Article1414670643 - Saidu Et Al
Article1414670643 - Saidu Et Al
Article1414670643 - Saidu Et Al
Phytochemical screening and hypoglycemic effect of methanolic fruit pulp extract of Cucumis sativus
on alloxan induced diabetic rats was investigated. The phytochemical analysis of the methanolic fruit
pulp extract of C. sativus indicated the presence of saponins, glycosides, terpenes, phenolics,
alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins. The methanolic fruit pulp extract of C. sativus was administered
orally to the alloxan induced diabetic rats and it significantly decreased (P<0.05) the fasting blood
glucose concentration (mg/dl) from 231.25±1.11 to 82.25±1.55 at 500 mg/kg body weight. The standard
antidiabetic drug (Glibenclamide) administered orally at 5 mg/kg body weight also significantly
decreased (P<0.05) blood glucose concentration from 189.00±2.42 to 61.00±2.48. This study therefore
revealed that the methanolic fruit pulp extract of C. sativus contains active substances with
hypoglycemic activity and could be used in the treatment and management of diabetes mellitus.
Key words: Cucumis sativus, hypoglycemic activity, phytochemical screening, alloxan, methanolic.
Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of chronic population). About 7 million people develop the disease
disorders of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism each year and 3.9 million deaths were attributed to
characterized by high blood glucose levels due to relative diabetes yearly (Shaw et al., 2010). Current predictions
or absolute deficiency of insulin (Eiselein et al., 2004). estimate that the prevalence of diabetes will reach 438
Diabetes mellitus affects more than 100 million people million by 2030 (corresponding to 7.8% of the adult
worldwide and the number of people with diabetes is population) and that 80% of prevalent cases will occur in
increasing due to population growth, aging and the developing world (Roglic and Unwin, 2010).
increasing prevalence of obesity and physical inactivity Phytochemicals are substances found in edible fruits
(Nair et al., 2006). In 2010, World Health Organization and vegetables that exhibit a potential for modulating
(WHO) estimated that 285 million people were living with human metabolism in a manner beneficial for the
diabetes (corresponding to 6.4% of the world's adult prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases (Tripoli
et al., 2007). Plants usually produce such low-molecular- family Cucumbitaceae. It is a creeping vine that bears
weight ingredients for their protection against pests and cylindrical fruits that are used as culinary vegetables.
diseases, for the regulation of their growth, or as Within the varieties of cucumber, several different
pigments, essence, or odor. Scientists have identified cultivars emerged. The plant has large leaves that form a
thousands of phytochemicals, including flavonoids, canopy over the fruit. They have an enclosed seed,
anthraquinone, glucosinolates (isothiocyanates and hence they are classified as accessory fruits. Much like
indoles), phenolic acids, phytates, and alkaloids in tomatoes and squash, they are prepared and eaten as
vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and other plant vegetables (Tindall, 1975).
sources (Perez et al., 2006). Several plants of the Cucurbitaceae family are
Some phytochemicals in diverse plants have beneficial established for their hypoglycemic properties. Cucumber
health effects such as anti-obesity, lipid-lowering, and (Cucumis sativus) originated in India, but now cultivated
antidiabetic properties. The vast study done on cucumber in different parts of the world. In Mexico, cucumber is one
proved that the plant has many important of the edible plants with hypoglycemic potentials. The
phytoconstituents like glycosides, flavonoids, terpenes, plant part in use currently against diabetes includes the
sterol, saponins, and tannins (Kren and Ludmila, 2001). seeds, pulp and the fruit itself. Antihypoglycemic study of
These compounds were found to be responsible for the this plant was studied in healthy rabbits which
pharmacological activity (Jony et al., 2013). Terpenoids significantly lowered the blood glucose level (Stano et al.,
are known to possess medicinal potency against 2002). In addition, the plant has medicinal potency
inflammation, cancer, malaria, cholesterol synthesis against hypercholesterolemia.
