Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
Received February 17, 1995; revised January 23, 1996; accepted February 22, 1996
flexibility afforded by fuzzy connectivity eases these re- 2-ary relation. Since we are not interested in fuzzy m-ary
quirements, making ‘‘fuzzy connected component’’ a com- relations for m . 2, we drop the qualifier ‘‘2-ary’’ for
putable alternative to the notion of an object. We argue simplicity. We shall always use e subscripted by the fuzzy
that ‘‘fuzzy connectedness’’ is a concept that effectively subset under consideration to denote the membership
captures fuzzy ‘‘hanging togetherness’’ of image ele- function of the fuzzy subset. For hard subsets, e will denote
ments—a notion that has been missing in past segmenta- their characteristic function.
tion research. We demonstrate in this paper that finding Let r be any fuzzy relation in x. r is said to be
fuzzy connected components is often a powerful solution
to the difficult segmentation problem. reflexive if, for all (x, x) [ X 3 X, er(x, x) 5 1, (2.5)
In this paper, we first present a theory of fuzzy connected
objects in Section 2 for digital spaces of finite dimensional- symmetric if, for all (x, y) [ X 3 X, er(x, y) 5 er( y, x),
ity. In Section 3, we describe efficient algorithms for ex- (2.6)
tracting fuzzy connected components from membership transitive if, for all (x, y), ( y, z), (x, z) [ X 3 X,
images. In Section 4, we demonstrate the utility of these er(x, z) 5 max [min(er(x, y), er( y, z))]. (2.7)
algorithms in image segmentation based on examples y
relation called ‘‘affinity.’’ Affinity takes into account the We call the pair (Z n, a), where a is a fuzzy spel adjacency,
degree of adjacency of the grid points as well as the similar- a fuzzy digital space. Fuzzy digital space is a concept that
ity of their intensity values. The closer the grid points are characterizes the underlying digital grid system indepen-
and more similar their intensities are, the greater is the dent of any image-related concepts. We shall eventually tie
affinity between them. To see how affinity is used to assign this with image-related concepts to arrive at fuzzy object-
a ‘‘strength of connectedness’’ to any pair of grid points related notions.
(c, d), consider all possible connecting ‘‘paths’’ of grid
points between c and d. We think of each such path as
2.3. Scenes, Membership Scenes, Binary Scenes, Slices
being formed from a sequence of links between successive
of C , Classification, Segmentation
grid points in the path. Each link has a ‘‘strength’’ which
is simply the affinity between the corresponding two grid A scene over a fuzzy digital space (Z n, a) is a pair C 5
points. The strength of a path is simply the strength of the (C, f ), where C 5 hc u 2 bj # cj # bj for some
weakest link in it. Finally, the strength of connectedness b [ Z 1n j, Z 1n is the set of n-tuples of positive integers, and
between c and d is the strength of the strongest of all paths. f is a function whose domain is C, called the scene domain,
In defining a fuzzy object, the strength of connectedness and whose range is a set of numbers. Any scene C over
between all possible pairs of grid points must be taken (Z n, a) in which the range of f is a subset of the closed
into account, as described in the following sections. unit interval [0, 1] is called a membership scene over (Z n,
a). We call C a binary scene over (Z n, a) if C is a member-
2.2. Rn, Z n, Spels, Fuzzy Spel Adjacency, Fuzzy ship scene over Z n in which the range of f is h0, 1j. C is
Digital Space said to be nonemplty if there exists c [ C such that
f (c) ? 0.
Let n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn be subdivided
A set of all spels c [ C, all but distinct two of whose
into hypercuboids by n mutually orthogonal families of
coordinates ci , cj are fixed, together with the restriction of
parallel hyperplanes. We shall assume, with no loss of
f to that set, will be called a ci cj-slice of C .
generality for our purposes, that the hyperplanes in each
Scenes contain information about objects that have been
family have equal unit spacing so that the hypercuboids
imaged. Spel values in a membership scene constitute the
are unit hypercubes, and we shall choose coordinates so
membership of spels in a particular object of interest. The
that the center of each hypercube has integer coordinates.
notion of a membership scene is for developing fuzzy ob-
The hypercubes will be called spels (an abbreviation for
ject concepts. The purpose of an imaging operation, such
‘‘space elements’’). When n 5 2, spels are called pixels,
as CT scanning, is indeed to get membership scenes. If the
and when n 5 3 they are called voxels. The coordinates
scene representing acquired image data already portrays
of a center of a spel are an n-tuple of integers, defining a
object membership adequately, there is no need for the
point in Z n. For any spel c and for 1 # j # n, we denote
secondary concept of a membership scene, and the scene
by cj the jth coordinate of the center of c. We shall think
itself, but for a linear scaling of its values, can be treated
of Z n itself as the set of all spels in Rn with the above
as a membership scene. (That the range of f in a member-
interpretation of spels and use the concepts of spels and
ship scene (C, f ) over (Z n, a) be [0, 1] is a theoretical
points in Z n interchangeably.
requirement stemming from our need to handle fuzzy con-
A fuzzy relation a in Z n is said to be a fuzzy spel adja-
cepts. For implementations, the range of f can be taken to
cency if it is reflexive and symmetric. It is desirable that a
be the range of the original scene values themselves.) In
be such that ea (c, d) is a nonincreasing function of the
general, however, spel values in scenes do not represent
distance ic 2 di between c and d, where i?i represents any
directly their degree of membership in objects. For exam-
L2 norm in Rn.
ple, a spel may have low value, yet it may have higher
An example of fuzzy spel adjacency is the fuzzy relation
membership in a certain object. An ideal membership
g defined by
scene should contain only the object of interest with the
spel values indicating as closely as possible the degree of
eg (c, d) membership of spels in the object. We call any process that
O uc 2 d u # n
1 converts a scene to a membership scene n-classification. n-
, if i i
5 1 1 k1(Ïoi51 (ci 2 di )2 )
i51 (2.8) segmentation is any process that converts a scene over (Z n,
a) to a binary scene over (Z n, a). The purpose of
0, otherwise, n-segmentation may be considered as to identify the object
of interest as a hard subset of the scene domain. The
k1 being a nonnegative constant. It is easily verified that the purpose of n-classification may be thought of as to identify
hard adjacency relations commonly used in digital topology the object of interest as a fuzzy subset of the scene domain.
