, and 30% women
members in their respective Parliaments (Shankar and Rodrigues 2011).
Table 4.1 shows the total representation of women members in the first
to the sixteenth Lok Sabha which reveals that men have monopolized rep-
resentation in the Parliament and women are victims of political under-
representation despite constituting half of the population. Women leaders
account for just 11% of the 543 parliamentarians, while 89% of seats are
being represented by men. Ironically, this is the highest number of women
MPs elected to the Lok Sabha in the history of the country, although by
a small margin, according to a report by PRS Legislative Research, New
Delhi. The percentage of women parliamentarians in the Lok Sabha in
relation to the total number of seats in the various general elections has
considerably increased from around 5% in the 1950s to 11.4% 2014. The
presence of women in the upper house has been slightly higher—72 as
compared to the 62 women members in the fourteenth Lok Sabha—
probably due to indirect election and nomination of women members.
Among the States, Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of women
MPs (12) in the sixteenth Lok sabha; it is followed by West Bengal (7)
and Madhya Pradesh (6). Delhi, Meghalaya, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu
have one seat each. In 12 states, women do not have any representation
in the Lok Sabha. Among the parties, the Indian National Congress has
the highest number of women MPs (24), while BJP ranks second with
13 women MPs. Although the present Lok Sabha has the largest num-
ber of women, India still has to be more accommodating to induct more
women MPs so that issues concerning them get more prominence and
are raised frequently in Parliament.
A large share of the credit for these social legislations goes to the
initiatives taken by the women parliamentarians in both the houses of
the Parliament. However, there is a need for creating a level-playing field
for women representatives to contribute effectively and meaningfully in
the legislative processes of the Parliament. They can be effective when
their number is increased and their voice is multiplied. The lack of their
numerical strength creates hindrance in so far as raising diverse issues
concerning women’s interests
Concluding Observations
Politics in India is still dominated by men at all level of participation, and
women have not been given a respectable share of the political domain,
although they constitute almost half of the electorate. Women are still
not getting a share equivalent to men in decision-making process. Their
aspirations and needs are not adequately reflected in our legislatures as
their representation remained abysmally low. The average women repre-
sentation in the Lok Sabha from 1952 to till date is 6%, and in the Rajya
Sabha, it is 9%. The power of the national Parliament can be strength-
ened with substantial women’s political representation and progressive
legislation through increased participation of women in the public sphere
as vital stakeholders that will improve the quality of politics.
Women’s representation in the Parliament, while important on the
grounds of social justice and legitimacy of the political system, does not
76 S. Dhal and B. Chakrabarty
Basu, Amrita. (2010). Gender and politics. In Niraja, G. Jayal & Pratap, B.
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ats in Maharashtra. Calcutta: Stree publishers.
De Beauvoir, S. (1988). The second sex. London: Picador.
Dworkin, R. (1978). Taking rights seriously. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Eisenstein, Z. R. (1994). The color of gender: Reimaging democracy. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Forbes, G. (1998). Women in modern India. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Hewitt, V., & Rai, S. (2010). Parliament. In Niraja, G. Jayal, & Pratap, B. Mehta
(Eds.), The oxford companion to politics in India. Oxford: Oxford University
Jaggar, A. (1983). Feminist politics and human nature. Brighton: Harvester
Jayal, N., & Nussbaum, M. (2003). Gender and governance: An introduction.
New Delhi: Human Development Resource Centre—UNDP.
Kimmel, M. S., & Aronson, A. (2011). The gendered society reader. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Kumar, R. (1998). The history of doing. New Delhi: Kali For Women.
Kymlicka, W. (1996). Multicultural citizenship. New York: Oxford University
Mehra, A. K., & Kueck, G. W. (Eds.). (2003). The Indian parliament: A comparative
perspective. New Delhi: Konark Publishers.
Menon, N. (Ed.). (1999). Gender and politics. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Millet, K. (2000). Sexual politics. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
National Perspective Plan for Women. (1988–2000) AD. Department of Women
and Child, Government of India.
Phillips, A. (1993). Democracy and difference. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Pitkin, H. (1971). The concept of representation. Berkeley: University of California
Rai, S. M. (2005). Reserved seats in South Asia: A regional perspective. In Julie
Ballington & Azza Karam (Eds.), Women in parliament: Beyond numbers.
IDEA: Stockholm.
Rajya Sabha Secreatariat. (2003). Women members of rajya sabha. New Delhi.
Saxena, K. S. (1999). Women’s political participation in India. Jaipur: Sublime
Shankar, B. L., & Rodrigues, V. (2011). The Indian parliament: A democracy at
work. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Singh, M. P. (2015). The decline of the Indian parliament. London: Routledge.
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failings of liberal representation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Young, I. M. (2000). Inclusion and democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Punam Yadav
Although women in Nepal have had the right to vote since 1951 and
they have been actively involved in various movements, the political
sphere remained male dominated until recently. The first woman par-
liament member was elected in 1958. However, despite women’s early
engagement and their active participation in various political movements,
women’s presence in the parliament remained significantly low even
after the establishment of democracy in 1990. The first democratic elec-
tion was held in 1991, and only seven women, out of 205 parliamen-
tary seats, were elected. The second election was held in 1994. Despite
the mandatory provision for at least 5% women’s representation, less
than 5% women candidates were given a chance to stand in the election
by the political parties. Although women’s candidacy increased to 6.3%
in the third election in 1999, only 5.85% won the election. Therefore,
even though there were some efforts made to ensure women’s repre-
sentation in politics, their participation did not exceed 6% until 2008,
and even then, those who were in the parliament were excluded from
P. Yadav (*)
London School of Economics and Political Science,
Centre for Women, Peace and Security, London, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
Historical Context
Although the political history of Nepal has been well documented,
at least for the past 300 years, with a detailed history from the 1950s
(see Whelpton 2005; Singh 2013), women are almost completely
absent from these records. To be able to see women’s contribution
in politics, one has to look at the literature on women’s movements
in Nepal, which demonstrates that women were not just discouraged
from participating in politics, but that their contributions were also
not recognized.
Despite the suppressive culture, the historical evidence suggests that
women have taken various leadership positions in the past, especially dur-
ing the Shah dynasty between the period of 1786 and 1951. Likewise,
women have also played significant roles in various political movements
(see IDEA 2011). However, their right to vote was only established in
this was a progressive step, it still did not guarantee the full rights to
daughters. Although women had the right to inheritance, they had to
return their parental property if they get married. In the country where
marriage is almost universal, this kind of provision shows a strong influ-
ence of patriarchy even in the legislative body.
Despite discriminations and continuous backlash, women’s interest
and participation in political movement kept increasing. One of the suc-
cessful examples of women’s political participation is the Maoist move-
ment, which is also known as the People’s War. The Communist Party
of Nepal, Maoist, launched its People’s War in 1996 (see Hatlebakk
2010; Cottle and Keys 2007). Although the 1990 revolution established
a democracy, power remained in the hands of a few elites (Thapa and
Sharma 2009). Discrimination based on gender, class, caste/ethnicity,
religion, and region continued (Thapa and Sharma 2009). Moreover,
people were frustrated with the unstable democratic government of
the 1990s, which failed to fulfill the promise they had made to people.
Therefore, people started joining the Maoist movement. In addition to
various other reasons, women particularly joined the Maoist movement
to fight against gender-based discriminations (see Frieden 2012; Thapa
2012; Yadav 2016). There are various estimates as to how many women
were in the People’s War; however, according to the majority of sources,
women’s participation in the Maoist movement was 33–40% (see Yami
2007; Aguirre and Pietropaoli 2008).
Women’s participation in the Maoist movement changed the whole
political landscape of Nepal. Women did not just prove they are no less
than men within the Maoist party but also influenced women’s move-
ment outside (see Yadav 2016). The 10-year-long period of civil war in
Nepal was a peak period of political consciousness. People were curious
about the rapid and unpredictable political developments. It was also a
necessity of that time to keep themselves updated about politics as the
whole country was impacted by the war. The news of bombings, killings,
and arrests had become like “a new normal.” For their own safety, it was
necessary to take interest in political developments. Therefore, women,
even though they were not educated or had no political background,
started taking interest in politics.
The gender equality discourse within the Maoist party also influenced
the outside discourse. It is important to note that the women’s move-
ment was getting stronger outside the Maoist party as well, and this had
84 P. Yadav
influenced the decisions made by the government. For example, the gov-
ernment amended several gender discriminatory provisions in the Muluki
Ain 2020 (National Code 1963) due to the lobbying of women’s rights
activists and civil society organizations (see 11th and 12th amendment
bills for more details about the amendments). Moreover, the govern-
ment also started recruiting women into the Nepal army to counter the
Maoist, which was a historic step as women were not considered for
combat roles before. The Nepal Armed Police Force also started recruit-
ing women. The Civil Service Act 1993 was amended in 2007 and guar-
anteed 33% of seats for women in civil services.
While the People’s War was still ongoing, King Gyanendra took over
all the power from the democratic government and formed his own gov-
ernment in 2002. Angry with the King’s move, political parties started
getting together. They formed a political alliance called the Seven Party
Alliance (SPA) and launched the second People’s Movement (known
as Jana Andolan II).2 The Maoists also supported this movement.
Women’s participation in this movement was also remarkable. The sec-
ond People’s Movement was successful. The People’s War also ended
in 2006 by signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).
Women’s participation in the parliament increased after the success of the
second People’s Movement. Out of 330 members of the interim parlia-
ment in 2006, 17% were women. This interim parliament passed a bill
to include 33% women in all state organizations, which was formalized
by the Interim Constitution 2007, a historic step that paved the way for
women’s participation in the Constituent Assembly election, which took
place in 2008.
were from Brahmin, around 16% from Madhesi, and 11% from Dalits.
Chhetris were around 11%, and other castes were around 2%. There was
a good representation from various religions as well: over 57% identified
themselves as Hindus, around 9% were Buddhist, and nearly 3% were
Muslims, whereas over 26% said they did not follow any religion.
The age range of these CA members also varied. Although most of
the CA members were below 35 years of age, the ages that were repre-
sented were between 28 and 78 years, which suggests that a lot of young
women joined politics. These CA members held different educational
status and backgrounds. Nearly one-fifth (17.9%) of women had no for-
mal education (see IDEA 2011; Yadav 2016). Likewise, others had com-
pleted secondary school (24.5%) and above (14.8%). Although most of
them were married, 7.7% were unmarried and 15.3% were widowed/sin-
gle, which also includes war widows (see IDEA 2011). Those who were
married not only to politicians, but also to farmers and businessmen.
Out of 197 women CA members in the first CA, only 26 had expe-
rience of being members of the parliament. The majority of the CA
members did not have any experience of the parliament, and for some of
them, politics was a fresh start. One of the CA members said, although
she was helping her father when he was in politics, she never had
thought that she would one day become a legislator. There were vari-
ous reasons and circumstances surrounding their decision of joining poli-
tics (see IDEA 2011; Yadav 2016). Some of them started their political
career from their student life, whereas others started by being involved in
various movements such as the Maoist movement, Madhesh movement,
and other ethnic conflicts, which erupted after the Comprehensive Peace
Agreement in 2006. Moreover, some women became active in politics
only after the death of their husbands. Sunita Kumari Mahato4 shared
how she joined the Maoist movement:
list. I was arrested from the school. I told them I was just a teacher, not
in the party; they released me after three days. However, they came every
now and again to my house, looking for my husband and tortured me and
my family. One day, my husband came home to do some party’s work but
he was arrested by the army along with his other friends. They were lined
up and killed … After my husband died, I became whole timer [fulltime in
politics] in the Maoist party. I was in the women’s committee, then took
the lead in the teacher’s committee and also became a Central Committee
Member and then I was nominated a CA member.
Political parties did not allow women to gather in one platform. Women
are discouraged from being united on women’s issues. It is not like the first
CA. Women politicians who were at the forefront in the first CA for wom-
en’s issues, the party has sidelined them. That’s why now women’s voice is
weaker in the parliament. We are now trying to form an informal Caucus
through which we will again be able to bring women’s issues to the table.
child if his wife is a foreigner, but the same rule does not apply to Nepali
women. The Nepali woman has to establish that the father of her child
is Nepali. If the mother is unable to prove that her husband is Nepali,
or if her husband denies their relationship, her child may not be able to
obtain a citizenship. Moreover, for women, their children need to be
born in Nepal, whereas this does not apply to the children of a Nepali
man. This raises a question: What happens to trafficked women, migrant
women, and others whose children are born in other countries?
The absentee population has doubled since 2001, from 0.762 mil-
lion to 1.92 million in 2011. People who were not in the country dur-
ing the census are called absentees. Nearly half (44.81%) of the absent
population is from the age group of 15–24 years (CBS 2011). On the
one hand, Nepali women have the right to marriage, which includes the
right to marry of one’s own choice, whether the spouse is a Nepali or a
foreigner. But the Constitution is silent about foreign men married to
Nepali women. According to a report prepared by the UNHRC in 2011,
there were 800,000 stateless people in Nepal. With the current provision
and increasing mobility of people, globalization, and media, this number
is likely to increase and the impact of this discriminatory provision will
not only be on women or girls but also on men.
I asked a few CA members about why, despite the significant presence
of women in the CA, they were not able to advocate for women’s equal
rights to citizenship. Rekha Sharma, Minister of General Administration,
said, “it was a patriarchal mindset that led to this decision. The provi-
sions in the new Constitution are the reflection of male domination
and patriarchy in our society.” Kamala BK, who was nominated as a CA
member in the second CA, said, “when we raised our concern about the
citizenship issue, we were told that it is not about women … it is a ques-
tion of national sovereignty.” She further added, “the political leaders
were afraid of India; because of the open border with India, they were
scared that it would be misused.” Onsari Gharti Magar added to that
They [male politicians] may be right about protecting the national interest.
However, they need to think beyond the box. They need to come up with
an alternate solution if the open border is a problem. In this globalized
world, there is increased movement of both men and women. They should
have analyzed the consequences properly before coming up with such a
conservative policy.
Women CA members also said that there were different opinions about
the citizenship in different parties. Since it was seen as a national issue,
not as a women’s issue, women CA members were not allowed to com-
ment on it. Therefore, they said, even when they were there, they could
not do anything.
People were suspicious about me when I was elected as the Speaker of the
Parliament, especially men. The Prime Minister was blamed for nominat-
ing me for this post. The Prime Minister came and said to me, ‘I gath-
ered all the courage to nominate you and you will now have to prove
90 P. Yadav
it.’ I got huge support from women. When I became the Speaker, many
women came to congratulate me. Men also came but with their families …
they also brought their daughters with them. I see that as a change. These
young girls will be inspired and will take an interest in politics and may
become like me one day.
It is certainly easier now than before. However, we still need to prove our-
selves … we need to prove that we can do the job. The first couple of
months are about proving ourselves and creating an environment that peo-
ple will accept us as a leader. When I was appointed as a minister, the first
month was very difficult … staff and Secretary did not see me as a Minister
… they saw me as a ‘Woman Minister’. Although things have changed
now, we still need to prove ourselves that we are good at work, whereas
men never have to prove anything.
Now we have the woman President. She invited all women CA mem-
bers to celebrate Teej and 16 days of activism against GBV (Gender based
Violence). This happened for the first time in history. When women are in
leadership, they give us respect and recognition. If there was a man, this
would not have happened.
The Women Caucus was there since 2058 (2001) but it wasn’t active. The
Caucus is made up of 19 political parties. It has been active since the CA
[the first CA]. Basically, this is a pressure group for women’s related issues.
There is no limitation to its work … everything that is related to women
falls under the mandate of this Caucus. Women from this Caucus are rep-
resenting various Constitution-drafting committees, we identify issues in
the Caucus and the relevant person takes those issues to their committees
to discuss and incorporate in the Constitution.
Usha Kala Rai drafted a document during her presidency, which listed
all of the women’s issues, and handed over to the Constitution drafting
committees. The Women’s Caucus was a very good platform where they
could discuss women’s agendas, putting aside all the ideological differ-
ences. Diversity among these women CA members also meant that they
had knowledge and experience of different groups of women in Nepal.
The first CA was historic also in a sense that it brought many women
into decision-making levels. Despite some resistance and hesitancy by the
male members, women kept pushing their agendas (Yadav 2016). There
were nine bills approved within three years, between May 2008 and
May 2011. Women played a crucial role in the approval of these bills.
Their involvement in the approval of the Domestic Violence Bill, 2009,
was crucial. This bill was tabled for a long time. Because of the critical
mass of women in the CA, this bill was approved and also the Domestic
Violence and Punishment Act was passed in 2009, which includes laws
making domestic violence, which is defined as “physical, mental, sexual,
and financial violence, as well as behavioral violence, as domestic vio-
lence,” illegal (IDEA 2011, p. 77).
In addition to this, they also participated in the passing of other bills
such as the Caste Discrimination and Untouchability Bill and Financial
92 P. Yadav
Bill (IDEA 2011). Since these CA members were responsible both for
their constituencies and the legislative parliament, they were involved in
various development projects, such as infrastructure development, drink-
ing water projects, education, and health. Shanti Devi Rajbansi, from the
first CA, said that she brought several development projects to her con-
These women CA members were able to negotiate on various wom-
en’s issues individually or through the Caucus. They are still fighting for
the proportional representation of women in every sector. They raised
concerns about any kind of discrimination based on gender and have also
been advocating for the implementation of international acts, laws, trea-
ties, and conventions on the rights and protection of women. Recently,
they were also able to pass a bill on rape which allows more time for
women to report it, and it also has increased punishment for those who
commit rape crimes.
Forty percent women’s representation at the local government bod-
ies is mandatory now. However, women CA members also shared their
concerns that women are accepted in some positions and not in others.
Women’s presence in decision-making level is still low. Kamala BK said,
“There are 11 legislative committees, only two women are in leadership
roles. These are the committees that will pass the laws for implementa-
tion of the Constitution. Therefore, women’s presence in these commit-
tees is extremely important.” She also highlighted that, “Although there
are 172 women representatives in parliament, there is only one woman
full minister and 2 deputy ministers.”
Kamala BK, who became a CA member only in the second CA elec-
tion, said, “in the first election, CA women pushed the inclusion agenda.
They advocated for increasing women’s representation. Now we would
like to push it from 33 to 50% but we are also advocating to increase
women’s participation in the decision roles. Gradual changes have taken
place. We now have the woman President and woman Speaker. We are
trying to empower more women at local levels, too.”
It has been difficult to challenge the patriarchal mindset. They [men] have
been very clever, which reduced the number of women in the second CA.
They first called for reserved seats. All qualified women were selected in
the reserved seats. When they asked for nominations for the direct elec-
tion, all the strong women candidates had already been selected for the
reserved seats, that’s why women who stood in the election did not win
and, as a result, women’s participation in the second CA was reduced to
30%. They played a very clever game with women.
