The Dark Zones

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A Campaign Weekend at Warhammer World is a unique experience like no other. Each game you play is set in the rich narrative
of the Warhammer 40,000 universe allowing players to embrace the lore and immerse themselves in a vivid story. What’s more,
the outcome of your games shapes the tale being told, so your actions on the battlefield have a direct impact on where the cam-
paign goes. If you want to play fun games of Warhammer 40,000, but forge a narrative with your army and fight for your faction
in the Dark Imperium, then a Campaign Weekend is a one-of-a-kind experience not to be missed.

The Dark Zones is the next chapter in our ongoing Warhammer 40,000 campaign: The Tenebris system. Previously the forces of
Chaos tore open a warp rift in the system, however the Invaders used the remnants of the Tenebris Lumina to push back the
warp storms and partially close the tear in reality. Now the Invaders dominate the system whilst the Imperium and Chaos re-

Date: 28th-30th September 2018
Rules: Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play
Army Sizes: 1,750 points, 500 points and 3,000 points ‘Flex’.
Missions: Narrative
Number of games: Seven
Army Selection (1,750 points): Battle Forged with a maximum of three detachments. Excluding Troops and Dedicated Trans-
ports, each datasheet may be included a maximum of three times in your army. You are free to change your army roster be-
tween games.
Army Selection (500 points): Battle Forged using our unique ‘Combat Patrol’ detachment found on page 9. You are free to
change your army roster between games.
Army Selection (3,000 points): Battle Forged. See ‘Friday Night Flex Game’ on page 10 for more details.
Publications in use: All current and in-print Warhammer 40,000 Index books and Codexes, FAQs, Errata and Beta Rules from
Games Workshop and Forge World, unless their release falls on the weekend of the event. We expect you to use the most cur-
rent datasheets for your models – e.g. those found in a Codex rather than an Index if a Codex is available for your army. This
means that you may use Faction-appropriate Index datasheets that might not appear in your Codex (such as Chaplain on Bike).
Meals: Lunch is provided on Saturday and Sunday.
Dossier: Each player will receive an event exclusive dossier when they arrive. See page 12 for more details.
Other activities: Painting competitions and free entry to the Warhammer World miniatures exhibition.

Playing exciting, atmospheric games with fully painted miniatures is a big part of our events at Warhammer World. Therefore all
miniatures in your collection must be 100% Games Workshop miniatures and be fully assembled, painted and based. Each
model must fully represent how you intend to use it (including all weapons and equipment).
Furthermore, you need to contact us to let us know about any conversions or proxies you are planning on using, and provide us
with photos of the models in question where possible. Don’t worry, we fully appreciate awesome hobby skills and cool models,
but we just want to make sure everything is super clear for your opponent and no confusion can arise during games.
We will politely ask you to remove any models that don’t meet these above standards to protect everyone’s experience. If you
would like more information on Warhammer World’s model requirements then read our guide here: https://
Tenebris is a vital populated system in a sub-sector of the Ultima Segmentum on the borders of the Eastern Fringe.
Being on the very edges of Imperial space, the system is a last bastion and stronghold for Imperial forces. Its optimal
location and features make it vital in defence against encroaching enemies and a common mustering point for cru-
sades and invasions.
War in the Tenebris system began when the forces of Chaos
invaded en masse. The heretic and the daemon combined
forces and all before them were devastated in the initial
onslaught. During this time, opportunistic bands of Invaders
attacked the fringes of the Tenebris system. These rene-
gades and xenos factions made a claim on Tenebris them-
selves and all-out war had began.
It was the forces of Chaos that prevailed initially. On the
Death World of Kaladria, they manipulated the Tenebris Lu-
mina to tear open a hole in reality and a warp rift was born.
Warp energy flooded the Tenebris system and Chaos was
The next stage of the campaign saw war make its way to the
Hive World of Spyral, the Imperium’s beating heart in the
Tenebris system. Both Invaders and Chaos besieged the city
from all angles. With homes under threat, lives in the bal-
ance and resolve faltering, the Imperium had its back to the
wall; but when the Imperium was at its lowest, when cir-
cumstances were most dire, they found their faith. Like Bo-
ralis before, Spyral held. The Imperium pushed back their
enemies and remained standing.
Amongst the carnage and bloodshed, the Tenebris Lumina awoke once more. In the north-western areas of the
planet, areas entirely turned to Chaos, strange psychic energy began to manifest. Each faction fought their way to
these nexus points with the hope of using them to once again manipulate the Tenebris Lumina to their own means.
It was the Invaders that were successful overall. The psykers amongst them used the Lumina’s energy, and like mag-
nets with opposing polarities, the warp storms and immaterial energy was driven back. This psychic upheaval closed
the warp rift to near insignificant levels and balanced the system once again.

