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GEAS  Amagats Law – total volume of non-  Sinking fund method – seldom used in

 50 KW – maximum AM effective reactive gases is equal to the partial engineering because it has low initial
radiated power volume of gases depreciation
 1000KW – Metro Cebu ERP for channel  Boltzman constant – ratio of avogadros  Intensity - ____ per unit area
1 to 7 number to gas constant  Intensity level – logarithmic
 2 – minimum FM broadcast translator  Dispersion – dependent on frequency  Loudness – magnitude of sound
 500 ft above terrain – maximum height  Calorie, joule and BTU – common unit  Reverberation – repetition of successive
for FM of heat vibration in closed space
 1000 – 2000 UTC – nighttime  EO 109 – provision of local exchange  Echo – 0.1 seconds
 2200 – 1000 UTC – daytime carrier service  Real image – light passes through the
 500 – class 1 ceramic capacitor  EO 468 – E-commrce law image ; image is formed at a distance
maximum dielectric  TX: 326.250 – 326.475 MHZ; RX:210 from the lens
 maximum axial stress of a wire MHZ – frequency for cordless telephone  Virtual image – when light seems to
suspended at only one side – equals to  Field emission – come from the object
density of water multiply by length  Secondary emission – high speed  Astigmatism – vertical and horizontal is
 August 31, 2007 – implementing rules particle causes ejection of electron view at different distances
and regulation of RA 9292  Photoelectric emission – light other  Material breach – when the received is
 30000 volts – voltage gradient that will radiation causes ejection of electron less than or different from the intended
cause spark  Thermionic emission – emission due to contract
 15 minutes – maximum commercial load heat  Class 1-B FM maximum effective
for 1 hour program for FM in metro  Electric resistivity = thermal resistivity to radiated power should not less than
manila residual 1000W
 99.95% - percentage of copper content  Ph of 8.25 – alkaline  Humidity level – specific density of water
in electrical wires  Leaf ____ - study of electrostatic is relative to air
 60% of copper - electrical and thermal  Floatation  Total internal reflection – refractive index
conductivity of aluminum  Aqueous solution – water is solvent outside is greater than inside
 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM – primetime block  Democritus – a particle can reduced to  Total reflection –
for FM in Metro Manila its smallest part  Spherical aberration –
 stationary waves – two waves of the  Hydrolysis – salt with weak bases form  Cohesion – attraction between like
same amplitude and frequency but acidic solution when mixed with water molecules
travels in different direction  Group 1 & 7 - Representative group  Adhesion – attraction between unlike
 Doppler’s principle – apparent frequency  Electron affinity – tendency of atom to molecules
of sources changes when the source or attract additional electrons  Black body – perfect absorption of
receiver is in motion  Metallic bond – sea of electron radiation
 Unpitched sound – unpredictable  Crystal bond  Consequential
compression and rarefaction  Critical temperature – maximum  Nominal
temperature at which there is no change  Oxygen – most abundant element on
in phase earth
 6.25% of authorized capital  spherical aberration – defect of a lens  floatation – some solids of suspension
 iron – 2% carbon wherein a ray entering near the edge of of a mixture is settlked down and the
 aluminum – most abundant metal the lens is brought to a focus nearer the less dense material is poured off
 heat of fusion lens than the ray entering near the  Funnicular polygon – graphical solution
 sensible heat – heat needed to change center in engineering mechanics
the temperature of the body without the  coma – forms of lateral spherical  RA 8792 – E-commerce Act of the