Moreover, she also mentioned that, “although women have the right to
inheritance now, it will take time to fully implement. There is a percep-
tion that girls are someone else’s property. People also believe that giving
property to daughters is not practical as she will have to move to some-
one else’s house and it will break up the relationship with their brothers,
so although the Constitution has guaranteed their rights, it will take a
long time before it is practiced as normal.”
Moreover, women parliamentarians also commented on the unwilling-
ness of the male leaders to give up. They said they are discussing with
the male leaders for the rotational leadership, but men do not want to
give up their positions. They also said that the provision to bring more
women into local leadership will produce more women leaders in the
long run.
Women CA members of the second CA also said that if the
Constitution was adopted by the first CA, it would have been more
inclusive and better for women. Rekha Sharma said, “the first CA was
strong in women’s issues. No one would have dared to say no to any of
the women’s agenda but it is different now. Women are not allowed to
organize for women’s issues. All main political parties have internal dis-
putes. Women have not been able to come as strong as it was in the first
94 P. Yadav
Despite all these hurdles, women have been pushing their agenda.
They are in the process of forming an informal Women’s Caucus. Onsari
Gharti Magar is taking the lead, and she believes that there will soon be a
Women’s Caucus.
If a man is unsuccessful then it is only about that one man but if a woman
is unsuccessful, the entire community is unsuccessful. So I always say,
a man is just one man but a woman is a whole community. Therefore,
women have to prove themselves (Onsari Gharti Magar).
1. See 11th and 12th amendments of the Muluki Ain 2020 for details about the
new provisions. The 11th amendment bill is available at http://nepal.ohchr.
Acharya, M. (1994). Political participation of women in Nepal. In Barbara
J. Nelson & Najma Chowdhury (Eds.), Women and politics worldwide. New
Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Aguirre, D., & Pietropaoli, I. (2008). Gender equality, development and tran-
sitional justice: The case of Nepal. The International Journal of Trasitional
Justice, 2(3), 356–377.
Central Bureau of Statistics. (2011). Population census 2011. Kathmandu:
Government of Nepal.
Cottle, D., & Keys, A. (2007). The Maoist conflict in Nepal: A Himalayan
prediction? Australian Journal of International Affairs, 61(2), 168–174.
96 P. Yadav
N.J. Chowdhury (*)
University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
e-mail: [email protected]
are met with negative reactions or even sanctions if they are ‘too’ femi-
nist (Dahlerup 1988, p. 294).
Women parliamentarians elected through quota face an additional but
different set of challenges in such gendered institutions. In many cases,
demeaning status and labels are used to stigmatize, marginalize and del-
egitimize women elected through the quota system (Bilal 2006). The
‘quota label’ in some cases may influence women to disavow their asso-
ciation with what are considered to be a ‘narrow’ set of female concerns
(Childs 2004) or vote against legislation that would promote women’s
rights (Tripp 2004) or to be less willing allies to their female-friendly col-
leagues (Schwindt-Bayer 2006). In other cases, quota women’s agency
to act for women is further decreased by indirect election and the
absence of constituency (Tinker 2004).
With such reality of parliament and women parliamentarians, this
chapter examines and analyzes the role of women Members of the
National Assembly (MNAs) in Pakistan. It also explores the challenges
they face in male-dominated institutions. Pakistan adopted and imple-
mented a quota system, reserving a number of seats for women in
national and provincial assemblies. At present, 60 seats are reserved for
women in the National Assembly. In addition, several women have been
elected to the NA on popular votes. This chapter compares and contrasts
the nature of activism of general- and reserved-seat women MNAs in
Pakistan. It specially seeks to examine whether indirect election and gen-
der quota label impact on women’s substantive representation.
Ideally, one would not expect Pakistani women MNAs to play any
major proactive role in parliament. Part of the reason is the existence
of a patriarchal belt where a ‘culture against women’ is deeply rooted
and established in Pakistan. Patriarchs often use legislation to limit
women’s autonomy and to control women outside the private domain
(Moghadam 1992). The masculinist informal norms and practices have
also been institutionalized in the legal system in the name of religion to
control the life and sexuality of women (Mumtaz and Shaheed 1987).
In addition, feudal and tribal dimensions of Pakistani society have fur-
ther strengthened the process of subjugating and controlling women in
the name of religion, honor and tradition. In such sociocultural context,
patriarchy is traditionally institutionalized in politics that pose several
challenges for women politicians in general and women parliamentarians
to act for women in the parliament, party and constituency.
100 N.J. Chowdhury
Source Developed by the author from the content analysis of daily bulletins of 12th and 13th national
assembly of Pakistan
experience and relevant data. Women legislators devoted their time and
efforts to present the situation and needs of general Pakistani women.
The role of the Speaker was significant in the formation of the Women’s
Parliamentary Caucus (WPC) and its continued effort to act for protect-
ing and ensuring the rights of Pakistani women.
Women’s Parliamentarian Caucus (WPC) was instrumental in the for-
mulation and passage of different women-related bills in the 13th NA.
Notwithstanding differences in party affiliation and/or intellectual ori-
entation, women MNAs in the WPC adopted an all-party approach while
discussing different issues. The WPC provided women parliamentar-
ians space and motivation to act for women. It also worked as a training
ground for newcomers where they learned about legislative procedures
from the experienced MNAs. It facilitated women’s substantive represen-
tation in the 13th NA and increased commitment to support bills that
benefited women. It also confirms that women do introduce and support
women-related bills more when there is an increased number of women
or when there is a women’s parliamentary caucus (Thomas 1991).
Also, more experienced women entered the 13th NA due to the re-
election of several women legislators of the 12th NA. They were experi-
enced in the legislative procedures and the lawmaking process. Women
of this group were more active in representing women’s issues when
compared to other reserved-seat and general-seat women (FAFEN
2012). It provided women legislators the opportunity to continue their
work on women-related bills, some of which they had initiated in the
12th NA. In addition, background profiles reveal that many grassroots-
level political workers and social rights activists were elected to reserved
seats. These women were familiar with Pakistani women’s issues and the
discriminations they faced, and were willing to use the floor of the parlia-
ment to seek redress.
Anti-Women Practices Bill 2011 and its standing committee had faced
significant resistance to pass the bill (Khan 2011). The main opposition
women MNAs faced was from male members of their own or opposition
parties who tried to ignore them in the legislative process or block any
legislation to ensure women’s access to gender rights, goods and services
(Imtiaz 2011).
Moreover, according to informal conventions, senior members and
leaders of the parties and parliaments are given priority in the conduct
of business and appointment to important positions of the parliament.
Most of the senior members are obviously male. Women’s junior status
limits their access to the formal position of institutional power which,
in turn, constrains and discourages women from taking any initiative
to speak or participate in debates (Swers 2002). In some cases, women
were sexually harassed and felt pressured to give sexual favor to leaders
in powerful positions in the parties and legislatures (Bari 2010, p. 380).
Available evidence indicates that women legislators in Pakistan were
ignored, marginalized and victimized in political institutions. Their efforts
to act for women were further limited by constitutional rules to control
the freedom of legislators. Thus, the masculinist formal and informal
norms and practice constrain women legislators to voice women’s con-
cerns and affect their ability to act for women. Although the ‘quota’
MNAs play a more proactive role than the GSMNAs, in the Pakistani
institutional context they experience greater marginalization and invisibi-
lization than the general-seat women and demeaning statuses are attached
to them. In fact, quota label, indirect election and the lack of a constitu-
ency are likely to diminish reserved-seat women’s capacity to represent
claims (Reyes 2002).
The indirect election and reserved-seat status were used by male lead-
ers and parliament members to make women legislators invisible in the
legislative process. In the 12th National Assembly of Pakistan, female
reserved-seat legislators were ignored during debates on important
national issues and were not even provided with the minutes of the meet-
ings despite repeated requests. RSMNAs were only allowed to speak for
two to three minutes with repeated interruptions to wind up (Mirza and
Wagha 2009). Reserved-seat women MNAs were even termed as ‘politi-
cal show girls’ by some of their male colleagues.
RSMNAs confided that they were often reminded of their election
and positions. Male members regarded them as ‘not real politicians’ since
they had no constituency and their election was dependent on the favor
Sometimes, female legislators weigh the party’s position and their own
future career prospects as a parliamentarian. The ruling party’s (PML-
Q) female legislators in the 12th National Assembly opposed opposi-
tion member Sherry Rahman’s motion on ‘The Introduction of a Bill
to Provide for Elimination of Gender Discrimination.’ The bill proposed
that one-third of women must be recruited in the Federal Public Service
Commission and that equal pay be paid for equal work to women in line
with the International Labor Organization’s Convention No. 100 (Bari
In the 13th NA of Pakistan, pro-women legislators like Nafisa
Shah, Bushra Gohar and Shazia Mari remained silent on Nizam-e-Adl
Regulation (Zubeida 2009), the aim of which was to impose Sharia
laws in the Swat Valley in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan.
Sharia courts would interpret civil rights according to Islamic scriptures
which would render women invisible and enable unprecedented violence
to be inflicted on them (True et al. 2013). However, female lawmak-
ers were silent on raising the implication of Sharia law on the lives of
women (Zubeida 2009). It is evident that women legislators like their
male counterparts have to act within parameters set by the party lead-
ers and rules. Party affiliation remains important in light of its role in
providing access to political patronage (Goetz and Hassim 2003). Such
attitudes and practices of the parties also limit the effectiveness of the
presence of women to work for women and determine whether substan-
tive representation can take place.
Political institutions can facilitate or hinder the substantive represen-
tation of women by providing different levels of resources to initiate
women-related activities or research (Franceschet 2011). As legislative
business is a complex process, it takes time to learn the rules and apply
them. The inexperience of new women legislators in participating in the
legislative business is multiplied by the absence of institutional support
systems for women. This is a characteristic of underdeveloped institu-
tional contexts. Many of these newly elected women were political party
workers and professionals but they lacked knowledge about the complex
process of legislative business. There was no system of training in place
for these women, nor mentors for newcomers to learn the legislative
rules and procedures. In such institutional environments, new women
legislators became invisible in the legislative process almost immediately.
In particular, the lack of gender expertise, research staff and gender dis-
aggregated data posed difficulties for women to raise gender-related
Women’s representation in the parliamentary arena shows that with the
presence of more women, representation of women’s issues increased
and therefore confirms the relationship between female representa-
tives and representation of women. Data also reveal that reserved-seat
MNAs in both parliaments (12th and 13th) represented women better
than those elected from general seats; they also made major contribu-
tions to promote women’s issues. Not only could one see an increase in
the number of issues raised and discussed by women MPs; there was a
qualitative shift in the nature of issues moved. Several factors such as the
[positive] role of the female Speaker, the formation of a women’s cau-
cus, an increase in the number of experienced women MNAs and the
presence of feminist activists as lawmakers caused this shift in the nature
of representation. However, women MNAs could not always represent
women the way they wanted mostly because of the informal and formal
rules and norms, party discipline, gender quota label and indirect elec-
tion and the lack of an institutional support system. It is evident that
women’s substantive representation does not depend solely on the num-
ber of women elected but on the presence and complex interactions of
institutional and individual-level factors. These factors intervene in the
process of substantive representation of women. These findings indicate
that the relationship between descriptive and substantive is not determin-
istic but complicated (Childs 2006).
Acker, J. (1990). Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A theory of gendered organization.
Gender and Society, 4(2), 139–158.
Bari, F. (2010). Women parliamentarians: Challenging the frontiers of politics in
Pakistan. Gender, Technology and Development, 4, 363–384.
Bauer, G. (2008). Elected gender quotas for parliament in East and Southern
Africa. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 10(3), 348–368.
114 N.J. Chowdhury
Kamala Liyanage
K. Liyanage (*)
University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
e-mail: [email protected]
There have been three constitutions in Sri Lanka: the 1947 Soulbury
Constitution, the First Republican Constitution of 1972, and the
Second Republican Constitution of 1978. The Soulbury Constitution
which consisted of the Ceylon Independence Act, 1947, provided a
Westminster or a parliamentary cabinet model of government to Sri
Lanka. The Governor General, the House of Representatives (101 mem-
bers), and the Senate (30 members) exercised legislative power under
this constitution. The First Republican Constitution, 1972, provided
a unicameral legislature, a nominal president and a cabinet of minis-
ters headed by a Prime Minister. The simple majority system was used
as the electoral system to elect parliamentarians under these constitu-
tions. The Second Republican Constitution, 1978, which was a mixture
of the French, American, and British government models established an
Executive Presidential system with a unicameral legislature (225 mem-
bers) and a cabinet headed by the President. This constitution intro-
duced a form of multi-member proportional representative system for
parliamentary and presidential elections (Wilson 1979). Under the 13
Amendment to the 1978 Constitution, nine Provincial Councils were
established and below the provincial level, there are elected 18 Municipal
Councils, 42 Urban Councils, and 270 Pradesheeya Sabhas.
120 K. Liyanage
The Lanka Sama Samaja Party (LSSP) was established in 1935 in Sri
Lanka as the first political party and the Communist Party (CP) followed
it by founding in 1943. From 1947 to 1952, the United National Party
was the dominant party in electoral politics in Sri Lanka and after that,
a two-party coalition system emerged in which the UNP and the SLFP
alternatively established governments (Kearney 1983). At present, there
are 68 registered parties in Sri Lanka and they can be divided into four
main categories such as major/dominant parties, old and new left par-
ties, ethnic parties, and smaller parties.
leaders in the past. These incidents have not only provided negative
precedence but also created fear and suspicion among women’s minds
than men in the middle level of party hierarchies. Furthermore, eth-
nic parties such as SLMC, CWC, and JHU do not show any support
to increase women’s representation, probably due to their ideological
stances and inability to find sufficient number of capable or qualified
women for party positions and election nominations. This factor has
been used as a main ‘excuse’ by both major parties for more than two
decades in objecting to any relevant proposal for increase in women’s
1947 1952 1956 1960 March 1960 July 1965 1970 1977 1989 1994 2001 2004 2015
Total 360 305 249 899 393 493 437 756 672 692 738 624 3653
Women 3 10 7 11 7 16 13 20 13 20 20 17 81
Women (%) 0.8 3.3 2.8 1.2 1.8 3.2 2.9 2.6 1.9 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.2
Women elected 3 2 4 3 3 6 6 10 12 10 11 11 13
Source Calculated by the author from data related to general elections 1947–2015—nominations given by parties only and nominations of independent
groups are not included. 2010 data is also not included
126 K. Liyanage
1947 1952 1956 1960 March 1960 July 1965 1970 1977 1989 1994 2001 2004 2010 2015
N = 225 N = 224
LSSP 1 1 1 1 2 4
CP 1
UNP 1 1 1 9 4 4 4 3 5 7
SLFP/PA 1 4 1 1 8 5 5 8 8 5
MEP 1 2
Jathika Vimukthi 1 1 1 1
JVP 1 2
Total 3 2 4 3 3 6 6 10 12 10 11 11 13 13
major parties have given similar excuses. According to them, ‘these are
not demands of general women and they are just the interest of elite
or middle class, urban women. Sri Lankan women have gained many
achievements, they are a “privileged” group and enjoy equal status with
men and as a Buddhist country women are considered as the “center” of
the family.’
During the ethnic conflict of Sri Lanka, both parties gave the prior-
ity to find solutions to the ethnic issue as the most important task of the
nation but not to this issue. The socialist parties in Sri Lanka empha-
size that they treat men and women equally and do not consider wom-
en’s issues as special issues. Some changes in the attitude of government
toward the empowerment of women are also noticeable. In 2015, imme-
diately after the Presidential elections, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs
and the NCW appointed a Sub-Committee to prepare a proposal to
increase women’s political representation. When the Committee pre-
sented the proposal to the Prime Minister (March 6, 2015), he vowed to
resolve this issue observing that: ‘the issue related to women’s political
representation has been dragging for last three decades and this time we
should definitely find a solution to this issue.’ He promised to discuss it
with other party leaders and then to present it to the Cabinet. Minister
of women’s Affairs and another female leader of the UNP, who did not
win the 2015 general elections, took much interest in preparing and pre-
senting this report to the Prime Minister. The Cabinet approved in 2015
a proposal to amend the Provincial Councils Act No 2 of 1988, provid-
ing that at least 30% of total candidates included in nominations list sub-
mitted by parties and independent groups should be women.
The MoWA and the NCW under the UNP government prepared
a Women’s Rights Bill with the support of women’s groups and both
major parties pledged to make it a law. However, the Bill has been
languishing for many years due to many obstacles. As Gomez and
Jayawardena (2014, p. 5) mention ‘in this particular instance, govern-
ments have been reluctant to translate their unenforceable policy declara-
tions into actual law.’ Nor does the government appear to be very keen
to translate its commitment for the empowerment of women into action.
For example, at a national event organized to commemorate the
International Women’s Day (March 8, 2015, in Anuradhapura), the
Prime Minister reiterated his commitment to resolve the issue of wom-
en’s underrepresentation in politics. Yet, after two days, at a similar event
(March 10, 2015, at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Centre,
Colombo), organized by the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus, the Prime
134 K. Liyanage
This study concludes on two contradictory situations, the active role
of women as voters and party members and a very low representation
in the elected bodies of Sri Lanka at the national and provincial levels.
Therefore, women have been excluded from key governing institutions
and pushed into the second-class citizens. Despite the fact that Sri Lanka
has had seven decades of independence and democracy, politics still con-
tinues to be dominated by men thereby causing constraints for women
to participate actively in governance. As a result, Sri Lanka has not yet
achieved gender inclusive governance according to its political dimen-
sion. To achieve gender inclusive governance, it is necessary to challenge
the patriarchal dominance of the political bodies and for that interven-
tion, there should be a well-organized women’s movement as well as
interim measures such as the affirmative action or quota system.
1. The author is grateful to the NORHED project on Democracy and
Governance, University of Peradeniya for granting a fund to undertake
research (Oct. 2015—Sep. 2016) on ‘Inhibiting or Increasing Women’s
Representation: Role of Political Parties in Sri Lanka.’ Some information
gathered for this study has been used to compile this chapter.
2. FDGs—members of Women’s Wings—UNP & SLFP—2015.
3. Interviewed—29 female and 42 male political leaders at national level
4. Interviewed—female MP—1998 and in 2009, meeting of the
Parliamentary Women’s Caucus.
5. The researcher delivered the key note address on ‘Importance of
Increasing Women’s Political Representation’ at this event organized by
the Women Media.
6. The information received from interviews conducted with male and female
candidates and mainly local-level political leaders before and after the 2011
local elections.
7. The researcher interviewed 21 women out of these 34 women candidates
8. Seventy-nine women, aspiring to run for local election 2011 in the Central
Province, were trained or supported by Women for Peace and Good
Governance (WPGG). Though party leaders were influenced in various
ways, only 31 women were given nominations, mainly by smaller parties.
