Homeopathy Answer Key

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Homeopathy is a natural alternative medical treatment that believes illnesses are caused by imbalances in the body and can be treated with highly diluted substances that produce similar symptoms to the illness in healthy people. However, there is debate around its effectiveness and safety.

Homeopathy originated in the late 18th century and is based on the principles of 'like cures like' and that remedies are made more potent through successive dilutions and succussions. It aims to restore the body's natural balance.

Homeopathic remedies are made by diluting a natural substance in ethanol or water and succussing it repeatedly to transfer the properties of the original substance to the solution. Further dilutions increase the potency of the remedy.

The Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL) Assessment


In the CAEL Assessment, you will be asked to do the things you would be expected to do in a
university course. You will listen to a university lecture and take notes on a topic. You will read
articles which provide you with additional information about the topic and answer questions
about them. Finally, you will be asked to write a response to a question about the topic using
information from the readings and the lecture.


Time Task Points

25 minutes Reading 1 25 points

25 minutes Listening 35 points
25 minutes Reading 2 25 points
45 minutes Writing Level placement

Total time: 2 hours

All of the information in this test relates to the topic of Homeopathy. You will need information
from the readings and the lecture to complete the writing task. You will be writing an essay
agreeing or disagreeing with the following:

Homeopathy is a valid medical treatment and should be regulated by the government.

Reading 1: Homeopathy – A Safe and Effective Natural Alternative (25 minutes/25 points)

Read the questions first and then look for the information in the article. You do not need to write
in complete sentences.

1. Does the reading favour homeopathy as a medical treatment? Circle one. Skill: P 1

2. Where would you find the answers to the following questions in the text? Match the
number of the section with the information. One has been done for you
(2) Skill: P 3, U 17
½ point for each correct answer

__5____ What is the role of the homeopath?

__4___ How should homeopathic remedies be stored at home?
__1___ What are the origins of homeopathic medicine?
__6___ What research is there on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies?
__3____ What is the procedure for making a homeopathic remedy?

3. In the first paragraph of the reading, what evidence does the author use to show the
popularity of homeopathy?
Skill: U 14
One of:

• The leading alternative medicine used by Europeans

• In India over 100 million people depend solely on homeopathic medicine
• Widely-used in the United States or Canada or Mexico or Pakistan or Russia

4. Using section 1, complete the chart with information about homeopathy. Skill: S 22


Cause of human illnesses Disorder in body and mind

Disturbs the body’s natural balance

Types of symptoms • Emotional

• Mental
• Physical

Treatment Natural remedies made from plants, animals or minerals

½ point = plants, animals or minerals

Purpose of homeopathy To restore the body to homeostasis OR a healthy balance


Differences from Homeopathy: Conventional western medicines:

conventional medicine • Designed to work • Sometimes oppose the actions of
with the immune the immune system
system Example: cough medicines

• Not addictive • At times addictive

(1) (1)

5. According to the Law of Similars, why would a tiny amount of coffee be used in a remedy for
Skill: U 18

Coffee before bed often causes sleeplessness

6. Label the diagrams to show how a homeopathic remedy is prepared.
Skill: U 14


1 part: (1 point) 99 parts:

Original natural ethanol (1 point) Shaken (1 point)
substance and
water (1 point)


DYNAMIZATION: Increase in potency (1 point)

7. What does the author say the process of succession has done to create a therapeutically
active medicine? Skill: U 14

Caused the transfer of the properties of the original natural substance to the surrounding
water mixture.

8. List two examples of food or drink that a person should not consume when using a
homeopathic remedy.
Skill: I 6
Any two of:
Mint ice cream
Caffeinated sodas
Drinks containing stimulants

Ice cream = 0 points

9. Why will prescription of a homeopathic remedy usually take longer than prescription of a
drug from a conventional medical doctor?
Skill: I 9
Homeopath’s task is to identify each patient’s unique symptom profile (taking into account
a variety of factors).
Homeopaths (conduct extensive interviews with patients to) find out about external and
internal factors that may contribute to the patient’s symptoms.
½ point = Homeopaths conduct extensive interviews

10. What are the steps in a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)?

(2) Skill: I 10, U 14

Participants chosen by chance

Divided into two groups
One group receives medication being tested
Other group receives a placebo