change in phase aberrations Philippines
 Mohr’s circle – plot of stress  astigmatism – defect wherein horizontal  EO 109 – improving the provision of
 Gibbs theorem – and vertical lines are brought to a focus local exchange carrier
 1st law – unlike charge attract, like of different distances  Nominal Clause – breach of contract
charge attract  iodine – black crystalline solid which where the effect is dependent on time
 adiabatic process – no heat transfer forms purple vapor when heated  Achromatic lens – double lens which
 isothermal – body expands under  Brownian movement – movement of produce deviation without dispersion
constant temperature small particles when bombarded by  Colorimetry – study that relates average
 fraunhopper lines – absorption . . . of molecules persons color to physical light stimulus
sun  Leaf electroscope – study of  Stat-coulomd/ dyne-cm – unit of
 fluorescence – absorption of light and electrostatic phenomena electrostatic charge
part of it is emitted  According to NTC MC 06-06-2006 class  Dynes/cm or erg/cm2 – unit of surface
 representation 1B FM station with an authorized tension
transmitter power of 500 W must have  Musical tone – regular succession of
 tort – civil wrong committed by one
an ERP of not less than 1000 W compression followed by rarefaction
person causing damage to other person
 According to NTC MC 03-11-2005 a  20-20000 vibration/second – average
 iodine – produce violet vapor when
person or entity who wants to register to human ear sensitivity
be a VOIP service provider must post a  tort – civil wrong committed by a person
 chromatic aberration – defect in lenses
performance bond of 5 million pesos  scientific theory – predicts results of
which cause unequal refraction of
 According to laws and regulation many experiment
different color
commercial load for FM station musty  scientific law – summarizes observed
 memorandum circular 06-06-2006 FM
have an aggregate that must not exceed fact
Class 1B minimum ERP is 1000W
15 minutes for 1 hour program in metro  expert witness in court – not less than
 august 31, 2007 – Implementing Rules manila.
and Regulation of RA 9292 signed by 500 per hour or not less than 1000 per
 According to KBP standard classification appearance
of primetime blocks which has coverage  May 27, 2004 - effectivity of RA 9292
 Hund multiplication principle – electron in metro manila is from 6:00 AM up to
will flow on available orbit signed by President GMA on April 17,
8:00PM 2004
 5 million – minimum bond required for  1000 KW – ERP for metro cebu channel
VOIP  Depletion cost – maintenance on
7-13 investment
 2 neutrons – Tritium (isotope of  electrification – putting 2 material in
hydrogen)  RA 9292 Rule 1 – rules and regulation
close association and separating them
 wiedeman Franz –  RA 9292 Rule 2 – Committee
to produce the above effect
 RA 9292 Rule 3 – Institute of Electronics  Material breach – non performance  unit cost method – when project
Engineers of the Philippines of an injured party that receives a less need repair, maintenance but the whole
 Requirements to be a board: years or different amount of money stated in project is not involved
the contract  8% of the cost but not less than
residency in the Philippines; 10 years of
 Isothermal expansion – gas 6000 – Class 2 percent cost method
practice expand without changed in temperature  6% of the cost but not less than
 Resistivity ratio is the ratio at 298K 3000 – Class 3 percent cost method
to 4.2K  lanthanide – rare earth
 Coma – ray is focused not on the  Cl and F – DDt and Freon common
principal axis but in a comet shape element
 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM – primetime image  11.7 – silicon permittivity
block for FM
 Thermionic emission – discovered  CCITT G151 – limit crosstalk
