Seismic-6-Desig - of-Concrete-Structures PDF
Seismic-6-Desig - of-Concrete-Structures PDF
Seismic-6-Desig - of-Concrete-Structures PDF
Lecture 6
Design of Concrete structures in
accordance with CSA A23.3-04
Course Instructor:
John Pao, P.Eng., Struct.Eng.
[email protected]
S = design spectral response acceleration Ta = fundamental period of vibration of the building
Mv = factor to account for higher mode effects IE = earthquake importance factor
W = Weight of the building Rd = ductility-related force modification factor
Ro = Overstrength-related force modification factor
Instructor: John Pao
Fa = Acceleration based site coefficient Fv = Velocity based site coefficient
Sa = 5% damped spectral response acceleration (ratio of gravity) varies with region and building
Instructor: John Pao
Sa(0.2) = 0.94 By Interpolating
Sa(0.5) = 0.64 Site Class A Fa = 0.8
Sa(1.0) = 0.33 Site Class E Fa = 1.0
Sa(2.0) = 0.17 Site Class A Fv = 0.5
Site Class E Fv = 1.8
Sa(0.2) = 0.15 By Interpolating
Sa(0.5) = 0.084 Site Class A Fa = 0.7
Sa(1.0) = 0.041 Site Class E Fa = 2.1
Sa(2.0) = 0.023 Site Class A Fv = 0.5
Site Class E Fv = 2.1
Instructor: John Pao
Comparison of Design Spectral Response Acceleration (S) between Vancouver and Calgary
Design Spectral Response Acceleration
0.80 Vancouver C
Vancouver E
0.60 Vancouver A
Calgary C
0.40 Calgary E
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Building Period (T)
Instructor: John Pao
Instructor: John Pao
Instructor: John Pao
Instructor: John Pao
The nonlinear analysis needed to predict the response of typical building structures under earthquake
motions is usually too complex for design. Capacity design is a simplified design approach where the
designer chooses the inelastic mechanism and then provides the appropriate strengths of the
elements of the concrete structure to ensure that the selected mechanism will form when the
structure is deformed beyond the linear range.
Special detailing for ductility is only required in those elements that have been selected to become
inelastic. A simple analogy that has been used to explain capacity design is a chain where all but a
few links are made stronger, and when the elastic capacity of the chain is exceeded, only the weak
links in the chain will become inelastic. As long as the weak links of the chain have sufficient ductility,
the complete chain will have sufficient ductility.
Instructor: John Pao
Table 21.1
Section properties for analysis
Beam Ie = 0.4Ig
Column Ie = α c Ig
Instructor: John Pao
(a) the axial compressive force in the member due to factored load effects shall not
exceed Agf ' c /10;
(b) the clear span of the member shall be not less than four times its effective depth;
(c) the width-to-depth ratio of the cross-section shall be not less than 0.3; and
(d) the width shall be not less than 250 mm and not more than the width of the
supporting member (measured on a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the
flexural member) plus distances on each side of the supporting member not exceeding
three-quarters of the depth of the flexural member.
At any section of a flexural member , the areas of top reinforcement and bottom reinforcement
shall each be not less than 1.4 bwd/fy , and the reinforcement ratio, ρ , shall not exceed 0.025. At
least two effectively continuous bars shall be provided at both top and bottom.
The positive moment resistance at the face of a joint shall be not less than one-half of the negative
moment resistance provided at that face of the joint. Neither the negative nor the positive moment
resistance at any section along the member length shall be less than one-quarter of the maximum
moment resistance provided at the face of either end joint.
Lap splices of flexural reinforcement shall be permitted only if hoop reinforcement is provided over
the lap length. The maximum spacing of the transverse reinforcement enclosing the lapped bars
shall not exceed d/4 or 100 mm. Lap splices shall not be used
(a) within the joints;
(b) within a distance of 2d from the face of the joint; and
(c) within a distance d from any plastic hinge caused by inelastic lateral displacements.
Instructor: John Pao
The first hoop shall be located not more than 50 mm from the face of a supporting member. The
maximum spacing of the hoops shall not exceed
(a) d/4;
(b) eight times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bars;
(c) 24 times the diameter of the hoop bars; or
(d) 300 mm.
Where hoops are not required, stirrups with seismic hooks at each end shall be spaced not more than d/2
throughout the length of the member.
