Markers of Dengue Severity: A Systematic Review of Cytokines and Chemokines
Markers of Dengue Severity: A Systematic Review of Cytokines and Chemokines
Markers of Dengue Severity: A Systematic Review of Cytokines and Chemokines
The prognosis of dengue remains a challenge in the early, objective triage of patients with
dengue fever of differing severity. Circulating immuno-modulating proteins have brought new
possibilities as prognostic markers of severe dengue (SD). This systematic review is devoted to
understanding the potential utility of blood-based cytokines and chemokines as prognostication
markers of SD based on the current literature. PubMed and Embase were searched. Of 794
candidate articles, 685 abstracts were screened against our exclusion/inclusion criteria and 25
(3.6 %) studies met the quality assessments. A total of 18 studies were retrospective
observational and 2 were prospective cohort studies. Elevated IL-10, up to day 7 of fever onset,
stood out as a candidate prognostic marker for SD using the 1997 and 2009 World Health
Organization (WHO) case definitions. IFNg was another potential prognostic marker of SD
(1997 WHO case definition), but its levels varied between studies. Significant heterogeneity in
methodologies and patient cohorts prevent ready application of IL-10 and IFNg as prognostic
markers to other dengue populations. Our results suggest that the current non-randomized
studies are delivering inconsistent messages and higher-quality studies, with consistent
methodologies and validation in independent patient cohorts, are needed to delineate
confounding variables. Major gaps identified were full accounting and transparency of sampling
days, dengue virus type, infection status and age group.
especially during an outbreak. Currently, routine haemato- modulating proteins have been proposed to cause a shift from
logical and biochemical measurements in dengue patients the predominant TH1-type response in DF to the TH2-type in
collectively correlate poorly with eventual clinical outcome, severe DHF (Fink et al., 2006); because molecular signalling
there are no tests to differentiate those who will have DF seemingly precedes gross morphological or observable clinical
from those who will progress to and deteriorate to SD. In symptoms, the potential use of immuno-modulating proteins
the absence of any effective treatment against the disease, as early prognostic markers is especially welcoming (Lee &
proper fluid management is critical. Guidelines produced Ooi, 2013). However, studies in humans have resulted in var-
by the WHO list a number of warning signs to help inform ied responses and remained conflicting, with no objective con-
clinical decision making, but they all have poor specificity solidation of data having taken place so far. Hence, this
resulting in large numbers being admitted unnecessarily systematic review aims to be a collection and summary of pri-
(Thein et al., 2013). Over-hospitalization of dengue patients mary research articles that focuses on the ostensible utility of
is contributed to in part by the inability to prognosticate soluble immuno-modulating markers for the prognosis of SD.
early in the febrile phase, and resulted in excessive hospitali-
zation rates and costs (Lee et al., 2013). The unpredictable
nature of outbreaks often overwhelms already fragile Results
health-care systems. Prognosis is also important for moni-
Study selection
toring dengue patients who display probable warning signs
of health deterioration or complications that warrant fur- We ran searches on PubMed and Embase, and a total of 794
ther investigation. A prognostic marker is defined as a clini- references were retrieved: PubMed (n=451) and Embase
cal or biological characteristic that is objectively measurable (n=343). After excluding 109 duplicates, 685 records were
and that provides information on the likely outcome of the screened on the basis of title and abstract against our exclu-
disease in an untreated individual (Hayes et al., 1998). sion/inclusion criteria, thereby identifying 54 potentially eligi-
ble records (Table S1, available in the online Supplementary
Faced with the limited utility of current methods of SD prog-
Material). Two studies were excluded because the main text
nosis, there has been interest in investigating the utility of sys-
could not be retrieved or had incomplete methods. Another
temic soluble factors as potential markers of SD prognosis.
30 records were excluded (4 low quality, 25 medium quality
The two main prevailing hypotheses of DHF/DSS pathogene-
and 1with ambiguous sampling time). Some of the studies
sis, antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and original were further moderated based on empirical evidence leading
antigenic sin (or T cell immunopathology), centre on an to six studies being downgraded and one study being
imbalanced immune system during secondary dengue infec- upgraded (Table S1). A total of 24 studies were identified as
tion (Halstead & O’Rourke, 1977; Mongkolsapaya et al., 2003) eventual eligible articles of high quality. The study selection
triggering an exaggerated and imbalanced inflammatory cas- flow chart is shown in Fig. 1. We restricted the search to
cade (Srikiatkhachorn & Green, 2010). In addition to second- ‘English’ language and ‘Human’ subjects. Three studies were
ary infections, the waning maternally-derived anti-dengue excluded despite good study design due to a lack of compari-
virus (DENV) IgG antibodies and/or an altered cytokine pro- son to DHF/DSS or SD (medium to high quality). Detection
file may explain SD in infants with primary infections (Libraty bias (blinding of outcome assessors) was relatively homoge-
et al., 2009; Nguyen et al., 2004). Soluble factors emanating neous across these non-randomized studies (NRS) and leaves
from immune cells (T cells, B cells, macrophages, mast cells, all studies at approximately the same level of risk of bias and,
dendritic cells, etc.), platelets, stromal and endothelial cells in thus, not considered.