[15–17] are special cases of fuzzy spel adjacencies. For now we assume that we are given a membership
scene over (Z n, a). We shall come back to the n-classifica- The fuzzy k-net concept captures the idea of assigning a
tion and n-segmentation problems in Section 4. strength to every path that connects any pair of spels in C .
We define a binary join to operation on PC , denoted
2.4. Fuzzy Spel Affinities ‘‘1’’ as follows. For any two nonempty paths pcd 5 kc (1),
c (2), . . . , c (m)l [ PC and pde 5 kd (1), d (2), . . . , d (l)l [ PC ,
Let C 5 (C, f ) be a membership scene over (Z n, a).
Any fuzzy relation k in C is said to be a fuzzy spel affinity
pcd 1 pde 5 kc (1), c (2), . . . , c (m), d (2), d (3), . . . , d (l)l,
in C if it is reflexive and symmetric. In practice, we would
want k to be such that ek (c, d) is a function of ea (c, d) and
of f (c) and f (d) and perhaps even of c and d themselves.
An example of fuzzy spel affinity is the fuzzy relation z
defined as follows. Let C 5 (C, f ) be a membership scene
pcd 1 k l 5 pcd , (2.11b)
over (Z n, g), where g is as defined in (2.8). For all
(c, d) [ C 3 C, define
assign to every pair of spels (c, d) in C a ‘‘strength of we need the following hard binary relation Ku based on
connectivity’’ between them. This strength is determined the fuzzy relation K. We use u to denote any subset of
as follows. There are numerous possible paths between c [0, 1] and, for 0 # x # 1, define ux 5 [x, 1].
and d (expressed by the set Pcd). Along each path p, there Let C 5 (C, f ) be a membership scene over a fuzzy
is a ‘‘weakest link’’ (in the sense of the smallest affinity digital space (Z n, a), and let k be a fuzzy spel affinity in
between spels along p) that determines the strength of C . For all c, d [ C and for any u , [0, 1], we define a
connectivity along p. The actual strength of connectivity (hard) binary relation Ku in C as
from c to d is the maximum of the strength of all paths.
Note that in the definition of strength, a, C , and k all play
important roles.
The following result is vital to the development of the
eKu (c, d) 5 H
1, iff eK(c, d) [ u,
0, otherwise.
5 max [eN (pcd 1 pde)], by (2.12) eK(c, e) $ min[eK(c, g), eK( g, e)]. (2.16)
Since eK(c, g) $ x and eK( g, e) $ x, by (2.16)
eK(c, e) $ x. Hence, eKux (c, e) 5 1, establishing the transi-
5 max max max [min(eN (pcd ), eN (pde ))] tivity of Kux . Kux is therefore an equivalence relation
d[C pcd[Pcd pde[Pde
in C. n
5 max
min max (eN (pde )), eN (pcd )
GGG 2.7. Fuzzy k-Components, Fuzzy ku-Objects, Fuzzy
Object Extraction, Fuzzy Object Labeling
5 max min
F F max (eN (pcd )), max (eN (pde))
pcd[Pcd pde[Pde
GG Let C 5 (C, f ) be a membership scene over a fuzzy
digital space (Z n, a), let k be a fuzzy spel affinity in C , let
x [ [0, 1], and let Oux be an equivalence class ([13, Chap.
5 max [min(eK(c, d), eK(d, e))], by (2.13), 10]) of the relation Kux in C. A fuzzy k-component Oux of
C of strength ux is a fuzzy subset of C defined by the
membership function
establishing the transitivity of K. n
The reason for utilizing the max–min composition in the
definition of k came naturally from the physical analogy
of links and strengths of paths described at the end of
eO ux (c) 5 H f (c), if c [ Oux
0, otherwise.
o, denoted Oux (o), is a fuzzy subset of C whose membership PROPOSITION 2.4. For any membership scene C 5
function is (C, f ) over any fuzzy digital space (Z n, a), for any fuzzy
spel affinity k in C and for any x [ [0, 1], the set
f (c), if c [ [o]ux
x , O ux , . . . , O ux j of all distinct fuzzy kux -objects of C
hO u(1) (2) (l)
eO ux(o)(c) 5 (2.18)
0, otherwise. satisfies the following:
A fuzzy kux-object of C is a fuzzy k-component of C of (i) For 1 # i, j # l, and i ? j, O u(i)x > O u(xj) 5 F.
strength ux . For any spel o [ C, a fuzzy kux-object of C (ii) <1#i#l O u(i)x 5 C .
that contains o is a fuzzy k-component of C of strength ux
that contains o. Proof. (i) Follows from the disjointness of distinct
Given C , k, a, and x [ [0, 1], and any spel o [ C, we equivalence classes of Kux and from the definition of fuzzy
refer to the process of finding the fuzzy kux -object that kux -objects. (ii) Follows from the fact that the equivalence
contains o as n-fuzzy object extraction. We refer to the classes of Kux partition C and from the definition of fuzzy
process of finding all fuzzy kux -objects of C , given C , k, k-components of C of strength ux . n
a, and x [ [0, 1], as n-fuzzy object labeling. In practice, The following lemma leads to one of our main results
we may do n-fuzzy object extraction and labeling directly that has significant computational consequences for n-
on scenes (ignoring the theoretical requirement of the spel
fuzzy object extraction.
value range to be [0, 1] for membership scenes and treating
the given scene itself as a membership scene). Therefore, LEMMA 2.5. Let C 5 (C, f ) be any membership scene
these processes can also be considered as solutions to the over any fuzzy digital space (Z n, a), let k be any fuzzy spel
n-classification problem. affinity in C , let x [ [0, 1], and let o be any element of C.
