Project Title: FUTUEDU English 2018 Pilot Plan: Grantee: Fundación FUTUEDU Contact Information

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Project Title: FUTUEDU English 2018 Pilot Plan

Grantee: Fundación FUTUEDU

Contact Information:
Name: Benjamin Figueroa
Position: Director
Phone number: +573148608777
E-mail address: [email protected]

Physical Address:
Carrera 15 # 20-24,
Barrio Centenario, Pereira, 660004,
Risaralda, Colombia, South America.

Requested resource/funds: $1380

Cost share: $270
Total cost: $1650

Section 1. Summary

FUTUEDU Foundation is a non-profit organization mainly focused in providing English

language training to low-income communities at no cost.

Our Mission (the fundamental goal) is to freely share the teaching of the English
language to underprivileged communities, whereas our Vision (the general goal) is to
contribute with the human development of our society.

Section 2. Grantee background

FUTUEDU Foundation (“Fundación FUTUEDU”, in Spanish) has been created in

November 30th 2017, Taxpayer ID Number: 901137279. We are a group of young
women and men willing to play an active role for the sake of our Colombian society. And
we've found out the way to coordinate our skills and efforts in providing our knowledge
and love to others, focused on one crucial need in education, in order to foster social
development, by means of FUTUEDU Foundation.
Section 3. Proposal background

FUTUEDU 2018 Pilot's Plan: It's an educative project devised to provide at no cost the
required training in A1 and A2 English language levels' skills in one year, addressed to 30
members of a low-income community in Pereira city (Colombia); in order to offset the lack
of resources to access the language learning due to the economic obstacle that
represents the fees and extra expenses for English courses delivered by a language
institute. At the same time, the purpose of delivering English language's instruction within
the communities to assist is aimed in providing the motivation and accompaniment
needed to guarantee the optimal acquisition and advantage taken from the training in the
foreign language.

Section 4. Goals/Objectives

General Goal: Provide a free training to 30 low-income people in the A1-A2 English
language levels over one year period.

Specific goals:

1. Devising a curriculum for A1 and A2 English learning levels, to be covered in one year,
arranged on a comfortable timeframe for its beneficiaries.
2. Selecting 30 pereiran citizens from a low income community, who share the interest in
learning English language and a common schedule for attending training meetings.
3. Getting a meeting place within the community to beneficiate, in conditions to develop
educative activities for two training groups of 15 members each.
4. Raising needed resources to guarantee the whole training process may be for free, at
no expense of the project's beneficiaries.

Section 5. Data
 Start and End date: February 3rd 2018-February 2nd 2019.
 Location: Carrera 15 # 20-24, Barrio Centenario, Pereira, Risaralda.
 Number and kind of direct beneficiaries: 30 young men and women.
Direct beneficiaries profile: Trainees come from a low income
community of Pereira city (Barrio Corocito), and they cannot afford an
English course at a language institute. They're young men and women
willing to get a remarkable performance in the English language skills to
improve their scores in school, and seeking to be admitted in higher

Section 6. Program Description

In keeping with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

(CEFR), the study program to undertake A1 and A2 of English learning levels has been
devised under a new teaching modality that is supported in mnemonics and creative
learning aspects. For their capacitation, trainees will rely on two main resources: An
English Workbook and an English Glossary.
English Workbook consists of a set of English learning units that summarize the
content covered in each and every English class. The actual work that is demanded on
these units implies to keeping up the constancy and progress of the student during the
whole course, For this reason, this workbook is gradually provided to the trainee, whose
duty is to collect the Workbook units that correspond to all the attended classes. This is a
way to encourage the students to complete the English course, and avoid dropping off in
the process.

English Glossary is a document that contains the vocabulary for YLE Starters, YLE
Movers and YLE Flyers English proficiency levels (which make up a suite of English
language examination, provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment, and
corresponding to the EFRC's A1 and A2 language levels). This glossary has been
customized to make clear distinctions between these language levels, in order that
students take conscious control of their personal progress, and to encourage the
apprentices in moving forward to improve their accomplishments derived from the

English Glossary's features comprise the use of three font types (to outline separate
English vocabulary levels) and three colors (representing English, its pronunciation, and
the respective Spanish translation). It's worth mentioning that pronunciation has been
carefully crafted to reflect proper stress and phonetic shortcuts. This has been intended
to make it easier the intuitive English apprehension.

Study of the area where the project is to be developed:

The challenge: Training wishful and committed individuals to learning and achieving
a remarkable performance in the English language (A1 and A2 levels) over one year
period, following the framework of a schedule of activities customized in line with the
availability and comfort of the beneficiaries, at no cost.