the form of cytokines and chemokines act as signalling mole-
cules synergizing with one another to orchestrate cell growth
and proliferation, differentiation/maturation, and immunity; Study characteristics
hence, modulating host responses to infections (Fink et al., A total of 19 out of 24 studies were case–control studies
2006). Cytokines and chemokines are small proteins typically (Arias et al., 2014; Bozza et al., 2008; Brasier et al.,
ranging from 8 to 40 kDa, and in this review we broadly refer 2012; Butthep et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2005; Furuta et al.,
to them as immuno-modulating proteins. Cytokines are 2012; Green et al., 1999a, b; Guerrero et al., 2013;
secreted proteins that play a role in cell signalling, in the Houghton-Triviño et al., 2010; De La Cruz Hernandez
induction, inhibition and effector phases of immune and et al., 2014; Laur et al., 1998; Levy et al., 2010; Malavige
inflammatory responses. Chemokines are a subset of small et al., 2013a; Nguyen et al., 2004; Del Moral-Hernandez
cytokines that recruit and exert chemotactic migration of et al., 2014; Perez et al., 2004; Soundravally et al., 2014;
other cells to a localized area to exert a variety of biological Wang et al., 2007), and the remaining 5 studies were pro-
effects, including inflammation and homeostasis. Immuno- spective cohort studies (de-Oliveira-Pinto et al., 2012;
modulating protein profiles change with the clinical course of Kumar et al., 2012; Kurane et al., 1991, 1993; Suharti et al.,
dengue, differ between DF and SD (Kumar et al., 2012; 2003). Comparison groups were healthy controls, patients
Rathakrishnan et al., 2012), and are believed to have direct with other febrile illness (OFI) or non-severe disease
impact on the manifestations of increased vascular permeabil- patients (DF or non-SD); however, comparisons made
ity, plasma leakage and thrombocytopenia (Green & Roth- between SD and non-SD cases were considered most ideal
man, 2006; Murphy & Whitehead, 2011). Immuno- for the purpose of this review. Study characteristics of the
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Cytokines and chemokines as dengue prognosis biomarkers
Records excluded on
Potentially relevant records
Records excluded
– full texts unavailable
Studies excluded on
Potentially eligible studies not meeting quality
(n=54) assessment
24 studies are reported in Table 1. One study did not specify studies (12.5 %) used cytometric bead arrays (Guerrero
which WHO case definition was applied, but this was veri- et al., 2013; Houghton-Triviño et al., 2010; De La Cruz
fied with the authors and the manuscript was subsequently Hernandez et al., 2014).
accepted for further evaluation (de-Oliveira-Pinto et al.,
2012). Assessment of study design eligibility and risk of
Ten studies noted affirmatively that their first blood sam- bias in individual studies
pling was performed at the febrile phase, which we defined Table S2 summarizes the risk of study design eligibility and
here as <5 days or <96 h from fever onset (Brasier et al., bias of selected studies according to the Cochrane NRS
2012; Butthep et al., 2012; Green et al., 1999a, b; Kumar Methods group. First, all studies compared DHF, DSS or
et al., 2012; De La Cruz Hernandez et al., 2014; Malavige SD with DF, dengue without warning signs (DwoWS) or
et al., 2013a; Perez et al., 2004; Soundravally et al., 2014; dengue with warning signs (DwWS) groups, as this was part
Wang et al., 2007). The remaining studies had wider blood of our quality assessment criterion (Table 2). Therefore,
sampling windows, ranging from 1 to 10 days from symp- risk of bias in this item was negative. We considered the
tom onset (Arias et al., 2014; Bozza et al., 2008; Chen et al., risk related to retrospective design as moderate, because the
2005; de-Oliveira-Pinto et al., 2012; Guerrero et al., 2013; outcome assessments were retrospective and the generation
Houghton-Triviño et al., 2010; Kurane et al., 1991, 1993; of the hypothesis was prospective. Detection risk was con-
Laur et al., 1998; Levy et al., 2010; Del Moral-Hernandez sidered low because patients were categorized according to
et al., 2014; Nguyen et al., 2004; Suharti et al., 2003). A canonical and accepted definitions of dengue severity clini-
majority of studies (21/24, 87.5 %) employed ELISAs for cal symptoms (WHO, 1997, 2009) and not by patients’
quantification of single cytokine/chemokine, or multiplexed preference or marker (assay) outcomes. One study applied
suspension bead immunoassays for broader profiling. Three modified WHO guidelines (Bozza et al., 2008). However,