Among the 48 candidates whose nominations were rejected, 32 joined
minor parties or independent groups to obtain nominations, but only
ten woman won the election (UPFA—5, UNP-2, SLMC—1, kandurata
Janatha Peramuna—1, and Ceylon Workers Congress—1).
9. During the period between 1994 and 2016, the researcher has interviewed
19 male and 12 female Cabinet, Non-Cabinet, or State Ministers and six
female Deputy Ministers.
Beall, J. (1996). Urban governance: Why gender matters. Available at www.ucl.
Beall_gender_matters.pdf. Accessed April 5, 2016.
Center for Women’s Research (CENWOR). (1995). Women, political empower-
ment and decision making: Report of a workshop No. 55. Colombo: Center
for Women’s Research.
Dahlerup, D. (1988). From a small to a large minority: Women in Scandinavian
politics. Scandinavian Political Studies, 11(4), 275–298.
136 K. Liyanage
N.A. Ahmed (*)
University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh
e-mail: [email protected]
F. Jahan
University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
e-mail: [email protected]
some women working in the civil service to check their views on how
they cope with demands of combining work and family. The chapter
is organized into eight sections. The following section tries to identify
a framework for discussion of the issue of balancing home and fam-
ily role. Section three provides a statistical account of the entry and
advancement of women in the civil service, while section four explores
the reasons underlying this development. Opportunities and con-
straints faced by women working for the government are explored in
the next two sections. Two types of constraints—work-related and
home-related—have been identified, and the way they deal with these
constraints has been explored in section five and section six, respec-
tively. Section seven identifies and explains the way(s) working women
seek to balance work and family roles, while section eight concludes
the chapter.
not affect different categories of women in the same way. Herman and
Gyllstrom (1977) observe that married women experience more work–
family conflict than that of the unmarried ones. Some studies have found
that parents of younger children experience more conflict than do par-
ents of older children (Beutell and Greenhaus 1980), while large fami-
lies are seen as more prone to work–family conflict than small families
(Keith and Schafer 1980). Beutell and Greenhaus (1982) also argue that
women whose career orientations are dissimilar from those of their hus-
bands experience relatively intense conflict between home and non-home
roles. Work–family conflict is also associated with the amount of time an
employee spends in work place (Keith and Schafer 1980). There is a pos-
sibility of conflict in case of employees working overtime or are engaged
in strenuous jobs. Ambiguity and/or conflict within the work role have
been found to be positively related to work–family conflict.
There is no ‘one best way’ to deal with the problem of double-day
work. As women face the demands of combining work and family, they
develop strategies for organizing their lives and accomplishing many
tasks (Zarra-Nezhad et al. 2010; Ajaz et al. 2015). Such strategies differ
from one country to another. In the UK, for example, although women
sometime rely on relatives/friends, the main method used is to turn to
formal childcare arrangement and prioritization (White 1999). Working
women in the USA, Germany, and France also follow similar strategies
to cope with the problem. Pocock (2003) has observed that Australian
women balance work and family life mostly by doing part-time jobs.
Brazil provides a deviant case. Working mothers in Brazil get a generous
4–6 months leave, and they even have the option to work part time until
their child becomes a year old. Smith and Converse provide a succinct
account of the way working women try to balance work and home roles,
although the extent of success is difficult to measure. As they observe:
In cultures where large extended families are the norm, child-care needs
will not be the same as those in cultures where there is less family centere-
dness … Countries with high-quality educational systems and good trans-
portation infrastructures will have different work-family needs than those
with poorer systems.
Table 8.3 Breakdown by sex of male and female officers at middle and senior
levels (1999–2011)
Men (%) Women (%) Men (%) Women (%) Men (%) Women (%)
their hostels; this policy helps women ease tension and concentrate more
on work/studies. The period of maternity leave has been increased, and
paternity leave introduced. Legislation/rules requiring the setting up of
childcare centers for children up to 6 years of age, separate wash rooms
for women at work place, and punishment for improper behavior with
women colleagues have also been introduced (Sultan and Jahan, p. 160).
In addition, several other factors such as education, educated and pro-
gressive family background, economic necessity, the introduction and
expansion of the Internet services, and the resulting modernization of the
society have effectively contributed to the increase in the representation
of women in the civil service (Ahmed 2016). However, women still face
problems and uncertainties that largely hamper their entry and advance-
ment in the civil service. These are explained in subsequent sections.
Problems at Workplace
The main problems that working women face at their workplaces include
gender discrimination, overwork, misbehavior of colleagues, and sexual
harassment. More than three-quarters of the interviewed respondents
considered gender discrimination as more pronounced than any other
problems except overwork which tops the list. Misbehavior of colleagues
is also a very serious problem. This section identifies reasons that account
for these problems, while the next will identify strategies that women
officials adopt to cope with these problems and their effectiveness.
women with whom they have any kind of problems. Nearly one-third of
the respondents (31%) stated that they were at least once sexually har-
assed at their workplaces. Half of the (8) senior officials experienced sex-
ual harassment. Married women officials with children experienced more
sexual harassment than those without children. Women at the workplaces
are sexually harassed by their male colleagues (senior, junior, and same
level) and even outsiders/non-employees. Sexual harassment could be
found in various forms.
The dominant modes of sexual harassment that women respondents
faced were suggestive comments/jokes, perpetrators using foul or hos-
tile language, benefits made conditional on sexual favors, and the act of
staring or leering by male counterparts. Those experiencing sexual har-
assment observed that the perception and stereotyped gendered char-
acteristics that the society creates and assigns them for being a woman
make them vulnerable to sexual harassment. Among other reasons, the
respondents stated that as they could not shout when something wrong
was being done and their apparent physical weakness gave the perpetra-
tors a chance to harass them. Two respondents in the study found that
their beauty and attractiveness were responsible for the harassment they
had to undergo.
Challenges at Home
Working women in Bangladesh, as in other countries, are burdened
with the dual responsibility of managing both work and family at the
same time. It is seen that married women are mostly caught up in this
dilemma that ultimately creates stress in their lives and affects their effi-
ciency and effectiveness at work. Though both men and women work in
the same workplace, it is perceived in our society that a woman would
do all the household chores before going to and after coming back from
work. However, nowadays many women prefer nuclear family to joint
family to enjoy privacy in their personal lives and to avoid ‘interference’
which is often noticed in the latter (extended family) . Such a decision
has both advantages and disadvantages. Women staying in joint fami-
lies, if fortunate enough, get relief from the worries of looking after their
children when they are at work. But the contention between women and
their mothers-in-law that prevails still in today’s society apparently takes
away energy from women and intensifies their level of stress. Explained
below are some of the important problems that the sample respondents
faced in their homes.
This chapter has explored the way(s) women in the Bangladesh Civil
Service seek to balance work and family roles, a task which is very dif-
ficult to accomplish. On the whole, one can notice that the number of
women in the higher civil service has increased manifold over the dec-
ades. Such increase can be attributed to different factors: increase in edu-
cation of women, government policies aimed at encouraging women’s
education and employment, adoption of international conventions, and
growing awareness among women about their rights facilitated by wom-
en’s movements and NGOs. But the facilities and privileges granted to
women do not keep pace with this increase. The problem compounds
as male colleagues often do not want to consider women as equals. The
former have a tendency to consider the latter first as women, then as col-
leagues. This kind of attitude and behavior creates tension among work-
ing women. As a means to ease tension, many women turn to the ‘safest’
source—the family—for support, which is usually forthcoming. But in
the absence/ineffectiveness of stable family support structures, women
find it extremely difficult to cope with challenge of balancing the two
roles—family and work. Measuring balance is, however, difficult.
Our data reveal that working women in Bangladesh are strongly
supported by their families, especially by parents and in-laws, which is
common in different south Asian countries. Unlike in the West where
extended families are a rarity, most of the people in the south Asian
region have collectivist orientation. Extended families are very common
in south Asia which are valued, although some changes are forthcom-
ing in the family structure under Western influence. People are more
committed toward their own groups in south Asian countries, whereas
individualistic values reign the West. The support structure immediately
given by family to working mothers needs to be nurtured rather than
being allowed to be disrupted that one can notice in Bangladesh and also
Ahmed, N. A. (2016). Women at work in Bangladesh: A comparison of the chal-
lenges in the public and private sectors. Thesis submitted to the Department
of International Relations, University of Chittagong in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the degree of Master of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social
Ahmed, S. G. (1986). Public personnel administration in Bangladesh. Dhaka:
Dhaka University.
Ajaz, S., Mehmood, B., & Kashif, M. (2015). Impact of work-family conflict on
female intent to quit: Descriptive study of commercial banks of Faisalabad,
Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance
and Management Sciences, 5(4), 74–83.
BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics). (2012). Statistical year book of Bangladesh
2012. Dhaka: Ministry of Planning.
Beaujot, R., & Liu, J. (2005). Models of time use in paid and unpaid work.
Journal of Family Issues, 26, 924–946.
Berk, S. (1985). The gender factory: The apportionment of work in American
households. New York: Plenum Press.
Beutell, N. J., & Greenhaus, l. H. (1980). Some sources and consequences of
inter-role conflict among married women. In Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management. Vol. 17 (pp. 2–6).
Beutell, N. J., & Greenhaus, J. H. (1982). Inter-role conflict among married
women: The influence of husband and wife characteristics on conflict and
coping behavior. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 21, 99–110.
Chinchilla, N., Heras, M., & Masuda, A. (2010). Balancing work and family:
A practical guide to help organizations meet the global workforce challenge.
Amherst: HRD Press.
GoB (Government of Bangladesh). (2011). The constitution of the people’s
Republic of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Ministry of Law and Justice.
GoB. (1998). Women’s development policy, Dhaka: Ministry of Women and
Children Affairs.
Herman, J. B., & Gyllstrom, K. K. (1977). Working men and women: Inter and
Intra-role conflict. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1, 319–333.
Hochschild, A. R. (1989). The second shift. New York: Avon Books.
Hofstede, G. (2005). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind. 2nd Ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
International, Labor Organization. (2016). Bangladesh—labor force survey 2013.
Retrieved from file:///Users/macbookair/Documents/Google%20Drive/
Kunzang Lhamu
Since the launch of the First Five Year Plan (FYP) in 1961, the Royal
Government of Bhutan (RGoB) has followed a gender-neutral approach
in the formulation and implementation of its policies, plans, and pro-
grams. A review of the 5-year plans indicates evolution from a Women
in Development (WID) approach from the Fifth FYP (1981–1987) to
a gendered approach in the Tenth FYP (2008–2013). The country rati-
fied the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW) in 1981, without any reservations. The
Gender Pilot Study 2001, the first study on gender conducted in the
country by the erstwhile Planning Commission, renamed as the Gross
National Happiness Commission, and the Central Statistical Office,
renamed as the National Statistics Bureau, found that gender disparities
existed in education/literacy, employment and decision making. Today,
15 years on, these issues are still valid areas of concern. The Sixth FYP
states that Bhutan’s full human potential, as well as ensuring that the
whole population benefits from development, requires special efforts to
involve women in development.”
The Ninth FYP (2002–2007), in its chapter “Women, Children
and Gender” stated the Government’s commitment to promote wider
K. Lhamu (*)
National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC), Thimphu, Bhutan
e-mail: [email protected]
1 ES1 1 1 2
2 ES2 1 29 30
3 ES3 12 57 69
4 EX1 1 27 28
5 EX2 1 54 55
6 EX3 8 56 64
7 CO 1 4 5
Total 25 228 253
indicates that the target has not been achieved even three years past the
target year. Although the reasons for this may require a deeper assess-
ment, the decline in girls’ participation at the higher level, lower per-
formance of girls in science and mathematics, and the lack of child care
facilities in the work place could be contributing factors for the target
not being met.
The higher proportion of female civil servants at the lower levels
signifies that as younger women are entering the civil service, we can
expect increased numbers in the higher levels in the future years. The
low participation of women at higher levels can partly be attributed to
the late start in education and the lower literacy rates for women. The
general literacy rate across all ages for females was 55%, which is lower to
that of males at 72% in 2013. The Gender Parity Index stands at 1.01,
which indicates that for every 100 boys there are 101 girls at the primary
school level.
As per the NPAG, 2008–2013, women’s lower representation at the
leadership levels may be explained by the late participation of women in
the education process. Assessing from the trend, the increase of female
civil servants at the highest levels of bureaucracy is seen to be slow and
may require targeted support/interventions.
Toward an Assessment
The unequal status of women and their lack of opportunities are often
taken for granted and are considered normal. The gender inequalities
deeply rooted in families, communities, and individual minds, remain
largely invisible and underestimated. In case of Bhutan, Bhutanese
women are in a relatively better position compared to many neighboring
countries in the region mainly due to gender-neutral public policies, leg-
islation, and Buddhist values, inherent in the fabric of Bhutanese society.
While there has been notable progress in the area of reducing gender
gaps in Bhutan, there are disparities in many important areas of develop-
ment such as:
According to the findings of the Gender Pilot Study, Bhutan 2001 (www.
gnhc.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/rep_gpsr.pdf), an interest-
ing difference or stereotype in governance was evident, where men tended
to dominate the public domain and were involved in macro-level deci-
sions, while women were in the private sphere. Women perceived men
to be more capable of making decisions at higher levels. As such, despite
positive indicators, as per the study women believed in that men were bet-
ter equipped to understand and participate in the matters of governance
and decision making in the public sphere.
The same study found that though women were active in village
meetings, their participation declined as the level of governance became
higher especially at the national level. There was a perception among
women that the men better made important decisions as they were
more literate and more experienced in pubic dealings. Women felt that
“they are not taken so seriously.” Some women felt that, “there were no
women leaders in their community.” While women recognized the value
of meetings at the higher levels, they found extensive travel and night
halts as major constraints for attending meetings outside their commu-
nity. In addition, the burden of household and farm work coupled with
long and inflexible hours of both public and political work, prevented
women from participation in governance.
In a 2010 study on attitudes of Sherubtse College students—a lead-
ing tertiary education institute—male respondents (58%) were of the
view that men made the best leaders while females (78%) tended to think
capacities were equal (Tshomo et al. 2010). Men attributed the under-
representation of women to lack of toughness, leadership qualities, and
drive. The limited number of women in leadership roles also seems to
have affected how women’s capacities are perceived.
When it comes to women in the bureaucracy, the findings from the
above study, explain to a large extent the lower representation of women
in the civil service especially in decision-making positions. Despite an
enabling policy environment, women are still under-represented due to
the need to balance work/careers and family life. There are distinct gen-
der stereotypes that are embedded in families, communities and individ-
ual mindsets, which are subtle but largely affect women’s participation.
The Study on Gender Stereotypes found that 44% of survey respond-
ents believed that Bhutanese culture considers women as inferior to
men. These are apparent in proverbs referring to men being superior to
women, family habits, and household norms and expectations where the
172 K. Lhamu
women always has the role of the caregiver, community and institutional
practices, and through images and advertisements.
A 2010 study, which focused on the attitudes of students in one of
the oldest colleges in Bhutan (Sherubtse College), found that while 48%
of women viewed discrimination against women as a serious issue, only
29% of men though it was very serious or somewhat serious. The lower
literacy levels of women, attitudes and stereotypes, lower self-esteem,
the triple burden (reproductive, productive, and caregiving responsi-
bilities), and the lack of a conducive environment for empowerment of
women are the various constraining factors as per the Study Report on
the Participation of Women in the Local Government Elections, 2011
(RGoB 2011).
Although women are not well represented in the civil service especially at
the executive levels, the representation of women in the civil service con-
tinues to grow owing to the enabling and non-discriminatory environ-
ment provided by the Constitution of Bhutan. Safe and healthy working
conditions for the performance of duties and equal opportunities for
employment in the civil service are provided as per the Civil Service Act
of Bhutan, 2010. Conditions that facilitate women’s enhanced participa-
tion in the civil service have been put in place in the form of extended
paid maternity leave, increased breastfeeding duration, and the manda-
tory establishment of workplace crèches. Further, the extension of pater-
nity leave underlines the fact that men are equally responsible for child
rearing. The BCSR 2012 also prohibits sexual harassment at workplaces.
BCSR. (2012). Bhutan Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Thimphu: Royal
Civil Service Commission.
RGoB (Royal Government of Bhutan). (2001). Gender pilot study, 2001.
Thimphu: Gross National Happiness Commission.
RGob. (2008a). Study on gender stereotypes and women in governance. Thimphu:
National Commission for Women and Children.
RGoB. (2008b). National plan of action for gender (NPAG) 2008–2013.
Thimphu: Gross National Happiness Commission and National Commission
for Women and Children.
RGoB. (2011). Study report on the participation of women in the local government
elections. Thimphu: Election Commission of Bhutan.
RGoB. (2013a). Eleventh five year plan guidelines and eleventh five year plan vol-
ume 1 (2013–2018). Thimphu: Gross National Happiness Commission.
RGoB. (2013b). Information brochure. (5th ed.). Thimphu: Royal Civil Service
RGoB. (2015). The civil service statistics. Thimphu: Royal Civil Service
174 K. Lhamu
RGoB. (2016). Annual report (July 2015–June 2016): State of the royal civil ser-
vice. Thimphu: Royal Civil Service Commission.
Tshomo, T., Angmo, T., & Patel, S. (2010). The Gender Divide in Bhutan:
Opinions on the Status of Women Split along Gender Lines Among College
Students. Research paper by members of Sherubtse College, Royal University
of Bhutan.
Shivani Singh
The Indian Civil Service, by and large, has remained a male preserve due
to a complex set of socioeconomic and ideological factors. The compo-
sition of civil service is at odds with the gender make-up of the society
they represent which reveals that certain voices are being silenced or sup-
pressed. The scene is, however, undergoing slow and steady changes in
view of the socioeconomic churnings that India has recently witnessed.
Besides sustained movements opposing gender discrimination, the preva-
lent political authority seems persuaded to raise voice against sociopo-
litical practices supportive of gender inequality. Although this campaign
is gaining strength day-by-day, it cannot be said to have completely
uprooted the sources of prejudices against women being considered
equal for all practical purposes. The question that women are asking is
very simple: why should women not be a part of the decision-making
processes that impact them? Despite the promise of universality and
equality, women have remained on the margins of decision-making and
public office.
The main objective of this chapter is to highlight reasons underly-
ing the low representation of women at all levels of the government and
identify factors that cause gender inequalities in the civil service. It also
S. Singh (*)
Dyal Singh Evening College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
e-mail: [email protected]
Among the higher castes, a girl was trained to be wife and daughter-
in-law, and success or failure in both the roles reflected the credit or
discredit of her parents. Now to counter this, girls are inspired to join
civil service to protect the self-esteem of their parents. In many cases,
the absence of a son compels parents to motivate their daughters to ful-
fill the role of son by joining civil services. Also, the cost of urban liv-
ing has made both males and females realize that two incomes are better
than one. Family members influence women to become bureaucrats since
it saves parents from paying dowry and solves the marriage problems of
their daughters.