The idea of specifying a spel o in C for n-fuzzy object Define a special subset Vux (o) of C as
extraction comes from the practical consideration of indi-
cating a particular object in C that the user is interested Vux (o) 5 hc [ C u eK(o, c) [ ux j. (2.19)
in detecting. In the CT slice of Fig. 1a, for example, the
user may be interested in detecting one of the two bones.
Then, Vux (o) 5 [o]ux .
The specific bone is indicated by pointing to a spel o in
this bone using the cursor of a pointing device on a display Proof. For any spel c [ [o]ux , by (2.14),
of an appropriate ci cj -slice of C . When the number of eKux (o, c) 5 1, implying that eK(o, c) [ ux . Hence by (2.19),
objects to be detected is large (such as in the case of c [ Vux (o), and thus [o]ux , Vux (o).
multiple sclerosis lesions of the brain), it may not be practi- For any spel c [ Vux (o), by (2.19) and (2.14),
cal to specify a spel for each object. In this case, the ap- eKux (o, c) 5 1, and by Proposition 2.3, c [ [o]ux . Therefore
proach of n-fuzzy object labeling is more appropriate. Vux (o) , [o]ux . n
The assignment of values f (c) to spels c of a fuzzy kux -
object of C requires some explanation. Recall that we The following theorem gives us practical methods for n-
started with the assumption that C is a membership scene, fuzzy object extraction.
wherein scene density is supposed to indicate ‘‘objectness.’’
THEOREM 2.6. For any membership scene C 5 (C, f )
If C is a scene (rather than a membership scene), such as
over any fuzzy digital space (Z n, a), for any fuzzy spel
the MR slices of a brain, then scene density values may
affinity k in C , for any x [ [0, 1], and for any spel o [ C,
not directly indicate objectness and it may not be appro-
the fuzzy kux -object Oux (o) containing o is given by the
priate to assign f (c) as the spel membership value. We
membership function
shall come back to this issue in Section 4.2.
Both n-fuzzy object extraction and labeling are computa-
tionally formidable processes even for the case n 5 2. Any f (c), if c [ Vux (o)
eO ux(o)(c) 5 (2.20)
method for these processes that proceeds directly from the 0, otherwise.
definitions will be computationally impractical. However,
there are certain properties of fuzzy kux-objects which Proof. Combine Lemma 2.5 and (2.18). n
when exploited can lead to computationally practical algo-
rithms for these processes. We now proceed to study This result is quite remarkable especially considering
these properties. the minimal restrictions that are put on the functional
forms of ea and ek . The theorem implies that for finding
2.8. Properties of Fuzzy kux -Objects
the fuzzy kux -object containing o, it is not necessary to
A property analogous to that of hard connected compo- compute eK(c, d) for each possible pair (c, d) of spels in
nents follows for fuzzy k-components directly from Propo- C. Rather it is sufficient to compute eK(o, c) for each spel
sition 2.3. c [ C. This is a vast reduction in combinatorial complexity.
Despite this simplification, we still need to determine all terminates faster than kFOE for two reasons. First, when
possible paths from o to each c [ C, and for each such ux is known in advance, there is no need to find the best
path, evaluate (2.10). In the next section, we shall describe path poc from o (the spel contained in the fuzzy kux -object
efficient algorithms to carry out this computation. of C to be extracted) to c [ C such that eK(o, c) 5 eN ( poc)
The following result suggests a solution to the n-fuzzy (see (2.13)). Rather, it is enough to find a path p9oc such
object labeling problem, given that a method for n-fuzzy that eN ( p9oc) $ x. When the first p9oc satisfying this condition
object extraction is available. is found, the search for the best path from o to c can be
stopped. Second, certain computations can be avoided for
COROLLARY 2.7. Let C 5 (C, f ) be any membership
those spels d [ C for which eK(o, d) , x.
scene over any fuzzy digital space (Z n, a), let k be any
Although kFOE terminates slower, it has the practical
fuzzy spel affinity in C , let x [ [0, 1], let hO u(1) (2)
x , O ux , . . . , advantage that x can be specified interactively after the
O ux j be the set of all distinct kux -objects of C , and let o(1),
algorithm terminates and thereby it becomes possible to
o(2), . . . , o(l) be spels that are contained in O u(1) (2)
x , O ux , . . . ,
(l) choose the appropriate strength of connectivity to define
O ux , respectively. Then
the fuzzy kux -object properly. The algorithm essentially
(i) For 1 # i, j # l, and i ? j, Vux (o(i)) > outputs a scene expressing strength of connectivity be-
Vux (o( j)) 5 f, and tween o and all c [ C. We call this scene the Ko-secne C o
(ii) <1#i#l Vux (o(i)) 5 C. of C defined by C o 5 (Co , fo), where Co 5 C and for all
c [ Co , fo(c) 5 eK(o, c). By thresholding this scene at
Proof. Combine Proposition 2.4 and Theorem 2.6. n various values x, we can examine the various fuzzy kux -
objects that result. This scene has interesting properties
The following result specifies the necessary (but not suf-
that are relevant to n-classification and n-segmentation,
ficient) condition for the inclusion relationship among
and in shell rendering and manipulation [8] of kux -objects.
fuzzy kux -objects.