 1000 to 2000 UTC – nighttime by Thomas Edison  CCITT G172 – limit intermodulation
 2200 to 1000 UTC – daytime  Photoelectric emission – lights and noise frequency for PCM audio
 500 ft above terrain – standard radiation strikes the metal surface which  121.5 MHz – international distress
antenna height of FM transmitter causes the emission of electrons for aeronautical
 tort – civil wrong committed by one  Sensible heat – heat needed to  2128 KHz – international distress
person causing damage to another change the temperature without for radio telephony
person changing phase  0.5 milli roentgen and 2 mile – set
 Mathiessens rule – electrical  Filament – in a directly heated by DOH for allowable radiation
conductivity is the sum of the thermal cathode _____ serve as the cathode
conductivity and residual conductivity  Cesium – melting point is 28
 De Broigle – discover the duality degrees Celsius, liquid in a warm day
 Hund’s rule of multiplicity – electron principle of light and then later applies to
spresd out in available orbit before they  Diffusion – caused by different
electron frequency
pair up with another electron of different  2 elements – period 1
spin  Musical scale – succession of
 8 elements – period 2 tones
 Amagats Law – the volume of non
 8 elements – period 3  Musical tone – regularities of
reactive gasses is the sum of the
 18 elements – period 4 compression and rarefactions
individual volume of the gasses
 18 elements – period 5  Unpitched – irregularities of
 Gibbs theorem – properties of gas
mixture is the sum of the individual  32 elements – period 6 compressions and rarefactions
properties of each gas in the compound  300 pesos – CATV annual head  Sound – disturbances that can be
 Molecular formula – the number of end inspection fee detected by human ear
atoms of each element in the compound  3000 pesos – CATV annual  Distillation – process of separation
 Michelsons inferometer – uses registration fee of liquids due to difference of their
interference of two light signals traveling  900 pesos – CATV head end boiling point
at different path as a mean of building permit  Funicular polygon – way of solving
determining wavelength using graphical method
 Method of joint – used in solving all its melting point from solid to the liquid  Legitimate power – a person who
forces in each member of a truss state posses the highest position in a
 Mohr’s circle – method of solving to  Latent heat – amount of energy company is said to have ______.
eliminate stress; uses graphical absorbed or released during phase  April 17, 2004 – RA 9292 was
representation in determining stresses change process signed and approved by PGMA
 Relaxation stress – when the load  Depletion cost – reduction value of  May 27, 2004 – effectivity of RA
stress is removed and the strain remain certain natural resources 9292
 Van de Graaf – accelerator of  0.52 – packing factor of body  Simple legally binding contract –
electrons centered cubic crystalline structure consist of an offer, acceptance and
 Boltzman constant – ratio of  0.74 - packing factor of hexagonal consideration
universal gas constant to avogadros closed-packed cubic crystalline structure  2260 kJ/kg – latent heat of
number  8 – coordination number of simple vaporization of water under atmospheric
 Thermionic emission – electrons cubic pressure
are boiled  12 – coordination number of face  335 kJ/kg – latent heat of fusion of
 Consequential – damage not centered cubic water
included in the contract  lanthanides – found at the 7th  carnot engine – uses isothermal
 Phosphorescence – delayed period of the periodic table between and adiabatic process
fluorescence Lanthanium and Halfnium  vestibule school – type of training
 Bond angle – angle made by the  Actinides – found at the 6th period wherein the trainer . . .