However, while individual/family factors are important in influencing
more women to join the civil service, there are other reasons, particularly
“positive” government policies, that have contributed to the process.
The Fifth Pay Commission recommended several measures to encourage
more women to join the civil service which were accepted by the govern-
ment. These include:
A focal point has also been set up in the Department of Personnel and
Training to deal with all women-related issues in the civil services. The
Department has been running a number of courses for gender sensitiza-
tion of all government officials—to change male attitudes so that they
learn to share the household and childcare duties.
As Jeanne (1988) observes: “If women are ambitious, they lack neces-
sary education; where they get education, they often gain access to jobs
less prestigious and less powerful than those of men. When they enter
the public services, they are blocked in promotions and upward mobil-
ity, where they get high positions, they are neglected or discriminated
against.” Overall, several barriers—structural, administrative, politi-
cal, and social—discourage women to enter the civil service and/or to
remain in it. These barriers are explained below.
Concluding Observations
Gender equality is a far more complex aspiration and requires the inter-
vention of community organizations and policy-oriented efforts by the
state as well as nongovernmental organizations. History proves that soci-
eties where men and women have played equal roles have been more
balanced and prospered faster than those which have either been patriar-
chal or matriarchal. Inclusion of women in large numbers will provide a
strong foundational administrative grid to the steel frame. More diverse
civil service will contribute to a more wholesome diversity in negotiating
complex policy environments. For a system to permit room for multiple
choices and corrections, a sufficiently diverse civil service is imperceptive.
Inclusive governance must include good management practices.
“Good management in the context of government refers to the budget-
ing, measurement and organizational system and processes that ensure
the most effective and efficient use of public resources to ensure pub-
lic missions and outcomes-without good management, we have infec-
tive governance at best” (The Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars 2014). According to the Second Administrative Reforms
Commission 2005, “Governance is admittedly the weak link in our quest
for prosperity and equity.” Thus, improvement in the quality, perfor-
mance, and effectiveness of the civil services will have a positive impact
on the quality of governance which requires adequate representation of
women in civil service. There are examples of women bureaucrats who
have refused to fall in line with the wishes of their political masters.
Durga Shakti Nagpal, the feisty officer who took on the Utter Pradesh
sand mafia is a case in point.
A steady increase in a number of women appearing and join-
ing civil services over the years appears to be a silver lining in this so-
called male bastion. Men have accepted without protest women as
their bosses in government offices, schools, colleges, and universities.
The career woman in India is very visible, and it is significant that the
society at large has readily accepted women’s assumption of new roles.
190 S. Singh
1. Available at http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Women-on-top-
articleshow/47967077.cms, accessed October13, 2016.
Alexander, P. C. (1998). Civil service: Continuity and change. In Hiranmoy
Kalekar (Ed.), Independent India: The first fifty years. Delhi: Oxford University
N.R. Paudel (*)
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
e-mail: [email protected]
offices have now been established. The duties and responsibility of cen-
tral government’s organizations are formulation of basic policy, macro-
level planning and monitoring, and evaluation, whereas the responsibility
for implementation of these policies rests with departments and regional-
and district-level organizations.
The Civil Service Act of 1993 (4th Amendment) made a special provi-
sion for women in case of recruitment to the civil service. It provided for
reserving 45% of the total seats (as quota) for women, Dalits, Madhesi,
the disabled, backward areas, and ethnics. Assuming 45% of seats as hun-
dred percent, 33% of the seats are reserved for women. It means that
only 15% of seats out of both open and inclusive categories are reserved
for women. In case of age limit, there is also provision for relaxation
of age limits for women. The maximum age limit for men is 35 years,
whereas it is 40 years for women. No age limit applies to women who
have worked for more than five years continuously in the development
sector; they can apply for a position in the civil service whenever they
Women also have less probationary period after they join the ser-
vice—six months; in contrast, the probationary period for men is one
year. Women also become eligible for promotion one year earlier than
men. It is 3 years at the non-gazetted level and 5 years at the gazetted
level for men to be eligible for promotion. This implies that women will
have a natural advantage over men in case of promotion. It is rare to
find this kind of ‘extreme’ positive discrimination in any other country of
the world. Women also get 98 days delivery leave twice during the whole
service period. Also, women get special leave on the occasion of Teej,
Rishipanchami, and International Women’s Day. The adoption of such
positive discrimination measures is expected to create a favorable envi-
ronment for women to join and build a career in the civil service.
Special 41 1 2 67 2 3 63 2 3
Gazetted 304 4 1 416 13 3 429 29 7
Gazetted 1399 52 4 2474 113 4 3119 163 5
Gazetted 4909 304 6 7129 593 8 12,451 1698 12
Non 38,596 4224 11 34,813 7632 22 32,686 8774 21
Class less 23,885 1432 6 20,366 1446 7 19,175 1518 7
Total 69,134 6017 8 65,265 9799 15 67,923 12,184 18
• The inclusion policy adopted for the civil service is still at the initial
stage and it may take a few more years for the figures to go up.
• Those who have joined civil service have little career-development
opportunity and move up through performance-based promotion
• No attraction for competent women outside bureaucracy to join
high-level civil service positions through lateral entry system as pro-
vided for in the Act (Awasthi and Adhikari 2012, p. 30).
Source Annual Report of Public Service Commission (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)
Two methods were used to collect data to answer these questions: First,
macro-level data on civil servants for 12 years—from 2003 to 2015—
were gathered from the Civil Service Department and grouped gender-
wise, while the share of women aspirants (2007–2012) was gathered
from Public Service Commission, a constitutional body responsible for
recruiting civil servants. Second, 227 candidates, 182 males and 45
females, were approached to collect primary data through closed-ended
questionnaire from seven districts (Dhanusa, Dhankuta, Dhangadi,
Gorkha, Accham, Dailekh and Kathmandu). 28 key informants who
were organizational heads/chiefs of concerned offices were interviewed.
Questions about the impartiality and effectiveness of the PSC and the
level of performance of civil servants were included in the questionnaire.
Reasons for specific caste domination, domination of agrarian rather than
urban people, and domination of graduates from community colleges
rather than private ones were also explored in the study.
202 N.R. Paudel
Bad (%) Good (%) Bad (%) Good (%) Good (%)
Written test 2 98 9 91 97
Interview 6 94 9 91 93
I.Q. 7 93 14 86 92
Language test 6 94 11 89 93
Practical test 7 93 11 89 93
was not implemented properly. One of the male respondents also criti-
cized the selection process in the following way: According to him:
PSC did not identify the role of section officer, under-secretary, joint-sec-
retary in each service. There must be different standards of questions and
the evaluation method for each position be different. PSC has used the
same selection methods such as written test, interview and so on [for each
Yes (%) 81 87 82
No (%) 19 13 18
PSC exams. Middle class women and women belonging to lower income
groups lag behind the others in respect of getting access to the university.
The rate of literacy for women is also lower than the corresponding rate
for men. Thus, not many women can apply for vacant posts published by
PSC mostly because they lack university degrees. Besides, an examination
of social background of women who have been selected shows that they
are either the sister of a civil servant or wife or sister-in-law etc. In fact,
most of them are relatives of civil servants. It means that the real benefit
[of the policy of inclusion] goes to families whose members are already in
the civil service.
Much of what the respondent had said was, as the discussion in the next
section shows was true (Table 11.6).
Agree (%) Disagree (%) Agree (%) Disagree (%) Agree (%)
Family orienta- 94 6 97 3 95
Much secured 96 4 93 7 96
job in civil
More laborious 96 4 93 7 95
No reliable alter- 88 12 93 7 89
native other than
civil service
More educated 97 3 91 9 96
Nepali language 90 10 88 12 90
as mother
State has dis- 27 73 46 54 31
More economic 38 62 44 56 39
benefits in civil
agreed to what the female civil servants had said. While analyzing the
social background of women who were successful in the PSC examina-
tion, it was found that most of them had (one of the) parents, brothers,
or husbands in the civil service. Only a very few women who had no
family members in civil service achieved success. This shows that fam-
ily members’ support (in the form of coaching and/or supplying refer-
ence materials) for the preparation of examination matters a lot. In case
of male candidates, the findings show that many of them worked hard to
prepare themselves for the examination. They found neighbors and rela-
tives very helpful.
Most of the civil servants (96% male and 93% female) were attracted
to the civil service because of the guarantee of the security of job.
Government service in Nepal is preferred to a private-sector job because
the salary and other benefits provided by GoN are fixed and have more
certainty, while these are uncertain in the private sector. Government
servants enjoy the security of tenure. The government cannot easily
206 N.R. Paudel
terminate anyone; it can only dismiss a civil servant from office in case
he/she is proved guilty of corruption or murder. Otherwise, the job is
safe. It is for security of tenure and higher social status, and not for eco-
nomic benefits, that graduates prefer jobs in the civil service.
The way candidates prepare themselves for civil service examination
is an important factor determining their success (or failure). Those who
labor hard can expect to succeed. Extra labor often causes stress and this
is noticeable among both male and female civil servants, although it is
slightly more noticed among the latter. Both found the civil service as
the main source of employment. Since no reliable alternative (source of
employment) exists, there is extra demand for jobs in the civil service.
Since there is an oversupply of candidates for a limited number of jobs,
competition becomes acute. This, in turn, puts extra-pressure on the
97% of the male civil servants and 91% of the female civil servants
emphasized the importance of ‘good’ education as one of the important
keys to success in the PSC examination. More male civil servants, how-
ever, emphasized the importance of ‘quality’ education than female civil
servants. In Nepal, the literacy rate of women is about 57%, whereas for
males, it is 75%. Only a small percentage of women get the opportunity
for higher education; this, in turn, disadvantages them in the competi-
tion for civil service jobs. Without university education, people cannot
compete for gazetted posts. For non-gazetted posts, the minimum edu-
cation required is higher secondary graduation.
Overall, three major factors—family orientation, education, and labor
for the examination—play a crucial role in the selection of candidates in
the PSC examination. Women trail behind men in almost every respect;
hence, they have a lower rate of success in the examination conducted by
the PSC.
This chapter has explored the status of women in the civil service in
Nepal. Available evidence shows that notwithstanding the introduction
of a policy of inclusion, women remain underrepresented in the civil ser-
vice. Their number in absolute terms has improved over the years, but
the rate of improvement is slow, especially compared with men. The rate
of success for women in the civil service examination is much lower than
it is for men. Among the reasons accounting for underrepresentation,
Awasthi, G. D., & Adhikari, R. (2012). Changes in Nepalese civil service after
the adoption of inclusive policy and reform measure. Kathmandu: Support to
Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal (SPCBN/UNDP).
Bowling, C. J., Kelleher, C. A., Jones, J., & Wright, D. S. (2006). Cracked ceil-
ings, firmer floors, and weakening walls: Trends and patterns in gender rep-
resentation among executives leading American state agencies, 1970–2000.
Public Administration Review, 66(6), 823–836.
EU. (2010). More women in senior position: Key to economic stability and growth.
Belgium: European Union.
Gneeezy, U., Niederle, M., & Rustichini, A. (2003). Performance in competi-
tive environment: Gender difference. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(3),
GoN. (2015a). The constitution of Nepal. Kathmandu: Law Books Management
GoN. (2015b). The constitution of Nepal, 2015. Kathmandu: Government of
MoGA–UNDP. (2014). The Nepal civil service and re-structuring of the State.
Kathmandu: Ministry of General Administration and United Nations
Development Program.
Paudel, N. R. (2006). Changing gender status in Nepal: Achievement and chal-
lenges, Unpublished Report. Kathmandu: University Grants Commission.
Paudel, N. R. (2014). Development management. Kathmandu: Sirjina Pahari.
PSC (Public Service Commission). (2008). The 48th Annual Report of Public
Service Commission. Kathmandu: Public Service Commission.
PSC (Public Service Commission). (2009). The 49th annual report of public ser-
vice commission. Kathmandu: Public Service Commission.
208 N.R. Paudel
PSC. (2010). The 50th annual report of public service commission. Kathmandu:
Public Service Commission.
PSC. (2011). The 51st annual report of public service commission. Kathmandu:
Public Service Commission.
PSC. (2012). The 52nd annual report of public service commission. Kathmandu:
Public Service Commission.
PSC. (2013). The 53rd annual report of public service commission. Kathmandu:
Public Service Commission.
PSC. (2014). The 54th annual report of public service commission. Kathmandu:
Public Service Commission.
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. (2014). Women lead-
ing public service and political participation in South Asia: New and emerging
development. Washington, D.C: The Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars.
N.G. Ansari (*)
Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab,
Lahore, Pakistan
e-mail: [email protected]
the candidates for various occupational groups. These tools being more
susceptible to gender stereotyping are considered liable to skewing the
female ratio in the occupational groups that are considered more prestig-
ious and/or attractive in terms of better career growth and more chances
of reaching the top positions of the civil service hierarchy (Jabeen‚
2013). Reservations also exist for the field postings of lady officers, espe-
cially in District Management Group (now PAS), where the District
Magistrate (DM) or Deputy Commissioner (DC) has to perform in the
capacity of the CEO of the district, maintaining law and order, collect-
ing revenue, monitoring social and economic development, and supervis-
ing multiple executive duties, for which male incumbents are considered
more suitable than the females.
Despite the reservations, however, there are instances where female
officers have opted for and been assigned the field postings of DMG and
they proved quite effective and successful in their career. Women have
been competing for the CSS groups on merit without reservation of
seats or quota until 2008 when a fixed quota of 10%, in addition to open
merit, for each CSS group was introduced to ensure their due represen-
tation in bureaucracy. This affirmative action has been proved a catalyst
for triggering a consistent increase in the number of women officers,
from an average of five and 25 each year to 81 in the 37th common
batch of 2009 as Table 12.1 shows.
Henceforth, a phenomenal growth in the number of female employ-
ees in the Civil Service is recorded each year, as per the statistical bul-
letin of Federal Government employees published by the Establishment
Division of the Government of Pakistan, showing a number of 639
women officers in 2010–2011 and 797 in 2012–2013. The repre-
sentation of women in various unconventional occupational groups
such as PAS and PSP has also improved a great deal as reflected in the
(Table 12.2), showing the density of females in various groups, how-
ever, women still tend to crowd in some groups such as IRS, IG, and C
& EG. The Information Group (IG) has the maximum representation
of women (26.14%) followed by IRS (18.5%), C & EG (18.12%), and
Commerce and Trade (16.32%).
The larger presence of women in these groups is attributed to their
‘self-selection’ of such occupational options, which are perceived as more
congruent and socially acceptable and also more manageable along with
their family and care responsibilities. The most preferred groups are the
ones that have the least incidence of mobility in terms of postings and/
214 N.G. Ansari
on their career front and become deficient to compete with their male
counterparts who expend their primary duty of a career unencumbered
by any extra baggage of domestic responsibilities. The primary/sec-
ondary split creates an inherent bias in the professional performance of
male and female employees as is explicit in the following discussion of
the impediments in the job performance of females in the Civil Service,
Pakistan, examined in terms of two main societal doctrines: the duties of
a female toward her family and the social conduct of women.
Despite the enactment of various laws for limiting the maximum work
hours, working beyond the stipulated hours is the norm in most of the
professions in most of the countries around the world, especially at the
managerial level jobs. Although it is considered an issue of work-family
life balance for all the employees in general, it is specifically regarded a
major obstacle for women aspiring for higher positions in their career.
Coser and Coser (1974) termed professions such as law, medicine,
or laboratory science, and also the top civil society jobs as the ‘greedy
institutions’ due to their characteristic of more-than-full-time ethos. It
is evident in the literature that an important ‘reason for women’s lack
of career success is that women, even when in full-time employment,
usually retain the major responsibility for caring and domestic work’
(Harkness 2003 cited by Crompton and Lyonette 2011, p. 233).
CSS, like most other professions, practices the ‘beyond full-time
ethos’ or 24/7 norm as a ‘gender-neutral’ practice which nonetheless
imposes a major challenge for females who are unable to work beyond
office hours due to what is termed as their ‘family issues.’ Since they can-
not sit late in the office just like men do, they are not considered as use-
ful a human resource as men and relegated to a lesser evaluation in spite
of having equal or sometimes superior professional capabilities. The same
family issues impel women officers to resist job postings to remote areas
of the country in their bid to remain in big cities and in turn culminate
into depreciating their value as a resource, or in some cases, decreeing
them a burden on the Service.
The CSS criteria of promotion to the next grade stipulate a vari-
ety of experience and exposure, which the females tend to miss due
to their restricted rotation in their job and preference to remain in a
few selected positions. They miss out the experience that they could
avail through field/foreign postings and also lose their professional
development, which could have been gained through the training
220 N.G. Ansari
Toward an Assessment
The situation of female careerists in Pakistan seems more like endors-
ing the notion of ‘labyrinth’ presented by Eagly and Carli (2007), rather
than the ‘glass ceiling’ alone. A number of snags and catches are evident
at various stages of the journey of women aspiring to join and succeed
in the paid employment. For a start, girls do not enjoy equal opportu-
nities in education, especially in the lower-income families. Boys’ edu-
cation takes preference over girls’ because of the societal norms that
consider paid jobs the domain of males and household duties the sphere
of females, leading to the belief that the girls do not need education as
they do not have to secure a paid job. This scarce opportunity for educa-
tion creates the primary and most insurmountable hurdle that restricts
the entry of girls in the workforce. Fortunately, the situation has much
improved in the urban areas of the country where girls are getting edu-
cated in large numbers and not only outnumber boys in higher educa-
tion but outsmart them also in terms of merit.
Secondly, strict demarcation of gender roles by the collectivist Asian
society of Pakistan prohibits the females to opt for paid employment
at the cost of neglecting their primary duty of domesticity and care; so
even after getting a professional education (e.g., medicine, engineering
and MBA), females can join the workforce only if permitted by their
fathers and brothers before marriage and after marriage it is up to the
husband and in-laws whether they allow her to adopt a career or not.
This phenomenon has actually resulted in a burning debate in the coun-
try about allowing girls to compete for professional colleges on open
merit because girls are more competitive than boys in terms of educa-
tional grades and merit and therefore are more likely to get admitted in
these colleges (currently girls constitute about 50–70% of the classes in
higher education).
