Determination of Instantaneous Currents and Voltages by Means of Alpha Beta and Zero Components
Determination of Instantaneous Currents and Voltages by Means of Alpha Beta and Zero Components
Determination of Instantaneous Currents and Voltages by Means of Alpha Beta and Zero Components
(ib -ic) 5
tions between the two systems of com- nous speed is unity; and the angle O, at
ponents. If equations 1, 2, and 3 are any time t in electrical radians, may be mediately after the fault; hence, If sin
substituted for ia, ib, and ic, respectively, written
in the equations for id and iq in reference 5, t
appears the preeding
in equation
and the resultant equations solved for 0=00+t (15) ineg
ia and i,s, the following equations are ob- .. . gives
tamied: where 00= Oat time t = 0, from which time
in electrical radians is measured. In = (siny
0-sin O0)
id= i, cos 0+ig sin 0 (7) the work which follows in Parts I and I (x -y cos 20)
i = -i sin 0+io cos 0 (8) constant rotor speed will be assumed, and
armature resistance (r) in equations
Substitution of equation 17 and
equation 11 gives
i"a = 0 in
ia =id cos 0-i sin 0 (9) 11, 12, and 13 will be neglected to permit py sin 20Ir (sin 0-sin Go)
i3 =id sin 0±iq cos 0 (10) ready solution without a differential ea= -If sin 0- (x -y cos 20)
analyzer. As armature resistance is 18
If i in the preceding equations is re- small relative to reactance, neglecting it (1)
placed by i1 or e, equations relating direct- will not appreciably affect initial cur-
and quadrature-axis components and a rents and voltages; for subsequent HARMONIC SERIES FOR CURRENTS
and : components of flux linkage i or values, appropriate decrement factors Currents ig in equation 17 can be ex-
voltage e, respectively, result. can be applied, as will be explained later. panded in a harmonic series in terms of x
and y by application of equations 99 and
PARK'S EQUATIONS FOR AN IDEAL Part II. Short-Circuit Currents and 96 with Z given by equation 94, if a and
SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE IN TERMS Voltages at the Terminals of an b in these equations are replaced by x
OF az,/,0 COMPONENTS Unloaded Ideal Synchronous and y, respectively. When x and y are
The development of these equations Machine, Operated at Rated then replaced by their values in terms of
(which are expressed in terms of direct- Speed Xd "f and x01' from equation 14 and in mul-
and quadrature-axis components) by tiplied by V/3/2 to give ib =- (since
using a,/3,O components instead of phase Equations 11-14, with resistance neg- j=o = 0), the harmonic series at the
quantities, and the expression of them in lected and constant rotor speed assumeds first instant is obtained
terms of a,#,0 components have been will be usedto determine phase currents
given.7 For the initial conditions follow- and voltages at the machine terminals ib =ic = [I/3 I (xd "+ VxXd x)]q X
ing a short circuit at the terminals of an in terms of their harmonic components so
unloaded machine, operating at rated during the first instant after various EZn-I sin (2n-1)0-(\/3/2) X
speed, these equations in terms of a,f,0 types of short iruits. Subsequent
components are values of current and voltage may be ob- [IdX nsin 0o/Vxd x ]X
tained by application of appropriate dec- n [ 1
= -Isin-p(x+y cos20)a -pyX rement factors. Even harmonics (in- 1+2 Z
cos 2nOj (19)
sin 20i13-nia (11) cluding d-c components) and natural- n
e, =Ir cos e-py sin 2OaiaPX frequency terms are attenuated by arma- where
(x -ycos 2O)i,i -nips (12) ture time constants; odd harmlonics (in-_
cluding fundamental-frequency terms) (V/xi" - Vx:) (20)
eo =-pxoio-nio (13) are attenuated by rotor timeeconstants. (v7+xd"f/'Xq")
(Xd"t+Xq") (Xe" .Xq"t) As capacitance of the generator is neg-
x= ; = 2(14) lected, there will be no natural frequency Equation 19 checks the work of
terms. In determining maximum cur- Doherty and Nickle.9 As pointed out by
where p =d/dt; r is per-unit armature re- rents and voltages, action of voltage these authors, it isinteresting to note that
sistance, assume the same in all com- regulators can be neglected as any change the coefficients in the harmonic series are
PI(xV- y) cos O+ y sin 60 sin 20 (21) The series for ia, equation 27, in terms Xd'++2xo+ V/(Xd"+ 2xO) (Xq" + 2Xo)
L (x- y cos 26) 1 of x, y, and xo can be obtained by using
Equation 21 can be expanded in har- Equations 100 and 96, with Z given by ) (2n-l)Z'-' cos (2n-1)0-
monic series in terms of x and y by ap- equation 94 if a and b in these equations n=_
plication of equations 100 and 97 with z are replaced (x+2x0) and -y, respec-
given by equation 94, if a and b in these tively. W'hen x and y are replaced by 41f cos 6oZnZn cos 2n6 (33)
equations are replaced by x and y, re- values in terms of Xd' and xq" from equa- n=1
spectively. tion 14 ia and Z are determined. Since
ia=ia,+ io, and io = 2ia where Z is given by equation 30.