inhibition, viral and bacterial agents (Mahato and Sen, C. sativus is an important medicinal plant with diverse
1997). Also, the alkaloids are used as anaesthetic agent. pharmacological activities such as antibacterial,
Although, variations have been noticed in the leaf alkaloid antifungal, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, antacid and carminative
content of androgenic diploid plants of Datura innoxia activity, hepatoprotective activity, wound healing
(Herouart et al., 1988, Kukreja and Maclaren, 1999). activities; hence, this plant provides a significant role in
Phenolic compounds are known to decrease cholesterol the prevention and treatment of a disease (Jony et al.,
and triglyceride levels in rats (Gutierrez-Lugo et al., 1996, 2013). This study will therefore determine the
Arguetta, 1994). The tannins are known to inhibit phytoconstituents and hypoglycemic effect of the
microbial activities, the mechanism is based on its ability methanolic extract of C. sativus fruit pulp in alloxan
to bind proteins thereby inhibiting cell protein synthesis induced albino rats.
(Ayepola and Adeniji, 2008). The treatment of diabetes
with synthetic drugs many years back has not led to any
proper drug for the treatment of diabetes, because they
are not affordable and have side effects (Sharmin et al., Apparatus
2013). For this reason, traditional medicinal practitioners
have described a number of plants used as The apparatus used were glucometer (Accu-check Active-
complementary herbal antidiabetic drugs, mostly with Mannheim Germany), glucose strips (Accu-check strips), Reflux
extractor, water bath and blender.
less dangerous side effects and low cost (Singh et al.,
2009). The hypoglycemic effect of several of such plants
belonging to families Leguminoseae, Cucurbitaceae, Sample collection and preparation
Asteraceae, Moraceae, Rosaceae, Euphorbiacea and
Araliaceae (Bnouham et al., 2006) has been confirmed, C. sativus was purchased in January from old market in Lokoja,
Kogi State. The collected sample was washed, cut into small
and the mechanisms of hypoglycemic activity of these pieces, dried completely under the controlled mild sun temperature
new bioactive drug constituents are also being studied of 25°C and ground with an electric grinder. 50 grams of the
(Jung et al., 2006). Plant possesses various powdered fruit pulp of C. sativus was weighed and 400 ml of
phytoconstituents which seems to be the active methanol was measured in a round bottom flask and placed into a
hypoglycemic principles, suggests different sites of action reflux extractor at 65°C for 3 h after which it was filtered through
filter paper (Whatman filter paper no. 1). The methanolic solution
within the body. Most of the researches are carried out to was allowed to evaporate using water bath until dried extract was
evaluate the therapeutic effect of the plants along with obtained (Sokeng, 2007).
their mode of action (Colaguiri, 2010). Plants show
antidiabetic activity with various mechanism, like
alteration of glucose metabolism, insulin-like effect, Chemicals and reagents
improve glucose tolerance, reduction of absorption of The chemical used were methanol (AR), alloxan, chloroform,
glucose from intestine, enhancing insulin signal pathway, Wagners reagent and acetic anhydride.
hypoglycemia through increase glucose uptake and
glycogen synthesis, generation of beta cell in pancreas
(Banshidhar and Deepmala, 2013). Experimental animals
Cucumber is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd Albino rats of either sexes weighing between 130 and 220 g were
Saidu et al. 1175
housed in plastic cage and the rats were acclimatized in the steroids (Trease, 1983).
laboratory for a period of two weeks with adequate food and water.
Phenol test
Experimental design
Two milliliters of extract was added to 2 ml of ferric chloride
Sixteen rats were randomly grouped into four groups with four rats
solution. A deep bluish green solution was formed with the
in each group and designated as:
presence of phenol (Sofowora, 1983).
Group 1: Non induced; Group 2: Alloxan-induced diabetic rats not
treated; Group 3: Alloxan- induced diabetic rats treated with 500
mg/kg body weight of extract; Group 4: Alloxan-induced diabetic
Tannin test
rats treated with glibenclimide. All the treatments were administered
in a suitable vehicle of 1% dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO).
Three milliliters of the extract was added to 5 ml of distilled water
and then heated in water bath. To this solution, FeCl3 solution was
Experimental rats’ induction added. A blue-black or green precipitate indicated the presence of
tannins (Trease, 1983).