It is argued that since there is no certainty that girls would join the
workforce after getting these degrees, their enrollment in these colleges
not only deprive the boys from the opportunity of getting professional
education but the subsidy given by the government on such education
also goes wasted. A number of female doctors not practicing after attain-
ing their degrees are quite a popular example most frequently cited in
the debate about equal opportunities for both sexes. Unfortunately, this
phenomenon is portrayed and used against feminine gender as if it is a
matter of their own choice rather than the result of a socially constructed
Thirdly, even when women are allowed to join a career they are under
close scrutiny by the society about not only their social conduct outside
their homes but also in terms of fulfilling their primary duties of domes-
ticity and care. Due to this, career women are always under a lot of stress
to not only maintain a ‘respectable’ social reputation but also create a
balance between their professional duties and domestic responsibilities,
where the family responsibilities assume a primary role as against the
career requirements, which are relegated to a secondary position. Such
attitude of females in fact constitute a major barrier in their career pro-
gression as it entails making a lot of sacrifices on the career front in terms
of denying the important field duties, skipping the training opportuni-
ties, and taking career breaks for accompanying spouses on their post-
ings and keeping family together. This attitude of sacrificing on account
of familial duties not only costs women to lose development and pro-
gression in their own career, but it also serves to perpetuate the stereo-
types about the lack of seriousness and career motivation for the whole
feminine gender, which in turn, serve to restrict their entry as well as
advancement to the higher echelons.
Family factors assume the role of a very significant moderating varia-
ble in the female performance where it can both propel and impede their
career progress. While some familial aspects seemingly create a lag in the
female career, there are others that actually contribute a great deal in the
success of career women. Joint family system, where the married couples
reside with their parents and siblings, is still in vogue and encouraged in
the Pakistani society which, if the family is cooperative and have good
relations, can lend a great support to working women. She can leave
her children in the care of her mother or mother-in-law and perform
her professional duties with a peace of mind. Besides, there is a strong
tradition of hiring domestic help in Pakistani homes even when women
are housewives. Domestic chores are thus not that much of an unman-
ageable burden. The working females cite family support as their main
strength in the successful pursuance of their career (Ansari 2014).
Gender-neutral practices in the words of Acker (1992) visualize the
worker as ‘disembodied abstraction of an ideal worker’ whose charac-
teristics and attributes are more similar to male than those of a female
who is quite encumbered with her family responsibilities in terms of time
224 N.G. Ansari
Diversity of workforce, defined by Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) as differences in gender, racioethnicity, and age,
no longer remains an option but has become the fact of life in today’s
fast-paced global world. The phenomenon of diversity, specifically gender
diversity, is fast becoming an inevitable reality for the organizations as an
increasing number of female workers are joining the formal workforce
both in the developed and in the developing world. Failing to respond
to this unavoidable change and maintaining a status quo in the policies
and practices of organizations could result in the loss of productivity as
well as profitability due to the costs associated with ‘diversity mismanage-
ment’ as documented in the extant literature. A reported higher rate of
absenteeism and turnover among the female employees as compared to
their male counterparts may be an apparent consequence of an unwel-
coming and unsupportive climate in the organizations, which ultimately
costs organization in terms of substituting a well-developed and trained
human resource.
The policy initiatives like Equal employment Opportunities and
Affirmative Action have paved the way for workforce diversity by
encouraging the inclusion of marginalized sections, including females,
in the formal employment. However, these interventions have been
subjected to a lot of criticism for having a sole focus on ‘normative and
structural’ changes and not targeting the ‘cultural models dominant
within organizations’ (Meyerson and Fletcher‚ 2000), which continued
to favor masculine gender in formal workplaces. The fragmented nature
of these interventions has achieved the target up to a limited level where
they have succeeded to open the doors for the new entrants; however,
the climate of the organizations has evidently remained unchanged and
for the most part unwelcoming for the new variety of workers. It has
been noted in the literature that improving the influx of diverse sections
Acker, J. (1992). Gendering organizational theory. In A. J. Mills & P. Tancred
(Eds.), Gendering organizational analysis. Sage: Newbury Park, CA.
Ansari, N. (2014). Female Career Advancement in the Workplace: A Performance
Perspective (Available at dspace.library.uu.nl).
Burgess, D., & Borgida, E. (1999). ‘Who women are. Who Women Should Be:
Descriptive and Prescriptive Gender Stereotyping in Sex Discrimination’,
Psychology, Public policy and Law, 5, 665–692.
Ceci, S. J., Williams, W. M., & Barnett, S. M. (2009). Women’s under-repre-
sentation in science: Socio-cultural and biological considerations. Psychological
Bulletin, 135, 218–261.
Chusmir, L. H., & Koberg, C. S. (1991). Relationship between self-confidence
and sex role identity among managerial women and men. Journal of Social
Psychology, 131, 781–790.
Coser, L., & Coser, R. (1974). The housewife and Her Greedy family. In
L. Coser & R. Coser (Eds.), Greedy Institutions: patterns of undivided commit-
ment. New York: Free Press.
Crompton, R., & Lyonette, C. (2011). Women’s career success and work–life
adaptations in the accountancy and medical professions in Britain. Gender,
Work and Organization, 18(2), 231–254.
Eagly, A. H. and Carli L. L. (2007). ‘Women and the labyrinth of leadership,’
Harvard Business Review, 85.
Groeneveld, S., & Verbeek, S. (2012). Diversity policies in public and private
sector organizations: An empirical comparison of incidence and effectiveness.
Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32(4), 353–381.
Hofstede, G. (1984). Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-
Related Values (2nd edn.), Beverly Hills CA: Sage.
Ibarra, H. (1993). Personal networks of women and minorities in management.
The Academy of Management Review, 18(1), 56–87.
Issac, C. A., Kaatz, A., & Carnes, M. (2012). Deconstructing the glass ceiling.
Sociology Mind, 2(1), 80–86.
Jabeen, N., & Jadoon, M. Z. I. (2013). Civil service system and reforms in
Pakistan. In M. Sabharwal & E. M. Berman (Eds.), Public administration in
South Asia: India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. New York: CRC Press.
Kanter, R. M. (1977). Men and women of the corporation. New York: Basic
Khan, J. R. (1987). Government and administration in Pakistan. Islamabad:
Pakistan Public Administration Research Center.
Khosa, A. S. K. (1992). The constitution of Pakistan, 1973. Lahore: A. N. Sohail.
Khurshid, K. (2011). A Treatise on the Civil Service of Pakistan: The Structural—
Functional History (1601–2011), Faisalabad.
they face in the public sphere are some of the important questions that need
to be empirically explored to understand the real essence of the higher pres-
ence of women in public offices. In general, the status and role of women
in the Sri Lankan Civil Service have remained a neglected field of academic
inquiry. This chapter seeks to fill this void.
The objectives of this chapter are fourfold: firstly, to examine the level of
representation of women in the civil service; secondly, to identify the role
women civil servants play in the administrative service; thirdly, to explore
how the stakeholders such as heads of departments and offices, male col-
leagues, and service recipients view women’s presence in civil administra-
tion and evaluate their services; and fourthly, to explore whether women
face any challenges in delivering administrative services as civil servants.
The chapter is mostly based on the information collected from primary
and secondary sources. The authors interviewed 10 officials of Sri Lankan
Administrative Service (SLAS) of grades I, II, and III (executive and senior
executive categories) in 2016 with the intention of exploring their views on
different issues, particularly to know how they perceived their role and how
their male colleagues looked upon them and their activities. In addition, 25
undergraduate students of the University of Peradeniya were interviewed
to explore their views on joining the SLAS in the future.
colony’ due to the strength of its civil society, the political maturity, and
sophistication of its leaders, and above all, for the fact that it had granted
universal adult suffrage in 1931 (de Silva 1982).
Sri Lanka’s rapid progress toward political modernity was understood
to be in part the result of its educational infrastructures that served both
boys and girls. These infrastructures were initially built by the Baptist
and Methodist missionaries from the American Mission and the Church
Missionary Society. These missionaries began to establish schools for Sri
Lankan girls from the 1820s. Local languages (Sinhalese and Tamil) were
the medium of instruction in schools for the poor and English for the eco-
nomically privileged (Jayawardena 2003, p. 118; Jayaweera 2002). The
Ceylon Medical College was inaugurated in 1870 in Colombo, and the
first female student was admitted in 1892. The English Training College
for teachers was opened in 1902, and the first woman was admitted in
1908 (Jayawardena, p. 111). The welfare policy followed by the colo-
nial government, especially in the education and health sectors, was also
crucially important in promoting women’s education and health. By the
1950s, Sri Lanka became a model to be emulated by other nations of the
region while developing their public healthcare systems (Myrdal 1968, p.
1419). Western demographers became interested in studying Sri Lanka in
the 1950s because it was able to successfully bring down mortality rates.
Influenced by British, American, and Canadian women’s rights advo-
cates, and taking the example of Indian women activists, a group of Sri
Lankan middle-class, western-educated women came together to fight
for women’s rights and social reforms. The Women’s Franchise Union
was formed in 1927 by a group of Sri Lankan professional women,
many of whom were wives of nationalist and labor party leaders. The
first meeting of the Women’s Franchise Union was presided over by
Lady Dias Bandaranaike (mother of S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, Sri Lanka’s
Prime Minister from 1956 to 1959) (Jayawardena, p.128). These pio-
neering women, members of these social and political movements, were
doctors, teachers, and lawyers. As stated earlier, Sri Lankan women had
the opportunity of school education provided by Baptist and Methodist
missionaries at the American Mission and the Church Missionary Society
from the 1820s. By the early 1900s, there were a significant number of
qualified upper-class women in Sri Lanka eager to engage in social work.
Missionary education, especially in boarding schools, disciplined and
molded the careless, restless bodies and the inattentive, obstinate minds
of native girls (de Alwis 1997). Women’s education, first introduced
232 M.A.F. Anwara Nilmi and D. Thoradeniya
words, even though women graduates are high in number, a large per-
centage of them are economically inactive due to the social reproduc-
tive role that they are bestowed with. Following an introductory note
on the origin and development of Ceylon Civil Service in the next sec-
tion‚ the Chapter will look at how women in Sri Lankan Administrative
Service have fared against this larger picture on women’s education
and labor force participation in section three. Section four identifies
the factors accounting for the increase in the number of women in the
adminsitrative service, while Section five explores the issue of gender
mainstreaming. Section six examines the attitude of men and women in
the adminsitrative service toward each other‚ while Section seven con-
cludes the Chapter.
Male Female
Source Unpublished data collected and compiled by Ministry of Public Administration for internal pur-
poses only. It was supplied at the special request of the first author by Deputy Director of Ministry of
Public administration
university graduates under the age of 28 can apply for the open competi-
tive examination. A graduate is eligible to sit twice for the open exami-
nation. However, those who are already working in the administrative
service can apply for the limited examination. The upper age limit for the
limited examination is 50 years. This examination is held in a particular
period of time for the whole Island and is conducted in all three lan-
guages (Sinhala, Tamil, and English).
To qualify in the written examination, each candidate is required
to secure at least 50 marks in each of the following subjects: General
Intelligence, Global Trends, Aptitude for Management, Analytical,
Creative and Communication Skills, Social, Economic, Political
Background, and Trend in Sri Lanka. Those who qualify in the writ-
ten examinations are called for a formal 100-mark interview which
is intended to check the applicant’s personality, skills, and abili-
ties. The candidates are selected on merit, i.e., on the basis of marks
obtained both in written and in viva voce. Those who are selected
have to undergo training for 6 months at the Sri Lankan Institute for
Development Administration (SLIDA).
Total Women Women Total Women Women Total Women Women Total Women Women
No. No. (%) No. No. (%) No. No. (%) No. No. (%)
1979 165 3 1.8 345 19 5.5 1035 95 9.2 1545 117 7.6
1984 162 6 3.7 327 47 14.4 1141 138 12.1 1630 191 11.7
1988 178 12 6.7 274 59 21.5 1147 185 16.1 1599 256 16.0
1993 445 56 12.6 477 63 13.2 777 171 22.0 1699 291 17.1
2003 675 143 21.2 307 92 30.0 721 224 31.0 1703 455 26.7
236 M.A.F. Anwara Nilmi and D. Thoradeniya
2006a 716 183 25.6 171 47 27.5 833 311 37.3 1720 541 31.5
2007b 706 192 27.2 127 41 32.3 1043 431 41.3 1876 664 35.4
Minutes, applicants have a common age limit, but there are no gen-
der requirements. Applicants may be a male or a female (Government
Gazette 2013). The Ministry of Sri Lankan Public Administration
generally fills out available vacancies opened in different administra-
tive offices in different ministries in the island by selecting officers on
the basis of merit. However, when they actually start their work, gen-
der rather than ability becomes a major criterion. For example, jobs
requiring extensive field works are often offered to male officials; this
is one way of undermining the ability of female officials. However,
many women SLAS officers generally prefer working in offices mainly
in urban areas mostly for fulfilling family responsibilities and also for
lack of security and facilities in non-urban areas. It also reflects traits
of Sri Lankan culture. It has been noticed in recent years that because
of the short supply of male officials, women officials are assigned
functions that may require working at night. Many women officials in
the SLAS considered it as a challenge.
An administrator, irrespective of sex, has huge responsibilities. But
a woman official has some additional responsibilities that she can rarely
delegate to others. A woman plays different important roles in a soci-
ety other than an administrative one. She may have to play the role of a
mother, a wife, and a daughter. She has to handle all responsibilities of
different types and try to balance them equally. She has to patiently bear
all responsibilities with more stress than a man. A woman with a difficult
administration job will thus find it hard to excel in balancing both home
and work roles.
During their 6-month stay (for training) at SLIDA, all SLAS offic-
ers are given training in management, communication, and problem
identification and resolution. They, however, learn a lot of things
through practical work and experiences. It is often found that women
find it difficult to handle different types of work, partly because of
lack of skills and different socialization (than men). Strain and stresses
caused by the inability to balance different tasks may also influence
the way women officials work. These may call for adopting strategies
aimed at capacity building of women officials as well as reducing stress
that are, however, not easily forthcoming. All women officials in the
sample suggested that facilities such as housing, day care centers, or
family support should be given mainly to female officers; lack of these
facilities may be seen as a hindrance to gender mainstreaming in the
civil service.
240 M.A.F. Anwara Nilmi and D. Thoradeniya
This study shows that the representation of women in Sri Lankan
Administrative Service is very high, at least compared to other countries
in the region. The increase in the number of women in SLAS is mainly
due to several reasons, particularly free education and high rate of eco-
nomic growth and development. Moreover, the study demonstrates that
women play an equal vital role in the SLAS as men though they face vari-
ous difficulties. Both male and female officers perceive women as capa-
ble, efficient, and committed and duty bound. However, women feel
that they do an internal struggle to balance their roles in public and pri-
vate spheres, and in some cases, women are pushed into disadvantaged
positions while working at top levels. Such situations create frustration
and guilty feelings in women’s mind. Therefore, many female officers
suggest initiating some family support systems. Both male and female
officers suggested that the Sri Lankan government should introduce
measures to have gender balance in the SLAS at all levels.
1. According to the Ferguson’s Ceylon Directory, by 1921, 1,093,000 acres
were under plantation, while 798,000 acres were used to grow rice.
2. http://www.accu.or.jp/litdbase/policy/lka/index.htm (Accessed on the
March 9, 2012).
de Alwis, Malathi. (1997). Motherhood as a space of protest: Women’s political
participation in contemporary Sri Lanka. In Amrita Basu & Patricia Jeffrey
(Eds.), Appropriating gender: Women’s activism and the politicization of reli-
gion in South Asia. London: Routledge.
242 M.A.F. Anwara Nilmi and D. Thoradeniya
Maheen Sultan
M. Sultan (*)
BRAC Institute of Governance and Development
BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
e-mail: [email protected]
their penetration to both rural areas and urban slums, and political actors
and events are present at village and “moholla” (neighborhood) levels.
This enables women to witness and participate in local level politics more
than before.
While the above function as enabling factors for women to partici-
pate in public life more effectively, some of the barriers that have been
previously identified persist. These include the dominance of money and
muscle where women are relatively disadvantaged in having less finan-
cial resources of their own as well as well less access to volunteers who
can exert force or intimidation. Another barrier, that is, valid for men
as well is the lack of authority and power of local government bodies,
with power being concentrated in the hand of the UP Chair. As argued
by Ahmed (2016), even the power and authority of the UP Chair are
limited as decentralization is limited and local government bodies such
as the UP, have more responsibilities than authority. It is observed that
most women do not contest a second time for UP elections, which
would seem to indicate that they become discouraged by the barriers and
constraints they experience once in office.
This chapter will also review the considerations of such women mem-
bers in depth. This too is not specific to Bangladesh. Other research-
ers have also found that once elected women find the environment and
culture of local government to be inimical and intimidating, with men
showing aggression and resistance when they cannot cope with the
women (Beck 2001; Drage 2001; Irwin 2009). Australian research with
women councillors by the Department of Women (2000) in New South
Wales found that women felt isolated when they are a minority on the
council and that women are more often subject to bullying and other
inappropriate behavior than are male councillors. It is important to rec-
ognize that the structures and processes of local government bodies are
not neutral and are gendered and more attuned to male ways of work-
ing and being than to female ways. This paper is based on an in-depth
qualitative study undertaken by the author under the Sharique program
on local governance mandated by SDC and implemented by Helvetas
Swiss Intercooperation (HIS) and BRAC Institute of Governance
and Development (BIGD), which investigated experiences of women
who have been elected in the UPs at least once and also women who
have decided not to run for elections. It also explored the relationships
between women in local government bodies and local political parties,
local level UP representatives (UP Chair, members), and other civil
Chairman Member
Theoretical Approaches
A concept critical for those working on women’s representation in
politics is that of “critical mass” to explain that a significant number of
women are needed before they can make a difference to processes and
outcomes. This concept was first introduced by Kanter (1977) and
Dahlerup (1988) who analyzed the experiences of women forming
small minorities in the corporate and political spheres. Both were con-
cerned with the dynamics of marginalization in situations where women
were minorities, speculating on how this experience would change if
numbers increased. The critical number was proposed as 30%, at which
level women are expected to be able to make a substantial difference in
politics (Dahlerup 2006). This concept has been supported and used by
many researchers and academics (Mansbridge 1999; Lovenduski 2001;
252 M. Sultan
According to the FGDs respondent and other key informants, there are
mixed feelings about women candidates and elected representatives in
UPs. Firstly, as mentioned above, mobility is seen as an important qualifi-
cation to succeed in local politics. However, they are perceived to be less
mobile than men. Secondly, they are seen to be socially and economically
disadvantaged. UP chairman, members, local political leader, and NGO
key informants observed that most of the female candidates came from
“comparatively lower class of the society” who wanted to get respect and
monetary benefit from the post. They also believed that better off or
educated families did not like the idea of their daughters or wives work-
ing with common people for a minimum honorarium, little respect, and
insignificant tasks to do. Men in the community even went so far as to
say that women candidates and elected members have questionable moral
256 M. Sultan
characters (since they are active in the public sphere where they inter-
act with male UP members and the general public). Women community
members did not mention this issue but they stressed that they felt that
they were better represented in the UP by a woman.
