What's New in Relion 670 and 650 Series Version 2p2

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The power of one

What’s new in Relion® 670 and 650 series version 2.2?
Hamdy Faramawy, Relay Application Specialist

Introduction Digital substation

- Evolution continues Migration path and Life-cycle status
Relion® 670/650 series portfolio Summary
What’s new in Relion® 670/650 series
version 2.2
- Applications
- Hardware
- System features

February 12, 2018 Slide 2

Grid Automation Products
Bay Level Product and application.
670 series Evolution.
670 series 2.2
670 series 2.1
670 series 2.0 Enabling digital
Digital substation
Impr distance prot substations,
670 series 1.2 P&C - advanced & enhanced security improved line
secure platform & flexibility protection, cost
•Ethernet ports
Major product, • IEC 61850-8-1 Ed2 • Central Account savings
increased, up to 6
system • New LHMI Management Uptoredundancy
6 Ethernet
670 series 1.1 functionality
ports configurable
• EMC improvements • Combined available, ports can
increased offering Quad/Mho •be single/PRP/HS
HSR redundancy
670 series 1.0 Growth with • High speed distance
• Parallel Redundancy protection • Flexible Product 1588 timeTime
••Precision sync
increased offering
Protocol PRP Naming Protocol (PTP)
New generation • Portfolio increased • Improved cyber • Sub-cycle line
• Process bus conn. • IEC 61850 settings IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3
IEDs covering more security differential
IEC 61850-9-2LE profile (IEEE 1588)
• Several advanced applications • Improvements to • Supporting 64bit protection
• Introduced injection IEC 60870-5-103 OS PCM600 •Centralized busbar
functionality on • Generator • 2Mbps
based 100% Stator, protocol protection covering
platform & products protection REG670 • Railway applications communication
Rotor EF protection 6 zones
introduced • Several new speed
• IEC 61850-8-1 • Std configs + •Line Diff with 2Mb
• Introduced PMU features with customized • 6zone BBP
• Std configs + • Connectivity with communication.
RES670 benefits
customized DNP protocol • 8 products • Cost savings
• Std configs + • Improved RES670 •Integrated PMU
• 4/5 products • Std configs + Std configs +
customized with IEEE 37.118
customized customized
• 7 products •7 products
• 6 products • 8 products

2005-2006 2007 2010-2012 2014-2015 2015 2017

Grid Automation Products
Bay Level Product and application. 650 series 2.2
650 series Evolution.
650 series 2.1 Digital substation
Cost effective
650 series 1.3 Protection &
Control IEDs with •Ethernet ports
P&C in an lastest system increased, up to 4
650 series 1.2 advanced & solutions •HSR redundancy
•Same HW & SW available, ports can
Flexibility in secure platform
be single/PRP/HS
650 series 1.1 advanced •P&C in same IED for
platform, latest
track •Precision Time
platform cost-effective soln.
Growth with •RED650, new cost Protocol (PTP)
650 series 1.0 •EIA-485 serial comm •Redundancy with IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3
increased offering effective line-diff IED
PRP profile (IEEE 1588)
•Portfolio increased •Std configs + •Improved distance
customized •Security with L1 •Integrated PMU
New generation covering more protection & Fault
•Std configs + Loc functionality
IEDs applications •New formfactor and
functionality for customized
•Targetting sub-T with •Connectivity with •Ed1 and Ed2
103 protocol major thrust in NAM •6 products
optimal price/perf •Central Acc Mgmt
•Std configs •6 products
•Several advanced •FPN support
functionality on •6 products •6U formfactor on
platform level serving
latest track
multiple product
series •Std configs
•Std configs •6 products
•3 products

2009 2010 2012 2013 2016 2017


Introduction The best choice for your needs

- Evolution continues Digital substation
Relion® 670/650 series portfolio Migration path and Life-cycle status
What’s new in Relion® 670/650 series Summary
version 2.2
- Applications
- Hardware
- System features

February 12, 2018 Slide 5

The power of one solution for protection and control
Relion® portfolio 670 /650 Series