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Table 1. Characteristics of included studies
No. Author and Study Sample size Age Measured immuno- Sampling time and Ascertainment Endpoint measured
publication design (N) modulator follow-up (where of dengue
year applicable) diagnosis
1 Bozza et al. CC DF=20, DF, 28–48 years; IL-1b, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, 3 and 10 days after WHO (1997)* (1) Increased IL-1b, IFNg, IL-4, IL-7, IL-13, GM-CSF in DHF
(2008) DHF=39; DHF, 23–53 IL-7, CXCL8 (IL-8), IL-10, disease compared to DF;
total=59 years IL-12 (p70), IL-13, IL-17, onset (2) increased MIP-1b levels in DF compared to DHF;
GM-CSF, MCP-1, MIP-1b, (3) MIP-1b and IFNg were independent variables associated with
TNFa disease outcome – MIP-1b increased during mild dengue with
OR=0.181, while IFNg was associated with severity with
2 Brasier et al. CC DF=38, DF, 15.8±7.8 IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IFNg, IP- Day 1 upon WHO (1997) (1) Increased log2-IL-10 and log2-IL-6 in DHF compared to DF;
(2012) DHF=13; years; DHF, 19 10, MIP-1a, TNFa, TRAIL, fever onset (2) increased IL-10 concentration associated with increased
Y. H. Lee, W.-Y. Leong and A. Wilder-Smith
total=51 ±13.4 years VEGF probability of DHF (using logistic regression model)
3 Butthep et al. CC OFI=15, Not stated EGF, IL-1a, IL-1b, IL-2, IL-4, 3 days from WHO (1997) (1) Increased IL-4 in DHF II and DSS compared with DF, DHFI
(2012) DF=51, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IFNg, defervescence and OFI only at day 1;
DHF=98; MCP-1, TNFa, VEGF (2) increased levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in DSS than in DF, DHFI,
total=164 DHFII and OFI on day +1 and day +2 compared with the other
groups at day 2 to +2;
(3) IFNg and IL-10 – highest level was detected in DSS compared
with DF, DHFI and DHFII on day 1, whereas the lowest level
was detected in OFI;
(4) increased TNFa in DF, DHFI, DHFII and DSS than in OFI
from day 2 to 0 except for DSS on day 0.;
(5) increased IL-1b and IL-2 in DF than in DHF and OFI from day
1 to +2, the lowest IL-2 was found in DSS except on day +2
4 Chen et al. CC DF=66, DF, 20–81 years; IFNa, IFNg, IL-10, IL-13 1–7 days upon WHO (1997) (1) Increased IFNg in DF compared to DHF (P=0.01);
(2005) DHF=33 DHF, 30–76 symptom onset (2) increased IL-10 in DHF compared to DF (P=0.03);
(mild years (3) no difference in IFNa and IL-13 between DF and DHF;
No. Author and Study Sample size Age Measured immuno- Sampling time and Ascertainment Endpoint measured
publication design (N) modulator follow-up (where of dengue
year applicable) diagnosis
(4) increased IL-9 and IL-17 levels in DHF and DSS compared to
DF and controls at day 0
8 Green et al. CC OFI=112, 6.8 years IL-1b, TNF-a, IL-6, IL-4, <72 h, equivalent to 2 WHO (1997) (1) Increased mean plasma sTNFRI levels in DHF than DF from
(1999a) DF=32, IFN-g, sIL2R, sCD8, sCD4, days before 2 days before defervescence (P<0.01);
DHF=28; sTNFRI, sTNFRII defervescence (2) increased sIL2R and sCD8 levels in DHF compared with DF+1
total=172 after defervescence (P<0.001 and <0.05, respectively)
9 Green et al. CC OFI=112, 6.8 years IL-10, IL-12 p70, IL-12 (p40 <72 h, equivalent to 2 WHO (1997) (1) Higher mean plasma IL-10 in DHF children compared
(1999b) DF=32, +p70) days before to DF as early as 2 days before defervescence
DHF=28; defervescence (P<0.05);
total=172 (2) higher mean plasma IL-12 (p40+p70) DHF compared to DF
from fever day 2 (P<0.05)
10 Houghton- CC DF=21, 0.3–55 years IL-1b, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-8, 2–7 days of the disease WHO (1997) Increased TNFa, sST2, IL-8, IL-10 and IL-4 DHF compared to DF
Triviño DHF I/II=4, IL-10, IL-12, IFNg, sST2, (P<0.05)
et al. DHF III/ TNFa
(2010) IV=13;
11 Kumar et al. PC DF=44, DF, 39 years; IL-1Ra, IL-1b, IL-2, IL-4, IL- <72 h upon onset of WHO (1997) (1) Maximally increased in dengue patients during febrile phase –
(2012) DHF=18; DHF, 40 years 5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-9, IL- fever IFNg, IP-10, IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, IL-1b, IL-6 and IL-8;
total=62 10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, (2) increased IP-10, IL-4, IL-9, IL-10, IL-1ra in dengue patients
Eotaxin, FGF-basic, G-CSF, compared to controls during febrile phase;
IFNg, IP-10, MCP-1, MIP- (3) decreased IFNg, IL-4, IL-17 in DHF compared to DF during
1b, PDGF-BB, TNFa, febrile stage
12 Kurane et al. PC Afebrile 6–13 years (97 IL-2, IFNg, sIL-2R, sCD4, Specimens collected WHO (1986); (1) Increased sIL- 2R (P<0.05), sCD4 (P<0.001) and sCD8
Table 1. cont.