The responsible ones in guaranteeing the success of the project are four FUTUEDU
Foundation's associates, who own required qualification for English language instruction.
They will be organized in pairs to give the programmatic content to the beneficiaries. The
remaining associates will be in charge of complementing the trainers' task as their
support, according to the guidelines set by the academic coordinator through the training

With the collaboration of a religious organization established in the community, it will

be possible to promote the education supply that the project strives for, and additionally,
this Christian institution will lend its facilities to teach English classes to 30 interested
members of the community; turning this space into a physical meeting place where
project's beneficiaries will get involved once a call be launched through the collaborating
local church.

This study proposal consists of a schedule of activities that will be distributed on the
weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) with the possibility of modifying the schedule. Class
duration will be 2 hours, divided in 20 minutes for review and responses to remaining
doubts from the previous lesson; 1 hour and 20 minutes for the programmatic content's
exposition, and the last 20 minutes will be devoted to cover "English à la Carte" (which
consists of English vocabulary inquiries by special request of the trainees).

The potential risks that might represent a threat to the development and success of the
project are:

1) The periodic truancy of its beneficiaries.

2) The meeting place may no longer be available.
3) An unequal performance among the trainees that would demand splitting the training
group into separate classes.

The ways to mitigating every risk are:

a) Social media usage to offset the lack of direct support during the week. This will
prevent the training group to decrease in number, or receiving an unequal instruction:
scenarios that would promote discouragement and dropping off from classes on lagging
behind students.
b) The support from local government authorities to get periodical access to a meeting
place where training activities can be properly developed.
c) The customized reinforcement for the trainees who demand special assistance.

Section 7. Evaluation

Every month's last class will comprise a control assessment to quantify the students'
individual performance, as well as their weaknesses; in order to reinforce the most urgent
learning aspects at the following class, the first one every month, during the 20 minutes
currently devoted for the review. All the way through the academic process it will be
enabled the virtual consultation option between apprentices and their instructors as an
ongoing assistance and feedback through a social media available for all.
Once the syllabus has been covered at the end of the academic year, it will be made
a general assessment to test the accomplishments in the following language activities:
reception (listening and reading), production (spoken and written), interaction (spoken
and written), and mediation (translating and interpreting).

Section 8. Sustainability

The ambitioned accomplishment: It's the proposal for a teaching method of English
language thought up in maximum keeping with trainees’ availability, in such a way that it
improves the efficiency of the popular outreach in the language instruction; facilitating the
access to the foreign language training for the most economically vulnerable
communities, when it can be sorted out the limitations and objections that could represent
their distant residences or English institute's training schedules: factors and needs to be
kept into consideration by training organizers while planning on how to thrive in their
pedagogic commitment to remarkably impact the learning output for their beneficiaries.

As a matter of fact, low performance students in foreign languages (English) subject,

demand extracurricular reinforcement with private teachers. Economic resources and
time availability of middle school students committed in seeking admission to higher
education, as well as professionals looking for job opportunities abroad, they all require
flexible, practical and economically affordable English language training. The target
community is predominantly made up of this student population in danger of leaving their
classrooms, due to the poor school performance in English subject. Therefore, the
success of the project will be reflected in contributing to reduce school's drop-out rate.

On the other hand, the proficiency in the English language is an essential requirement
in the national tests to higher education's admission in Colombia, as well as an
unquestionable advantage when it comes to applying to many high demand
employments. For these reasons, in short, medium and long term, the project will
considerably contribute in making the social development's gearwheel to successfully
rotate in the impacted community by allowing their potential to turn into the best social

Once the project concludes the training of these 30 beneficiaries in A1 and A2 English
language levels, it's a high expectation to go over the devising of a new curriculum that
properly covers the B1 level in language proficiency. The idea is to continue working with
the community, by sharing the benefit of this project, by reproducing it, and improving this
popular approach to the English language in our communities.

Section 9. Budget

1 Donated space rental $0 $0 $0
2 Transportation $402 $78 $480
Study Supplies:
3 English Workbook $470 $80 $550
4 English Glossary $150 --- $150
5 Notebooks, pens and markers --- $50 $50
6 Food $358 $62 $420
Total Program Costs $1380 $270 $1650

The current budget of $270 brings a capacity for developing 16% of the project,
resorting the human talent provided by 4 English instructors, and beneficiating 30
The meeting place is freely lent for as long as the project be carried out. Costs per
item (one instructor, one student) are estimated as it follows:

-Transportation (1 Fare): $0.60

-Course (lesson): $0.17
-Glossary: $5
-Other study supplies: $1.67
-Food: $0.14

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