Water Activity PDF
Water Activity PDF
Water Activity PDF
1. Introduction
3. Water In Foods
Over time, an understanding emerged and To understand this more fully, we must
today we have a solid scientific recognise that much of the water in food
understanding of how water impacts on is bound water, i.e. bound to ions as water
product quality and safety. We now know of hydration, or bound to surfaces of large
that the water content is less important molecule or cell structures. This water is
than the specific behaviour of the water or not free to support microbial growth, or
Water Activity. Water activity is related to to participate in or support chemical or
water content in a non-linear relationship enzyme reactions and spoilage processes.
which is represented using as a moisture The total amount of bound water in a food
sorption isotherm curve. has no relation to food stability.
In the field of food science, the standard The factors that reduce the mobility of
state is most often defined as the partial water in a food also reduce its tendency
vapor pressure of pure water at the to evaporate and its vapour pressure and
same temperature. Using this particular this provides a means of defining and
definition, pure distilled water has a water measuring it.
activity of exactly one.
Water Activity
Table: Water activity values of foods
= Relative Humidity of Airspace
In general, bacteria require higher
Over the Food / 100
values of aw for growth than fungi, with
The ideal solution may be written as : gram-negative bacteria having higher
requirements than gram-positive.
Aw = P = %ERH
Organism group aw
Po 100
Most spoilage bacteria 0.90
Most spoilage yeasts 0.88
Organism aw Organism aw
Clostridium botulinum, type E 0.97 Candida scottii 0.92
Pseudomonas spp. 0.97 Trichosporon pullulans 0.91
Acinetobacter spp. 0.96 Candida zaylanoides 0.90
Escherichia coli 0.96 Staphylococcus aureus 0.86
Enterobacter aerogenes 0.95 Alternaria citri 0.84
Bacillus subtilis 0.95 Penicillium patulum 0.81
Clostridium botulinum, types A and B 0.94 Aspergillus conicus 0.70
Candida utilis 0.94 Aspergillus echinulatus 0.64
Vibro parahaemolyticus 0.94 Zygosaccharomyces rouxii 0.62
Botrytis stolonifer 0.93
Rhizopus stolonifer 0.93
Mucor spinosus 0.93
The company should therefore decide that show erratic results when heated or
which parameter of measurement is best subjected to vacuum, e.g., low moisture
suited to their products and processes. For foods such as dried fruits and vegetables,
quality control purposes, moisture content candies, chocolates, roasted coffee, oils and
limits are easily converted to water activity fats or any low moisture foods rich in sugar
limits by very simple comparative tests. or protein. The method is based on the
Water activity measurement offers a non- fundamental reaction described by Bunsen
destructive, easy-to-use measurement in a in 1853 involving the reduction of Iodine
wide range of convenient configurations for by SO2 in the presence of water.
both laboratory and on-site use.
2H2O + SO2 + I2 → C5H2SO4 + 2HI
Picture: Sorption Isotherm
This was modified to include methanol and
pyridine in a four component system to
dissolve the Iodine and SO2. For each
mole of water, 1 mole of iodine, 1 mole of
SO2, 3 moles of pyridine, and 1 mole of
methanol are used.
• HACCP-planning • SQF
• EU Legislations