11. According to the text, what have been the results of Randomized Controlled Trials? Check
(√) the best answer.
(1) Skill: S 20
_____ The findings fully endorse homeopathy
_____ The findings fully disprove homeopathy
___√__The findings neither fully endorse nor fully disprove homeopathy

12. Give two reasons from the reading for RCTs not being entirely suitable for evaluating
homeopathic treatment.
Two of: Skill: I 9
• Homeopathic treatment customized to the individual patient
• Many factors taken into consideration in homeopathy
• “One drug fits all patients” approach less applicable
• Collection of patients’ own reports on health after treatment is more appropriate
• Patients’ own reports reflect the experiences of real patients
• Homeopathic patients often have a complexity of medical problems
• Patients’ own reports include a broader variety of people
• Patients such as elderly or pregnant women not eligible for participation in an RCT

Listening 20 minutes/35 points

During this part of the test you will hear a lecture about Homeopathy. The lecture will be
played only once. You must answer the questions while you are listening to the lecture. The
questions follow the sequence of the lecture. Do not stop to rewrite your answers during the
listening. At the end of the lecture, you will have 5 minutes to go over your answers. Take 3
minutes now to read over the questions before listening to the lecture.


1. What is the focus of the lecture? Skill: I 2

Regulation of homeopathy

2. How have some critics described homeopathy? Check (√) all that you hear.
Skill: I 8
__√___ Quackery ______ Genuine
______ Science ______ Real
__√___ Pseudoscience __√___ Trickery
__√___ A cruel deception __√___ Bogus
______ Legitimate __√___ A scam

3. What do citizens believe when a government makes regulations for a profession or

(1) Skill: U 15
Can be trusted OR trustworthy OR credible

4. Complete the chart to show the division of responsibilities for health care in Canada.
(3) Skill: S 21

Responsibility for Health Care Laws in Canada

Federal (National) Government Provincial and Territorial (Local) Governments

Establishes laws/regulations on health issues Safeguard health locally

for entire Canadian population.
• Hospitals (1 point)
• Dangerous products • Healthcare supervision
• Food and Drugs (1 point) • Healthcare programs
(½ point for food or drugs) • Professional regulations (1 point)
• Inspections ½ point for professional or regulations

5. When did the Canadian Natural Health Care Products Regulations become effective?
January 1, 2004
Skill: I 4
½ point = 2004
0 point = January 1

6. Take notes on the lecturer’s main points about the Canadian Natural Health Care Product
Regulations for homeopathic remedies.
Skill: U 10

Any five of:

• Regulations include/cover homeopathic remedies
• Are not drugs
• Canadian government does not recognize homeopathic remedies as drugs
• Must be safe to be sold as over-the-counter products
• No prescription from a medical doctor needed
• Safety guaranteed by inclusion in CNHCP
• Are subject to a pre-market review (before they may be sold)
• Remedy issued a licence with a Homeopathic Medicine Number/DIN-HM (as proof
government has authorized it for sale)

7. What does the lecturer say is the meaning of efficacy?
Skill: U 16

Does it work?
Does it do what it says it will do?

8. What is the difference between the educational qualifications of people practising

homeopathy in Manitoba and Ontario?
Skill: U 17

Manitoba: have medical degrees

Ontario: do not have medical degrees

9. List examples of the standards established by the creation of regulations for a profession.
(2) Skill: I 6

• Keeping up-to-date on new research

• Educational qualifications
• Rules for what can or cannot be done in the profession
• Methods of dealing with members who break the rules

10. Complete the chart with details about the Ontario Homeopathy Act.
(6) Skill: S 21

Provisions of the Ontario Homeopathy Act

Year enacted 2007
Established College of Homeopaths

Purpose of College • To recognize homeopaths as professionals

• To govern the profession
• To ensure: the public is protected
• To register homeopaths
• To ensure homeopaths are: trained and qualified
Restrictions on • Cannot perform: restricted medical acts OR medical acts by
Homeopaths trained medical doctors
Patients • Can access: a list of registered homeopaths
• Will have somewhere to: complain

11. What were two purposes of the Professional Syndicate of Homeopaths of Quebec (the
(2) Skill: U 15
Two of:
• legal protection
• rules
• ethics code
• 1500-hour training program

