Conclusion: Machine Feed Drives-An Integral Part of A Machine Control System
Conclusion: Machine Feed Drives-An Integral Part of A Machine Control System
Conclusion: Machine Feed Drives-An Integral Part of A Machine Control System
In the post–World War II years, machine and control builders were still
provincially minded in building controls and machines as separate entities,
believing that a control could be ‘‘hung’’ on a machine with few problems.
Advances in technology have shown that the separate elements of control,
drive, and machine must be integrated into the total system concept. Each of
these elements is dependent on the others.
It is the purpose of this discussion to illustrate how feed drives serve
the purpose of system interface and prime mover through three areas,
namely, selection of the drive, sizing the drive, and finally, evaluating the
performance of the drive and total system.
In selecting the feed drive, it is appropriate to ask the question, which
drive—electrical or hydraulic? In the process of selecting a drive, it is
worthwhile to classify the various types of feed drives. Electric drives can be
classified into three main types, namely, the DC drive, the pulse-width
modulation (PWM) DC drive, and the brushless DC drive. One of the most
popular drives has been the hydraulic drive. The greatest share of these
drives have been the servo-valve drives, because of the minimal trapped oil
volume and lower hydraulic resonance than in hydraulic servo pump drives.