A handy chart showing multiplication ratios of frequencies based on 12-tone equal temperament, charting all 12 semitones over four octaves up and down. Useful for Reaper users who want to work with the varispeed function, or anyone else who has to get from one note to another by multiplication.
A handy chart showing multiplication ratios of frequencies based on 12-tone equal temperament, charting all 12 semitones over four octaves up and down. Useful for Reaper users who want to work with the varispeed function, or anyone else who has to get from one note to another by multiplication.
A handy chart showing multiplication ratios of frequencies based on 12-tone equal temperament, charting all 12 semitones over four octaves up and down. Useful for Reaper users who want to work with the varispeed function, or anyone else who has to get from one note to another by multiplication.
A handy chart showing multiplication ratios of frequencies based on 12-tone equal temperament, charting all 12 semitones over four octaves up and down. Useful for Reaper users who want to work with the varispeed function, or anyone else who has to get from one note to another by multiplication.
B A G F# E D 2 1.1225 0.8909 2.2449 0.4454 4.4898 0.2227 8.9797 0.1114 C A# G# G F D# 3 1.1892 0.8409 2.3784 0.4204 4.7568 0.2102 9.5137 0.1051 C# B A G# F# E 4 1.2599 0.7937 2.5198 0.3969 5.0397 0.1984 10.0794 0.0992 D C A# A G F 5 1.3348 0.7492 2.6697 0.3746 5.3394 0.1873 10.6787 0.0936 D# C# B A# G# F# 6 1.4142 0.7071 2.8284 0.3536 5.6569 0.1768 11.3137 0.0884 E D C B A G 7 1.4983 0.6674 2.9966 0.3337 5.9932 0.1669 11.9865 0.0834 F D# C# C A# G# 8 1.5874 0.6300 3.1748 0.3150 6.3496 0.1575 12.6992 0.0787 F# E D C# B A 9 1.6818 0.5946 3.3636 0.2973 6.7272 0.1487 13.4543 0.0743 G F D# D C A# 10 1.7818 0.5612 3.5636 0.2806 7.1272 0.1403 14.2544 0.0702 G# F# E D# C# B 11 1.8877 0.5297 3.7755 0.2649 7.5510 0.1324 15.1020 0.0662 B A# G# F# D# C# +/- 1 -1 2 -2 3 -3 4 -4 C B A G E D 1 1.0595 0.9439 2.1189 0.4719 4.2379 0.2360 8.4757 0.1180 C# C A# G# F D# 2 1.1225 0.8909 2.2449 0.4454 4.4898 0.2227 8.9797 0.1114 D C# B A F# E 3 1.1892 0.8409 2.3784 0.4204 4.7568 0.2102 9.5137 0.1051 D# D C A# G F 4 1.2599 0.7937 2.5198 0.3969 5.0397 0.1984 10.0794 0.0992 E D# C# B G# F# 5 1.3348 0.7492 2.6697 0.3746 5.3394 0.1873 10.6787 0.0936 F E D C A G 6 1.4142 0.7071 2.8284 0.3536 5.6569 0.1768 11.3137 0.0884 F# F D# C# A# G# 7 1.4983 0.6674 2.9966 0.3337 5.9932 0.1669 11.9865 0.0834 G F# E D B A 8 1.5874 0.6300 3.1748 0.3150 6.3496 0.1575 12.6992 0.0787 G# G F D# C A# 9 1.6818 0.5946 3.3636 0.2973 6.7272 0.1487 13.4543 0.0743 A G# F# E C# B 10 1.7818 0.5612 3.5636 0.2806 7.1272 0.1403 14.2544 0.0702 A# A G F D C 11 1.8877 0.5297 3.7755 0.2649 7.5510 0.1324 15.1020 0.0662 Chart shows frequency multiplication values for ±4 octaves, e.g. to get to E from A, multiply A (440Hz) by 1.4983 Part of the Ravenspiral collection. www.ravenspiral.com