These hoops are intended to prevent buckling of the longitudinal bars in the compression zone in
plastic hinge regions where both the top and bottom reinforcement can be subjected to yielding in
tension and compression due to reversed cyclic flexure. Bars that buckle in compression and are
subsequently stressed to yield in tension usually rupture.
When a plastic hinge region is deliberately relocated away form the column then hoop reinforcement
must be provided within and adjacent to the plastic hinge region.
Instructor: John Pao
he factored shear resistance of frame members shall be at least equal to the shear
determined by assuming that moments equal to the probable moment resistance act at
the faces of the joint so as to produce maximum shear in the member, and that the
member is then loaded with the tributary transverse load along the span. The moments
corresponding to probable strength shall be calculated using the properties of the
member at the faces of the joint. The factored shear need not exceed that determined
from factored load combinations, with load effects calculated using RdRo equal to 1.0.
hear reinforcement shall be designed to the requirements of Clause 11, with the
following exceptions:
a) the values of Θ = 45° and β = 0 shall be used in the regions specified in Clause; and Seismic Design of Multistorey Concrete Structures
No. 23
Instructor: John Pao
nc = the sum of moments, at the centre of the joint, corresponding to the nominal resistance of the
columns framing into the joint. The nominal resistance of the columns shall be calculated for the factored
axial force, consistent with the direction of the lateral forces considered, that results in the lowest flexural
pb = the sum of moments, at the centre of the joint, corresponding to the probable resistance of the
beams and girders framing into that joint. In T-beam construction where the slab is in tension under
moments at the face of the joint, slab reinforcement within an effective slab width specified in Clause 10.3
shall be assumed to contribute to flexural strength if the slab reinforcement is developed at the critical
section for flexure The area of longitudinal reinforcement shall be not less than 0.01 or more than 0.06 times the
gross area, Ag , of the section.
Seismic Design of Multistorey Concrete Structures
No. 26
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Moment Resisting Frames
1.4.4 Transverse reinforcement
ransverse reinforcement, specified as follows, shall be provided unless a larger amount is required by Clause or 21.4.5:
a) the volumetric ratio of circular hoop reinforcement, ρs , shall be not less than that given by
here kp = Pf /Po and f yh shall not be taken as greater than 500 MPa. However, ρs shall not be less than that
required by Equation (10-7);
b) the total effective area in each of the principal directions of the cross-section within spacing s of rectangular
hoop reinforcement shall be not less than the larger of the amounts required by the following equations:
c) transverse reinforcement may be provided by single or overlapping hoops. Crossties of the same bar size and
spacing as the hoops may be used. Each end of the crosstie shall engage a peripheral longitudinal reinforcing bar;
d) if the thickness of the concrete outside the confining transverse reinforcement exceeds 100 mm, additional
transverse reinforcement shall be provided within the cover at a spacing not exceeding 300 mm.
ransverse reinforcement shall be spaced at distances not exceeding the smallest of the following:
Instructor: John Pao
Fig. N21.4.4.4
Instructor: John Pao
Columns that can develop plastic hinges because of their connection to rigid members such as
foundations or discontinued walls or because of their position at the base of the structure shall
be provided with transverse reinforcement as specified in Clauses to over their
clear height. This transverse reinforcement shall continue into the discontinued member for at
least the development length of the largest longitudinal reinforcement in the column. If the
column terminates on a footing or mat, this transverse reinforcement shall extend into the footing
or mat as required by Clause 21.11.
It is important to appreciate that during a severe earthquake some column hinging (e.g. at
the base of the column in Fig 21.4.2(b)) and some yielding of columns will occur even if the
"strong column-weak beam" philosophy has been followed. For this reason columns, need
to be detailed for ductility in accordance with the requirement of Clause
Fig. N21.5.1.2 illustrates the procedure for determining the factored shear in joints of
ductile frames. The 1.25 factor is intended to account for the likely stress in the bars
when plastic hinges form in the beams.
Instructor: John Pao
35M bars and smaller can be anchored with standard 90 deg. hooks. The development
lengths for bars with fy = 400 MPa are:
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
N21.6 Ductile Walls
N21.6.1 Application
Walls with hw / lw of 2.0 or less are squat shear walls that are more likely to develop an inelastic shear
mechanism rather than an inelastic flexural mechanism. These walls must be designed to the new
requirements for squat walls contained in Clause 21.7.4.
The question sometimes arises as to when a wall with openings is a solid shearwall and when it is a
coupled wall. The analysis used to determine whether the elements connecting wall segments have
sufficient stiffness must account for the reduced section properties given in Clause The
effective properties of the elements connecting the vertical wall segments shall be taken as those
specified for coupling beams.
