Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX: Mportant Roduct Nformation
Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX: Mportant Roduct Nformation
Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX: Mportant Roduct Nformation
The information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, GE Intelligent Platforms,
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Table of Contents
iFIX 5.5 SP1 New Features ............................................................................................................ 11
How to Install Options Such as FIX Desktop and Classic Historian .......................................15
Installing iFIX on a Different Computer than the Proficy Portal Server ..................................16
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Upgrade Notes............................................................................................................................ 19
Notes on Upgrading from iFIX 3.0 or Earlier, with Proficy Portal Installed .............................21
Using Terminal Server Clients with FIX32 and Pre-iFIX 5.5 SCADA Nodes .........................22
Using Command Line Parameters to Start iFIX 5.5 on a Terminal Server After an
Upgrade .................................................................................................................................. 23
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5
IPv6 ......................................................................................................................................... 28
DDE ........................................................................................................................................ 28
NetBIOS .................................................................................................................................. 29
Advanced Historian................................................................................................................. 29
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
iFIX Screen Saver with Terminal Services on Windows Server 2003 ....................................31
Older Versions of the iFIX Productivity Pack for Allen Bradley ..............................................31
Running iFIX as a Service with a Background Schedule in Microsoft Windows Vista ...........33
The OPC Client Driver Experiences Issues Connecting to a Remote OPC Server ...............34
Print to File Option Not Working Properly For Pictures or Schedules ....................................35
Second Tab of the VisiconX Data Control is Not Properly Formatted ....................................35
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5
Close All Dialog Boxes in the WorkSpace Before Running the Report Wizard .....................37
Code Example: Checking for a Null Value with the iFIX RealTime ODBC Driver ..................43
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Hardware Requirements - iFIX without Enhanced Failover, Proficy Historian for SCADA, or
iFIX WebSpace ........................................................................................................................... 49
Hardware Requirements - iFIX and iFIX WebSpace (without a Relay Server) ..........................52
Hardware Requirements - iFIX and iFIX WebSpace in a Relay Server Configuration ..............55
Compatibility ............................................................................................................................... 60
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5
iFIX 5.5 SP1 New Features
For the current release, the only supported type of Proficy licensing for use with VMware is keyless
(software) licensing.
IMPORTANT: Advanced features of ESXi Server (such as VMotion, High Availability, and
Clustering support) have not been tested with iFIX.
• ESXi servers have power meter functions and options as well as the ability to suspend images to
conserve power. We do not recommend or support these functions due to the potential effects on
the Guest operating system, specifically in regards to polling I/O and timely updates.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
• A virtual machine may have up to 20 USB devices attached to it, however each unique USB
device can only be attached to one virtual machine at a time.
• Unsupported USB devices may not interact as expected with other ESXi features.
Additional VMware Notes
GE Intelligent Platforms cannot guarantee the performance of the iFIX software in a virtualized
environment due to the wide range of parameters associated with the hardware, configuration, memory
settings, third-party software installations, and the number of virtual machines running – all of which
can affect performance. Therefore, GE Intelligent Platforms cannot provide support related to the
performance of the iFIX software running on a virtual machine if its determined that the issue is
related to the virtual environment. Also, GE Intelligent Platforms does NOT provide support or
troubleshoot a customer's virtual machine infrastructure.
It is the responsibility of you, the customer, to ensure that the performance of the iFIX 5.5 SP1
software and any third-party applications (especially those not recommended by GE Intelligent
Platforms) are adequate to meet the needs of your run mode environment. GE Intelligent Platforms
does not support issues related to functionality that is not available as a result of running in a virtual
machine infrastructure. Examples include the functionality of card level drivers such as those for the
Genius® family of drivers, the Allen-Bradley® DH/DH+ drivers, the Cyberlogic's MBX® Driver for
the SA85 card, as well as functions requiring direct video access. Check with the vendor of your third-
party application for support statements regarding that third-party product's ability to run in a
virtualized environment.
For more detailed information regarding VMware specifications and requirements, please visit the
VMware web site:
This and more information on Proficy Historian for SCADA is detailed on the New Features tab for
the main iFIX 5.5 release (select the iFIX 5.5 from the Version drop-down list above).
• View Proficy Workflow Trigger Configuration:The Proficy Workflow Trigger features a user-
friendly configuration utility where you can configure users to connect to a Proficy Workflow
Server. For each configured Workflow server, you can set the connection time-out to control
network traffic and throttling time to ensure that the triggering start time overlaps the next
scheduled instance.
• View Workflow Schedules Configured on Workflow Server: Using Workflow Trigger scripting
functionality, you can get the list of all schedules that are configured in a particular workflow
server. Use filters to get intended list of schedules. You can retrieve parameters of the schedules
along with configuration details such as Datatype and DefaultValue.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
• Trigger Schedules: The Proficy Workflow Trigger features scripting functionality that allows you
to trigger a valid schedule associate with the workflow configured to a workflow server. You can
trigger the schedule either using the default parameter values or by overriding the parameter
values. The schedule must be associated with a workflow in order to trigger it from the iFIX
WorkSpace and the schedule and workflow must be enabled in Proficy Workflow.
• View the Status of the Current Workflow Instances: Using the Workflow Trigger scripting
functionality, you can view the status of each triggered schedule (workflow) instance. It also
provides the state of the workflow instance and its start time.
• List of Workflow Instances: All the active instances of a workflow can be viewed using the
Proficy Workflow Trigger scripting functionality. It also provides the state of each instance and its
start time.
Before installing Proficy Workflow Trigger from the iFIX DVD, you must install the Task List,
version 1.5, SP2, SIM2 or higher. This is not included on the iFIX DVD. You must download the SIM
from the support web site, or use your Proficy Workflow DVD to install. Refer to the steps below for
For more information, refer to the Workflow Trigger online help. You can access the Help from the
Start menu in the Workflow Trigger program group.
iFIX 5.5 SP1 Release Notes
Launch.exe /t
For a general overview of iFIX and the WorkSpace, refer to the Understanding iFIX electronic book.
For an overview of how to configure your iFIX system, refer to the Setting up the Environment
electronic book.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Installing as an Administrator
You must install iFIX with a local Windows user account with administrator rights. See your Windows
manuals or online Help for information on creating this account.
If you are running Proficy Portal and iFIX on the same machine, Tomcat.exe may crash when resetting
the cache of an iFIX data source when the local node has been shut down. This issue does not occur
when the SCADA server is remote.
Installing iFIX
You must use the USB key that is included with your iFIX software in order to access all the
components of the iFIX software you purchased. Without a Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX key, you can
run iFIX applications for 2 hours in Demo mode.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the USB hardware key from your node while iFIX is running. If you
do, you may need to restart iFIX. You may also damage the USB key if you remove it while iFIX is
running. On Windows Vista, if you remove the key, key errors are logged to the Event Viewer instead
of appearing as error messages.