Busbar protection, REB Bay control, REC Line differential, RED

Best choice for protection and Best choice for control, monitoring Best choice for protection,
monitoring of busbars, T- and protection of circuit breakers, monitoring and control of overhead
connections and meshed corners disconnectors and earthing lines and cables with up to five line
from MV to extra HV levels switches terminals

Generator protection, REG Line distance, REL Breaker protection, REQ

Best choice for protection and Best choice for protection, The best choice for feeder and
monitoring of generators in hydro, monitoring and control for circuit breaker back-up protection
pump-storage, gas, diesel, steam, overhead lines and cables, or
nuclear, cogeneration and combinations of overhead lines and
renewable power stations cables
Railway application, RER Phasor measurement, RES Trafo protection, RET
Best choice for protection and Best choice for wide area Best choice for 3 and
control device for 16.7, 50 and 60 protection, monitoring and control 3-winding transformers, step-up
Hz, railway applications with fast applications where monitor and transformers in power stations,
distance and flexible different act upon power system stability railway transformers, phase-shifting
power transformer protection conditions is required transformers and shunt reactors

February 12, 2018 Slide 6

Relion® 670 and 650 series
Features and customer benefits

Flexible and powerful products Communication redundancy IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE + GOOSE 6-zone busbar protection

Complete ABB portfolio that supports With HSR and PRP redundancy Efficient system design supports 100% Efficient Improved protection,
digital substations applications Improved system availability, digital substations monitoring & control offers cost-
Can be configured for any application functionality and reliability without Allows configuration of simple 9-2 effective solutions
areas on protection and control switchover systems, as well as IEC 61850 system Requirement from the market
Available as preconfigured and Cost effective solution engineering on station and process bus
customized based on requirements
Flexibility supporting IEC 61850 Ed 1
and Ed 2

Ready to use configuration Ethernet ports, Time sync via PTP Defense in depth PMU in REC, RED, REG, REL and RET

Simpler and faster to deploy and Enables flexible and efficient system Increased security & integrity for Market requirement – integrated PMU
configure design of network architectures and customer installations meet higher functionality in protection & control
interoperability demands from the market IEDs
Enabling digital substation Significant improvements and usability
Significant cost saving when using PTP, during maintenance generate cost
Line differential protection, PMU do benefits
not need separate GTM or IRIG-B
hardware modules

February 12, 2018 Slide 7

Market drivers
Market driven evolution continues with top notch IED portfolio for our customer

Digital substation solutions Protection, control, monitoring

Support different system topologies Centralized busbar protection covering
Improved communication/redundancy more zones
possibilities, routing Railway applications to cover larger market
Ethernet ports increased, up to 6 (670) 4 Integrated PMU functionality in P&C IEDs
(650) More conditional monitoring functionality
HSR redundancy now available, ports can
be single/PRP/HSR
REB670 supporting up to 6zones, 24 bays
All ports can be configured GOOSE
RER670 supporting 16,7/50/60Hz
PMU functionality now in addition to
Conditional blocking of applications when
standalone RES670, also supported in
using SV
REC670, RED670, REL670, RET670, REG670
Complete flexibility with 8-1/GOOSE/SV on
Condition monitoring of transformer,
any port
insulation loss-of-life
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) IEC/IEEE
61850-9-3 profile (IEEE 1588)

February 12, 2018 Slide 8

Market drivers
Market driven evolution continues with top notch IED portfolio for our customer

Line protection Overall product improvements

- Closed box with higher ingress
-Improvements to high-speed line distance protection
protection - All electronic modules are hardened with
-New high-speed line differential conformal coating
protection, earlier one available - All ports single or PRP/HSR (pairs), any
– charging current compensation based combination, routing
on voltage measurement - Easier field upgrades/updates with Field
– Line data communication module 2 Mbps Service Tool (FST)
. - GOOSE engineering using graphical
application configuration

February 12, 2018 Slide 9


Introduction The best choice for your needs

- Evolution continues Digital substation
Relion® 670/650 series portfolio Migration path and Life-cycle status
What’s new in Relion® 670/650 series Summary
version 2.2
- Applications
- Hardware
- System features

February 12, 2018 Slide 10

Busbar protection
Customer benefits

Protection up to 6 busbar differential zones (1phase)
Protection up to 2 busbar differential zones (1phase & 3phase)
– Supports up to 24 bays
– Supports up to 8 SV streams.