We will not pursue these directions in this paper. In closing
PROPOSITION 2.8. For any membership scene C 5 this discussion, we wish to point out that, whenever
(C, f ) over any fuzzy digital space (Z n, a), for any fuzzy fo(c) $ x and fo(d) $ x for any spels c, d [ C, the transitivity
spel affinity k in C , for any spel o [ C, and for any t, y [ of K guarantees that eK(c, d) $ x.
[0, 1], O uy(o) , O ut(o) if t # y. As a compromise between speed and practical utility, it
is better to run Algorithm kux FOE for x . 0 but for a
Proof. For any spel c [ [o]uy , eK(o, c) [ uy, which
sufficiently smaller value than the strength of connectivity
implies that eK(o, c) [ ut since uy , ut . Hence
y we expect for the object of interest. This will ensure
eKu (o, c) 5 1, and since Kut is an equivalence relation,
i that the algorithm will terminate substantially faster than
c [ [o]ut . Thus, whenever c [ [o]uy , eO u (o)(c) 5 eO u (o)(c). k FOE, and, because of Proposition 2.8, the convenience
y t
of deciding and choosing the value of y after the termina-
For c [ C 2 [o]uy , eO u (o)(c) 5 0 by (2.18). Thus
y tion of the algorithm is retained. This is the mode in which
O uy(o) , O ut(o). n we use algorithm kux FOE in all of our current applications
involving massive data.
We have been studying the notion of kux -objects and We now present the two algorithms. A knowledge of
their properties for certain special subsets ux of [0, 1]. This dynamic programming is not essential to understand or to
notion can be generalized to more general subsets of [0, implement these algorithms. But this knowledge is helpful
1] with similar attendant properties. We will not, however, in appreciating and understanding the performance of
pursue this here. these algorithms.
1. push all spels c [ Co such that ek(o, c) . 0 to Q; test is done in Step 4 and if a ‘‘stronger’’ path is found (in
while Q is not empty do Step 5) the higher strength is assigned to c (in Step 6).
2. remove a spel c from Q;
3. if fo(c) , x then PROPOSITION 3.1. Algorithms kuxFOE and k FOE ter-
4. find fmax 5 maxd[Co [min ( fo(d), ek(c, d))]; minate. When they do so, they output respectively the fuzzy
5. if fmax . fo(c) and fmax $ x then kux -object containing o and the Ko-scene of C .
6. set fo(c) 5 fmax; Sketch of Proof. That the standard dynamic program-
7. push all spels e such that ek(c, e) . 0 to Q; ming algorithm terminates and produces the correct output
endif ; is an established result [18, Section 25.2]. Our modifications
endif ; are essentially in Steps 1 and 7 in Algorithm k FOE and
endwhile; in Steps 1, 3, and 7 in Algorithm kux FOE.
8. Create and output O ux(o) by assigning to those spels We claim that Steps 1 and 7 do not affect the termination
c in Co for which fo(c) ? 0 the value f (c), and to of k FOE and that they do not make the output k FOE
the rest the value 0; different from that of the standard algorithm. To prove
end the claim, suppose a spel e such that ek(c, e) 5 0 is pushed
into Q in Step 1 or 7. Upon the removal of e in Step 2,
ALGORITHM k FOE fmax will be 0 in Step 4, and so Steps 6 and 7 will not
be executed.
Input: C , o, k as defined in Section 2. To prove the correctness of kux FOE, we first observe
Output: Ko-scene C o 5 (Co , fo) of C . that the value assigned to every spel in C o never decreases
Auxiliary Data Structures: An nD array representing the with the increasing iteration number of the do–while loop.
Ko-scene C o 5 (Co , fo) of C We claim that the outputs of kux FOE with and without
and a queue Q of spels. For the Step 3 are identical. To prove the claim, let c be the first
purpose of the algorithm, we spel for which fo(c)(5 x9, say) $ x in Step 3. (At least one
refer to the array itself by C o . such spel must exist since fo(o) 5 1.) Suppose we ignore
begin Step 3, carry out Steps 4 onward, and say fo(c) was updated
0. set all elements of C o to 0 except o which is set to 1; in Step 6 to x0 (if this did not happen, there is nothing
1. push all spels c of Co such that ek(o, c) . 0 to Q; to prove). Obviously x0 . x9. Let a spel e for which
while Q is not empty do ek(c, e) . 0 be put in Q in Step 7. (If no such spel exists,
2. remove a spel c from Q; there is nothing to prove.) When this spel is removed from
4. find fmax 5 maxd[Co [min ( fo(d), ek(c, d))]; Q in Step 2 at the same later time, there are two cases to
5. if fmax . fo(c) then consider for e in Step 3: fo(e) $ x and fo(e) , x. In the
6. set fo(c) 5 fmax; first case, obviously, the change in value of e from x9 to x0
7. push all spels e such that ek(c, e) . 0 did not cause e to attain fo(e) $ x. In the second case, it
to Q; is easy to check that e9’s value will not change from
endif ; fo(e) , x to fo(e) $ x because of just the change in value
endwhile; of e from x9 to x0. Therefore, the output in Step 8 will be
end identical with or without Step 3. n
Since we find Algorithm k FOE to be practically more
To generate the fuzzy kux -object containing o, C o should useful, although less efficient, than Algorithm kux FOE, the
be thresholded at x and Step 8 of Algorithm kux FOE rest of our discussion in this section will refer to k FOE.