lines joining the nuclei of the atoms in  EO 205 – CATV in the Philippines  Institute of Electronics Engineers of
the molecule  Non-Bravais Lattice – lattice that the Philippines Incorporated –
 Valence electron-pair repulsion display the atoms in the crystal accredited professional organization for
Theory – best arrange of a given  IMT 2000 – general agreement for electronics engineer stated under
number of shared and unshared 3G, designated by ITU section 3 of Rule 1 of IRR of RA9292
electron is one that minimizes the  V.90 – 56 kbps digital transmission  EO467 – signed by president
repulsion among them of telephone lines Ramos in march 1998; operation and
 Miscible – liquids that can be mixed  Line defect – common crystal used of international satellite
 Osmosis – semi-permeable defect  EO 469 – National Information
membrane  RBE dose is expressed as: Technology Council (NITC) was created
 Beat – produced by superposition rems( roentgen equivalent man) and reb  100 Million – minimum paid up
of two sound wave of different frequency (roentgen equivalent biological) capital or applicants of 3G
 Resolving power – ability to  Roentgen per hour – unit used in  300 Million – performance bond to
produced separate images of nearby measuring the dosage of x-radiation in be posted by applicants for assignment
images x-ray of 3G radio frequency bands
 Quality – depends on the omplexity  Inadequate control – when there is  8 VA/sq. m. – unit load for rooms
of the wave an unexplained decline in revenues and and buildings
 Heat of fusion – the amount of heat profits of a company the engineer  16 VA/sq. m. – general lightning for
needed to turn 1 kg of the substance at manager is said to have _______. hospital
 under RA 9292 electronics  4000 pesos – penalty for violating  P300M – min bond for frequency
technician may apply for registration RA 3846 assignment on 3G
without examination within 5 years after  lux – lumen/square meter  P100M – min bond for application
the effectivity of this republic act  PD 1986 – MTRCB on 3G
 1 is to 10 ratio – the ratio of forward  Schottkey defect – neutral defect of  1MT – 2000 – 3G
to reverse resistance of a good ionic lattices with 2 vacancy  1000 subscribers – 1G
semiconductor diode  1G – 50 radio station, can service  3000 – 20000 subscribers – 2G
 1200 pesos per year – permit fee 1000 subscriber  Herzberg’s 2-factor Theorem –
of MDSCP or MPDP  2G – 3,000-20,000 subscriber per employees are either satisfied or not
 5000 pesos per year – fine for cellsite satisfied
unauthorized servicing of mobile  monossacharide – C6H12O6  10 -14 m – diameter of an atom
telephone  remanence – similar retentivity  P300 – annual inspection for CATV
 1 million and 6 years in jail –  2% - decrease the drop call rate head-end
maximum penalty for RA 9292 until __% is achieve  P900 – application
 automatic Teller Machine (ATM) –  IFTS – instruction Television Fix  RA 9292 – Aug 27, 2004?
not classified as CCPE by NTC Service  2006 – FCC phases out Analog
 4% - CMTS operators must  Galvanic cell – fuel cell produce  Dislocation – in crystal, di
increase the grade of service by 1% uninterrupted power magkakadikit na mga atom
every 2 years until __% is achieved.  Metal Matrix Composites – fibers
 Anions – larger than their parent  5 yrs – residency, qualification for
atom SOPER EXTRA GEAS ECE board member
 Cation – smaller than their parent  10 yrs – in practice, qualification for
atom  Acutal Mechanical Advantage - ECE board member
 Zinc – hexagonal body centered Fout / Fin  6yrs imprisonment/ P1M – max fine
cubic  1 - Compressibility Constant for a sa paglabag ng RA 9292
 Chromium – Body centered cubic perfect gas  modulus of rigidity – shear modulus
 Copper – face centered cubic  pH – power of hydrogen ion  ductility – ability of a material to
 Greenish yellow – chlorine  Curie Temperature – max temp resist elastic deformation
