VLC Based Vehicle To Vehicle Communication

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887

Volume 6 Issue V, May 2018- Available at www.ijraset.com

VLC based Vehicle to Vehicle Communication

Prof. Kalindi Kalebere1, Sunanda DeviPrabhu Naryan Singh2, Priyanka Pradeep Nalawade3, Anjali Kondiram
Trimukhe4, Mohini Bhimarao Gund5
Professor, Dept. Of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering,
Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Shivajirao S. Jondhale College of Engineering,
Dombivali (E), India.

Abstract: The aim is to avoid the vehicle collision which is a serve problem in many urban cities. To solve this problem we are
using this technology. Now-a-days, the increase of the transportation like car, bus and two wheeler in major cities of world raise
the need to avoid the accident in our society. VLC is a form of Visible Light Communication. VLC is a wireless communication
system and it uses light emitting diodes(LED) to transmit data wirelessly.
Keywords- Crash Avoidance, Safety application, Communication Security, Integrated Device.

VLC is an important and popular technique in the communication system and is known as Visible Light Communication. It is very
fast and inexpensive wireless communication system. The technology works by adapting LED to send digital type of information
invisible to the naked eye. Vehicle to Vehicle Communication is the most effective solution that has been used in order to reduce
vehicle accidents. It may also save thousands of lives a year.


A. Working Principle
Vehicle to vehicle communication is based on visible light communication. All cars will work both as transmitter and receiver.

Ultrasonic sensor which transmitter and receive the sound unit, one is transmitter and other is receiver. L239D IC control the two
motor. We used two motors which controls the whole system. LCD is used to display the distance if any obstacle passes through
the car. If obstacle is pass to the car.car will stop and if obstacle is for to the car, car will move slowly. 8051 microcontroller used
and two pull up resistor control which have 5 volts and we have give full 5v supply to the micro controller. There is a buzzer and
also reset button to reset the system.

In car 1 there is a smoke detector used to detect the smoke if occurs. IC 8591 convert the analog to digital signal ADC.
Temperature sensor is used to sense the temperature goes high it will display on LCD. In car 1 LCD will display (distance for or
near) and smoke high in digital signal.LCD is used which is light dependent resistor which range is 8 to10cm and ultrasonic rang is
10cm .


©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 2050

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887
Volume 6 Issue V, May 2018- Available at www.ijraset.com

We present the first experimental results that we obtained with the prototype we made. The main objective is to show that the setup
is suitable to transmit data using visible light technology. Ultrasonic sensor transmits an high frequency voice signal in order to
calculate distance of the nearest object by receiving same voice signal like SONAR. Visible light is used as medium to defined
distance of the car from behind smoke sensor module sense the combustion particles to determine the smoke level of the

Vehicle to vehicle communication is easy and simple to use. Cars will exchange the data within cars takes place because of this the
drivers gets alert (which also helps to reduce traffic problems) The use of interactive board is a boon to the educational field and
research survey in various countries has shown its increasing impact. There are many positive effects of this technology including
ability to improve students learning environment and teachers teaching methods.

We have a great pleasure for representing this project report entitled “VLC BASED VEHICLE TO VEHICLE
COMMUNICATION” and we grab this opportunity to convey our immense regards towards all the distinguished people who have
their valuable contribution in the hour of need. We take this opportunity to thanks Dr. J.W.Bakal, Principal and Mrs.
Prof.S.A.LONKAR, Head of the Department, Electronics and Telecommunication, for giving us an opportunity and the most
needed guidance throughout the duration of the course. And also Prof. Kalindi Kalebere for the guidance and necessary support
during each phase of the project. We also owe to our fellow colleagues who have been a constant source of help to solve the
problems that cropped up during the project development process.

[1] M. Fiore and j. Harri, \ The networking shape of vehicular mobility,” ACM MobiHoc,2008.
[2] C. Liu and J. Wu,\ Scalable routing in delay tolerant networks,” ACM MobiHoc,2007.
[3] Visible Light Communication Consortium. http://www.vlcc.net.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 2051

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