Lime Light: 3-Phase Training Program For Youth Workers and Educators
Lime Light: 3-Phase Training Program For Youth Workers and Educators
Lime Light: 3-Phase Training Program For Youth Workers and Educators
The impact that these dynamics can have is not only visible in the
personal sphere of young people (self-knowledge, self-expression,
empowerment and self-esteem) but also in the social self, allowing them
to get to know each other and motivating connections with others,
accepting and celebrating their differences and respecting diversity in
their everyday lives.
1st phase
Ommen, the Netherlands
Training course
Adapt the methods to their target groups and create inclusive workshops for
them, using the acquired Social Theatre and Body Expression methodologies.
2nd phase
Local Action phase
Come back to their local organisations and put in action the gained knowledge
and tools by implementing the inclusive workshops created during the 1st phase.
Practice and improve their facilitation skills in Social Theatre and Body
Expression methodologies, getting feedback from their target groups.
3rd - 8th January, 2019
Structure (including travel days)
3rd phase Liechtenstein
Present their Local Phase experiences to each other, sharing their target groups’
feedback and the social impact accomplished.
Deliver the inclusive workshops for their peers and improve them by getting feedback.
Create the Limelight Manual, a detailed and powerful written resource with Social
Theatre and Body Expression methodologies, including the workshops created and
tested by the participants.
The non-formal education methods that we will use are Social Theatre
(Theatre of the Oppressed, Impro and Community theatre),
Body Expression, Awareness and Movement, along individual and
group reflection and conceptualization processes.
Gabriel Vivas Martinez
Gabriel is an actor, trainer and researcher. He has received education and training in
Social Theatre and inclusion in countries such as Estonia, Malta and Poland. Recently
he’s been awarded with an scholarship for research in the Royal Central School of
Speech and Drama of the University of London. He works as a trainer of inclusive
theatrical tools and body movement in different european countries. As a researcher,
his lines focus on theatre as social intervention, theatre and functional diversity,
pedagogical tools for social action and post-drama.
Jordan Herreros
Jordan is a Learning Facilitator who loves creating and facilitating experiential
learning programmes for young people and for youth workers where meaningful
learnings can happen. He is currently collaborating with several youth
organisations across Europe. Among his experiential learning methods, he uses
Body Expression and Movement as powerful tools for personal development in
his programmes, creating a safe space for people to connect with themselves and
to connect with others.
The 1st phase will take place in the group
accomodation of Olde Vechte Foundation,
situated in Ommen, The Netherlands.
In case you are selected to participate in Limelight, you will receive the detailed conditions of the
reimbursement of your travel costs in the Confirmation Letter.
To ensure participant’s commitment Health insurance will NOT be provided or reimbursed by the
through the 3 phases of the project, mobility organisers. However, it is a mandatory requirement
reimbursement of travel costs will be for all participants to provide your own health insurance cover
done after the 3rd phase. If covering the you for the full duration of your time in The Netherlands and
cost of the tickets for both phases in Liechtenstein. If you are an EU resident, you can use the free
advance is an obstacle for you to European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to allow you access to
participate, please contact us. public hospital treatment. To learn more, go to
Travel Costs Reimbursed
Financial agreements for each phase (1st and 3rd)
Phase 3
Arrival day: 3rd January 2019
You are allowed to arrive or depart max. 1 day before or 1
Start of the program: 4th January
day after each phase. In case you decide to use that extra
time, bear in mind that it will NOT be supported with food
End of the program: 7th January
or accommodation. If your stay be longer than 2 days, we
will NOT be able to reimburse part of your travel costs.
Departure day: 8th January 2019
Fill in the
application form
How to apply
HERE, latest by
13th July 2018 at
Czech Republic Asociace DICE [email protected]
13:00 pm.
Liechtenstein Verein Flay [email protected]
Latvia re:view [email protected]
Italy Vagamondo [email protected]
Fill in the application
Slovakia form in Saplinq [email protected],
Netherlands Olde Vechte Foundation [email protected]
September 2018 - Januar
latest by 9th July 2018 at 13:00
Spain WeGO [email protected]
The Netherlands & Liech
This training course has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program. If you would like to
find out more about the program, please visit