Burocracia & Racionalização e Desencantamento

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Aulas 11-14, Max Weber

Leitura complementar

* Sobre burocracia: http://media.pfeiffer.edu/lridener/DSS/Weber/WEBERW8.HTML

Weber's interest in the nature of power and authority, as well as his pervasive preoccupation with
modern trends of rationalization, led him to concern himself with the operation of modern large-scale
enterprises in the political, administrative, and economic realm. Bureaucratic coordination of activities,
he argued, is the distinctive mark of the modern era. Bureaucracies are organized according to rational
principles. Offices are ranked in a hierarchical order and their operations are characterized by
impersonal rules. Incumbents are governed by methodical allocation of areas of jurisdiction and
delimited spheres of duty. Appointments are made according to specialized qualifications rather than
ascriptive criteria. This bureaucratic coordination of the actions of large numbers of people has become
the dominant structural feature of modern forms of organization. Only through this organizational
device has large- scale planning, both for the modern state and the modern economy, become possible.
Only through it could heads of state mobilize and centralize resources of political power, which in feudal
times, for example, had been dispersed in a variety of centers. Only with its aid could economic
resources be mobilized, which lay fallow in pre-modern times. Bureaucratic organization is to Weber the
privileged instrumentality that has shaped the modern polity, the modern economy, the modern
technology. Bureaucratic types of organization are technically superior to all other forms of
administration, much as machine production is superior to handicraft methods.

Yet Weber also noted the dysfunctions of bureaucracy. Its major advantage, the calculability of
results, also makes it unwieldy and even stultifying in dealing with individual cases. Thus modern
rationalized and bureaucratized systems of law have become incapable of dealing with individual
particularities, to which earlier types of justice were well suited. The "modern judge", Weber stated in
writing on the legal system of Continental Europe, " is a vending machine into which the pleadings are
inserted together with the fee and which then disgorges the judgment together with the reasons
mechanically derived from the Code."
Weber argued that the bureaucratization of the modern world has led to its depersonalization:
[The calculability of decision-making] and with it its appropriateness for capitalism . . [is] the
more fully realized the more bureaucracy "depersonalizes" itself, i.e., the more completely it
succeeds in achieving the exclusion of love, hatred, and every purely personal, especially irrational
and incalculable, feeling from the execution of official tasks. In the place of the old-type ruler who
is moved by sympathy, favor, grace, and gratitude, modern culture requires for its sustaining
external apparatus the emotionally detached, and hence rigorously "professional" expert.
Further bureaucratization and rationalization seemed to Weber an almost inescapable fate:

Imagine the consequences of that comprehensive bureaucratization and rationalization

which already today we see approaching. Already now [...] in all economic enterprises run on
modern lines, rational calculation is manifest at every stage. By it, the performance of each
individual worker is mathematically measured, each man becomes a little cog in the machine and,
aware of this, his one preoccupation is whether he can become a bigger cog […] . It is apparent
today we are proceeding towards an evolution which resembles [the ancient kingdom of Egypt] in
every detail, except that it is built on other foundations, on technically more perfect, more
rationalized, and therefore much more mechanized foundations. The problem which besets us
now is not: how can this evolution be changed? -- for that is impossible, but: what will come of it?
Weber's views about the inescapable rationalization and bureaucratization of the world have
obvious similarities to Marx's notion of alienation. Both men agree that modern methods of
organization have tremendously increased the effectiveness and efficiency of production and
organization and have allowed an unprecedented domination of man over the world of nature. They
also agree that the new world of rationalized efficiency has turned into a monster that threatens to
dehumanize its creators. But Weber disagrees with Marx when the latter sees alienation as only a
transitional stage on the road to man's true emancipation. Weber does not believe in the future leap
from the realm of necessity into the world of freedom. Even though he would permit himself upon
occasion the hope that some charismatic leader might arise to deliver mankind from the curse of its own
creation, he thought it more probable that the future would be an "iron cage" rather than a Garden of