IMPORTANT: If you want to use Proficy Historian for SCADA with iFIX, be sure to read the "Notes
on Configuring Proficy Historian and iFIX" on the New Features tab first.
NOTE: At this time, GE Intelligent Platforms does not support USB keys connected through an
external USB hub.
1. Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop and select Manage from the right-click menu.
2. Select Device manager from the System Tools tree.
3. Select Universal Serial Bus controllers from the right pane of the Computer Management dialog
4. Right-click USB Token. Choose Uninstall from the right-click menu.
5. Click OK to confirm uninstall.
6. Remove the USB key from your computer and reboot your computer.
7. Continue the correct installation using the procedure in the previous section.
NOTE: If you installed the USB key before installing iFIX, a dialog box requesting USB drivers
appears. Cancel this dialog box, and then follow the steps above to uninstall the incorrectly installed
USB key.
You can stop the broadcast service and still use iFIX safely. To do this:
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
(Administrator) privileges, an empty dialog box with a red 'X' might appear during the installation.
This dialog box is the only indication that the installation failed.
1. Log on to the Terminal Server as a member of the local machine's Admin group.
2. Insert the iFIX installation DVD.
3. Click Install iFIX in the iFIX installation program screen.
4. When the product install prompts you to choose an install type, select Complete.
5. Continue through the installation.
6. Restart Windows.
If you want to disable daylight savings, you must synchronize the settings in the Control Panel with the
WorkSpace. If you do not, the chart data may be off by one hour. Therefore, when you clear the
Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes check box (located in the Time Zone tab of the
Date/TimeProperties dialog box in the Control Panel), you must also clear the corresponding Adjust
for Daylight Saving Time check box (located in the Chart/Time tab of the Chart Configuration dialog
The message may also indicate that the USB key is not securely installed. Be sure to check the
connection before assuming your hardware key is defective. GE Intelligent Platforms replaces
defective keys as quickly as possible.
To obtain a replacement USB key, call your local GE Intelligent Platforms technical support
representative. The support representative will instruct you to FAX a completed copy of a Merchandise
Return Authorization form. On receipt of the form, GE Intelligent Platforms can program a new USB
key and send it to you overnight.
When you receive the USB key, you must return the old one along with a copy of the form sent with
the new USB key. GE Intelligent Platforms invoices for defective USB keys that are not returned.
Upgrade Notes
Before you upgrade the iFIX product installed on your computer, make sure you shut down all Proficy
applications. It is important that no Proficy products are running when you run the iFIX installation
IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading from a previous version of iFIX with failover enabled, and you
want to use the Enhanced Failover feature in iFIX 5.0 or greater, there are a number of issues that you
must be aware of. For detailed information and steps describing how to upgrade your failover system,
see the "Enhanced Failover and Upgrading" section on the New Features tab.
Save copies of your existing .INI files with your application preferences and any custom files you
create; customized files may be overwritten during an upgrade. As such, you may need to integrate
your custom changes into the newer versions of these files after you upgrade.
Back up your existing iFIX projects. This includes the files in your LOCAL, Config Files Backup,
PIC, and PDB folders.
It is also recommended that you create a backup copy of your Alarm ODBC configuration file(s).
Export a report of your system configuration (SCU), for reference. (In the SCU, on the File menu,
click Report.)
Export a report of your security configuration, for reference. (In the Security Configuration
application, on the File menu, click Export.)
If you have an application created by an Integration Toolkit, Database Dynamo Toolkit, or System
Extension Toolkit from iFIX 2.5 or earlier, and you want to use this application with iFIX 5.5, do not
uninstall iFIX. You must install iFIX 5.5 over your existing iFIX configuration. Your toolkit
application will not run if you uninstall your previous version of iFIX.
Be sure to obtain any toolkit updates that you need, prior to installing iFIX. For instance, if you have
previously installed the iFIX Productivity Pack for Allen Bradley, you must get the updated version
prior to upgrading to iFIX 5.5.
CAUTION: If you choose to integrate Proficy Historian for SCADA with iFIX, make sure that your
database tags have unique names. If both your iFIX and Historian databases have the same tag name,
when you import an iFIX tag into the Historian database, the Historian tag will be overwritten with the
tag of the same name from the iFIX database. For more information see Using iFIX with Proficy
Historian and Troubleshooting Proficy Historian and iFIX.
Upgrade Steps
To upgrade to the latest version of iFIX, perform the following steps:
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
1. Confirm that you backed up all the applicable files. Refer to the Before You Upgrade or
Reinstall... section above for more details.
2. Shut down any Proficy applications or services that are running. For instance, if you have Proficy
Historian Collectors configured to start when you start Windows, use the Services window to shut
them down.
3. Run the iFIX product install. A message box appears asking you if you want to upgrade your
4. Click Yes to continue.
5. Follow the instructions on your screen.
NOTE: Be aware that pictures with Enhanced Charts containing tag groups will display a message on
upgrade. However, pictures pics with Historical datalinks and Historical animations with tag groups
will not.
Due to the design of the VisiconX objects in iFIX 5.0 and greater, it is recommended that you
manually replace your older VisiconX objects with the newer versions (if you are upgrading from a
version of iFIX prior to iFIX 5.0).
When you upgrade your database, the high and low engineering units (EGU) fields are converted from
single precision to double precision floats. This means the degree of accuracy (the Epsilon value)
changes from +/_0.00000012 to +/_0.00000000000000022. If you are using extreme ranges (very large
or very low values) for your EGU limits, you may possibly experience issues after an upgrade. To
resolve these issues, open the Database Manager, export your database and then re-import it. This
procedure resets the block values.
new FIX.INI file.
Notes on Upgrading from iFIX 3.0 or Earlier, with Proficy Portal Installed
If you are running Proficy Portal and iFIX version 3.0 or earlier on the same machine, and you
uninstall iFIX to upgrade, the Proficy Portal licensing software must be reinstalled. After you ugrade
iFIX, run the Proficy Portal setup and select the Repair option (then follow the remaining installation
1. Click the Start button, and then click Run. The Run dialog box appears.
2. Enter regedit in the Open field.
3. Click OK. The Registry Editor appears.
4. Open the following key folder: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.iekey.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
If you configured Database Dynamos, also known as loadable blocks, or other custom programs to run
as part of iFIX startup, you should compare the new FIX.INI file in the Local folder against the
FIX.INI file stored in the Config Files Backup folder. If you find any changes between the two files,
add the necessary lines to the FIX.INI stored in the Local path.
Additionally, you should restore other .INI files as necessary, using the same process.
The GE Intelligent Platforms web site contains updated versions of the database dynamos supplied by
GE Intelligent Platforms. To obtain updated version of other dynamos, contact the vendor of that
dynamo. To obtain the current version of the Database Dynamo Toolkit, contact your local iFIX sales
Using Terminal Server Clients with FIX32 and Pre-iFIX 5.5 SCADA Nodes
If you are upgrading from a previous iFIX release, take the following information for Terminal
Services into consideration:
• All iClientTS users for iFIX that connect to a SCADA from a previous iFIX release are still
required to have unique IP addresses.