The elements connecting the wall segments would have adequate stiffness for the wall to act as a solid
shearwall if the vertical strains in all wall segments follow essentially a single linear variation. That is, the
horizontal plane section across all wall segments remains plane.
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
N21.6.2 General Requirements
It is very important that the detailing required for the plastic hinge regions of walls be provided wherever
yielding may occur in walls.
The length of the plastic hinge in a wall is expected to be about equal to the length of the wall. Thus the length
over which special detailing must be provided is 1.5 times the length of the wall.
Due to diagonal cracking of the wall, the demand in the vertical reinforcement at the critical section will spread
over a height approximately equal to the wall length. Thus the vertical reinforcement required at the critical
section must be provided over at least this height. Shear failures occur along a diagonal crack that extends
over a height approximately equal to the length of the wall. For these two reasons, and to prevent premature
yielding above the critical section, both the vertical and horizontal reinforcement calculated for the critical
section shall extend over the plastic hinge region.
Ductile Walls
Once increased strength has been provided
over the height of the plastic hinge, the factored
bending moment envelope must be modified in
order to prevent premature yielding above the
plastic hinge region. In the previous
commentary it was suggested that a linear
variation in factored bending moment be used
from the top of the plastic hinge region to the
top of the wall. The new Standard permits a
shape based on an amplified factored bending
moment envelope to be used.
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
Fig. N21.2.2
Ductile Walls
N21.6.3 Dimensional Limitations
Care must be taken to prevent possible instability in
potential plastic hinge zones. Regions of the walls, where
yielding of the reinforcement and concrete compressive
strains in excess of 0.0015 are expected, need to be
checked for stability.
Instructor: John Pao
21.6.4 Reinforcement
Ductile Walls
All lap splices shall have a minimum
length of 1.5 ℓd .
Ductile Walls
21.6.5 Distributed Reinforcement
This clause introduces tie requirements for vertical distributed reinforcement similar to those introduced in Clause
14, except that in Clause 21, it applies to all vertical reinforcement.
Buckling prevention ties for vertical distributed reinforcement are required in plastic hinge regions in anticipation
of reverse cyclic yielding where 20M and larger bars are used.
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
The wall moments should be resisted primarily by concentrated reinforcement. Walls designed with only distributed steel
often fail by rupture of the edge tension reinforcement prior to developing significant ductility. Nevertheless when
calculating the wall resistance the distributed reinforcement is to be taken into account.
The minimum area of concentrated reinforcement in regions of plastic hinging shall be at least 0.0015 bwℓw at each end of
the wall
This minimum reinforcement requirement is intended to ensure that the wall possesses post-cracking capacity.
In regions of plastic hinging, not more than 50% of the reinforcement at each end of the walls shall be spliced at the same
location. In such walls, a total of at least one-half of the height of each storey shall be completely clear of lap splices in the
concentrated reinforcement.
The requirement to keep at least half the storey height free of lap splices is intended to provide a section of wall with a
capacity no greater than that anticipated in the design.
The concentrated reinforcement shall be at least tied as a column as specified in Clause 7.6, and the ties shall be detailed
as hoops. In regions of plastic hinging, the concentrated reinforcement shall be tied with buckling prevention ties as
specified in Clause
The closer spacing of ties in the plastic hinge region is intended to prevent buckling of bars under compression.
Ductile Walls
N21.6.7 Ductility of Ductile Shear Walls
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
The inelastic rotation capacity given by Eq. (21-11) is equal to the total curvature capacity of the
wall ecu / c minus the assumed yield curvature of 0.004 / lw times the assumed plastic hinge
length of lw / 2 . As the plastic hinge length varies between lw and lw / 2; to be safe the larger value
was used to estimate demand and the smaller value was used to estimate inelastic rotation
Ductile Walls
N21.6.8 – Additional Requirements for Ductile Coupled and Partially Coupled Shear Walls
Ductile coupled walls and ductile partially coupled walls dissipate energy by the formation of plastic hinges
in all coupling beams and near the base of the walls as shown in Figure N21.2.2.
The bending moments from coupling beams cause reverse bending at the top of coupled walls. As a
result, the elastic portion of the total displacement is generally much smaller in coupled walls than in shear
walls without coupling beams. For simplicity, the inelastic rotation (inelastic displacement divided by height
above plastic hinge) is assumed to be equal to the global drift (total displacement divided by total height of
wall). That is, replacing the height of the wall above the plastic hinge with the total height of the wall
compensates for the assumption that the elastic displacement is zero (See Fig N21.6.8.2). While the
inelastic displacement is a larger portion of the total displacement in coupled walls, the total displacement
demand is greatly reduced by the coupling beams.