Relion® REB670: Supports several types of busbar topologies, simple to complex

Relion® REB670: Reliably mix bays with conventional and process bus

February 12, 2018 Slide 11

Line protection
Customer benefits

High speed line distance protection
– Sub-cycle operating times, tested according to IEC 60255-121
– All zones, characteristics, phase-selection, directional elements
is in one function
– Applicable for all solidly as well as isolated/high-impedance
earthed networks with phase-preference logic for cross-
country fault detection
– Two instances of distance protection available in the same IED
- Integrated PMU functionality & control in line protection IEDs
- Either Mho or quad may be selected for phase-phase loops or
phase-ground loops for each of the zones

Configuration of earlier solution

Configuration of new solution

February 12, 2018 Slide 12

Line protection
Customer benefits

REL670- Zone and Loop Linking

-Loop Linking = ON àPhase-Phase trip time since first Ag fault is
500ms, since the counter starts with the Ag Loop
High speed line distance protection
Loop Linking=OFF à The loops timers are independent, Phase-
Phase trip time since first Ag fault is 600ms

February 12, 2018 Slide 13

Line protection
Customer benefits

High speed line differential protection
– Sub-cycle operating times
– For applications up to 2-3 ends without in-zone transformers
– Line data communication module (2Mbps) supports up to 9
analog 7Channel
– 192 binary signals are included in the transmission.
Existing line differential protection
– For applications up to 5 ends w/wo in-zone transformers
– Line data communication module (64kbps or 2Mbps)
- Back-up protection including high-speed distance backup
- Integrated PMU functionality & control in line protection IEDs

February 12, 2018 Slide 14

Line protection
Customer benefits



Speed Sub-cycle Cycle

Application No Transformer in zone Transformer in zone

Communication 2Mbps 2Mbps or 64kbps 2Mbps or 64kbps

February 12, 2018 Slide 15

Line protection
Internal fault detector based on incremental currents

The high speed differential protection
determines that a fault is internal using
incremental currents, that are the difference of
the post-fault and pre-fault currents

An incremental current is calculated when a

disturbance is suspected

A disturbance is suspected once the

differential current exceeds the set value for

February 12, 2018 Slide 16

Line protection
Internal fault detector based on incremental currents

Current 2:
Current 1: Post-Fault

Last period


Last period

Incremental Current = Post_fault - Average of pre-fault[20ms]

Incremental Current 1 Incremental Current 2

February 12, 2018 Slide 17

Line protection
Trip Logic

RED670-New protection function

Fast sub-cycle operating time
Blocking condition: 2nd
– Even for heavy internal faults with severe harmonic, 5th harmonic
saturated CTs
Internal Fault
– Harmonic distortion does not slow down the detector based of
differential protection function thanks to the Internal

& ≥1
internal/external fault discriminator currents TRIP

Line Energizing IdminHigh


February 12, 2018 Slide 18

Line protection
Trip Logic

RED670-Existing protection function

Fast operating time
– Even for heavy internal faults with severe
saturated CTs
– Harmonic distortion does not slow down the
differential protection function

February 12, 2018 Slide 19

Line protection
Link Forwarding feature enables a master-master scheme with fewer communication links

– Link Forwarding feature enables a
master-master scheme with fewer
communication links

February 12, 2018 Slide 20

Railway applications
Customer benefits

RER670 supports 2-phase railway transmission
protection, control and monitoring
– Line, transformer, control functionality
– Supported frequencies 16,7/50/60Hz
– Supports IEC 61850-8-1 and
IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE

February 12, 2018 Slide 21

Integrated PMU functionality
Customer benefits

PMU in protection & control IEDs

In addition to the station oriented PMU device RES670, bay
oriented applications are supported
Integrated PMU functionality supported in:
– REC670 – Bay control
– RED670 – Line differential protection
– REG670 – Generator protection
– REL670 – Line distance protection
– RET670 – Transformer protection
Supports future smart grid topologies in a cost effective way
PMU packages REC670 RED670 REL670 REG670 RET670
SYNCHREP 8 Phasors X X X