• Previously released iFIX clients, such as iFIX 3.0, can take advantage of IP enhancements in
current iFIX SCADAs, but you must provide a unique node name for the client, along with the
unique IP address.
For more information on how to setup terminal services, look up "Terminal Server, setup steps,
overview" in the online Help index.
In the iFIX 3.0 release, even though you were required to include the node name with the SCU file
name on the command line, if you did not supply a node name, iFIX started with the same node name
as the SCU file name. In iFIX 3.5 and higher, if you do not specify a node name along with the SCU
name on the command line, iFIX defaults to the node name found in the Registry, which is the local
node name specified when you installed iFIX on the Terminal Server computer. As a good practice,
you should always include the node name parameter on the command line, rather than rely on these
If you do not provide the node name to iFIX via the command line with the /n parameter, alternatively,
you can associate a user (or a default user) with a node name and SCU in the Startup Profile Manager.
When using the Startup Profile Manager, you do not have to create a command line for each individual
user. If there are no command line options or startup profiles to launch iFIX, you can enter the node
name manually in the iFIX Startup dialog box.
If a picture created with an earlier version of iFIX contains a VisiconX Data Control, and also contains
VBA 5.5 scripts added for the VisiconX Data Control's ErrorOccurred event or ExecuteComplete
event, when the picture is opened in iFIX 5.5, it will generate a compiler error indicating an invalid
character '_'.
This occurs because the ErrObject in VBA 5.5 is declared as type "VBA._ErrObject", and in VBA 6.5,
it is declared simply as "ErrObject".
To correct the compiler problem and make the scripts function correctly, make the following changes
to the event declarations:
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
NOTE: This problem may occur with other ActiveX controls and data types that GE Intelligent
Platforms has not directly encountered. If you see problems, you should insert the control into a new
picture, go to the VBA Editor, and examine the syntax used to declare events for the control in the new
picture. Use the information provided in this section to edit the event declarations in the existing
To clear the Using simple file sharing check box in Windows XP SP2:
Troubleshooting iFIX Product Issues After the Install
For example, when you have the WorkSpace in Ribbon view (the default), the caption bar with the
Minimize icon is displayed off screen. It's there, but you can not view it. My-T-Soft allows you to
customize where the Minimize button positions itself through the the MYTSOFT.ini file located in the
iFIX install folder. By changing the ButtonOffsetY=0 setting to a positive number, you can move the
button down a specified number of pixels, allowing the Minimize button and caption bar to show in
full screen, when in ribbon view. After this value is configured, the My-T-Soft keyboard will always
display in that specified offset position.
1. Open Windows Explorer by clicking the Start button, and pointing to Programs, Accessories, and
then Windows Explorer.
2. Locate the folder to which you installed iFIX. The default location for this folder in earlier
versions of iFIX is C:\Dynamics. (In the iFIX 5.5 release, the default location is C:\Program
Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX.)
3. Right-click the iFIX folder and select Properties from the right-click menu. The Properties dialog
box appears.
4. Click the Security tab.
5. Select the Users group in the top half of the dialog box.
6. Select the Allow check box for the Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and
Write permissions in the bottom half of the dialog box.
7. Click OK.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
iFIX WebSpace Running on 64-bit Internet Explorer Browsers
iFIX does not support running the iFIX WebSpace client sessions on a 64-bit Internet Explorer
browser; only 32-bit Internet Explorer browsers are supported.
Only English Windows XP Embedded, with English regional settings, is supported with English iFIX;
other language operating systems or regional settings for Windows XP Embedded are not supported.
The .NET Component is not supported on the Windows XP Embedded operating system.
Proficy Change Management is not supported on the Windows XP Embedded operating system.
FIX Desktop
iFIX does not support running FIX Desktop on a Windows 64-bit enabled operating system.
M1 License Keys
M1 License Keys are no longer supported. You must use an M4 key to run iFIX. Contact your iFIX
sales representative for more information and to purchase an M4 key.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Speedstep Technology
SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
FIX does not make use of any IPv6 functionality.
If you disable IPv6 to use iFIX WebSpace, make sure that your local HOSTS file does not contain any
IPv6 references. For example, remove the "::1 localhost" lines from the HOSTS file, and replace them
a line that references the IP address and the local host name (if necessary).
Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft Windows NT is no longer a supported operating system for iFIX.
iFIX no longer supports Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and Network Dynamic Data Exchange
(NetDDE) to exchange data between applications.
NetBIOS is no longer supported as a networking option. For networking support, use the TCP/IP
option in iFIX.
If you want to run the OPC Client driver on a specified operating system, be sure to check with the
vendor of your OPC Server software to confirm that your OPC Server supports the operating system
you want to run it on.
It is recommended that you install the latest OPC Core Components from the Downloads section of the
OPC Foundation web site: The latest OPC Core components are
designed for use on a 64-bit OS.
Advanced Historian
Advanced Historian is not supported with iFIX 2.6 and later. If you have Advanced Historian installed,
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
contact your local iFIX sales representative about upgrading to Proficy Historian.
NOTE: Because the USB key for iFIX is different from the FIX hardware key, remember to remove
the iFIX hardware key and insert a FIX hardware key before installing or running FIX 6.x or greater.
When installing FIX 6.x or v7.0 on a computer that already has iFIX installed (or vice versa) do not
select to use the current SCU configuration when prompted during the install. If you select to use the
current SCU, both FIX and iFIX will launch with errors when you try to run either program after the
In addition, when you install iFIX on a FIX 6.x or FIX v7.0 node, be sure that you install iFIX without
I/O drivers. This preserves your FIX 6.x or FIX v7.0 paths in the registry.
Backwards Portability of Process Databases
To ensure a secure signing environment, GE Intelligent Platforms strongly discourages editing an iFIX
5.5 process database on an older-version node. If you open a 5.5 database on an older-version node,
such as 2.6, you cannot add or modify individual tags, although it is possible to modify the database,
such as to delete and duplicate tags. Do not do this.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Instead of modifying the file, you can copy any of the experts from this file and incorporate them into
your own custom toolbar.
Find and Replace Object Outside of the WorkSpace
The Find and Replace object is not accessible from clients that reside in a process outside the
WorkSpace. Any programs you create using Visual Basic will not support the Find and Replace
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Windows XP.
If this GDI leak is seriously degrading your system performance, install Service Pack 1 for Windows
XP, if no other service packs are installed. As a workaround, you can turn off the user interface
theming in Windows. For users with Windows Server 2003 (with or without SP1) or Windows XP SP2
with theming enabled, use the workaround. Follow these steps:
1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then Control Panel.
2. Select Appearance and Themes.
3. Click Display. The Display Properties dialog box appears.
4. Select Windows Classic in the Theme list on the Themes tab.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click OK.