There are, however, many prejudices against, and resistances to, wom-
en’s participation in politics. Male FGD participants felt that society still
does not approve of women participating in elections or politics. Some
referred to Bangladesh being a Muslim country and women’s activities in
recent times do not reflect that. Some of the general people seem to have
an unreasonable suspicion about the “moral” character of the female
members though they do not have evidence of that. For others, the
women representatives are not important or significant. “We don’t give
much thought about the female members. They are like optional subjects
in a syllabus (4th subject)” (Talondo Male FGD).
Like men, the newly elected women members are not aware of the
legal framework of the UP and for their rights and responsibilities.
Although training is provided from various sources, they mainly learn
the functioning on the job. There are examples of women who bene-
fit from the training and the study of the various documents available
and are able to use that to ensure that the procedures are followed
and that they are given their due. An example is given in the next
connection with the ruling party and she was the Secretary of Krishok
(farmers’) League at district level (Interview 0102FM2). The chair-
man used her political influence to clear bills from government offices
and obtained allocations from MP’s personal fund. As the chairman was
not from the political party in power, he needed her assistance in these
issues. She would receive her share of money for making his work easy.
Puspa Rani was therefore in a strong position to be able to negotiate
with the UP Chair. Social status is also a factor in gaining favor from
the chairman. Fayzunnahar who is the wife of the Pramanik (village
head) said that “I use my social power to influence chairman’s decision.”
Other interviewees mentioned that other members and the UP Secretary
respected her as wife of Pramanik (village head). She was not willing to
attend all meetings: “if they need my consent or signature, the chair-
man will send the papers by choukidar (nightguard) or Secretary will
bring them and I will sign these.” This was done as a sign of respect
for her and acknowledgment of her influence and position. Fayazunnahar
also felt capable of pressurizing the UP Chair which she does through
other political leaders. Also if she did not agree with the UP council, she
refused to sign the papers (0102 FM1).
Not all the women members were able to influence the UP chairman.
In the case of Champa Begum (0101FM1), she had an argument with
the chairman about the distribution of VGD cards as she thought she
should get more than the male members as she was elected from three
wards. But the chairman allegedly misbehaved with her, told her to never
set foot in the Union Parishad again and did not allow her to attend
meetings. In case of Josna Begum (0102FM3) when she asked for more
information about some project and refused to sign a resolution without
checking it, the chairman misbehaved with her and she was unofficially
barred from the Union Parishad.
Khairun Begum (0201FM1) a reelected member described how she
relentlessly fought for her rights in the UP. Although she was elected
with the support of BNP (the Bangladesh Nationalist Party) and the
chairman and six male members are supporters of BNP as well, it was
not easy to get what she deserves. Most of the time, the chairman pro-
vided false information about the allowance cards and even tried to avoid
including female members in the projects and programs like LGSP. Since
she was active and gathered information from different sources, she
could confront him and ensure she obtained her share of UP allocations.
260 M. Sultan
Women often take gendered routes to power and also have alternative
strategies of exercising power, which are related to their gender roles of car-
ing for the family and community and providing services to them. While the
women and men both strategize and negotiate with various persons, parties,
and institutions to overcome opposition and achieve their goals, compared
to the men, the women are less experienced and skilled at this. Peer-to-peer
learning and support can help the women to be more conscious and strate-
gic. For example, they learned by example that complaining to the UNO
about the UP Chair would have a negative impact and the other women
members chose not to complain after the experience of Josna Begum (0102
FM3). Also, the study found that in some of the unions, the women had
been able to develop solidarity between themselves and support each other
when they faced problems. Where they were isolated from each other, the
UNO, Chair, and members were able to dominate them more easily.
Various UP structures and process provide the opportunity for women
members to play a leadership role and develop their management and
leadership skills. These include the Chairing of Standing Committees,
Project Implementation Committees, and being advisors to ward shobhas.
These have a contribution in giving the women specific tasks and respon-
sibilities but their functioning is influenced by the actions of the UP
Chair, the secretary, and other male members. The differences in author-
ity between the Chair and members mean that the Chair takes the final
decisions and the members cannot go against his decisions. In order to
ensure the smooth functioning of the Standing Committees, or the pro-
jects, the women members have to make compromises and “manage” the
male members, the Chair, and also the political party activists nominated
to the various committees. While it is essential to emphasize the imple-
mentation of the existing legal provisions, it is important to understand
the constraints the women have to work within to make these functional.
In conclusion, in spite of the various constraints and barriers, we can see
that women are strategic actors who decide to contest general or reserved
seats based on an assessment of the context and the factors in their favor
or disfavor. They function in the UP through making compromises and
alliances with the UP Chair and male members and also political activists
appointed to various Standing Committees. They use their political party
allegiances and alliances to support their case or the UP Chair. They seek to
exert influence and power when and where they can and strategically decide
not to do so when the costs are too high or the possibility of a positive
264 M. Sultan
outcome are remote. Some of the women have suffered in the process of
confronting the UP Chair, political party, or government officials but at least
they have tried to make their views heard. The overall picture emerging is
of a more conscious, vocal and capable group of women leaders and public
representatives who cannot be discounted.
Ahmed, T. (2016). Bangladesh: Reform agenda for local governance. Dhaka:
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mass? Parliamentary Affairs, 54(4), 743–758.
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Nazneen, S., & Tasneem, S. (2010). A silver lining: Women in reserved seats in
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councillors in municipal corporation in Bangladesh. In Mariz Tadros (Ed.),
Women in politics: Gender. Power and Development. London: Zed Books.
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in Bangladesh. International Political Science Review, 29(4), 489–512.
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Tremblay, M. (2006). The substantive representation of women and PR: Some
reflections on the role of surrogate representation and critical mass. Politics &
Gender, 2(4), 502–511.
Prakash Chand
P. Chand (*)
Dyal Singh Evening College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
e-mail: [email protected]
They seem to last where nothing else lasts. Dynasty after dynasty tumbles
down, revolution succeeds revolution, Hindu, Pathan, Mughal, Mahratta,
Sikh, English are all masters in turn, but, the village communities remain
the same. (Metcalfe as quoted by Mallik 1929, p. 36)
The centralizing tendencies that were set in motion during the British
rule continued during the first decade of independence. Independence
had brought about a shift in power structure, but not in the attitude
regarding grassroots governance. Although the independence lead-
ers debated the issue of village self-governance, there was no unanimity
on it. The first major step toward institutionalizing the panchayats was
made in the late 1950s when the government introduced, on the basis of
the recommendations of the Balwantrai Mehta Committee, a three-tier
system of rural local government—i.e., a village panchayat at the village
level, a panchayats samiti at the intermediate level, and a Zilla Parishad
at the district level. The panchayats samiti was given greater recogni-
tion than the other two bodies. The issue of women’s participation in
the panchayat was first proposed in 1959 when the Mehta report recom-
mended that two women be appointed to panchayats. At that time, the
women appointed often came from rural elite families.
The Ashok Mehta Committee, appointed subsequently to inquire into
the working of PRIs and to suggest measures to strengthen them, felt that
a combination of factors such as an unsympathetic bureaucracy, absence
of political will, lack of involvement in planning and implementation on a
substantial scale, and the domination of local institutions by the economic
and social rural elite was likely to undermine the PRIs, (Desouza 2002,
p. 371). The Mehta Committee recommended a more radically decen-
tralized system of panchayats with strong decision-making powers, as well
as the inclusion of women and other disadvantaged groups such as the
lower-status castes and tribes in it. It underscored the functional necessity
of decentralization and recommended a two-tier system, with the Zilla
Parishad and Mandal Panchayat as the administrative setup for panchayats.
The committee also recommended that the district should be the basic
unit since it was a viable administrative unit for which planning, coor-
dination, and resource allocation were feasible and for which technical
expertise was available. The Ashok Mehta Committee also demanded the
constitutional recognition for panchyats. The committee even drafted a
model bill, which they appended to the report, seeking an amendment to
the Constitution along these lines (Kumar 2006, p. 23). But due to the
change in the political power at the center, the recommendations of the
Ashok Mehta Committee could not be implemented. No major change
in local government occurred until 1993 when the 73rd constitutional
amendment was made, to which reference has been made earlier.
It is evident from the above that several radical provisions were incor-
porated in the 73rd Amendment Act. These range from granting con-
stitutional status to PRIs, empowering the socially and economically
disadvantaged groups, i.e., Dalits, Adivasis, and women, and ensur-
ing free, fair, and regular elections, to fixing the terms of local councils,
empowering PRIs to formulate and implement policies, and addressing
financial issues of local bodies. Overall, the Act provided for a significant
degree of fiscal, administrative, and political decentralization from the
state to local levels. The new Act can thus be regarded as a path-breaking
legislation, providing a democratic framework for the governance of local
government institutions in rural India.
invest more in goods that are relevant to the needs of local women, i.e.,
water and roads. The study suggests that given the difficulty of target-
ing public transfers to specific groups in an otherwise decentralized
system, reservation may be a good tool to ensure not only adequate
representation but also adequate delivery of local public goods to dis-
advantaged groups (Chattopadhyay and Duflo 2011, p. 242). Women
leaders make a difference on the ground. It also suggests that rectifying
imbalance in the political system does result in improving in the other
spheres as well.
Women leaders are also playing an important role in promoting girl’s
education and challenging the corrupt officials in Rajasthan. In Bhadsiya
village, 115 km from the district headquarters of Nagaur in the heart of
Rajasthan, girl students in a higher secondary school used to skip classes
and lug heavy buckets of water from a hand pump outside the com-
pound to the kitchen, where their mid-day meal was prepared. This was
a daily chore the girls had to perform dutifully. Those who did not want
to do it simply absented themselves from school on the days allocated to
them. When sarpanch (head of village panchayat) Radha Devi came to
know of this, she became furious. Not only did she reprimand the princi-
pal for getting the students to do work that was outside their curriculum;
she also motivated the young girls to attend school regularly. In another
case in Ekran gram panchayat of Bharatpur district, it was due to the dili-
gent efforts of sarpanch Anguri Devi that the numbers of girl students
in the local high school could be boosted (Kumar 2013, p. 56). Thus,
the vigilant women heads of panchayats in Rajasthan are working hard to
ensure proper schooling to girls, besides seeking ways to make their vil-
lages more gender friendly.
The above case studies make it evident that women are making a dif-
ference in the local governance. They are playing an important role in
the decision-making process, giving more importance to social develop-
ment activities such as health, education, sanitation, old-age pensions,
and social welfare. The active participation of women representatives
in local affairs has enhanced their confidence that has motivated other
women to come forward. Reservation has been fruitful in two ways:
firstly, it has facilitated women empowerment; and secondly, it has also
been proved to be an effective tool to ensure adequate delivery of local
public goods to the disadvantaged groups.
278 P. Chand
Similarly, women can also utilize their support system. They can also take
the help of their relatives including their husbands. The study by Strulik
reveals that in many cases husbands were the biggest aides of their wives
in helping them to enter a completely new arena. Though in the initial
phase there might have been an intention to manipulate the women, but
very often these processes developed their own dynamics and gradually
the women extended their scope of action. Ultimately, the whole process
has empowered the women. Thus, women, according to Strulik, are not
proxies, but are transforming the way the political field is constructed,
and are reshaping their field of action in the political arena.
Another study (Nielson ORG-MARG) on the issue of proxy has
also made similar conclusions. It observes that there is a reason to be
optimistic on this count as this practice is diminishing and women are
depending lesser on their sarpanch patis (husbands) for decision making.
It suggests that a good way of reforming this practice is to make train-
ing compulsory for all elected representatives (whether male or female)
Perhaps, the most important impact is the recognition of the value of edu-
cation by women. New panchayat members experience many handicaps
due to lack of education. This makes them keen to educate their daugh-
ters. There is no doubt that female literacy and education will improve in
the near future, partly due to women’s participation in panchayats. It is
likely that the next generation of women panchayat leaders will be better
educated and, therefore, better equipped to govern local affairs.
The above observations are not intended to idealize the role of EWRs
in PRIs. Many EWRs still face different problems. Barriers to women’s
The 73rd Amendment has created an opportunity for a large number
of rural women to take an active part in the PRIs. It has made Indian
democracy participatory as well inclusive in its true sense. In many
places, women have been functioning well and have engendered the
282 P. Chand
development process. The family has accepted the new role, and even
the relationship between husband and wife has been altered. The initial
hostility of men toward the change is on the decline. Now, men have
accepted the change and are trying to use women to their own advantage.
The new process has democratized the local self-government and made
people at the grassroots aware of the value of substantive democracy.
There is no denying that in an unequal patriarchal society like India,
reservation of seats for women has invariably uplifted the status of
women. However, it should not be taken as the only way of empower-
ing women. It is only a step toward empowerment, not empowerment
in itself. Therefore, women members of panchayats need to be edu-
cated and informed about politics, their rights, the nature of Indian
democracy, and policies and programs for women and the underprivi-
leged section of society. Social organizations can serve as a catalyst to
mobilize women to address their issues. As far as the role of women
in local governance in India is concerned, we can say that participa-
tion and representation are clearly different from empowerment. An
elected woman representative needs the requisite social space in order
to effect the changes that she desires. Also, the onus is on political par-
ties who must motivate and integrate more women in the political pro-
cess. Empowerment as a process is slow, but self-perpetuating. Providing
women with opportunities and support systems through reservations
and other affirmative action has the potential to put into motion a sus-
tainable process for a change in gendered power relations allowing them
to slowly but steadily break the shackles of existing boundaries. Thus,
a combination of constitutional provisions, governmental efforts, social
action programs, and self-awakening among rural women is needed to
eventually facilitate the Indian women to become an active part of the
mainstream political system.
Baviskar, B. S. (2003). Impact of women’s participation in local governance in
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(Eds.), India’s living constitution: Ideas, practices, controversies. Delhi:
Permanent Black.
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chayat system in West Bengal, (Mimeo). Calcutta: Development Research
Gochhayat, A. (2013, Oct). Political Participation of Women in Gram Panchayat
Elections in Odisha: A Case Study of Hindol Block in Dhenkanal District.
International Journal of Rural Studies, 20(2).
Government of India. (2008). Study on elected women representatives in pan-
chayati raj institutions. New Delhi: Ministry of Panchayati Raj.
Handrasekhar, L. (2011). Undermining democracy: Parallel governance in con-
temporary South India. Lodon: Rutledge.
Hust, E. (2007). Political representation and empowerment: Women in the insti-
tutions of local government. In Satyajit Singh & Pradeep K. Sharma (Eds.),
Decentralization: Institutions and politics in rural India. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
Jain, S. (1998). Redefining the politics of presence: The case of Indian women
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284 P. Chand
Radha, S., & Balu Roy, C. (2002). Women in local bodies. Discussion paper
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Sekhon, J. (2006). Engendering grassroots democracy: Research, training and
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No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.
We are victims of evil customs. It is crime against humanity that our women are
shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere
for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Father of the Nation (Speech at a meeting of the
Muslim University Union, Aligarh, March 10, 1944).
N. Jabeen (*)
Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan
e-mail: [email protected]
U.F. Mubasher
Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan
e-mail: [email protected]
Local government level No. of seats reserved for women No. of elected women
at the union level form the Electoral College for all elections for the
Tehsil/Town and District Councils. It was a common apprehension of
the Local Government Ordinance 2001 that women would probably be
reluctant to compete for the local government polls or their partaking
would be restricted by ethnic and societal barricades. Reality, however,
falsified this apprehension. Women ventured into local governments
arena in large number and substantiated 90% of the seats reserved for
them, and their fringe representation headed to the trend of becoming
a critical mass. This silent revolution was replayed again and again in all
local government elections. As Table 16.2 shows, women contenders
fared well in the local elections and chairs earmarked for women in the
Union Council were occupied every single time.
With reference to the summary profile of designated women coun-
cillors who were likely to lead the planned transformation in the social
and political setting of Pakistan, the prevailing statistics echoed that the
mainstream of women (60%) was comparatively beginners and younger
(age was less than 45 years), 75% had never been elected before, 73.7%
were housewives and half of them were uneducated (Bari 2000; Social
Audit 2004–2006). In standings of socioeconomic rank of elected
women, the ADB (2004) report stated that 52% of the elected women
were underprivileged or monetarily reliant on, 32% coming from work-
ing or middle class, 13% from the upper middle class and only 3%
belonging to the landlord or elite class (Asian Development Bank 2004).
Recently, the local body elections on a non-party basis were held
under the supervision of the Election Commission of Pakistan. The first
phase of local elections was held in two major provinces of Pakistan,
Punjab and Sindh, on October 31, 2015. There were thousands of can-
didates of different parties who had participated in the local government
elections. In Punjab, the main rivalry was between the two major politi-
cal parties, i.e., Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PLMN) and Pakistan
Tehrik-e- Insaf (PTI). In Sindh, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) was
the dominant party. The elections were held to disperse administrative
and financial authority to local governments in order to ensure good
governance at the grassroots level. Seats were reserved for women in Zila
Council2, and it was the responsibility of the Election Commissioner to
organize and conduct elections fairly. Tables 16.3 and 16.4 show, among
other things, the nature of the representation of women in local elections
in Punjab and Sindh, respectively.
While preparations for local government election were made and seat
distribution was planned in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no
such effort was made in the province of Baluchistan (Table 16.5).
Category District Metropolitan District Municipal Town com- Union com- Union Total
of seats councils corporations Municipal committees mittees mittees councils
294 N. Jabeen and U.F. Mubasher
Source Local Government, Elections and Rural Development Department, Government of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa. http://lgkp.gov.pk/wp-content/gallery/lg-elections-2015/Seats-distribution-in-KP-for-
Women councillors are vocal in raising issues of public interest, they asked
questions regarding financial irregularities during the sessions, staged walk
outs, held press conferences and organized protest rallies on the issues of
their concerns. There are number of stories of courage that women coun-
cillors were able to tell, how they fought for the political space and the
financial resources in the local government. How they managed to mobi-
lized resources for social welfare of their communities. Women councillors
were particularly active in facilitating the poor to access safety nets such as
Zakat3 and Bait-ul-Mal fund4. They helped their community members in
arranging funds for dowry, marriages, children’s admission in schools, and
getting identity cards. Also women councillors played a role in facilitating
local communities to interface with the line departments and were able to
mediate needs of their constituents with the government. (GoP 2010)
the other. The same applies to the role and status of men and women in
society. A society can develop and progress only if all of its members fully
participate in all spheres of life. However, research studies and reports
illustrate that mainstream of female councillors often faces male oppo-
sition for their administrative partaking in the local government (Aurat
Foundation 2005).