SYNCHREP 16 Phasors X

SYNCHREP 24 Phasors X

February 12, 2018 Slide 22

Transformer monitoring
Customer benefits

RET670 and REC670

Transformers being a critical asset need to be monitored for
temperature rise and loss of its insulation
Severe thermal stresses causing early aging of the transformer
thereby expensive maintenance
Condition monitoring of transformers now available in RET670
and REC670
– Monitoring of top oil temperature, hot spot temperature,
winding temperature and loss of insulation life
– Applicable for 1ph/3ph, 2wdg/3wdg, ABB/Non-ABB
– Quantities can be measured/calculated, thereby few sensors
Note: Requires transformer data that is normally available in short-circuit
type test report

Condition monitoring of assets and plan maintenance

February 12, 2018 Slide 23

Relion® 670 and 650 series
Customer benefits

Improved ingress protection class

Closed box
– Can deploy IED in harsher environments, improves safety
• Class IP40 from top, bottom, sides
• Class IP54 from front (optional)
Conformal coated electronics
– Coating of electronics improves the overall reliability of the IED
– Extends working life

These will go a long way in contributing to overall quality and

durability in harsh environmental conditions

February 12, 2018 Slide 24

Relion® 670 and 650 series hardware
Features and customer benefits

Mechanics Conformal coating Numerical processor module

Closed box with higher ingress All electronic modules are conformal A new powerful communication &
protection coated for higher reliability especially in processor module is introduced
– Class IP40 from top, bottom, sides harsher environment Enabler for higher performance and to
– Class IP54 from front (optional) Extends working life of the IED deploy complex applications in the IED

Can deploy IED in harsher environments,

improves safety and reliability

February 12, 2018 Slide 25

Relion® 670 and 650 series hardware
Features and customer benefits
Additional OEM for 670 Series Line data comm. module
Ethernet SFPs with LC connectors Ethernet ports 5 and 6 supporting 2Mbps /64kbps

Industry standard way for In applications where more than 4 Shall be specified at ordering
communication Ethernet ports are needed an addition Supports 12 channels of C37.94 protocol
Only approved ones will work OEM can be ordered in 670 Series for higher data transfer
Allows easy connectivity to Ethernet Similar SFPs and optical LC connectors 2 Mbps enables transfer of 9 analogs and
switches in SA applications Can be configured as independent or 192 Booleans simultaneously
Number of Ethernet ports can be easily redundant [HSR, PRP] port pairs
expandable Supports PTP time synchronization

February 12, 2018 Slide 26 * Only for Relion® 670 series

Communication Ports for 670 Series

Communications Hardware

– OEM: Optional Optical Ethernet Module: the 670 comes with 4

Ethernet slots and may be fitted with an additional 2-slot option
– LDCM: Line Differential Communication Module: this module may
be used for exchanging analog information in the line differential
application or to exchange binary data like in telecommunication
protection schemes like PUTT, POTT, etc
– GTM: Board for direct connection to GPS antenna. Outputs an
optical PPS
– IRIG-B: board that received the IRIG-B signal from a station clock.
May also receive a PPS signal.
– SLM: Serial communications board (SPA/IEC103/LON)
– RS485: Galvanic RS485 board (DNP3 or IEC103)

February 12, 2018 Slide 27

Communication Ports for 650 Series

Communications Hardware

– OEM: Optional Optical Ethernet Module: the 650 comes with 4

Ethernet slots only
– LDCM: Line Differential Communication Module: this module may
be used for exchanging analog information in the line differential
application or to exchange binary data like in telecommunication
protection schemes like PUTT, POTT, etc
– GTM: Board not available in 650 Series
– IRIG-B: board that received the IRIG-B signal from a station clock.
May also receive a PPS signal.
– SLM: Serial communications board (SPA/IEC103/LON)
– RS485: Galvanic RS485 board (DNP3 or IEC103)

February 12, 2018 Slide 28

Relion® 670 and 650 series
Customer benefits

High flexibility in Relion® 670 series

I/O density
- The different casing variants allows for a high number of I/O
modules in a wide combination
Function options
- A large library of functions that can be ordered based on the
- The hardware, application functions and communication
protocols are harmonized across the series Relion® 670 series
Max I/O
• Learn once and apply across the series modules
3/8/14 *

