Civil Society Advocacy Case Studies - Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago

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Civil Society Advocacy Case Studies

under the CSOs For Good Governance: Enhancing civil society’s contribution to governance and
development processes in Trinidad and Tobago (CSOs4GoodGov) project

Improving Corporate Governance in Trinidad and Tobago
Organisation(s): Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago (ECTT)
Date: 2011 to 2014
Geographic Location: Trinidad and Tobago
Partners: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

SDGs in Action:

The Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago (ECTT) The project sought to increase awareness and uptake
represents public and private sector organisations in of good corporate governance practices in Trinidad
the energy sector in Trinidad and Tobago. The ECTT and Tobago through the development and
has recognised the value of good corporate dissemination of resource tools, materials and
governance and has advocated for improved information on good corporate governance, combined
corporate governance practices in Trinidad and with capacity building on good corporate governance
Tobago. Good corporate governance is about practices to achieve the change. This project was
promoting corporate fairness, transparency and supported by the then Minister of Finance, Mr. Larry
accountability through incorporating systems, Howai, the IDB and Board Members of the ECTT who
processes and principles which ensure that an helped to improve project success through pooling of
organisation is governed in the best interest of all resources and expertise as well as championing for
stakeholders. improved corporate governance through their public
support of this project.
In 2011, with funding from the Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB), the ECTT first embarked on Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) were not initially
a project “Improving Corporate Governance in targeted under the project. However, many CSOs
Trinidad and Tobago” which aimed at improving the attended the pilot workshop and expressed the need
corporate governance practices in both private and for corporate governance training. As such, the ECTT
public interest companies within Trinidad and Tobago. sought to include CSOs in the project. Sponsored
The main objectives of this project were to: training sessions for CSOs were conducted and they
• build institutional capacity of targeted companies were the most responsive target group of the project.
to facilitate their compliance with the current and CSOs recognised the benefits from improving their
regulatory framework; corporate governance practices including increased
• strengthen corporate governance practices by collaboration with other organisations and greater
documenting and disseminating information and access to funding.
models of international best practices;
• strengthen the public’s capacity for advocacy and A comprehensive corporate governance training and
monitoring of governance practices; and sensitisation programme was also conducted across
• create training resources on corporate Trinidad and Tobago for public sector, private sector
governance standards and practices. and civil society organisations from 2012 to 2014.
Over 352 persons were trained representing 176
organisations: 56 CSOs, 77 Private Companies, 17

Private/Family Businesses and 26 State Enterprises. A and customised) on its Corporate Governance Toolkit.
sensitisation session was also conducted for the This project’s success has provided more
media. An important milestone was the development opportunities for collaboration in good governance.
of a Corporate Governance Toolkit. All training Currently, the ECTT is part of a joint project with the
materials on corporate governance standards and Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association and
practices and the toolkit are freely available online the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business which is
and were provided during training sessions. A simple being funded by the European Union on capacity
Assessment Tool was also developed where building for businesses. The ECTT is also partnering
organisations could do a self-assessment of their with organisations such as the Caribbean Corporate
current corporate governance practices. The ECTT’s Governance Institute, the Trinidad and Tobago
approach of open access to resources coupled with Transparency Institute and the Trinidad and Tobago
associated training encouraged more voluntary efforts Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative to lobby
to improve corporate governance practices amongst the Government for national legislation on corporate
many of the participating organisations in Trinidad governance.
and Tobago.
Advocacy Tips
Key Results and Impact
• Engage in collaborations with organisations
This project successfully advocated for improved
having similar interests to maximise
corporate governance in Trinidad and Tobago and led
resources and expertise for a wider impact
to key impacts, particularly the increased voluntary
and reach of advocacy actions.
adoption of good corporate governance policies,
• Implement advocacy initiatives over an
procedures and practices across various public sector,
extended period to ensure desired results
private sector and civil society organisations. It also
and impact.
paved the way for further action in promoting
• Include capacity building (e.g. training
corporate governance in Trinidad and Tobago such as
workshops) as part of the advocacy action
the development of the National Corporate
since it is effective in encouraging desired
Governance Code in 2013 and the establishment of
change in behaviour or practice of the target
the Caribbean Corporate Governance Institute in
2012. This project also significantly increased
• Secure additional funding to fully engage
awareness of good corporate governance practices
additional stakeholders for the advocacy
and standards, especially amongst the members of
the ECTT. Moreover, good corporate governance
practices were also formally recognised in the civil
society sector through the introduction of an NGO` References and Links
Award for Good Governance by the ECTT at its Annual Corporate Governance Website:
Awards Initiative.
Research Coordinator
Key Lessons Learned Contact Information
• Collaborations and partnerships with other Ms Ariane Moonsie
organisations enabled the sharing of Research Coordinator
resources, expertise and best practices. Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago
• Continuous stakeholder engagement E-mail: [email protected]
throughout the project enabled the Phone: (868) 679 4782 ext. 29
participation of new stakeholders who could Website:
benefit from the advocacy action.
• Capacity building of targeted stakeholders can
complement communication for advocacy to
achieve changes in knowledge and behaviour.

Next Steps or Opportunities

The ECTT continues its advocacy activities for good
corporate governance in Trinidad and Tobago through
its Annual Awards and training programmes (general

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