H1: There Is Significant Relationship Between Website Quality and The Firm Profitability
H1: There Is Significant Relationship Between Website Quality and The Firm Profitability
H1: There Is Significant Relationship Between Website Quality and The Firm Profitability
Descriptive Statistics
Model Summary
Adjusted R square = 0.001 refers to changes in website quality explain 0.1% changes of the
firm profitability.
a. Dependent Variable: I am always see the customer perception get the company more profit
b. Predictors: (Constant), The company when make trhe information about website more get a
good impact on sales and profitability, I like to experiment about website design, Im always seeking
to have customer perception, I have a thought about website design, I am ready to know about
website quality, The more information get me satisfied
Sig=0.436>5% , There's no significance relationship between website quality and the firm
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
a. Dependent Variable: I am always see the customer perception get the company more profit