No. Author and Study Sample size Age Measured immuno- Sampling time and Ascertainment Endpoint measured
publication design (N) modulator follow-up (where of dengue
year applicable) diagnosis
16 Nyugen et al. CC DHF=85, 1–11 months IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFNg, 3–7 days post-fever WHO (1997) (1) Increased IFNg from infants with DHF/DSS than healthy
(2004) DSS=22; (mean age of TNFa onset controls;
total=107 DSS was (2) increased IFNg in DHF/DSS on days 4–6 after onset of fever
significantly and rapidly decreased on day 7 during convalescence;
higher than (3) increased TNFa in infants with DHF/DSS in acute phase
DHF) compared to controls;
(4) increased TNFa on days 4–7 after onset of fever and decreased
on days 8–19;
(5) increased IL-10 and IL-6 in DHF/DSS infants compared to
controls during acute phase
17 Perez et al. CC Controls=12, 16–59 years old IL-10, IL-12 (p70+p40), Every 48 h – 1st WHO (1997) (1) Increased IL-10 in DHF than DF (P<0.03) in 1st and 2nd
(2004) DF=28, (not RANTES (between first and determination;
DHF=6; differentiated third days post-fever (2) lower RANTES in DHF than DF in 2nd and 3rd determination
total=46 among controls, onset), 2nd (fourth or
DF and DHF) fifth day) and 3rd
No. Author and Study Sample size Age Measured immuno- Sampling time and Ascertainment Endpoint measured
publication design (N) modulator follow-up (where of dengue
year applicable) diagnosis
controls=10; 39 years); SD, 10 days after onset of (3) increased TNFa and IL-17 in SD compared to controls but no
total=40 (4–26 years) symptoms; difference between different grades of disease severity
(3) recovery phase
22 de-Oliveira- PC Controls=16, DF mean age, CCL2/MCP-1, CCL4/MIP- 2–9 days after first Hybrid WHO (1) Increased CCL2/MCP-1 in DF than WS/severe (P=0.002);
Pinto et al. DF=33, 37.33 years; WS/ 1b, CCL5/RANTES symptoms (1997) (2) increased CCL4/MIP-1b in DF patients than WS/severe
(2012) WS/severe=40; severe mean age, and WHO (2009) (P=0.04)
total=89; 38.2 years;
convalescent controls mean
samples age, 31.9 years
(n=26) were
not taken
into account
23 Guerrero CC Controls=23, 6–144 months (6 IL-1b, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL- 3–6 days post-fever WHO (2009) (1) Increased sST2 in SD than DwoWS and DwWS (P<0.001);
et al. DwoWS=17, months – 12 12p70, IL-33, sST2, TNFa onset (2) increased IL-6 and IL-8 in children with DwWS or SD
(2013) DwWS=21, years) compared to children with DwoWS (P<0.01);
SD=28; (3) increased IL-10 in DwoWS, DwWS, SD than controls (P<0.01)
24 Malavige CC Controls=15, Mean age (26.8 IL-10, IL-21, MIF (1) Initial blood sample WHO (2009) Increased serum IL-10 in SD than non-SD
et al. non-SD=219, years) – SD=4.8, was obtained during
(2013a) SD=40; non-SD=5.25 day 4 and 5 of illness
total=274 (not (day 1 was considered
differentiated as first day of fever);
among controls, (2) second blood
non-SD and SD) sample was obtained
CC, case–control study; OR, odds ratio; PC, prospective cohort; WS, warning sign.
*Modified WHO (1997) guidelines.
Cytokines and chemokines as dengue prognosis biomarkers
Y. H. Lee, W.-Y. Leong and A. Wilder-Smith
we consider the confounding risk of prognostic factors could not differentiate DHF I/II from DHF III/IV (Nguyen
moderate to high, because the type of immune-modulator et al., 2004).
under study was not uniform across the studies. A Kappa
index of 0.91 was derived between two reviewers (W. Y. L. Prognostication marker candidates: WHO (1997)
and Y. H. L.) suggesting substantial agreement. DHF III/IV
One study looked specifically at immuno-modulatory
Assessment of study design eligibility and risk of markers of predicting DSS (DHF III/IV) mortality (Suharti
bias across studies et al., 2003). The study population was restricted to only
In this systematic review, which summarized mostly obser- DENV3-infected paediatric patients who were diagnosed as
vational NRS, bias due to outcome differences may have DSS in a prospective study. In the acute phase of dengue
arisen but we considered it as low to moderate as the usage infection, plasma IL-1Ra levels were significantly higher in
and application of WHO case definition guidelines were DSS non-survivors (n=7) compared to DSS survivors
enforced, and any potential differing opinions of disease (n=43; 802.2±566.4 vs 1566.9±675.6 pg ml 1, P=0.0005).
severity minimized. However, comparability between stud- Multiple logistic regression identified IL-1Ra as having sig-
ies utilizing the 1986/1997 or 2009 WHO revised case classi- nificant association with mortality on the day of admission
fication over time may be affected since the overlap (P=0.007).
between old and new case definitions are substantially dif-
ferent and as one or the other gains acceptance. Prognostication marker candidates: WHO (2009)
Prognostication marker candidates: WHO (1997) Of the selected 24 studies, 4 studies (16.7 %) employed the
DHF I–IV WHO (2009) case definition (Arias et al., 2014; de-Oliveira-
Pinto et al., 2012; Guerrero et al., 2013; Malavige et al.,
WHO (1986)/WHO (1997) was the most commonly applied 2013a). Among them, one reported elevation in IL-10 (Mala-
case definition in the studies (20/24, 83 %) (Table 1). Studies vige et al., 2013a), congruent with the seven WHO (1997)
differed in the types of immuno-modulating proteins investi- guideline-utilizing studies that reported elevations in IL-10 in
gated, and the most frequently profiled cytokines and chemo- DHF patients (Table 3), and one study reported elevated IL-
kines were TNFa (12/20, 60 %), IFNg (11/20, 55 %), IL-6 10 levels in DwoWS, DwWS and SD patients compared to
(10/20, 50 %), IL-10 (9/20, 45 %), IL-4 (6/20, 30 %) and controls (Guerrero et al., 2013). Two studies reported eleva-
IFNa (3/20, 15 %). Despite being the most investigated cyto- tions in sST2 (IL-1RL1) (Arias et al., 2014; Guerrero et al.,
kine, TNFa was significantly elevated in DHF patients in only 2013) in SD patients in levels above those of DwoWS and
five studies (Houghton-Triviño et al., 2010; Levy et al., 2010; DwWS (Arias et al., 2014; Guerrero et al., 2013). The same
Nguyen et al., 2004; Soundravally et al., 2014; Wang et al., studies reported increased IL-6 levels in SD and DwWS rela-
2007), and one study found no statistical difference in TNFa tive to patients with DwoWS. Elevations in TNFRI and
levels between DF and DHF patients (Laur et al., 1998). The TNRFII in DwoWS, DwWS and SD (Arias et al., 2014) were
rest of studies reported no statistical difference or did not similar to those observed in DHF patients (Wang et al., 2007).