Analog inputs 12 … 24
Binary inputs 8…224
Binary outputs 12…96
mA inputs 6…24
* depending on case size and terminal type

February 12, 2018 Slide 29

Enabling digital substations
Built for connectivity

Up to 6 (4+2) Ethernet ports in Relion 670 series, 4 Ethernet

Ethernet ports in Relion 650 series
– Easily extended (SFP, small form-factor pluggable)
IEC 62439-3 PRP and/or HSR
Redundancy – Configurable per port pair (i.e. max 3 redundant pairs with
6 ports)
IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3, PTP
Time sync – Precision time protocol to synchronize the system with
high accuracy
Easy configuration with great overview
Configuration – New tool component in PCM600 for Ethernet, ports and
services configuration

February 12, 2018 Slide 30

Flexible communication
Configure the IEDs for your need

Earlier releases of Relion® 670 and 650 Now in Relion® 670 and 650 version 2.2

Up to 2 Ethernet interfaces Up to 6 Ethernet Interfaces for 670 and , up to 4 in 650

IEC 61850 on only one interface Any protocol on any interface

All protocols on all interfaces
When using IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE in Relion 670 no option to use PRP Configure up to 8 MU streams on Relion 670 and 4 streams on Relion 650
Redundancy supported for station bus and process bus at the same time
Only possible to run IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE on one interface Use IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE together with GOOSE on process bus

Only PRP available as redundancy protocol Configure your redundant interfaces

All protocols on all interfaces
Select PRP or HSR
Only one routable network through one gateway Configure up to 6 routes/gateways

No IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE in Relion 650 series IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE in all Relion 650 series version 2.2

February 12, 2018 Slide 31

Defense in depth
Configure the services you need

New tool in PCM600 to secure the IED

The new Ethernet Configuration tool in PCM600 allows for
efficient engineering:
– Configure access points
• Give IP addresses and network masks
• Redundancy modes (PRP/HSR/none)
• Select services per Ethernet access point

February 12, 2018 Slide 32

Easy configuration of networks
Enabling digital substations

Configure IEC 61850-9-2 MU

The Ethernet configuration tool can also be
used to configure IEC 61850-9-2 Merging Units.
The IEC 61850 subnetwork configuration is
shown in the Ethernet tool.
Configure which access point is used for
receiving a particular IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE

February 12, 2018 Slide 33

Flexible communication
Configure the IEDs for your need

Earlier releases of Relion® 670 and 650 Now in Relion® 670 and 650 version 2.2

Up to 2 Ethernet interfaces Up to 6 Ethernet Interfaces for 670 and , up to 4 in 650

IEC 61850 on only one interface Any protocol on any interface

All protocols on all interfaces
When using IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE in Relion 670 no option to use PRP Configure up to 8 MU streams on Relion 670 and 4 streams on Relion 650
Redundancy supported for station bus and process bus at the same time
Only possible to run IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE on one interface Use IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE together with GOOSE on process bus

Only PRP available as redundancy protocol Configure your redundant interfaces

All protocols on all interfaces
Select PRP or HSR
Only one routable network through one gateway Configure up to 6 routes/gateways

No IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE in Relion 650 series IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE in all Relion 650 series version 2.2

February 12, 2018 Slide 34

Troubleshooting help

With hints and undo possibilities

To help the user with common configuration mistakes and to
give solutions to common problems, the IED now have a Hints
– Typical hints can be
• Incorrect configuration of time synchronization
• Invalid reference channel detected
• IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE data is substituted

Before doing a major change of your configuration, save a restore

point of your IEDs state. This possibility is now added to the
Maintenance menu of the IED.
- Store up to two restore points

February 12, 2018 Slide 35

Relion® 670 and 650 series
Functional enhancement and benefits

Increased amount of binary disturbance recording channels

Binary Channels
– All products in 670 and 650 series now come with 352 binary
channels as standard
Disturbance recorder
– Now harmonized to cover 40 analog channels (30 measured +
10 derived) and 352 binary channels as standard

Harmonized across the series and this increase will help to

capture the most important events in applications. Also capture
a large amount of data during a disturbance for proper analysis.

