School-Based Prevention/Early Intervention Program Logic Model Example
Goals/Objectives Strategies/Activities Key Outcome Measurement of Outcome
Service Effectiveness: Provide Outreach & Engagement with Improved functioning Pre/post-test of Behavior effective services that are first/potential responders and Assessment Form (BAF) as continually reviewed and other agencies Reduction in symptom reported by teacher or revised as needed. Collaboration with school district distress school counselor and staff (e.g. administrators, Improved school success counselors, educators) to Improvement in work or Pre/post-test of Child and factors coordinate appropriate services school performance Youth Survey for students (e.g. groups, individual/family therapy) Change in participant School/community needs school attendance assessment Screening and Referral Change in participant Support and educational groups suspensions and referrals NCTI® Crossroads Curriculum, Real Colors Personality Pre/post NCTI® Instruments, and Parenting assessments Components Administered before and Aggression Replacement after completion of NCTI® Therapy (ART) classes Seeking Safety NCTI® program fidelity tool Trauma Focused CBT Administered after NCTI® Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) classes Therapy (individual/family/couples) Number of sessions Alcohol and Drug Counseling attended Why Try Love and Logic Parenting Program Completion Rate Goals/Objectives Strategies/Activities Key Outcome Measurement of Outcome Increase Early Access and Outreach/Engagement Connect children, adults, and Duration of untreated Linkage: Increasing early Community Education seniors with severe mental mental illness (i.e. how long access and linkage to medically Referral Coordination illness to care in the onset of individual was experiencing necessary care and treatment. Case Management these conditions as symptoms) Support groups practicable, to medically Increased access to PEI Alcohol and Drug Prevention necessary care and # of referrals provided services for students at risk of Psychosocial education curriculum treatment, including, but not school failure, in stressed (i.e. science/research based limited to, care provided by # of groups provided families, exposed to trauma, at curriculum) county mental health risk of or experiencing juvenile programs. PEI Survey Dating education and relationship justice involvement, or Administered after each violence prevention experiencing early onset of group/workshop NCTI® Crossroads Curriculum, serious mental illness Real Colors Personality Pre/post NCTI® Instruments, and Parenting Improved school/community assessments Components bonding, resilience promotion, Administered before and and access to PEI services for Individual and small group after completion of NCTI® underserved populations counseling classes Social skills groups Substance abuse/misuse NCTI® program fidelity tool education and services Administered after NCTI® Teen pregnancy prevention classes Screening and assessment Referring within continuum of care Median number of business Improve school/community days between the initial bonding, resilience promotion, and contact or referral and first access to PEI services attempted contact of family is 2 days or less
Median number of days
between first assessment appointment and first provision of first treatment plan driven service is 30 days (1 month) or less Goals/Objectives Strategies/Activities Key Outcome Measurement of Outcome Reduce prolonged suffering Early Intervention: Early Intervention: Median number of business associated with untreated Referral and Assessment Reduce symptoms days between the initial mental illness (including higher and lower level Improve recovery, contact or referral and first (Early Intervention) of care) including mental, attempted contact of family Case Management emotional, and relational is 2 days or less Intensive Care Coordination functioning (ICC) Median number of calendar Plan Development days between first contact Rehabilitation and first service provision is Targeted Case Management 14 days or less Therapy (individual/family) Median number of days Child and Family Team (CFT) between first assessment Planning and Participation appointment and first Referring within continuum of provision of first treatment care plan driven service is 30 Trauma Focused CBT days (1 month) or less Aggression Replacement Training (ART) Early Intervention: Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) Intake to Discharge Linkage and Referral CANS/ANSA Alcohol and Drug Counseling Administered at intake, Short-term treatment for those every 90 days, and at first experiencing mental illness, discharge including rehabilitation services