With their objectives completed, the Invaders went
separate ways. The bloodthirsty ones—renegades,
Tyranids and Orks in particular—continued the war.
They challenged all before them and reaved their
way through Tenebris unchecked. Other elements
of the Invaders retreated to their strongholds on
the fringes of the system. They had righted the bal-
ance by closing the warp rift, but now had neither
the want nor the wherewithal to conquer Tenebris
whole. They would lie in wait to see how things
played out.
The forces of Chaos, reeling from the events that took place, retreated. Some went back to the warp to answer to
their masters. Others began fighting amongst themselves as the anger and blame began to flow. More still went un-
derground using the cover of various cults and heretical networks to mask their movements. They would not give up
on Tenebris yet as they had made gains early on in the war. Now, however, they would need to show patience and
For the Imperium, it was bittersweet. On one hand they had
secured Spyral—their seat of power within the Tenebris Sys-
tem—as well as the warp storms receding forcing Chaos
back. On the other hand, they were losing the larger parts of
Tenebris and their overall strategy was failing. A change of
plan was needed, and the Imperium chose strength over
weakness. Those that had been strong and pious were wel-
come. Those that had been weak, who had failed in their
duties, were not. As decreed by the Adeptus Ministorum,
many were expelled or barred access to the Imperium’s re-
maining territories. They were sent off as forlorn task forces,
vain hopes of reclaiming parts of the system, but ultimately a
callous method of ridding the Imperium of those perceived
as weak. Some sailed straight into the warp rift, some into
the clutches of hive fleets. Some descended to the tombs of
the Necrons, whilst others assaulted Aeldari Craftworlds. For
those that began such sorrowful missions, nothing was heard
of again.