should be applied. Nonetheless many of these remarks apply to kux FOE as
The algorithms are both iterative and they work as fol- well.
lows. Within the iterative loop, a spel c of Co is examined The computational cost of k FOE is determined mainly
to see if the paths from o coming up to each spel d can by a and k. Obviously, the larger the ‘‘neighborhood’’ of
be expanded unto c itself profitably (Steps 4, 5). Which of a (i.e., the number of spels d for which ea(c, d) . 0), the
the spels d actually matter depends on a. If we take fuzzy more expensive Steps 4 and 7 are likely to be. The func-
spel adjacency a to be any of the commonly used hard tional form of ek actually determines the cost of Steps 4
adjacency relations, then the spels that matter are just the and 7. Since for many spels c, ek(c, d) is evaluated more
immediate neighbors. The array C o , which will eventually than once, it is advisable to store these values when they
contain the Ko-scene, contains the strength of connectivity are first computed if adequate fast storage space is avail-
eK(o, d) for the individual elements d of C o . To determine able. (Note that it is enough to store one of ek(c, d) and
the profitable expandability of paths unto c, a min–max ek(d, c) since k is symmetric.) It is possible that in Step 7
!O (c 2 d ) # 1
Input: C , k, and ux as described in Section 2. 1, if i i
Output: The set of all kux -objects of C . ea (c, d) 5 i (4.1)
Auxiliary Data Structures: A list C9 of spels which initially 0, otherwise.
contains one copy of every spel
in C. The general form of ek can be written as follows. For
begin all c, d [ C,
0. put a copy of every spel C into C9;
repeat ek (c, d) 5 h(ea (c, d), f (c), f (d), c, d), (4.2)
1. remove a spel o from C9;
find the fuzzy kux -object O ux (o) of C that con-
where h is a scalar-valued function with range [0, 1]. The
tains o using Algorithm kux FOE;
dependence of h on the location of spels indicates that it
3. output O ux (o);
may be shift variant. For the results presented in this sec-
4. remove spels of [o]ux that are in C9 from C9;
tion, ek (c, d) was independent of c and d with the following
until C9 is empty;
form. For all c, d [ C,
ek (c, d) 5 ea (c, d)[g1h1( f (c), f (d))
PROPOSITION 3.2. Algorithm kux FOL terminates. When
1 g2h2( f (c), f (d))], if c ? d, (4.3a)
it does so, it outputs one copy of every kux -object of C .
ek (c, c) 5 1, (4.3b)
Proof. Combine Proposition 3.1 and Corollary 2.7. n
The above algorithm is rather straightforward. It essen- where g1 and g2 are free parameters satisfying
tially finds all equivalence classes in C of the binary relation
Kux defined in (2.14). Obviously, it will be interesting to g1 1 g2 5 1. (4.3c)
combine the ideas underlying (hard) connected component
labeling algorithms (e.g., [19, 20]) and Algorithm kux FOE. The functional forms for h1 and h2 are chosen from one
We will not pursue this direction here. of the following:
We wish to point out that, in many situations, the number
of spels in the set Vux (o) (defined in (2.19)) for x . 0 may g1( f (c), f (d)) 5 e2(1/2)[((1/2)( f(c)1f(d))2m1)/s1] ,
be just 1; that is, the set contains only o. For example, if 2
C represents the membership scene of the bones of a joint, g2( f (c), f (d)) 5 e2(1/2)[(u f(c)2f(d)u2m2)/s2] , (4.4b)
there are many spels in C that do not contain any bone. g3( f (c), f (d)) 5 1 2 g1( f (c), f (d)), (4.4c)
For each spel o, Vux (o) will be a singleton set (this is
because fuzzy k-connectedness K is reflexive). The prob- g4( f (c), f (d)) 5 1 2 g2( f (c), f (d)). (4.4d)
lem of finding all bones of the joint, each expressed as a
fuzzy kux -object, however, is certainly legitimate. Algo- In these expressions, m1 , m2 and s1 , s2 represent the mean
rithm kux FOL is easily modified to skip all singleton-set and standard deviation of spel values and their differences
components so that only the real bone components are ex- (gradient magnitudes) in the membership scene for spels
tracted. that are in the object of interest. For illustration, by choos-
ing h1( f (c), f (d)) 5 g1( f (c), f (d)), g1 5 1, and g2 5 0 in Since images are by nature fuzzy, it is more appropriate,
(4.3a), we specify a fuzzy spel affinity in which affinity and often more accurate, to do n-classification than n-
between c and d is greater when their spel values are closer segmentation. One possible approach to n-classification is
to a mean (expected) spel value m1 . By choosing h1( f (c), to express the fuzzy kux -object extracted from the given
f (d)) 5 g1( f (c), f (d)), h2( f (c), f (d)) 5 g4( f (c), f (d)) and scene (strictly speaking, a scaled version of it to make it
appropriate values for g1 and g2 (say, g1 5 g2 5 0.5), we a membership scene) as a membership scene. Another
introduce an additional boundary constraint which makes attractive alternative is to use the Ko-scene C o 5 (Co , fo)
the affinity between c and d lower when the gradient (dif- with the following modification as the output membership
ference) between their values is closer to a mean gradient scene: set the values of those spels c such that fo(c) , x
value m2 . This component may be thought of as represent- to 0 and the values of other spels to fo(c). This is sensible
ing enmity (reverse affinity) between c and d. The forms since fo(c) seems to be a better indicator of objectness than
of ek specified by these two examples are the only forms the spel value f (c) in the original scene.
used in the results presented in this section. Clearly, a
variety of other more sophisticated forms can also be em-
4.3. Results
ployed as long as they make k reflexive and symmetric.