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
a) 0.04 for coupling beams designed with diagonal reinforcement in accordance with Clause; and
Ductile Walls
Both ductile coupled walls and ductile partially coupled walls require ductile coupling beams. Diagonal
reinforcing must be provided in coupling beams to avoid sliding shear failure at the ends of the beams as
transverse reinforcement is not effective in preventing such failures. The maximum shear stress that can
be applied without causing a sliding shear failure is proportional to the slenderness of the coupling
beams. Conventional reinforcement can be used if the shear stress is low and the rotational demands
meet the limits in
The longitudinal reinforcement in coupling beams must be capable of yielding in tension at one end and
yielding in compression at the other end. Thus the beam must be long enough or the bar diameter small
enough to permit the development of 2fy along the length of the beam.
It is preferred that coupling beams be the same width as the wall and be centered on the wall. When this is
not the case, additional design considerations are required. It is important to remember that coupling
beams are expected to develop plastic hinges at the wall faces and therefore the design factored
resistance of continuing elements of the coupling beams should be based on the probable resistance of the
beam at the wall face when considering shear, torsion and out-of-plane bending to provide a hierarchy of
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
The shear and moment in diagonally reinforced coupling beams are resisted entirely by the reinforcement so
the limitations on design capacity are usually dictated by the difficulty of placing the diagonal reinforcing
through the wall-zone steel at the ends of the wall. Fig. N21.6.8.7 illustrates the design and detailing
requirements for diagonal reinforcing. In the case where more than four bars are used in each diagonal,
buckling prevention ties in addition to the outside hoop will be required. Ties on the diagonal reinforcement
are not required where they pass through the inside of buckling prevention ties provided for the concentrated
steel adjacent to the opening
Ductile Walls
To simplify the design of coupling beams
while at the same time avoiding significant
over-strength, the shear forces applied to
coupling beams may be redistributed from
the linear-elastic distribution as illustrated in
Fig. N21.6.8.7(b). The shear in any
individual beam should not be reduced by
more than 20% from the linear-elastic
distribution nor should it be reduced below
that required for other load cases such as
wind. The sum of the resistance over the
height of the building must be greater than
or equal to the sum of the elastically
determined values. For the case where
forces are determined using equivalent
static loading, the design coupling beam
shears should not be reduced to correspond
to the overturning moment calculated using
the reduction factor J. Fig. N21.6.8.7(b) Design of Coupling Beams Using Redistribution
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
In order to ensure that the plastic hinges form in the coupling
beams and not in the walls, the wall at each end of the coupling
beam must be stronger than the coupling beams framing into
it. This is similar to the requirement for strong columns weak --
beams in section for ductile frames.
There are cases where the configuration of a building is such that
the requirements of Clause cannot be achieved at one end
of a coupling beam. In that case, the inelastic mechanism is
expected to consist of plastic hinges in the wall above and below
the beam, and the wall segments must be designed as ductile
moment resisting-frame elements.
Fig. N21.6.8.9
Ductile Walls
Except as permitted by Clause, walls at each end of a coupling beam shall be designed so that the
factored moment resistance of the wall about its centroid, calculated using axial loads Ps and Pn , exceeds
the moment at its centroid resulting from the nominal resistance of the coupling beams framing into the wall
and the factored moment in the wall.
In order for the assumed energy dissipating mechanism to form in coupled and partially coupled walls, the
coupling beams must yield. Clause requires sufficient local bending capacity of the walls to ensure
coupling beams will yield prior to the walls. In addition, the axial capacity of the walls at any height must be
sufficient to resist the sum of the coupling beam shear forces required to yield the coupling beams above that
height. In the previous edition of the Standard, the requirement was expressed in terms of a first-mode push-
over mechanism. To account for higher mode effects, the requirement has been expressed in the current
provisions as a multiplier on the factored axial forces. For a tall building, the factored axial forces would
presumably be determined by a linear dynamic analysis and would account for higher mode effects.