With the warp storms receded, the Imperium was once again able to communicate fully out-system. Their immedi-
ate message though was not one of defeat. They did not seek aid, reinforcements or relief. All astropathic communi-
cation spoke of one theme—faith. Led by the Ecclesiarchy, the Imperium declared Tenebris a holy bastion of His
light. They spoke of all the miraculous events that occurred in Tenebris - a very small percentage of which were ac-
tually true. Boralis and Spyral– cities that held against all the odds– were beacons of faith and deliverance from the
evils of the galaxy. All of His faithful servants that made the pilgrimage to those lands would be welcomed, for under
His protection, victory was assured.
The Ecclesiarchy claimed it was the Emperor him-
self that had driven back Chaos, dissipated the
warp storms and closed the warp rift. At the sight
of His power, the Invaders had fled to their holes
lest they be next. This was of course a complete
fabrication, but the Imperium did not need the
truth. They needed word to spread. Interstellar
traffic confirmed the reports. Traders, cargo haul-
ers and military vessels spoke of the defiant stand
of the Imperium in key cities and the miraculous
events that had occurred. Word soon spread to
nearby systems that Tenebris was a fortress of
faith. The Adeptus Ministorum capitalised on this
and declared Tenebris a sight of holy pilgrimage—
all true faithful servants of the Emperor must an-
swer the call. Come to the Tenebris system, fight
His enemies and bask in His holy light.
Set 3 years after the events of Warzone Spyral, Tenebris has changed considerably. Millions have answered the Ec-
clesiarchy’s call already, flooding the system with firebrand zealotry. Spaceports and transport networks around the
hubs of Boralis and Spyral are overwhelmed. Imperial citizens queue for days, sometimes weeks, just to be pro-
cessed by border arbites. Hastily erected space stations and docking points hold the new arrivals, and societies and
economies have already grown in the limbo between the travel to Tenebris and setting foot on its holy soil.
Once a citizen of the Imperium makes it to processing, they are vetted to the extreme. What is their grasp of the
Imperial Cult? Can they recite particular verses of the Lectitio Divinitatus? What was Cardinal Grindol’s second ad-
dress to the citizens of Boralis? A citizen is then graded at this stage, and little do they know, their very future decid-
Post-processing, some are welcomed into Tenebris. Their pilgrimage can now begin properly and many embrace the
fervent zealotry of it all, for worship and wonder is now their way of life. Others are not so lucky. Moved from one
ship to another, they are conscripted into forlorn task forces. Some are lucky enough to be given a lasgun—perhaps
those that can recite a verse or two from the Lectitio Divinitatus—whilst others have naught but the clothes on
their back. These task forces are amassed to do the Emperor’s work and sent to reclaim Boralis from its enemies.
It is into the Dark Zones they go. The Dark Zones are areas once held by the Imperium, but they were given up in
the early stages of the war. All contact has ceased, and any areas that somehow stand defiant are entirely cut off.
These areas are now firmly in the hands of the Invaders. They are territories fraught with danger where only the
strong survive.
Goralchis, once an agri-world to the galactic north-east of the system, is now a barren wasteland of death. Forces
fighting for the Blood God have been at war with the Orks ever since the war for Spyral ended, and three years of
bloodshed has changed all. Amongst the Beast’s broken bastions of scrap and the Blood God’s mountain of skulls,
the lands are nothing but a battlefield.
Further horrors are to be found in the hive city
of Vordana Prime. The city had been overrun
by Tyranids during the early stages of the war,
and now the xenos menace is awaiting further
reinforcements from the deep. The brave few
that venture into the city must stalk their way
through the ruins lest they be consumed by the
Out in the wastelands in the southern hemi-
sphere of Vordana, it is a different story entire-
ly. Entire towns have become deserted, and in
some cases whole populations have disap-
peared. Some say they migrated to the cities
for protection, whilst others tell of jagged black
ships descending from the skies to take them
Our tale begins in this chain of events. Each
Warlord finds themselves in these Dark Zones.
They might be fighting for their survival, trying
to liberate it, or revelling in the carnage around
them. Each section of the Dark Zones holds a
different horror to confront, so be prepared to
adapt, for even the battlefield could be an ene-
my. Expect the unexpected – war in the Tene-
bris System has changed once again.
At this campaign players will be thrust into the Dark Zones. The Dark Zones are deep in Invader territory, the fringe areas of the
system captured by xenos and renegades in the early stages of the campaign. You might battle through Tyranid infested cities,
take on your enemies in eldritch ruins, fight through the influences of strange temples and more. This means each table you
play on will have its own theme and narrative, creating an exciting layer to your games!

The Dark Zones play an important part in the theme of the weekend, therefore we encourage all players to embrace this. Feel
free to bring along some suitable models outside of your usual faction to represent the Dark Zones’ inhabitants. These will have
uses throughout the weekend—but we aren’t revealing all just yet!

We recommend bringing along a unit of no more than 200 points (or multiple such units—just don’t go over 200 points for
each). The units don’t have to be from a different Alliance to your own (Orks have no problem attacking even their own kind,
let alone rival Xenos!), we just ask that they are narratively separate from your regular army and would have no qualms attack-
ing you or your opponent! If you don’t have such models, don’t worry, it won’t stop you taking part in the campaign.

To further support this, we will hold a special Legends competition that you can enter suitable Dark Zone units into. See
‘Loremaster of Legend’ on page 11 for further details. We encourage creativity here, so feel free to try out new things and em-
bark on new projects. Here are a few examples:

 A band of Genestealers that ambush those who wander into their domain. Some creative modelling could see them
crawling over ruins and through pipes. The Space Hulk Genestealers are great inspiration for this.
 Converted Khorne Bloodbound miniatures to represent Khorne Berzerkers from Goralchis, three years into their war
with the Orks. Without reinforcement or resupply, they’ve long since used all ammunition, their armour is in disrepair
and their weapons crude and rusted. They now stalk the battlefield like warriors of old.
 A Trygon Prime known as ‘Vordana’s Bane’ emerging from its lair accompanied by some suitable narrative of its exploits.
Hunted by a platoon of PDF, Vordana’s Bane lured them to their doom time and time again to single handedly bring
down a district of the city.
 A unit of Craftworld Rangers who guard the edges of Aeldari territories. They hold the path to an ancient webway gate
used to reinforce the Tenebris system, and would defend such eldritch secrets with their lives.
 The local populace talk of an unseen daemon that tirelessly hunts the unfaithful and punishes them for their lack of
faith. In reality it’s a team of T’au Stealth Suits who have perfected Kauyon - patient hunters that strike unseen.
Each player is split up into one of three alliances determined by which ticket you purchase. This means you will already know
which side you will be fighting for and what your overall goal for the campaign is. These three alliances are Imperium, Chaos
and Invaders. Below is some basic information about the alliances, who makes up their ranks and why they are here. The detail
is then up to you! Players are encouraged to forge their own narratives for their army – where they’ve come from, where
they’re going, individual motivations and overall objectives.

