Daily Lesson Log: The Learner... The Learner... The Learner... The Learner..

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School Canarvanan National High School Grade Level 11

Teacher Christian Joy M. Olarte Learning Area Oral Communication in Context

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time July 2 - 5, 2018; 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Quarter 1st

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

A. Content Standards The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...

understands the nature and elements understands the nature and elements understands the nature and elements understands the nature and elements
of oral communication context of oral communication context of oral communication context of oral communication context
B. Performance Standards The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...

designs and performs effective designs and performs effective designs and performs effective designs and performs effective
controlled and uncontrolled oral controlled and uncontrolled oral controlled and uncontrolled oral controlled and uncontrolled oral
communication activities based on communication activities based on communication activities based on communication activities based on
context. context. context. context.
C. Learning EN11/12OC-Ia-7 EN11/12OC-Ia-7 EN11/12OC-Ibe-8 EN11/12OC-Ibe-8
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Books & Internet Books & Internet Books & Internet Books & Internet
A. References  Curriculum Guide  Curriculum Guide  Curriculum Guide  Curriculum Guide
 Oral Communication in Context  Oral Communication in Context  Oral Communication in Context  Oral Communication in Context
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Teacher gives a brief recap of the Teacher gives a brief recap of the Teacher introduces the new lesson Teacher gives a brief recap of the
presenting the new lesson previous lesson. previous lesson. previous lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Group Activity: Compare the Teacher discusses the functions of Teacher asks the learners, can you
lesson advertisement in Sweden and in communication think of other instances when
Saudi Arabia. regulation and control are
C. Presenting examples/ Questions: Describe the following in the context
instances of the new lesson 1. Why do you think was the of communication:
advertisement edited?  Regulation/control
2. Is the edit justified? Why or why  Social interaction
not?  Motivation
3. If you were members of the  Emotional expression
advertising team of the company,  information
would you edit the advertisement as
well? Why or why not?
D. Making generalizations and Teacher gives the summary of the
abstractions about the lesson lesson.
E. Evaluating learning PAPER AND PENCIL TEST
V.REMARKS Students were able to participate in Lesson attained and the teacher will Students were able to understand the Students were able to understand the
the activity. continue the lesson next meeting. lesson. lesson.
VI. REFLECTION Students were able to understand I was able to facilitate my students to I was able to give the functions of Students were able to understand the
the lesson through activity. learn through a paper and pencil communication lesson through activity.
A. No. of learners who earned 13 13 13 13
80% on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require O 0 0 0
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons N/A N/A N/A N/A
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue 0 0 0 0
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching Students tend to understand easy Paper and pencil test is found out to Discussion is also found out to be Students tend to understand easy and
strategies worked well? Why did and well if they are enjoying the be effective in assessing how the very effective since students in this well if they are enjoying the lesson.
these work? lesson. Learning at the same time students understand the lesson. Learning at the same time enjoying is
enjoying is effective because a
generation has a very limited effective because a happy class is a
happy class is a learning class. attention span. learning class.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


SHS Teacher II Head Teacher 1 School Principal III

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