February 12, 2018 Slide 36

Simplified engineering
GOOSE engineering made easier

Easy GOOSE Engineering

In previous versions of PCM600 and Relion IEDs, GOOSE
engineering had to be done either through
– An external system tool (IET600)
– IEC 61850 configuration tool (PCM600)

Now we’ve added a third alternative

– Within PCM600 application configuration tool
• Works only between ABB devices

February 12, 2018 Slide 37


Introduction The best choice for your needs

- Evolution continues Digital substation
Relion® 670/650 series portfolio Migration path and Life-cycle status
What’s new in Relion® 670/650 series Summary
version 2.2
- Applications
- Hardware
- System features

February 12, 2018 Slide 38


Introduction The best choice for your needs

- Evolution continues Digital substation
Relion® 670/650 series portfolio Migration path and Life-cycle status
What’s new in Relion® 670/650 series Summary
version 2.2
- Applications
- Hardware
- System features

February 12, 2018 Slide 39

Relion® 670 and 650 series
Enabling digital substations
IEC 61850 Edition 1 and Edition 2
– Reliable and redundant
– Up to 6 Ethernet ports for Station Bus, Process
Station bus Bus in either single/redundant (PRP, HSR)
– PTP according to IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 (IEEE 1588)

IEC 61850-9-2
– Supports both IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE
Process bus – Digital integration in the entire system
• Supports 8 SV streams in most products
– PTP according to IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 (IEEE 1588)

February 12, 2018 Slide 40

Relion® 670 and 650 series
Enabling digital substations

Support for various digital substation architectures

Up to 6 Ethernet ports that can easily be configured for MUs
Typical solutions
– Station bus is with redundancy PRP
– Process bus with redundancy HSR
– Time sync via PTP IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 (Legacy PPS)
Connectivity to 3rd party IEDs/sensors/MUs using standardized Service 670/650
MMS Server
– Communication: IEC 61850-8-1, IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE
– Time sync: IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 (PTP) subscriber
– Redundancy: IEC 62439-3 (link redundancy PRP/HSR) Sampled Subscriber
PTP Ordinary,
IEC 61850 services

February 12, 2018 Slide 41

Relion® 670 and 650 series
Enabling digital substations

Conditional blocking
With conditional blocking, only dependent
functions are blocked instead of everything
Increased availability by providing protection,
control, monitoring as much as possible based
on quality of inputs

In the example here: with loss of NCIT input

from one side of the transformer, only
dependent functions are blocked (greyed out)
E.g., OC4PTOC.Beh=Blocked

February 12, 2018 Slide 42

Relion® 670 and 650 series
Example Application: Mixed Line (Overhead Line + Underground Cable)

RED670-Line differential
-RED670 can reliably mix conventional and non-
conventional current transformers either in the
same IED or via the communications link.

February 12, 2018 Slide 43


Introduction The best choice for your needs

- Evolution continues Digital substation
Relion® 670/650 series portfolio Migration path and Life-cycle status
What’s new in Relion® 670/650 series Summary
version 2.2
- Applications
- Hardware
- System features

February 12, 2018 Slide 44

Migration path and Life-cycle status

Upgrades & migration Life-cycle status

Hardware upgrade from previous versions of 670/650 series to Relion® 670 series
version 2.2 is not supported. A new IED box will be needed.
1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 2.2

Application migration in PCM600 is supported through all Limited Classic Active Active Active Active

PCM600 version 2.8 with HF2 is required for 670/650 series Relion® 650 series
version 2.2
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2

Limited Active Limited Active Active Active

February 12, 2018 Slide 45


Introduction The best choice for your needs

- Evolution continues Digital substation
Relion® 670/650 series portfolio Migration path and Life-cycle status
What’s new in Relion® 670/650 series Summary
version 2.2
- Applications
- Hardware
- System features

February 12, 2018 Slide 46

Relion® Rapid Response
IED Replacement Service

February 12, 2018 Slide 47

Marketing info

Marketing info & activity

For marketing and technical material visit
– Sales support portal
– http://www.abb.com/protection-control

February 12, 2018 Slide 48

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