Each alliance will have an event staff member assigned to it. This means you will get regular updates, will receive orders and
objectives, and be given important choices to make during the weekend. Can the Chaos players band together and recover
from their defeat on Spyral? Will the Imperium be resurgent with the conscripted reinforcements they receive? Can anyone
take on the Invaders in their own territory?

Players belonging to this alliance make up the resurgent members of the Imperium setting off to re-claim the fringes of Tene-
bris. The primary objective for this alliance is to liberate the Dark Zones, to defeat all before them, and spread His holy light.

Players are encouraged to think about why their army is in the Tenebris system. Perhaps they are a forlorn hope sent to the
front lines to rid Tenebris of it’s enemies. They may be an elite force of resolute warriors to lead and motivate those about
them. Further still, they may be a veteran force, still fighting to this day and yet to return to the safety of Boralis or Spyral.

Players belonging to this alliance MUST use an army that has the IMPERIUM faction keyword.

For the forces of Chaos, their task is to right the ship. Reeling from the previous events, they must re-establish their stake in
the war.

Players are encouraged to think about why their army is in Tenebris. Perhaps they have detailed knowledge of the system and
would use their networks of cults and renegades to further their efforts. Others still might be fresh reinforcements from the
warp, and although unable to undertake a full-scale invasion through the reduced warp rift, can contribute a raiding force to
the war. The final few might have been here all along. Veterans of Tenebris, they have been reaving their way for years taking
supplies by force.

Players belonging to this alliance MUST use an army that has the CHAOS faction keyword.

For this alliance, their time is now. Successful in the previous campaign, they have re-shaped the fringes of Tenebris to their
liking. The Invaders permit the Imperium and Chaos into their territories. Once their prey presents itself, the lethal strike will

Players are encouraged to think about why their army is in Tenebris. Perhaps they are bloodthirsty Xenos rampaging through
Tenebris, watchful Aeldari waiting in the shadows, or expansionist T’au seeking to spread the Greater Good. Either way, this
campaign is fought on Invader turf, and they are ready.

Players belonging to this alliance must choose an army a little differently. Any army that DOES NOT have the CHAOS or IMPERI-
UM keyword is permitted e.g. any Xenos army. Or, an army that DOES have the CHAOS or IMPERIUM keyword MAY be taken,
however they must fully embrace the rebellious and renegade nature of their alliance. For example, they could take a chapter
of Space Marines or Astra Militarum, but narratively they have gone rogue and are thus pursuing their own agenda.

To further support this, any players that choose this alliance and use a CHAOS or IMPERIUM army may NOT take any unique
characters without checking with the events team first (contact details are at the end of this pack). A unique character is any
model that has a rule in its description which reads ‘only one of this model may be included in your army’. The reason for this is
very simple – certain characters are staunchly loyal to their faction and wouldn’t turn their back on them! For example, Ro-
boute Guilliman is a famous hero of the Imperium, and it wouldn’t be appropriate for him to fight as a renegade (and would
detract from the narrative experience if he did). However, Ahriman of the Thousand Sons is often pursuing his own agenda,
thus he would have a place as a renegade away from the main invading Chaos force.
This event will use elements from both Narrative Play and Matched Play from the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. When building
your army for the event, follow the Matched Play (pg 214) and Battle-Forged (pg 240) rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook
as well as all up-to-date FAQs and Beta Rules found here:

The games themselves will be split across three different formats:

 Standard of 1,750 points with a maximum of three detachments. Excluding Troops and Dedicated Transports, each
datasheet may be included a maximum of three times in this army.
 Combat Patrol of 500 points (see ‘Combat Patrol’ later on).
 ‘Flex’ system of up to 3,000 points (see ‘Friday Night Flex Game’ later on) with no restrictions on the amount of detach-
ments or datasheets.