Zn_1 cos (2n-1)60
a=1 _ n +t2
x-y+V/x2-y2 From equations 1, 2, and 3 with i re-
CO \ 5placed by e,
2pIf sin 0OEZn sin 2n/ (22) 3Ir Z cos (2n- 1)6
n=1 nn=1 ea =e,+eo=O (34)
When x and y in the fraction in equa- [Xd+ 2xo+V\/(Xd"+ 2'xO) (X0"±+ Ixo) 3ea V3eo
tion 22 are replaced by their values in r - 2 2 (35)
terms of Xd' and xq' from equation 14 31 cos 6o 1+2 zn cos 2n] -
NIXd + 12
~~ "
the equation:
(Xd"+V\IXdXQ" ) HARMONIC SERIES FOR VOLTAGES A sin 8 +B cos 5 = V\A 2 +B 2sin (6- y)
Let the fault be between phase a and Xd"+ 2Xo+ V(Xd '+ 2XO) (Xt"+ 1Xo) (2n-1)Zf-i sin [(2n-1)6+-y]-
ground. The conditions imposed by the o
fault are: te = 0; = = 0. These equa-
tions substituted in equations 4, 5, and 6
(2n 1)Z-I sin (2n-1)0+ 2\/31f cos oVXd"Xq"+ (IsO)
(Xd" +x2") ±so2
and in equation 1, with i replaced by e, n=l V/(xa" ± SO) (xq"+ so)
give 2xoIf cos Oo X
and with sudden ties are increments due to the applica- Let 4fb in equation 61 be written Tb=
iT, T.
changes inia, and i tion of ib', the primes will be omitted.
With ia = 0, in equation 1, i= -io.
N/D. Then eb=pPTb= (DpN-NpD)/D2.
To satisfy the condition of equation 62
=-ia'(x+y cos 20) -1i3'y sin 20
-r' (50) Therefore from equations 2 and 3 at the instant phase b clears, N= 0; but
1= - ia y sin 20-io'(x-y cos 20) (51) pN is not zero. Therefore, eb = pN/D at
To'=-=ioxo (52)
ib'= -3 a-+V3 2
(56) the instant phase b clears.
As T'a was zero before ia' was applied, The current to be superposed on existing
tat in equation 70 is the actual flux linkage condition in either case will be indicated The equation for Tba can be expanded in
4'a after phase a clears. For convenience, by ia'; and Ta in terms of ia' will be de- series by equations 100 and 97 where Z is
the primes will be omitted in the develop- termined before substitution is made for given by 94, if x and y replace a and b, re-
ment which follows, but it is understood ia'. All values of T and i used below are spectively, in these equations. When x
that all values of T and i are increments understood to be changes in T and i due and y are then replaced by their value in
due to the application of ia'* to the application of ia'- terms of Xd" and xq' from equation 53, and
From equations 50-52 and 68-70, the WVithout a neutral conductor or ground Tba differentiated, an expression for eba,
following equations are obtained return path, io =0 and T0o =0. There- the circuit breaker recovery voltage will
-2x fore, ia = ia and la = Taa As phases b and be obtained.