 Maslow hierarchy of needs: bago mawala ung magnetic property  design service – planning
physical, social, security, self-  EO 109 – regulation of local  engineering consultation – advice
actualization and self-esteem exchange carrier  construction and installation –
 7 years – to file as professional  EO 52 – interconnection of local installation assembly
ECE exchange carrier  inspection – investigation
 RA 3846 – radio telephony  P500 – per hour, min charge of  maintenance – fixing
 Mendeleev – author of periodic ECE as witness in court  operations – running
table  P1000 – per appearance, min  acceptance – accepted standards
 Viscosity – internal friction of fluids charge of ECE as witness in court  gamma rays – highest energy
 zinc –alloying element in copper
 8 – atomic number of oxygen  6th Group – 32 elements 2006- when analog phased out
 Nichrome – Nickel with 20% - 40%  annealed copper wire – 102.1% Zinc- used in copper; hexagonal packed
chromium  annealed silver wire – 108.8% 0.74- FCC packing factor
 Constantan – Nickel with 40% -  emission – radiation 0.52- simple structure packing factor
80% copper  emission, fluid – convection Annealed copper- conductivity is
 Spin quantum number – spin  Poisson’s ratio – ratio of transverse 102.1%
angular momentum of electron strain to axial strain - 0.00393/ degree C
 Magnetic quantum number – - 234.5 C (absolute)
 Flourine – most electronegative
angular momentum of electron at 108.8%- Silver conductivity
 Left and right center gap of periodic
specific direction or position 72.6%- Gold conductivity
table –
 Orbital quantum number – angular 63%-Aluminum conductivity
 Transition Metals - Center gap of 8- BCC coordination number
momentum of electron in orbit periodic table 12- FCC coordination number
 32 lbs – one pound-mole  Rare Earth – Lanthanide Chromium- BCC
 9.107 x 10-28 – weight of electron  Iodine – bluish-black in color, Principal Quantum Number- energy
 1.623 x 10-24 – weight of proton purple when vaporized Magnetic Quantum Number- direction
 1.625 x 10-24 – weight of neutron  Chlorine – Greenish-Yellow Gas Azimuthal/Orbital Quantum Number –
 1.601 x 10-19 – charge of proton  Electron Affinity – tendency to magnitude
 -1.601 x 10-19 – charge of electron attract electrons Spin Quantum Number- spin =)
 2 up quarks and 1 down quark –  Negatron – negative charged Secant Modulus- non linear
proton electron Linear- low temperature
 1 up quark and 2 down quarks – Aptitude test- psychological test for
Neutron GEAS COACHING applis
 Baryon – proton and neutron 0- completely inelastic
 Lepton – composed of an electron, Acid test ratio-measure of assets and 1- completely elastic
an mu particle and neutrino liabilities Coeff. Of restitution- after collision/
 Meson – Greenhouse effect- infrared before collision
 12 – coordination number of FCC Geturn of invetment-net income/owner’s 10^-14 – atom
 8 – coordination number of BCC equity 10^-15 to 10^-16- nucleus
 0.74 – packing factor of FCC Einstein- matter can be converted to 9.1 exp -28=mass of electron
 0.52 – packing factor of Simple energy 1.675 exp -24= mass of neutron
Cubic Mechanical to heat- 100% 1.672 exp -24=mass of proton
 Zinc – hexagonal crystal structure Heat to mechanical- Depends on the 1839-mass of neutrons vs electrons
absorption 1836- mass of protons vs electrons
 1st Group – 2 elements
Shear modulus- rigidity
 2nd Group – 8 elements
Pa- SI unit of pressure
 3rd Group – 8 elements 5 drawing specifications- to be passed
J/s – watts
 4th Group – 18 elements AM min. carrier – 1 kw by the engr.
 5th Group – 18 elements AM max carrier- 50 kw Contract= offer, acceptance, condition
Mesons- 1 mu Period 3 -8 elements Rbe- rem and rebs
Negatron- negative neutron Period 4- 18 elements Extrinsic reward- money, recognition
