FBI Email Address Still Active
FBI Email Address Still Active
FBI Email Address Still Active
We have received a copy of the attached email and are awaiting your reply:
On Monday, July 9, 2018, a hearing is scheduled in the Northeast Housing Court (Middlesex
County Superior Courthouse, Lowell) to address: (1) Vacating the judgment associated with
USBANK v MOHAN A. HARIHAR, 11-SP-3032; and (2) Restoring the case to address
multiple evidenced CIVIL AND CRIMINAL violations which include (but are not limited to)
Fraud on theCourt, Mass. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(3), Rule 93A infractions , and others. You are well
aware that your office, along with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bank
Regulators identifiedMY residential property - located at 168 Parkview Avenue, Lowell, MA
You are also aware that I have filed CRIMINAL Complaints with your officea gainst the
parties responsible for this illegal foreclosure. It is UNCLEAR, why your office has not yet
brought criminal charges for these evidenced crimes. It is also unclear why you continue to
IGNORE my efforts to get documented answers to questions associated with these important
legal matters. Attached (below) is the most recent email sent (5/23/2018) to your direct
attention that remains unanswered. AG Healey, you are aware that this Housing Court case is
related to the following litigation:1. HARIHAR v US BANK et al - Middlesex Superior Court,
Docket No. 11-04499 (Similarly, a motion to vacate judgment and restore this case has been
filed under MASuperior Court Rule 9A);2. HARIHAR v US BANK et al - which includes
the Commonwealth of MA as aDefendant. First Circuit Appeals Court (Boston, MA),
Appeal No. 17-138 1 (Lower CourtDocket No. 15-cv-11880). See also US Supreme Court
Application No. 17A-1359; 3.HARIHAR v. THE UNITED STATES, Appeal No. 17-2074
(Lower Court Docket No. 17-cv-11109);4.HARIHAR v. CHIEF JUDGE JEFFREY R.
HOWARD, Docket No. 18-cv-11134. Respectfully, I ask that your office provide a documented
response to this email on or before this Friday - July 6, 2018, including your office's legal
intentions to bring criminal charges against referenced parties named in the criminal
complaint(s). A notice will also be filed with the Housing Court, informing them of this
communication and the expectation for a representative from the MA AGO to update the
Court at Mondays' hearing.You are aware that the evidenced arguments related to this (State
and Federal) litigation are believed to impact matters of National Security, as they include
(but are not limited to): (1)TREASON Claims under ARTICLE III, (2) FRAUD ON THE
COURT, (3) ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1832, (4) RICO and a list of
other infractions. Therefore, the following offices/agencies are necessarily copied on this
email:1.POTUS (Separate communication via www.whitehouse.gov); 2. Governor Charlie
Baker (R-MA); 3.The FBI; 4.The Department of Justice (DOJ); 5.US Senator Elizabeth
Warren (D-MA); 6.US Senator Ed Markey (D-MA); 7.US Congresswoman Niki Tsongas
(D-MA). The PUBLIC will also be copied for documentation purposes and out of continued
concern for my personal safety and security. Thank you for your attention to this very serious
matter. I look forward to your response and attendance at Monday's hearing in Lowell.