To fix this issue, display hidden files in Explorer, delete the icon cache file, and restart Windows. This
action restores the icon cache.
In Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, the icon cache file, Iconcache.db, appears in this folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Local Settings\Application Data on your local computer.
• The WorkSpace may stop responding. After performing a mode switch, a message box appears
stating: "network transaction in progress."
• The WorkSpace may not shut down after exiting.
As a workaround, instead of using the OPC Client driver, use the Data Server Installer program to add
the remote OPC server to your iFIX node. This utility, located in your iFIX install folder directory, lets
you add, modify, and remove OPC servers from the list of data servers available to iFIX. Specify the
name of the machine where the remote server resides in the Machine Name field.
Often, controls provide alternative methods for setting color properties. If you need to view the color
palette through the Property Window, switch to Windows Classic view, which will allow you to view
the color pallete through the Property Window.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
If you use themes and visual styles other than the ones provided with the Windows Classic theme, such
as the Windows XP theme, you will encounter unexpected display behavior in frame controls like the
embedded ones used on the second tab of the VisiconX tab. For more information, see the Microsoft
Knowledge Base Article - 309366.
NOTE: The TrueColor graphic display option also distorts some Dynamos. We recommend that you
avoid using it.
MHPGEN: File does not open
If the last line of the file contains something other than <RET>, then MHPGEN reports that it cannot
open the file. The workaround for this issue is to make sure <RET> is the last line in the tag file and
The report generation remains halted until you click on the Cross Reference Tool. This causes the
following message to appear: "An action cannot be completed because a component (Proficy iFIX
WorkSpace (Configure) is not responding. Choose "Switch To" to activate the component and correct
the problem."
Use the Switch To button and acknowledge the several dialog boxes that appear. To avoid this problem
altogether, check for missing references before running the report wizard.
Close All Dialog Boxes in the WorkSpace Before Running the Report
If you try use the Cross Reference Tool Report Wizard when certain dialog boxes are open in the
WorkSpace, such as the User Preferences or the Find and Replace dialog boxes, an error may occur.
For instance, the following message may display: "The Cross Reference application could not export
VBA script files. Your ExpertGlobal may be corrupted. Cross Reference is exiting."
Click OK to acknowledge this message and allow the Cross Reference application to exit. To prevent
this message from occurring in the first place, close all dialog boxes in the WorkSpace before you run
the Report Wizard in the Cross Reference Tool.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
When you switch to the WorkSpace, this error appears: "Error number -2147211306. The file you are
attempting to open has been renamed outside the WorkSpace. Please make sure you have write access
to the file and try again."
Once you clear these messages, run the report again. Additionally, You can also use either of these
techniques to resolve this issue:
Remove the read-only attribute – Identify all files being searched for that have a read-only
attribute. Remove the read-only attribute.
Upgrade the file – Upgrade the file if you choose to leave the read-only attribute. To upgrade
the file, remove the read-only attribute on the file, open the file in the WorkSpace
configuration mode, and close the file. The file is automatically upgraded. You then have to
add the read-only attribute to the file.
If security is enabled for Proficy Historian, and you do not have the necessary security group
memberships, you will not be able to use Mission Control to start or stop Historian collectors. To give
the Proficy iFIX WorkSpace and Mission Control access to the Historian collectors, configure a user
name and password in one of the following Historian dialog boxes:
• Configure the Historian Server(s) – Access this dialog box by clicking Configure Historian Server
on the Historian toolbar.
• Historian Administrator Login – Access this dialog box by opening the Historian Administrator
and clicking Main.
Be sure to read the Proficy Historian IPI (Important Product Information) document for tips about
using the product in general.
The iFIX Scheduler and charts can use Historian data that supports Daylight Savings Time. However,
before allowing automatic Daylight Saving Time to be used in a production environment, you should
test your application under each of the following scenarios for proper behavior:
Notes on Starting iFIX when Using the Remote Interface (RIF) Server
• If the OPC connector is local, stop the Proficy Portal server, start iFIX, and start the Proficy Portal
• If the OPC connector is remote, open the RIF Configurator and connect to the machine that is
hosting the OPC connector. Next, click the Advanced button to see the running RIF servers, and
stop the server that is hosting the OPC connector that is connected to iFIX. Start iFIX, and then in
the RIF Configurator, start the server again.
NOTE: Any Proficy Portal servers that are using this connector will experience
communication loss during the shutdown period; therefore, if the connector is shared, due
caution must be taken.
Notes on Shutting Down iFIX when Using the Remote Interface (RIF) Server
If you have the Remote Interface (RIF) server configured for the iFIX Workspace OPC Server, you
will not be able to shut down iFIX until you manually stop the RIF server.
If you do not stop the RIF server before shutting down iFIX, the next time you start iFIX you will
receive an error: Cannot start iFIX. Please identify the program which is still accessing iFIX system
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Use the Advanced tab of the PowerTool dialog box to set the Auto Start for each driver. If you do not
use the /A parameter and:
• the Auto Start setting in the PowerTool is set to On, 7.x driver starts automatically.
• the Auto Start setting in the PowerTool is set to Off, 7.x driver does not start automatically.
• GE9
• M32
• SI5
• SL4
• SI7
GE Intelligent Platforms Engineering is currently investigating this issue. Refer to the GlobalCare web
site for software downloads for I/O driver updates:
Using Third-Party Products with iFIX
For more information, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 318597.
To eliminate this error, you need to make the following registry change for the OPC data source.
For example, if your third-party OPC server is installed as SOMEOPCSERVER, then you would add
the string value "ValidateItemsNotSupported" to
\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FIX32\DataSources\SOMEOPCSERVER key, setting the string value to
"true." This change verifies that data items on OPC Servers not implementing the ValidateItems call
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
can be read.
• Refrain from using punctuation marks, pound sign (#), and VBA reserved words within VBA file
• Avoid generating a script within a script, that is currently executing. This causes unpredictable
• Do not use the WM_CLOSE SendMessage to close a user form; the object does not get destroyed
properly. If you must close a form with a script, use the WM_DESTROY SendMessage.
• Avoid referencing the Intellution iFIX Find and Replace Mechanism v1.0 Type Library in your
project. It causes an error when you compile your script.
• Be aware that a script based on an object's event should not call the DestroyObject method on the
parent of the same object. Doing so causes unpredictable results.
• If you are using any of the iFIX subroutines to write data back to the database, use the F_CV field
as the data link. Using the A_CV field may cause unpredictable results.
• Do not use the DblClick event when you configure a Data link for "In-Place" data entry. If you do,
the DblClick event does not execute.
• Do not access class modules that are declared as PRIVATE in an out of process environment, such
as user.fxg, expert globals, or any Global pages. This is not allowed.
• Be aware that when you change a source tag in iFIX, an automation error displays if you do not
allow iFIX enough time to establish the new connection before you read the InputValue property.
The wait time depends on the scan time of the event object source tag.