Obviously, in place of f (c) and f (d) any features derived We will present several examples, all based on scenes
from scene intensities evaluated at c and d may also be derived from medical CT and MR imaging. We have con-
used and f (c) and f (d) may even be vector-valued. For ducted extensive evaluation studies in one application (the
vector-valued features, we use multivariate versions of detection of tissues and multiple sclerosis lesions of the
(4.4a) and (4.4b) brain via MR imaging) to determine the effectiveness of
object identification via n-fuzzy object extraction, n-fuzzy
g1(f(c), f(d)) object labeling, and n-classification.
Our first example, shown in Fig. 1, is for illustrating the
1 2(1/2)[(1/2)(f(c)1f(d))2m1] S2
t 1
concepts of K, Ko-scenes, and fuzzy kux -objects. The scene
5 1/2 e
1 [(1/2)(f(c)1f(d))2m1],
(2f) uS1u
data are obtained via CT of a patient’s knee. A c1c2-slice
(4.5a) of this scene is shown in Fig. 1a. Figure 1b shows the Ko-
scene for the 2D scene in Fig. 1a for a spel o selected in
g2(f(c), f(d))
the dense part of the bone. Here, algorithm k FOE was
1 t 21 run with n 5 2 and k described by ek (c, d) 5 g2( f (c), f (d))
5 e2(1/2)[uf(c)2f(d)u2m2] S2 [uf(c)2f(d)u2m2], (4.5b)
(2f)r/2uS2u1/2 ((4.4b)). The Ko-scene exhibits the following interesting
phenomena: (i) The dense parts of the bone within the
same bone in which o was specified are strongly connected
where f(c) and f(d) are r-component column vectors, m1
to o and strongly connected among themselves (by Theo-
and m2 are r-component mean vectors, S1 and S2 are
rem 2.6), whereas even the dense parts in the other bones
r 3 r covariance matrices, S121 and S221 are the inverses of
are weakly connected to o and to other spels that strongly
S1 and S2 , uS1u and uS2u are the determinants of S1 and S2 , and
hang together with o. (ii) The less dense parts of the bone
uf(c) 2 f(d)u denotes componentwise absolute difference
are connected to o and among themselves with moderate
between f(c) and f(d).
The mean and the standard deviation values in the above strength, whereas they are connected to other aspects in
the scene including spels in the other bone very weakly.
fuzzy spel affinities can be determined via any parameter
Figures 1c to 1g show the fuzzy kux -object of this scene
estimation method. Any rough segmentation method such
as thresholding, clustering, or user painting of regions on containing o for increasing values of x. Figures 1c and 1g
ci cj -slices of the given scene can be used to specify spels represent somewhat the two extremes at and beyond which
that are very likely to belong to the object of interest. In the object definition is clearly unacceptable. Note that the
applications involving the processing of a large number of smaller bone is very weakly connected to the bone of
interest and is therefore picked up as part of the kux -object
scenes of a particular kind (such as the MR images of the
for low values of x (Fig. 1c and 1d). Figure 1h is a shell
brain), this estimation needs to be done only once.
rendition [8] of all bones in the scene created using a
trapezoidal opacity function [5]. Figure 1i shows a shell
4.2. Segmentation and Classification
rendition of one of the bones identified automatically as
To do n-segmentation, we may simply threshold the Ko- a fuzzy kux -object. In this case Algorithm k FOE was run
scene at an appropriate strength of connectedness. Note with n 5 3. The two bones come very close to each other
that this is a thresholding of the hanging togetherness or in three dimensions (although not apparent in Fig. 1a) and
objectness of the spels and is vastly different from thresh- are very difficult to segment in their entirety using hard
olding of the original scene. segmentation and/or connectivity strategies.
FIG. 1. (a) A c1c2-slice of a 3D CT scene of a patient’s knee. (b) The Ko-scene for the 2D scene in (a). The spel o was specified in the dense
part of the bone. (c) The fuzzy kux -object of the scene in (a) containing o for a ‘‘very low’’ value of x. (d) As in (c) for a ‘‘low’’ value of x. (e) As
in (c) for a ‘‘medium’’ value of x. (f ) As in (c) a ‘‘high’’ value of x. (g) As in (c) for a ‘‘very high’’ value of x. (h) A shell rendition [8] of the bones
in the scene of (a) using a trapezoidal opacity function [5]. (i) A shell rendition of the fuzzy kux -object shown in (e).
In Fig. 2, we demonstrate how some of the soft-tissue for a spel o chosen in the soft-tissue blob in the lower
regions in the scene of Fig. 1 can be identified as fuzzy center in Fig. 2a. It is clear how the bony regions are
kux -objects. To make matters worse, we added to the scene strongly dissimilar to and disconnected from the specified
of Fig. 1 a ramp function that increases from left to right soft-tissue blob. It is also clear that spels in other soft-
but remains constant in the vertical direction. The resulting tissue blobs which hang together and which are loosely
scene is shown in Fig. 2a. Figure 2b shows the Ko-scene connected with the specified blob have moderate strength
FIG. 2. (a) The c1c2-slice in Fig. 1a with an added ramp going from left to right. (b) The Ko-scene for the scene in (a) for a spel o specified in
the soft-tissue blob in the lower center. (c) A fuzzy kux -object of the scene in (a) containing o for a ‘‘high’’ value of x. (d) As in (c) for a ‘‘medium’’
value of x. (e) The functional form of ek (c, d) used to detect the kux -objects.