The male supremacy in local structures, particularly on higher seat
of authority such as that of the position of Nazim and common male-
controlled mentality of the public representatives, is commonly cited
as fundamental obstacles in the way of smooth functioning of women
councillors. Traditions of purdah, gender segregation, rigid role divi-
sions on the basis of gender, negative politics and thana kacheri5 culture
restrict women to come up with their fullest potential in constituencies
and impede their efforts. Political parties with male dominance become
the gatekeepers in the entry of women in politics. Women party fellows
are treated by means of inferiority, and important decision-making posi-
tions are not allocated to them in their particular party.
Women are not professed equally prospective contenders to win,
henceforth differentiated in the allotment of party ticket. Women coun-
cillors are often not informed of the time and venue of the conferences/
meetings/summits organized at various forums. On the other hand, if
they get invited and go for attending the meeting, they are not supplied
with any sort of agenda or schedule. It is realized that the Nazims and
male councillors deliberately discount women since they do not consider
it indispensable for women to be participative in the decision-making
practices. At times, women are tormented with unrelated queries and
comments throughout the meetings, for example, topics of “Pardah”
(veil) and wearing jewelry, makeup and dressing.
Their testament is to be considered as half, and their status is deter-
mined as per traditional societal norms and customs and ascribed as lower
than that of their male counterparts. Some reports also point that women
councillors are humiliated by male members when they demand for
traveling allowance or daily allowance, resources and conveyance facility.
Women are ridiculed by male councillors for their dearth of information
concerning the meeting decorum. Several Nazims and men fellows treat
women kindly, nonetheless not as per their equivalent counterparts. It
also has been observed that when Nazims and men fellows require back-
ing from women councillors and their effort, they at that moment treat
them cordially and deal with reverence and assistance (GoP 2010).
300 N. Jabeen and U.F. Mubasher
The above findings and discussion revealed that women performed a sig-
nificant role in bringing problems of violence, health, education, envi-
ronment and governance on agenda for discussion and finding solutions
using all possible measures and governmental ways. They adapted the
learning philosophy, enhanced their understanding of the rules, regula-
tions and policies, actively participated in dialog by questioning things,
holding over cues and calling attention notifications.
To conclude, decentralization and good governance set the basis for
bringing women into the mainstream politics and decision-making in
Pakistan. It became evident that when women come into the public
sphere of policymaking by means of affirmative action or legislation, they
encountered certain challenges and constraints mainly by the patriar-
chal mind-set of the society. However, a review of the performance of
women councillors at the end of the first term of Devolution of Power
Plan 2001 revealed that women performed their roles and responsibilities
considerably well by making their mark, creating an enabling environ-
ment in institutions and paving ways for fellow women members of their
communities for their contribution. At the same time, dearth of politi-
cal understanding, specific expertise, knowledge of the local government
functioning, leadership and decision-making skills among councillors in
common and women councillors in specific were recognized as the key
areas of intervention by the government, civil society and donor organi-
zations to enhance the capacity of the members at that level.
After the 18th amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan and the
National Finance Commission (NFC) award, more responsibility has
been assigned to provinces and districts to improve upon their govern-
ance, education and health provision which highlights more a prominent
role for local-level governance. Keeping in view, specific reforms and
interventions in this direction may include provision of essential infor-
mation of local government framework, laws, policies and regulations,
increasing specific governance, public administration and management
1. Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, http://www.pbs.gov.pk, 2016.
2. A Zila Council consists of all Union Nazims (Nazim is the title in Urdu
of the chief elected official of a local government in Pakistan, such as a
district, tehsil, union council or village council) in the district, which con-
sists of members elected on the reserved seats. These seats are reserved
for women, peasants, workers and minority community. The Zila Council
has its Secretariat under the Naib (the word Naib in Urdu literally means
“assistant” or “deputy”) Zila Nazim and has a separate budget allocation.
3. Zakat “that which purifies” is a form of almsgiving treated as a religious
tax and/or religious obligation in Islam.
4. Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM), “an autonomous body set up through 1991
Act. PBM is significantly contributing toward poverty alleviation through
its various poorest of the poor focused services and providing assistance to
destitute, widow, orphan, invalid, infirm & other needy persons, as
per eligibly criteria approved by Bait-ul-Mal Board” http://www.pbm.gov.
5. Thana culture is deeply rooted within the policing system. This includes
rude behavior of the police, torture, corruption, misuse of power, illegal
detention and inefficiency to use it according to one’s desire.
ADB (Asian Development Bank) (2008). ADB Supporting Implementation of
Gender Reform Action Plans In Pakistan, www.adb.org/prf.
Aurat, Foundation. (2001). Citizen’s campaign for women representation in
local government. Islamabad: Aurat Publication and Information Service
Aurat, Foundation. (2005). Citizens’ campaigns for women’s participation in local
government election 2001 and 2005: backdrop, glimpses of the campaigns, overall
results. Islamabad: Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation.
Bari, F. (2000). Local government elections. Islamabad: Ministry of Women and
304 N. Jabeen and U.F. Mubasher
Kamala Liyanage
The Constitution of Sri Lanka (1978) guarantees both women and men
the fundamental rights to equality. Article 12(2) of the Constitution
states: “No citizen shall be discriminated against on the ground of
race, religion, language, caste, sex, political opinion, place of a birth
or any one of such grounds.” Sri Lanka has ratified the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) and the Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1981),
which stress the equal rights of men and women in all sphere of life.
Moreover, Sri Lanka has guaranteed women’s rights by issuing the
Women’s Charter (1993). Achievements of Sri Lankan women in terms
of literacy, education, health, physical quality of life, and life expectancy
are remarkable. Sri Lanka has a high Human Development Index for
women which is praiseworthy and is often cited as a model for devel-
oping countries (Handbook on Sex Disaggregated Data—Sri Lanka,
2003). Sri Lanka produced the first woman prime minister (1960).
K. Liyanage (*)
University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
e-mail: [email protected]
different local bodies. Although the provision for universal adult suffrage
was introduced in Sri Lanka in 1931 by the Donoughmore Constitution,
no measure was taken to operationalize it for several years. Local govern-
ment elections on the basis of universal suffrage were conducted 6 years
after its introduction.
There existed four types of local governments—Municipal Councils,
Urban Councils, Town Councils, and Village Councils at the time of
independence (Warnapala 1993). In 1981, Gramodaya Mandala was
introduced in the village areas but it was not a successful experiment. In
1987, Provincial Councils and Pradesheeya Sabhas were introduced and
the government decided to retain the existing Municipal and Urban
Councils. Though the local government system changed from time to
time, the role of women was minimal. The first female representative in
local government in Sri Lanka was Dr. Mary Rutnam who was elected to
the Colombo Municipality in 1937. In 1949, Ayesha Rauff was elected
to the Colombo Municipal Council and she continued her political life
by contesting several times to the Municipality. She later became the
Deputy Mayor of the Colombo Municipality. In 1979, Chandra Ranaraja
became the Deputy Mayor and later the Mayor of Kandy municipality.
Nalin Thilaka Herath too was elected as the Mayor to the Nuwara Eliya
Municipality in 1996. R.E. Jayathileke, Nirupa Karunarathne and Kanthi
Kodikara served as Chairpersons of Urban Councils.
No major change in the representation of women can be noticed in
recent years. Of the 4552 local council representatives elected in 2011,
4465 (98%) were men. Only 87 women managed to win the elections; it is
the lowest percentage among South Asian countries. The highest number of
women (30) was elected by the Western Province. The Northern Province
followed the Western Province, electing 11 members. The Central Province
and the Eastern Province each elected nine women, Southern Province had
seven women, North Western had six and North Central, Sabaragamuwa
and Uva Provinces each had five women representatives. Among them,
one woman was selected as the Chairperson of an Urban Council (UC),
and another woman as the Vice Chairperson of another UC. Eight women
were selected as Chairpersons of Pradesheeya Sabhas.
Thus, local governments do not appear to be a good training ground
for women politicians in Sri Lanka to learn the “art” of politics. As
Robert Kearney pointed out, “Prospects for service in local government
bodies are so limited for women almost to the point of non-existence ….
Women have different biological and social roles. … they are more sensi-
tive to the issues related to women and children and it is not only their
rights but also their duties to represent their needs and interests. Then
only their status can be improved.4
The majority of the respondents of the FGDs feel that the different
characteristics and behavior patterns of a woman can be of assistance to
change the nature of the political culture of the country. More than 50%
of the interviewees claimed that the presence of a woman in a local elected
body can create a more “decent” and less violent atmosphere. Also, many
emphasized that women are protectors of the family, society, and the
nation and thus, their contribution to politics is important. One PS chair-
man said: “When a woman is in the sabhawa, our men behave decently …
one woman can change the whole atmosphere of the sabawa …
we may have less corruption, less thuggery and more democracy in the
sabawa, if we have more women.”5
A PS Chairman pointed out that “women are more committed to and
thrifty in doing rural social welfare activities and many CBOs are led by
them. Therefore, I believe that they can represent PS easily.”6 According
to another Chairman “I believe that about 80% of my votes are given by
women. … Since women can speak to other women’s hearts, can read
their minds easily, can behave openly with them, have closer relations
with them, they can represent their problems better than men do.”7
I have been with the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) for more than
three decades and supported Madam Bandaranayake during her difficult
times in politics. In 1978, I was imprisoned due to my political activities
but I did not give up … However, the party rejected my applications for
nominations at seven local and provincial council elections … I heard this
time that my name was included in the nomination list and I even went to
Temple Trees to sign nomination papers where I was shocked to hear that
my name was subsequently removed by the party organizer.8
“I gave my service to the United National Party (UNP) for long 18 years.
I worked as the President of Lak Vanitha in my area. The nomina-
tion [selection] board appreciated my performance and activities when I
appeared before it. However, due to conflicts of the party organizer with a
female Provincial Councilor with whom I have close relations, my applica-
tion for nomination was turned down … Nomination was finally given to
the organizer’s sister.”9
Both of us are active supporters of the party since our younger days.
Hence, the party leaders motivated us to run for local elections … When
we heard that the selected nominees were asked to sign the nomination
papers. We rushed to the party office but found that our names were not
included in the list … We joined an independent group. But unfortunately
we were not allowed to organize meetings … Our posters were destroyed
and supporters were threatened … Our agents (representatives) at the poll-
ing centers were chased away by thugs of a powerful minister of the area.10
Another female candidate who challenged her party expressed her anger
in the following way:
I worked for the SLFP for 17 years and served as the secretary to the
Kantha Bala Mandalaya in my electorate. During the presidential, parlia-
mentary, and provincial elections I took the leadership to establish wom-
en’s groups to increase the voter base of the party. The party organizer
promised to give me nomination and I applied for it during the last pro-
vincial council elections. But the organizer informed me that his brother
who returned from Japan should be given the chance. I applied again for
the Municipal election, and then he told me that his second brother who
had returned from Italy should be nominated.11
Another female aspirant for a local council seat explained her frustration
in the following way:
I have been working actively for the SLFP since 1996, helping to estab-
lish women’s groups in many villages, and to organize meetings … I
also accompanied the candidates to thousands of houses during the last
national and provincial elections. Several ministers and our electorate
organizer encouraged me to run for local elections … I submitted 15 files
to the nomination board, documenting my records of social activities for
which I was given the highest marks … I was advised to collect some funds
and to plan my campaign by the board … Finally, I was told that due to
high competition, my application for nomination was rejected.12
I applied 11 times but got nomination only this time. There are many
vicious things and under cuttings which happen during the nomination
procedure … so one must be patient and should not leave politics after
such failures, but should continue social work and gain the popularity,
build the leadership and establish closer relations with the party leaders.14
Many interviewees and members of the FDGs claimed that women were
often defeated as they had no experience in politics and found it diffi-
cult to invest their time and energy on gaining popularity, and recog-
nition in society. They felt that women could be successful only if they
314 K. Liyanage
started from the grassroots level and played the role of a leader in politi-
cal organizations, and trade unions, etc.15
A male PS councilor argued: “Women are not courageous, nor are
they committed enough; they just enjoy their subordinate positions in
this patriarchal culture and confine their lives to families/homes. They
must take the challenges to win the elections and to survive in the politi-
cal world.”16
Many members of the FDGs (75%) and interviews emphasized that
many women could not win the elections due to lack of support and
mentoring of senior women leaders. A male party official also held simi-
lar view. He thus observed:
Women in the parliamentary (except one) arena do not pay any attention
to this issue… They just want to enjoy the privileges they are entitled and
are not much worried about other women.. Most of the male leaders are
groomed by senior party leaders, but that is not the case with women.17
rice and a tea-shirt. Some male candidates spent between 1.5 and 2.0
million LKR (Sri Lankan Rupee) for campaign, but only a few women
could afford it. Generally, women cannot spend such a large amount of
Another factor hindering the prospect of the election of women
candidates, according to many respondents, is their inability to distrib-
ute alcohol among the supporters and voters. As elaborated by a female
candidate: “There are many men around a male candidate … they are
treated with alcohol and food. Such candidates become more popular
among voters.”20 A PS Chairman observed: “When I go from one house
to another during my campaign, I am always accompanied by 20–25
supporters to demonstrate my power, strength and popularity. To obtain
this support one has to treat them generously … I know, it is difficult
for a woman to do so.”21 Character assassination of women is also seen
as a serious factor which may negatively influence the electoral outcome.
Seven women candidates had faced such problems. According to a PS
chairman: “In our culture, generally men are free to have sexual relations
or extra marital affairs … But women are not … When political women
maintain close association with men, their competitors often spread vari-
ous rumors to malign them … In such a situation, women try to limit
their activities. It is a huge disadvantage to them.”22
All of the women interviewed for the purpose of the study and a
majority of FGD respondents considered the proportional representative
system, introduced in 1978, as one of the major barriers to the success of
women in elections. The system requires a candidate to cover [at least] a
district during the election campaign. A female candidate said that:
It is very difficult even for a man to cover the total area of the electorate
as it requires huge funds and a solid manpower to do so. Although some
male candidates are able to do it, women candidates lacking experience,
skills, networking and patron-client relationships find it hard to compete.
A male PS chairman said: “Under the PR system, inter and intra party
competition is rigorous even for a man. … Men who can organize pro-
cessions with at least 50–60 vehicles and demonstrate their power during
the nomination day are the winners. Many women cannot do it or they
do not like to do it due to their womanly–thrifty nature.”23
A male journalist emphasized that: “The Sri Lankan culture has cre-
ated a weak and flexible (siyumeli) woman … the media shows programs
316 K. Liyanage
Five aspiring women who were not allowed by the male members of
their families to apply for nominations and another four who applied for
nomination without considering the objection presented their negative
experiences. The husband of one such candidate remarked: “A was a nice
wife … ours was a love marriage … But after she entered politics she
does not respect me, she returns home late … I have to cook for chil-
dren. She does not feed and clean children … Even she does not give me
my dinner plate which she did her for many years.”26
Another woman said “It is my duty to feed my children and give
them a hot meal/rice … My son has commented that if amma (mother)
wins the election, people will win; if amma is defeated, we will win. This
disturbs me and I have to give priority to my family.”27 This statement
shows that some women do not like to change their traditional roles and
consider these as their natural duties.
Muslim male candidates revealed that they used their ethnic identity to
gain more votes in the Muslim-populated areas.
Establishing close relationships with the national as well as local party
leaders was another important strategy used by many candidates to get
elected to local councils. Many respondents (67%) felt that the “bless-
ings of the leader” were very important. Having a good relationship
with leaders, particularly with the electorate organizer of the party, is
extremely essential. They (leaders) must be invited to public events, and
candidates must attend the meetings that they participated in, and must
praise their leadership. It is only then that the person will be considered
an eligible candidate. Pre-campaign plans are essential to win an election.
Some winning male candidates shared their experience in strategizing,
viz. collecting funds, identifying issues in the area, and preparing attrac-
tive pamphlets even before receiving nominations. Getting the support
of the youth is crucially important.
Some male candidates used new technology to get elected. Some can-
didates (34.1%) said that the youth helped them by circulating messages
through SMS and Internet. Several male candidates considered that their
“humble” and “kind” characteristics had made them popular among the
voters. Nevertheless, 2 religious leaders, 2 human rights activists, 3 local
journalists, 12 party supporters, and 16 voters who attended the FDGs
pointed out that some male candidates used violent ways, viz. threaten-
ing and chasing out the agents of other candidates, giving alcohol and
other material rewards to election and police officers and bribing count-
ing officers as strategies to win elections. Six PS councilors and two
chairpersons too mentioned about such strategies and emphasized that
without using such devices it was difficult for them to win the elections.
to develop a close relationship with the leaders of the party as well. This
proved to be helpful because, as it was mentioned by some male candi-
dates, developing a good relationship with party leaders was important to
win an election. Pre-campaign planning was another successful strategy
used by the winning female candidates. They made the planning months
before the election and thus gained the trust of the people who voted for
them and made them win.
This study shows that women have not been recognized as equal to men
in the political representation. They face more difficulties than men to
win the local elections. Although a very few trained community lead-
ers in the Central Province have been empowered to challenge the age
old patriarchal setup of the political parties by crossing over parties and
obtaining nominations, the study illustrates that it was hard for them
to win the 2011 election. However, women who have been elected to
the local governments show that due to their established popularity and
leadership in the community through their long-term social, cultural,
and economic activities and the closer relationship with some party lead-
ers, support given by the family and pre-planned campaign movement
they won the elections.
When compared to men, it is obvious that the factors which help to
win the elections for both men and women are quite similar, but due
to the sociocultural and individual factors and lack of opportunities the
men are at an advantage. If the trained women were given the nomi-
nations by the major parties, the result would be different. Therefore,
it can be concluded that without having a structural policy for women
to obtain nominations, the political training and other forms of support
will solve only a part of the problem. Remedies such as greater awareness
and political training for women will not produce quick results. But quo-
tas will help to solve that part of the issue. The Parliament of Sri Lanka
passed the 2012 No. 22 Local Elections (Amendment) Bill on February
9, 2016, and it states that one-fourth of members of local governments
(MC, UC, and PS) should be women. According to this, a political party
or independent group is required to submit two nomination lists for a
local body, one for the purpose of electing members and the other to
nominate women in respect of wards. According to the percentages of
1. Interviews and FGDs were based on five questions: Is it necessary to have
women representatives in the local governments? Why many women can-
didates were defeated? What were the strategies used by successful male/
female candidates? What strategies should be used by female candidates
to win the elections?
2. Information—FGD—Yatinuwara PS division—April 05, 2010.
3. Information—FGD—Akurana PS—December 07, 2010.
4. Interview—female Provincial (Central) Councilor—March 10, 2010.
5. Interview with the Chairman—Wattegama Pradesheeya Sabhawa—
December 07, 2010.
6. Information—FGD—Patha Dumbara—April 22, 2010.
320 K. Liyanage
Boserup, E. (1970). Integration of women in development. New York: UNDP.
Currel, M. E. (1973). Political women. Beckenham: Croom Helm.