• If you set a tag with a static value as the source tag twice in a row, you will cause an automation
For more information on using VBA in your iFIX projects, look up "summaries" or "scripting, in iFIX"
in the online help Index.
Code Example: Checking for a Null Value with the iFIX RealTime ODBC
The iFIX RealTime ODBC driver was built to allow NULL values to be returned. For example, when
checking iFIX real time data for a tag that does not exist, a value of NULL is returned when the tag is
not found. In some instances it may be helpful to check for the NULL value so that it is not counted as
one string returned. The following is an example of code that will allow you to check for the NULL
To avoid this problem, replace the second line in the above sample script with the following line:
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
• For Windows XP - French, make sure that you have at least Service Pack 1 installed.
• If you want to upgrade from a previous version of the iFIX French product, be sure that you delete
the AlmODBC.cfg file in your iFIX Local folder, if it exists. Deleting this file removes all existing
settings for the Alarm ODBC Service. You will need to reconfigure your Alarm ODBC Service.
Hiragana, double-byte Katakana, and Kanji characters can be used in these names, however.
All Regions
Installing a Localized iFIX on Top of an English iFIX Version
If you install a localized version of iFIX on top of a pre-existing English version, be aware that you
need to remove the node_association.dat file manually. The install program does not remove this file.
The node_association.dat file is a toolbar category file and is located in the iFIX LOCAL folder. If you
installed iFIX to the default location, this folder is C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\LOCAL.
When you start the localized iFIX product and open the WorkSpace, a new node_association.dat file is
created, replacing the one you deleted.
There is a known bug in the Microsoft Vector Markup Language (VML) rendering engine that may
cause web pages to appear incorrectly when the Decimal Symbol is set to a comma (,) instead of a
period (.). This bug applies to both Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 6 with Service
Pack 1. The Decimal Symbol is defined in the Regional and Language Options dialog box from the
Windows Control Panel as part of the default regional settings when you specify a locale.
In iFIX, this setting affects the presentations that are part of the Sample System. For instance, in some
European languages, which use the comma as a Decimal Symbol, the text in the web pages for the
sample system presentation may appear scrambled.
Microsoft has acknowledged this issue in knowledge base article number 814039. Fixes for Windows
XP are available at:
If your local language does not appear in the drop-down on this web page, contact Microsoft Support
for further information. This fix applies to both Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 6
with Service Pack 1.
When the Decimal Symbol is set to a comma (,) instead of a period (.) for the regional settings, such as
with German, there is no change in syntax for the raw format of a data link.
For instance, if you set the data link raw format to %7.2f in Configure mode, once you switch to Run
mode, the numeric data link appears with the comma (,) and runs correctly. If you subsequently change
the raw format to %7,2f manually, then the data link no longer works when you switch to Run mode.
If you experience issues with the Alarm Printer Service (almprin.exe) output for your localized version
of iFIX, you can resolve them by creating a Printer.ini file and saving it in your C:\Dynamics\Local or
C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\Local folder. Specifying a Print Manager option in the
Printer.ini file should resolve fonts that appear corrupted when printed.
IMPORTANT: If you use the application project management feature in iFIX, you must save
a printer.ini into each ProjectName\LOCAL folder, where ProjectName is the name of a
3. Copy and paste the following lines into the Printer.ini file:
4. If you have multiple USB printers configured on your machine and need to specify which one to
use for alarm printing, include the additional usb_port_name=USB001 line in your Printer.ini file.
In this additional line,USB001 refers to the name of the USB printer port that you want to
print to. For example, for multiple USB printers, your Printer.ini file should look similar to
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
NOTE: If you are not using a USB printer, you do not need the usb_port_name=USB001 line
in your Printer.ini file.
5. If you want to specify the number of lines per page that the alarm printer prints, you also need to
include 2 more lines to enable printer flushing: use_print_manager_flush_number=YES and
print_manager_flush_number=50, where 50 is the number of lines per page that you want to print.
For example, your Printer.ini file would look like this after you add the additional lines:
6. Save the file. If you have multiple projects, make sure you update and save the Printer.ini for each
7. Restart iFIX.
When you open the Using Help option from the Help menu in an iFIX application, such as the
WorkSpace, SCU, or Database Manager, in Windows XP for any language, the Dialog Box Help topic
appears instead of the Using Help topic. This is a documented bug in Windows XP. For more
information, refer to the Microsoft knowledge base article at:;en-us;317972.
In addition, the title bar for the Using Help topic displays in English. This is due to issues with the
Winhlp32.hlp and the Winhlp32.cnt files that are installed in the Windows\Help folder as part of
Windows XP.
For example, say UserA installs iFIX to C:\LocationA, and then both UserA and UserB make use of
iFIX. If UserA uninstalls iFIX and then reinstalls iFIX to another location, say D:\LocationB, without
deleting C:\LocationA, UserB may experience issues. Although UserA will be able to use iFIX in its
new location without any problems, UserB will see several error messages if he tries to launch iFIX or
the SCU, since his registry paths still point to C:\LocationA.
As a workaround, open the Windows Registry and delete the HKEY_USERS\<USER'S
ID>\Software\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\ProjectPaths key which contains the old paths. For example,
deleting the HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3882306234-4042192530-3641380709-
1028\Software\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\ProjectPaths key would alleviate this issue for a user with an ID
of S-1-5-21-3882306234-4042192530-3641380709-1028. After updating the Registry, be sure to
restart iFIX.
Software Requirements
GE Intelligent Platforms recommends using the latest service packs for Windows operating systems.
The minimum iFIX software requirements include:
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
• Network interface software for network communication and certain I/O drivers.
• If you are using third-party software along with iFIX, make sure that the third party software is
also supported for the operating system you are running iFIX on. For instance, if you are running
iFIX on Microsoft Windows Vista, your third party software must also be supported on Microsoft
Windows Vista.
• An I/O driver for SCADA servers. GE Intelligent Platforms supplies I/O drivers for many
programmable controllers or you may purchase a driver separately.
IMPORTANT: Be certain that the I/O driver you purchase is compatible with
your hardware and operating system. For example, if the driver is not supported
on a 64-bit system, then you cannot use this driver with iFIX on 64-bit.
Currently, iFIX supports the following drivers on 64-bit operating systems: the
OPC, EGD, IGS, and MBE drivers. For more information and for future updates to
this list, check our support web site at:
• Microsoft® Windows® Internet Explorer 7, 8, or 9 (32-bit only). For iFIX WebSpace sessions, in
addition to Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, and 9 (32-bit only), Mozilla Firefox is also supported.
The following Mozilla Firefox versions were tested: 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0.
• If using the Historian Excel Add-In, Microsoft Office XP, Office 2003, Office 2007 SP1, or Office
2010 is required.
• If using the Plant Applications Dynamos in iFIX pictures, Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007 is
• If using the iFIX WebSpace Server, one of the following web server programs:
• Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.1, 6.0, 7.0, or 7.5.