of connectivity. Figures 2c and 2d show two fuzzy kux - vessels at different distances with respect to the viewpoint
objects obtained for a high and a medium value of x. We are not distinguished easily. This leads to some confusion
have displayed in Fig. 2e the functional form of ek (c, d) in stationary views. From over 10 patient studies we have
used in this example which depended only on f (c) and f (d). done so far, 3-fuzzy object extraction using Algorithm
Our third example, illustrated in Fig. 3, pertains to MR k FOE seems to be an effective solution to extract vessels
angiography (MRA). In this application, the MR imaging in MRA. We are currently in the process of conducting
protocols are such that higher values representing blood studies to compare among MIP, shell rendering based on
flow are assigned to spels inside vessels. The clinical aim fuzzy kux -objects, MIP based on fuzzy kux -objects, and a
of imaging here is to identify regions of the vessels with host of other methods.
constriction, narrowing, or stenosis. A popular method of Our final example is illustrated in Fig. 4. One of the
visualizing the vessels in this application is via 3D rendi- main aims of this application is to identify and compute
tions created by maximum intensity projection (MIP) [21]. the volume of the various component tissue regions and
The value assigned to a pixel in a MIP rendition is the multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in human brains. The im-
maximum of all values encountered in the scene along the aging modality used is MR. Often identification and vol-
line of sight associated with the pixel. Such an approach, ume computation of the tissue regions is done for image
which does not require segmentation or object model con- data acquired on a longitudinal basis, usually for assessing
struction, is taken because the latter are very difficult in the progression of the disease or of the effect of a drug
these scenes due to a variety of image artifacts. A problem on the disease. In a large study, Dr. Robert Grossman of
with MIP is that it is accompanied by considerable clutter, our department has acquired over 1000 3D scenes, some
and since there is no model of reflection, aspects of the of which are vector-valued, including several longitudinal
FIG. 3. (a) A c1c2-slice of a 3D MR angiographic scene. Bright values correspond to flow in vessels. (b) A maximum intensity projection [21]
(MIP) of the scene in (a). (c) A shell rendition of a kux -object of the scene in (a) detected for a ‘‘medium’’ value of x. (d) A MIP rendition of the
kux -object shown in (c).
acquisitions for MS patients. We have so far processed rent set up, it requires the operator to specify a few spels
over 600 3D scenes with excellent results, each of which contained in the white matter, gray matter, and the ventri-
was verified by a neuroradiologist for accuracy. The meth- cle (but not in the lesions) in one c1c2-slice, which requires
odology of object identification and volume computation about 30 s per 3D study. From this point, all fuzzy kux -
is quite involved; Algorithm k FOE forming its core. We objects are identified automatically using such application-
have conducted extensive experiments to determine the specific knowledge as that MS is mainly a disease of the
repeatability and accuracy of the methodology. In its cur- white matter but the lesions may also occur in the gray
FIG. 4. (a) A c1c2-slice of the Ko-scene of the scene in (d,e) for the white matter. (b) As in (a) but for the gray matter. (c) As in (a) but for
the ventricles. (d) A c1c2-slice of a vector-valued 3D MR scene. The picture shows the proton density values. (e) As in (d) showing the T2 values.
(f ) A c1c2-slice of the Ko-scene of the scene in (d,e) for the lesions.
matter and the periventricular region but never inside the 3DVIEWNIX software system [22]. On a Sparc10/51
ventricle or outside the brain. These criteria are easily workstation, the run time for the 2D version of Algorithm
incorporated and they aid in effectively detecting the com- k FOE is about 20 s and about 5 s for Algorithm kux FOE
ponent fuzzy objects. Because of its complexity, impor- even for small values of x for a scene of domain 256 3
tance, and extent, this topic will be covered in a separate 256. The 2D version facilitates experimentation since it
paper. Here we will give one example. operates at interactive speeds. However, to reap the full
Figures 4d and 4e show a c1c2-slice of a vector-valued power of these algorithms, fuzzy object extraction should
(T2 and proton density) MR 3D scene. Figures 4a to 4c be done in the natural dimensionality of the scene. The
show c1c2-slices of the Ko-scenes corresponding to the white run time on a Sparc 10/51 workstation for the 3D version
matter, the gray matter, and the ventricle fuzzy objects for of Algorithm k FOE is about 20 min for a scene of domain
this input scene. Note how these displays depict ‘‘white- 256 3 256 3 64. This figure reduces to about 2 min for
matterness,’’ ‘‘gray-matterness,’’ and ‘‘ventricleness’’ of Algorithm kux FOE for x 5 0.1. As we pointed out earlier,
spels that hang together to form the respective objects. running kux FOE with a small value of x provides an optimal
Figure 4f shows a c1c2-slice of the Ko-scene corresponding tradeoff between speed and the convenience of selection
to the lesions. All fuzzy kux -objects in this example are of the strength of connectedness after the algorithm’s ter-
detected in three dimensions. The lesions are inherently mination.
fuzzy and manual delineation, therefore, even by experts, 5. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION
is an ill-defined task.