Nucleons- consist of neutrons and Period 5- 18 elements Maslow hierarchical needs- 5 basic
protons Period 6 - 32 elements; lanthanides- needs
Creep – permanent strain thru time rare earth Herzberg’s principle-satisfied and
3G- 144 kbps Period 7- actinides = reactive dissatisfied employee
- 100 Million starting capital Metalloids- 4 valence Delegation of authority- distribution of
- 300 Million- freq assignment Oxygen- atomic number 8 duty
Aluminum- most abundant element in Unit cost- not overall
- ITMS 2000 nature 9pm to 7am- cannot send
100,000- capital for mobile servicing Ductility- ultimate failure/ yield strength broadcast/push message
Nichrome- highest resistivity Eureka- constant resistance managerial recruiting basis- current
50 by 100 cm- sign board Flourine- most electronegative employee, recruitment agency,
2128 khz- distress signal for telephony Monosaccharide- C6H12O6 competitor
121.5 Mhz- distress signal for 14C6- 6 protons 6 electrons 8 neutrons managerial training- in basket,
aeronautical Hardened steel- used in permanent management games, case study
72.5 to 76 Mhz- frequency not used for magnets vestibule schooling- actual training
broadband Mendeleev- periodic table situation
450- to 470 Mhz- for fixed nomadic Curie Temperature- beyond this,object Actual mechanical advantage-output
mobile will not be magnetized force over input force
50 to 54 Mhz- 6 meter distance Iodine- black Ideal mechanical advantage-input
4%- NTC for GOS from 1% Combustion- burned completely distance over output distance
2%- NTC for DPR Chlorine- yellowish Neutron-1 up 2 down quarks
900- construction for head end Charcoal- dissolve materials Proton- 2 up 1 down quark
300- instruction fee for head end Specific gravity= relative density Lithium- 3 protons in the nucleus
3000-license fee from head end Weight density- weight/ volume Practice of 10 years- board member
5000-penalty for unauthorized mobile Viscosity- friction in fluid application
servicing Gravity- conservative 5 year residence- board member
4000- penalty for violating radio comm. Friction- non conservative application
Law Dissipative forces - non conservative Chlorine-anti bacteria
Charles’ law- V is proportional to T Alkali- group1 ; softest; reactive thus it Ground state- low energy level
Plymer- poly=many meros=part must be protected from water….etc.. Photon- from high energy level to low
Thermodynamics- P, V, T Alkaline- group2 True for all ideal gas- molecules can be
Work= KE + PE= work-energy theorem Noble- group 8 ; stable elements broken down to small particles
Electrostatics- motions at rest Varignon- coplanar Electron pair- 2 e
Potential- due to position Angular momentum- product moment of Piston- carnot engine
Inertia- due to mass inertia and angular speed Carnot- adiabatic and isothermal
Ceramic- metal + non metal Unit cell- crystalline Cycle- start and end are same
Period 1 - 2 elements Nichrome- 15 10 20% chromium Process- undergo series of changes
Period 2 -8 elements
Rotational equilibrium- 0 torque 500- less than court per hour Primetime of FM – 6:00am to 8:00pm
Stationary orbit- single electron 1000- court appearance
Water vapor- humidity V.90- 56 kbps Maximum transmitter power for AM –
15 years- authority of NTC in CATV 2.048 Mbps- ICT 50kW
6th month- new base station
Positive of hydrogen ion-ph Class B FM – 500ft height of tower
1-6 =acid
7- neutral Channel 7-13 – not greater than 1000
8-13 – basic h/4Π
Transition element-central gap Decision making- heart of the….. Field emission – strip of electrons in metal
Left and right from the central gap- main Constantan 40% 60%
group Copper- Secondary emission – bombardment
92- fundamental elements Leptons- electrons and protons???
Group number- nuclear charge Baryons- heavy particle: Proton and Photoelectric emission – light of radiation
Period- the number electrons in the Neutron?
