School Based Pei Program Logic Model Example

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School-Based Prevention/Early Intervention Program Logic Model Example

Goals/Objectives Strategies/Activities Key Outcome Measurement of Outcome

Service Effectiveness: Provide  Outreach & Engagement with Improved functioning Pre/post-test of Behavior
effective services that are first/potential responders and Assessment Form (BAF) as
continually reviewed and other agencies Reduction in symptom reported by teacher or
revised as needed.  Collaboration with school district distress school counselor
and staff (e.g. administrators,
Improved school success counselors, educators) to Improvement in work or Pre/post-test of Child and
factors coordinate appropriate services school performance Youth Survey
for students (e.g. groups,
individual/family therapy) Change in participant
 School/community needs school attendance
 Screening and Referral Change in participant
 Support and educational groups suspensions and referrals
 NCTI® Crossroads Curriculum,
Real Colors Personality Pre/post NCTI®
Instruments, and Parenting assessments
Components Administered before and
 Aggression Replacement after completion of NCTI®
Therapy (ART) classes
 Seeking Safety
NCTI® program fidelity tool
 Trauma Focused CBT
Administered after NCTI®
 Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) classes
 Therapy
(individual/family/couples) Number of sessions
 Alcohol and Drug Counseling attended
 Why Try
 Love and Logic Parenting Program Completion Rate
Goals/Objectives Strategies/Activities Key Outcome Measurement of Outcome
Increase Early Access and  Outreach/Engagement Connect children, adults, and Duration of untreated
Linkage: Increasing early  Community Education seniors with severe mental mental illness (i.e. how long
access and linkage to medically  Referral Coordination illness to care in the onset of individual was experiencing
necessary care and treatment.  Case Management these conditions as symptoms)
 Support groups practicable, to medically
Increased access to PEI  Alcohol and Drug Prevention necessary care and # of referrals provided
services for students at risk of  Psychosocial education curriculum treatment, including, but not
school failure, in stressed (i.e. science/research based limited to, care provided by # of groups provided
families, exposed to trauma, at curriculum) county mental health
risk of or experiencing juvenile programs. PEI Survey
 Dating education and relationship
justice involvement, or Administered after each
violence prevention
experiencing early onset of group/workshop
 NCTI® Crossroads Curriculum,
serious mental illness
Real Colors Personality
Pre/post NCTI®
Instruments, and Parenting
Improved school/community assessments
bonding, resilience promotion, Administered before and
and access to PEI services for  Individual and small group after completion of NCTI®
underserved populations counseling classes
 Social skills groups
 Substance abuse/misuse NCTI® program fidelity tool
education and services Administered after NCTI®
 Teen pregnancy prevention classes
 Screening and assessment
 Referring within continuum of care Median number of business
 Improve school/community days between the initial
bonding, resilience promotion, and contact or referral and first
access to PEI services attempted contact of family
is 2 days or less

Median number of days

between first assessment
appointment and first
provision of first treatment
plan driven service is 30
days (1 month) or less
Goals/Objectives Strategies/Activities Key Outcome Measurement of Outcome
Reduce prolonged suffering Early Intervention: Early Intervention: Median number of business
associated with untreated  Referral and Assessment  Reduce symptoms days between the initial
mental illness (including higher and lower level  Improve recovery, contact or referral and first
(Early Intervention) of care) including mental, attempted contact of family
 Case Management emotional, and relational is 2 days or less
 Intensive Care Coordination functioning
(ICC) Median number of calendar
 Plan Development days between first contact
 Rehabilitation and first service provision is
 Targeted Case Management 14 days or less
 Therapy (individual/family)
Median number of days
 Child and Family Team (CFT)
between first assessment
Planning and Participation
appointment and first
 Referring within continuum of
provision of first treatment
plan driven service is 30
 Trauma Focused CBT days (1 month) or less
 Aggression Replacement
Training (ART) Early Intervention:
 Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) Intake to Discharge
 Linkage and Referral CANS/ANSA
 Alcohol and Drug Counseling Administered at intake,
 Short-term treatment for those every 90 days, and at
first experiencing mental illness, discharge
including rehabilitation services

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