There is yet another respect in which Weber differed from, or rather enlarged upon, Marx. In
accord with his focus on the sphere of economic production, Marx had documented in great detail how
the capitalist industrial organization led to the expropriation of the worker from the means of
production; how the modern industrial worker, in contrast to the artisan of the handicraft era, did not
own his own tools and was hence forced to sell his labor to those who controlled him. Agreeing with
most of this analysis, Weber countered with the observation that such expropriation from the means of
work was an inescapable result of any system of rationalized and centrally coordinated production,
rather than being a consequence of capitalism as such. Such expropriation would characterize a socialist
system of production just as much as it would the capitalist form. Moreover, Weber argued, Marx's
nearly exclusive concern with the productive sphere led him to overlook the possibility that the
expropriation of the workers from the means of production was only a special case of a more general
phenomenon in modern society where scientists are expropriated from the means of research,
administrators from the means of administration, and warriors from the means of violence. He further
contended that in all relevant spheres of modern society men could no longer engage in socially
significant action unless they joined a large-scale organization in which they were allocated specific tasks
and to which they were admitted only upon condition they sacrificed their personal desires and
predilections to the impersonal goals and procedures that governed the whole.

From Coser, 1977: 230-233.


* Sobre racionalização: http://media.pfeiffer.edu/lridener/DSS/Weber/WEBERW9.HTML

Rationalization and Disenchantment

The world of modernity, Weber stressed over and over again, has been deserted by the gods. Man
has chased them away and has rationalized and made calculable and predictable what in an earlier age
had seemed governed by chance, but also by feeling, passion, and commitment, by personal appeal and
personal fealty, by grace and by the ethics of charismatic heroes.
Weber attempted to document this development in a variety of institutional areas. His studies in the
sociology of religion were meant to trace the complicated and tortuous ways in which the gradual
"rationalization of religious life" had led to the displacement of magical procedure by wertrational
systematizations of man's relation to the divine. He attempted to show how prophets with their
charismatic appeals had undermined priestly powers based on tradition; how with the emergence of
"book religion" the final systematization and rationalization of the religious sphere had set in, which
found its culmination in the Protestant Ethic.
In the sphere of law, Weber documented a similar course from a "Kadi Justiz", the personalized
dispensing of justice by wise leaders or elders, to the codified, rationalized and impersonal justice of the
modern world. He traced the development of political authority from kings endowed with hereditary
charisma and thaumaturgical powers, to cool heads of state, ruling within the strict limits of legal
prescriptions and rationally enacted law. Even so private an area of experience as music, Weber
contended, was not exempt from the rationalizing tendencies of Western society. In his writings on the
sociology of music, Weber contrasted the concise notations and the well-tempered scale of modern
music -- the rigorous standardization and coordination that governs a modern symphony or orchestra --
with the spontaneity and inventiveness of the musical systems of Asia or of non literate tribes.
In his methodological writings, as we have seen, Weber strenuously objected to any interpretation of
human history that subjected such history to an ineluctable driving force. He argued that society must
be considered as a delicate balance of multiple opposing forces, so that a war, a revolution, or even an
heroic leader might succeed in throwing the total balance in favor of a particular outcome. This is why
he almost always made his statements in probabilistic terms. Nevertheless, when it came to the trends
toward rationalization and bureaucratization of modern society, Weber tended to throw much of his
usual analytic caution to the winds and to assert that the chances were very great indeed that mankind
would in the future be imprisoned in an iron cage of its own making. In this respect, his message is thus
fundamentally at variance with that of most of his nineteenth-century forebears. He is not a prophet of
glad tidings to come but a harbinger of doom and disaster.
It would be pointless to attempt to summarize a work that is as amazing in its diversity as it is
overwhelming in its breadth. It suffices to state explicitly what must already be apparent: Weber's work
is a crucial landmark in the history of the social sciences.

There is a pre-Weberian and a post-Weberian sociology. All contemporary or near-contemporary

sociology shows the impact of his genius. Even those who cannot share his pessimistic prognosis or his
somewhat romantic beliefs in the saving grace of charismatic heroes can profit from the fruits of his
powerful analytical labors.

From Coser, 1977:233-234.

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