Rotary Drum Vacuum Filters
Rotary Drum Vacuum Filters
Rotary Drum Vacuum Filters
Komline-Sanderson continuous rotary drum vacuum filters for the separation of liquids from solids offer
great flexibility in meeting the needs of many industries. Our experience ranges from simple separations
to complex multi-stage applications involving filtration, clarification, extraction, cake washing, and
Continuous Operation
Application Versatility
For horizontal vacuum filtration, please see our Horizontal Vacuum Filter
The Komline-Sanderson Rotary Drum Vacuum Filter is applied to process and waste slurries for filtering,
clarifying, cake washing and extraction, and dewatering. Industries served by K-S include inorganic and
organic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and biotech, plastics, food products, minerals, electric power and
other utilities. Specific process applications are referenced in the Design Section.
The process of the RDVF is continuous. Each revolution of the drum consists of cake formation, cake
washing (if needed), dewatering or drying, and cake discharge.
1. As the drum rotates, it is partially submerged in the feed slurry.
2. Vacuum draws liquid through the filter medium (cloth) on the drum surface which retains the
solids. Vacuum is applied using a liquid ring vacuum pump or other means.
3. The vacuum pulls air (or gas) through the cake and continues to remove moisture as the drum
4. Finally, the cake is discharged from the drum to a conveyor or chute to the next process step.
5. The filtrate and air pulled through the medium flow through internal filtrate pipes and pass
though the rotary valve and into the filtrate receiver.
6. The liquid stream is separated from the vapor stream in the receiver.
If required, the cake can be washed to remove impurities or to extract more product. Additional drying
of the cake follows washing.
Our equipment requires minimal operator attention as well as low maintenance time and expense, and
is designed and built for long equipment life.
What is most important: cake solids, filtrate clarity, capital or operating cost, etc.?
There are many factors affecting the operation of a filtration process. Among these are the need for
chemical pretreatment; the need for precoat or filter aid; power, water, air, or other utilities; operator
attention; cleaning requirements; and maintenance needs. All of these should be considered when
selecting a filter.