12. Why were medical doctors in Quebec opposed to the homeopaths in the SPHQ?
No medical degrees Skill: U 17

13. Who may practice homeopathy legally in Quebec today?
Only medical doctors

14. Who offers educational programs for homeopaths in Canada? Check (√) one.
_____ universities Skill: U 11
_____ public colleges
__√__ private colleges
_____ public schools

15. What is the lecturer’s opinion about homeopathic education currently offered in Canada?
• Some programs not good quality Skill: U 12

16. What does the lecturer want you to think about?

(1) Skill: I 5
• Who should be allowed to be a homeopath?

• Should homeopathy be regulated?


Reading 2: Homeopathic “Medicine” (25 minutes/25 points)

Read the questions first and then look for the information in the article. You do not need to
write in complete sentences.

1. Where would you find this reading. Check (√) one.

(1) Skill: I 5
_____ textbook
__√__ magazine
_____ academic journal
_____ novel

2. What is the purpose of the article? Check (√) the best answer.
Skill: P 1
_____ To give examples of people who use homeopathic remedies
_____ To encourage the use of homeopathic remedies
__√__ To urge more research on homeopathic remedies

3. In the second paragraph, how does the text define the “placebo effect”?
(1) Skill: U 12
A mental belief that the remedy would make her better

4. Give an example from the text of each type of ingredient used in homeopathic remedies.
Skill: I 6
Plant: Onion or marigold or daisy or deadly nightshade

Animal: Snake venom

Mineral: Copper or graphite

5. Why do people not have side effects from homeopathic remedies made from toxic
Skill: U 14
Remedies are so diluted that they carry virtually no trace of the original substance.

6. Complete the flow chart about the concept of “molecular memory”.
(2) Skill: S 22

Water Change in Water had a memory of

→ →
+ structure of water original active ingredient
substance (1 point) (1 point)

Beneficial effect on patient

7. What are two criticisms of the concept of “molecular memory”? Skill: S 19

• Not in accordance with science
• Experiments that claim to have demonstrated the memory of water have not been

8. What did a Swiss-British team of researchers conclude about homeopathic remedies?

Skill: U 17
There was weak evidence for any specific effects
Not effective beyond were placebo effects

9. Complete the chart showing the arguments for and against using Randomized Controlled
Tests for homeopathic remedies.
Skill: S 22

Randomized Controlled Tests:

Arguments for and Against Their Use in Testing Homeopathic Remedies

For the use of RCTs on homeopathic remedies Against the use of RCTs on homeopathic
• Are a scientific way of evaluating the • Not suitable
effectiveness of new medications
• Better evaluation of homeopathic
• Use the same procedures and
treatment from:
circumstances each time
Interviews and reports from patients
• Quantitative
• Comparative
• Controlled

10. What may be the causes of patient satisfaction after treatment by a homeopath?
Skill: I 9
• a long and empathetic consultation with a homeopath
• the patient having the kind of illness that would clear up on its own.

11. Complete the chart to show the potential dangers of homeopathy. Skill: S 22

Potential Dangers of Homeopathy

Possible Danger Details
Culture • Encourages people to treat themselves
• Encourages reliance on homeopaths who may have no
medical qualifications
• Patients delay or do not seek proper treatment by a
medically-trained doctor
Homeopaths’ advice to • May be jeopardizing patients’ health by advising
patients against conventional medicines

Examples at 10 British homeopathic clinics:

• Telling people they need not take conventional anti-

malaria drugs if visiting high-risk parts of world.
• Recommended anti-malarial remedy that was 99.99%
water (with an almost undetectable trace of quinine)


12. Put a check (√) against the two best answers.

(2) Skill: P 4

_____ Homeopaths must be medical doctors in the E.U., U.A.E and Japan.

__√__ Homeopaths must be medical doctors in Iran.

__√__ All homeopathic remedies are classified as medical drugs in the E.U.

_____ All homeopathic remedies are classified as medical drugs in the U.S., Canada and Japan.

13. Give two specific pieces of information from this reading that you will use to write the
(2) Skill: S 24

Any two ideas/examples/explanations that are specific from the reading

0 points = generalities (e.g. “It gives me information for the body of the essay”)



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