ha(x+ ~ cos xyc22
20) - i~y sin 20= 2'I'~ =
ihTE'=O n
equations gives ita in terms of i0; ig is not i with and "a='a, gives L
a=T,gvsn= 1
Equation 76 checks equation C-i5 of erence 6, when the same notation is used. f4(0) = (abco -0 (86)
reference 6. If 0= ir/2 insteadof 3wr/2, the XVhen equation 81 is substituted in equa- (- o 8
sign of ea inequation 76 would be nega- tion 79, with the last term in the numer- a (0) = abcos 20)8
tive. ator expanded, "tba becomes 5 (- o 8
1951, VOLUME 70 Duesterhoeft, Schulz, Clarke-Instantcaneous Currents 1253
where a and b are scalars, and b <a. before the radical satisfies the condition The series for equation 86 can be obtained
Consider the following expression, ex- that the series in equation 93 will approach by multiplying both sides of equation 96 by
panded by long division, unity as b approaches zero, which means sin 0 and simplifying the resultant equation.
that Z must be zero when b is zero. Thus,
1/(1-Z)=1++Z±2± . zn~+.._ sin09 1
m a-/a2-b2
Xa-LiLim ZZ =Lin.-- a-b cos 20 V/a2-b22
= 1+LZ b-.o b-o.0 b _o
n=1 Is
a2-(a2-b2) b sin 0+2 Zn cos 2n0 sin 0
Let ==Lim
b-> 2o
-=Lim -=O
2) b-o 2a_
Z-Z/4, =Z&si=Z(cos O+j
Z=-10=ZEi1'=Z(cos 4±j sin 4+)r
sin o) b-ob(a+Va-b) bL.02 1co
If both numerator and denominator of
+b and -b added to the numerator, and
+a and -a added to the denominator, the
-Va2_b2 L n
=1aZ-l(cosn+ b sin(2n+1)0 ZZn sin(2n-1) 1
Zn= (on
=1+ +
b ni
jsin no) (a+b)-2V/a2-b2+(a-b) 1
Rationalizatioin of the left-hand side (a+b)-(a-b) /a2 -b2
and equating real and imaginary terms, Va+b -V/a -b Fr
gives si//a
+ b+ /a-b (94) sin E-Z sin 0+ Z ZnX
Z_ sin v =EZ' sin no (88) The following equations involving Z will
1 -2Z cos 4 I+Z2 be found useful
2Z b 2aZ sin (2n+1)0- Z sin(2n-1)0
2(b-aZ) 1 +Z2 aZ 1
If unity is subtracted from each side of
equation 89
1_D22b '
Z 1L
Z Cos 4_Z2 b-aZ -
1-2Z cos o+z2 2...JZn cos n (9) If 4, in equation 93 is replaced by 20, and both - Si (2n-1)0-
n=l sides of the equation divided by a, the re- n=2
sultant equations when simplified by sub- c
From the addition of equations 89 and 90, stitutions from equation 95 becomes
there results 1 1Zn sin (2n-1) |
00 ] 1~~~__ n=2
_____1-Z2 =1+2vZn a-b cos 20 a2_b2 X
1-2Z cos oZ2 / i _ X co
_ 1-Z
i- on
n =1 zn- sin (2n -1)0
(91) L1+2 Zn cos 2nO (96) - a2-b2
Equations 88-91 are given by Bromwich;'= 2
the work which follows is an extension. Equation 96 expresses equation 83 as a = 2 n-i x
\ n-
If equation 89 is multiplied by Z2 and added series, where Z is given by equation 94. a+b+
Jr a2- b2
to equation 90, and both sides of the result- If 4 in equation 88 is replaced by 20, n=1
ant equation divided by (1 -Z2), there (1 +Z2) in the denominator of the fraction re- sin (2n - 1)0 (99)
results placed by its value from equation 95, nu-
merator and denominator then divided by Z, The series for equation 87 can be obtained
Z Cos 4, Z2 1+Z2x and both sides of the resultant equation by multiplying both sides of equation 96 by
1-2Z cos o,Z2 1-Z2 1JZ2 multiplied by 2, there results cos 0.
00 co The development is analogous to that
Zcos n4 (92)
nf (92)
2 zn b sin 2028=2
b sln ) Zn nsin 2n0 (97)
given in equation 99.
1- co 1-1+z2coszib~~ - av-
Va b2
~ ~~~~____2
+ 2a 2a X_ Equations 99 and 100 express equations 86
and 87, respectively, as series where Z is
a-b cos 20 Va2_b2 V>ai_bi given by equation 94.
Let 2Z/(1 +Z2) =b/a. Then, Z= Equation 98 expresses equation 85 as a COMSPONENTS, Edith Clarke. SIEleTRICA
(a -Val -b2)/b, where the negative sign series where Z is given by equation 94. Review (Schenectady, N. Y.), November and