We have implemented Algorithms kux FOE and k FOE We have presented a new theory in this paper for fuzzy
for n 5 2 and n 5 3 within an internal version of the object definition in n-dimensional (fuzzy) digital spaces. A
fuzzy object is defined to be a fuzzy connected component components in nD binary scenes. We wish to point out
of spatial elements (spels). Fuzzy connectedness is a fuzzy that, even for binary scenes, there are more general con-
relation in the set of all spels which combines together the cepts and operations possible in the fuzzy setting. For ex-
notion of fuzzy adjacency of spels, which is independent ample, by choosing ek (c, d) the expression on the right
of any image information, and fuzzy affinity between spels, side of (2.8) for all c and d that are 1-spels and setting
which depends on image intensity values. Although the ek (c, d) 5 0 if c or d is a 0-spel, we can distinguish among
definition of a fuzzy object involves combinatorics of im- components of different strengths of connectedness. Re-
practical proportion even for 2D digital spaces, with the sults analogous to those obtained by erosion, (hard) con-
help of some basic results relating to fuzzy connectedness nected component extraction, and dilation can be obtained
and fuzzy objects, we have developed and presented practi- by extracting fuzzy k-components for proper choices of k.
cal algorithms for their extraction in given multidimen- Operations on binary as well as nonbinary scenes that
sional image data. We have demonstrated the power of require connectivity analysis such as growing, dilation, hole
these algorithms in accurate object definition in digital filling, thinning, erosion, skeletonization, and shrinking are
imagery using several practical applications drawn from perhaps better reexamined using fuzzy connectivity no-
medical imaging which are currently run routinely in a tions since scenes are by nature fuzzy.
clinical setting. We conclude that attempting to retain in We hypothesize that extending fuzzy analysis to quanti-
object information extracted from images the inaccuracies tative object-related measures derived from images allows
inherent in image data is a right stand in image analysis extracting the fuzzy object information inherent in images
and that the notion of fuzzy connectedness which has been more accurately than if hard analysis techniques were
missing in previous image segmentation research has much used. We do not have a proof of this hypothesis at
to offer in practical image analysis. present. To clarify this statement, consider an example
The research reported in this paper opens numerous involving volume computation. Corresponding to each
new directions. We describe some of these below. value of x between xmin and xmax such that [xmin ,
The fuzzy adjacency relation a needs further investiga- xmax] , [0, 1], we determine the volume of the fuzzy
tion. We used a mainly as a hard binary relation in all kux -object that contains a given fixed spel o by taking
experiments we have done. More realistically, a should into account the fractional contribution of spels to the
perhaps reflect the form of the point-spread function of volume depending on their membership value in the
the imaging device. Of course, taking more neighbors into object. xmin and xmax are chosen to represent the extreme
account may increase the cost of the algorithms. The fuzzy strengths beyond which object definition is clearly unac-
affinity relation k similarly requires further study. In all ceptable. Thus V(x), the volume as a function of x, itself
our experiments, we have used rather simple functional can be thought of (after proper scaling) as a fuzzy subset
forms for kk . More sophisticated and general forms as per of the set of all fuzzy kux -objects that contain o. In a
(4.2) are worth investigating. It is also possible to design longitudinal analysis of the changes in an object, such
ek based on features (such as texture measures) extracted as the MS lesions, we have Vt(x) for each longitudinal
from spel values rather than based directly on spel values instance t. Now we can analyze more comprehensively
only. More generally, fuzzy connectedness may be inter- (than if hard analysis techniques were used) as to what
preted as a (fuzzy) spatial contiguity of object structural happens from one instance t1 to another instance t2 to
and intensity properties that can be measured locally. For the object components of various strengths by examining
the fuzzy k-connectedness relation K, other functional the distributions Vt1(x) and Vt2(x). In the context of the
forms more sophisticated than (2.10a) may exist that do MS lesions, for example, from t1 to t2 the weaker compo-
not violate any of our results. nents may have grown in size while the stronger ones
The Ko-scene of a given membership scene C has several may have diminished.
interesting properties. Note that it does not specify K com- Our final comment relates to fuzzy object rendition.
pletely but it has enough information to define the fuzzy There are two key considerations in volume rendering—
kux -objects of C containing o for any x [ [0, 1]. It can be assignment of opacity values to spels and the estimation
treated as a new membership scene containing (hopefully) of surface normals at interfaces. Clearly, the utility of the
refined information about the object of interest and define Ko-scenes for these purposes is worth exploring. More im-
fuzzy objects in it (hopefully) for improved object defi- portantly, our ability to extract different fuzzy objects (such
nition. as the gray matter, white matter, and the ventricles in the
Our theory and algorithms have been developed in such brain) from the same given scene, possibly using indepen-
a way that for hard adjacency relations and certain special dent criteria, calls for formal models for volume rendering
affinity relations, concepts and algorithms related to binary that can handle mixtures that result when fuzzy objects
scenes are realized. It is readily seen that Algorithms are put together. Current volume rendering concepts lack
kux FOE and k FOE can be used to extract hard connected such models and cannot handle these situations.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 10. A. Rosenfeld, The fuzzy geometry of image subsets, Pattern Recognit.
Lett., 2, 1991, 311–317.
The research reported here is supported by NIH Grant CA56071. Part 11. I. Bloch, Fuzzy connectivity and mathematical morphology, Pattern
of the manuscript was written during the first author’s visit to the Joszef Recognit. Lett. 14, 1993, 483–488.
Attila University, Szeged, Hungary under support from the NSF Interna- 12. S. Dellepiane and F. Fontana, Extraction of intensity connectedness
tional Cooperative Grant INT91-21281. Image data for Figs. 3 and 4 for image processing, Pattern Recognit. Lett. 16, 1995, 313–324.
were provided by Drs. George Holland and Robert Grossman of our 13. A. Kaufmann, Introduction to the Theory of Fuzzy Subsets, Vol. I,
department. The authors thank Mary A. Blue for typing the manuscript. Academic Press, New York, 1975.
14. R. Stoll, Set Theory and Logic, Dover, New York, 1963.
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