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
ssemblies of coupled and partially coupled shear walls connected together by coupling beams that function as a
closed tube or tubes shall be designed with
a) OTM due to lateral loads resisted by axial forces in the walls, increased by the ratio of the sum of the
nominal capacities to the sum of the factored forces in the coupling beams above the level under consideration;
Punchedb) tubes
an additional increase
are often used in overturning
in highrises as theymoment
provideresisted by control
good drift axial forces in the walls
and seismic forceatresistance.
each level Tubes resist
torsional loads by shearto the
flowincrease in the
around the sum
tube ofthrough
and the nominal capacities
the coupling of theas
beams; coupling
a result,beams
there required
are no nettoinduced
resist the
overturning torsion
moments dueabove the level
to torsion under
in tubes, asconsideration .
there are in separated walls. However, that there will be local shears,
moments and axial forces in the linked sections of tubes to equilibrate the shears and moments applied to them by the
coupling beams for all load cases, including those that have a torsional component.
Punched tubes have shears in the coupling beams from two sources, the lateral forces and the accidental torsion. The
required wall design axial load increase needed to provide this overturning moment capacity is divided into two
cases, For case (a) the ratio is determined from a design with the nominal beam capacities and the factored beam
forces determined for lateral load without consideration of accidental torsion. For case (b) the design for lateral and
accidental torsion results in an increase in nominal beam capacities above the design for case (a) and this increase is
applied as an increase in overturning moment resisted by wall axial forces. It is necessary to account for this to
encourage the desirable coupling beam yield mechanism.
Ductile Walls
Instructor: John Pao
Ductile Walls
21.6.9 Shear Strength of Ductile Walls
Walls shall have a factored shear resistance greater than the shear due to the effects of factored
loads. The shear due to the effects of factored loads shall account for the magnification of the
shear due to the inelastic effects of higher modes. In addition, the factored shear resistance shall
not be less than the smaller of
(a) the shear corresponding to the development of the probable moment capacity of the wall
system at its plastic hinge locations; or
(b) the shear resulting from design load combinations that include earthquake, with load
effects calculated using RdRo equal to 1.0.
A capacity design approach is applied to ensure that flexural yielding of the wall will occur prior
to a shear failure. For ductile walls, the shear forces determined in a linear analysis are
magnified by the ratio of probable moment capacity of the wall to factored moment applied to the
wall. In cases where the flexural resistance of the concrete walls exceeds the linear demand,
the capacity design approach is not needed since the structure will remain linear. This is the
reason for the upper limit given in (b).
21.10 Structural Diaphragms
This is a new clause in this edition of A23.3 It is to reflect the new diaphragm requirements contained in the 2005NBCC.
Legible load paths are fundamental to the design of diaphragms. Particular attention should be paid to the provision of
adequate collector members.
Instructor: John Pao
21.11 Foundations
The factored resistance of the foundation system and the supports of frames or walls shall be
sufficient to develop the nominal moment capacity of the frames or walls and the corresponding
shears. Where the factored moment resistance of any wall or frame exceeds the required factored
moment, the following shall apply:
(a) the factored resistance of unanchored footings supporting those walls or frames need not
exceed the maximum factored load effects determined with loads calculated using RdRo equal to 2.0;
(b) where frames or walls are supported by anchored footings or elements other than foundations,
the factored resistance of those elements need not exceed the maximum factored load effects
determined with loads calculated using RdRo equal to 1.0.
The intent of this clause is to provide capacity design of the foundation system. The foundation
system shall be taken as all portions of the lateral load resisting system below the lowest design
plastic hinge. The upper limit on foundation capacity has been introduced to cover situations where
the system capacity approaches that of an elastically responding system. The difference between
the anchored and un-anchored case has been introduced to recognize that there is some energy
absorption in "stamping" or "rocking" footings.
Foundations Concentrated wall reinforcement shall extend to the bottom of the footing, mat, or pile cap
and terminate with a 90° hook.
This clause was added over concerns that designers may not be providing a complete load path from
shear wall zones through the footing into the soil. Fig. N21.11.2.3 illustrates how the strut-and-tie
model given in Clause 11.4 may be used to visualize the force flow within a footing. The critical area
for anchorage of the vertical wall reinforcement is indicated by a circle.
Instructor: John Pao
Design Example
Design Example
Instructor: John Pao
Design Example
Instructor: John Pao
Instructor: John Pao
Instructor: John Pao
Instructor: John Pao
Design Example
Design Example
Instructor: John Pao
Design Example
Design Example
Instructor: John Pao
Instructor: John Pao
Reference material:
NBCC 2005
Concrete Design Handbook, Third Edition
Projects by Bogdonov Pao Associates Ltd.
Thank You