This means the event will consist of different types of games throughout the weekend all exploring a different angle of the Dark
Zones story. Note that each army does not have to be separate for example you are free to use models from your 500 point
Combat Patrol in your other armies.

You are allowed to change your army roster throughout the weekend. This is so players can build their armies to embrace the
narrative of the mission and the objectives at hand. For example, your forces might be tasked with assaulting an enemy position
and capturing it from them. Thus you might replace your fortifications and artillery positions with transports and fast attack.

We expect players to follow a certain code of conduct if they do change their army roster. For instance it’s not acceptable to
see what army your opponent has, then change your roster to deliberately counter them. This goes against the spirit of the

As Campaign Weekends are fully set in the narrative and lore of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, we would ask players to
approach their games in kind. There are many ways to do this:
 Consider theme and narrative for the mission at hand when selecting your army. For example, a defensive mission would
see gun lines and fortifications, whilst a rescue mission would be better suited to fast moving units, flyers and teleporting
reserves. An appropriate selection of units really helps set the scene of a battle.
 Think about the ‘rule of cool’ and how the events of your games can forge a narrative. Could your Space Marine Sergeant
make an epic charge and defeat an enemy in single combat against the odds? Could your last few Guardsman hold the
line against an incoming horde of enemies? At the end of the event these tales of heroism will go down in the annals of
history forging a narrative of fame (or infamy) to share with other hobbyists.
 Think about the tempo of the game and how the missions objectives can be achieved cinematically. A rising crescendo of
events where there’s back and forth between both players, vital combats taking place and a finale that’s close up until
the final dice roll will create a thematic and fulfilling game for all. If one player is blasted off the table in turn one, this
wouldn’t be the most satisfying narrative game.
 Embrace the flexibility of narrative play to better suit the personality of your army. An Ork Warboss might not be so
concerned with holding ground and takes greater pride in defeating enemy warlords in one-on-one combat. Therefore
the Warboss would make every effort to meet the enemy commander in battle to achieve Slay The Warlord personally.
 Play to the very end. Some of us will remember a time where we’ve snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, and it’s a
mighty tale to be told! Even if things are looking grim early into the game, sometimes some savvy decisions and lucky
dice rolls will achieve the unexpected, be it a defiant last stand or even a crafty victory.
 Have a chat with your opponent beforehand such as when talking through their army. What inspired them to create
their army and choose those particular units? Why is their army in the Tenebris system and what are they looking to
These are just a few methods of embracing the spirit of Narrative Play and we would encourage all players to consider them.
We will be using the Matched Play mission rules (pg 215) of the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and all Beta and Organised Play
rules will be in use.

The missions themselves will be based on Narrative Play and be

given to you on the day before each round. Each mission will re-
flect the story being told and will require you to adapt to the
changing circumstances of the tale. This is an exciting part of Cam-
paign Weekends as each mission is carefully selected to further
immerse players in the event. The outcome of these missions will
then impact those that follow it, so your victories will count for
you and your faction.

There will be times in the Dark Zones where a large invasion force
just isn’t suitable - you’ll need to send in elite teams to complete
special objectives. This will be the 500 point games you play dur-
ing the weekend known as Combat Patrol. They are very much
part of the Dark Zones story, albeit on a different scale, so create
your Combat Patrols just like any other army you might use this
weekend. Once again we encourage players to embrace the narra-
tive and think about what this kind of force would look like:
scouts, special forces, outriders, pickets, assassins and more.


 Two games of Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play with randomly generated opponents from opposing Alliances.
 You will need an army of no more than 500 points using our unique ‘Combat Patrol Detachment’ detailed below. You
may take this detachment once.
 Each mission will be revealed before the round begins and will reflect the story as it unfolds.
 You must still select a Warlord as normal, but do not select any relics/artefacts.
 You may not use any units with a wounds profile of more than 10. Combat Patrols are your army’s scouts and infiltra-
tors; the heavy weapons are for the main battles!
 You just get the 3 command points for being Battle-Forged, plus any others your specific army might provide.