• Apache HTTP Server 2.2.10 or greater.
• One of the following relational database applications, if relational database software is used with
• Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 (SP2 and higher).
• Microsoft® SQL Server 2008.
• Microsoft® SQL Server 2008 R2.
• Oracle® 10g.
• Oracle® 11g R2.
• Microsoft® Access 2000 (or higher). Microsoft Access is supported for local installs
• A 2.0 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor or better computer. For better performance, GE
Intelligent Platforms recommends a minimum 3 GHz computer with 4 GB memory or greater. Be
aware that the computer must be at least Dual-Core; a single core is not supported (with or without
• SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
• For time synchronization, the Windows Net Time and W32tm commands are both supported.
However, if using the W32tm command, be sure to use the /nowait instruction when
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
NOTE: With VMware ESXi Server, the host and guest operating system need to synchronize
against an external physical Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
• The power save settings on your computer must be disabled. Do not use any power setting features
that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 2 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
NOTE: To use more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit platform you need to use Microsoft
Windows 2003 or 2008 Enterprise Server. Windows Vista and Windows XP do not support
Physical Address Extensions, so you can only use up to 4GB of memory on these operating
• A minimum of 10 GB of free hard drive space for iFIX pictures, databases, alarm files, and other
data files. Even after allowing for an extra GB for iFIX, it is strongly recommended that many
GBs of additional free space exist on the hard drive to avoid performance issues.
Be aware that iFIX alarm and historical data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform
extensive alarm or data collection on a node, you may need more disk space on that particular
• Other Proficy products, such as Proficy Plant Applications, Proficy Historian, and Proficy Real-
Time Information Portal, impose additional requirements. Refer to the Important Product
Information (IPI) topic in the product's electronic books for specific system requirements. Click
the System Req. tab in that product's IPI for details.
• A DVD drive.
• 100 MBit or faster Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network
communication between SCADA and Client nodes.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
IMPORTANT: The minimum requirements below assume that you are running only a SCADA server
without additional applications, such as EDA or FIX Desktop applications. If you want to run more
applications, you will need to increase your hardware support for better performance.
• A 3.0 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor or better computer. For better performance, please
consider using higher. Be aware that the computer must be at least Dual-Core; a single core is not
supported (with or without hyper-threading).
• SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
• For time synchronization, the Windows Net Time and W32tm commands are both supported.
However, if using the W32tm command, be sure to use the /nowait instruction when
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
NOTE: With VMware ESXi Server, the host and guest operating system need to synchronize
against an external physical Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
• The power save settings on your computers and dedicated network card (NIC) must be disabled.
Do not use any power setting features that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 4 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
NOTE: To use more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit platform you need to use Microsoft
Windows 2003 or 2008 Enterprise Server. Windows Vista and Windows XP do not support
Physical Address Extensions, so you can only use up to 4GB of memory on these operating
• One additional Gigabit-Ethernet card (or better) dedicated for SCADA-to-SCADA traffic (for a
total of at least 2 network cards). The dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA network card should be
excluded from the iFIX-to-iFIX network (not enabled for LAN redundancy), and used exclusively
for Enhanced Failover synchronization. Both network cards must be of the same speed, and appear
on the compatibility list for each card. It is strongly recommended that the cards be of the same
make and model number, and use the same drivers.
IMPORTANT: You must use a direct connection via a Cat6 crossover cable, without going
through any switches, hubs, or routers. Due to limited bandwidth and latency, wireless
networking technology should not be considered.
• The wake-up upon receiving a socket or/and request feature must be disabled on the dedicated
SCADA-to-SCADA network card.
• Jumbo Frames technology must be used on the dedicated network for Enhanced Failover. Jumbo
Frames technology allows for an Ethernet frame of 9000 MTU for the payload, compared to a
frame of 1500 bytes without the Jumbo Frames.
• A minimum of 10 GB of free hard drive space. Even after allowing for an extra GB for iFIX, it is
strongly recommended that many GBs of additional free space exist on the hard drive to avoid
performance issues.
Be aware that iFIX alarm and historical data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform
extensive alarm or data collection on a node, you may need more disk space on that particular
• Other Proficy products, such as Proficy Plant Applications, Proficy Historian, and Proficy Real-
Time Information Portal, impose additional requirements. Refer to the Important Product
Information (IPI) topic in the product's electronic books for specific system requirements. Click
the System Req. tab in that product's IPI for details.
• Primary and Secondary SCADA computers located physically next to each other, in the same
• A DVD drive.
• 100 MBit or faster Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network
communication between SCADA and Client nodes.
NOTE: iFIX does not support IPv6.
• One free direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing devices, and I/O drivers require a
serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware should be ordered with the computer.
• SVGA or better color monitor with a 24-bit (16,777,216 colors) graphics card capable of at least
1024x768 resolution. For Windows 7, the graphics cards should be "Windows 7 (certified)".
• Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen) that is capable of
opening a context menu.
• A 3.0 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor or better computer. For better performance, please
consider using higher. Be aware that the computer must be at least Dual-Core; a single core is not
supported (with or without hyper-threading).
• SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
• For time synchronization, the Windows Net Time and W32tm commands are both supported.
However, if using the W32tm command, be sure to use the /nowait instruction when
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
NOTE: With VMware ESXi Server, the host and guest operating system need to synchronize
against an external physical Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
• The power save settings on your computer must be disabled. Do not use any power setting features
that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 4 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
NOTE: To use more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit platform you need to use Microsoft
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Windows 2003 or 2008 Enterprise Server. Windows Vista and Windows XP do not support
Physical Address Extensions, so you can only use up to 4GB of memory on these operating
• A minimum of 40 GB for free hard drive space. It is strongly recommended that many GBs of
additional free space exist on the hard drive for growing Archiver files and to avoid performance
Be aware that Archiver data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform extensive iFIX data
collection on a node, you may need more disk space on that particular node.
• Other Proficy products, such as Proficy Plant Applications, and Proficy Real-Time Information
Portal, impose additional requirements. Refer to the Important Product Information (IPI) topic in
the product's electronic books for specific system requirements. Click the System Req. tab in that
product's IPI for details.
• A DVD drive.
• 100 MBit or faster Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network
communication between SCADA and Client nodes.
NOTE: iFIX does not support IPv6.
• One free direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing devices, and I/O drivers require a
serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware should be ordered with the computer.
• SVGA or better color monitor with a 24-bit (16,777,216 colors) graphics card capable of at least
1024x768 resolution. For Windows 7,the graphics cards should be "Windows 7 (certified)".
• Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen) that is capable of
opening a context menu.
• A 3.0 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor or better computer. For better performance, please
consider using higher. Be aware that the computer must be at least Dual-Core; a single core is not
supported (with or without hyper-threading).
• SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
• For time synchronization, the Windows Net Time and W32tm commands are both supported.
