Selectomat - SL REV 6612
Selectomat - SL REV 6612
Selectomat - SL REV 6612
Steam sterilizer
The performance of a CSSD is measured by the machine capacities and the available space – a conflict which The high-quality chamber surface is polished and is available in two different finishes. The pressure vessel is
poses a genuine challenge to the planning. MMM offers a perfect solution: Selectomat® SL compact line. designed for a relative excess pressure of at least 3.2 bar.
The compact design of the steam sterilizer Selectomat® SL compact line, combines sophisticated technology The sloping chamber floor is a standard design element which facilitates the draining of the condensate.
and a very small footprint. The high-quality design and “Made in Germany” manufacturing, offers a user and It allows optimal drying even in short cycle times.
service-friendly handling thanks to its modular conception.
Naturally, all MMM sterilizers of the Selectomat® SL series are manufactured in compliance with all Euro- Chamber sizes and dimensions
pean legal requirements necessary to bear the CE label (according to e.g. 93/42/EEC as amended by directive
2007/47/EC, 97/23/EG as amended by 2014/68/EU, 2011/65/EC). MMM sterilizers comply with strict European Type 1 door 2 door Capacity Chamber External device Chamber Electrical Weight
and international technical standards (e.g. EN 285) and meet the highest demands for quality and safety. in StU dimensions in mm dimensions in mm volumen power in (kg)
(H x W x D) (H x W x D) in (lt.) (kW)
The integrated Management System of the manufacturer MMM GmbH is certified according to customer 6612 • • 8 702 x 652 x 1340 2400 x 995 x 1640 610 47 1300 / 1360
service - are certified according to ISO 9001 / ISO 13485 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental
Management System and ISO 50001 Energy Management System.
• Loading height 850 mm • For single-door devices, the device depth is reduced by 20 mm
• Machine height incl. 100 mm base • Machine height for transport 1900 mm (with removed upper part)
Technical specifications subject to change without notice.
Automatic unloading
The manual loading and automatic unloading system enables working in the CSSD with even greater flexibility.
As soon as the cycle is completed, the batch is automatically conveyed onto the unloading ramp for cool down
outside of the chamber.
The ramps can also be combined with automatic sliding windows or passing-through hatches for return of the
loading carts from the sterile to the non-sterile side.
995 mm
Integrated electrical steam generator
The low-noise electrical steam generator requires little energy and supplies a high output. It was particularly
developed to suit the demand of facilities without central steam supply. The boiler output can be individually
adapted to the demand of the sterilizer connected.
MMM steam generators stand out due to their long service life and the high quality of the clean steam they
provide. For that purpose, the boiler feed water is thermally degassed (optional) to keep the amount of non-
condensable gas contained in the sterilization steam as low as possible. This process is continually controlled
The same applies to the boiler water quality which is kept on a constantly high level through automatic blow-
down. Thus, any impairments caused by deposits or corrosion are avoided in the first place, the life-time of the
boiler components is prolonged and the instruments are protected during sterilization.
Water saving vacuum unit The control system of the steam generator is integrated into the sterilizer’s control system.
To conserve the precious resource of water, the switching points of the two-step vacuum pump are perfectly
adapted to the sterilizer's program run and results in a low water consumption and short cycle times.
The specially developed water-saving system reduces the water consumption even further and without power
steam generator is as consistent as possible. The connected machines are networked and request the status of 5 Steam withdrawal
the other machines before starting the program. Depending on the result of this request, the machine signals 6 Degassing (optional)
whether it is ready to start. The process step from which the next machine is released can be set depending
7 Blow-down device
on the performance of the connection. The internal steam generator also operates with significantly reduced
heating performance during phases of reduced steam requirement (ready for operation, pressure release, 8 Power supply
drying, unloading).
These measures reduce the required peak power, which allows the building connection to be reduced
M 4
Compact but powerful
Smart technology with a small footprint
Precise process regulation • Established industrial controller without mechanical moving parts
• Ethernet interface on the controller for optimal networking
• Redundant sensors for the highest process safety
• Plastics 121°C
for packaged products with lower heat resistance
• Vacuum test
Program for automatically testing the air-tightness of the chamber
• Passing through
Program for returning empty loading carts
• Preheating
Program for preheating the sterilizer
• Disinfection
Service menu P&ID of sterilizer
MMM customer service:
Efficient and reliable
Our knowledgeable service organization is available to you around the clock, ensuring long-lasting,
trouble-free operation of the installed systems. Thanks to our branches and representative offices
optimally distributed world wide, we are always nearby and can very quickly be on site in an emergency.
The sophisticated and innovative design of our systems and devices makes it in many cases possible to quickly
Service-friendly construction rectify functional impairments with a remote diagnosis by qualified personnel. On the basis of professional
maintenance planning, we guarantee you the highest degree of availability of your systems.
It is our goal, however, to ensure that no problems occur. We do not hand over the systems to you until
everything is running flawlessly, all programs have been validated and accepted in accordance with your
individual items to be cleaned, and the operating personnel have been trained in the use of our systems.
From the very beginning, MMM design engineers took into account the demands of customer service to allow
time- and cost-saving maintenance. Selectomat® SL - Compact Line offers a clear arrangement and an easy In addition to performing maintenance and repair, we also make sure that the installed systems are up-to-date.
accessibility of all components: With tailored solutions for adaptation to changed situations, for optimization of consumable materials and for
continuous adjustment to individual needs and legal requirements, the service life and cost-effectiveness of
the systems are increased and the investment is secured.
MMM Group
MMM has been operating worldwide as one of the lead- market. Our products are individually adapted to the
ing system providers in the service of health since 1954. requirements of our customers all over the world. The
With a complete range of products and services relat- high vertical range of manufacturing in our production
ing to all aspects of cleaning, disinfection and steri- plants ensures that we fulfil the strictest demands of
lization systems for the areas of Healthcare and Life quality in the medical technology sector. More than 1100
Science, MMM has positioned itself as a crucial quality employees apply their expertise and dedication to the
and innovation driver in the German and international mission of the MMM Group: Protecting human health.
Selectomat® PL - Compact Line
MMM Münchener
PT. Dian Graha Elektrika
Medizin Mechanik GmbH Jl. Rawa Gelam III No. 8 Kawasan Industri
Semmelweisstraße 6 Pilo Gadung / JAKARTA 13930
82152 Planegg / Munich, Germany