When building your 500 point Combat Patrol, use following Detachment:
The first game of the weekend is the first landing in the Dark Zones. The Imperium and Chaos are dropping en masse, and may
encounter each other along the way. The Invaders have prepared and are fighting on their own turf. This game is very much
part of the campaign weekend, however we understand work and life gets in the way sometimes. If you can’t make it down for
this game on Friday evening, there will be a late registration Saturday morning in Bugman’s Bar.
The Friday night Flex game will be a Matched Play game of Warhammer 40,000 using our ‘Flex’ system. This is where you and
your opponent are free to set the points limit for your game to enjoy one big, epic battle over the evening to use your mighty
warlords, super-heavy vehicles and Daemon Primarchs. We recommend about 3,000 points for this game, but feel free to use
more (or less) if you wish. There are no restrictions on the number of detachments in this game, and equally the datasheet
limit of three (excluding troops and dedicated transports) is not in use. Like all Campaign Weekends though, this is to allow
players to use large armies grounded in the narrative and play an engaging battle that’s fun for all. Please bare this in mind
when building your Flex army.

If you don’t have 3,000 points worth of models but your opponent does, we encourage you to be a little flexible with the points
limit so they can use models they might not ordinarily use in a ‘regular’ game of Warhammer 40,000. After all, an invasion
battle is a desperate one of epic proportions unlike a regular Matched Play tournament game. Therefore if you have a big
points differential between armies, here are some ways you could balance things:

 Use the terrain provided to bolster one player’s army. Bastions and Fortifications could be added to an army list, and
ruins and sector mechanicus terrain could easily be repurposed to give one player some narrative rules to use. Chapter
Approved: 2017 Edition and the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook has plenty of rules for terrain features.
 For every 50 points extra one player has, the opposing player gets an additional Command Point to use during the
 Allowing one player access to stratagems and rules from Planetstrike, Stronghold Assault and Cities of Death found in
the Narrative Play section of Chapter Approved: 2017 Edition and the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook respectively. The
Firestorm rule (page 33 of Chapter Approved) and the Scorched Skies stratagem (page 35 of Chapter Approved) is one
such example.
 One player could use Ruse cards found in the Open War deck.
 The player with less points could set up the table to their liking and choose deployment zones to represent a thought-
out, defensive position they have garrisoned ready for the battle ahead, then bring back defeated units as reserves.

The Friday night Flex game gives you plenty of time to enjoy a large battle, so we encourage everyone to have a chat before-
hand and embrace the above. Even if you do have matched armies with even points, we encourage you to use some of the
above anyway to create a really interesting narrative experience and an epic game of Warhammer 40,000. The events team
will be on hand to help in this regard, to offer ideas and make suggestions if you need it, so feel free to ask one of us.
During this event we will hold two painting competitions. These competitions are there to celebrate hobbyists who have gone
the extra mile in their hobby to create some truly special models. You are eligible to enter each category once. To enter you
must have done the building and painting yourself and the models must be from the army you are using that weekend.

The first painting competition is the Legends painting competition. This is perfect for any particular models in your army you
are most proud of. Its open entry for anyone taking part in the event, and the winners are determined by player vote. The win-
ning models from each category will win a Legend award. The categories are as follows:

 Hero of Legend includes any 1 model that doesn’t have the VEHICLE or MONSTER keyword.
 Company of Legend includes any unit of 2-5 models, or 2-3 models on larger bases.
 Icon of Legend includes any model with the VEHICLE or MONSTER keyword, or any model that doesn’t fit into the above
The second competition is the Best Army competition. This is a prestigious award for hobbyists who take the time and put in
the effort to achieve a truly excellent standard of hobby consistently across their whole army. The Events Team will nominate a
shortlist of armies, and then the winner will be determined by player vote.

The Events Team may specify additional requirements during the event for any unusual or particularly large entries. If you have
any queries regarding these competitions, feel free to contact us before the event.

Campaign Weekends at Warhammer World allow players to experience Warhammer 40,000 in a unique way by embracing the
rich narrative of the universe and play their games in a story-drive setting. This can be done in a variety of ways, from simply
turning up to play narrative-driven missions with unique victory conditions and mission structure, all the way through to col-
lecting and painting an army to specifically fit with the narrative being told. In short, it’s entirely up to you how much you want
to dive in to the storyline of the weekend.