However, if using the W32tm command, be sure to use the /nowait instruction when
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
NOTE: With VMware ESXi Server, the host and guest operating system need to synchronize
against an external physical Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
• The power save settings on your computer must be disabled. Do not use any power setting features
that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 8 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
NOTE: To use more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit platform you need to use Microsoft
Windows 2003 or 2008 Enterprise Server. Windows Vista and Windows XP do not support
Physical Address Extensions, so you can only use up to 4GB of memory on these operating
• A minimum of 10 GB of free hard drive space. It is strongly recommended that many GBs of
additional free space exist on the hard drive to avoid performance issues.
Be aware that iFIX alarm and historical data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform
extensive alarm or data collection on a node, you may need more disk space on that particular
• Other Proficy products, such as Proficy Plant Applications, Proficy Historian, and Proficy Real-
Time Information Portal, impose additional requirements. Refer to the Important Product
Information (IPI) topic in the product's electronic books for specific system requirements. Click
the System Req. tab in that product's IPI for details.
• A DVD drive.
• 100 MBit or faster Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network
communication between SCADA and Client nodes. Since the server bandwidth scales linearly
with the number of clients connected, the speed of the network card on the server should be able to
accommodate these connections.
NOTE: iFIX does not support IPv6. If you disable IPv6 to use iFIX WebSpace, make sure
that your local HOSTS file does not contain any IPv6 references. For example, remove the
"::1 localhost" lines from the HOSTS file, and replace them a line that references the IP
address and the local host name (if necessary).
• One free direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing devices, and I/O drivers require a
serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware should be ordered with the computer.
• SVGA or better color monitor with a 24-bit (16,777,216 colors) graphics card capable of at least
1024x768 resolution.
• Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen) that is capable of
opening a context menu.
The following minimum hardware recommendations apply when using the iFIX WebSpace Server
on a high-end machine that can support up to 25 clients:
• Intel® Xeon® Quad-Core Processor, running at 3.2 GHz or better. For better performance, please
consider using higher. Be aware that the computer must be at least Quad-Core; a single core is not
supported (with or without hyper-threading).
• SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
• For time synchronization, the Windows Net Time and W32tm commands are both supported.
However, if using the W32tm command, be sure to use the /nowait instruction when
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
NOTE: With VMware ESXi Server, the host and guest operating system need to synchronize
against an external physical Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
• The power save settings on your computer must be disabled. Do not use any power setting features
that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 16 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
NOTE: To use more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit platform you need to use Microsoft
Windows 2003 or 2008 Enterprise Server. Windows Vista and Windows XP do not support
Physical Address Extensions, so you can only use up to 4GB of memory on these operating
• A minimum of 10 GB of free hard drive space. Even after allowing for an extra GB for iFIX, it is
strongly recommended that many GBs of additional free space exist on the hard drive to avoid
performance issues.
Be aware that iFIX alarm and historical data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform
extensive alarm or data collection on a node, you may need more disk space on that particular
• Other Proficy products, such as Proficy Plant Applications, Proficy Historian, and Proficy Real-
Time Information Portal, impose additional requirements. Refer to the Important Product
Information (IPI) topic in the product's electronic books for specific system requirements. Click
the System Req. tab in that product's IPI for details.
• A DVD drive.
• 100 MBit or faster Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network
communication between SCADA and Client nodes. Since the server bandwidth scales linearly
with the number of clients connected, the speed of the network card on the server should be able to
accommodate these connections.
NOTE: iFIX does not support IPv6. If you disable IPv6 to use iFIX WebSpace, make sure
that your local HOSTS file does not contain any IPv6 references. For example, remove the
"::1 localhost" lines from the HOSTS file, and replace them a line that references the IP
address and the local host name (if necessary).
• One free direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing devices, and I/O drivers require a
serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware should be ordered with the computer.
• SVGA or better color monitor with a 24-bit (16,777,216 colors) graphics card capable of at least
1024x768 resolution.
NOTE: For better performance, considering using an external graphics card with a PCI-E
interface adapter with 512MB RAM or better.
• Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen) that is capable of
opening a context menu.
MB RAM and 1.5 GHz processor had picture load times approximately 1.5 times longer than a faster
client with 1 GB RAM and 3.0 GHz processor.
Network speeds and connection types also impact performance for an iFIX WebSpace session. A 100
MBit or faster network adapter, which is recommended, allows the iFIX WebSpace session to utilize
optimum speed for its performance. Companies using VPN connections for iFIX WebSpace sessions
may experience a decrease in performance.
For iFIX WebSpace sessions, the following browsers are supported: Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft
Internet Explorer (32-bit browsers only; 64-bit browsers are not supported). For Mozilla Firefox, the
following versions were tested: 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0.. For Internet Explorer, the following
versions were tested: 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0.
NOTE: The Mozilla Firefox plug-in will not run on Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0 or
greater unless you modify IIS to serve a document with a registered MIME type extension of xpi on
that IIS server (MIME type is xpi). IIS 6.0 or greater does not serve unknown MIME types. Please see
KB article 326965 on the Microsoft Knowledgebase for more information:;en-us;326965.
NOTE: Running iFIX WebSpace client sessions (browser or desktop client) on the same computer as
the iFIX Web Space Server is not supported.
Relay Server
The following minimum hardware recommendations apply when using the iFIX WebSpace Relay
Server on a high-end machine that can support up to 25 clients:
IMPORTANT: Performance may vary based on the number of pictures being presented on each
• Intel® Xeon® Quad-Core Processor, running at 3.2 Ghz or better. For better performance, please
consider using higher. Be aware that the computer must be at least Quad-Core; a single core is not
supported (with or without hyper-threading).
• SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
• For time synchronization, the Windows Net Time and W32tm commands are both supported.
However, if using the W32tm command, be sure to use the /nowait instruction when
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
NOTE: With VMware ESXi Server, the host and guest operating system need to synchronize
against an external physical Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
• The power save settings on your computer must be disabled. Do not use any power setting features
that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 16 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
NOTE: To use more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit platform you need to use Microsoft
Windows 2003 or 2008 Enterprise Server. Windows Vista and Windows XP do not support
Physical Address Extensions, so you can only use up to 4GB of memory on these operating
• A minimum of 10 GB of free hard drive space. Even after allowing for an extra GB for iFIX, it is
strongly recommended that many GBs of additional free space exist on the hard drive to avoid
performance issues.
• A DVD drive.
• 1 GB Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network communication.
Since the server bandwidth scales linearly with the number of clients connected, the speed of the
network card on the server should be able to accommodate these connections.
NOTE: iFIX WebSpace does not support IPv6. If you disable IPv6 to use iFIX WebSpace,
make sure that your local HOSTS file does not contain any IPv6 references. For example,
remove the "::1 localhost" lines from the HOSTS file, and replace them a line that references
the IP address and the local host name (if necessary).
• One free direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing devices, and I/O drivers require a
serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware should be ordered with the computer.