The fasting blood glucose concentration (mg/dl) of the rats was
tested before induction, then a prepared solution of alloxan
monohydrate (100 mg/kg body weight) was administered Flavonoid test
intraperitoneally into groups 2, 3 and 4. After two days interval of
induction, the rats were tested and rats with blood glucose levels One milliliter of the extract was added to 5 ml of distilled water and
above 150 mg/dl (60% of the rats) were used to confirm diabetes. then filtered to obtain 2 ml of the filtrate. A few drops of 10% ferric
Treatment with extract and glibenclamide followed for a period of chloride solution were added, blue-violet coloration was an
twenty one days (Adeneye and Agbaje, 2008). indication of the presence of flavonoid (Trease, 1983).
The C. sativus fruit pulp extract was screened for phytochemical One milliliter of the extract was added to 5 ml of chloroform in a test
properties by Trease (1983) and Sofowara (1983). tube. 3 ml of acetic anhydride was added to the chloroform-extract
to which 2 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid was also added. The
formation of a ring at the interphase between the two immiscible
Anthraquinone test liquids is a preliminary evidence of the presence of terpenes
(Trease, 1983).
Five milliliters of the extract was added to 10 ml of benzene. Five
milliliters of 10% NH3(aq) was added and mixed. The presence of
anthraquinone is indicated by a pink/violet color in the ammonia Oral administration of plant extract
phase at the bottom of the test tube (Sofowara, 1983).
500 mg/kg body weight of the extract was administered to group 3
alloxan induced diabetic rats and 5 mg/kg body weight of standard
Alkaloid test drug (glibenclamide) to group 4 alloxan-induced diabetic rats once
each day.
Two milliliters of the extract was treated with 10 ml of 1% HCL in
water bath for 30 min. The solution was then treated with few drops
of Wagners reagent and the colour change was observed. The Determination of fasting blood glucose level
presence of alkaloid is indicated with precipitate formation
(Sofowora, 1983). The fasting blood glucose was determined using glucometer kit
(accucheck) after overnight fasting for about 8 to 10 h. The tail was
punctured and the blood from the tail was dropped on the strip
Cardiac glycoside test which had been inserted into the glucometer to obtain the blood
glucose concentration in mg/dl for each rat in all the groups at an
Two milliliters of chloroform was used to dilute 0.5 ml of extract. interval of days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21.
Sulphuric acid was carefully added to the solution drop wise. At the
chloroform/sulphuric acid interphase, a reddish coloration indicates
the presence of cardiac glycosides (Trease, 1983). Statistical analysis of results
Compound Inference
Anthraquinones -
Alkaloids +
Cardiac glycosides +++
Saponins +
Steroids -
Phenols ++
Tannins +
Flavonoids +
Terpenes +++
+: Slightly present, ++: Moderately present, +++: Highly present, -:Not detected.
Figure 1. Fasting blood glucose concentration (mg/dl) of diabetic rats not treated and non induced, treated with
extract and standard drug.
shows the fasting blood glucose levels of diabetic rats not DISCUSSION
treated and non induced, treated with extract and
standard drug. Table 1 reveals that the phytochemical analysis of
Saidu et al. 1177
methanolic fruit pulp extract of C. sativus contains research should be carried out to uncover the precise
important phytoconstituents like tannins, saponins, mechanism of action.
terpenes, glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids and phenols,
while anthraquinone and steroids are absent. The seed
extracts of C. sativus have also been reported to contain ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
these phytochemicals (Ankita et al., 2012). Flavonoid and
tannins have been reported to cause regeneration of The authors are grateful to the entire members of the
damaged pancreatic islets, stimulate calcium and glucose Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of
uptake (Tapas et al., 2008, Kumar and Clark, 2002). Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
These compounds are known to be responsible for the
hypoglycemic activity of the plant as compared with other
hypoglycemic plants which contains similar Conflict of Interest
phytoconstituent found in Luffa acutangula fruit extract
(Pimple et al., 2011) and methanolic root bark extract of The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Acacia albida (Salisu et al., 2009). It has been reported
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