detect TNFa. By contrast, IL-10 stood out as the cytokine for
which concentration was elevated in DHF relative to DF
patients consistently in seven studies utilizing the WHO Discussion
(1986)/WHO (1997) case definition (Table 3) (Brasier et al.,
Our systematic review of studies published from 1998 to
2012; Butthep et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2005; Green et al.,
2014 evaluated cytokines and chemokines as potential early
1999b; Houghton-Triviño et al., 2010; Nguyen et al., 2004;
markers to prognosticate the development of SD. We evalu-
Perez et al., 2004). The association of dengue severity with cir-
ated and documented judgements about evidence quality
culating levels of IFNg was more heterogeneous (Table 4)
from NRS and incorporated this into reporting of differen-
(Bozza et al., 2008; Butthep et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2005;
tially changed cytokines and/or chemokines for outcomes
Kumar et al., 2012; Nguyen et al., 2004; Soundravally et al.,
based on WHO (1986)/WHO (1997) or WHO (2009) den-
2014). Three studies noted increased IFNg in DHF and/or
gue case definitions. Twenty-four studies were identified to
DSS patients relative to DF patients or healthy controls (Bozza
be of suitably high quality, but with major gaps in descrip-
et al., 2008; Butthep et al., 2012; Nguyen et al., 2004), whereas
tions of patient demographics, DENV types and infection
three studies noted decreased IFNg levels in DHF/DSS over
status (primary, secondary or tertiary infections). Although
DF patients (Chen et al., 2005; Kumar et al., 2012; Soundra-
a consensus has yet to emerge, IL-10 levels stood out as a
vally et al., 2014). Bozza et al. (2008) noted defervescence
potential marker of SD (DHF and SD) that was significantly
phase IFNg levels in adults (age 15–73 years) were associated
increased regardless of age (range 1 month to 76 years) or
with disease severity (odds ratio=1.138, 95 %confidence inter-
infection status (primary or secondary).
val1.041 to 1.245, P=0.0046). However, Green et al. (1999a)
reported no significant difference in febrile IFNg between DF Eight studies utilizing WHO (1986)/WHO (1997) or WHO
and DHF paediatric patients. In congruence, in infants (age (2009) case definitions demonstrated elevated IL-10 levels
<1 year), IFNg (together with IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNFa) in SD patients. Interestingly, several studies, including a
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Cytokines and chemokines as dengue prognosis biomarkers
recent publication, showed similar IL-10 levels between This is congruent with other studies as cytokine changes are
patients with and without SD (Bozza et al., 2008; Cui et al., often mixed in dengue infections in different populations
2016; Guerrero et al., 2013; Kumar et al., 2012). The reason (Chaturvedi et al., 2000), with the exception of IL-10 as it is
for this discrepancy is not entirely clear. IL-10 is an import- shown in this systematic review. Collectively, the exact sam-
ant anti-inflammatory cytokine and general suppressor of pling timing of IL-10 may be a critical aspect in determining
immune reactions, inhibiting IL-1, IL-6, IL-10 itself, IL-12, its maximal potential as a marker for SD prognosis.