filled orbital Pendulum- (length?) Thermionic emission – boiling constant
Poise- 1 dyne-sec/cm2 Baye’ scriterion high temperature
Latent heat of vaporization- 2260 kJ/kg Open System
Latent heat of fusion- 335kJ/kg Close system Thomas Edison – discovered thermionic
1 slug- 14.6 kg Melting point emission
1 lb-4.45 N Fusion
8% of cost but not less than 6000- Heat capacity Chadwick – discovered neutron
Group2 Heat of vaporization
6% of cost but not less than 3000-group Latent effects Spectroscope – measure the light using
3 Yield strength- prism and lenses
Work function-
RA 9292 Non bravais Lattice Binaural effect – sound receive by the ear
Rule 1-Rules and regulations Space lattice at different time
Rule 2-Board of Electronics Line spectrum
Rule 3- Exam, registration and licensure Line defect- Doppler effect – frequency received when
EO 109- local exchange carrier the source is moving
EO 52- interconnection of telecom Democritus – matter can be broken into
RA 8792- E commerce smaller particles, atoms (which is Phosphorescence – delay time needed to
RA 436- Cable TV indivisible) return back the light to original state after
RA 467- Fidel Ramos; communication emission
satellite Daytime of AM – 2200 to 1000 UTC
EO 205- CATV 1500php – minimum payment retainer’s
RA 3846- radio communication Nighttime of AM – 1000 to 2000 UTC fee for electronics engineer consultant
RA 469-
Maximum transmitting power in metro Condensation – change of state from gas LEAF ELECTROSCOPE-electrostatic
Cebu – 1000kW to liquid phenomena
ELECTRIFICATION- close association
Refraction – bending occurs when the Sublimation – change of state ff\rom solid FLOATATION- less dense is poured off
propagation velocity is change to gas LOUDNESS- magnitude
MUSICAL TONE- series of succession
Huygen’s principle – when a ray of light hit Steel – alloy of ironand carbon where and rarefaction
a sharp curve, the wavelets move the carbon exceed 2% CONDENSATION- gas to liquid
same direction EO 109 -local exchange carrier
Cohesion – attraction between like 15 MINUTES- commercial in radio station
Miscibility – ability of metals to combine molecules ADHESION-unlike charge
COHESION-like charge
Aqueous – when the substance in the Adhesion – attraction between unlike SUBLIMATION-solid to gas
process of combination results the water molecules BROWNIAN MOVEMENT-movement of
in liquid form small particles
Cryogenics – branch of physics that deals OXYGEN-most abundant element on
Hard water – water whose contain with low temperature earth
dissolve salts ALIMINUM- most abundant element
INNOMINATE TERM-serious/ not serious BLACK BODY-absorber of all radiation
Group of families in periodic table DIFFRACTION- obstacle AZAMAT’S RULE-volume
IA – Alkali metals P 1500 – retainer’s fee DEMOCRITUS-matter si subdivided to
IIA – Alkaline earth metals CH 7 to 13- 1000KW (cebu and metro small…
IIIA – Boron Metals mla.) PHOTOELECTRIC-due to light
IVA – Carbon family LEAD –xray 8792- E commerce
VA – Nitrogen Family ISOTHERMAL-gas expands w/o change URANIUM- highest atomic number among
VIA – Oxygen Family in temperature the choices
VIIA – Halogen family 500 ft- antenna height In STEEL- carbon is less than 2%
OSMOSIS- semi permeable membrane 1000-2000-night time in UTC
Sound Intensity – logarithm of the ratio of INTENSITY LEVEL- logarithm 2200-1000- daytime in UTC
intensity over common reference RA 9292- AUG. 31, 2007 RATE OF DISCOUNT-interest/amt.
AUDIO- 20 – 2000 cycles/sec. borrowed
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure ECHO- sound repetition HARD WATER-dissolved salt
Pt = P1 + P2 + P3…+Pn DALTON- partial pressure 1ST IONIZATION- minimum amt. to strip
120 V- center=0, 60 V and -60 V an electron
Gay-lussac Law – P=kT BOLTZMANN’S CONSTANT- ratio of R METALLIC BOND- + ion in sea of
Where P – pressure in Pa over avogadro’s number electrons
T – temp. in Kelvin SCIENTIFIC THEORY-summary of THIN ALIMINUM-thin film
observation FLOURESCENCE-absorb and emit
between 2plates DISPERSION-
DEPLETION COST-due to maintenance T’X 326.25 to 326.475 Mhz cordless
cost R’X 210
6.25%-authorized payment of corporation MASS DEFECT-
electrostatic field FUNNICULAR-
P=kt – Gay lusaacs law STOICHIOMETRY-
greater critical angle ASTIGMATISM-
RELAXATION- Reducing stress TRITIUM-
2 alkaline earth TORT-
4 carbon CONDITION-
6 oxygen/chalcogen CONSEQUENTIAL-
7 halogen
8 noble/inert


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