That being said, we hope everyone embraces the spirit of a Campaign Weekend in some part, and would like to reward those
that do with an award called the Loremaster of Legend to celebrate those that have gone the extra mile with their narrative.
This award will be done differently at this event as it’s an open entry competition. This will allow everyone to display the extra
effort they’ve put in. Each player may enter this competition on Saturday evening similar to the painting competitions by dis-
playing their entry in the cabinets. The winner will then be determined by player vote before the first game on Sunday morn-

The sky is the limit as to what you do so there’s plenty of room to be creative. Nonetheless, here are a few examples:

 Converting and painting unique models to represent your adversaries from the Dark Zones (see page 6). Ambushing
Genestealers, emerging Necrons, cloaked stealth-suits, the works.
 Writing an A4 page of unique background for your army that fits with the story of Tenebris, and then making it visually
exceptional such as printing it on a scroll (or whatever works as paper for your faction!)
 A display piece or prop that fits the background of your army. In the past we’ve had things like a Khorne totem, the
book of Lorgar and a hand written report signed and stamped by an Inquisitor.
 Custom objective markers and tokens that fit with the Dark Zones - perhaps Imperial relics defiled by xenos and over-
grown with Creeping Vines and Barbed Bracken.
A certain amount of common sense will be needed when creating your entries. For example a very large display board is abso-
lutely welcome but it might not fit in the cabinets, so it would have to be displayed on a table nearby. We will do our best to
accommodate your entry, so if you are thinking of something unusual, please get in contact with us via the details at the end of
this pack.

Creating unique elements in your army are brilliant ways of embracing the event and having a memento to forever signify your
heroic battles in the campaign. This is a great hobby project to embark upon, but remember it isn’t a requirement for players,
it’s entirely optional.
When you arrive at Warhammer World we will register you in the event hall on Friday or Bugman’s Bar on Saturday morning. Bring a
copy of your ticket with you (a digital one on a mobile phone is fine) and we will get you signed up for the weekend. We will then give you
a faction specific dossier to have a read through.
This dossier is a bespoke, exclusive collection for those attending the event. Not only does it serve as a unique piece of memorabilia to
commemorate the event, but it will also contain everything you need to indulge in the lore of the Dark Zones and be ready for the cam-
paign ahead.

At the end of the event we will hold an award ceremony to celebrate particular feats of achievement over the weekend. The awards
available are:

Champions of the Dark Zones - for players in winning alliance.

Consul of the Imperium - for the player from the Imperium alliance with the
most Favourite Game votes, with best results from the games as a secondary
Demagogue of Chaos - for the player from the Chaos alliance with the most
Favourite Game votes, with best results from the games as a secondary sorter.
Raider - for the player from the Invaders alliance with the most Favourite Game
votes, with best results from the games as a secondary sorter.

Best Army Nominee - for all those nominated by the event staff for the Best
Army competition.
Best Army - as voted by you, for the most impressive looking army.

Hero Of Legend - as voted by you, for the winner of the Hero category.
Company Of Legend- as voted by you, for the winner of the Company category.
Icon Of Legend - as voted by you, for the winner of the Icon category.
Loremasters Of Legend - as voted by you, for the winners of the Loremaster

10.00am Warhammer World opens. 9.00am-10.00am Late registration in 10.00am Warhammer World opens
Feel free to have a look around the Bugman’s and voting for Loremaster of Legend
exhibition, play some games with begins
10.00am Event hall and stores open
friends and grab some food in
Bugman’s before the event starts 10.20am Event brief 10.30am-1.00pm Game 6 1,750 points
5.00pm-6.00pm Registration 10.30am-11.45am Game 2 500 points 1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch and the Best
6.00pm-9.30pm Game 1 Flexible 3,000 12.00pm-1.15pm Game 3 500 points Army painting competition
points. See ‘Friday Night Flex Game’. 1.15pm-2.15pm Lunch and the 2.00pm-4.30pm Game 7 1,750 points
10.00pm Warhammer World closes Legends painting competitions 4.30pm-5.30pm Break
2.15pm-4.45pm Game 4 1,750 points 5.30pm Award ceremony
5.15pm-7.45pm Game 5 1,750 points 6.00pm Warhammer World closes
8.00pm All entries received for the
Loremaster of Legend competition
8.00pm Events hall and stores close

10.00pm Bugman’s closes

If you wish to ask any questions, discuss any conversions or to find out more about our events, please feel free to get in touch with us:
Phone: 0115 900 4994 Email: [email protected]
Write: Warhammer World Events Team , Games Workshop, Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
Catch up on all the latest Warhammer World news by finding us on at Games Workshop: Warhammer World

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