IL-18, CSF and TNFa, as well as inhibiting the synthesis of
The discrepancy of IFNg in the five studies could be due to
IL-2, IL-3, GM-CSF, TNFa and IFN-g (D’Andrea et al.,
the rapid kinetics in its circulating levels, and depending on
1993). IL-10 may contribute to disease severity through
which infection day blood was sampled and analysed
NS1-induced IL-10 production by monocytes, which in
the IFNg levels could be different (Green et al., 1999a;
turn suppresses dengue-specific T cell responses (Adikari
Libraty et al., 2002b; Nguyen et al., 2004). Reports from
et al., 2016; Malavige et al., 2013b). Notably, data from ani-
humans and from animal models suggest that IFNg con-
mal studies suggest that NS1 activates immunological cas-
trols infections through viral clearance and limiting virus
cades in monocytes and macrophages leading to
replication (Costa et al., 2012; Horras et al., 2011; Pal et al.,
the pathologies observed in SD (Chen et al., 2015; Mod-
2014; Shresta et al., 2004). Notably, dengue viral titres cor-
hiran et al., 2015). In addition to its immunosuppressive
relate with disease severity (Endy et al., 2004; Vaughn et al.,
roles, IL-10 has recently been reported as a protective medi-
2000), but are plausibly influenced by DENV type and
ator against plasma leakage and vascular dysfunction
infection status (Duyen et al., 2011). Levels of IFNg can be
(Cheng & Sharma, 2015). IL-10 is secreted by a variety of
attenuated by IL-10 through SOCS-3 blockage of STAT1-
cell types including CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, B cells, macro-
IFNg receptor interaction in intrinsic ADE-DENV infection
phages, monocytes, eosinophils and mast cells (O’Garra
(Chareonsirisuthigul et al., 2007; Ubol et al., 2010). Indeed,
& Vieira, 2007). Measurements of circulating levels of IL-10
the absence of IFNg in a mouse model of dengue led to pri-
reflect the sum total of IL-10 produced from all cells in the
mary dengue-infection-induced lethality (Costa et al.,
body at any one point. Production of IL-10 may change
2012). Thus, depending on the infection status and DENV
according to the predominant cell type specific to the day of
type, in combination with timing of IL-10 production,
infection to regulate viral clearance immunopathology
IFNg levels may be affected, leading to altered viral clear-
(reviewed by Tsai et al., 2013b) as different immune cells
ance, prolonged infection and consequently determining
are invoked at different stages of dengue infections (Boon-
disease severity. IFNg levels peak before defervescence in
nak et al., 2008; Clyde et al., 2006). The timing of IL-10 pro-
DHF patients and peak after defervescence in DF patients,
duction is dynamic and varies throughout the disease
because of this the maximum difference in the febrile phase
course, exemplified by IL-10 levels peaking around early
of dengue suggests an advantage of using IFNg as an early
defervescence in DHF patients, but less so in DF patients
marker of SD. However, the implication and utility of IFNg
(Adikari et al., 2016; Butthep et al., 2012; Kumar et al.,
needs further study with properly defined sampling win-
2012; Libraty et al., 2002a), suggesting that the biggest dif-
dows and DENV types taken into consideration.
ference between DF and DHF patients may be observed
around the day of early defervescence. Mechanistically, To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review of
the intrinsic ADE of DENV infections may modulate the immuno-modulating proteins as prognostic markers of SD
severity of dengue via increased IL-10 production and sub- sequelae. Two earlier published reviews did not apply and jus-
sequent enhancement of the Suppressor of Cytokine Signal- tify quality assessments (Chaturvedi et al., 2000; Yacoub &
ling (SOCS) system (Chareonsirisuthigul et al., 2007; Wills, 2014). This is worth highlighting as the restriction of
Suhrbier & La Linn, 2003; Ubol et al., 2010). Furthermore, studies according to a set of inclusion/exclusion criteria, and
in vitro studies suggest that in ADE-DENV infections, the the introduction of quality assessments, retained studies with
role of IL-10 changes in the early and later stages of infec- better-defined methodologies. Longitudinal studies, where
tion from anti-viral to immunoregulation (Halstead et al., daily measurements of studied immuno-modulating proteins
2010; Tsai et al., 2013b). Two studies noted significant ele- are taken, may best capture the dynamic kinetics of these pro-
vations in IL-10 and IFNg in DHF and DSS patients com- teins in dengue. Although a few immuno-modulating proteins
pared to DF patients (P<0.01) (Butthep et al., 2012; Nguyen are potentially promising as prognostic markers, prospective
et al., 2004), whereas one study showed elevated IL-10 levels observation cohort trials, such as the one by International
(DF 11.7±3.5 vs DHF 117.0±52.8 pg ml 1; P=0.03) but Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Manage-
decreased IFNg in DHF compared to DF (DF 130.2±16.9 ment, and Surveillance (IDAMS;;
vs DHF 84.2±12.6 pg ml 1; P=0.01) (Chen et al., 2005). By identifier: NCT01550016), may aid further endorsement of
contrast, three other studies reported increased IL-10 levels the utility of an acute phase prognostic marker for SD. In
in DHF patients, but no difference in IFNg between DF and addition, immuno-modulating proteins, in reflecting the car-
DHF patients (Brasier et al., 2012; Green et al., 1999a; dinal symptoms of SD, plasma leakage and thrombocytope-
Houghton-Triviño et al., 2010). Note that these studies had nia, should be given research priority (Yacoub & Wills, 2014;
different sampling timings. In addition, we found no con- Zapata et al., 2014). One promising example is TNFa, which
sistent trend of any potential interactions between IL-10 was reported to induce endothelial cell apoptosis (Chen et al.,
with the following cytokines: IL-2, IL-6, IL-12 and TNFa. 2007) and was also noted in this review as an elevated
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Y. H. Lee, W.-Y. Leong and A. Wilder-Smith
Criterion Score
0 1 2
Study design (control, DF, DHF) Only control vs DF Control vs DHF, Control vs
DF or DF vs DHF
Timing of sampling (days) No or ambiguous description Full description Within acute phase of
infection (5 days)
Age No or ambiguous description Full description
Data collection No or ambiguous description Case–control or retrospective Prospective cohort
Diagnostic criteria [WHO (1997) or WHO, (2009)] No or ambiguous description Full description
Inclusion/exclusion criteria No or ambiguous description Full description
Infection status No or ambiguous description Full description
DENV type No or ambiguous description Full description
Statistical analysis No or ambiguous description Full description
Data statistics (P value provision) No or ambiguous description Full description
cytokine in DHF. Other potential circulating markers of den- 2006). Although this could potentially introduce bias, we
gue severity, such as proteases (Koraka et al., 2010; St John included this empirical exercise to ensure retention or exclu-
et al., 2013; van de Weg et al., 2014), soluble adhesion mole- sion of studies that were under- or over-ranked but still added
cules (Cardier et al., 2006) or metabolites (Cui et al., 2013, value to the review.