Government of Sri Lanka. (1978). The constitution of democratic socialist republic
of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Kearney, R. N. (1981). Women in politics in Sri Lanka. Asian Survey, 21(7),
Kiribamune, S. (1994). Women in local government politics in Sri Lanka. Women
their Rights in Local Politics. Bangkok: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Kodikara, C. (2009). The struggle for equal political representation of women in
sri lanka, a stock taking report for the united nations development program.
Colombo: Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Empowerment.
Kohn, W. (1980). Women in national legislatures. New York: Praeger.
Nizam Ahmed
N. Ahmed (*)
University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh
e-mail: [email protected]
Source Compiled by the editor based mostly on data reported in different country chapters
Source Compiled by the editor based mostly on data reported in different country chapters
impossible. Bills providing for the reservation of seats for women have
been moved in parliament several times but without any success.
During the first stint of the Congress-led UPA government, the Rajya
Sabha—the Upper House—passed The Constitution (One Hundred
and Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2008, popularly known as Women’s
Reservation Bill, in 2010. But it did not pass the litmus test in the Lok
Sabha because of the opposition of the allies. Various political parties
have staunchly opposed it because they fear many of their male leaders
would not get a chance to fight elections if 33.3% seats are reserved for
women.1 Opponents also argue that the provision for reservation would
perpetuate the unequal status of women since they would not be per-
ceived to be competing on merit; it would also restrict choice of voters
to women candidates only.2 The Bill has also been opposed by politi-
cians from the socially and economically backward classes who argue that
reservation would only help women of the elitist groups to gain seats,
therefore causing further discrimination and underrepresentation to the
poor and backward classes. It is also argued that the Bill in its present
form would end up ensuring seats in parliament for the female relatives
of those who are already in power.3
The issue of reservation of seats in parliament has been debated in dif-
ferent fora in Bhutan. As Chuki’s account shows [Chap. 3 in this vol-
ume], the ruling party as well as the main opposition party promised to
introduce quotas for women in all elective institutions including parlia-
ment on the eve of the 2013 elections. No step, however, has yet been
taken to implement the promise. The number of directly elected women
decreased in the second election in Bhutan. Sri Lanka has enacted a law
providing for reserving a quarter of local council seats for women. But
no election has yet been held under the new law, and as a result, the
number of women local councillors remains very low. Nor is there any
serious demand for reserving seats for women in the parliament. Lack
of any provision for reservation of seats for women in Sri Lanka and
Bhutan has contributed to what can be called a marginal representation
of women in parliament, although it has not had a similar effect in India.
India has the largest number of women parliamentarians elected on pop-
ular votes.
However, the way the lack of reservation has affected the representa-
tion of women in parliament in the three countries does not appear to
have a similar effect on the representation of women in the bureaucracy.
Notwithstanding the absence of any quota, women have continued to
330 N. Ahmed
fare well in civil service examinations and improved their presence in the
civil service in Bhutan, India and Sri Lanka. There has been a continual
increase of women in the civil service; such increase has taken place in a
much higher rate in Sri Lanka than in any other country in the region.
Nilmi and Thoradeniya [Chap. 13 in this volume] provide some interest-
ing explanations accounting for such a surge in women representation in
the Sri Lankan bureaucracy. One of the important reasons is that com-
pared with men, women have more options to wait and prepare them-
selves for tests and examinations; they have also less compulsions than
men to seek jobs. Women also graduate in larger number than men;
hence more women theoretically have the chance to sit for civil service
The number of women civil servants has also increased significantly
in India and Bhutan, although no provision for quota exists in either of
these countries. Lhamu [Chap. 9 in this volume] observes that the ena-
bling and non-discriminatory environment provided by the Constitution
and the Civil Service Act of Bhutan, 2010, which provides for safe and
healthy working conditions to perform duties and equal opportunities
for employment in the civil service‚ mostly account for the increase in
Bhutan. Improvement in girl’s education that has followed the imple-
mentation of a large number of school development programs is also one
of the important factors that has contributed to an increase in the num-
ber of women in the civil service. In India, Singh [Chap. 10 in this vol-
ume] observes that individual/family factors as well different ‘positive’
government policies have encouraged more women to join the civil ser-
vice. In Bangladesh, the increase is quite significant. In fact, the number
of women recruited on merit is two times higher than those recruited
on the basis of quota (10%). Ahmed and Jahan [Chap. 8 in this volume]
have explored the reasons accounting for an increase of women in the
Bangladesh civil service. They have found that besides the existence of
several laws and rules that are intended to ensure favorable work envi-
ronment for women, the ‘social prestige’ associated with the service and
the scope to exercise power have become a fatal attraction and enrolment
in the civil service in Bangladesh [as well in India].
On the other hand, the existence of the provision for quota may be
a necessary but not a sufficient condition to ensure that more women will
automatically become interested to join the civil service. Paudel’s data on
Nepal [Chap. 11 in this volume] show that notwithstanding the provision
of a ‘liberal’ policy of inclusion, many seats reserved for women often remain
vacant. Lack of ‘quality’ education and rural orientation mostly account for
the inability of women to join the civil service. In Pakistan also, notwith-
standing the existence of the provision for quota, the number of women
entering into the civil service is low. Part of the reason, as Ansari’s account
shows [Chap. 12 in this volume], is the existence of several subtle discrimina-
tory practices used against women during viva voce and psychological tests.
also speak better for women than the popularly elected women or male
MPs on issues that concern women.
Women in some other parliaments also try to raise issues and prob-
lems confronting women. Nowhere, however, can they match the per-
formance of the reserved-seat women MNAs in Pakistan in respect of
promoting women’s issues and interests. In Bangladesh, women MPs
moved only four private members’ bills; they, however, fared better in
using other techniques to raise important issues in the House. In both
Bangladesh and Pakistan, RSWPs have better record of promoting wom-
en’s issues than the general-seat women parliamentarians and obviously
male parliamentarians. What is important to note is that the latter even
do not always agree to support RSWPs when they try to bring women’s
issues to the limelight. The usual argument made to support this con-
tention is that general-seat women parliamentarians have to remain busy
with promoting their constituents’ needs and priorities and any effort to
accord extra importance to one group may antagonize the others, a risk
that they can rarely afford to take.
Empirical evidence, however, shows that reserved-seat parliamentarians
do not always lag behind their general-seat women counterparts in raising
constituency issues. In both Bangladesh and Pakistan, they have in fact
fared better in raising constituency issues. Chowdhury [Chap. 6 in this
volume] observes that women elected to general seats [in Pakistan] find
it difficult to be publicly identify with women’s issues because it might
be detrimental to their future political career. This could be noticed in
other cases also. For example, in Sri Lanka, as Liyanage account shows
[Chap. 7 in this volume], there is more instance than one when women
MPs did not readily agree to support issues in parliament that directly
concerned women’s interests such as abortion or domestic violence.
Dhal and Chakrabarty [Chap. 4 in this volume], however, provide
accounts of women MPs’ achievement in India in getting passed many
‘social’ legislation that are likely to benefit women more than others.
Chuki [Chap. 3 in this volume] has also observed although the women
MPs in Bhutanese parliament are cautious of promoting women’s
issues lest they be negatively termed feminist in the face of huge male
dominance, they nevertheless have succeeded in moving several pro-
women legislation such as legislation aimed at preventing domestic
violence or rape. Chuki has observed that the first ten women parlia-
mentarians [in the first parliament] were trailblazers who demonstrated
a principled, feminine, political leadership in a masculine environment.
to do multiple work, they often cannot pay proper attention to their civil
service duties. Male officials in Sri Lanka apparently have a more positive
view about the role of women officials; they readily appreciate the role
played by women officials and are aware of difficulties that women face
in workplaces and at home [Chap. 13 in this volume].
Men and women representatives in parliament and local government
have a tendency to define their role in a mutually exclusive manner.
Women often complain of indifferent attitude of the party leadership to
their legitimate claims and demands. Reserved-seat women representa-
tives remain doubly disadvantageous, although discussion in Chaps. 2
and 6 shows that they perform better than those elected on popular votes
—male or female. In Bangladesh, reserved-seat MPs receive less allocation
than their general-seat counterparts; they are also being discriminated
against in the House [Chap. 2 in this volume]. General-seat women par-
liamentarians, rather than expressing solidarity with reserved-seat parlia-
mentarians when the latter raise issues that concern women, often toe the
line followed by their male counterparts. They do not easily want to iden-
tify themselves with women or women’s issues and often have a tendency
to assert that reserved-seat MPs have the main responsibility to promote
issues concerning women. In fact, like their male counterparts, general-
seat women MPs also tend to undermine RSWPs as someone having a
‘second class’ status in parliament as they lack popular mandate. The par-
adox, however, is that, as a comparative study of the nature of activism
of the reserved-seat and general-seat women parliamentarians in different
parliaments in Bangladesh (Ahmed 2013) shows, the former outdistance
the latter in every respect, even in terms of raising constituency issues in
the House. This issue needs further exploration.
Suffice it to mention here that the situation at the local level is some-
what different as all three categories of representatives—men and women
elected from general seats and women elected from reserved seats—have
popular mandate. Unlike the reserved-seat MPs who are elected only by
popularly elected MPs, seats reserved for women in local government are
filled in by direct elections. They enjoy greater legitimacy and also have
better scope to assert themselves as their roles and responsibilities are
prescribed in statutes/rules; in contrast, reserved-seat women MPs do
not have any specific job description. Usually, reserved-seat local council-
lors are assigned responsibilities for dealing with women-related issues.
Some kind of division of labor can be found in local councils. Local
councillors in India, however, have better opportunity to be proactive as
party leaders in response to her request for some specific things: ‘You’ve
been made an MP; isn’t that enough? What else do you want? Be sat-
isfied with what you have been given’. Even reserved-seat MNAs in
Pakistan, who appear to perform better than women MPs in other coun-
tries of the region, find it extremely difficult to go beyond a certain
point where any effort to popularize certain issues risks becoming
Chowdhury [Chap. 6 in this volume] reports that proactive women
MNAs are not only being reprimanded, one even lost her seat for being
vocal on women’s issues. Even the (former) Speaker of the Pakistan
National Assembly—Fehmida Mirza—came under serious attack for
supporting women’s issues; she was even been labelled by some as a
‘Women’s Speaker’ only. Chowdhury thus argues that both reserved-
seat and general-seat women MPs face similar political context and real-
ity. Cultural norms and societal values provide important impediments to
making any kind of major change in power relations in different institu-
tions including those charged with governing. Those who work in these
institutions, especially women, often find it difficult to challenge these
norms and values.
In Pakistan, as Chowdhury’s account shows, pro-women legisla-
tors were seen as opposing pro-women legislation such as protection of
women bill or a bill providing for the reservation of quota for women
in federal public service, as well as supporting bills that were likely to
negatively affect women such as the introduction of Sharia law in Swat
Valley. Thus, politicians have to work within limits set by cultural norms
and societal values which also influence political and party behavior.
Cultural norms prescribing a time-honored division of labor is still prac-
tised, no matter whether women work at home or outside. One woman
MP in Bangladesh expressed her anger/helplessness in the following
way: ‘He [meaning her husband] will not do anything at all … will be
willing to starve rather than cooking rice or fry an egg even when at
An important problem working women, no matter whether they are
in politics or are engaged in gainful employment, generally face is to
identify ways to balance their home and work roles. As a strategy to bal-
ance the two roles, many women civil servants in Pakistan, as Ansari’s
account shows, avoid field postings or choose services that do not
require posting outside the capital or main cities. This strategy, which
solves immediate problems, however, causes stress subsequently as many
where the system of quota does not exist, for example, Sri Lanka and
Bhutan. Evidence shows that the increase in descriptive representation
has a positive impact on the substantive representation of women in dif-
ferent countries. Those elected indirectly, referred to as ‘quota women’
in this book, do not always remain onlookers; in fact, ‘quota women’
in parliaments have fared better than those (women) elected on popular
votes in almost every country in promoting issues that concern women.
Differences in the nature of activism can be noticed not only between
the two categories of women MPs in a single country, but also among
women MPs in different countries, with Pakistani reserved-seat women
MPs outperforming their counterparts in other countries, particularly in
moving women-friendly legislation. Bangladeshi women MPs used dif-
ferent techniques other than legislation to promote various issues that
concern them. Quota women in local governments also appear to be
actively engaged in promoting women-related issues that generally do
not interest male representatives.
Yet women lawmakers or local women councillors do not receive the
kind of recognition they deserve. They often remain neglected and their
contribution is less appreciated. Patriarchy is widely evident; examples of
women being reprimanded for playing a proactive role are not rare. What
is particularly noticed is the absence of a sense of comradeship among
women representatives. Women do not always agree on women-related
issues. In general, party restrictions discourage cross-bench collabora-
tion; cultural norms and societal values compound this problem. Women
in bureaucracies in different countries also remain disadvantaged, not-
withstanding an increase in their representation over the years. In par-
ticular, glass ceiling is widely evident in different countries of the region.
Moreover, very often women find it difficult to balance work and home
roles. Experience shows that strategies adopted to make the two roles
compatible in the short run often turn out to be counterproductive in
the long run, thereby causing stress and strain among women officials.
One positive thing that can be observed is that resistance to women
seeking entry into politics and bureaucracy and their advancement is not
as widespread as in the past. Societal values regarding women are also
changing. There is greater social acceptance of women in leadership roles
now than in the past. Many even take pride in having daughters, sisters
or wives in important positions in politics and administration; educated
employed women are also seen as economic assets, especially in India.
What is needed most is to adopt policies and programs aimed at turning
1. What’s the Women’s Reservation Bill all about? rediff News, March 08,
2010. http://news.rediff.com/special/2010/mar/08/whats-the-womens-
reservation-bill-all-about.htm. Accessed January 30, 2017.
2. ‘Twenty Years Too Long: Women’s Reservation Bill Continues to
Languish in Lok Sabha’, The Wire, September 16, 2016. https://thewire.
in/66260/womens-reservation-bill-in-lok-sabha/. Accessed February 10,
3. Ayesha Sumbul, ‘Women’s Reservation Bill—A Critique’, PCL Bulletin,
August 2004. http://www.pucl.org/Topics/Gender/2004/womens-res-
ervation-bill.htm. Accessed February 10, 2017.
222, 224, 231, 237, 254, 255, Franceschet, S., 106, 112
260, 263, 273, 281, 287, 307, Freidenvall, L., 4, 5, 55
331, 336 Frieden, J., 83
Equal pay, 82, 112, 165 Funding for election campaign, 42
Equal representation, 62, 241, 306
Equity, 66, 165, 189
Expertise, 73, 112, 270, 297, 302 G
Exploitation, 74, 165, 190, 272 Gender awareness, 287
Extended family, 145, 153, 159, 218 Gender-biased service delivery, 2
Gender blindness, 44
Gender composition, 73, 164, 295
F Gender composition of elected assem-
Face-time system, 225 blies, 62
FAFEN, 106, 108 Gender discrimination, 55, 73, 112,
Familial politics, 37, 38 150, 152, 172, 331, 335
Family support, 145, 158, 159, 223, Gender disparities, 163
239, 241, 339 Gendered institutions, 99, 325
Family supportive strategies, 146 Gendered norms, 142
Female careers, 89, 168, 171, 217, Gendered perceptions, 183
247 Gendered practices, 225
Female representation, 167, 170, 218 Gendered routes to power, 247, 263
Feminist approach, 193 Gender-friendly, 164
Feminist idea, 61 Gender equality, 1, 5, 61–63, 66, 73,
Feminist legislation, 103 82, 109, 164, 169, 170, 176,
Feminist subjugation, 52 189, 190, 196
Feminist women politicians, 56 The Gender Equality Act 2006, 196
Feudal, 99, 106, 109, 111, 234 Gender equality discourse, 83
Fifth Pay Commission, 181 Gender equity, 7, 43, 286
Fiorina, M., 30 Gender identity, 106, 107
The First Republican Constitution, Gender-neutral, 163, 169, 170, 219,
119 223, 224
First track model of representation, 4 Gender parity, 169, 286, 295
First-past-the-post electoral system, 54 Gender perspective, 48
Fixed-tenure, 187 Gender quota, 3, 4, 53, 60, 63–65,
Fletcher, J.K., 224 98, 99, 109, 113, 121, 132, 296
Floor-crossing, 20 Gender Responsive Planning and
Focus Group Discussion (FGD), 18, Budgeting (GRPB), 164
33–35, 37, 119, 255, 256, 262, Gender sensitivity, 74, 225, 303
306, 310, 311, 315 General seat, 18, 38, 106, 107, 113,
Forbes, G., 61, 65 250, 252, 255, 257,
Formal and informal institutions, 98 332, 336
Index 347
Srinivas, M.N., 180, 183, 185 Tremblay, M., 42, 111, 252
Srivastava, R., 269 Triple burden, 172
Steel-frame, 176, 180, 189 Tripp, A.M., 5, 98, 99
Stereotypes, 126, 171, 172, 186, 216, True, J., 112
217, 220, 223 Tshering, J., 47
Strategic actors, 263 Turner, M., 41
Strict demarcation of gender roles, Types of questions, 64, 203
222 Types of quotas, 4
Structural barriers to gender main-
streaming, 184
Strulik, S., 278 U
Substantive representation, 5, 6, 9, 10, UNDP, 1, 54, 117, 194, 209, 286,
18, 32, 97, 98, 100, 106–108, 287
111–113, 325, 331, 340 Union Parishad (UP), 23, 32, 246–
Sultan, M., 142, 147, 149, 159 250, 252, 254, 256–263, 334
Sun, Tsai-Wei, 2 United National Party (UNP), 120,
Supplementary questions, 22, 24 121, 124, 128, 130, 133, 234
Support mechanism for female officers, Upazila Parishad (UZP), 34, 249,
221 251, 258
Support structure, 145, 155, 158 Upper House, 42, 70, 101, 329
Suppressive culture, 80, 81
Surrogate participation, 279
Sustainable development, 169, 286, V
307 Verbeek, S., 225
Swers, L.M., 98, 110 Violence against women, 87, 104,
Systemic support specific to women, 258, 309, 334
221 Violent political culture, 128, 314
Voice, 6, 43, 49, 75, 86, 104, 107,
108, 110, 175, 193, 194, 246,
T 252, 262, 267, 287, 334
Targeted interventions, 169
Temporary special measures, 170
Thambiah, Y., 309 W
Thapa, D., 83 Wagha, W., 106, 109, 110
Thapa, G.B., 83 Walby, S., 60
Thomas, S., 7, 98, 108 Wangchuk, S., 46
Tinker, I., 1, 99 Warnapala, W., 234, 308
Tiwari, N., 279 Warner, M.A., 145
Token power, 55, 111 Waters, M., 52
Traditional beliefs, 55 Westminster Model, 42
Traditional pathways, 296, 297 Wharton, A.S., 60
Trajectories, 253, 262 Whelpton, J., 80, 81
354 Index