• SVGA or better color monitor with a 24-bit (16,777,216 colors) graphics card capable of at least
1024x768 resolution.
• Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen) that is capable of
opening a context menu.
IMPORTANT: Performance may vary based on the number of pictures being presented on each
• A 3.0 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor or better computer. For better performance, please
consider using higher. Be aware that the computer must be at least Dual-Core; a single core is not
supported (with or without hyper-threading).
• SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
• For time synchronization, the Windows Net Time and W32tm commands are both supported.
However, if using the W32tm command, be sure to use the /nowait instruction when
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
NOTE: With VMware ESXi Server, the host and guest operating system need to synchronize
against an external physical Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
• The power save settings on your computer must be disabled. Do not use any power setting features
that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 8 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
NOTE: To use more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit platform you need to use Microsoft
Windows 2003 or 2008 Enterprise Server. Windows Vista and Windows XP do not support
Physical Address Extensions, so you can only use up to 4GB of memory on these operating
• A minimum of 10 GB of free hard drive space. It is strongly recommended that many GBs of
additional free space exist on the hard drive to avoid performance issues.
Be aware that iFIX alarm and historical data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform
extensive alarm or data collection on a node, you may need more disk space on that particular
• Other Proficy products, such as Proficy Plant Applications, Proficy Historian, and Proficy Real-
Time Information Portal, impose additional requirements. Refer to the Important Product
Information (IPI) topic in the product's electronic books for specific system requirements. Click
the System Req. tab in that product's IPI for details.
• A DVD drive.
• 100 MBit or faster Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network
communication between SCADA and Client nodes. Since the server bandwidth scales linearly
with the number of clients connected, the speed of the network card on the server should be able to
accommodate these connections.
NOTE: iFIX does not support IPv6. If you disable IPv6 to use iFIX WebSpace, make sure
that your local HOSTS file does not contain any IPv6 references. For example, remove the
"::1 localhost" lines from the HOSTS file, and replace them a line that references the IP
address and the local host name (if necessary).
• One free direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing devices, and I/O drivers require a
serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware should be ordered with the computer.
• SVGA or better color monitor with a 24-bit (16,777,216 colors) graphics card capable of at least
1024x768 resolution.
• Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen) that is capable of
opening a context menu.
The following minimum hardware recommendations apply when using the iFIX WebSpace
Dependent Server on a high-end machine that can support up to 25 clients:
• Intel® Core®2 Quad Processor, running at 3.2 GHz or better. For better performance, please
consider using higher. Be aware that the computer must be at least Dual-Core; a single core is not
supported (with or without hyper-threading).
• SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
• For time synchronization, the Windows Net Time and W32tm commands are both supported.
However, if using the W32tm command, be sure to use the /nowait instruction when
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
NOTE: With VMware ESXi Server, the host and guest operating system need to synchronize
against an external physical Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
• The power save settings on your computer must be disabled. Do not use any power setting features
that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 16 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
NOTE: To use more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit platform you need to use Microsoft
Windows 2003 or 2008 Enterprise Server. Windows Vista and Windows XP do not support
Physical Address Extensions, so you can only use up to 4GB of memory on these operating
• A minimum of 10 GB of free hard drive space. Even after allowing for an extra GB for iFIX, it is
strongly recommended that many GBs of additional free space exist on the hard drive to avoid
performance issues.
Be aware that iFIX alarm and historical data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform
extensive alarm or data collection on a node, you may need more disk space on that particular
• Other Proficy products, such as Proficy Plant Applications, Proficy Historian, and Proficy Real-
Time Information Portal, impose additional requirements. Refer to the Important Product
Information (IPI) topic in the product's electronic books for specific system requirements. Click
the System Req. tab in that product's IPI for details.
• A DVD drive.
• 100 MBit or faster Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network
communication between SCADA and Client nodes. Since the server bandwidth scales linearly
with the number of clients connected, the speed of the network card on the server should be able to
accommodate these connections.
NOTE: iFIX does not support IPv6. If you disable IPv6 to use iFIX WebSpace, make sure
that your local HOSTS file does not contain any IPv6 references. For example, remove the
"::1 localhost" lines from the HOSTS file, and replace them a line that references the IP
address and the local host name (if necessary).
• One free direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing devices, and I/O drivers require a
serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware should be ordered with the computer.
• SVGA or better color monitor with a 24-bit (16,777,216 colors) graphics card capable of at least
1024x768 resolution.
NOTE: For better performance, considering using an external graphics card with a PCI-E
interface adapter with 512MB RAM or better.
• Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen) that is capable of
opening a context menu.
resynchronizing the clock. For example: W32tm /resync /nowait. The /nowait parameter instructs
the operating system to make a stepping adjustment against the time server.
• The power save settings on your computer must be disabled. Do not use any power setting features
that affect CPU clock speed.
• A minimum of 1 GB RAM.
• A minimum of 3 GB of free hard drive space to install a typical iFIX system, including pictures,
databases, alarm files, other data files, and help.
iFIX alarm and historical data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform alarm or data
collection on a node, you may need more disk space on that particular node.
• Other Proficy products, such as Proficy Historian, impose additional requirements. Refer to the
Important Product Information (IPI) topic in the product's electronic books for specific system
requirements. Click the System Req. tab in that product's IPI for details.
NOTE: If using Proficy Historian with iFIX, it is recommended that you disable the
FIXTOHIST service, if it is running on the Windows XP Embedded system, to conserve CPU
usage. The FIXTOHIST service can be disabled by removing the following line from the
FIX.INI file found in the \Proficy iFIX\LOCAL folder:
• 100 MBit or faster Full Duplex TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for iFIX network
communication between SCADA and Client nodes. Since the server bandwidth scales linearly
with the number of clients connected, the speed of the network card on the server should be able to
accommodate these connections.
NOTE: iFIX no longer supports NetBIOS.
NOTE: iFIX does not support IPv6.
• One free, direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing devices, and I/O drivers require a
serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware should be ordered with the computer.
• SVGA or better color monitor with a 24-bit (16,777,216 colors) graphics card capable of at least
800x600 resolution.
• Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen) that is capable of
opening a context menu.
IMPORTANT: There are risks associated with using a Compact Flash or a similar device as a
Primary drive in the Windows XP Embedded environment with the iFIX product and your
production data. These types of devices have a lifetime associated with them regarding the
number of writes the device is capable of over a lifetime. As such, storing production data on
such a device may result in lost data, over the long term. If the system has a physical drive, and
not a Compact Flash or a similar device, the production data is affected by this risk.
NOTE: Be aware that iFIX Enhanced Failover is not supported on Windows XP Embedded.
For a complete list of unsupported items on Windows XP Embedded, refer to the
"Recommendations and Unsupported Items" section on the Release Notes tab.
Important Product Information, iFIX 5.5 SP1
Several GE Intelligent Platforms products work with Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX. The following is a
general set of required versions tested to work with the iFIX 5.5 product:
Product Required Version