2016), may show potential as alternative soluble prognostic
markers of SD, but face similar challenges in the extensive
demands of large study cohorts. Capturing soluble factors that
correlate and potentially foretell pathognomonic symptoms This systematic review provides the basis for future high-qual-
may not only increase the specificity and sensitivity of prog- ity studies urgently required to identify key prognostic
nosing SD, but also avoid the non-specific ‘cytokine storms’ immuno-modulating protein markers of SD. They should be
observed in other acute infectious diseases, such as influenza performed according to REMARK criteria (McShane et al.,
and malaria (Clark, 2007). 2005) to avoid the methodological deficiencies discovered in
this systematic review, mostly with substantial heterogeneity
There were several limitations in our review process. First,
in the study populations and prognostic endpoints. Studies in
there were inadequate reports on the details of patient demo-
larger population sizes should reflect in detail the study popu-
graphics, DENV type and patients’ infection status (primary,
lation’s age, infection status and DENV types, with standardi-
secondary or tertiary infection) in the studies. Inclusion of
zation on first sample collection timing (<96 h from fever
such information may be necessary to understand why results
onset), detailed patient infection information and prognostic
may be heterogeneous. Critically, sampling windows (days of
endpoint measurements.
illness from onset of fever) were at times not documented, or
varied widely, sometimes even within the same study. Second, The use of soluble immuno-modulating proteins as prognos-
endpoint measurements of these studies varied substantially, tic markers of SD remains under investigation and yet a con-
differing in the types of immuno-modulating proteins under sensus marker or marker signature for prognosing SD is
study. Not all studies investigated the same type of immuno- desirable. Is this achievable? Current evidence suggests that
modulating proteins in relation to dengue severity. Further- different patient subpopulations – age groups (adults vs chil-
more, data presented in tables or figures in the published dren vs geriatric), DENV types 1 to 4, and infection status –
manuscripts rarely report concentration means and/or respond differently to dengue infections (Hammond et al.,
the range of the significantly different immuno-modulating 2005; OhAinle et al., 2011; Tricou et al., 2011). Accordingly,
proteins. This severely limited any statistical estimation of different markers may be needed to optimally prognose SD in
odds ratios, sensitivity and specificity of the prognosis marker different patient subpopulations (Lee & Ooi, 2013), and
candidates and prevents meta-analysis. Such wide variability potentially aid the design of dengue vaccines.
in studies has been reported elsewhere (Potts & Rothman,
2008). Third, after strictly adhering to internal assessments of
the quality of the primary studies, further moderation led to Methods
six studies being downgraded and one study being upgraded
Search strategy and data extraction
(Table S1). A study may have scored as high quality but may
have been weighed down due to an unlisted criterion, for The primary literature search was conducted according to
example, large variation in the studied cytokines (Chen et al., PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
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Table 3. Studies with significantly different IL-10 levels in dengue patients
Publication Sample size Age (years) Infection status Information on DENV type First sampling time DHF IL-10
available? change
DF DHF DF DHF DF/ Primary Secondary
relative to DF
DHF (%) (%)
Braiser et al. (2012) 38 13 15.76±7.8 19±13.4 DF Not Not stated Yes, DF predominant Day 1 upon fever onset Increase
stated DENV-1,
DHF Not Not stated DHF predominant DENV-2
Butthep et al. (2012) 51 98 Not stated Not stated DF Not Not stated No 3 days from defervescence Increase
DHF Not Not stated
Chen et al. (2005) 66 33 46.8 (20–81) 57.8 (30– DF 75 25 Yes, DENV-2 1–7 days post-symptom Increase
76) DHF 43 57 onset
Green et al. (1999b) 22 20 8.1 (3.2)* 8.1 (2.6)* DF 41 10 Yes, DF predominant <72 h post-fever onset Increase
DHF 59 90 DENV-1,
DHF predominant DENV-2
Houghton-Triviño 21 17 26 (3–55) 4 (0.3–12) DF 23.8 76.2 Yes, DF and DHF 2–7 days of the disease Increase
et al. (2010) DHF 11.8 88.2 predominant DENV-1
Malavige et al. Non-SD: SD: Non-SD: 27.4 SD: 23.3 Non-SD Not differentiated No 4 and 5 days of fever Increase
*The information provided here is a subset of patients described in Kalayanarooj et al. (1997).
†Comparison made between non-SD and SD, following the WHO (2009) case definition.
‡Comparison was DHF III/IV relative to DHF I/II.
Cytokines and chemokines as dengue prognosis biomarkers
Table 4. Studies with significantly different IFNg levels in dengue patients
Publication Sample Age (years) Infection status Information on First sampling time DHF IFNg change
size DENV relative to DF
type available?
Y. H. Lee, W.-Y. Leong and A. Wilder-Smith
Bozza et al. (2008) 20 39 28–48 23–53 DF 74 26 Incomplete, mix of 3–10 days after Increase
DHF 58 42 DENV1 and disease onset
Butthep et al. (2012) 51 98 Not stated Not stated DF Not stated Not stated No 3 days from Increase
DHF Not stated Not stated defervescence
Chen et al. (2005) 66 33 46.8 (20– 57.8 (30– DF 75 25 Yes, DENV-2 1–7 days post- Decrease
81) 76) DHF 43 57 symptom onset
Nguyen et al. (2004)* 85† 22‡ 6.4 (1–11) 8.2 (4–11) DHF I/II 75.7 3.7 Partial 3–7 days post- Increased in DHF I–IV
DHF III/ 19.6 0.9 fever onset compared to healthy
IV controls
Kumar et al. (2012) 44 18 39 (13.02) 40 (14.08) DF 56.8 43.2 Yes, DF and DHF <72 h post-fever Decrease
*Comparison was between healthy controls, DHF I/II and DHF III/IV.
and Meta-Analyses) guidelines (Moher et al., 2009), via another reviewer (Y. H. L.). The data extracted included the
PubMed and Embase databases, for original research name of first author, year of publication, age, gender, dis-
articles with restriction to human studies and English lan- ease outcome – DF/DHF/DSS or DwoWS, DwWS and SD –
guage. The search terms used for both databases were as fol- sample size, study design, location of study, specific markers
lowed: ‘dengue AND (Cytokine OR Chemokine) AND investigated and results of the analysis.
(predict* OR prognos* OR correlat* OR associat* OR indi-
cat*)’. We designed search strategies as shown in Table 5.
Risk of bias and quality assessment
Two independent reviewers (W. Y. L. and Y. H. L.) screened
Two reviewers (W. Y. L. and Y. H. L.) independently evalu-
the results to identify relevant literature based on titles and
ated the risk of bias in selected studies by assessing studies
abstracts (when available), followed by another evaluation
according to a checklist developed by the Cochrane NRS
according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles with
Methods group (Cochrane Group, 2012) as shown in
reported epidemiology, clinical signs, laboratory parameters
Table S3. Assessment of outcome was not masked in all
and prognosis markers of SD outcome were included.
studies due to the need to diagnose dengue severity.
Our exclusion criteria included animal models, cell lines
Subsequently, the quality of selected studies was assessed
(in vitro studies), ex vivo cell studies, vaccine or anti-viral
across a matrix of ten metrics, namely (i) study design, (ii)
trials, genetic markers studies, studies without controls or
time of sampling, (iii) age, (iv) data collection, (v) diagnostic
inappropriate controls and also review articles. Of note, this
criteria, (vi) inclusion/exclusion criteria, (vii) infection status,
review is devoted to the utility of human circulating cyto-
(viii) DENV type, (ix) statistical analysis, (x) data statistics.
kines and chemokines as prognostication markers; hence,
The quality assessment score system was based on a modified
other proteins such as immunoglobulins, acute phase pro-
version of the Newcastle–Ottawa scale (NOS) (Wells et al.,
teins and proteases were excluded. When both reviewers
2013) and is described in Table 2. The maximum score is 12,
(W. Y. L. and Y. H. L.) agreed on the final selected title and
and a score of 9–12 is considered as high quality, 5–8
abstracts, the full texts of the articles were obtained and
as moderate quality and 1–4 as low quality. The measure of
independently reviewed for eligibility.
agreement between the two reviewers (W. Y. L. and Y. H. L.)
Data extraction was performed by a single reviewer was assessed using the Kappa index (MedCalc version 12.5).
(W. Y. L.) using a data extraction sheet and was checked by None of the studies were randomized clinical trials and
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Y. H. Lee, W.-Y. Leong and A. Wilder-Smith
because the studies were observational studies (case–control, Butthep, P., Chunhakan, S., Yoksan, S., Tangnararatchakit, K. &
cohort), we assessed the quality of evidence using a list of ten Chuansumrit, A. (2012). Alteration of cytokines and chemokines during
febrile episodes associated with endothelial cell damage and plasma leakage
criteria modified from the NOS (Table 2), rather than Grad-
in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Pediatr Infect Dis J 31, e232–e238.
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Capeding, M. R., Tran, N. H., Hadinegoro, S. R. S., Ismail, H. I. H. M.,
Evaluations (GRADE) (Guyatt et al., 2008).
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Ascertainment of outcomes relied on WHO (1986), WHO Wirawan, D. N. & other authors (2014). Clinical efficacy and safety of a
(1997) or WHO (2009) dengue case definition guidelines. novel tetravalent dengue vaccine in healthy children in Asia: a phase 3,
The WHO (1986) and WHO (1997) case definition guide- randomised, observer-masked, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 384, 1358–
lines were grouped together during analysis, but were ana-
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Ochoa, M., Caceres, A. M., Cardier, M., Guevara, N. & Giovannetti, R.
guidelines due to reported differences (Leo et al., 2013; Nar- (2006). Evidence of vascular damage in dengue disease: demonstration of
vaez et al., 2011; Tsai et al., 2013a). There was the possibility high levels of soluble cell adhesion molecules and circulating endothelial
of bias or discrepancy in the classification of dengue sever- cells. Endothelium 13, 335–340.
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guidelines used or for labelling of the groups’ categorization the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, but suppresses anti-DENV
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tic factors being measured) and bias. Hence, NRS are Immunol Med Microbiol 44, 43–50.
expected to be more heterogeneous than randomized trials. Chen, L. C., Lei, H. Y., Liu, C. C., Shiesh, S. C., Chen, S. H., Liu, H. S.,
Lin, Y. S., Wang, S. T., Shyu, H. W. & Yeh, T. M. (2006). Correlation of
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